HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.c. PCExSumm Prestwick Place 13th PP-FP-PUD 7-26-16EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: July 26, 2016 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: August 2, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Cases 16-34-PUD, 16-21-PP, and 16-22-FP Request by Prestwick, LLC for a Preliminary Plat, Planned Unit Development Master AGENDA SECTION: Development Plan with Rezoning and Final Public Hearing Plat to Develop a 191 Lot Subdivision on nd Outlot C of Prestwick Place 2 Addition PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 5.c. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location Map; Preliminary Plat; Preliminary Grading Plan, Preliminary Utility APPROVED BY: K.L. Plan, Existing Conditions, Preliminary Phasing Plan, Detail Sheet, Preliminary Street Profiles, Landscape Plan, Prestwick th Place 13 Addition Final Plat, Prestwick Place Overall Plan (from 2011), Park and June 21; dated June 19, RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission make the following motions: 1. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick th Place 13 Addition, subject to conditions: a. Approval of a Planned Unit Development master plan and rezoning the subject property and designating minimum lot requirements and setbacks. b. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. c. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016 d. Dedication of Drainage and Utility easements and must be dedicated over all ponding areas. 2. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with the Rezoning of the property from AGP Agricultural Preserve to R1 PUD Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to conditions: a. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: i. Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; ii. A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii. A side entry garage; iv. Or, no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. b. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-15 F. so that the home designs do not need to include an option for a three garage stall. c. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.1. to reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 8,600 square feet and corner lot minimum area from 12, 000 to 10,200 square feet. d. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width to sixty five (65) feet for interior and eighty (80) feet for corner lots. e. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.4. to reduce the front yard setback to twenty five (25) feet. f. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.5. to reduce the side yard setback to seven and one half (7.5) feet. g. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.9. to reduce the maximum lot coverage to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35%) for lots over 9,750 square feet. h. Each corner lot will have two overstory trees, one fronting on each road. The seed mix in the ponding areas should be modified to include more wildflowers in the mix. Both of these modifications should be made to the landscape plan prior to release of the final plat. i. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016 j. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. k. The landscape plan shall be updated to include additional plantings of evergreen or deciduous trees along railroad right-of-way. l. The landscape plan shall be updated to include additional plantings of evergreen or deciduous trees along Connemara Avenue, and Akron Avenue and/or a berm subject to approval by the City. 3. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Final Plat for Prestwick Place th 13Addition, subject to conditions: a. Approval and execution of a subdivision agreement. b. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. c. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. d. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. e. All easements as requested by the City shall be documented on the Final Plat. f. Vacation of existing drainage and utility easements over Outlot C of Prestwick nd Place 2 Addition and the dedication of new easements as required by the City. 2 SUMMARY Applicant: Prestwick, LLC Location: West of Akron Avenue about ½ mile north of CSAH 42 and south of the Union Pacific Rail Line, immediately north of Prestwick thth Place 8 and 12 Additions Acres: 72.59 Acres Proposed Lots: 191 Lots Gross Density: 2.63 Units/Acre Wetlands: None Net Density: 2.63 Units/Acre Existing Comp Plan Designation: LDR Low Density Residential Existing Zoning: AGP Agricultural Preserve Proposed Zoning R1 PUD Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development The Planning Commission is being asked to consider an application from Prestwick, LLC for a Preliminary th Plat, Panned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan with Rezoning, and Final Plat for Prestwick Place 13 Addition to allow 191 lots on 73 acres. The proposed preliminary plat is located within the northern portion of the of the preliminary development plans for Prestwick Place. The preliminary plat provides legal entitlement to a certain number of lots, but actual developable lots would not be created until a final plat is th approved. The Prestwick Place 13 Addition Final Plat will develop the first 41 lots identified as the first phase of the phasing plan leaving the remaining 150 lots for seven additional future phases. The proposed lots are consistent with the lots approved in earlier plats within Prestwick Place, and staff is recommending similar lot sizes, lot widths, and setbacks as previous additions with consideration for the design guidelines found in prior phases. BACKGROUND The overall preliminary development plan for Prestwick Place was approved by the City in 2007, and covered nearly 300 acres of land both east and west of Akron Avenue immediately north of County Road 42. The original plans included a mix of low density residential, higher density residential townhouses and apartments, and commercial development within the project area. Although the City approved a PUD Master Plan and zoning for the southern portions of the development, all areas north of Connemara and west of Akron Avenue were set aside for future development (hence no master plan or zoning changes were submitted for these areas in 2007). Due in part to the economic downtown that hit shortly after project approval, no development occurred within the PUD until after the developer requested Comprehensive Plan amendments in 2010 and 2011 that eliminated all medium density residential from the PUD areas located nd west of Akron Avenue. The City approved two larger residential subdivisions called Prestwick Place 2 and rd 3 Additions shortly after the Comprehensive Plan amendments were considered, and to date, 259 lots have been platted west of Akron Avenue with subsequent final plats (12 total additions constructed by three different developers). nd The current request is located within a large outlot created as part of the 2 Addition, and is situated north nd of the 2 Addition area, west of Akron Avenue, west of the Bloomfield Addition, and directly south of the Union Pacific railroad right-of-way that forms the northern boundary of the Prestwick PUD area. Prior to 2015 density residential consistent with the original Prestwick Place plans. In early 2015, the City approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to remove the medium density residential element from this area, and currently all portions of the property are guided for low density residential development. The subject area was not included in any previous PUD master plan or rezoning approved by the City, so this portion of the Prestwick area is still zoned AG Agricultural and will need to be rezoned to R1-PUD Low Density Residential to support the proposed subdivision. 3 The developer is also requesting approval of a PUD Master Development Plan for the preliminary plat area consistent with the development standards approved in previous Prestwick subdivisions. These standards ost notably for lot size and width, setbacks, and impervious coverage requirements. Preliminary plat, rezoning and final plat requests are quasi-judicial decisions for the Planning Commission meaning that the Planning Commission is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. The Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan is a legislative decision because of the Code deviations being requested. Legislative decisions give the Planning Commission more latitude, but consideration should be given to the PUD standards of the existing Prestwick Place development as well as the PUD standards in the th adjacent Greystone development (east of the preliminary plat area). The recommended Prestwick Place 13 Addition PUD regulations are identical to those in the existing Prestwick Place PUD and similar to the Greystone standards. nd The proposed preliminary plat would encompass all of Outlot C of Prestwick Place 2 Addition, and would extend developable lots north of existing subdivisions within the overall Prestwick PUD area. All access into the subdivision would come from existing local or collector streets platted with earlier Prestwick phases, and all planned roads loop back through the preliminary plat area because of the railroad right-of-way that forms the northern boundary of the project. The only connection to an adjacent parcel will be a connection th to an existing street stub in the Bloomfield 7 Addition. The overall configuration of lots, lot size, and other design elements are very similar to the lots that have been approved immediately to the south, but are slightly larger than were originally described in the Prestwick PUD. All of the Prestwick lots approved to date have maintained a 65-foot minimum lot width. The original lot layout for Prestwick included a series of storm water ponds along the railroad right-of-way that provided some separation and buffering from the rail line. With the revised plans for the subject area, the developer is proposing to establish lots with extra depth along the rail line that will accomplish a similar objective and provide room for storm water ponding within drainage and utility easements. The proposed system will act like a long swale running west to east that will lead to a larger storm water pond in the extreme northeastern portion of the site. The site is relatively flat and has historically been used for agricultural purposes. The historic farmstead for the area was located in the south central portion of the area to be platted, but all buildings and trees th associated with this past use were removed as part of the grading work for the 12 Addition. There are no trees currently on the property with the exception of vegetation parallel with the northern property line. The original PUD master plan included a tree preservation and protection plan, and the City approved the overall tree planting requirements with this initial approval. Subsequent landscape plans have been reviewed for general conformance with the approved plan, and to date the developer has documented that there have bee The only other major site limitation is an existing Northern Natural Gas pipeline and easement that runs east to west in the southwest portion of the preliminary plat. All lots and roads have been designed to account for the easement and the developer will need to secure proper permits before working over the line. There are no identified wetlands or other features that will restrict development of the property under consideration. 4 The subject property is currently zoned AG Agricultural Preserve and in order to approve the proposed plat to accommodate the small lot, single family homes proposed, the applicant has requested zoning of R1 PUD - Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development. The deviations from the R-1 standards requested by Prestwick, LLC include a reduction in the minimum lot size from 10,000 square feet to 8,600 square feet; reduction in the minimum lot width from 80 feet to 65 feet, reduction in the front yard setback from 30 feet to 25 feet; reduction in the side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet; and an increase of the maximum lot coverage tiered from 30% to 40% depending upon lot size. Please note that all of the requested standards are very much in line with the previous approvals in Prestwick with the exception of the 5-foot side yard setback sought by the developer and noted on the development plans. Staff is not supportive of this approvals within Prestwick or any other low density residential neighborhood approved by the City. The original PUD for Prestwick allowed a combination of a 5-foot garage setback with 10-foot house setback, --foot setback on both sides. Staff is concerned that the 5-foot setback will result in homes that are too close together, and would place structures immediately on top of the required drainage and utility easements. A decrease in the separation between houses from 15 to 10 would leave very little room for accessing the rear yards of properties or being able to maintain any landscaping or other improvemen regulations allow for encroachments into required setback areas for things like roof eaves, gutters, fireplace bump-outs, and other improvements that would leave almost no space between houses for light, air, and access. The following chart reflects the staff recommendation of a 7.5-foot side yard setback. Comparison of Lot Requirements and Standards th Current R-1 Greystone Proposed Prestwick 13 Category Standards Standards Addition Standards 10,000 sq. ft. (Interior) 8,600 sq. ft. 8,600 sq. ft. Min. Lot Area 12,000 sq. ft. (Corner) 10,400 sq. ft. 10,200 sq. ft. 80 ft. (Interior) Min. Lot Width 60 ft. 65 ft. 95 sq. ft. (Corner) 30 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. Min. Front Yard Setback 10 ft. 7.5 ft. 7.5 ft. Min. Side Yard Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. Min. Rear Yard Setback 30% 30%, 35%, 40% 35%, 40% Max. Impervious Surface The applicant is proposing to build two story home designs that are consistent with the homes being constructed in the earlier Prestwick Phases. The developer has not submitted any specific home plans for this area, and has indicated that he will be working with three different builders, each of whom are expected to have slightly different housing designs. In exchange for the proposed reductions from R1 district standards, staff is proposing that all front elevation designs for the homes includes one of four design features: A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; A side entry garage; No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 5 These same standards are used in both the Greystone and Prestwick Place developments and have been applied to all homes built in these subdivisions to date. . The proposed preliminary plat would subdivide the 73 acre property into 191 single family lots. The plat does not include any outlots as all storm water ponding and drainage improvements will be located on private property within easements. Most of these drainage improvements are located along the northern typical R1 low density residential lots. The plat includes one larger lot adjacent to Connemara Trail that will include a storm water ponding area, but this also will be located on private property subject to easements. The City previously acquired a small parcel just outside the northeast corner of the plat that will be used for a future well; the well site was dedicated to the City as part of an earlier plat and will not be impacted by the proposed subdivision. The proposed plat depicts the construction of several new streets to serve the 191 lots, and the plat includes names for each street as recommended by staff. The typical street design for this subdivision is a 32 foot wide street with a sidewalk installed on one side of the street for a street that allows parking on both sides of the street. The Parks Director has asked that sidewalks be extended into cul-de-sac streets as noted in the attached review comments. All access points into the subdivision will occur from existing local streets to the south, including Abercorn Avenue and Abbeyfield Avenue. There is one new planned connection to Connermara Trail that will result in an extension of Ailesbury Avenue further to the north. This connection point was planned and improved with an earlier Prestwick project. One additional access point is planned for the western edge of the subdivision and will provide a connection into the Bloomfield neighborhood. This future connection and th access was planned and constructed with the Bloomfield 7 Addition. All other planned roads are internal to the development, and have been arranged in a manner to provide an approximate grid pattern running north and south. Staff provided early feedback to the developer concerning the arrangement of streets, and all requested modifications were made to the streets in order to ensure compliance with City street standards. The development does include one longer east-west road serving the northernmost lots, which could not be avoided without reducing accessibility for the entire neighborhood. The developer has proposed some slight curvature into this street to help calm traffic and provide some variety in the streetscape. The proposed street layout as well as the proposed phasing plan will help the developer avoid installing temporary turn-around areas as each project phase is constructed. Each phase of the project will either connect into an existing street or will provide a loop around the lots to be constructed at each stage. There are no wetlands located on this site. The majority of the site is currently or was formerly used as agriculture and is devoid of trees. There were previously some trees located around the former farmstead, but previous examination of these trees found many box elders and no heritage trees as defined by City Code. The tree replacement requirement for this area was addressed and fulfilled in the original Prestwick Place preliminary plat and nothing additional is required with this approval. 6 The landscaping for the subdivision will be predominately trees planted on individual lots. As part of its review, staff is recommending that the landscape plan be revised to include additional plantings along Connemara Trail, Akron Avenue, and the railroad right-of-way. With regards to Connemara Trail and Akron Avenue, all other portions Prestwick Place along these roads included a small berm to help provide some separation from homes and the collector roads. At a minimum, staff is requesting additional screening or a small berm similar to the neighboring properties. With past approvals, the City required the Akron Avenue and Connemara Trail frontages to have 4 foot tall berms, deciduous trees spaced evenly along the property line with the roadway, and a minimum of three evergreens on each individual lot abutting Akron or Connemara. There is not as much space for berming than in the neighborhoods to the south. Part of the reason for this is the installation of ponding and drainage swales in the northern and eastern portions of the site. Any fencing constructed on lots will need to be located with the landscaping outside of the fence and between the fence and Akron Avenue or Connemara Trail. Trees installed on the individual lots will include one tree for each interior lot and two trees for each corner lot, or 217 trees for the entire subdivision. The trees will be installed after the lots are developed and final grade has been established. Trees will be required to be installed in locations that do not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. The applicant is not proposing to use a homeowners association so all the landscaping would be installed on private property and the individual homeowners would be responsible for their landscaping. th The Parks and Recreation Director reviewed the Prestwick Place 13 Addition Plans and finds that no additional land is necessary for the neighborhood park. In this case, land has previously been dedicated for Ailesbury Park within Prestwick Place, and staff is recommending that the developer pay cash in lieu of land ded amount is documented on the attached memorandum from the Parks Director, which totals $649,400 for the entire project payable upon final platting. Staff is recomme memorandum as a condition of approval. The City Engineer has provided a review memorandum for the subdivision, and the majority of the comments pertain to modifications needed to bring the public improvement and grading plans into conformance with City requirements. There are several locations throughout the project area where additional or expanded easements will be necessary to cover the planned infrastructure (including storm water catch basins and storm water pipes). In general the planned streets and sewer and water infrastructure have been found to meet City requirements or will require minor modifications to bring them into conformance. One of the more significant comments from the City Engineer concerns the planned phasing and construction of the storm water system. The applicant will need to identify an interim strategy for construction of these improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Compliance with the City Engin . th The applicant has submitted a 41 lot final plat named Prestwick Place 13 Addition. The final plat includes the construction of an extension of Abercorn Avenue, the western portion of Ashbrook Path, a short segment of Ashfield Avenue, and the connecting streets of Ashford Path, Ashdale Avenue, and Abbyfield Avenue. The final plat represents the first phase of eight total phases for the project, with future projects extending eastward before working back towards the western half of the site. As noted above, the final plat and subsequent phases have been planned in a manner to avoid the need for temporary turn-around areas at the end of future street connections. The final plat is consistent with the 7 preliminary plat and staff recommends approval of the final plat following the Planning Commission recommendation of approval of the preliminary plat and PUD. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Preliminary Plat, Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan with Rezoning from AGP Agricultural Preserve to R1 Low Density Residential and Final Plat with the conditions listed. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandums. 8 SITE 4 . 5 6 1 4 . 9 8 1 . 6 6 1 0 . 4 1 1 7 . 4 1 2 . 7 . 61 2 1 2 1 5 . 1 0 1 E 6 U 8 .. 6 N 8 0 E V 6 A 32 .N 3 7 8 O 1. 07 .R .6 5 K O 7 2 A 2 N 1. 4 D 3 0 .A 5 9 6 O R 17 . Y 5 T 2 0 ..N 65 6 U 7 1 O 6L41 B10 C L42 B1. 1 00 . 18,114 SF 5 13,832 SF66 31 . 0 L43 B1 1 . L40 B1 1 0 0. 45 11,835 SF6 6 27,556 SF L44 B11 0 4. 8 5. 2 . 0 4310,855 SF . 845 5. 68 L39 B19 .8 6 1 1 0 4 L45 B1 .. 45,691 SF8 5 0 8 . 710,400 SF 6 6 1 5 0. L46 B13 . 40 .1 0 80 . L38 B1 510,400 SF 56 6 L47 B1 1 0 47,992 SF 0 . 3.901 610,400 SF0 0 . 5 6 8861 .. .L48 B1 476 61 812 . 11 . 3 8 9 H .10,400 SF4 1 52 T 0. 5. A 5 3 166 .P 9 L49 B1 16 5 . 0 0 D 8 .1 14 5 R L37 B16 11,963 SF O 0 . F 5 6 H 35,259 SF 4 2 S 9 .. 0. .A 3 . 5 8585 65 1 . L50 B1 L4 B99 52 96 .1 1 4 9,876 SF 314,083 SF 4 0 . 15 06 . L3 B9 4 . 50 L5 B93 8 .2. 1..9,691 SF5 4 88 602 24. 19,043 SF 4155 06 L36 B13 .0 . 1 175 8. 0 0L6 B9. 26,154 SF 4 L51 B1 42 5. 7 7 824 .9,100 SF1 . 804 5 3.18,775 SF 60. 8 3 .5 4 0. L7 B9 6 8 14 . 1 15 7 9,100 SF1 3 L2 B900 .. 1. 2 5 9 .6 3 0 0 43.9,382 SFL8 B9. 7 11 3 .4 1 05 3. 9,100 SF13 856. 506 6.2 . .54 L35 B1L52 B1 6 52 6 9L9 B93 8.9423. 22,255 SF023,704 SF . 6 5 18 69,075 SF 0 7. 5 . 65 0 0 . L10 B9 0 24. L18 B9 52 T 0..T 6 59 1. 8,969 SF 13,309 SF3 900 21 .5 E S T L1 B97 0 7 2 .5 L17 B9.1E .4 80 S 4 .59 9,404 SF1 511,814 SF 0.4 8.95 57 3.2..5 R 466 E 71 70 . 36 40 1 6 L34 B12 T .052L16 B94 75 1 5. .4 W 9,100 SF1 8 17,355 SF0. 1 S 0 . 8 . 6 4 0L53 B1 49 5 L15 B940 . 25,989 SF L11 B91 09,100 SF1 00 0 .. 5 060 6 14,681 SF .0 1 5 L14 B9 94 .0 E. 0 4 9,100 SF11 .6 U 98 0. .8 N 52 9 631 8.4 E 4 6. 51 .2 6L33 B16 V 3 11 3 A 2. 8.251 5 L13 B9 D L12 B9 17,370 SF 0 . L 9,764 SF 55 . E 6 8 I 10,489 SF6 2 F.0 4 Y 336 E. 0 .8 B 53 6 B 0 .A 8 .7 06.4.511 56 7 0 E .60 .U 47 N 26 5. E . V 6L32 B14 A 20 7.45 6 3.D 41 L L1 B80 16,492 SF1.7 E I 7 18 F 6 .Y E L2 B8 8 B 13,988 SF B 9 5 3..A SETBACKSFRONT - 30 FEETSIDE STREET - 20 FEETSIDE - 5 FEETREAR - 25 FEET 0 9,174 SF9 5 11 0 0 . .8 . 6 0 7L3 B8 05 0 4.. 6.7 .601 9,082 SF148 70 2 .. 54 L31 B14 66 0L1 B2 5 20 7.65L4 B811 3 34 17,131 SF.. .9 84 1 9,380 SF1 5312,466 SF 7 .0 59 . 870 ..1 .L2 B2 300 6 3L5 B81 6 5 4 18 29,380 SF0 0112,579 SF .. 0. 27 .1 .6 85 6.L7 B8 8 9 18L6 B8 04 7 74 .L15 B83. 6 4 1 99 8. 911,096 SF 0 .10,540 SF L30 B110,819 SF 7 66 741 5201. 7.8. 17,781 SF0 51 0.07 .3 136 1 3 .. 9 5 8 3 .1 8 . 970 6. .. 3 0 37 94 6.2 4 . . 68 .3 26 05 64.5 ..093 69 .L8 B8 0 5 5 7 L29 B1L3 B2 0 1 6L13 B8 9,542 SF 84 62 2.0 16,871 SF L14 B81 10,112 SF 10,962 SF0. 33 881 . .7 0 1 12,536 SF 9 L12 B8 3 7 9,962 SF 1. 0 7 0. . 2 . 7 T 9 767 L11 B83 0. .3 6 9,916 SF10 S 1 . 7 L28 B1 0 8 0 6L4 B2 E 626 7.03 17,457 SF E L10 B80 9,459 SF 1 U. 9,554 SF 1 . N 1 W 3 4 E L9 B81 V 1 A 6.24 3 . 814,252 SF 0 1 D 1 4 T 0 L. . . E I 02 E 5 F 5 09 H .4 6.S 75 E 4 A 5. L27 B1 9 6.0 625 R 1.0. 7 16,930 SF50L5 B2 3 T 8 64. 69,111 SF .83 . 1 7 76 L4 B78 S . 0 . 6 0 7 .7 0 2 12,295 SF 6 4 6 6 T 2. 5 531 0.4 0 . .S 32 .1 95 .5 L26 B1 H 2 .1 1 L5 B75 6 80 8 L6 B2 52. 3.8 T4 17,888 SF 20 9,866 SF3 .5 4 99,307 SF 1. 7.9 1 8 A 563 .1 . 4 617 05 L3 B7. P 8 . 4 L6 B7 1 3 7 1 8,775 SF 6 5 06 .9,882 SF 72.59 ACRES 1912.63 Lots / Ac . 1 .531 H 03 7 D L7 B7 0 5 .L8 B7 .61 6 T 2. 7 R 9,904 SF L25 B1 7 610,673 SF A 6 .16 .0 523L7 B2 4.654 17,244 SF02. O 7 1 .. 5 P 0. . 87 03 9,275 SF 592 1 F 8 32 . 6. 2 L2 B7 6 3 0 H. K 4 4 66 9,920 SF3 6 . 0. 3 S .7 O 7.9418 57 0. A 053 . 6. .O 6 L9 B7 5 L24 B14 85 4 . 6 42 R 8,471 SF 5236 6.4L8 B2 1 16,608 SF 1 94 .8 5 .B 39,211 SF. 1 2 648 2 .. . H 81 763 5 . L13 B76 9 S 8 6 L1 B7 9 0 3. . 10,736 SF A 1 3 9 03.6512,358 SF 42 L12 B7 .7 6.2. 1 7L10 B7 9,967 SF1. 7 9. 5 8 L23 B18,970 SF 339 . 6 316 6 L9 B2 526 6.2 17,499 SF8 . 50 5.449,436 SF 4 .1 3.. 0 1 46 18 0 . 3 . 6 64 7 5 5 E U 0 0 . N 6 5 03.60.6 8 E L11 B7 777 .. . L22 B16 V 23 6.4. 1 04 A 1 12,109 SF 52 8.041 9 6L10 B2 .7 16,864 SF1.2 34 E 95 .9,927 SF 1 L A 7 2 . D 6 0 8 4 H . S 18 A . 60 . 5 9 06 .60 . 0 5 5 THE RECORDED PLAT ON FILE IN DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA.EXISTING ZONING: PUDPROPOSED ZONING: PUDOUTLOT C, SECOND ADDITIONTOTAL NO. OF LOTS L21 B1 EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION:OUTLOT C, PRESTWICK PLACE 2ND ADDITION, ACCORDING TOPID NO. 34-58601-00-030PRESTWICK PLACEPROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY: 13.34 ACRESNET DENSITY (OUTLOT C) 6 6L1 B6 20L11 B2 528 8.2. .9 16,335 SF17 81 .511,760 SF 14,743 SF 7 8 6 50 L2 B6 . . 5 5 9,650 SF 3 5 4 881 .4.7 . 03 2.0 7 . . 7L3 B60 4 0 .3 4 01 4 3 L20 B1 69,154 SF 7 13 L12 B2 . 852 0. 17,925 SF 1 1 . 410,619 SF 7 .7 L4 B6 8 0 065 66 210,724 SF .1. . .9 6 58 4 L8 B6 46 8 3 L13 B2 . 0 9,217 SF .9,160 SF0 70 .. 1 6 790 1.0 . L19 B10 6 3 1.07 11 13 2 17,452 SF 3 262 8. . 0 56 40 2 00. . ..1 4 08 14 . 55.. 3 01L6 B6L15 B2 2 .55 68 1 1 L7 B64 59,218 SF7 015,008 SF L5 B6 L18 B1 1 6L14 B2 1 462 0. 11,734 SF 17,143 SF 6.2 810,219 SF15,768 SF 9 3.0. 28 372 7. 21 87.85 .. 26 41 E U 3 .40 N 2.03 E 0 0.85 V A 6 N R 1 O C . R E B 0 A 9 0 0 .66 6 E U 9 N E V A L17 B1 N 6 R O C R E 062 B 5.A 18,123 SF 8.3 7 .0 45 2.96 1 . 5 79 8215. 7.1 303 .490. 5 .3 . 7 04 . 6 1 7 7 . 8 L16 B11 .0 6. 15 . .0 2521 4.L23 B55 .8 17,208 SF5 02 8 8 0. 13 12,951 SF0 . 91 L 3 B31 1 5 4.94 41 L 1 B3 1L1 B5 1 11,007 SF 8,977 SF 3L 2 B3 .CONTACT INFORMATION: PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331LAND OWNER:PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331CONSULTANT:PROBE ENGINEERING CO., INC.BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH. NO. 952-432-3000 1000 E. 146TH STREET, SUITE 240 11,987 SF 31 0.0 5 10,055 SF 0 3 . 6. 51 8.53.4 01 8 L15 B14 6 .12 42. 9.6 0 5.0 16,174 SF6 1.5.32 14 5 .6 . 7 756 9 8.. 763 2 6 9.L 4 B36 . 371 .L22 B57 7 7 68,613 SF 80 . 060 10,472 SF 8L2 B51 ..1 47 31 531 90. 9,145 SF 0 7 . . 25 9 .2531. 0.1 L14 B1 .0 2 60 0.4 . 0 9 03 052. 1.341REVISED 141ST CT. BLOCK 3 & ADDED EASEMENTS 17,110 SF.L 14 B38 6 01 5 7 .53 E 12,489 SF 0 6 9.6L 5 B3 0 L21 B5.U L 15 B3 67 8,775 SF 7 6 PM 10,027 SF15,866 SF 1 N 6 L3 B5 .9. 22 14L 13 B3 531 .0. .74 99 E 9,045 SF 715,765 SF 3 0 H .61 .3 V . 45 . 7314 0.5 T 4 18 2 L13 B12 A 6.04 3 001 ..0 .452.. 97 A 4 50 16,917 SF 05 6 .6 64 0 P 6L 6 B3 E . 7 0 L20 B5= 9.3 78,775 SF7 6 . .D 9,412 SF. 7-15-16 7 6 I R7 6 5 6L4 B50 .1 K 385317 510.. A 3 9 9,045 SF1 .1 0 OL 2L 16 B3 .8 7 3. 1 5.5 5310412,042 SF E 30. L12 B127. O. . 69. 0L 12 B3 0 1 .952.5 5 82 D 2 16,717 SF R 5613,268 SF 78.3 51 88 68 A 0L 7 B3. .. .B 0 6 L19 B5. 88,775 SF4 7 2 4 9,520 SF7. 3 56 H 1 3 16 311 L5 B50.58 . 3.9. 3 1 S 0 94 9,045 SF . 0 3 .62 A 0 16. . . 9 5311 0. 2 L11 B14098 6 0 5..L 17 B3 62 2. 9.2671 . 15 18,036 SF13,741 SF 2 04 556 .L 8 B3 7. 3 1 H 9. 89 2069,534 SF .0 2 L18 B5 673 5 T 8. 16 9,323 SF3.85L 11 B3. 1 31.0 01.25 .7 L6 B5 71 . A 13,606 SF1 2 4 0 7 9,311 SF. 1 0 P 2 .6 9 7 2 L10 B1 . 6 5L 18 B3 59 62.5 9.335.T. 317 17,659 SF D .574 92 015,104 SF ... R 6 .0 4 3 4 R 85 6 U.2 7 78 01 5. L 9 B35 6L17 B5 1 1.O 71 O 1 9,009 SF 04 17 6.23L7 B5 .10,711 SF C .1 F 9 5 0 8 10,336 SF0 .6 H . H L9 B1 7 5 T 6L 19 B3 4 6 S 0 . 11,792 SF 17,123 SF 6 4 1 .8 92. A 54 0.2 1 1 7 .5. . 620 6.284 24 . 2 8761 74 0 .71 DATE____________ REG. NO._________ 0 6 L 10 B3 5 L16 B551 3. . T9 9,404 SF14,382 SF1 L 20 B3 46.531 1 7 L8 B59,893 SFN 3 5 0 . E .46 2 4 .. . 9312,578 SF5 3M 48 L8 B10. . 14 6E 6 00 5 1 201 2.95.S 1 26 18,012 SF 8A 010 10 . .. .E 5 9 7 L 21 B39 9 96 6 6 610,633 SF 5 . L15 B5 E 93 1. 4. .9,491 SF8 N 5.93159 6 I 0 7 .4 0L 21 .6 4E 8 7.L9 B5 L7 B10 1 5. P5 61I. 7 1 2 3.556 L 22 B3P 12,102 SF7 17,234 SF06 0 . 10,338 SF 0 BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. 6 I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED 4 .1 .. 0 .9 S 70 7 8 5 A4 6 65 1. 11G9 . 08 L14 B5 3.031. 5 1 9,041 SF T 0 L 23 B3 .67 0 Y E. 5L6 B1 10,109 SF9 L10 B5N E 46 6 0. 2 .A 2 6.15.4L 33 B3 1 10,049 SF7 R 16,473 SF. P 5 656 386,291 SF .T 15 . 1M 037 4 1. S .08 O71 5. 396 C 7 .6 L 24 B3 3L11 B5 H 7 9 .5 . 42 T 10,789 SF L 32 B3 8 110,355 SF 5 S 0. 14 411,713 SF 6 2 A1 ..4 3 2 5. . 69 6 2 1 1G 5L5 B15 3 . 302 3 L13 B5.0 6.. 531 . 9. 16 20,259 SFL 99 6L 25 B33 15,173 SF710 5A6 8 8 . . 10,560 SF0 .71 2R L 31 B3 566.2 214 51... 3 .U8 0 .310,111 SF 0 816 T 55 8 6 41 A6 5 103. L12 B52 6N3 4 0= . .4 14,222 SF. 9 7 0 6R L 26 B3 8 76 N. 6 3.2.9 10,633 SF5 6 RL 30 B3 .87 L4 B1 9,652 SF 643 T E . 1 75 R 5.H 1 0 . 26,890 SF 5T4 58 U 9 . 2 5 5 .R0.3 O. 09 .68 4 62 O C 1 9 7 18 .. N6 73 1.T 48 1 2 85 5 S . 0 1 1L 29 B3 1 7 67 L 27 B33 4 4 .10,242 SF. .5 25 1. 14,691 SF 0 3 404 4 .9 1. 5361. L3 B12. 112 8 052 .0 ..2 8 571 6 409L 35 B3 1 17,813 SF71 111,382 SF L 34 B3 14,839 SF 0 3L 28 B3 . 6 2 L 4 1 I 18,435 SFL 36 B3 4 2 .9,627 SF L2 B1 1. . 7 1 A 97 7. 10. 0 4035 672 2 15,437 SF 11 R . 8. 1 9 2 3 0.T 46 79 .1 . 02 5 .5 9. 60 L1 B11 3 1 3 4 A 1 1 13,384 SF 2 R . E 3 0 U .A N 1L 37 B3 1 0 .0 E. 00 5. V 9012,510 SF. 01 48. AM 5 35 14 1 L 38 B3 Y 8 9,386 SF12 RE . U B 5 0 .N S 0 3 8 E 7L 39 B3 . L 7 I 1 2 L1 B4 14,716 SF N A 05 9 8 .. 07 4 60 O 26,703 SF 40 . 0 18 C 5 . T 0 6 .0 71 . 0 L2 B4 08 E 9 1 . 40 .0 0 80 E 1 11,200 SF6 0 .2 5 . R L3 B40 4 3 4 T 0 . 1 05 . 811,200 SF 5 4 S 0 . L4 B4 0 0 H 45 .. 04 81 11,200 SF11 T 0 . 0 L5 B40 E 4 04 U . 0 N 81 6 11,200 SF E 1. Y V 04 RA . U L6 B44 B 06 . 1 S 0 8 E 8 L 11,209 SF I A 0 .L7 B4 0 E 8 U N 16,725 SF E V A N 2 . R 7 1 U 1 B U A 6 3 2 : W O R E 3U 7 N .E 2 V O A N 1 6 .N D AO 3 0OR K R 9A 4 Y T 9 N L U O C L W O O 11 -- W N WW 12O 1 O H 1BB- 44 - W F F3 W 0 B 4 BO 41 F - F O W 1 4 - B 4 WO 1 9 F - B 3 W 5 F B 4O 1 - F 0 0 0+W 0 +56 O4 133 B -O 41 W 4- 84F . 0 .53 25 5W B99 7 3 1 5 .B F04 0 30 5+1 0 96F +:3- 7 v 33 .e l 6 3EW 028 8 5+9 . .5 2 3 1 54D : 9 OP1 15 H 9- -0 0 W+ 9 77 H 3 T B4 DW 3 A 2 1 P. F 1 9 5 W D 91 - R- 0 4 0D O 0 +W 9 F 0 8 0 9BW -H 3 0 +5D -S 6 5F 25D A 0 . 2 3. O 39 10 4 7 9 6 - 5. P W9 0 6 3 0 9 +1 O B6-9DW 39 -9 3 3 R F 9 8W W1 2 D -. 9 7 'L 45D 9B 7D 9 5 - . F L 0 2 T W FB 8-9 S W N O 1 P 0 E -090 1 H 0 W0- 5-O 5FB .+ +6 9W R 2 W B P 0 393 1 . 4 D F4 O 5D 95 3 ' - 94 R 1 W T 9 0 D 9 ' BD 91 E - -5 F. W 8 E 1 1 1 D 1 9 34 R - 1. 3 -W .4 7 T W 4 44 D 19 P 79 -1 S 3D O W9+:- 0 6 - v3 B0W R 03 0 D 01e 45 1 5l D T F .+ 95D 0. : ' -1E 41 +8 1 S 9WP 94 14.44 5 044 0 .L 1 1 59 D 3991 9 E4 1 8 0+U- 0 - 0 0 N1 W + 7 W E 4 3 9 V 9 7D A 1- 6 3D. - 2 5W 5W 09 D 2 3 L 2 0 E D 1 .I D .1 0 F 06 8+0 0 Y 82 6. 05 .29 E 74 449 59.7 B 9 9 B +95+ . 3 A :5 9410 90 0+ v0+00 1 2094 1 e50 - :0 l.00 + 2 W5 . 2P+8B E8 9 34 L94-0 3D0 F.29 . 4 3 2950 E 1 85 90 U 9 0: -N 7v+ .E FBel 2 2 V E 80 2 A +0 4+ :4 D 20 L P1. 8B95 H E I -F F Y E 5 O3 B 1 B 007 -3+ 0 A .2 W80- 10FB W - + 5 B1 3 4D7 9 2 FB 1 - 0F 8 0 W2 5 - 0. 5D +9 8B 84 - 29 F 6 O 8 1 8B -- - F W 5 0 FB7 B 31 SETBACKSSIDE STREET - 20 FEETSIDE - 5 FEET FRONT - 30 FEETREAR - 25 FEETLOWEST ALLOWABLE FLOOR ELEV = 1 FT ABOVE HWLOF ADJACENT PONDLOWEST ALLOWABLE OPENING ELEV = 3 FT ABOVE HWL OF ADJACENT POND AND 1 FT ABOVE AN EOF F 0 0 1 0. +2 65 19 0 O0 1 82 58 -0.-- B- FB WFB +0 9 43 88 F 75 B- 21 29 F3 DW 1 8 - W 2 D 1 0 O4 18 -0 -4 .2B W W+ 81 - 1593 T 39. 5F D8 B1 254 1 7- 0 S F.9 3W 25 020 9 5 000+ 1 01 E D .1 .0.8 0W 10- 0+1 + 4 5 0659D W 91 +2 92 . 4 6: 65 O 9 1 v 2 T - 3E e :U 0 Wl2 0 7 N+W 9E 3- E PE B3 22 V 6. 3.65D 5 H A 5 F 9 E 5:0 9 v e9 D 7l 0 O 6E L. 67 9 R E+. 7 I+ B00 : F 0 T+P -44 2H H 3 F T 2. S 615 45 A 9 7 9 S . 0 O0 0 1 0 + 5 7-01 0 .5 . 5 2 W5 T + 609W 3- 7 5 B5W 2- 6D S 9 2 90 F0 H D 5+ 0 1 T 7B N 7 4 - W - F A 3 1 E 6D 0 74 P E W0 - O 1 O 1+. D 7 -2 36 W W W7- 515 D W -B 7 B9 T 2 D 8F R F 0 0 E 5 0 O. FB B + 9 2-7 F 4 4 2 9 N O H O 1 72 - OS WW - - I W 4 B 9D8 A 0 B T 26F 2 0 3 F21 +.. A 2 . 277 7 7 - 7158 R FB 5 - 9+ 1B 9 T 1 3 F H : 1 O 0 L 17 v 0 T: I- 57 1e 02 .l W --WP 0- + F 8 A E W 2H 3DB 3FB9 41 P 2D21F N 9 I K 30.949 90 9 . 0 05 092 O 0 04 07 + .O .. +4 00-2 1 O 06 580 +W- 3 11 15W 324 0 -R D9 61 3+9 B 9 . W1 2 92:2 B 5 :F v9 2D2 E 69 e M:0 U 05 H l. 0 04 N+ 05 TP. 2 E E 59 S : +7 8. BL V v 3e l 2 A 8 4 E A + 5 0 2O 95 E.:2 4P L 5- H 9 A W 11 D 0 0 - B H 0 +051 B 6 W S 1 1 +5F - A F. 20 D 14 1 2 5 9 . 6B3 9 5 - 9 F 2 0 O 0 2 + 0- 0 6 W 0 W2 0- 1. 0B 1 D -3 9 + F W 04 1 9 2 2D 6 W - 0 408 D 6 + . 9 22 5- 6BW 9 3 - OF 1D 1 8 AROUND ALL PROPOSED BUILDINGS. SWALES SHALL BEWORK.WITH THE NPDES PERMIT. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO -CONSTRUCTED AT A MINIMUM OF 2% GRADE.PREVENT OFFSITE TRACKING OF DEBRIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THECITY OF ROSEMOUNT. ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BEINSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AT EACH CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE.800-252-1166, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATIONDEWATERING OPERATIONS. W 9 B 1 0 F 0 4. STOCKPILES SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH SILT FENCE. 2. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ADJACENT STREETS FREE OF DEBRIS AND3. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT5. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ANY PERMITS NECESSARY FOR THE6. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES COMPLY7. DRIVEWAY GRADES SHALL BE BETWEEN 3% AND 10% 0 1. POSITIVE DRAINAGE AT 2% OR GREATER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTED 0. +0 05 2 292 - 1 0 - W 6BB 84 0 O-6B.5 FF 1D -+1 0 -7F6B 1 8 W6-5 F 8 9 5 B 1 F 49 . 1 5 9 :v e l E 4 1 . 0 1 + 5 : P H O 0 17 34. 94 .9 1 A -5 B 9 E R W 749 C 27. 71 O .2 R 946 2.949 N 19+0047.34 B951.0005 90 A 0 V 10+ 000 E +0 N 5 U F.E 0 00+2 90 +0 ++31 E 000 U 0+ 4 N 4 E V 7 A N R 9 O C R E B A O 1 1 -2 8 W 0 . 6 . B8 0 1 5 004 F-6 3 00W 9 W .+- 3 +:3 W 26D W1 2D- B v 85 5: -3-3D e 1F42D l 9 P 0 12 LE. 0 O 9 1+ -4 6 W 9 5 B E 1 5 F - U 1 22W 6 1 . 2DW4-3 N .D 2 3 5 E 1 0 0 O9FB 6 1+ .2-5 V 0 : - 7 2 v+ W 41 A 5 e7 l B : 19 143 FE P0- 2 O . 50 E 4 H -0 +3 DW W1 5 W-D 15 9O I B 53 2D REVISED 141ST CT. BLOCK 3 & ADDED EASEMENTS - F FB A W 3-535 O - 1 L B 1 -W 3 F W E 3 DPM 1 H B 1 1 D F T O 0 9 5 . A 0 - 3 A 10 5W + W- 0 50 1 6 .B P.6 92D5 1 0 13 W9F - 0O 0 50 93 .? 4D 0 - 9 ++ O1? K 1+ W 3:06 5? - 4 7-15-16 v06B W31 9:1 O 2 - e07 F l P. B W 1+ O2 7 O E1 FH 0 D 1 4 53 1 W - -9 R W B 97 5 B DF 1 3 - 0 O8 H 5DW 1. 0O 3 - 0 + - W S 15W 5 7 B 9 11 A 3B 1 F 0O 0 F . 3 0 3- 0 W 5+ - W 5 -1 3 B 0 8 W9 D6 851 0 WF -7 D+. 1 H 6D9 6 4 OO T 3 1 9 -- WW A 8 0 B B 4 11 P 0 F 7F 0 . 3 W +95- - 44 D 9D 7 W 197 0 0 0.0 R D 15 + 8 0 -6 8 OO 47 +3 T. O 7DW 95- 2 1 4W W R -F 9 9 B 6 B U 9 1 H FF O 3 3 - S C 9 P W 50 -O A D 1O W3 H 5 R 0 6 - O 5W 0 -0 T D D 1W 6 + 00 '06 .8D 0 T 7 7 5 1B +.2 8.4 . DATE____________ REG. NO._________ 04 36F 4 0 10 1 4 7 04. W 11 -99 .00 9 0 0. + 8D 4 7+ 1 3 64 :9-T 3 5 : P 31 N v L 9 - e E 5 l 2DW 6 W. E 50 M 0 2 D N 1 E 0 + 1 6 0 S 9 4 1.3 E W1 4 A -5 . 3 4 -E 9 4 -L 7DFB E 9 4 0 79 0W 092 5 L 0+ .2D W W 0 E +P 7 N 2 I T 4 O W 5 N L 1 9- R 5 E E W -0 H 4 D 3 P 0 I - BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. '0I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED D 1FB+ B B P 6 5 5 3 1.17 T .F W -0 42 E 4 N D 6 9 S E A O R 5 G I - T 3 P T 1- S FB O B3 5 4 -1- Y R F A 8 0 W 0W H 2 N 3 3 4 D 00 . 'A D T+ R 13D +6 6 5 43 P 1 .0 7 - W1. 4 T- 1 4 5 M 1W 92 4 5D 1 L 3 9 O 3D - I B C 5 F F 23 0 4 - + N 4 S W I 1 0 A 0 8+ 40 3D 0 0 G. 00 . 4 63 9 50 5 0 2-6 - 6 .. +2B 2 0 9 .4 66 3+L 9 12 3 FB64F W. -33 2 A 19 054:-0 T L 0 4D0:R 49 P+I v0 R 3 +9 U FB He l1 0 T 3 U 3 A . 1E 2 A O 4 9 N R 6 C 38 . 3 3 3 T 4 P T 9- 91: 1B :8v 3.S O.e3 2l7 N 4 3E 4F -1 M9+ 1 R R 8B 2 :4 0 A TW -P E 9 D 0 LF 0 1 B '00 D H+ 3+627 9 R 5 02 T 9 .7 . 3 +. R 0 73 -A 9 .4 24 3 O W 49 45 9 N 9 M 3D 03 0 +- E 8 P 4 4FB 3 9 O 3 N .3 14- 4- W -R 9 8 W N 6 D FB 2D 0 '02 0 3D + 1 7 O 02 P 6 + 4. 9 O.1 C 55 4 09 R 4 5 0 FB9 D 7 0 . '+0 1-1 + 26 1 2 4 3 3 9 9. 6 - 4 9 W 7 0 03D + 5 3 - 7 3 . W 78 4 9 3D 3 0 30 4 +- 4 . 04 57 4 4 .W9 09 0 -: 30 .v3 22 0.e9 l.3DW D5 1015 12E E .4 ++ 9 4 U 4 + 1: 0 N P 9 0H E 0 4 -0 :V + 9 A 3 :v 2-4DW Y e P2 l R 9 . L3 0 U 4 E 9 5 B 54 S W 2 - +E .0 L 0 I 0+ 3D 12 A - 4 2 T 9 . 91 4 49 E W - 0 4D E 0 + 1 2 9. 9 R 3 9 4 W - T 0 5D0 + 0 S 4 W - E H U 6D N T E YV RA 0 W U B 4 S 7-4D E 1L I A E U N E V A N R U B U A L40 B1 E U 3 7N .E V O A N N D L41 B1 AO R O K R A Y T L39 B1 N U O C L42 B1 DENOTES PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLEDENOTES PROPOSED HYDRANTDENOTES PROPOSED CATCH BASINDENOTES EXISTING STORM MANHOLEDENOTES EXISTING CATCH BASINDENOTES EXISTING F.E.S.DENOTES EXISTING HYDRANTDENOTES EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLEDENOTES EXISTING FENCE L43 B1 L38 B1 L44 B1 L46 B1 L45 B1 L48 B1 L47 B1 L37 B1 P I D " 8 H L49 B1 T A P I P D D " 8 R L50 B1 O F H S A L3 B9 L36 B1 L51 B1 L4 B9 L6 B9L7 B9 L5 B9 T S E L2 B9 L52 B1 W L8 B9 L35 B1 T L9 B9 E E L18 B9 L10 B9 R T L1 B9 S P L17 B9 I D T " L34 B1 L16 B9 8 S 1 L53 B1 L15 B94 L11 B91 E PI D "8 U L12 B9 L14 B9 N E V A D L33 B1 L EL13 B9 I F Y E 8 PID " B B P I A D " 8 P I D " E 8 U N E V A P L32 B1 I D D L L1 B8"E I 8 F Y E L2 B8 B B A L3 B8 L31 B1 L4 B8 L5 B8 L2 B2 L1 B2 P L7 B8 I D L6 B8 L15 B8 " 8 L30 B1 P I L8 B8 L3 B2 D " L29 B1 8 L13 B8 L14 B8 L11 B8 L12 B8 T S E UL9 B8 NE L4 B2 E L28 B1 V AL10 B8 PI D " 8 W D L E I F HT S P I A E D " E 8 L5 B2 HR L27 B1 T T S AL4 B7 P P I D "T 8 S D 1 L6 B2 R 4 L5 B7 L26 B1 1 O F L3 B7 H L6 B7 S H L8 B7 T AL7 B7 L7 B2 A L25 B1 P L2 B7 K O O L9 B7 L8 B2 R L24 B1 P B I D H " 8 L13 B7S L1 B7 A L10 B7 L12 B7L9 B2 L23 B1 E D "8 U PI N E V A L11 B7 E L10 B2 L A L22 B1 D H S A P I D " 8 L11 B2 L21 B1 L2 B6 L1 B6 P I D L3 B6L12 B2 " L20 B1 8 L4 B6 L8 B6 L15 B2 L13 B2 L19 B1 L6 B6 P I D L7 B6 " 8 L5 B6 L14 B2 L18 B1 IP D 8"E U PI D N "8 E V A N 8 D "R PI O C ER UE N EB L17 B1VA A N R O C R E B A L16 B1 L23 B5 L3 B3 L1 B5L1 B3 L2 B3 E U L15 B1 N E L4 B3 V L22 B5 A L2 B5 E D L14 B1 L14 B3I P A I L15 B3 REVISED 141ST CT. BLOCK 3 & ADDED EASEMENTS L5 B3 D L L21 B5 " E 8 L13 B3 L3 B5 PM D H A T A L13 B1 P L6 B3 L20 B5 K L4 B5 7-15-16 L16 B3 O 1 O L12 B3 L12 B1 R P B L7 B3 I D H L19 B5" 8 L5 B5S A L11 B1 L17 B3 HL8 B3 T L11 B3 P L18 B5 I AL6 B5 D P " 8 L10 B1 D R L18 B3 L9 B3 O L17 B5 F T L7 B5 R H U S L9 B1 O L10 B3 A C L19 B3 H T 0 L16 B5 DATE____________ REG. NO._________ 4 1 L20 B3 L8 B5 L8 B1 P I D T " N 8 E M E L21 B3 L15 B5 S A L9 B5 E L7 B1 E N I L22 B3 L E BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED P T L10 B5 I L14 B5E P L33 B3 E P I R S D L6 B1T" L23 B3 A 8 S G L11 B5H Y T N 0 A L32 B3 4 P 1 M L24 B3 O C L13 B5 L5 B1 S L12 B5 P L31 B3 I A L25 B3 D G " 8 L L A I R A U L26 B3 L30 B3 T R A N T L4 B1 N T A R R E R U L29 B3 H O A T C R L27 B3 M T O SL35 B3 N E 1 4 N 1 L34 B3 N L3 B1 L28 B3 P O I D "L36 B3 8 C L2 B1 L1 B1 P I D " 8 E P I U N D L37 B3 E " V 2 A L39 B3 1 YL38 B3 R U B S E L I A L1 B4 T E L2 B4 P I D E" 8 R L3 B4 T P I D S " PI D 8 " 2 1 L4 B4 H T 0 E L5 B4 U 4 N E 1 Y V R A U B L6 B4 S L7 B4E L I P IP DI A " 8 D " 2 E 1 U N E V A N R U B U A 0 3 1 E U N E V A N 3 7 O .R K O A N D A O R Y T N U O C 5 1 1 R E P T 1 N 3 E 2 M 6 E5 6 S . A O E N T . E C E O R D T S T F T T 5 E S T 1E S 4 R E 1 T W S E U N E V A D L E I F Y E B B A T C T S O E L T W U E O T F C O E L E L AN C A R R T L E O S V I P O T T T I N S E 1 T K M D 4 E 1 S O C A D I E L Y 72.59 ACRES A T I T W L I T T U DU & S N E O G 2 A E N I A R R D P THE RECORDED PLAT ON FILE IN DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA.EXISTING ZONING: PUDPROPOSED ZONING: PUDOUTLOT C, 2ND ADDITION EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION:OUTLOT C, PRESTWICK PLACE 2ND ADDITION, ACCORDING TOPID NO. 34-58601-00-030PRESTWICK PLACE E U 0 N E V A 6 N R O C R E B A CONTACT INFORMATION: PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331LAND OWNER:PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331CONSULTANT:PROBE ENGINEERING CO., INC.BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH. NO. 952-432-3000 1000 E. 146TH STREET, SUITE 240 E U N E V A E D I A L E D A DATE____________ REG. NO._________ T N E M E S A E 5 9 E N I L E P I P BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED S A G Y N A P M O C S A G L A R U T A N N R E H T R O N L I A R T A R A M E N N 5 9 0 6 O C T E E R T S H T 0 E 4U N E 1 Y V RA U B S E L I A E U N E V A N R U B U A 1 B 9 3 L 1 1 B B 8 30 41 L L BE U N E 1 V A 4 N 3 L7 O .R K O 1 A N BD A O 1R 2 Y 4T B N LU 3O 1 C 4 B L 1 14 4 B B L 1 5 7 34B L L 1 6 4 B S L 1 7 T 4B L O 1 8 0 L 6 B 4 L 1 91 3 H4 B T 1 A L P 1 0 B D 9 R 5B O 6B F L H 1 3S 9 A 4 5 L9 BL L B 3 59 L L B 9 6 1 LB 9 B B9 7 1 2 L B 2 B 5 L9 8 L 5 LB 3 9 9 9 L B B L 0 9 9 8 1 B B1 T LT L 1 9 7 1 E S T B 11 LB 1E S L B 44 9 6 R E 9 0 3 6 1 1 B3 T B L L5W 9 S 5 L 1 1B 1 L 0 1 4 L 6 9 9 E B1 U B N B L E 3V A 3 2 3 D 1 LPHASING IS SUBJECT TO REVISION 1 L E I L F L Y E 0 B 1 B 6 A B 8 2 E U 3N B 8 E V LA B 1D L E I F L 2Y 8 E B 1B L A B B 2 8 3 1B LB 3 2 1 8 6 4 L 0 S L B L B T 88 2 8 5 0 6 1 O BBL L B L B 57 6 1L 0 9 L L 3 1 L 1 8 8 2 B 8 B B B 9B 8 3 8 3 2 41L LBL 1L 2 L8 1 1B L B 18 2 T 1 8 BB L S 28 0 0 4 L E EB 6 1 L U N L E 9 W V A L 1 D L BET I F H2 E 7S A B 2E 7 L 5R B L T 4 S 1 L B 0 7 2 6 T B 6 B S 2 5 1 76 L L7 4 HL B B 1 T 3 7 17 6 A L B L B B P 72.59 ACRES 1932.65 Lots / Ac 2 7 5 8H S B L 2L T D 7 T L 7 A RB L O P O2 L 1 L F7 K B 7 HB2 O 4 1 SB 9 2O 7 L A 8 L R B L 7 B 7 B3 7 H 1B 1 B 1 LS B 2 L 2 0 A 1 3 1B L 2 L 9 L L 7 0 1 6 B 2 B E U 1B N 2 0 E 1 6 2V0 A L L1 E L L A D H 1 S 2 A B 6 B B 1 1 0 2 16THE RECORDED PLAT ON FILE IN DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA.EXISTING ZONING: PUDPROPOSED ZONING: PUDOUTLOT C, SECOND ADDITIONTOTAL NO. OF LOTS EXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION:OUTLOT C, PRESTWICK PLACE 2ND ADDITION, ACCORDING TOPID NO. 34-58601-00-030PRESTWICK PLACEPROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY: 13.36 ACRESNET DENSITY (OUTLOT C) 6 1 L L B L 2 16 L 2 BB B 03 6 2 2L 1 B L S L 42 6 T L B B 0 1 6 O 3 8 B L 1 L 9 L 1 1 4 L 2 6 B 1 0 6 62 B 6 B 5 BB B 6 1 8 74 L L 5 1 1 L L L L E U 0 N E 1V A 6 N R EO UC BN ER V AE B N 0 A R O C 0 R E B 7A 6 6 1 L 1 5 B B 6 3 1 3 3 B L25 3 B L B 3 B 1 L 1 1 2L L B L CONTACT INFORMATION: PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331LAND OWNER:PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331CONSULTANT:PROBE ENGINEERING CO., INC.BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH. NO. 952-432-3000 1000 E. 146TH STREET, SUITE 240 5 5 13 BH L B 5 T 2 4 B A 2 L 1 L P 2 3 B L B 4 K 3 5 3 14 REVISED PHASE 1 BB O B L1 3 REVISED 141ST CT. BLOCK 3 & ADDED EASEMENTS 5 L5 1 OB 5E B1 2 L RU 3 L L 1 PM 3 CO 1 BN B L L E H 35 3 V S 1 B B A A L 5 0 6 3 E 2 BL B 1 LD 6-6-16 3 7-15-16 I 4 B 6 B L A 1 2 1 2 L 2 3 5 L 1 E 1 BB L L D 7 9 S A 5 1L T B 1L3 O B 5B L L 13 7 5 1 S 1 B3 2 B LL T B 2 8 5 8 L 1 O HB 06 1 1 1 L 3 T L 6 L B B AL 6 0 P8 1 15 31 L B L DB 5 7 RB9 1 3 1L OL7 B S B L F T T 9 9R H 1 3 L O U 5 L S 3 B O L B A CB 50 0 8 6 6 1 0 B DATE____________ REG. NO._________ H 1 2 1 L T2 L T 8 0 BL N 4 L 3 E 1 8 M B L5 E S 1 B A 3 2 E 5 B 5 9 L 15 1 33 E L B N B3 B I L L 9 7 E 2 P LL I 2 5 P 06 L 3 BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. B I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED B S 5 14 A B3 G 1 T B 2 LE 0 6L E Y 1 N L3 R 5L A T 3 B P B S M B 4 1 O H 22 C 1 T 5 1 L3 L0 3 BL B4 S 1B A 3 3 5 G B 5 1 L L2 1 L 5 L A 3 B R 3L U 2 T B3 A 1T 0 B 6N R 16 L U 2O B 0 C L N 3 T 4 R S L 1 E L 4 3 1 H T B 3 R B O 9 N 3 2 7 1B L 0 2 6 B 3 5 L 3 B 3 3 L L 3 4 B B3 S L 18 I L 6 2 0 T B A 3 6 L O 2 LR L L T 1 0 6 B 7 0 A 6 1 1 3 R L B A 3 7 B M 3 3 8E L E B 3 U N N 4 EL 9 V N BA 3 Y RO L 1 U B 5 L 9 SC E 4 L I A B T 2 4 E L B 0 E 6 3 R 4 L T B S 4 4 L H B T 5 0 4 E L 4U BN E 1 Y V RA 6 U B L 4 S E L I B A 7 L E U N E V A N R U B U A DATE____________ REG. NO._________ BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED EL=951.11 5+71.70 951.36 EL=950.30 17+33.44 954.2 950.75 951.93 950.3 953.2 951.42 952.50 952.3 952.7 952.10 953.07 954.0 952.1 952.77 953.64 953.6 951.3 953.44 954.21 952.9 950.7 954.12 954.79 951.8 950.3 954.79 955.36 950.7 950.1 EL=951.07 955.46 6+17.38951.24 EVCE: 955.93955.93 950.1 952.4 EVCS: 1+50.00950.1 956.14 EVCE: 951.74951.74 956.23 949.7 EVCS: 5+50.00952.9 949.8 EVCE: 956.81956.81 951.93 BVCE: 956.00956.00 EVCS: 12+50.00949.9 953.2 BVCS: 0+50.00950.1 957.22 BVCE: 951.49951.49 955.50 EL=955.50 950.2 BVCS: 4+50.00953.2 0+00.00 950.1 957.09 950.74 950.9 952.5 BVCE: 956.42956.42 949.98 BVCS: 11+00.00951.5 950.8 955.48 949.23 951.3 949.0 954.55 948.47 950.5 947.4 953.62 947.72 949.7 945.5 952.68 946.96 948.4 944.0 951.75 946.21 947.1 944.1 950.82 945.45EL=948.06 947.3 4+49.53 944.6 949.88 949.03 944.70 EL=944.70 948.5 0+00.00EVCE: 949.41 950.1 944.7 EVCS: 7+25.00 949.04 950.01 948.5 951.6 948.82 950.99 947.6 BVCE: 948.98 952.7 BVCS: 6+25.00 949.24 951.98 946.1 953.0 949.74 952.96 945.8 952.6 950.24 EVCE: 953.94953.94 947.2 EVCS: 1+50.00951.7 EVCE: 950.74950.74 954.55 EVCS: 4+50.00948.1 950.9 951.00 BVCE: 954.42954.42 946.5 BVCS: 0+50.00950.4 950.76 953.92 EL=953.92 945.1 0+00.00 950.0 BVCE: 950.03950.03 BVCS: 3+00.00945.7 949.05 948.2 948.07 950.1 947.08 950.5 946.10 949.8 945.12 947.0 EL=944.14 EL=947.79 947.76 944.14 0+00.00 10+03.40 937.6 945.2 947.26 936.3 946.76 935.3 946.26 934.6 945.76 935.2 EL=948.30 945.26 8+68.25948.60 936.8 956.8 944.76 949.41 939.1 954.6 EVCE: 944.26944.26 950.22 EVCS: 6+50.00941.9 952.3 944.01 951.04 944.1 949.7 BVCE: 944.26944.26 951.85 BVCS: 5+50.00945.2 948.6 944.76 952.67 945.0 949.0 945.26 EVCE: 953.48 953.48 944.4 EVCS: 5+50.00950.7 945.76 953.99 943.4 EVCE: 946.01 952.0 EL=940.00 EVCS: 3+75.00 946.20 4+40.15 953.90 941.6 952.2940.66 941.2 946.20 BVCE: 953.20953.20 940.3 941.49 BVCS: 4+00.00950.6 942.7 945.70 952.20 939.3 BVCE: 945.26 950.0942.31 BVCS: 2+25.00 943.9 944.76 951.20 938.7 943.14 949.8 944.9 943.75 950.20 938.3 949.5943.97 945.5 942.75 949.20 938.4 944.79 948.8 945.4 941.75 948.20 EVCE: 941.50 938.4 948.6945.62 EVCS: 0+37.50 941.03944.6 947.20 939.8 946.44 947.7 BVCE: 941.12 943.3 941.25 EL=941.25 BVCS: -0+37.50 946.20 -0+50.00 941.2 946.6947.27 EL=947.27 0+00.00 942.0 945.20 EL=945.20 0+00.00 945.3 950.50 957.9 EVCE: 950.75 EVCS: 26+75.00 950.96 955.8 951.12 953.7 950.96 951.8 BVCE: 950.75 BVCS: 25+25.00 950.50 950.6 950.00 950.7 949.50 950.6 EL=945.96 949.00 41+78.45 950.6 945.40 946.3 EVCE: 944.91 948.50 EVCS: 41+25.00 949.6 944.53 EVCE: 948.25 947.5 EVCS: 22+75.00 948.06 949.0 944.52 946.4 BVCE: 944.88 948.06 BVCS: 40+25.00 948.7 945.36 BVCE: 948.25 945.1 BVCS: 21+75.00 948.50 949.0 946.32 944.0 949.00 950.3 947.28 946.6 949.50 951.6 948.24 948.4 950.00 951.8 949.20 948.9 950.50 951.9 950.16 947.1 951.00 952.3 951.12 942.6 951.50 953.3 952.08 939.0 EVCE: 952.56 952.00 EVCS: 36+25.00 954.5 952.98 EVCE: 952.25 938.0 EVCS: 17+75.00 952.46 955.5 953.45 938.3 952.61 955.9 953.44 938.6 BVCE: 953.25 952.41 BVCS: 34+75.00 955.5 BVCE: 952.18953.00 938.8 BVCS: 16+25.00 951.91 954.7 952.50 939.8 951.37 953.3 952.00 941.8 950.83 951.9 951.50 944.5 950.28 951.0 951.00 946.7 949.74 950.9 950.50 948.1 949.20 951.1 950.00 950.9 948.65 951.3 949.50 954.4 948.11 950.5 949.00 956.8 947.57 948.7 EVCE: 948.50948.50 EVCS: 30+00.00957.5 947.02 945.0 948.25 957.3 946.48 942.3 BVCE: 948.50948.50 BVCS: 29+00.00957.6 945.94 940.4 949.00 958.7 945.39 939.4 949.50 959.3 944.85 938.7 950.00 959.2 944.31 EVCE: 944.14 938.1 950.50 EVCS: 8+85.00 957.9 EVCE: 950.75 943.89 EVCS: 26+75.00 937.8 950.96 955.8 943.97 BVCE: 944.10 938.3 951.12 BVCS: 7+85.00 953.7 944.45 938.9 950.96 951.8 BVCE: 950.75 944.94 BVCS: 25+25.00 939.2 950.50 950.6 945.44 939.0 950.00 950.7 945.94 939.8 949.50 950.6 946.44 940.3 949.00 950.6 946.93 940.7 948.50 EVCE: 947.18 949.6 EVCS: 4+75.00 EVCE: 948.25 947.37 EVCS: 22+75.00 941.4 948.06 949.0 947.37 942.0 948.06 948.7 BVCE: 948.25 946.87 BVCS: 21+75.00 942.5 948.50 BVCE: 946.43 949.0 BVCS: 3+25.00 945.93 942.6 949.00 950.3 944.93 942.2 949.50 951.6 943.92 941.9 950.00 951.8 942.92 941.8 950.50 951.9 941.92 941.4 951.00 952.3 940.92 939.6 951.50 953.3 939.92 EL=939.92 0+00.00 939.9 952.00 E U N E 2V A 1 N 63 . 7 O .R 3 0K O A N 9 . 4 D A 9S O L R E Y L T W NE 41-1 U 42-1 WO N R C T H 43-1 40-1 T O 44-1 L 39-1 L 45-1 A U I 46-1 V 38-1 I 47-1 D 0 N I 648-1 R H T 49-1 AO P 37-1 F D R ) O F H2 S 50-1 4-9 A T 6 E 3-9 7 6 .E 5-9 3 9 H 36-1 9 3 S 6-9 ( 51-1 9 L L L I W 7-9 A W N 2-9 T 8-9 H E D 35-152-1 9-9 G 9,075 SF N I 10-9 18-9 T T T 1-9 N E S T 17-9 A 1E S L 4 34-1 R E 0 16-9 P 6 1 T W T 53-1 S 15-9 O 11-9 L 0 6 14-9 D E Us R 33-1 N Ee A V 13-9 t 12-9 A o D D L E IN N F 0 Y 6 E sA B B u T A o S E U e 32-1 N E V nE A 1-8 D a L E El I 2-8 l F Y S E e B B A c 9,174 SF s 3-8 i ______________________________All overstory trees shall be planted on residential lots and not in boulevards. Maintenance and upkeep of trees after warranty periodshall be sole responsibility of the homeowner. M 31-1 9,082 SF 1-2 4-8 6 0 2-2 5-8 0 6 7-8 6-8 15-8 _ 30-1 _ 10,819 SF _ _ _ _ _ _ 8-8 _ 29-13-2 13-8 _ 9,542 SF 14-8 _ _ 12-8 _ _ SPACING O.C. _ 11-8 T _ 28-1 _ S 4-2 0_ 10-8 E 6_ E 9-8 U_ NW E _ V A _ 6 14,252 SF D T L_ 3 E I _E F 9H 27-1 S_ E A _ 5-2 OR _ TT _ 4-7 _ S 7 ._ 0 _ 7 6 T _ 3 26-1 S 5-7_ 9 6-2 H 1 _ TSIZE/ROOT4 _ N 1_ A 3-7 E 6-7 _ P E _ _ 7-7 8-7 WH D_ 25-1 T T_ R 7-2 _ A E O_ P B 2-7 _ F _ NH K _ S _ O O I _ 9-7 A 24-1 O T _ 8-2 R_ A _ B R _ H T 13-7 _ 1-7 LS_ I _ 12-7 A F 10-7 _ 23-1 _ N 9-2 I _ _ _ 0 _ 6 _ 3 _ E 3 U 11-7_ 0 9 22-1 N 6 : E_ V 10-2 M _ A T E_ B L A_ D _ H S _ A _ _ 21-1 0 1-6 11-2 _ 6 _ _ 2-6 _ _ 9,650 SF _ _ 3-6 _ 20-1 12-2 _ _ 4-6 _ _ 0 6_ 8-6 _ 13-2 _ 9,160 SF_ 19-1 _ _ _ _ 0 6 _ _ 6-6 15-2 _ 7-6 5-6 _ 18-1 14-2 COMMON/BOTANICAL NAME _ _ _ _ E U 0 N E V A _ 6 N R OKEY C _ R E B 0 A _ 0 6 _ 17-16 E U N E V A N_ R O C R E B A_ _ _ _ _ QTY. _ 16-1_______________________________ PLANT LIST: Site Plantings 23-5 3-3 1-3 1-5 2-3 15-1 4-3 22-5 2-5 14-1 14-3 5-3 E 21-515-3 U 3-5 13-3 N E H V 13-1 T A A 6-3 20-5 PE 4-5 D I K 16-3 A OL 12-1 12-3 E O D 7-3 R A 19-5 B 5-5 H S A 11-1 17-3 8-3 18-5 H 06 11-3 6-5 T A P 10-1 18-3 T D R 9-3 R 17-5 U 7-5 O O C F 9-1 19-3 H 6 H T 3 S 0 94 A 1 0 10-3 6 O 16-5 DATE____________ REG. NO._________ 20-3 T 8-5 T N 7 E .8-1 M 7 E 5 3 S A 21-3 5 96 . E 5 9 2 0 15-5 N 9 E 3 E N I 9 L L 9-5 7-1 E E L 22-3 W P I W P WN 06 T BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED H E S A 14-5 B G 23-3 T 6-1 N 10-5 Y E 33-3 N E O A I R P TT M S A 24-3O 11-5 C 32-3 H R T T S 0 A L 5-1 4 I 1 G 13-5 s F 25-3 ___ e L ___ N 31-3 A e I ___ r R t ___ U T ___ 7 12-5 A 0___ 6N 26-3___ 64 trees 17 trees247 trees 159 trees ___ 30-3 N 4-1 ___ R T___ E R H___ 3 T U 3 ___ 9R :O ___ O M C ___ N T 29-3 T B ___ 27-3 S 0 ___ 1 6 4 ___ 1 3-1 ___ 35-3 ___ ___ 34-3 ___ 28-3 ___ 0 36-3 ___ 6 L 2-1 I ___ ___ A 0 ___ 6 R ___ 0 T 6__ _ 1-1 ___ t ___ A o __ _ R 37-3 L E__ _ U A N___ y E l V 38-3 i___ AM __ _ Y mt RE __ _ U 39-3 o a B N___ S L 1-4 E F L ___ I N A 5 y 9 e__ _ l 0 l i 6 O ___ _ g ___ _ m C n i ___ _ T 2-4 a _S__ _ F E 0 ___ _ r E e 6 3-4___ _ ol i R ___ _ g r T _n__ _ e i t ___ _ S 4-4 nS ___ _ i r ___ _ r H e ___ _ a l T n 5-4___ _ r u 0 ___ _ E o g 4U ___ _ Nc e E 1 _Y___ rV 6-4 r RA _U___ r e B _S__ _ e Ep L _I__ _ p A s ____ 7-4 ee : ____ Eee s ____ U rr N tte ____ E V e ____ A 12 r N2 Trees x 32 Corner Lots = _1 Tree x 159 Regular Interior Lots = ___ R T U ___ _ B l U ____ A a ___t_ 2. 1.o ____ _Total Trees:______________________________________________________________________Akron (County Road 73) & Connemara Trail Screening:_________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________T______________________________________________________________________ LandscapeOverstory Trees:Evergreen Trees: 6 3 2 : W O R PERENNIAL PLANTING PLANTING DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING EVERGREEN TREE SHRUB PLANTING DATE____________ REG. NO._________ BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED YARD TREES WILL BE PLANTED BY DEVELOPER AFTER CONSTRUCTION ON LOT ISACTUAL LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD AND SITE CONDITIONS. TREE SPECIES WILL BE SELECTED BY DEVELOPER FROM APPROVED SPECIES LIST (SEETREES INSTALLED ON FRONTS OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS SHALL BE PLANTED IN A LOCATION NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN 1. COMPLETE. TIMING OF INSTALLATION WILL BE DEPENDENT UPON SEASON AND PLANT AVAILABILITY. COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA. SHEET 1). THAT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH CURBSTOPS OR INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER CONNECTIONS. NOTES: 5 130130115 115 5 " 3 2 ' 0 7 0 3 1 0 1 0 . 4 0 = 8 2 01 =4 00 0. .7 . 5R3 6 6 00 02 1 3 STREET EASEMENT PER DOC. NO. 656231 4 T 1 5 . E 9 9S 1 N 1 I 2 8 .8 4 0 2 = R OUTLOT B 8 2 . 9 7 R 1 O 3 1 1 F . 5 3 2 4 9 . 1 3 4 5 75.53 3 1 S T 4 0 5 E 0 . 3 E 0 3 H 1 S 6 4 9 . 1 6 7 2 1 8 .36 4 8 0 2 3 . 2 9 41.461 3 F 6 1 O 0 . 4 3 4 5 10 1 6 5 " 1 3 ' 1 7 3 3 2 . 10 4 =0 . 60 11 3 2 3 1 = 12 R 7 . 2 7 4 5 . 12 2 1 15 T 4 6 .E 13 2 5 2 2 E 13 4 H 6 0 S 6 6 5 8 14 5 6 4 E 1 7 E 8 7 S 6 . 2 8 3 8 1 1 99 1 . 016 3 . .3 41 1 96 1 4.5 7 2.5 986 1 6" . 4 55 = 3WILL BE SET AND SHALL BE IN PLACE WITHIN ONE YEAROF THE FILING OF THE PLAT. SAID MONUMENTS SHALL BE .R0NO MONUMENT SYMBOL SHOWN AT ANY STATUTEREQUIRED LOCATION, INDICATES A PLAT MONUMENT1/2 INCH BY 14 INCH IRON MONUMENTS MARKED BYLICENSE NUMBER 19086. 5' 3THE EAST LINE OF OUTLOT C, PRESTWICK PLACE 2NDDENOTES 1/2" BY 14" IRON MONUMENTSET MARKED BY LICENSE NUMBER 19086,UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN.DENOTES 1/2" IRON MONUMENT FOUND,UNLESS OTHERWISE SHOWN.CONTIGUOUS PLAT ORDINANCE 0DENOTES RESTRICTED ACCESS PER DAKOTA COUNTY 8 3 37 21 .1 9= 6 5 1= " 2 R2 ' 3 2 8 9= 0 4 5 . . 0 6 0 2 59 5 Y N. 0 0 . A5 C 2 P O MD O R C E 3 SP 8 A0 T 1 G N 04 0 1E L0 A1 M R E & US 2 T A 9 AE 4 6 N E 5 4 NN2 I 7 ., R L 4 5 E E 6 4 H P 5 9 OUTLOT A I T 7 P R 9 . S O S A N O G N 5 9 10 0 0 . 5 2 5 10.20 06 5 44.70 ARE SHOWN THUS 10 58 DRAINAGE AND UTILITY EASEMENTS AND 10 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOININGSTREET RIGHT-OF-WAY LINES AND REAR LOT BEING 5 FEET IN WIDTH AND ADJOINING SIDELOT LINES,UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED,LINES, UNLESS OTHERWISE INDICATED. a all on asbe is will liability withPLACE Dakota, plat Statutes, or of labeled this limited easements and been, that Countythe compliance Minnesota PRESTWICK have theshown to and of in Minnesota are plat a certifiesplat Minnesota; ways this of pursuant this LLC, situated on public hereby certificate State Also, the and thethis propertyapproved Prestwick inpaid. depictedof use of date been public _______, the describedSurveyor Minnesota for ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Todd B. TollefsonAttest: ____________________________________________________________________ SignaturePrintNotary Public, ____________ County, MinnesotaMy Commission Expires ____________________Russell P. Damlo, Land SurveyorMinnesota License No. 19086SignaturePrintNotary Public, ____________ County, MinnesotaMy Commission Expires ____________________20By: __________________________________Dakota County SurveyorBy: __________________________________Chair, County BoardCounty Treasurer - AuditorDirectorDepartment of Property Taxation and Records have of President _____________________________________ County Recorder monuments as Land all public 3, County, following that the described Johnson, the to Subd. Licensed of plat; Dakota Scott of duly this a 505.01, owner dedicate on Dean __________________, hereinbefore am fee by I of land Section hereby that day the Commissioners designated ______, does company, on of 20 Statutes, and supervision;Board liability correctly __________ _______ the are 20 directthis Minnesota limited ADDITION in my year labels ______ the 13TH20 ________________,and under in defined Minnesota, Minnesotaof or a as data day me PLACE payable by LLC, President lands, ______Rosemount, wettaxes of 9, this mathematical prepared Chair Secretary and Prestwick Mayor City Clerk PRESTWICK all meCity __________________________ _______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________ aswas Subd. That _____________________, the that plat of of before platted boundaries this day 505.021, survey; ____________________ and that Council water PRESENTS: all Section _______ City certify acknowledged boundary that surveyed the the THESE bewastheon by BY herebyyear; Statutes, to of that do one same approvedcertify instrument within theDamlo, PERSONS Minnesota P. was Dean Scott Johnsonto set ALLrepresentation hereby plat Outlot C, PRESTWICK PLACE 2ND ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof.caused foregoing do Russell State of Minnesota to wit:shown on this plat for drainage and utility purposes.STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF____________________Thecompany, on behalf of the limited liability company.correctcorrectlyth is plat; and all public ways are shown and labeled on this plat.STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF____________________The foregoing surveyor's certificate was acknowledged before me this ______ day of ___________________, 20 _____, by Russell P. Damlo, Minnesota License No. 19086.CITY PLANNING COMMISSIONApproved by the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, this __________ day of __________________, 20 ______.CITY COUNCILThisrequirements as set forth in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2.COUNTY SURVEYOR20 ______.WeSection 272.12, there are no delinquent taxes and transfer entered on this ________ day of ______________________, 20 _____.COUNTY RECORDER, COUNTY OF DAKOTA, STATE OF MINNESOTA20 ____, at _____ o'clock ___. M., and was duly filed in Book _____________________ of Plats, Page ______________________, as Document Number _________________________. KNOWHasIn witness whereof said Prestwick LLC has caused these presents to be signed by its proper officer this ________ day of ___________________, 20 _______.Prestwick LLCBy ________________________ ___________________, its ________________________________________I,Dated this ________ of ____________________, 20 ____.I hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 11, this plat has been reviewed and approved this _________ day of ____________________,BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS13TH ADDITION and said plat is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2 and pursuant to the Dakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance.DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION AND RECORDSPursuantI hereby certify that this plat of PRESTWICK PLACE 13TH ADDITION was filed in the office of the County Recorder for public record on this _________ day of ____________________, " 3 2 ' 0 7 3 00 10 . . 4 0 0 = 8 2 1 3 =4 0. 7 . 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MEMORANDUM DATE:June 21, 2016 TO:Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner CC:Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director John Morast, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Amy Roudebush, Planning & Personnel Secretary FROM:Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer th RE:Prestwick Place 13 Addition Preliminary Plat Engineering Review S UBMITTAL: nd Prepared by Probe Engineering, the Prestwick Place 2 Addition, Outlot C Preliminary Plat, dated May 31, 2016. The following review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: Preliminary Plan comprised of the following: Existing Street Profiles GradingPhasing Utility Details th Prestwick Place 13 Addition Final Plat Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan and Calculations Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation ENERAL C OMMENTS: G 1.The development fees below are estimated based on the current Schedule of Rates and Fees. These fees are due with the final plat and subdivision agreement. GIS Fees: $60/unit Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1075/acre Watermain Trunk Charge: $6500/acre Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6865/acre 2.Per the existing Joint Development and Cost Sharing Agreement, the developer is responsible for the costs of adjacent roadways. These costs are as follows: Prestwick Cost Share Spreadsheet: G:\\ENGPROJ\\431\\Prestwick Place Cost Share Tabulation - 2016.xlsm The developer is responsible for costs associated with upgrading Akron Avenue. This th cost is $278.40/acrefor a total of $4,120 for this development (Prestwick 13 Addition – 14.80 acres). The developer is responsible for costs associated with the recent extension of Connemara Trail between Bloomfield and Akron Avenue. This cost is estimated at $12,643.12/acre th for a total of $187,118 for this development(Prestwick 13Addition – 14.80 acres). 1.Show drainage and utility easements on the grading and utility plans. 2.Show driveway footprints and proposed driveway grades. 3.Show lot corner elevations. 4.Show low floor elevations. 5.Show gas pipeline warning and contact information on grading plan. 6.Show surface water management plan pond number and storage volumes for all ponds on grading plan. 7.All EOF routes and cross lot drainage shall be encompassed by a drainage and utility easement. 8.Show EOF routes from all low points. Add an EOF between lots 10-3/11-3, 5-6/4-6, and 32-1/33-1 9.Label and confirm the maximum slope is 4:1. 10.Show or define access routes for maintenance purposes to all inlets and outlets at ponding areas that are outside public right of way. Access routes shall have an 8% max grade, 2% cross slope, and a minimum width of 10’. 11.The developer is required to obtain a NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit and provide a copy of the approved SWPPP to the City prior to the start of any construction activity. 12.An erosion control plan is required to be submitted for review. The plan is required to comply with all city and NPDES standards. The plan should show proposed Best Management Practices (BMPs) including silt fences, inlet protection, construction entrances, temporary sediment basins, etc. 13.The plan shall include turf restoration for the native vegetative planting for the pond and natural areas. 14.Improvements are proposed within the Northern Natural Gas pipeline easement. Prior to construction, an agreement will need to be executed with Northern Natural Gas allowing the proposed street and utility crossings and grading. A copy of the agreement shall be submitted to the City. 15.Conservation easements are not shown on the preliminary plat but will be required over all pond and infiltration areas, and shall encompass at minimum the HWL and all naturally vegetated areas. Signage for conservation easements shall be provided by the developer and an extended maintenance warranty shall be required to ensure establishment of the naturally vegetated areas. 16.Drainage and utility easements are required on all property lines and over proposed storm sewer and drainage and emergency overflow routes. These are required to be shown on the preliminary plat. The width of drainage and utility easements over all public utilities shall be verified during final design. 17.Drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated over all Outlots. 18.A street lighting plan shall be submitted for review and. Street light requirements are detailed below: at all public street intersections at the end of all cul-de-sacs at regularly spaced intervals (not to exceed 500’) on alternating sides of the street at all instances where the road configuration warrants extra illumination as determined by City Engineering Staff S TORMWATER C OMMENTS: 1.Pond inlet FES shall be installed with ½ the pipe diameter below the NWL. All FES need to be modified. 2.Pond 3P and 1P need outlets. 3.Stormwater Water Management Plan Background:Depression in the northwest corner of the property at the end of 14oth Street is identified in the stormwater management plan as regional basin UMW-1737. This basin is planned to drain to regional basin UMW-1738 nd wihich is partially constructed as part of Prestwick Place 2Addition. See figure below. 4.The site need to provide live pool storage volume for the 100-yr, 24-hr runoff event for the entire drainage area. Any area not directed to a regional basin will need to be approved by the City Engineer and will be subject to additional ponding fee charges. 5.In order to take credit for the regional ponding volume, an infiltration surface needs to be provided either above the NWL or in adjacent infiltration basin. Infiltration surface area needs to be greater than or equal to the area as calculated below: This will meet the City’s 1/12 ac-ft/acre/day infiltration requirement. 6.City maximum infiltration rate for HSG type A soils is 0.3 in/hr. Different infiltration rates will be considered (up to a maximum of 3.0 in/hr) by the City Engineer on a site-by-site basis based on percolation tests or other pertinent information conducted by a professional soil scientist or Professional Engineer. No infiltration recommendations were observed in the Geotechnical Report. 7.All reginal basins should have outlet pipes with control structures containing a weir wall set at the 100-yr, 24-hr rainfall event and an orifice with a sluice gate set at the NWL. Orifice should be sized to allow 0.05 cfs/acre of drainage area when the basin is at the HWL. See City Standard Outlet Control Structure example detail below. 8.HWLs on the plan should be called out for both the 100-yr, 24-hr rainfall event and the 10- day snow melt event. 9.Lining of NURP ponding areas is not required by the City; however, the developer may want to consider as ponding areas will likely not maintain vegetation below the NWL. 10.All low floor elevations appear to be greater than the 1 ft above the HWL and all low building opening appear to be greater than the 3 ft above the HWL. These elevations should be confirmed after pond designs are adjusted. 11.Subcatchments 1.2S, 1.3S, and 1.4S need permanent pool volumes greater than or equal to the runoff from the 2.5” storm event. 12.Each NURP basin permanent pool average depth shall be >4 ft with a maximum depth of <10 ft. North ponding areas need to be revised. 13.Outlet pipes shall either be submerged or have a skimmer structure meeting the requirements outlined in the City Engineering Guidelines (section II.3.f) P RELIMINARY U TILITY P LAN: 14.The current plan for Phase 1 includes storm sewer to be installed on Ashbrook Path. This storm sewer is proposed to route north along Abbeyfield Avenue ultimately to the pond along the north side of the site. This storm sewer cannot be feasibly installed without the sanitary sewer and watermain installed on Abbeyfield Avenue and portions of Ashford Path as well. 15.Storm sewer inlets are generally required every 300’. Anticipate additional inlets will be required on Ashbrook Path and Ashford Path. 16.Mid radius catch basins are not allowed. 17.Storm sewer is proposed along the side and back lot lines of manyproperties to convey rear yard drainage. Drainage and utility easements along these lines shall prohibit the installation of sheds to ensure that access can be provided for storm sewer maintenance. Fences are allowed but shall not restrict drainage and are required to include gates for truck access over the drainage and utility easement. Also, landscaping that will block access should be prohibited. These restrictions should be added as a restriction on the property deed. 18.Drainage and utility easements are required on all property lines and over proposed storm sewer and drainage and emergency overflow routes. The width of drainage and utility easements over all public utilities shall be verified during final design. 19.Trees are not allowed to be planted within drainage and utility easements, over the proposed storm sewer, or within a pond access location. Trees located on individual properties shall not be planted near the sanitary sewer and water service lines. 20.Pothole elevations shall be provided during final design at each Northern Natural Gas pipeline crossing to verify that the utility crossings can be constructed as proposed. 21.Additional information regarding the gas line easements shall be provided during final design (number of lines, sizes, pipe elevations). Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015. MEMORANDUM To:Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner Anthony Nemcek, Planner John Morast, Interim City Engineer Mitch Hatcher,Project Engineer From:Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date:July20,2016 Subject:Prestwick Place –13thAddition Preliminary and Final Plat The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the preliminary and final plat for the th Prestwick Place 13 Addition. After reviewingthe plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: PARKS DEDICATION th The parks dedication requirement for the 193 units in the 13addition is either 7.72 acres of land or cash in lieu of land. Because the Prestwick Place development has already dedicated land that is being developed as Ailesbury Park, staff is recommending that the developer pay cash in lieu of land to fulfill their parks dedication requirement. The cash in lieu of land dedication for 193 units is $656,200 (193 units x $3,400 per unit). TRAILS and SIDEWALKS st Staff is recommending that a sidewalk be added to one side of 141Court and that the sidewalk be th continued along Block 3 lots 10 and 11 on 140 Court. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the development plans at their regular meeting on Monday, June 27, 2016 and recommended approval of the preliminary plat and final plat with the following conditions: 1.The City collect cash in lieu of land to satisfy the parks dedication requirement for the 193 units in the amount of $656,200 (193 units x $3,400 per unit) per the City’s subdivision ordinance. 2.Sidewalks be added to one side of all streets in the plan and for the sidewalk plans to be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission will review the recently submitted sidewalk plans at their meeting on Monday, July 25, 2016. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo.