HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 03-24 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes March 24, 2008 Approved Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Sandy Knight Members Absent: Mike Eliason,Kevin Strayton Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: jonathan Nutzmann Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. Schultz asked that New Business item 7.a.be moved to the first item so that the representative from the Community Action Council/Family Resource Center could present their annual report. 3. APPROVAL OF THE Feb�uary 25, 2008 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by I{night to approve the minutes of the February 25,2008 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays:0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Family Resource Center Annual Report—S�h�lrz egplained rhat ea�h year rhe Family Resour�e Center provides the Parks and Recrea.tion Commission with an annual report to ensure that they are meeting the requirements of the Youth Initiative Grant that was used to fund construction of the Family Resource Center,and that the Community Action Council(CAC)is fulfill�ing their lease agreement. Shira Rabinowicz,neighborhood Service Volunteer Coordinator from the Family Resource Center,presented the Commission with the progress report for 2007. She highlighted a number of services provided by the Family Resource Center including neighborhood support which is provided by a group of 140 volunteers who donated 2,000 hours in 2007 helping families in Rosemount. Rabinowicz highlighted a number of events and activities provided by the Family Resource Center/CAC. These included the"Rosemount Rerycle,Reduce and Reuse"educational program made possible through a grant;before and after school programs where volunteers assist children with homework;and a six-hour class that teaches adults and youth skills such as check book balancing,budgeting and how to establish and maintain credit. They are also working with the YMCA,the MN Zoo, and the Rosemount Parks and Recreation Department to offer activities this summer. Per Schultz,it is stafPs opinion that the Family Resource Center is meeting the requirements of the grant, that the CAC is fulfilling the obligarions outlined in their lease,and that they have even gone beyond what is e�ected and have been very proacrive in providing services while working with funding that changes each year. MOTION by Bartz to accept the CAC 2007 Annual Report for the Family Resource Center. SECOND by I{night. Eilsold asked if we had a copy of their budget. Schultz said that he will provide the Commission with a copy. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Referendum—Outdoor Recreation Complex/Former Church Referendum— Update— Schultz informed the Commission that the first of two public meetings was held on Monday,March 10 at the Rosemount Community Center. Ten people attended the meeting,along with two reporters,one council and one commission member,and city staff. Staff answered a variety of questions from those in attendance, and the meeting lasted approximately 45 minutes. Schultz provided the Commissioners with an informational brochure that the city created as a tool to educate the public about the projects and the referendum. A second public meeting will be held on Monday,Apri17 at 7:00 p.m. at the Community - 1 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes March 24, 2008 Center. Schultz also updated the Commission on the issue of the second access point to the complex that Dakota County is requesting. Staff is continuing discussions with the county and will be meeting with them negt week to try to resolve this issue. b. DCTC Facility Joint Powers Agreement—Schultz had been expe�ring an update from DCTC on this agreement but had not received it yet. There were questions about several of the items: 6.DCTC . Priority Times (page 2). There was concern about evening games and double headers,and not wanting to have conflicts with youth games;B.3. Facility Play Lighting(page 3). This item states that DCTC will control all lighting systems. There may be times when city staff will need access to the lights. Schultz stated that city staff would have access to lights if needed.;and D. (page 3). This item says DCTC shall have priority use of fields during DCTC priority times. The concern was whether they would know by the February deadline if they would need fields for state,regional or national post season events. Per Schultz, they have to bid on national events,so they would know well in advance of the event. There was also a question on events that require additional maintenance and how that would be handled. Per Schultz,under item B.4. (page 2)we can add"for any requested maintenance above typical maintenance,the city has the opportunity to recoup that cost". T'here may be times when the city would not want to charge an additional fee because there is a benefit to the city,unless the trash or other maintenance becomes a burden.There was also a question regarding additional portable toilets and servicing during events. Per Schultz we could add language that says the City will provide portable restrooms,but if more than the usual and customary number are needed,or if additional cleaning service is needed,this will be at the user's expense. We will charge them for the additional units and cleanings. Schultz will make these changes to the agreement and e- mail them to DCTC and the Commission. There was no motion on this item. c. 2008 Parks, Trails and Open Space Master Plan—A copy of rhe draf�pla,n was included in rhis month's packet for the Commission to review. Schultz egplained that once this draft is completed,it will go out for a six month review. Those reviewing the plan will make comments on it and return it to us for revision as needed. Once the final revisions are made,we will reformat the plan for the final draft. Schultz reviewed the map of the proposed comprehensive plan and explained its importance because it identifies major sidewalks and trails,and it will also identify pedestrian underpasses/bridges in locations that have already been studied. Schultz asked the Commission for their input on the plan. Bartz asked how trails and sidewalks are identified on the map. Per Schultz,they are often located in the same corridor as roadways, and this could be made clearer on the map. Bartz also mentioned that there aren't many loop trails through developments. Per Schultz,we will try to include these in future developments such as Prestwick Place. He also mentioned that we are currendy working on identifying egisting trails for a walking map that will be available to the public. Schultz discussed the importance of the overall park acreage standards. He explained that in the past,the plan has included a chart of recreation facilities/amenities standards from the 1980's. These standards do not meet current needs and Schultz felt that it would be best for staff and the Parks and Recrea.tion Commission to make decisions based on current information,and specific needs and requests for services. Eisold asked about including facilities for participants with special needs and possible partnerships with school districts for a miracle-type field. Per Schultz,we can add a subcategory,"Facilities for those with special needs and the possibility of partnerships with Districts 196 and 917,the YMCA or other groups"between Special Use Parks and Swimming Pool/Splash Pad on page 17. MOTION bp Knight to authorize the release of the 2008 Parks,Trails,and Open space Plan for review by the public. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 3 Nays:0 Motion passed. d. Central Park and Erickson Park Master Planning Opportunity—The Ci�y was recendy norifed that they will be receiving a planning grant for studying the possibility of egpanding Central Park/Erickson Park to make it more visible and accessible to the public,possibly purchasing Polfus Implement as part of the expansion. Funds from the grant will be used for completion of a survey of part of Central Park. Schultz is recommending that while the survey is being done on the southern section of Central Park,the sections of Central Park and Erickson Park that have not been surveyed also be included,and that this portion of the survey(approximately$5,000) be paid for with parks dedication funds. The survey will provide accurate information for both parks that will be useful in the future when looking into possible improvement projects such as paving the parking lot and road,adding lights,a veterans'memorial trail,etc. - 2 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes March 24, 2008 MOTION by Bartz to perform a survey of Central and Erickson Park areas as discussed,in conjunction with the survey work being performed as part of the CDA grant. SECOND by I{night. Ayes: 3 Nays:0 Motion passed. Schultz informed the Commission that the City has also received a grant to be used toward the demolition costs for the five houses the City owns on Cameo Ave. Demolition should begin ne%t month. 7. NEW BUSINESS: b. DI�eCtO�'S RepOrt-T'he park improvement fund balance as of February 29,2008 was$2,119,800.11. No parks dedication fees,grants or donations were received this month. Interest for February was $8,081.67. There were expenditures of$160 for Prestwick Place professional services. Spring Egg Hunt—This year's event was very successful,with approximately 600 children participating despite the snow on the ground. Possible Partnership—Staff is looking into the possibility of partnering with students and staff from District 917 on some manuallabor projects such as trash pick up,weeding,etc.,around the city. Original SEP Grant Closed Out—The City has completed the paperwork needed to receive the final $19,061 payment from the SEP grant awarded in 1999. 'The original grant was for an overlook trail on Flint Hills Resources property with views of the river. Due to security issues after the 9/11 tragedy,Flint Hills Resources property was no longer an option for a trail. The funds were used instead for designing the connection of the north end of the Koch Trail in Central Park to Connemara Trail. Brazil Avenue Trail Bids—Bids for the trail that will connect the Koch Trail in Central Park to Connemara Trail are due on Apri111. Schultz would like the Commission to review the bids for this trail before they go the City Council. Arena Ceiling Painting Bids—Six bids for this project were received on March 21. $90,000 was budgeted for the project. The low bid was $64,900,from Champion Coatings. T'he bid from Champion Coatings will be forwarded to the City Council for approval. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Kni�ht. Ayes: 3 Nays:0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:33 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary - 3 -