HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 08-25 PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes August 25, 2008 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy I{night Members Absent: Kevin Strayton Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: None Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eisold called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: New Business 7. c. Ciry Property Schultz introduced Dwight Johnson,Rosemount's new City Administrator. Fliason arrived. 3. APPROVAL OF THE JULY 28, 2008 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the Ju1y 28,2008 meeting. SECOND by I�night. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Parks Master Plan—The updated 2030 Comprehensive Guide Plan,which includes the Parks Master Plan,was recenfly approved by the City Council for release for a six month review by neighboring communities. We will have comments back in February or March of 2009. Once they are received,we will review and respond to them and adjust the plan if needed. Fina1 approval of the 2030 Comprehensive Guide Plan is expected in Apri12009. This item was an update only. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Family Resource Center—Community Action Council Lease—The Family Resoux�e Center/Coxnmunity Action Council (CAC)provides a wide variety of social services in Rosemount. Ten years ago,at the time their facility was constructed,they signed a formal lease with the City for the use of the building. This lease is due for renewal soon. Schultz would like to include some building maintenance provisions in the new lease,and the Family Resource Center/CAC may also have some changes. They have recendy discussed the possibility of expanding the building. The Family Resource Center/CAC and Ciry staff will review the new lease,and then it will be brought to the Parks and Recreation Commission for review before it goes to the City Council for approval. Schultz asked the Commissioners to e-mail or call him with any comments they may have regarding the lease. Schultz will bring back any changes the Family Resource Center/CAC has for review by the Commission. C. Clty PfOperty—The City acquired property neax the intersection of Bacardi Ave.and 126�St. through tax forfeiture. This property is just over five acres,and is approximately one-third water,one-third woods,and one-third uplands,and is adjacent to weflands. The City was recently approached by a private individual interested in purchasing the property to build a home. Before any decision is made,City staff wanted to consider whether this property would serve any parks and recreation function. Possibilities include hiking trails,bike trails,an off leash dog park,archery range,canoe launch,or preservation as open green space. Schultz asked the Commission for their comments regarding this property. Schultz provided an aerial map of the site,as well as photos of the property. There are several existing homes on acreages near this parcel. The Commission wanted to be sure that any use would take into considerarion the egisting homeowners. They felt it was too small for a canoe launch,that neighbors would have concerns about archery,and that the property was small for trails or other uses that would involve a lot of traffic. They asked about other - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes August 25, 2008 parks planned for this neighborhood as the City grows. Schultz provided the parks master plan map of the proposed development for the area. The plan includes parks to meet the needs of residents as development occurs. The Commission asked for more information on what the City will receive if this property is sold. They agreed that the key is to see if there is a use that is compatible with the surrounding development. Preservation of this parcel could possibly play a role in green space conservation. Schultz will bring back an update on the property from Community Development,as well as financial information on what happens when the property is sold. Eisold asked if sta.ff could contact Lebanon Hills for their feedback regarding this parcel. Schultz will bring back input from the greenway groups as well. b. Director's Report- The park improvement fund balance as of July 31,2008 was$1,780,886.23. No parks dedication,grants or donations were received in July. Interest was$2,902.58. There were expenditures of$64,079.53 for Brockway Park design,the Brazil Ave. trail extension and DCTC soccer compleg. T'he Commission asked about the breakdown for expenditures,specifically how much of this was for DCTG Schultz will e-mail the Commission the breakdown. DCTC Soccer Complex—The three fields have been prepped and seeded by Wagner Sod. City Public Works staff will take over maintenance after the first cut. The'+-r+a tion system is in and n,nning. The company that installed it will flush it this fall and start it up next spring,and then our staff will take over its maintenance. Charlies Park Tennis Courts—Staff will be meeting with the new Rosemount Middle School athletic director Yegarding the tennis courts at Charlies Park,and would also like to have the Rosemount Elementary School principal attend so that the green space needs near the courts can be discussed. Senior Listening Sessions—Staff have completed seven senior listening sessions. Five sessions were held at the various senior housing facilities in Rosemount,and two sessions for the public were held at the Rosemount Community Center. Feedback from those who attended the sessions is being compiled and the information will be shared with the Commission when it is ready. Meadows Park Trail and Landscaping—The City recendy finished installing major utilities in the area where the trail is located. The trail is being finished now,and the landscaping should be completed this fall. RCC Parking Lot Use—The City Council has been working with the Minnesota Valley Transit Authority (MVTA) and recendy announced that a bus route has been established in Rosemount 'The Community Center parking lot will be the bus stop,with service beginning on September 8. Approgimately 50-75 spots in the Community Center parking lot will be set aside for those riding the bus. Because of this,the agreement with the Rosemount High School for student parking at the Community Center has been changed Approximately 44 spots for student parking will now be available at the Schwarz Pond Park parking lot. A new agreement will be brought to the City Council for approval negt week. Signs will be installed and parking spots will be marked as was the case at the Community Center. Parking will be allowed by permit only. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Eliason to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes:4 Nays:0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -2 -