HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.h. Professional Services Contract for Engineering and Landscape Architect Services – Greystone Park EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: August 1, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Professional ServicesContract for AGENDA SECTION: Engineering and Landscape Architect Consent Services–Greystone Park PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. 6.h. Director ATTACHMENTS: Professional Services ProposalAPPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion torecommendthe City Council approve enteringinto a professional services agreement with Loucks Inc. to provide park planning services for the development of the public park in the Greystone Neighborhood. ISSUE The City of Rosemount’s current 10 Year CIP Working Program identifies funding for the construction of the neighborhood park in the GreystoneDevelopmentin 2016 and 2017. We currently do not have the funding to construct the park in 2016 but staff expects that we will have the necessary funding in 2017. Loucks Inc. washired to develop the concept plans for the parkthrough a competitive quote process. Once completed, the concept plans were reviewed and discussed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. They recommended the City move forward with Concept Plan C which is included in the attached professional services proposal from Loucks Inc. This plan was shared with the City Council at a recent work session meeting held at Jaycee Park and the City Council supported the Parks and Recreation Commission’s recommendation to move forward with it. Staff has requested that Loucks Inc. provide the City with a proposal for the necessary professional services for the plans, specifications, bidding documents, and construction management to complete the development of this project in 2017. The estimated cost to construct this park is $500,000. Staff expects to have a few bid alternates built into the project so that we have some flexibility on what to build when the bids come in. The total cost of the professional services proposal is $33,600. SUMMARY Staff is recommending the City Council approve entering into a professional services agreement with Loucks Inc. for the plans, specifications, bidding documents, and construction management servicesto complete the construction of the public park in the Greystone Development. A Proposal to the Rosemount Parks & Recreation Department for: PROFESSIONAL PARK PLANNING SERVICES Revised July 25, 2016 June 2, 2016 REVISED July 25, 2016 Mr. Dan Schultz Parks & Recreation Director City of Rosemount Rosemount Community Center 13885 South Robert Trail Rosemount, MN 55068-3438 Phone: 651-322-6012 Email: dan.schultz@ci.rosemount.mn.us RE: Park Planning Service Agreement P16063.0A Greystone Neighborhood Park Rosemount, MN Mr. Schultz: Per your request, we have put together a proposal detailing the work effort, and associated costs, to prepare construction documents for the Greystone Neighborhood Park. We are excited about the opportunity to assist you with this project and look forward to helping create something special. We have a long history in municipal park planning, and we are confident our experience and design approach is well-suited for this project. Loucks provides high quality design services with an emphasis on achieving the highest possible value for the Owner. We are creative, pragmatic, and responsive in our work. Our assumption is that the park will be built in 2017 after selecting a contractor through the public bidding process. Our proposed work effort includes design, bidding, and construction management. Loucks is a larger firm that emphasizes small company service and client management. You will be guided by our most experienced professionals, and you will see the same faces from start to finish. We take personal responsibility for management of the project, and we will be available to answer any questions during the life of the project. We look forward to working with you. Sincerely, LOUCKS Paul Kangas, LA Nate Ekhoff, ASLA Principal Landscape Architect Project Manager Phone: 763-496-6737 Phone: 763-496-6722 Email: pkangas@loucksinc.com Email: nekhoff@loucksinc.com PROJECT UNDERSTANDING We understand the goal for our proposed work effort will be to develop construction documents, suitable for public bidding, to construct the new Greystone Neighborhood Park. Our design efforts will utilize the refined master plan previously prepared by Loucks in March 2016 (see attached). The proposed budget will be approximately $500,000. The proposed park will include the following elements: BB court, play area with sun shelter, drinking fountain, gaga court, pollinator gardens, community garden plots, an open turf play area, and asphalt walking paths. Landscaping, including trees, shrubs, and perennial plantings will accentuate the park. Optional, on-street parallel parking, will be considered as well. SCOPE OF WORK We have based this proposal on our conversations with you as well as our past experience with similar projects. We wish to stress our willingness to adjust the proposed scope of work if there are different items the City wishes to add or delete from the contract. Our tasks will include: 1. CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENTS Loucks Associates places great emphasis on preparing high quality construction documents that result in very competitive bidding results, minimal change orders, and efficient construction techniques that maximize the value to the Owner. Our synthesized set of construction documents, including plans, specifications, and details, will be easy to read, minimize bidder questions, and be suitable for the public bidding process. Our work shall be provided in both paper and electronic copy to the City. 2. COST ESTIMATING As we make final revisions to the park layout, we will prepare a final cost estimate to verify our design solutions fit within the overall project budget. We will use our estimate to compare against future bid results to identify potential areas for savings or modifications to the project content. 3. PROJECT MEETINGS A variety of meetings will be required to successfully complete this project. Our proposal assumes the following: A. General Coordination Meetings: Close communication with the Parks and Recreation Staff is anticipated throughout the project. It is assumed that we will meet occasionally (up to two times) to review the design progress and ensure the project intent and goals are being met. B. Presentation to Park Commission and/or City Council If requested, we will attend meetings to present the plans to the Park Commission and/or City Council for their review and approval. We assumed a maximum of two (2) meetings for this purpose. 4. BIDDING PHASE We will work cooperatively with the City to facilitate the advertising and bidding process. It is assumed the City will be responsible for submitting the formal advertisements and required legal notices. We will manage the plan distribution process, maintai and provide clarifications and addenda as necessary during the bidding phase. After the bid opening, we will prepare a bid tabulation containing a detailed analysis of the bid results and a recommendation for award. As part of the recommendation, we will suggest which alternates may be most beneficial to the project. To ensure strong, competitive bids, we will host a pre-bid conference where pre-qualified contractors can visit the site, ask questions, and seek clarifications for the project. To further qualify the potential bidders, we suggest attendance at the pre-bid meeting be mandatory if allowed by City. We believe this meeting is valuable to the process and saves time and money for the project. We are skilled in preparing plans that offer flexibility to the Owner in the form of add or deduct alternates that maximize the opportunity to adjust the project scope while still fitting within the constraints of the public bidding system. It is essential the base bid results meet the proposed project 5. CONSTRUCTION PHASE A. Pre-Construction Conference: After the contract is awarded to the successful low bidder, we will attend a pre- construction conference during which the construction team can be introduced, the construction schedule will be refined, and expectations for performance, inspection, and cost controls can be discussed. B. Construction Administration: Loucks Associates will provide overall project administration and have continued involvement throughout the construction process. We will review and approve any and provide interpretations and clarifications to the construction documents if necessary. C. On-Site Construction Observation: We will provide on-site construction observation to ensure the project is being built in general conformance with the construction documents, and assist with field changes or alterations that may arise during the construction process. We enjoy seeing our designs come to life, and helping to ensure compliance with the design intent and construction documents. Our proposed fee assumes up to 32 hours for construction observation including drive time. DELIVERABLES: The result of our design efforts will include a variety of project deliverables including the following: 1. Construction documents, suitable for bidding, including plans, specifications, and details. 2. Cost estimating. 3. Bid synthesis and recommendation for award. 4. Project records and meeting notes (as needed) including addenda, change orders, and pay estimates. All project data will be provided in electronic format as noted in the RFP. ASSUMPTIONS & EXCLUSIONS 1. We will contract directly with the City of Rosemount Parks & Recreation Department for the work. Our payment terms are listed at the end of this proposal. 2. No sub-consultants are assumed in our work scope. 3. The City will provide any City of Rosemount projects. 4. For our base mapping, we will use a new survey file, showing as-built grades, that will be provided by the City once grading adjustments are made to the site. 5. Testing services, for any items desired by the City, would be paid directly by the City as needed. We will coordinate engaging a testing company if desired. 6. We will provide the general spatial configuration of the playground envelope, but equipment vendor. The City will contract directly with the playground vendor, but we will assist by sharing files and being available for comment and coordination as needed. 7. The primary point of contact for the City will be Dan Schultz Director of Parks & Recreation. PROJECT SCHEDULE We will commence our work upon your authorization to proceed. We anticipate our total work effort will take approximately 4-6 months, but we are happy to discuss a preferred schedule with you prior to starting our work. We recommend bidding the project in January/February of 2017 to take advantage of the preferred window for bidding. PROJECT TEAM PAULA.KANGAS,RLA Principal Landscape Architect PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Paul founded the landscape architecture discipline at Loucks in 2000 and has a strong reputation for creative, yet pragmatic design solutions. Paul will oversee the planning process. He will handle administrative tasks and provide design input based on his park and recreation planning and design experience as the park planner for the Maple Grove Parks Department. Paul is a licensed landscape architect and has nearly 25 years of experience assisting communities in planning their park and trail systems. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Maple Creek Neighborhood Park | Maple Grove, MN Memorial Park | Rogers, MN Shadow Woods Neighborhood | Rogers, MN | St. Paul, MN EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Environmental Design and Bachelor of Landscape Architecture | NDSU REGISTRATIONS Registered Landscape Architect in Minnesota, South Dakota, North Dakota, Iowa and Wisconsin NATEEKHOFF,ASLA Landscape Architect PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Nate is a talented designer and artist that is skilled at preparing strong site solutions and creative planning. He will assist with design and be responsible for the preparation of site plans and graphics that will be used to visually communicate our design ideas throughout the process. PROJECT EXPERIENCE Bielenberg Sports Complex | Woodbury, MN * French Lake Beach Improvements | Plymouth, MN Community Park Master Plan | Carver, MN Riverfront Park | Anoka, MN * EDUCATION Bachelor of Landscape Architecture | University of Minnesota REGISTRATIONS Registered Landscape Architect (Minnesota #52050) COMPENSATION The proposed scope of work is a thorough representation of the work we believe is necessary to complete the park planning services indicated. Our fees for this work are lump sum and will be billed monthly on a percent complete basis. Our estimated fees are as follows: TASK FEE 1. Construction Documents .................................................................... $ 14,000 2. Cost Estimating ..................................................................................... $ 1,200 3. Project Meetings (Four Total) ............................................................... $ 2,400 4. Bidding ................................................................................................. $ 4,800 5. Construction Administration & Observation ....................................... $ 11,200 TOTAL $33,600 1. Compensation is calculated using the hourly rates listed on the attached Loucks Rate Schedule. Additional services requested by the Client will be billed per the rates listed. 2. Reimbursable expenses (copying, mileage, delivery service, etc.) shall be billed at the rates listed on the attached Loucks Rate Schedule and are in addition to the amounts listed above. For this project, we expect reimbursable expenses will be less than $1,000. 3. Invoices will be sent once a month based on hours worked and/or additional services performed through the date of billing. Payments on invoices are due within 30 days of the invoice date. Late payments will be charged interest at a rate of 1% per month. 4. Direct expenses, such as mileage, printing, and postage costs will be billed at cost plus 10%. HOURLY RATE SCHEDULE Effective January 01, 2016 Services performed on an hourly basis will be invoiced based on actual hours worked in accordance with the following itemized staffing descriptions. Reimbursable external expenses including, but not limited to, sub-consultants, duplication, messenger service, travel, postage and expendable field supplies will be billed to the client at the actual rate, plus 10%. DISCIPLINE JOB CLASSIFICATION HOURLY RATE Planning Senior Planner ................................................................. $135 Senior Site Designer .......................................................... 115 Landscape Architecture Principal Landscape Architect ........................................... 160 Senior Landscape Architect ............................................... 130 Landscape Architect .......................................................... 120 Site Design Technician ...................................................... 103 Engineering Principal Engineer .............................................................. 170 Senior Project Engineer | Manager ................................... 155 Project Engineer | Manager ............................................... 143 Engineer in Training (EIT) .................................................. 118 Senior Engineering Technician .......................................... 105 Engineering Technician ....................................................... 87 Senior Construction Representative ................................. 115 Construction Representative ............................................... 90 Surveying Principal Surveyor .............................................................. 170 Senior Surveyor ................................................................. 145 Project Surveyor (LSIT) ...................................................... 120 Senior Survey Technician ................................................... 108 Survey Technician ................................................................ 93 Survey Crew Chief ............................................................. 108 Instrument Person ............................................................... 87 Survey Crew* ..................................................................... 195 *For Projects Requiring Certified Health & Safety Training Add Per Employee ........................................... 43 Scanning 3D Imaging Crew Chief with Scanner ............................... 265 3D Imaging Technician ...................................................... 130 Graphics Graphic Designer ............................................................... 115 Graphic Technician .............................................................. 98 Administration Administrative Assistance (Clerical) .................................... 78 Reimbursable Expenses Mileage .............................................................. per mile 0.59 Mylar Film .............................................................. each 25.00 Plan Size Photocopies | Blueprints .......................... each 2.50 Photocopies - Black & White (8 ½ x 11) .................. each 0.10 Photocopies - Color (8 ½ x 11) ................................ each 0.50 Photocopies - Black & White (11 x 17) .................... each 0.15 Photocopies - Color (11 x 17) .................................. each 1.00