HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07-25-16 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION June 27, 2016 Regular Meeting DRAFT Members Present: Mike Eliason, Barb Farxell,Lincoln Tilson,Jim Young,Dave Speich Members Absent: Maureen Bartz,Bryan Feldhaus Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recoxding Secretary Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 23,2016 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Speich to approve the minutes of the May 23, 2016 meeting. SECOND by Young. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Dog Parks—This item was discussed last month. The Commission had previously discussed where the best location would be and that we should have a dog park for all dogs, not just small dogs. Schwarz Pond PaYk and the grass hockey rinks at Jaycee or Bloomfield parks were locations that wexe previously discussed by the Commission, and the City Council had liked the area around a water tower on Connemaxa Trail. Schultz had asked the Rosemount Police Department fox inforxnation on how many dogs axe licensed in Rosemount and he included this data in the Executive Summary,along with a chart of Dog Paxk Infortnation from nearby cities and Dakota County. Off-leash dog park rules from several cities weYe also included in this month's packet. It was discussed that having an off leash dog axea in Jaycee and Bloomfield Parks where we have grass in the hockey rinks would be good way to introduce the activity will a limited investment.Twin Puddles Paxk (the south side) and Connemaxa Park (there's a low axea at this park that might work) were also suggested by the Commission as possible options.There is parking available at both parks. We also need to decide on whether the paxk will be for all dogs, not just small dogs. This item will be brought to the City Council for further discussion. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Prestwick Place 13�'Addition Preliminary and Final Plat—This pla.n has been reviewed by City staff and Schultz had the following recommendations: 1) At the minimum,adding sidewalks to one side of all streets in the pla.n and the plan will be Yeviewed again by the Parks and Recxeation Commission;and 2) collecting cash in lieu of land for the parks dedication for 193 single family lots in this development,which would be $656,200. The Commission asked about the possibility of purchasing the corner tria.ngle of pxoperty neas diis development. The owner of this property had approached the City at one time to see if they would be interested in puxchasing it.There was brief discussion xegaxding whether we should look into the way the paxks dedication is collected. Schultz also mentioned that next month we will discuss parks dedication foY larger apartment complexes. MOTION by Farrell to recommend approval of the preliminary pla,t and final plat with the following conditions: 1)T'he City will collect cash in lieu of la.nd to satis£y the parks dedication requirement for 193 units,which is $656,200 (193 units x $3,400 per unit),as detailed in the City's subdivision ordinance; and 2) Sidewalks will be added to at least one side of all streets in the plan - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION June 27, 2016 Regular Meeting and the plan will be reviewed by the Paxks and Recxeation Commission. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. Director's Report-The park improvement fund bala,nce as of May 31,2016 was $445,349.08 No dedication fees were received. Thexe were no grants or donations. Intexest was $38.70. There were expenditures of$1,338.00 for design fees for Greystone Park and Ailesbury Paxk impxovements. City Wide Clean Up Event—'I'he event in May was very successful. We serviced 367 vehicles,which was 30 more than last year and the most since 2008. Running Series—The South of the Rivex Recreators (SORR) Ground Pounders Running Series of races started on June 4. SORR is made up of the cities of Apple Valley,Burnsville, Farmington,Lakeville,Rosemount and Savage. Ailesbury Park (formerly Pxestwick Park)—'I"he paYk is close to being completed. The txees have been planted, the basketball court has been color coated,and the baseball field is complete. Parks Dedication—This will be discussed at the July Commission meeting. Schultz will bring back information on how we currently collect it and possible options. Bike Tour with City Council—Four City Council members, the Paxks and Recreation Department intern, Schultz and Farrell participated in the two-hour bike tour on Saturday,June 25. The Council is talking about doing another bike toux in the fall. Schultz also suggested doing a van tour with the City Council, and letting xesidents who live near the parks know the schedule. Greystone Park Plan—T'he Parks and Recreation Commission's recommendation for this park was presented to the City Council and they supported it. There will be a neighborhood meeting at some time in the future. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Farrell to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Tilson. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Dan Schultz,Parks and Recreation Director -2 -