HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 05-23-16 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION May 23, 2016 Regular Meeting Draft Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Mike Eliason,BaYb Faxrell,Jim Young, Dave Speich, Bryan Feldhaus Members Absent: Linco]n Tilson Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Dixectox of Parks and Recreation Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Elia,son called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: 7c Selection of Chair and Vice Chair 3. APPROVAL OF THE Apri125,2016 MEETING MINiJTES: MOTION by Farxell to approve the minutes of the Apri125, 2016 meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: None a. Parks and Recreation Facilities Referendum—Schultz provided the Commissionexs with an overview of the referendum results. Schultz told the Commission that he has not had a meeting with the City Council yet to discuss what will happen next. Schultz will let the Commission know when any meetings will be held to discuss the referendum projects. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Dog Park—Schultz introduced the topic of dog paxks and identified that a dog park was included in the Council's 2016/2017 Goals as a Project/Initiatives. The actual description in the goal document sta,tes that the City will"open a dog paxk for small dogs along walking corridors." Sta.ff shared some information in a spreadsheet of what some othex cities are offering fox dog paxks. Schultz indicated that the area north of the Community Center in Schwarz Pond Paxk was at one time an area that was perxnitted for pet ownexs to have their dogs off leash. Because of the development of th.is axea, the Dakota County opening a new dog park near Rosemount and the addition of the skate park, the City no longer designated this axea to be used for pet owners. The Commission asked what did the Council mean by "small dog?" Schultz was not sure what they intended and mentioned that further discussion on the topic was needed with the City Council. Schultz identified Schwarz Pond Park as the location that he feels would currently be the best location in our park system for an off leash dog park. He indicated that we do have othex la,xge axeas where we could house a temporary dog paxk but that they are not near walking coxridors. Schultz showed two different locations in Schwarz Pond Park that could be used fox an off leash area. There is well worn footpath that runs from the trail north of the skate paxk to the road axea south of the skate paxk. This is a short cut that many people use and Schultz feels we should look to have this foot path paved in the near futuxe.The Commission asked what would happen to the native prairie/plantings in Schwaxz Pond Park if a dog Paxk is located there. Schultz felt that a portion would need to be mowed down but that a portion could stay with trails would thYough it. - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION May 23, 2016 Regular Meeting The Commission asked Schultz to check and see how many dogs are licensed in Rosemount. Schultz indicated that he would check with the police department. Schultz expected the Commission would be discussing this topic again in June before making any decisions. b. Director's Report-The park improvement fund balance as of Apri130,2016 was $441,821.59 Dedication fees of$0 were received. There were no grants or donations. Interest was $45.76. 'Thexe were expenditures of$8,382.61 for professional services on the Greystone and Ailesbury Paxk pxojects. Highlights of Last Month—Schultz provided an overview of a numbex of activities from the month of April and May. c. Selection of Chair and Vice Chair—Farxell nominated Eliason for the chair position, MOTION by Faxrell to have Eliason be the chair of the Commission, Second by Young Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 (Eliason abstained) Motion passed. Eliason nominated Bartz for the vice chaix position, MOTION by Farrell to have Bartz be the vice-chair of the Commission,Second by Young Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 (Bartz abstained) Motion passed. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Farrell to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjouxned at 7:55 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dan Schultz,Parks and Recreation Director - 2 -