HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. Exec Sum Downtown TF updateEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Port Authority Meeting Date: June 21, 2016 AGENDA SECTION: AGENDA ITEM: Downtown Task Force New Business PREPARED BY: Kim Lindquist, Deputy Director AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Draft PowerPoint APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information only. ISSUE task forces. The North Central area and the SE group met recently and the Downtown task force is scheduled th to meet on Monday June 27 at 6:30 in the Council Chambers. Attached is the draft powerpoint staff will be giving as part of the meeting. A few of the slides will be updated prior to the meeting to include more recent photographs. The suggested discussion significant reinvestment. Should the plan be modified to look at differing uses? Are there other development strategies for the block? Staff will also raise the question of whether the Downtown boundaries should be expanded. The last slide in the presentation notes 4 areas that could extend the borders of the Downtown. And finally, staff would like to explore appropriate linkages to the adjoining neighborhoods. What can be done in the built environment that could increase connections from the community into the Downtown. Staff will also be commissioning a new market study to assist in redevelopment discussion. CONCLUSION Because the Port Authority is the economic development arm of the city, there is a natural interest in the outcome of the Downtown task force recommendations. There are several representatives on the task force that area also on the committee: Chair Weisensel, Mayor Droste and Commissioner Wolfe. Downtown Redevelopment Plan Background Created July 2004Introduced a vision for downtownIdentified guiding principlesDivides downtown into 8 focus areas Development Framework for downtown Rosemount - town - city amenities with - town attitude. - Vision for Downtown Connects the community to its smallroots.Provides a wide variety of communityoriented businesses that blends retail, professional services, civic, and residential uses.The scale and character of development fits For people who want biga small Guiding Principles Maintain Downtown as a place of commerceUse housing to keep Downtown vitalKeep the heritage and identity of RosemountUse public places to attract and define.Balance the needs of cars and people. y V1 W QC L9 Street and Highway 3. and landscaping to mark rd Key Elements Retention of main church building and steeple. Monumentationnorth gateway to downtown. Trails and sidewalks to provide safe connections with public schools. Improvements to enhance pedestrian crossing at 143 Improvements to enhance connections with the core of downtown. A J� �Y 77k* I _ A k' .. • 4 {L 4 1 y 4 a R � Irk Focus Area: Core Block East . Street th Street and Future th access and parking pedestrian connections Street. streetscape. the pedestrian crossings streetscape improvements th Street. th Promote uses, building character, and site design to enhance the core of Downtown. Strengthen with Central Park and the remainder of Downtown. Enhance improvements will add green space and materials and seek to improve pedestrian spaces. Coordinate Reducing unneeded parking helps to maximize development potential of Downtown. Enhance of Highway 3 at 146147 Extend and provide parking on 146and 147 Key Elements cz) A 111faillpi(A LVK;S 106 Residential Units 13,000 square feet of commercial space 20% affordable housing Pedestrian scale, complements historic downtown, catalyst for additional redevelopment. Focus Area: th Street. th Key Elements Preserve and sustain feed mill and current operations as elements of downtown identity. Strengthen pedestrian crossings at Highway 3 and 147 Improve street character along 147Street to support plans for Core Block East. CƌǒĻŭĻƌƭ DĻƷ ĬĻƷƷĻƩ Ʀźĭ ƚŅ Ryan Genz Focus Area: Street. th Key Elements Strengthen pedestrian connections from County Road 42 and the downtown core. Strengthen pedestrian crossings at Highway 3 and 147 Coordinate traffic access, circulation, and parking. Provide a buffer between commercial development and the adjacent residential neighborhood. z Focus Area: Crossroads North th Promote use and building character compatible with prominence of the Highway 3/145 Promote greater visibility of and access to Central Park, with capacity to capitalize on the potential attraction of the Interpretive Trail Corridor. Strengthen pedestrian connections and streetscape with the park entrance and Burma Avenue. Key Elements Focus Area: Crossroads South th Street th Street and 146 th Promote use and building character compatible with the prominence of Highway 3/145 Strengthen pedestrian crossings at 145 Improve street character in conjunction with improvements on adjacent blocks. Key Elements West Core Block Focus Area: th th Building as an Geraghty Street. th Key Elements Retain and enhance the element of heritage and character in Downtown. Promote uses, building character, and site design to enhance the core of Downtown. Align the primary access point for the block with 146Street to facilitate movement of pedestrians and vehicles. Enhance the streetscape while building on previous investments to avoid duplication of expense. Coordinate access and parking. Enhance the pedestrian crossings of Highway 3 at 146Street and 147 Enhance the pedestrian connection to the library . Provide a buffer between commercial development and the adjacent residential neighborhood. Focus Area: Legion Block th Avenue and ͵ Burnley Provide a housing style compatible with downtown. Use site design and construction quality to mitigate impact of the rail line. Vacate improve traffic flow on 145Street. Strengthen pedestrian connections and streetscape with park entrance and Burma Avenue. If commercial uses are viable on the site, the City should explore those options Key Elements Park and Ride Accommodates 100 vehicles Anchors service to Cedar Avenue Transit Station and express routes to downtown Minneapolis Service to downtown St. Paul added in 2016 Downtown Focus Area