HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Hawkins Sanitary Sewer Meter AgreementI�.�����.��.�rT E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y UTILfTY C�1M�IJIISSIGN Utility Commission Meeting: June 20, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Hawkins Sewer Meter Agreement A►GENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Patrick Wrase, PE, Director of Public qGENDA NO: Works / City Engineer ATTACHMENTS: Draft Agreement, Equipment Plan and qppROVED BY: pw Specification RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approval of Sanitary Sewer Metering Agreement BACKGROUND Hawkins Incorporated is a water and sewer customer of the City of Rosemount. As a part of their business operarion, Hawkins is involved with the blending of chemical products with domesric water to achieve the desired concentrarion of its various product offerings. As a result of this blending, a significant proporrion of the water metered to the Hawkins site at 13005 Courthouse Blvd, does not pass through the facility and into the Rosemount municipal sanitary sewer collecrion system. Hawkins has proposed using an alternarive to the City water meter measurements to deteri�iine the volume of sewage leaving the facility and entering the municipal collecrion system. In consultarion with local representarives of Hach Flow Metering equipment, it was determined that the Hach Flo-Dar equipment would be an appropriate choice for this installarion. The Hach equipment is used frequently for this type of installarion, is durable, and is accurate to +-5%. Rosemount Engineering and Legal staff have developed an agreement for the installarion and utilizarion of the sewer metering equipment. The agreement requires that Hawkins be solely responsible for all costs of inirial installarion and ongoing maintenance and operarional expenses. There are addirional provisions for backup metering and agreement cancellarion should the need arise. Staff is supporrive of the installarion for the sewer metering equipment at Hawkins and subsequent utilizarion for billing purposes. This installarion will provide a more accurate measurement of the actual Hawkins contriburion of sanitary sewage and related expenses to the Rosemount collecrion system. SUMMARY Staff is seeking Approval of Sanitary Sewer Metering Agreement with Hawkins, Inc. C:\Users\cawWppData\Local\Temp\6.a. Hawkins Sanitary Sewer Meter Agreement_362974\6.a. Hawkins Sanitary Sewer Meter AgreemenLdocx SANITARY SEWER METERING AGREEMENT TFIIS AGREL,MF.N1' is made this day of , 2016, by and between the City of Roscmount, Minnesota, a Mumcsota municipal cor��oiation (the "City") and Hawkins, Inc., a RECITALS WITNESSL,TH: WHERLAS, Hawkins, Inc. is the ownei of xeal pxopexty located at 13005 Courthouse Boulevard, Rosemount, MN 55068; and WHEREAS, Hawluns, Inc. located at 13005 Couxthonse Boulevard, Rosemount, MN 55068 is an established customex of the City of Rosemount utility systems, including Watex and Sanitaiy Sewer; and WEREAS, The City of Rosemount has a standaid business pxactice of using metexed Water Elow to estaUlish the billable wlumes fox both Ciry Water and Sanitary Se�vee; and WI-IEREIIS, Hawkins Inc. utilizes Ciey Water fox thc puipose of its industrial opexations including thc blending of City Watcr with its cheinical pxoducts and as a xesult of said blending and othex industrial opexations, a portion of the metexed and billed City Water does not Elow though the Hawkins facilit� and into the City of Rosemount Sanitary Sewex System; and WHE12Fr�S, Hawkins, Inc. has xequested that the City allow the installation of a Sanitary Sewex Metex on the Subject Pxoperty to be ualized for t6e purpose of determining Sewer billing voluines; 1nd WHEREAS, the City has xevicwed the engineering plans for such an installation enrided , a copy of which is attached as Attachment One and made a part of this Agxeement (the "Pxoject"); and WH�RFAS, the City is willing to allow the Pxoject and will utilize the Saiutary Sewer volume readings fox Sanitaiy Scwex bilGng purposes on the texms and condirions heieinaftex set foxth. NOW, THER�FOR�, on the basis of the prcmises and the mutual covenants aud promises hcreinaftcx set foxth, the paxries agree as follows: AGREEMENT 1. Hawkins, Inc. will constxuct the Project to install a Sanitary Sewer meter on the Subject Peoperry, to be completed by August 30, 2016 so that it is operable wkien the ne�v bilGng cycle begins on September 15, 2016. C1User5\mtliWppDa�a\Roaminq\OpenTextlDM\Temp\�OGSOPEN#4]698i-v2-Rosemovnl_Sanitary_Sewer_Meter Agreemenl.tlocx 2. The Cit�� and I-Iawkins, Inc. mutually agxee that Hawkins, Inc. will be solely responsible for thc cost of the installadon of the Sanitary Sewer metex, as well as all fiztuxe opexauon and maintenance costs. 3. After the Sanitaiy Sewex Meter has been installed and calibrated, and the necessary coinmunication equipment has been installed and acuvated, and a Sanitary Sewei Meter data xetrieval interface has been pxovided far the use of the Ciry, and tested to the satisfaction of thc City L,ngineex, thc City will begin to utilize the Sanitary Sewex Metex readings fox Sanitaty Sewer billing calculations. The fixst use of the Sanitary Sewer Metex data far bIlling purposes will occur when continuous sewer ineter data has been xeceived fox the entirc quaxteily billing pexiod. 4. If the City N;ngineer should, in his ox hex xeasonable discxedon, detexmine that the Sanitary Sewex metex is not funcdoning properly, or if data fxom the Sanitary Se�vex mcter is not txansmiteed ar recarded for more than 12 total houxs during a consecuuve 30-day period„ the City will default to thc Quaitexly Watei Metex xeadiug ro bill fox Sanitaxy Se�ver charges until which time the Sanirary Sewex Meter eqtupment has been iepaieed and calibxated at the expense of Hawkins, lnc., in a mannex acceptable to the City Engineer. Pox ouvzge peiiods dcemed acceptable bp the Ciry Engineex or by the teims of this Agreement, the Ciry will use the discharge readings recoxded immediately bcfare and after the event to csdmate dischaxge volume during that peiiod. If the City L,ngineei determines thae thexe is evidencc of an intentional bypassing of the Sanitary Sewer metei, the Citg may iixnnediatelp termina�e this Agieement and/ar pursue any iegal xeinedies available to it. 5. Hawl�ins, Inc. agxees to subrnit an annual inspection and calibradon icport, pxepaied by the manufacaicer of the Sanitaiy Sewex i�4etex ar a manufactuxex's cerdfied representauve, to the City on oc before ]une 30 each calendar yeax. '1'he inspection and calibsadon inust be performcd by a contractoc that is pic-approved bj� rhe Ciry N;nginecx. Tailuxc of Hawkins eo submit the xequimd calibration �nd uispecuon cepoxt �vill rendex this agreemen� ��oid and subject I-Iawkins ro Sanitaiy Sewex chaxges calculated using the default Watex Metei voiume readings. G. The teim of this Agreement shall be for a period of five yeaxs, commencing on the date of appxoval by the RoscmoLmt City CouncIl. This r�grcement shall xcnew au�t maticall� for an additional five-yeax term unless either party provides to the othec a 30 -day writtcn nouce before the cxpisatiou of the iniCial term that it does not wis6 to renew the 1lgxecment. 7. In the event of a default under this Agxeement, includnzg but noc limited to, unxeliabiliry or malfunctioning of the Sanitary Sewex Meter, the City �vill give Hawlans, Inc. nouce of the default and a 90-day period in �vhich to coxxect the pxoblein. If Hawkins, Inc. does not remed� the default within the 90-day period, thc City may at its discsedon texmina�e this rlgrceinent and instead use the watei flow fox billing pu�oses. IN WITNESS WHFRL'OF', the pardes hereto, by their authorized xepxesentaaves, have set theic hands as of the dav and date fi�st above wrirtcn. C'\Users\mtlllAppData\RoaminqlOpenText\DM\Temp1DOC 50 P E N Ji4]698�-v2-Rosemount_Sanilary_Sewer_Me�er_Agreemen�. tlocx CITY OF ROSEMOUNT Bv: William H. Drostq Mayox And 6�-: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk HAWHINS, INC. By - —"�'--- Its: I i h t 1�` `���---� � I3y: ICS: C:Wsers\mtl�l4ppData\ftoaming\OpenText\pM\Temp\�OCSOPEN-R4]698]-v2-Rosemount_Sanitary_Sewer_Meter Agreemenl.tlocx ATTACHMENT ONE Constxuction Plans — 1..,...,,,,_) F� I ° I�'; dp Jt I 9I I.l.� A� � � I I !m� � , � a �;� ,s �� � � I 2i I�i—� I iI � I I 3 � 3 i � -I. � I' , ���'; i sl I I A � s i � D,� ��§� I � I� I�3 e� I IA I �i s I I " � � ' ?. � ; � : + ,� � � w � � � I �_ D � .d f:� Qe� ' O ��,� E%f�P 3oA i .g \ y� A : x i j £I t a:� s s �� i� ��; �d I��� +�] rO O i ��.. O �����... �'. t.- ..ti,—�r.� B . .... O E � � zs� O • `s 3 y A� n� o y� o m �O : � mo� lo D� i . n T"��i� " , � ajEs:g .. fi3 2 °� � "P�S�o � �� 2emnm, 4. e z£aESc .H3kP.� S:\ :. °�y ' \� : 5 {$ A r � IZ �� F m � �t =a � ��v� 6 � mv�� z §: i^ �S �$ l�n � R � o �= I. �: I= R F � � % ��- � � 4 � � °� � �. g�ax � _ 3 � S°S � - ,. € � q' ; � 3v� s �: 3� � Ea S � �3� �_8; , � s p. �ad 2 , � �� a � S , s 4, < ss s, __ � a r � �_ �� i� R.-� w y t , �� g_ +°fr , 5_ l 3 �g � 3 } t 3x � � i s f �3 aY � �' �sP a " ;� j .'.� € �, � 9i r 7 q s�� g's §ze> �,3 � e-:j .�g: S g^ �; ��P�s •e�¢ i eh • - ` DDDD s� 4 (� ` _ � a# �T'2llA� ��CyE� i� LBiSOi1 r.onosaaewiameFoc � � 7 . _ � � � . ' . . . �% Engineerin9. Inc. Hawkins, Inc. 3 Rosemount,MN �M�..�. . 5� � .., � ..._..�..,...�.� ,..�....,....-, xJ���i»...m...,wiF ............ � FLO-DAR° AV SENSOR Applications • Wastewater • Collection Systems • IndusGial Water � I I � The FLO-DAR° AV Sensor provides an ideal solution for non-contact, maintenance-free portable or permanent sewer flow monitoring. 1 he F� O-DAR AV Sensor provjdes a revolutionary approach to open channel flow monitoring. It combines advanced Digital Doppler Radar velocity sensing technofogy with ultrasonic pulse echo depth sensing to remotely measure open channel ffow. Use with the Hach F�900 Series Flow Loggers (wireless or standard) for portable monitoring. For permanent power application sites the FLO DAR can be connected to the FLO-STATION. Intrinsicatly safe mode�s are available. Accurate Flow Measurement FLO-DAR provldes the user with highfy accurate Row meawrements under a wide range of flows and site conditions. By measuring the vefocity of the ffuld from a6ove, FLO-DAR eliminates accuracy pro6lems inherent with submerged sensors incfuding sensor disturbances, high so0ds content and distribution of reFlectors. Non-Contact Sensor Eliminates Lost Data No lost data with non-contact, above [he flow sensor that Is unaffected by fouling due to debris and grease Easy Installation and Maintenance As the sensor Is mounted above the flow, personne! have littte or no contact wlth the ftow tluring Installatlon_ Future sensor removal and replacement can be done without the need for confined space entry Independent Accuracy / Long-Term Stability Verification FLO-DAR sensor accurzcy and long-term stabiGty Iup to 3 years without need for slte calibration) from (ow ffow depths up to surcharge conditions has been independently verified many times over the years induding a formaf evaWation by the Alden Research Laboratorv. Inc anri Perfect Solution for Difficult Flow CO�1C�It10115 Operates in the most difficult conditions incfuding flows with hlgh sollds content high tempe2ture, shallow and caustic ftows, large man-made channels, and high vetocitles up to 20 k/s_ Optional Surcharge Velocity Sensor (SVS) During surcharge events FLO-DARs optlonal SVS electromagnetic sensor wIll continue to provide uninierrupted and accurate flow monitoring through dry and wet weather flows without the need for routine sensor deaning or maintenanc�. z Specifications* FLO-DAR AV Sensor Enclosure IP68 Waterproof rating, Polystyrene Dimensions 160.5 W x 432.2 L x 297 D mm (6.32 x 16.66 x 11.7 in.), with SVS, D= 387 mm (15.2 in.) Weight 4.8 kg (10.5 Ibs.) Operating Temperature -10 to 50"C (14 to 122�F� Storage Temperature -40 to 60�C (-40 to 140�F] Power Requirements Suppied by F�900 Flow Logger, Flo-Logger, or FLOSTATION Interoonnecting Cable-Disconnectable at both sensor and logger or FLO-STATION Polyurethane, 0.400 (t0.015) in. diameter; IP68 Standard length 9M (30 ft), m�imum 305 m(1000 ft) Cables are available in two styles: -connectors both ends -connector from sensor with open leads to desiccant hub, desiccant hub with connector to logger. A potting/sealant kit will be inc�uded. This can be used to run the cable through conduit. Important Note: The sensor cable assembly with desiccant hub is compatible with either the Marsh-McBirney Ro-LoggedLogger XT or the Hach F�900 Series Flow Loggers. When using this cable assembly with the Marsh-McBirney Flo-Logger, do not disconnect the desiccant cartridge that is attached to the Flo-Logger itself. It is important to keep the air tube plugged. If using FLO-DAR cable with FLO-STATION, the cable will have bare leads to the RO-STATION (30 to 1000 ft. lengths) and there will be no desiccant hub, as the air tube terminates inside of the FLO-STATION housing. Warranty 1 year Set-up/Data Retrieval fL0-WARE for Windows software is the user on-site set-up, data management, and report generation software. It Is compaYible with desktop/laptop computers uti�izing Windows operating system. Certification FLO-DAR Sensor Model Numbers: 890004801, 890004901, 890004804,890005201,890004807,and 890005204 Frequency: 24. t OG Hz to 24.15GHz Category: Field Disturbance Sensor Output Field Strength: < 2.5 V/m (128dBuV/m) Q 3m, measured per following standards Certitied to FCC Part 15.245: FCC ID: VIGFLODAR24 Certified to Industry Canada Spea RSS210. V7: IC No.: 6149A-FLODAR24 FLO-DAR Sensor Model Numbers: 890004802, 890004902, 890004805,890005202,890004808,and 590005205 Frequency: 24.16GHz to 24.19GHz Category: Short Range Device Output Power (EIRP): < 10mW (10dBm) Q 3m, measured per the following standard Certified to ETSI EN 300 440-1 V1.6.1 (2010-08) hachflow.com RO-DAR`" AV Serisor Use of this device is subject to the following conditions: 1. There are no used serviceable items inside this device. 2. The user must install this device in accordance with the supplied installation instructions and must not modify the device in any manner whatsoever. 3. Any service involving the transmitter must only be pertormed by Hach Company. 4. The user must ensure that no one is within 20 cm of the face of the transmitter when operating. Surcharge Depth Measuremenk Auto zero function maintains zero error below 0.5 cm (0.2 in.) Method Range Piezaresistive pressure Vansducer with stainless steel diaphragm 3.5 m(13S in.), overpressure rating 2.5 x full scale Velocity Measurement Method Radar Range Accuracy Depth Measurement Method StandaM Operating Range from FLO-DAR Housing to Liquid Optional Extended Level Operating Range from Transducer Face to Liquid Accuracy Flow Measurement Method 0.23 to 6.10 m/s (0J5 to 20 ft/s) ±0.5%; ±0.03 m/s (±0.1 ft/s) Ultrasonic o to 152.4 cm (o to 6o in.) 0 to 6.1 m(0 to 20 ft.) with 43.18 cm (17 in.) dead band, temperature compensated. ±1%; ±0.25 cm (±0.� in.) Based on Continuity Equation Accuracy t5°/a of reading typical where flow is in a channel with uniform flow conditions and is not surcharged, t1 % full scale mac. Continued an neM pege. FLO �� DAR'� AV Sensor Specifications* (continued) Surcharge Conditions DepthNelocity DEPTH (Std with FLO-DAR Sensor) Surcharge depth supplied by FLO-DAR sensor. VELOCITY (Optional Surcharge Velocity Sensor) Method Electromagnetic Range t4.8 m/s (t16 ft/s) Accuracy ±0.15 ft/s or 4% of reading, whichever is greater. Zero Stabilify, Typical > tOD5 ft/s Dimensions � � �ns. I396.6� 4.5: I522 I 1 L_ 3 ' Certification Irrtrinsically Safe (OptionaQ The optional FLO-DAR with a Surcharge Velocity Sensor (SVS) are certified to Class I, Zone 1 Standards. They conform to IANSI/UL 60079-11 and are certified to CAN/CSA E60079-11 and EN 60079-11 standards. C� The RO-DAR sensor meets CE requirements. 'Subject to chenge without notice. >aIy Hd�di How Nleter The desiccant hub assembly indudes a junction box to connect sensor cable to the desiccant and subsequently to the F�900 Logger. The desiccaM can easily be replaced without need to purchase a separate desiccant module. �faDJBa mm]� 18.810 in i0 SENSOR TO LOGGER Sida� 16e�: Top �/iein, fi I5.938 mmj 6 9D in. f96 228 mm7 3J8Bin. O I84252 mml 331)in. Desiccan( Hub Flssemb/ies (o� use with porYable F.g00 Senes Loggers and Marsir-McBrmey Flo-Logger (Sensor cable for use with FLO-S7ATlON w!ll not contain e desiccant hub and will have bare wires on cable endJ hachflow.com 4 Ordering Information Canfic�cire FLO-DAFi SEnsor to Loyger (Portable) - -. — ____ _ _ . ___. __—_ FLO-DAR Sensor � --- — � --- � - - -- FLO-DAR Sensor with specified cable length � (need to add cahle as separate line item) Non Intrinsically Safe � Surcharge VelociTy Sensor Option (IMPORTANT NOTE: SVS cable length MUST MATCH FLO-DAR Sensor Cable length) Non E�Rended Range - Extended Range Option-Allows use in flow depths up to 18 feet. Allow for 78" deadband. Standard unit max depth is 60". SUS Option requires Remote Extended Range below. Remote Extended Range Option with 6' sensor ca61e-Flow tlepths up to 18 feet. Allow for 18" deadband. Standard unil max depth is 60" FLO-DAR�AV Sensor ode140001 -,i 4 1 X I X f � � t Corrfigure FLC�-DpR Sensor to FLO-STATION (Permanent) FLO-DARSensor �� � Mode1401 FLO-DAR Sensor with specified cable length - (need to add cable as separate line item) -. _�- --..--- - Non Intrinsically Safe - � - � - �� Surcharge Velocity Sensor Option (IMPORTANT NOTE: SVS cable length MUST MATCH FLO-DAR Sensor Cahle length) Non Extended Range --... .. _ .__._ _-�. .---- Extended Range Option-Allows use in flow depths up to 18 feet. Allow for 18" deadband. Standard unit max depth is 60". SVS Option requires Remote Extended Range below. Remote E#ended Range Option with 6' sensor cable-Flow depths up to 1 S feet. Allow for 18" deadband. Standard unit max depth is 60". -- --- -_ _ . ___. Cables FD9000CBL-XXX* F�900 Series Loggerto FLO-DAR sensor. Cable wRwo connectors. FDJCTBOXCBL-XXX* F�900 Series Logger to FLO-DAR sensor. Cable with connector to sensor, open end to desiccant hub, desiccant hub with connectorto sensor.lncludes finishing kit for potting/sealing desiccant hub. For use with conduit. 6000062XX* SVS Sensor with connector for use with F�900 Series Logger. 570011800-XXX' FLO-STATION to FLO-DAR sensor Cable Model 4000-9 with one connector and bare leads. 6000059XX* SVS Sensor with bare leads for use with FLO-STATION. `Contact customer service for product numbers. Available Cable Lengths (in feet) 30 125 225 400 700 60 150 250 450 800 75 175 300 500 900 100 200 350 600 1000 See Lit. No. D09 (standard models) and Lit. No. 2711 (wireless models) (or F�900 Series Flow Logger ordering information. See Lit No. 2616 ior FLO-STATION ordering iniormation. HACH COMPANY World United States� 800-368-2723 tel Outside United S�ates 970�622-7170 tel hachf4ow.00m LIT2708 Rev 5 K73 Pnntetl in U.S.A. OHach Company, 2013. All rights reservetl. In [ha interast ollmpmNng antl ✓pdaGng Its equipment Hach Company reserves the ngbt to al[ei speci(cafions tp equipment at any time. 0 1 Mounting Hardware 800016701 Permanent Sensor Mount-Includes sensor frame & all mounting hardware. Portable Sensor Mounts Available (Sizes 34-� 07") Contact Sales. Accessories & Spares 245000507 Sensor Retrieval Pole - Used to place and retrieve sensor from mounting bracket. Pole extends to 7.3 m (21 ft.) 510012707 Sensor Retrieval Hook - Used with Sensor Retrieval Pole 570011401 Grounding Strap (required with Retrieval Pole and Hook when used with IS units) 8755500 Bulk desiccant beads (1.5 pounds) For additional information on products mentioned in this data sheet, request the following data sheets: Hach F�900 Series Flow Logger -Wireless (LIT2711) Fiach F�900 Series Flow Logger - Standard (LIT2709) FLO-STATION Flow Monitor (LIT2616) •ters: Loveland, Colorado USA 970-67.9-5150 fax hachflowsales@hach com ♦ ry HACH F�900 SERIES FLOW LOGGER -WIRELESS The wireless Hach FL900 Series Flow Logger revolutionizes open channel flow monitoring by providing reliable, innovative solutions for any sewer flow measurement challenge. Applications • Wastewater • Collection Systems • Industrial Watci From wireless communication with free data hosting to longer battery life, the F�900 is designed to reduce monitoring costs, increase eHiciency, and provide better data 24/7 with less hassle than you ever thought possible. When combined with any of our full array of smart sensors, the F�900 wireless f�ow monitoring system wilti provide reliabfe flow data for any wastewater flow monitoring application. And with the F�900's induded software tool, FsDATA'� Online Data Manager, site time is reduced dramatically, allowing tor increased time for data analysis and proactive actions for solving any flow related issue. Plug and Play Sensor Ports The Fi 900 is available with 1, 2 or 4 sensor ports. The sensor ports are 'plug and play"; the logger auto detects the type of sensor connected to alfow customers maximum ffexibitity for their Hach flow sensor inventories. Compatible F�900 Row Logger sensors indude�. • FLO-DARs� AV Sensoi with op[iona( Surcha�ge vetodry senso� • FLO-TOTE`^- 3 AV Serrsor • Sigma Submerged AV Sensor • Hach US9001 Down-Looking Ultr�asonic Sensor • Hach US90�3 In-Pipe Uftrasonlc Sensor Quick Installation/On-Site Confirmation Not only Is the n900 eary to install wlth a variety of mounting options, it also incLudes an LED status light so that you know iCs fully functional before leaving the site. Affordable Alarming Capabilities User-selectabfe alarms can be sent by email or text (SMS) to specified recipients to keep you continuously informed on your monitoring sites- Up to 16 channel alarms can be seleded, as well as alarms for low battery, low RTC battery, !ow slate memory, slate memory fulL sensor timeout, sensor ID error or missed calf. Wireless Data Available 24/7 with FSDATA Ellminate nsk and make smarter, more-timely dedsions wlth your sewer flow data. The rSDATA Online Data Manager provides secure 24/7 access to your flow data and wireless meter from the comfort of the Internet. With FSDATA, slte visits to collect flow data or to adjust meter setCings are eliminated, decreasing maintenance msts. Set alarms and view sensor diagnostics remotely to maximize uptime. Multiple users can be granYed different data access levels based on job function. Redundant-Level Flow Monitoring Wlth vi 900 Series pWg-and-play Flow meters, you can pair a Sigma Submerged AV Sensor with a Hach US9003 In-Pipe Ultrasonlc Sensor for integrated redundant-level flow monitoring 2 Specifications* Portable DC Powered Electronics (InCIUdeS MOde15 FL901, FL902 & FL904) Dimensions (W x D x H) 25.4 x 22 x 40 cm (10.0 x 87 x 16.0 in.) Enclosure PC/ABS structural foam Environmental Rating NEMA 6P (IP68) Weight 4.5 kg (10 Ib)-no batteries; (Using Model F�900) 6.3 kg (14 Ib)-2 batteries; 82 kg (181b)-4 batteries Operating Temperature -18 to 60°C (0 to 140°� at 95% RH Storage Temperature -40 to 60°C (-40 to 140°F� Power Requirements 8 tot 8 Vdc from batteries or external power source, 2.5W ma�. Battery Life Varies with sensor type, logging intervals, telemetry and environment. For a 15-minute logging interval, 60 minute call frequency, four 6 V lantern batteries at room temperature: 130 days with 4 lantem batteries and a FLO-DAR sensor 180 days with 4 lantern batteries and a FLO-TOTE 3 sensor 160 days with 4 lantern batteries and a Sigma Submerged AV sensor with AV9000 Analyzer 200 days with 4 lantern batteries and Ultrasonic DowmLooking or In-Pipe sensor The optional Iong life alkaline battery pack can be used to extend battery life, if the Flow Logger is ordered with the external power option connector. LED Status Indicator - Green Flashes every 3 seconds during normal operation. Flashes every 15 seconds during sleep mode. - Red Flashes when an attached sensor does not agree with the logger program, when an expected sensor is not found or the sensor is not working properly. LED Modem Indicator - Stays green during a call to the server. Goes blank after the call is successfully completed and terminated. - Flashes red if the call to the server failed. Sensor Por[s 1, 2 or 4 ports Connectors Stainless steel connectors Datalog Channels 16 maximum Alarms Maximum of 16 channel alarms including high/high, high, low, low/low and system alarms including low battery, low RTC battery, low slate memory, slate memory full, sensor timeout, sensorlD error. Alarm Actions Trigger sampler, change logging interval, change call interval, send an e-mail, or send text message (SMS). Call Monitor Sends a message by e-mail or text (SMS) if a logger has not called the server within an user-defined amount of time. hachfiow.com liach F�900 Serles Flow Logger_ Wlrefess Logging Intervals 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 2Q 30 or 60 minutes Primary and secondary intervals for dynamic logging. Data Storage EveM Log: 1,000 events maximum in non-volatile flash memory Sample History: 2,000 sample events maximum in non-volatile flash memory Datalog: 325,000 data points � 128 days for 3 channels at � 5-minute log intervals Data Storage Event Log: 1,000 events maximum in non-volatile flash memory Sample History: 2,000 sample events m�imum in non-volatile flash memory Datalog: 325,000 data points; 1128 days for 3 channels at 15-minute log intervals Local Communication USB RS232 (Baud rates: 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200) Remote Communication Wireless modem; CDMA or GPRS technology with a mobile provider. Protocols Local Modbus RTU Timebase Accuracy ±0.002%, synchronized every 24 hours with server software and modem Supported Sensors FLO-TOTE 3, FLO-DAR, FLO-DAR with SVS, Sigma Submerged AV Sensort, Sigma 950t, and Rain Gauge Sampler Interface Compatible with Sigma 900 Standard, Sigma 900MAX, Sigma SD900 to support set-point sampling, flow pacing, and logging sample history. Desktop Software FLO-WARE software is required for programming the logger and can be used for data management and report generation. It is compatible with desktopAap top computers utilizing Windows operating system. Minimum resolution needed is 1024x768. Internet Application Software FSDATA web-based software for flow meter programming, data management and report generation for wireless flow meters. Certifications Logger: CE; optional AC power supply: UUCSA/CE Warranty 1 year C� The F�900 Series Loggers meet CE requirements. rRequires eatemal motlule. 'Subjectto change without notice. Hach_F�900 Series Flow l�er-Wirefess � Installation/Mounting Options : �io��m Loggei Susp�nsron Cable with Carabirrei (Standartl) How Logger Wall Mount Prod No. 854D00 (Optional) I�.� II� �O � � �;�1'\�II � 25.3cm [10.0 in] Flow Logger Ladder Rurg Adow �i Prod No. 8544600 (OptionalJ hachflow.com � Ordering Information rt90X Electronics,(Flow Logger) 1 Sensor Connector -2 Sensor Connectors � - -- - � 4 Sensor Connectors - - None-- -- AT&T (Activatedj _ � GPRS no SIM Sprint (Inactive) Sprint (Activated) Venzon (Inactive) � - Verizon (Activated) �� No Rain Gauge Connector Wdh Rain Gauge Connector - I ___ _ Hach F�900 Serles Flow L�er-Wireless Sensor Country nnector(s) Code Modem I pain Gauge - y—� — -- � � z - -- 4 i X I A I _ G _ R S U V — X --- ...----- R External Madules 8531300 AV9000 Area Velocity Analyzer module (required to attach a Sigma Sub AV sensor) 8549800 IM9001 Interface module (required to attach a Sigma 950 flow meter) Cables 8528700 &528200 8528300 8528400 8528401 Cable, External power, 2 wire, 9 ft. Cable, Communication, RS232 Cable, Communication, USB Cable, Aux, 7pin MIL 5015 (Connect to Sigma Sampler), 9 ft. Cable, Aux, 7pin MIL 5015 (Connect to Sigma Sampler), 25 ft Software Model T200-900 FLO-WARE Desktop Software FS-HOSTING Monthly data hosting service for FSDATA FS-DATAXFR Monthlywirelessservice Mountir�g Hardware 8543800 Wall mount bracket (304 Stainless) 8545600 Wall mount bracket with ladder hanger (304 Stainless) 8542700 Wall mount bracket with AC Power Supply shelf (304 Stainless) 8544500 Wall mount bracket with AC Power Supply Shelf withladder hanger(304 Stainless) Replacement Parts 8755500 Desiccant refill beads, Bulk 1.51b 11013M Battery, 6V lantern 8542900 Battery, long-life alkaline 8543000 Battery pack top cap adaptor and cable (for long-life alkaline battery pack 800017701) 8542800 Rain Gauge with 100 ft. cable For additional information on products mentioned in this data sheet, request the following data sheets: FSDATA� Online Data Manager (LIT2707) FLO-DAR"' AV Sensor (LIT2708) FLO-TOTE� 3 AV Sensor (LIT2712) HACH US9000 Ultrasonic Sensors (LIT2804) HACH Redundant Flow Monitoring System (LIT2805) HACH Wireless Level Alarming System (LIT2806) HACH COMPANY World H United States: 800-368-2723te1 Outride United States. 970-622 7120 tel hachflow.com •ters: Loveland, Colorado USA 970-619-5150 fax hachFfowsalesCahach.corn LIT2711 Rev 5 ryryg K73 Printed in U.S.A. �� <OHach Company, 2013. All rights reservetl. In (de Interest ollmproving antl upCetlng its equlpment, Hach Company reserves the nght fo alter specAcations ro eqwpmenf at any fime. .,. ,._.: ... . ...:.. .. ...r'..*w�+fr.�sK.q..m+,.p��-n.. �._.,�s•r.,.-�.- .�„+_��..'-R�.�Tr..--�..- ....;._ ._._._ _ Hach FSDATAT"^ Flow Data Manager • - - FSDATA Flow Data Manager is a web site that allows for the management of your Hach wireless flow meter network from the comfort of the internet. With FsDATA, site visits to collect flow data or to adjust meter settings are eliminated, decreasing maintenance costs and increasing flow monitoring crew safety. Compatible with the Hach F�900 Series wireless loggers, FSDATA paired with the Flo-Dar sensor provides a flow monitoring solution with the lowest maintenance on the market. ' . : ' Flow Data—Anytime, Anywhere View your flow data from any internet connected web browser through a secure log-in. Multiple users can be granted different data access levels based on job function. Remote Instrument Programming and Diagnostics F�900 series wireless logger and sensor programs can be remotely adjusted to optimize the performance of the flow meter, and recording of sensor diagnostics can be remotely activated to assist in troubleshooting. Clear-Cut Dashboards at Your Fingertips FSDATA's map view dashboard utilizes color-coded markers to indicate meter location and status. The list view dashboard shows all sites in a network and includes a quick graph displaying the last seven days of level and velocity data for a selected site. Easy-To-Uselnterface Intuiiive drop-down menus allow for easy site navigation and frequently used features, like graphing and tabular data, are only a few clicks away. Request a demo to see for yourself. Prepare Reports in Seconds View and create professional reports of your flow data in tabular spreadsheet or graphical formats. FSDATA Reports include: Scatter Plots, Data Summary, Data Import, Event Log, Communications, Sampler History, Site Alarms, User Login, User Actions, and Call Alarm. Safe and Secure Data Hach's secure and reliable IT infrastructure protects your flow data with a dedicated server, password-protected log-ins, redundant power and network connections, and daily backups. Event Notification Alarms can be set for any sensor parameter and are sent by text messaging or e-mail to specified recipients. Continued on next page. DW = drinking water �. . . . - ..... � - � - E = environmental ::, �� FSDATA /low data manager provides 2417 access fo your llow data and llow meters, reducing maintenance costs and keeping crews safe. _.._:u31W1 . __ ..,...,..__ _,._,.,,_ - — � ........�. . _ .., _..:, .. _,_ . ., . ..-,-._. _ . p e ,� y , M1 � ����s�,'����'11��'�I�'�' ��� } . n �. � PW = pure water / power . FB - footl and beve�age � � ..4._=-�',� Instrument Instrument Manager- Provides a summary of all instruments within an account by type and serial number. Firmware Updates- Schedule future firmware updates for one or more instruments. Programming- With the programming interface, a user can remotely verify and modify user parameters in the logger including log channels, sensor ports, alarms, sampler and server/network. Site Tasks- Executes initiated tasks during the next logger/server connection. Sensors- Displays sensor specific diagnostics captured real-time during measurement acquisition for each sensor and attached logger. Event Log- Used for error analysis, the event log displays various real-time events that occur during the execution of the user program with user selectable time span. Alarm Log- Maintains a viewable history of alarm events within user selectable time frame. Alarms- Channel Alarms can be created for any logged channel (up to 16) for low/low, low, high and high/high conditions. An alarm can create an action such as sending a text or e-mail message from the logger, triggering a sampler, switching to a secondary log or call interval or sending a text or e-mail from the server. System Alarms can be created for low main power, low real-time battery, low slate memory, slate memory full, sensor time-out and sensor ID error. The system alarm actions include sending a text from the logger or server or sending an e-mail from the logger or server. User programmable alarm recipients for up to 5 e-mails and up to 5 mobile numbers. Utilities Site Organizer- Allows site organization into user defined groups. Flow Calculator- Calculates flow rate based on user input. Import Data- Provides a means to import Sigma, Marsh-McBirney, and F�900 files collected locally to the server. Maintenance- Allows user to delete sites and associated data from their account. Server- Call Monitor allows users to subscribe to receive missed call alarm notifications via e-mail and text. Virtual Measurements provides a way to create a new measurement channel based on an existing channel and allows for an equation to be applied to the data set. Edit Data- Provides editing of specific data points in a virtual measurement. System Configuration- Allows user to enable/disable e-mail and text notifications. Account Management Account management options allow for different levels of permissions ranging from the Master System administrator to the User level. Different levels of access can be assigned on a user by user basis. User history reporting allows all users within the account to view what changes were made to the program by whom and when. L1T2707 Rev 3 � F13 Printetl in U.S.A. nu���, r.,,m���� om a nn .�„�,r� .o�o..,on FFor current price informaiion, technica! support, and ordering assistance, contact the Hach office or distri6utnr serving your area. In the United States and all other countries, contact: HACH COMPANY 5600 Lindbergh Drive Loveland, CO 80539 U.S.A. Telephone: 800-368-2723 / 970-622-7120 Fax:970-619-5150 E-maiC hachflowsalesC�3hach.com www.hachflow.com Hawkins June i5, 2oi6 # o� " '��_ .� VH. �.-.�.� ,,.. _ _ . .. �, z� �., Y : . ' . -':�+_ � . � \ t �, _.� �ass,,,,, .i5� � F �} 1 1 ..,a �. h o'-� a�. ' ��' �♦ i � '� y� , i ��-. .5 �. Ly4 � .T � �#1 # ,�., � �~ � - � �'� ' �`� I �. � `:, . ,���� �. t .34"y1�. � }pF, � ` . �r. f - 1� 70�42 '. sg � i.P�-���:-� . � _ i. ±„a � � ' . ... , � �� � ,,;.F<., ,.. ..,,,,, •._ �,. y � � � ; e � ' � f � ��Y�. :�i,.f:-� � y�v t .�; LL �y4 , ' x� ,y t i�. , _ • 4 1 y „ ! "� . 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