HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 11-24 PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes November 24, 2008 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Ba.rtz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy Knight,Kevin Strayton Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzmann Others Present: Gerald Gerrits,Jeff Nivala and Ed McMenomy Jr. from the Rosemount Veterans' Memorial Walk group. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: The agenda was changed to accommodate members of the Rosemount Veterans'Memorial Wa1k group who were at the meeting to discuss their project. T'hey were added as Old Business a. City Property was changed to Old Business b. and 2009 Fees and Fee Poliry was changed to Old Business c. 3. APPROVAL OF THE Octobe�27, 2008 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the October 27,2008 meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Veterans' Memorial Walk—Schultz gave a brief overview of discussions that have been held with the members of the Rosemount Veterans'Memorial Walk(RVMV�group in the past and reviewed the landscape architect's plan that had been discussed at la.st month's meeting that the group had concerns with. This plan includes memorial pavers along the trail beginning north of the Central Park hockey rink, a sign at the beginning of the trail,and sitting areas along the trail. The memorial would end where the new trail segment heads north. Schultz egplained that at last month's meeting,the Commission had asked the RVNIW group to come to a consensus on a plan that would include everything they would like for the future. Per Schultz,such a plan would allow them to market the memorial walk and would also provide new members joining the group with a clear vision of the project. At the October meeting,it was unclear what the group wanted the final project to look like. City Staff and the Commission have been supportive of a memorial since the project was originally presented to them,but they have continually asked for a plan that all members of the RVMW group could agree on before they recommend approval of the project. Ed McMenomy,Jr. addressed the Commission and egplained that the group was concerned about the more elaborate plan reviewed by Schultz at this month's and last month's meetings. Their main concern was that the City would ask them to sign a development contract and letter of escrow to complete it. They did not want to represent to the Commission that this plan could be completed in 2009. Their goal is to start laying pavers along the trail in the spring of 2009,and also to begin fundraising so they will have funds for things such as monuments and flags. Per Mr.McMenomy,they are angious to get the project approved and get things started and the plan Schultz reviewed is the plan they all agree on. MOTION by Knight to approve the Veterans'Memorial Walk plan as presented and recommend that staff put together a Memorandum of Understanding to discuss with them for their approval. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 5 Naqs: 0 Motion passed. - 1 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION � Regular Meeting Minutes � November 24, 2008 6c�ca-rd-�.�.�e � f�(o`�'S�, b. Clty of Rosemoullt—PPOpePty—Schultz brought this item to last month's meeting to discuss whether the Commission thought this property might serve any parks and recreation type of use. After discussion,it was agreed that due to a number of factors including the way the property is split and its topography,any park use would be a challenge. Schultz provided answers to questions the Commission had at last month's meeting. 1.if the property is sold,the City Planner informed Schultz that the City would get the money from the sale,although it would not go into the park improvement. 2. Schultz contacted Dakota County regarding the property's value to them as part of a greenway/trail plan. Per Dakota County,this property would play no significant role in greenway/trail plans and they were not interested in acquiting it. 3. Schultz checked on the property tages collected on the five closest homes and thep range from$5,000 to$8,000 per year. The City receives about 45%of these tages. Based on the information provided,it was Schultz's recommendation that the Commission recommend that the City Council move forward with the sale of the property. The Commission discussed some pros and cons of selling the property now or waiting until land values increase. Strayton asked what the Commission's part in this issue was. Per Schultz,it is to decide if the property could be used for parkland. MOTION by Strayton to recommend that the City Council move forward with the sale of the property owned by the City and identified with a property ID#3484000-020-00,and that a portion of the proceeds,should a sale arise,be specifically designated to the park improvement fund. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. c. 2009 Fees and Fee Policy- Schulrz included a chart in this monrh's Commission packet comparing Rosemount's ice rental fees with those of other nearby cities. Rosemount's fees were in the lower half when compared with the other cities. Per Schultz,we have steady use of our ice for clinics and want to make sure that we don't turn people away by raising fees too high. For 2009,Schultz would like the Commission to consider increasing the fee for Skate Sharpening/Open Skate passes. Schultz also made corrections to items under f.Arena on pages 5 and 6 of the poliry. These changes are noted in the fee policy included in the packet. As far as park rental fees,these vary depending on the type and condition of shelters,and our current fees are line with what other cities are charging. Field fees varied between$30 and$40 per field per day,with our fee being$35. Per Schultz,we do not egpect to change these fees for 2009. At last month's meeting,the Commission asked Schultz to bring back information on what other cities charge for arena event or gate collection fees. This information was also included in the fee comparison chart. T'he Commission discussed raising the fee for Skate Sharpening/Open Skate punch card passes. T'hey were not in favor of an increase,based on the minimal amount of additional revenue that would be generated. MOTION by Bartz to recommend that the City Council approve the attached 2009 Fees and Fee Poliry,excluding the Skate Sharpening/Open Skate punch card increase. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Director's Report-The park improvement fund balance as of October 31,2008 was $1,711,772.42. No parks dedication,grants or donations were received in October. Interest was$4,266.91. There were expenditures of$12,057.56 for electrical work at Central Park,the Brazil Ave. trail egtension,and Brockway Park design. DakOtB COunty TeChnlCal C011ege—They are moving forward with plans to constr.uct a concession/storage building on land where the soccer fields are located. They are using their own resources, including the help of DCTC concrete and masonry students. The funds donated by the City are not being used for this project. We have asked for a financial report regarding the funds the City donated,but because DCTC's Finance Director recendy left,we have not received it. S@1110� P�Og�81175 and FaCiIltleS—Staff brought the report on the Senior Listening Sessions to the City Council for review. Staff also recently met with representatives from Health East who are interested in partnering with a Dakota County community on a new location for their City Passport program for adults 50 years and better. They provide some programming,staff and services geared toward older adults. Staff - 2 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes November 24, 2008 will be meeting with them aga.in on December 3 to tour some of our facilities. They may also possibly be building a new clinic on the Genz Ryan property. 111te1'pPetlV@ TI'811 COPI'IdO�—T'he work on the Erickson Park Pond Water Project/Interpretive Trail Corridor Project is nearing completion. The trail has been realigned and the wedand has been enlarged and deepened. MeadOWs P81'k N8tu1'al—Black dirt has been spread on the area of the park where pipeline work was done and it will be restored with native plant cover. The loop trail has also been completed. DeCerllber Meeting—Schultz would like to discuss a 2009 Parks and Recreation Department work plan at the December 22 meeting. Schultz stated he work like to discuss a few issues with the Parks and Recreation Commission prior to the City Council holding their 2009 goal setting session. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 5 Nays:0 Motion passed. 'I'he meeting was adjourned at 8:14 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary - 3 -