HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 06-23 Mtg Notes - No Quorum PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes June 23, 2008 MEETING NOTES—NO QUORUM Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold Members Absent: Mike Eliason,Sandy I{night,Kevin Strayton Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: None Others Present: Rosemount Veterans Memorial Walk representatives: Bud Curly,Ed McMenomy Sr., and Jerry Ghertz;Tom Schuster; advisors and students from Rosemount High School S.A.D.D. (Students Against Destructive Decisions);Patrick Stieg,Dakota County Public Health 1. CALL TO ORDER: There was no quonun so the meeting was not officially called to order. Schultz started the meeting at 7:13 p.m. Schultz asked that the Commission discuss item 6.b.Tobacco Free Parks first in order to accommoda,te the group in attendance,before touring Central Park for item 6.a. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MAY 19, 2008 REGULAR MEETING MINUTES: There was no approval due to lack of quorum. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: b. TOb8CC0 FPee PBPkS—This item was discussed at the Apri12008 meeting when a number of students presented information to the Commission. The Commission had asked at that time that information on egisting policies in other cities be brought back for review. Schultz included a number of policies in this month's Commission packet He found that most cities rely on policies,signage,public notices and voluntary compliance versus ordinances. Any poliry that we develop will be brought before the City Council for approval. Schultz asked the Commissioners if there were any items in the policies from other cities that they would like to add to the poliry developed by the students. Eisold suggested tailoring our policy so that it is consistent with the egisting ISD 196 policy,as school and city fields overlap. Smoking by those involved in adult leagues was discussed. Mr.Stieg addressed this and stated they have found that when these participants are made aware of the policy, they comply with it. There was also discussion about including all city owned property in the poliry. Per Mr. Stieg,Hastings does include their city hall site,while the county allows smoking in parking lots. Eisold asked about Dakota County Technical College's policy,as we will be sharing fields with them. Schultz will contact DCTC and discuss this with them. No action was taken on this item due to lack of a quorum. Schultz will bring back a draft a poliry for the Commission to review at the July meeting. a. Rosemount Veterans Memorial Walk—Schultz handed out additional information received£rom Ed McMenomy,Sr. This information included a picture of a proposed sign,a bid from Precision Landscaping for installation of the first 100 pavers,and a quote from Brodin Studios for a life-size minuteman statue. Schultz briefly reviewed the history of this item,that a plan had been submitted for a memorial at Biscayne Park and that DCTC students had also prepared a design that included an amphithea.ter. Schultz had asked the Rosemount Veterans Memorial Walk group to come up with a plan they felt would meet their needs. Schultz reviewed a map of Central Park and possible locations for placement of the memorial pavers. Placing pavers along the sidewalks near the existing memorial and parking lot at Central Park had been suggested as an excellent location for the memorial. RVNlti`V would like the pavers installed along the Koch Trail,instead of along the sidewalks near the parking lot. Schultz also egplained that in researching this item, - 1 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes June 23, 2008 Tom Schuster had found that the sta.te statute that prohibited cities from funding this type of inemorial without a referendum approved by vote was recendy revised and a new statute will be finalized in August. Cities may now help with improvements of this type. Ed McMenomy,Sr. addressed the Commission. He stated that RVMW had originally chosen the Koch Trail as the location they wanted for this memorial,and after reviewing all of the possible options,this seems to be the most cost effective location. They have already sold 55 pavers. If the City gives the approval to move ahead,they would like to move forward,order the pavers and install them as soon as possible. Schultz explained that once a final location is approved by the Parks and Recreation Commission,it will be brought to the City Council for their approval and a letter of understanding would be drafted for both parties signature. After that,we can move ahead with installing the pavers. Schultz reviewed a drawing of a memorial that is being built in Woodbury that was included in the Commission packet. He egplained that they are funding it based on the sale of pavers for$300 each, and the veterans group will be repaying the City of Woodbury. Schultz would like the RVMW to come to an agreement on their vision and provide the City with an actual plan before we move forward. Mr.McMenomy stated that there is no practical way they can come up with a plan,as they have no way to predict how many pavers they will sell. He felt that if they can install one row of pavers and the statue,they will have a nice and lasting memorial. RVMW has met with representatives from Flint Hills Resources regarding updating the current entrance sign (changing the name from Koch to Flint Hills). Per Mr. McMenomy,if the City agreed to the project,Flint Hills would support it,too. The Commission and members of RVMW proceeded outside to tour Central Park. They stopped at the beginning of the Koch Trail and the members of RVMW pointed out where they'd like to put a sign at the entrance to the trail. The sign would include information about the memorial. They also pointed out possible spots for the minuteman statue: either across the trail from the sign (east side of trail) or on the same side as the sign,but further down the trail. Mr.McMenomy also explained that they would li.ke the memorial pavers to start a few yards from the beginning of the Koch Trail. 'I'he group would like to place benches in alcoves with monuments for each conflict where possible along the trail(these would be spaced depending on topography). Once all of these tivngs are in place,the trail will provide a way for people to honor those who have served in the military,a destination that will bring visitors to Rosemount,as well as a place school children can visit to learn about these conflicts. RVMW would like to begin installing the as soon as possible so that they can put together a brochure. They thought it would be helpful to include a photo in the brochure of the pavers as they look when they are installed,so that those interested in purchasing a paver have an idea of how it will look. T'he Commissioners returned to the council chambers. Schultz reviewed a photo of Northfield's memorial and they discussed how best to proceed. Staff restated that we would like to have a design plan for this project. We want to make sure that whatever is built is a quality memorial. There was discussion that the trail is driven on and also plowed in the winter, the bricks may heave with frost which may be an issue,and the area is not irrigated. The Commission asked about the possibility of improvements that might occur if the Polfus site was someda.y included in Central Park. The Commission asked staff to find out what it would cost for a design plan. They understood the frustration RMVW may have about not moving forward more quicklp,but they did not think that the location along the Koch Trail was the best spot for this memorial. It may take 10 years or more to complete and it may not be a quality project. They stressed that they would like a final design plan that all of the RMVW members have agreed on. Schultz has already asked the group several times to provide the City with a plan. It was mentioned that if RVMW can decide on a common vision that everyone agrees on,it will allow them to promote the project and will be beneficial for fund raising. Reaching out to the local VFW,Legion and other veterans groups so they can all work together would also be helpful. Northfield's information states that all of those groups joined together to support their project. Per Schultz,that's also how they were able to complete the original monument in Central Park. The distance to get to the Koch Trail from the parking lot was again mentioned,as well as the dista,nce . - 2 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes June 23, 2008 people would have to walk along the rrail to look at the pavers. Staff wi11 work on this item with RMVW over the negt month and try to get more feedback. c. B�OCkWBy PBPk—We will be receiving updated estimates on this item. This item will be brought back to the July meeting. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. St. Joseph'S SCh001 COndlt1011a1 USe Pe11171t — Schultz reviewed the site plan. Staff felt that if they will have a driveway coming off of Connemara Trail,they should include a sidewalk/trail connection that would run along that driveway. Staff has indicated this in a memo to the Planning Department. St.Joseph's School egpects to be moving into their new facility in the fall of 2009. Their prepayment period will end this August,and the City will be collecting$50,000 in lease payments this year and almost that much negt year before they move. Per Schultz,they are not including fields in the plan at this time. Staff also felt that more trails should also be added if the ball fields are built. b. F811111y ReSOuI'Ce Cet7teP—Schultz explained that there is a space between the playground and the building that is causing some concern.Schultz included photos of the area in the Commission packet. It is difficult to maintain the area around the entrance of the building due to the heavy foot traffic. They have tried using mulch,landscaping and grass in this area to correct the problem but nothing has worked. Staff have discussed fastening a picnic table to a concrete slab as a possible solution. The picnic table could be removed in the winter so that snow could be stored there. A covered picnic table was also discussed. We would like to provide a low maintenance seating area in this area that would solve this problem. This item will be brought back negt month. C. D'I�eCto�'S Report- The park improvement fund balance as of May 31,2008 was $2,73,364.13. No parks dedication fees,grants or donations were received in May. Interest was$22,144.21. There were eapenditures of$105 for the Brazil Avenue Trail. 2009 Budget—Planning for 2009 has started. We'll be discussing future park projects at the July Commission meeting. DCTC Soccer Complex—Work is progressing on the three soccer fields at the DCI'C soccer complex. $450,000 from the park improvement fiznd has been transferred to DCTC for this project. These funds are to for the completion of the grass areas,irrig�ation,stortn water,and topsoil. We have not committed any funds for sidewalks,concrete,scoreboards,utilities,buildings,bleachers,etc.included in the concept plans from TKDA in the Commission packet. Schultz has been told that students in the DCTC concrete/masonry program will be designing the sidewalks and installing them this fall or next spring. No bleachers were part of our agreement. Schultz will update the Commission on costs at next month's meeting. Ice Arena—The ice arena opened for summer use on June 16. We have several private users scheduled as well as summer camps run bp coaches from Apple Valley,Farmington,Rosemount,and Northfield high schools. Summer Programs—Summer programs started June 16. Many programs filled before the registration deadlines including Evening T-Ba11,Mini-Rosettes,and Sports of all Sorts. MN Twins Free Clinic—Parks&Recreation Department intern,Mike Oxborough,coordinated a free Twins Clinic on Saturda.y,June 14. 50 participants attended this event 8. ADJOURNMENT There was no adjournment. The meeting ended at 9:11 p.m. - 3 -