HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160418 UC Minutes UTILITY COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING MINUTES April 18, 2016 ANNUAL MEETING 1.a. Issuance of Oath – Ed Nelson Commissioner Nelson was issued the oath of office. 1.b. Election of New President Commissioner McDonald nominated Commissioner Connolly for the position of President. Motion by McDonald. Second by Nelson. Motion to elect Brian Connolly as President of the Utility Commission. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried. CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of Rosemount, was called to order on April 18, 2016, at 5:35 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City th Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount. President Connolly called the meeting to order with Commissioners Connolly, McDonald and Nelson, Rosemount Mayor Droste, City Administrator Johnson, Public Works Director Wrase, Public Works Coordinator Watson, and Recording Secretary Kladar attending. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA None AUDIENCE INPUT None APPROVAL OF MINUTES Motion by McDonald. Second by Nelson. Motion to approve the minutes of the March 14, 2016 Utility Commission meeting. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried. 6. OLD BUSINESS 7. NEW BUSINESS 7.a. 2016 MS4 Scope of Services Wrase provided an overview of the 2016 Scope of Services which includes tasks for general program management, Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) support and implementation, and stormwater quality and elevation monitoring. Wrase noted that there are six minimum control measures included: public education, public participation, illicit discharge detection and elimination, construction site stormwater runoff control, post construction stormwater management, and pollution prevention and good housekeeping for municipal operations. Wrase noted that the City also takes part in a water quality monitoring program and the City is monitoring pollutants and elevations in several of the water bodies around the city. Some chloride monitoring will also be added. The City is currently in year 3 of a 5 year MS4 permit and the estimated engineering fee of $30,689 is funded by the City’s stormwater utility fund. Nelson inquired about equipment maintenance fee on the scope of services. Wrase advised that this fee covers the SWAMP software and data loggers. The ponds capture pollutants which settle on bottom of the pond. The ponds fill up and the efficiency is degraded and need maintenance to restore their efficiency. The SWAMP software monitors the ponds and allows advance planning for capital improvements to clean out the ponds. Wrase noted that with the development of the new SOQ pool, getting a quote for these services next year could be considered. Johnson added that professional services are exempt from the dollar amount limitation requiring bids to be solicited. Connolly added that the City of Burnsville also has a SWAMP program as well but has internal natural resources staff to do some of the MS4 tasks. He noted that Burnsville doesn’t do as much water quality monitoring as Rosemount. McDonald inquired whether staff could take on some of the MS4 tasks. Wrase discussed his previous experience at another City where temporary people were hired for inspections. He also noted that the Senior Engineering Tech started today and may be able to take on more tasks in the future. Motion by Connolly. Second by Nelson. Motion to recommend to City Council the approval of the 2016 MS4 Scope of Services from WSB & Associates. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried. 7. PRESIDENT’S REPORT None. EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT 8.a. City Projects Update The attached project report was reviewed and Wrase provided a brief summary. Wrase noted that Well 16 has good production but does have elevated rates of radium and manganese. There is a plan to do some mixing with other wells. The Danbury Way Reconstruction project public hearing is scheduled for tomorrow evening to adopt assessments and award the contract. Wrase added that four of twelve residents agreed to the rain garden installation as part of the project. The Dunmore developer has been in contact with City Staff about getting plans and specs going for the 30 single family homes in that development. The 1.5MG Ground Storage Tank went out for bid but no contract has been awarded as SEH was conducting a peer review of the plans. Wrase now has a draft report of the peer review which will be presented at the May work session. All necessary temporary and permanent easements have been granted in the Safe Routes to School project. The bid opening will take place in May and federal funds will cover 80% of the project costs. Regarding the Wells 4 and 5 sealing project, Well 4 is completely cleaned out and MDH took video of the well. There is some uncertainty as to whether it could be converted to an observation well. A couple of more tests will be done to prove it’s connected to Jordan aquifer and a meeting with the design team is scheduled. Lastly, Wrase advised that he has a draft report of the East Side Utilities Study and more information will be forthcoming. He noted that another item on the agenda for City Council’s meeting tomorrow is the potential extension of the water main along County 42 in coordination with the 42/52 project. 8.b. 2016 Well Pumping Report The attached report was reviewed and it was noted that pumping was up this quarter but had been reconciled with billing and usage. 8c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for May 16, 2016 Items for the next meeting include the draft report of Splash Pad water reuse and the future of second meters. Staff requested direction on what the Commissioners would like to see regarding second meters. Connolly noted some issues previously discussed including: 1) how to accommodate people who already have second meter; 2) potential revenue reduction in the sanitary sewer fund; and 3) who covers potential replacement costs. Connolly added that he previously did a quick check on surrounding communities and all of them use the winter quarter or average of the two lowest quarters for billing. The Mayor inquired whether our second meter policy was sending a mixed message regarding conservation. Johnson noted that that City Council and Port Authority had to reschedule their May 17 meetings to May 16 due to the special election and those meetings now conflict with the May 16 Utility Commission meeting. The Commissioners agreed to move the May meeting to the following week. Motion by Connolly. Second by McDonald. Motion to move the next meeting of the Utility Commission from May 16 to May 23, 2016. Ayes: 3. Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned by Connolly at 6:06 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Karin Kladar Recording Secretary