HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 09-22 PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes September 22, 2008 APPROVED Members Present: Ma.ureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy Knight,Kevin Strayton Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzmann Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eisold called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE AUGUST 25, 2008 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Eisold to approve the minutes of the August 25,2008 meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: 8. ChB�lleS Pa�k Te11111S COurtS—Staff has been in contact with ISD 196 regarding the possible addition of a pair of tennis courts at Charlies Park. ISD 196 has shown some interest in this project,but they were concerned about losing green space at Charlies Park. Per Schultz,if new courts were added, they would be placed as close as possible to the existing courts in order to retain as much green space as possible. Schultz provided an aerial view that showed how the park would look with the additional courts. Schultz also mentioned that the possibiliry of having a conservation easement to protect the remaining green space was discussed with ISD 196. Strayton suggested that this might not be the best option,as it could restrict any future development of the park that may be needed. ISD 196 has expressed interest in the.7 acres of land on the corner of Hwy. 3 and 146�Street that was acquired by the City several years ago. Sta,ff have suggested that ISD 196 deed the 1.24 acres at Chaxlies Park to the City,and that the City deed the.7 acres to the school. The City would pay for construction and all future maintenance of the courts. 'The funds that would have been used to build tennis courts at Brockway Park would be used to build them at Charlies Park instead. A use agreement between the City and ISD 196 would be established,with priority use for ISD 196 from August through May. Staff also has met with the USTA,and their preference is to have as many tennis courts as possible clustered together,instead of two courts at each park. Eisold asked about grants available from the USTA for this type of project. Per Schultz,we applied for a$15,000 grant in August. Eisold asked if ISD 196 had applied for any grants. Schultz did not think they had. Jeanne Ewen,Tennis Coach,Kim Shoe-Corrigan,Council Member and other audience members all stressed the need for additional courts. It was mentioned that people are driving to other ciries to find open courts. They would like to host tournaments,too. Clustering 6-8 courts together would be ideal for this,and they felt that Erickson Park would be a good location for this number of courts. Per Schultz,we are waiting to hear back from ISD 196 regarding this project. He will bring more information back to the Comtnission. The Commission asked about the cost to build courts. Schultz will get figures on this as well. b. Erickson Park/Central Park Improvements—Schulrz pro�ided a topographical map of Eri�kson and Central Parks. He outlined some possible future scenarios for changing the entrance to Central Park that would make it more visible to the public. Schultz then updated the Coxnxnission on the Veterans' Walk. T'he veterans group has contacted a landscape architect,but no final plan has been submitted to the City. Schultz then reviewed a list of improvements that are identified in the updated Parks Master Plan for Erickson Park. Schultz wanted to discuss outfield netting,tennis courts and timing for improvements at tonight's meeting. In 2010,the addition of tennis courts is listed,but not at Erickson Park which has been suggested to staff as the best location. At past meetings,the Commission has - 1 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes September 22, 2008 expressed concern at past meetings regarding removing the soccer field at Erickson Park. Discussion began with a question about the hockey rinks'history and usage. Schultz explained that the rinks have been in place for about 35 years,and they are used four nights per week and on Saturdays by RAHA from mid December until earlp March. They are also used for vendors and carnival rides during Leprechaun Days. There was discussion about where people would park if tennis courts are built on the soccer field. Per Schultz,there is a connection to the e�sting gravel parking lot and there would be space to add parking. T'he Commission asked if the courts would be lit. Per Schultz,at some point they would be lit,but it would depend on funding. The Commission felt that if lighting was installed for the courts, lights should be installed at ball fields 4 and 5 at the same time. Those fields currendy sit empty while the other lit fields are being used. The Commission stressed that if the soccer field at Erickson Park is to be removed,we need to be sure that the new soccer fields at DCTC are up and running first. It was also mentioned that adding 10 new tennis courts in less than two years seems like a lot,considering the community did not support spending funds for the athletic complex. T'he Commission asked about the number of tennis courts in nearby cities. Schultz will bring back a comparison of city-owned courts in surrounding communities. Per Schultz,the current preference is to build several courts in one location instead of building two at a time in new parks,but our concern is losing a soccer field that has been in place for over 20 years. Eisold asked for a cost estimate for eight courts. Per Schultz we had an estimate from the landscape architect of approximately$550,000,including courts and fencing between all four courts. This estimate didn't include soil samples,etc. Eisold asked whether it would be possible to phase in the tennis courts by first building four courts and still being able to use part of the green space for soccer. This would provide 12 courts in close proximity and might work well for the grant writing process,too. Per Schultz,we can look into this. We want to try to maximize the space we have in all capacities. Eliason agreed with Eisold. He stated that we have only one full-size soccer field(at Bloomfield Park),and 1200—1300 kids playing soccer. Schultz provided an upda.te regarding the resident who lives to the north of field 2 at Erickson Park. Staff have discussed adding fencing to prevent balls from entering the resident's property,but first we are considering planting cedar trees to create a natura116 to 18 foot wall. The trees would be planted close together to provide a screen and protection from stray balls. This landscaping project would be done in- house,using funds from SKB. There have also been some complaints about balls leaving field 4,and we want to address this too. Per Schultz,our risk management company is looking into both of these issues and we will discuss this further in the future. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Facility Partnerships— District 917—Staff will be meeting with the Superintendant of ISD 917 to discuss the opportunities that may be available for use of their gym and the ball field after school hours. The school has no student activities after 4:00 p.m. New St.Joseph's School—T'he ground breaking ceremony for the new school took place la.st week. 'They are currendy in the process of getting building permits and will be sta.rting construction soon,with completion scheduled for August 2009. It is planned that the school will be open next fall in time for the 2009-10 school year. One full-size soccer field and one or more baseball fields have been proposed,but they will not be built at the same time as the school. They have discussed adding the fields later and we have talked with them about the partnership opportunities that might be available. Community of Hope Church Soccer Field(s)—Schultz recently met with Pastor Per Nielson regarding two soccer fields they are planning to build. They are looking into the cost of seeding and grading,and although they were not interested in irrigating the fields,they would have some type of watering. They are still in the early planning stages of the project. � ISD 196 Removal of Baseball Infield/Turf Installation—Since the construction of the dome,the remaining area is not big enough for baseball. There have been discussions recendy regarding removing the infield area - 2 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes September 22, 2008 and using this site for soccer, football and lacrosse instead. We will be discussing fizrther the City's role in this project with the District,i.e. possibly using City staff and equipment for removal of the infield. b. ACtIVe LiVitlg —Walkabllliy TOU�—The City is sponsoring a Walkability Tour of Rosemount on September 30. The walk will provide information on how pedestrian/bike friendly Rosemount is,and barriers that may exist. The Active Living program is funded through a Blue Cross/Blue Shield grant made possible by the tobacco settlement the sta,te received. Several City staff inembers are part of the Active Living committee whose goal is to help promote healthy environments in our communities. C. DiPeCtOr'S RepOrt-The park improvement fund balance as of August 31,2008 was$1,720,388.98. No parks dedication,grants or donations were received in August. Interest was$354.54. There were egpenditures of$60,851.79 for the electrical box at Central Park,the Family Resource Center sidewalk,the Brockway Park design,the Brazil Ave. trail extension and the Central Park survey. Minot League Hockey Game—Minor league hockey teams from Fairbanks,Alaska and Owatonna, Minnesota rented ice at the Rosemount Community Center recently. There were between 600 and 700 spectators, far exceeding the expected attendance of 225. We hope to host this event again. DCTC Soccer Complex—Schultz met with staff from DCTC this morning. They provided financial information that our staff will be compiling. There are funds remaining from the original$450,000. DCTC asked about possibly using those funds for some additional amenities: 1.Construction of a concession building with no water and sewer. The lower level of the building would be used for concession sales and storage,and the upper level would be for a mini press box; 2.Landscaping near the entrance points to the compleg. A drawing of a possible landscape plan was provided; 3.Lighting. Schultz asked the Commission which of these amenities would be their priority. The Commission agreed that lighting was the first priority,the concession building would be second,and their third priority would be sun shelters and trees. Any other landscaping would be lower in priority. Per Schultz,the cost for lit championship fields would be$130,000 with 30 ft candles,and$170,000 with 50 ft candles.Schultz thought that the majority of the concession building could be built with in-kind services by DCTC students. Athletic Complex Site Grading/SKB Environmental—Schultz met with sta.ff from SKB at the athletic complex site this morning. They are in the process of applying for expansion. In the past they have paid fees to the City for this,and they are now interested in donating grading services for the athletic compleg site. Approgimately 240,000 yards of dirt will need to be moved,but they were interested in moving less than that. No grading plan has been done for the site,but we are working with SKB to try to come to some type of agreement,possibly grading a portion of the site. The Commission asked for a grading plan cost estimate and to discuss this further next month. UMORE—iJMORE is starting to put plans together and they are interested in working with the City to expand the campus. Per Schultz,any athletic fields opportunities would be of interest to us. They plan to take a concept plan to the regents in November and anticipate approval in December. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 5 Nays:0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:58 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary - 3 -