HomeMy WebLinkAbout20151207 CCM WSROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 7, 2015 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a work session of the Rosemount City Council was held on Monday, December 7, 2015, beginning at 6:30 p.m. in the Conference Room/Council Chamber at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with council members Weisensel, DeBettignies, Demuth, and Nelson in attendance. Staff members in attendance included City Administrator Johnson, Director of Public Works Wrase, Chief of Police Scott, Parks and Recreation Director Schultz, Finance Director May, Community Development Director Lindquist, Senior Planner Klatt, Assistant City Administrator Foster and City Clerk Hadler. A number of guests were in attendance so the meeting was moved to the Council Chamber following discussion of item 2.b. 2.b. UMore Utilities Community Development Director Lindquist gave an introduction to the item. There is currently a need to examine the upcoming expansion of utilities into areas of UMore Park. Ms. Lindquist spoke about the typical investments that are made in utilities in areas of development. The concept discussed includes an agreement with the University that would reimburse the city if the areas were not developed. The costs are approximated at $6 million for sewer, water, and road improvements for an area on the eastern edge of the property that is slated for a business park / light industrial development. Council member Weisensel inquired about the timeframe for the project. Ms. Lindquist stated that this is unknown at this point, and may depend on financial resources available. Mr. Dale Glowa, Chief Manager of UMore Development project, discussed the current plans for the development. They are pursuing a market-based concept, and have one interested developer. There are approximately 130 acres in the business park / light industrial area. Council member DeBettignies inquired about the developer’s vision for the development. Mr. Glowa stated they are a envisioning a build-to-suit business park / light industrial area and are a prolific developer with existing clients in other parts of the country. 2.a. Discussion of Possible Land Acquisition – Request by Thomas Furlong to Annex Properties in Nininger Township Community Development Director Lindquist introduced the council item. The item had been previously discussed by Council in July of 2014. She asked what the Council’s interest was in continuing to examine the potential annexation. She stated that the Furlongs are interested in having an RV park on the site, which is not currently an allowed land use in Rosemount and would need to be addressed. Matt Duffy, attorney for the Furlongs, was in attendance to answer questions. 6.b. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 7, 2015 Council member DeBettignies stated that 6 out of 7 residents on Furlong Circle had signed a petition to annex. Mr. Duffy stated that the Furlongs have held 3 meetings with the homeowners and have had extensive discussions with those people. In the last year, 2 of the homes have been sold and one of them was foreclosed on. That home was recently sold and it is unknown at this point if that homeowner will agree to the annexation. Council member Demuth inquired about who currently does the snowplowing. Mr. John Bremer, of Nininger Township, stated that the township does the snowplowing. Council member Weisensel inquired about the property tax collected on the property. Mr. Bremer stated he thought the townships portion was approximately $3900. Mayor Droste inquired about the quality of police and fire services they might receive on that far side of the city. Chief Scott stated that mutual aid would kick in, so Hastings might get there first, and then Rosemount. Ms. Lindquist stated that staff had done some research on the number of calls to RV and mobile home parks, and they do not have an overly high call rate. Mr. Duffy stated Furlongs are looking at a family-oriented RV park model, like Kiesler’s in Waseca. Mr. Bremer stated that Nininger Township has been through the annexation process three times with the City of Hastings and has concerns about the creation of “islands” of land in the annexation process. Chris Foss, of 14450 Goodwin Avenue, Nininger Township, asked to speak for the 7th owner in the Furlong Circle, his friend Brian, and stated that they are opposed to annexation. Mr. Bremer inquired what the purpose of the annexation was. Mr. Duffy stated he had met with the township attorney and chair and they had indicated that the town board would not be supportive of the RV park. He also stated that earlier application experiences with the township did not have predictable outcomes. In addition, they have an interest in being serviced by Rosemount Police and Fire. Mayor Droste asked for feedback from staff and council. Ms. Lindquist stated out-of-pocket costs would be put on the Furlongs via an agreement. Staff is split on what makes the most sense. Ms. Lindquist has concerns about police and fire service response times. Council member Demuth stated the process seems like it is taking place out of order. If the RV park was applied for and denied already, then it would make sense to come to Rosemount. Mr. Duffy responded that the RV park is just one factor, and not necessarily the driving factor. Mr. Bremer inquired what the Furlong’s plan was. Mr. Duffy discussed their plans to maintain the golf course business. Mayor Droste asked if the Furlongs had taken a step with the courts yet. Ms. Lindquist stated that they have not, as they wanted to petition the city first to gauge their interest. Ms. Lindquist discussed the four recommendations of staff. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 7, 2015 Kimberly Gross, 15001 Fischer Ave. resident of Rosemount, stated that annexation may not be used for profitability of a municipality. Ms. Gross stated another reason for annexation is for improved services, and fire services would not be improved. Fire and Police response times are 20 minutes from Rosemount to that far area. She stated she didn’t believe the state would allow the annexation. Council member DeBettignies expressed concern that the Furlongs did not meet with the Nininger Board about the RV park. Mr. Duffy addressed Mr. DeBettignies concerns and stated that the RV park is only one concept and one driving force. Mayor Droste again inquired about council preferences moving forward. Council member Weisensel stated he is supportive of responding and following through with staff’s recommended next steps. He also stated that it is not Council’s wish to “gobble up” Nininger Township; Council is just responding to a request by a property owner. He cautioned property owners about potential service changes and taxes. Council member DeBettignies stated he is not interested without the inclusion of all land in and around the Furlong property. He stated there are a lot of open ended questions. Mayor Droste asked if he would like to follow-through or just stop. Mr. DeBettignies asked if the cost of staff man-hours would be covered by the Furlongs. Mr. DeBettignies stated he is not opposed, but that he doesn’t want to spend a lot of time on it. Council member Demuth indicated she is supportive of finding more answers. Mayor Droste stated the next steps will be gathering data and scheduling a meeting with the township. Ms. Lindquist stated that meeting will be several months out. An audience member asked that the city also examine access to Highway 55. Mike Gerten, whose parents live at 15007 Fisher Avenue, stated he is not sure why the process is moving forward and staff time is being used when there are such significant roadblocks. 2.c. Fee Schedule City Administrator Johnson and City Clerk Hadler introduced the item and invited Council to ask questions or make comments on the Fee Schedule. Parks and Recreation Director Schultz inquired about rental fees for City on the Hill Church, a regular lessee at the Steeple Center, and whether Council might support a lower rate for the first year as they have been good renters in the past. Staff does not generally stray from the set rates, but because of their history of rentals and their repeat usage, Mr. Schultz is making this request on their behalf. Council was supportive. Mayor Droste stated the church had been in contact and may be looking to build a church in the future. Mr. Schultz pointed out that the City has to pay for the use of the banquet hall in the community center on the weekend for city events and inquired if Council would support removing that from the fee schedule. Council members were supportive. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 7, 2015 2. d. CIP – Water Treatment Plant City Administrator Johnson introduced the item. The water treatment plant is currently planned for 2019. However, Council member Demuth has concerns regarding manganese levels in the water. Public Works Director Wrase discussed the timeframes for design and planning, and that the soonest it could be built is 2017. Mr. Wrase explained how water quality is regulated. His suggestion was to proceed with a facilities plan to measure levels at various points in the system and to see if there was a way to lower the levels prior to the building of the treatment plant. Mayor Droste inquired about how the new tank will mix water. Mr. Wrase stated it would be from the three newest wells. Council member Demuth stated she was originally supportive of waiting to build the treatment plant; but changed her mind when she learned of the health impacts of manganese. Council member Weisensel stated that it makes sense to look at a system study and asked who would do that facility plan. Council members discussed various potential consultants or staff working on the project. Mr. Wrase stated he envisioned a small contract to do the study, but not necessarily a plan, within about 3 – 6 months. Council members also discussed the potential addition of a softening facility at the treatment plant. Mr. Johnson reiterated his understanding that the treatment plant would remain scheduled for 2019 while staff pursues the discussed facility study. Council member Demuth inquired about the water supply plan that is due December 2016. Mr. Wrase stated that WSB usually does that plan and that it may be incorporated into the Comprehensive Plan. 2.e. Park Name – Prestwick Place/Falmoor Glen Developments Parks and Recreation Director Schultz introduced the item at hand. Staff is looking for feedback on potential names for the park which is located in the Falmoor Glen neighborhood. Several residents have suggested the name Ailesbury Park, as that is the street that it is located on. The Parks & Recreation Commission was supportive of this suggestion. Council members were also supportive. UPDATES 3.a. Steeple Center Sign Parks and Recreation Director Schultz updated the Council on the plan for the large display sign in front of the Steeple Center. Council member Weisensel expressed concerns about not using the same font as the city logo. Mr. Schultz stated he will follow up with Mr. Cox, the communications coordinator. 3.b. Steeple Center Dedication Plaque ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 7, 2015 Parks and Recreation Director Schultz updated the Council on the design of the Activity Center dedication plaque. 3.c. OpenGov City Administrator Johnson discussed the budgeting of monies for transparency and community visioning. Staff has done more research recently and found that there are more internal reporting applications with the OpenGov system than what was earlier available, and staff would like to implement his system in 2016. 3.d. Solar Panels on City Buildings City Administrator Johnson discussed the issue with the Sundial solar panel project. Sundial has lost their investor and is asking the city to borrow money to pay for the project. Ms. Lindquist stated the attorney doesn’t believe this would be a legal option. Also, the return on investment seems relatively modest. Staff is suggesting dropping the project. Council members concurred. 3.e. Labor Negotiations Assistant City Administrator Foster discussed a tentative agreement with the LELS-Police Officers union contract. Council directed the item to be placed on the next agenda for consideration. Staff and Council Updates Community Development Director Lindquist stated Lennar home sales are going well in the Bella Vista development and they may be needing to add the planned street to the east fairly soon. This will require additional right of way on neighboring property. Mayor Droste suggested discussion with the landowners at the staff level. City Administrator Johnson suggested a special work session be scheduled on January 5th to address Resilient Communities Project, STAR Communities, and the Legislative Agenda. Public Works Director Wrase stated that WSB made a mistake on the right-of-way work on the Safe Routes to Schools project. There will be additional costs due to this, though WSB decreased their hourly rate. The revised WSB contract will be brought to Council in the future. Mr. Johnson stated that staff is putting together additional information regarding the 42/52 improvements to share with our legislative delegation. The City would be asking state assistance with the about $9 million to cover the remaining share of the improvements. Mr. Johnson inquired about dates for a holiday party and goal setting sessions. Member suggested January 8-9 for goal setting. Mr. Wrase stated staff has received three applications for rain gardens. Mr. Johnson asked if it was worth it to do a small number. Mr. Wrase stated that it was based on their proximity to the wetlands. Council members agreed. City Clerk Hadler stated that Marcus Theatre will soon be serving beer and wine. Council member DeBettignies updated staff on the hotel prospects and the Steeple Center holiday event this weekend. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION PROCEEDINGS DECEMBER 7, 2015 Council member Demuth discussed a meeting she will be attending regarding reuse of wastewater. Council member Weisensel stated he is on a task force on Met Council and they are looking at changing the Met Council governance, potentially with elected officials. Council member Demuth stated she had been on the Metro Cities commission that discussed the issue. Mayor Droste shared an email regarding the state’s transportation bill and the details of the bill. Council member Weisensel stated he was reappointed to an NLC committee. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by DeBettignies, the meeting was unanimously adjourned at 10:38 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk