Regular Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2008
Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy Knight,Kevin Strayton
Members Absent: None
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzmann
Others Present: None
1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:02 p.m.
the minutes of the January 28,2008 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
a. Referendum—Outdoor Recreation Complex/Former St. Joseph's Church —Schulrz gave an
update on the City Council's recent action to approve a referenduxn for$8 million to be held on Apri122,
2008 to fund the outdoor recreation compleg and improvements to the former St.Joseph's Church. Both of
these items will be included on one question in the referendum. The City Council agreed with the Parks and
Recreation Commission's recommendation to hold off on spending$523,000 for plans and specifications
until after the referendum passes. City staff has begun putting together an informational handout for the
public and the City will also be holding informational meetings open to the public on March 10 and Apri17.
These meetings will provide residents with information on the project and will give them the opportunity to
ask any questions they may have. Schultz provided the Commissioners with a copy of the site plan for the
athletic complex that they had previously reviewed. The site plan provides a solid base to build on.
Although this plan doesn't include the fourth soccer field that was originally part of the plan,staff has not
given up on the possibility of including this field,or possibly two smaller fields in this location. We are still
talking with Dakota.County representatives about having only one access point to the complex. 'I'hese
discussions should be finalized soon.
b. DCTC FaClllty PBrttle�shlp—Schultz reviewed the Joint Powers Agreement that has been proposed by
Dakota County Technical College staff. There were several items Schultz felt should be reviewed: Section
III (subsections A5,A6,B1-4,C) and Section V (subsections E and G). Schultz asked the Commission for
any input they might have on these items. He will bring this agreement back to the March meeting with
revisions. The Commission asked if there would be any issues with current access or future road
improvements at this site similar to those that we are currendy experiencing with Dakota County at the
outdoor recreation compleg. Per Schultz,we arill address this in our agreement. 'I'he question of hierarchy
of field use was brought up. Per Schultz,A6 on page two of the agreement partially addresses this,and we
can ask for dates in advance and have this clarified further in the agreement. The order of use by various
groups is outlined in the Fees and Fee Poliry. Schultz will look into this and bring this item back to the
Commission. There was discussion regarding whether this complex would be fenced and who would
receive monies if fees are collected for events. Per Schultz,DCTC would like to fence it,but we have told
them that our interest is to invest in fields and we are not interested in fencing. Lighting and perxnanent
restrooms would be more of a priority than fencing. DCI'C would like fencing so that they can gate the
compleg off and charge for admission for events. As far as who would receive monies from events,Schultz
stated that we would need to include somethuig in the agreement regarding this.
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Regular Meeting Minutes
February 25, 2008
c. Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan—s�hultz reviewed the draft report and explained that
sta.ff has been working to streamline this version. The current draft includes five chapters and five appendix
maps. Once the Parks and Recreation Commission approves this plan,it will be forwarded to the Planning
Commission,and then to the Met Council. It is designed to be a document that provides guidelines for
future development of parks and it is meant to be flexible enough to allow for future changes that may
occur. Schultz reviewed each section of the plan and information provided in various charts,including the
2000 census information,the forecast for Rosemount's growth to 2030,and the Egisting Core Park Area
and 2020 Area Needs by Park Classification. Rosemount is below the national average in park land for our
population if we do not include the 57 acres for the outdoor recreation compleg. Schultz asked for any
comments or recommenda,tions the Commission might have regarding the pla,n. Knight asked how we
could get the census information and forecasted population growth information to the public,and whether
this would be something that we could put in the local paper. Per Schultz,this information will be
addressed at the upcoming public meetings. Schultz will be bringing the plan back for review in March.
a. Downtown Redevelopment—Stonebridge—Schultz reviewed rhe site plan map for this
development and egplained that the Commission is looking at it to ensure that there is good connectivity of
trails and sidewalks and that there is access from the sidewalks to the businesses to be located in the
complex. Per Schultz,the plan does provide connectivity with the surrounding trails and sidewalks. Schultz
informed the Commission that the City has proposed parks dedication fees of$120,000 for this
development. The Commission questioned how the$120,000 parks dedication was determined and that it
was negotiated without input from the Parks and Recreation Commission. Schultz egplained the
background on how this amount was negotiated and that there have been some issues with the development
and the developer is taking a risk. T'he Commission did not make a motion on this item.
b. DI'�eCto�'S RepoYt-The park improvement fund balance as of January 31,2008 was $2,111,979.44. No
parks dedication fees,grants or donations were received this month. Interest for January was $2,578.35.
There were no expenditures. Strayton asked for a report on the interest earned for 2007. Schultz will get
this information and e-mail it to all of the Commissioners.
Update on 2008 City Council Goa1 Setting—The City Council held a goal setting session on January 25-26.
Schultz included a copy of a memo outlining the 2008 Goals Discussion Summary from this meeting in the
Commissioners'packets and briefly reviewed the issues that were discussed.
Family Fun Night—T'his event was held at the Community Center on Friday,February 15. It included
inflatable"jumpers",a musical group,and open skate. Approxixnately 400 parents and children attended.
Family Fun Night takes the place of the outdoor winter event that we had been holding for the past few
years. Due to unpredictable weather conditions,it was moved indoors. There was a huge turn out and we
plan to hold this event again negt year.
Dakota Chamber of Commerce Home and Garden Show—The Dakota County Chamber of Commerce
held their Home and Garden Show at the Rosemount Community Center for the first time this year. Staff
spoke with representatives from the Chamber and they were pleased with the attendance.
MOTION by Strayton to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary
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