HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008 12-22 PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes December 22, 2008 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason Members Absent: Sandy Knight,Kevin Strayton Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: None Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Elia.son called the meeting to order at 7:05 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE November 24, 2008 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the November 24,2008 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Rosemount Veterans' Memorial Walk— MOU -Schultz reviewed a draft Memo of Understanding(MOL� between the Rosemount Veterans'Memorial Wa1k group (RVM� and the City of Rosemount. The goal was to make the MOU as detailed as possible regarding the City's egpectations for the project. When the draft was completed,staff inet with the RVMti�group and the RVMW group requested some changes. Schultz handed out a revised MOU with these changes. The RVMW group has asked that all references to maintenance be struck from the agreement and as far as what happens after the installation of the pavers,they wanted all expenses to be the responsibility of the City. Schultz asked the Commissioners for any comments they had regarding the MOU. Eliason asked who would be responsible if there was damage to pavers,as far as item 9.in the MOU. Per Schultz,the City would be responsible for maintenance,but not replacement cost,and he has discussed this with the members of RVMW. Schultz mentioned that the City Attorney is reviewing the new state statute that relates to city involvement with this type of inemorial and handed out copies of the new statute. Staff is also waiting for input from our Public Works Departtnent regarding the MOU. Eisold asked if this project was part of the updated master plan. Per Schultz,it is referenced,and we should also include a map in the master plan for future reference. Bartz suggested including something in the MOU regarding what happens if the pavers are improperly installed or there is heaving due to freezing,so that City staff is not responsible for this. Schultz will add this to the MOU. Schultz explained that staff will be inspecting the installation and the City could also ask for a one year warranty. This item was tabled and will be brought back with the updates to the MOU. 7. NEW BUSINESS: 8. Cent�81 P1t'k MaSte� PI811rling —Staff have met with the City Planner regarding developing a concept plan for possible future expansion and improvements to the entrance area of Central Park. Schultz provided seven options for consideration that were prepared by WSB and reviewed them. Several of the plans included a splash pad on the site where the BP/Amoco Station currently sits. The Commissioners and Schultz agreed that this was not a suita.ble location for a splash pad. Other options included a parking lot and open area,and possibly a water feature such as a fountain,on the site where Polfus Implement is located. There was also an option to add a small commercial building at the entrance to Central Park(Polfus site),and expand the open area to the BP/Amoco Station site if it were acquired. T'he pros and cons of these options were discussed. Bartz asked about the acreage of the properties. Per Schultz,the Polfus Implement site is approximately two acres and the BP/Amoco Station site is approximately 3/4 acre. Schultz explained that any improvements to this area would be financed with funds received through grants, - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes December 22, 2008 and the scope of the improvements will be driven by the funds that are available. After further discussion, the Commissioners agreed that option A-2 was the preferred design. b. 2009 Work Plan/Goal Setting Discussion—Schultz reviewed the list of potential work plan items that will be shared with the City Council during early 2009. Schultz asked the Commissioners for any other items they would like to include. Eisold asked that partnering with St.Joseph's new school be included. There was also discussion about whether an aquatic feature should be included. Eisold suggested that if it was,we look into an indoor facility. With two very popular outdoor water parks nearby(Apple Valley and Eagan) an indoor facility such as the one at the Grove in Inver Grove Heights would be a better option. The Commission negt discussed athletic fields and ways to schedule them to make the most of what is available. Eliason suggested including egpansion of the skate park. Bartz asked whether the high school has moved forward with the conversion of the former high school baseball field to green space. Per Schultz,so far they have not,but he will add this to the school partnerships discussion item. The Flint Hills property, the disc golf course,the additional tennis courts to be added at Charlie's Park and the possible plans for tennis courts at Erickson Park were items the Commission suggested be added to the list for discussion. Schultz will let the Commissioners know when the City Council meeting to discuss 2009 goals is to be held. C. DII'eCtO�'S RepOrt—The park improvement fund balance as of November 30,2008 was$1,709,808.11. No parks dedication,grants or donations were received in November. Interest was $12,521.69. There were egpenditures of$14,486 for Brockway Park construction. Outd001'ICe Rlnks—The outdoor rinks are open for the season. T'his year we will be monitoring the use of some of the pleasure rinks. Based on our findings,we may look at some changes for negt year including possibly reducing the number of pleasure rinks or relocating some of them. TW111 PUddIeS Pa1'k—Street construction will be taking place around Twin Puddles Park in 2009. Schultz provided a map of the area and explained that at feasibility study had been done regarding paving the parking lot at this park. The cost to pave the lot would be approximately$150,000 or,if a"green" parking lot was installed,$250,000. Due to the number of other projects already scheduled,City staff determined that paving this lot was not our first priority at this time. Community Development Block Grant—The Communiry Developmenc Deparrment has funds available from a block grant to be used for projects in low/moderate income areas. Some of these funds will be used for improvements to the Family Resource Center building and Family Resource Center Park equipment. Schultz will bring this item back with more details in January. Tobacco Free Parks Policy-Schultz included a copy of the policy in the Commission packets. The policy addresses limiting the use of tobacco in city parks at youth events. The City's intent was to create a policy that would be followed,and that could be built upon in the future. Minnesota Parks and Recreation Association Award—Mike Eliason has been selected to receive the 2008 MPRA service award for Parks and Recreation Commissioners/Board Members. The award will be presented at a luncheon on January 8. Schultz invited all of the Commissioners to attend the luncheon. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:41 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretaxy - 2 -