HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 04-14 Special Mtg PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION � Special Meeting Minutes April 14, 2008 APPROVED Members Present: Ma,ureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy Knight,Kevin Strayton Members Absent: None Staff Present: ,Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzman Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. DISCUSSION ITEMS: a. Brazil Avenue Trail Project Bid Results — Schultz had e-ma.iled the Commissioners the bid results prior to the meeting. He informed them that the bids for this project are currendp being reviewed by the Engineering Dept. Schultz handed out a map of the project area and explained where the trail connections will be added this summer. Schultz was asking for the Commission's approval of the lowest responsible bidder for the completion of this project. Schultz also mentioned that staff will be working on acquiring an easement from Rosemount Woods for the trail section along that property. MOTION by Strayton to approve the lowest responsible bidder on the Brazil Avenue Trail Project to connect the north end of the Flint Hills Txail to Connemara Trail. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 5 Nays:0 Motion passed. b. DCTC .lOint POw@PS Ag�eem@nt—Schultz has not yet received the final agreement for this project. Recendy updated field plans from TI�A Engineering were included in the Commission packets. Per Schultz,DCTC would like to have the fields seeded by August of this year. Schultz will e-mail additional drawings to the Commissioners for their review. This was an update only,and Schultz will bring this item back to the Apri128 regulax Commission meeting. C. Update On Refel'e11du17'1—Schultz informed the Commission that he had attended a RA.AA meeting last week. Schultz also updated the Commissioners on the second open house that was held on Apri17. Four residents,two City Council members,two reporters,and City staff attended. Questions were similar to those asked at the March open house. d. Project Updates— Brockway Park-The original layout of Brockway Park included two tennis courts. We are looking into moving these two courts and will be asking the school district about the possibility of adding them to Charlies Park based on recommendations from the USTA. Additional courts at Charlies Park would make it possible to host events there. This item will be brought back in the future for a recommendation. Veterans Memorial—Schultz handed out the latest plan for a veterans memorial walk lined with brick pavers at Central Park near the current memorial. "The new plan includes a possible sidewalk connection along the west side of the current memorial/playground area. This item will be discussed further at the regular meeting on Apri128. Heavenly Acres—This development is located near the Meadows of Bloomfield,north across Bonaire Path. There is a lake on the property which would be a nice recreational amenity. Schultz met with an engineer about the property,and mentioned a loop trail around the lake and some park land on the lake would be nice. This item will be brought back if a development plan is submitted. - 1 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes April 14, 2008 Central Park Master Planning—Schultz recendy learned of a"Quiet Zones for Railroad Tracks"program being worked on by the City. The City would install raised medians at railroad crossings at the intersections of Hary 42 and Hwy 3, 145�St.,and Biscayne Ave. The raised medians would prevent cars from driving through the lowered arms and across the tracks. With these safeguards in place,conductors are not supposed to blow their whisdes at these intersections.The one issue Schultz mentioned was the possible egtension of the median at 145�and Brazil that could extend further than egpected to the west,which would then make the access to Erickson Park right-in,right-out. Schultz will update the Commission on this as more inforxnation becomes available. Review of Services Offered to Seniors—In anticipation of an increase in Rosemount's senior population, Schultz is planning to hold listening sessions at various senior housing locations in Rosemount in order to get feedback from seniors regarding services. 2030 Comprehensive Plan and Parks,Trails and Open Space Master Plan Update—There will be a public review on Apri121 at the Planning Commission meeting,and it will be held open through the May 27 Planning Coxxunission meeting. After that,the Ciry Council will approve the plans to go out for their six month review. Schultz will bring this item back as we go through the review process. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION bp Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:48 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -2 -