HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.a. Request by Prestwick, LLC for a Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning to Develop a 186 Lot Subdivision on Outlot C of Prestwick Place 2nd Addition EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: August 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Cases 16-34-PUD and 16-21-PP – Request by Prestwick, LLC for a Preliminary Plat and Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning to Develop a 186 Lot Subdivision on Outlot C of Prestwick Place 2nd Addition AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 9.a. ATTACHMENTS: Preliminary Plat Resolution, PUD Master Plan Resolution, Ordinance Rezoning to R1- PUD, Prestwick Place 13th Addition PUD Agreement, Site Location Map; Preliminary Plat; Preliminary Grading Plan, Preliminary Utility Plan, Existing Conditions, Preliminary Phasing Plan, Detail Sheet, Preliminary Street Profiles, Erosion Control Plan, Landscape Plan, Drainage Map, Prestwick Place Overall Plan (from 2011), Park and Recreation Director’s Memorandum dated June 21; City Engineer’s Memorandum dated August 10, 2016, Excerpt Planning Commission Minutes July 26, 2016 APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve the following motions: 1. Motion to approve the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 13th Addition, subject to conditions: a. Approval of a Planned Unit Development master plan and rezoning the subject property and designating minimum lot requirements and setbacks. b. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated August 10, 2016. c. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016 d. Dedication of Drainage and Utility easements over all ponding areas as required by the City. e. Storm Water Pond Number 2 (immediately north of Connemara Trail) shall be platted within an outlot and deeded to the City at the time of final plat approval for this portion of the subdivision. f. A drainage and utility easement of 15 feet in width shall be provided along each side of the lot line between Lots 35 and 36, Block 1 and Lots 32 and 33, Block 3 of the preliminary plat in order to accommodate the planed 2 infrastructure depicted on the storm water management plan. 2. Motion to approve the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with the Rezoning of the property from AGP – Agricultural Preserve to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to conditions: a. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: i. Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; ii. A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii. A side entry garage; iv. Or, no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. b. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-15 F. so that the home designs do not need to include an option for a three garage stall. c. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.1. to reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 8,600 square feet and corner lot minimum area from 12, 000 to 10,200 square feet. d. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width to sixty five (65) feet for interior and eighty (80) feet for corner lots. e. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.4. to reduce the front yard setback to twenty five (25) feet. f. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.5. to reduce the side yard setback to seven and one half (7.5) feet. g. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.9. to reduce the maximum lot coverage to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35%) for lots over 9,750 square feet. h. Each corner lot will have two overstory trees, one fronting on each road. The seed mix in the ponding areas should be modified to include more wildflowers in the mix. Both of these modifications should be made to the landscape plan prior to release of the final plat. i. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated August 10, 2016 j. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. k. The landscape plan shall be updated to include additional plantings of evergreen or deciduous trees along railroad right-of-way. l. The landscape plan shall be updated to include additional plantings of evergreen or deciduous trees along Connemara Avenue, and Akron Avenue and/or a berm subject to approval by the City. m. The construction plans shall be updated to include a sidewalk along both sides of Ashford Path. 3. Motion to adopt an Ordinance amending Ordinance B City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance for Prestwick Place 13th Addition. SUMMARY The City Council is being asked to consider an application from Prestwick, LLC for a Preliminary Plat and 3 Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Plan with Rezoning for Prestwick Place 13th Addition to allow 186 lots on 73 acres. The proposed preliminary plat is located within the northern portion of the preliminary development plans for Prestwick Place. The preliminary plat provides legal entitlement to a certain number of lots, but actual developable lots would not be created until a final plat is approved. The developer requested a final plat for the first phase of Prestwick Place 13th Addition that was previously reviewed by the Planning Commission, but has subsequently changed. A revised final plat will be considered by the Planning Commission in the near future. The proposed lots are consistent with the lots approved in earlier plats within Prestwick Place, and staff is recommending similar lot sizes, lot widths, and setbacks as previous additions with consideration for the design guidelines found in prior phases. Applicant: Prestwick, LLC Location: West of Akron Avenue about ½ mile north of CSAH 42 and south of the Union Pacific Rail Line, immediately north of Prestwick Place 8th and 12th Additions Acres: 72.59 Acres Proposed Lots: 191 Lots Gross Density: 2.63 Units/Acre Wetlands: None Net Density: 2.63 Units/Acre Existing Comp Plan Designation: LDR – Low Density Residential Existing Zoning: AGP – Agricultural Preserve Proposed Zoning R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review the proposed Preliminary Plat and PUD Master Plan and Rezoning request on July 26, 2016. The Commission generally discussed some of the standards for the development, including the proposed allowance for residential building plans that do not include a third garage stall. Staff noted that the proposed plat standards are consistent with the requirements for previous phases within Prestwick and other neighboring developments. The Commission also discussed the design of the northernmost road segment, and expressed concern that the long stretch of road would not be ideal for this neighborhood. Staff indicated that the long stretch of road was designed with some slight curvature in order to help calm traffic. The Assistant City Engineer stated that he had been asked to review the road alignments early in the design process, and that the present design addresses previous review comments. The Commission further discussed a recommendation from the Parks Commission to require sidewalks along both sides of Ashford Path (the northernmost road segment). Staff noted that the policy in single family residential developments on non-collector or non-arterial roads is to only have a sidewalk on one side of the road. The majority of Commissioners agreed with the Parks Commission recommendation, and included a condition of approval to require sidewalks on both sides of Ashford Path. Scott Johnston of Prestwick, LLC noted that the additional sidewalks would add cost to the development but that he was otherwise not opposed to the change. The Planning Commission also supported the staff recommendation to require a 7.5 foot side yard setback as part of the approval verses the 5-foot side yard setback requested by the applicant. Mr. Johnston stated that a 5-foot setback would provide greater flexibility for builders, but noted that they would work with the slightly larger setback as recommended by staff. After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted unanimously (5-0) to recommend approval of the Preliminary Plat, PUD Master Plan and Rezoning subject to the draft conditions of approval and with an additional condition that the construction plans be updated to include a sidewalk on both sides of Ashford Path. 4 Since the Planning Commission meeting, the applicant has been working with the City Engineer to address some of the City’s review comments, and in particular, issues associated with the storm water improvements and timing of these improvements. As a result of these discussions, the developer is revising the overall phasing plan for the project area and is planning to submit a final plat for a different area than that reviewed by the Planning Commission at its July 26, 2016 meeting. Because the final plat covers a completely different area, the developer will be submitting the updated final plat for review at an upcoming Planning Commission meeting. The Council will therefore not be asked to address any final plat for the project area until the Planning Commission review is complete (the preliminary plat is not affected by the proposed phasing changes). In addition to the phasing plan changes, the developer has made some modifications to the Preliminary Plat and Plans to address review comments. Most of these changes relate to the City Engineer’s grading and storm water comments, with minimal changes to the arrangement and layout of lots reviewed by the Planning Commission. The most significant change has been the expansion of storm water pond number two in the southwestern portion of the development. In order to accommodate a larger pond in this area, the number of lots within the development has been reduced by 5 (from 191 to 186). Because the layout of lots, streets, and other utilities as reviewed by the Planning Commission has not changed substantially, staff is comfortable bringing the Commission’s recommendation forward with plans as revised by the applicant. In response to the updated plans, staff is recommending two additional conditions beyond those recommended by the Planning Commission. The first would require the developer to provide a wider drainage and utility easement between Lots 35 and 36, Block 1 and Lots 32 and 33, Block 3 of the preliminary plat in order to accommodate deeper storm water pipe in these areas. Staff is recommending an easement width of 15 feet along each of these lot lines (for a total easement width of 30 feet). Staff would anticipate some modification to the lots impacted by the larger easement or a reduction in the building footprint. Staff has put the applicant on notice that variances for setbacks would not be supported due to the wider easements required. Also recommended is that storm water pond number two (up to the 100 year flood elevation) be platted as an outlot and dedicated to the City in order to avoid the excessively deep lots that have been proposed. Both of these conditions are included in the draft resolution of approval and the list above. BACKGROUND The overall preliminary development plan for Prestwick Place was approved by the City in 2007, and covered nearly 300 acres of land both east and west of Akron Avenue immediately north of County Road 42. The original plans included a mix of low density residential, higher density residential townhouses and apartments, and commercial development within the project area. Although the City approved a PUD Master Plan and zoning for the southern portions of the development, all areas north of Connemara and west of Akron Avenue were set aside for future development (hence no master plan or zoning changes were submitted for these areas in 2007). Due in part to the economic downturn that hit shortly after project approval, no development occurred within the PUD until after the developer requested Comprehensive Plan amendments in 2010 and 2011 that eliminated all medium density residential from the PUD areas located west of Akron Avenue. The City approved two larger residential subdivisions called Prestwick Place 2nd and 3rd Additions shortly after the Comprehensive Plan amendments were considered, and to date, 259 lots have been platted west of Akron Avenue with subsequent final plats (12 total additions constructed by three different developers). The current request is located within a large outlot created as part of the 2nd Addition, and is situated north of the 2nd Addition area, west of Akron Avenue, east of the Bloomfield Addition, and directly south of the 5 Union Pacific railroad right-of-way that forms the northern boundary of the Prestwick PUD area. Prior to 2015, the City’s future land use map still designated the subject area as medium density residential consistent with the original Prestwick Place plans. In early 2015, the City approved a Comprehensive Plan Amendment to remove the medium density residential element from this area, and currently all portions of the property are guided for low density residential development. The subject area was not included in any previous PUD master plan or rezoning approved by the City, so this portion of the Prestwick area is still zoned AG Agricultural and will need to be rezoned to R1-PUD Low Density Residential to support the proposed subdivision. The developer is also requesting approval of a PUD Master Development Plan for the preliminary plat area consistent with the development standards approved in previous Prestwick subdivisions. These standards generally follow the City’s R1 Low Density Residential zoning requirements with some exceptions, most notably for lot size and width, setbacks, and impervious coverage requirements. Legal Authority Preliminary plat, rezoning, and final plat requests are quasi-judicial decisions for the City Council meaning that the Council is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. The Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan is a legislative decision because of the Code deviations being requested. Legislative decisions give the City Council more latitude, but consideration should be given to the PUD standards of the existing Prestwick Place development as well as the PUD standards in the adjacent Greystone development (east of the preliminary plat area). The recommended Prestwick Place 13th Addition PUD regulations are identical to those in the existing Prestwick Place PUD and similar to the Greystone standards. General Subdivision Design The proposed preliminary plat would encompass all of Outlot C of Prestwick Place 2nd Addition, and would extend developable lots north of existing subdivisions within the overall Prestwick PUD area. All access into the subdivision would come from existing local or collector streets platted with earlier Prestwick phases, and all planned roads loop back through the preliminary plat area because of the railroad right-of-way that forms the northern boundary of the project. The only connection to an adjacent parcel will be a connection to an existing street stub in the Bloomfield 7th Addition. The overall configuration of lots, lot size, and other design elements are very similar to the lots that have been approved immediately to the south, but are slightly larger than were originally described in the Prestwick PUD. All of the Prestwick lots approved to date have maintained a 65-foot minimum lot width. The original lot layout for Prestwick included a series of storm water ponds along the railroad right-of-way that provided some separation and buffering from the rail line. With the revised plans for the subject area, the developer is proposing to establish lots with extra depth along the rail line that will accomplish a similar objective and provide room for storm water ponding within drainage and utility easements. The proposed system will act like a long swale running west to east that will lead to a larger storm water pond in the extreme northeastern portion of the site. The site is relatively flat and has historically been used for agricultural purposes. The historic farmstead for the area was located in the south central portion of the area to be platted, but all buildings and trees associated with this past use were removed as part of the grading work for the 12th Addition. There are no trees currently on the property with the exception of vegetation parallel with the northern property line. The original PUD master plan included a tree preservation and protection plan, and the City approved the overall tree planting requirements with this initial approval. Subsequent landscape plans have been reviewed for 6 general conformance with the approved plan, and to date the developer has documented that there have been an excess number of trees planted above the City’s minimum requirements. The only other major site limitation is an existing Northern Natural Gas pipeline and easement that runs east to west in the southwest portion of the preliminary plat. All lots and roads have been designed to account for the easement and the developer will need to secure proper permits before working over the line. There are no identified wetlands or other features that will restrict development of the property under consideration. Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning The subject property is currently zoned AG Agricultural Preserve and in order to approve the proposed plat to accommodate the small lot, single family homes proposed, the applicant has requested zoning of R1 PUD - Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development. The deviations from the R-1 standards requested by Prestwick, LLC include a reduction in the minimum lot size from 10,000 square feet to 8,600 square feet; reduction in the minimum lot width from 80 feet to 65 feet, reduction in the front yard setback from 30 feet to 25 feet; reduction in the side yard setback from 10 feet to 5 feet; and an increase of the maximum lot coverage tiered from 30% to 40% depending upon lot size. Please note that all of the requested standards are very much in line with the previous approvals in Prestwick with the exception of the 5-foot side yard setback sought by the developer and noted on the development plans. Staff is not supportive of this request because it is not consistent with any of the City’s previous approvals within Prestwick or any other low density residential neighborhood approved by the City. The original PUD for Prestwick allowed a combination of a 5-foot garage setback with 10-foot house setback, but all of the City’s recent single-family residential PUD’s have specified a 7.5-foot setback on both sides. Staff is concerned that the 5-foot setback will result in homes that are too close together, and would place structures immediately on top of the required drainage and utility easements. A decrease in the separation between houses from 15 to 10 would leave very little room for accessing the rear yards of properties or being able to maintain any landscaping or other improvements within these yards. Also, the City’s zoning regulations allow for encroachments into required setback areas for things like roof eaves, gutters, fireplace bump-outs, and other improvements that would leave almost no space between houses for light, air, and access. The following chart reflects the staff recommendation of a 7.5-foot side yard setback. Comparison of Lot Requirements and Standards Category Current R-1 Standards Greystone Standards Proposed Prestwick 13th Addition Standards Min. Lot Area 10,000 sq. ft. (Interior) 12,000 sq. ft. (Corner) 8,600 sq. ft. 10,400 sq. ft. 8,600 sq. ft. 10,200 sq. ft. Min. Lot Width 80 ft. (Interior) 95 sq. ft. (Corner) 60 ft. 65 ft. (Interior) 80 ft. (Corner) Min. Front Yard Setback 30 ft. 25 ft. 25 ft. Min. Side Yard Setback 10 ft. 7.5 ft. 7.5 ft. Min. Rear Yard Setback 30 ft. 30 ft. 30 ft. Max. Impervious Surface 30% 30%, 35%, 40% 35%, 40% Home Designs The applicant is proposing to build two story home designs that are consistent with the homes being constructed in the earlier Prestwick Phases. The developer has not submitted any specific home plans for this area, and has indicated that he will be working with three different builders, each of whom are expected to have slightly different housing designs. 7 In exchange for the proposed reductions from R1 district standards, staff is proposing that all front elevation designs for the homes includes one of four design features: A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; A side entry garage; No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. These same standards are used in both the Greystone and Prestwick Place developments and have been applied to all homes built in these subdivisions to date. Preliminary Plat. The proposed preliminary plat would subdivide the 73 acre property into 186 single family lots. The plat does not include any outlots as all storm water ponding and drainage improvements will be located on private property within easements (staff is recommending that one of the ponds be deeded as an outlot to the City when a final plat is prepared for that portion of the development). Most of these drainage improvements are located along the northern or eastern property boundary within lots that have extra depth beyond the City’s typical R1 low density residential lots. The plat includes a larger pond adjacent to Connemara Trail that will include a storm water ponding area, and Staff is recommending that particular pond be dedicated to the City as an outlot in order to avoid the excessively deep lots proposed by the applicant. The City previously acquired a small parcel just outside the northeast corner of the plat that will be used for a future well; the well site was dedicated to the City as part of an earlier plat and will not be impacted by the proposed subdivision. Street System The proposed plat depicts the construction of several new streets to serve the 186 lots, and the plat includes names for each street as recommended by staff. The typical street design for this subdivision is a 32 foot wide street with a sidewalk installed on one side of the street. This typical design meets the City’s standards for a street that allows parking on both sides of the street. The Parks Director has asked that sidewalks be extended into cul-de-sac streets as noted in the attached review comments. One of the proposed cul-de-sacs has been eliminated in order accommodate a larger storm water pond in the southwest portion of the development, and Staff has updated the draft conditions of approval to reflect this change. All access points into the subdivision will occur from existing local streets to the south, including Abercorn Avenue and Abbeyfield Avenue. There is one new planned connection to Connemara Trail that will result in an extension of Ailesbury Avenue further to the north. This connection point was planned and improved with an earlier Prestwick project. One additional access point is planned for the western edge of the subdivision and will provide a connection into the Bloomfield neighborhood. This future connection and access was planned and constructed with the Bloomfield 7th Addition. All other planned roads are internal to the development, and have been arranged in a manner to provide an approximate grid pattern running north and south. Staff provided early feedback to the developer concerning the arrangement of streets, and all requested modifications were made to the streets in order to ensure compliance with City street standards. The development does include one longer east-west road serving the northernmost lots, which could not be avoided without reducing accessibility for the entire neighborhood. The developer has proposed some slight curvature into this street to help calm traffic and provide some variety in the 8 streetscape. The proposed street layout as well as the proposed phasing plan will help the developer avoid installing temporary turn-around areas as each project phase is constructed. Each phase of the project will either connect into an existing street or will provide a loop around the lots to be constructed at each stage. Wetlands There are no wetlands located on this site. Tree Preservation The majority of the site is currently or was formerly used as agriculture and is devoid of trees. There were previously some trees located around the former farmstead, but previous examination of these trees found many box elders and no heritage trees as defined by City Code. The tree replacement requirement for this area was addressed and fulfilled in the original Prestwick Place preliminary plat and nothing additional is required with this approval. Landscape and Berming The landscaping for the subdivision will be predominately trees planted on individual lots. As part of its review, staff is recommending that the landscape plan be revised to include additional plantings along Connemara Trail, Akron Avenue, and the railroad right-of-way. With regards to Connemara Trail and Akron Avenue, all other portions Prestwick Place along these roads included a small berm to help provide some separation from homes and the collector roads. At a minimum, staff is requesting additional screening or a small berm similar to the neighboring properties. With past approvals, the City required the Akron Avenue and Connemara Trail frontages to have 4 foot tall berms, deciduous trees spaced evenly along the property line with the roadway, and a minimum of three evergreens on each individual lot abutting Akron or Connemara. There is not as much space for berming than in the neighborhoods to the south. Part of the reason for this is the installation of ponding and drainage swales in the northern and eastern portions of the site. Any fencing constructed on lots will need to be located with the landscaping outside of the fence and between the fence and Akron Avenue or Connemara Trail. Trees installed on the individual lots will include one tree for each interior lot and two trees for each corner lot, or 217 trees for the entire subdivision. The trees will be installed after the lots are developed and final grade has been established. Trees will be required to be installed in locations that do not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. The applicant is not proposing to use a homeowners association so all the landscaping would be installed on private property and the individual homeowners would be responsible for their landscaping. The landscape plan depicts 238 total trees for the development, which exceeds the minimum standards required by the Zoning Ordinance. Parks and Open Space The Parks and Recreation Director reviewed the Prestwick Place 13th Addition Plans and finds that no additional land is necessary for the neighborhood park. In this case, land has previously been dedicated for Ailesbury Park within Prestwick Place, and staff is recommending that the developer pay cash in lieu of land dedication consistent with the City’s park dedication requirements. The required cash payment amount is documented on the attached memorandum from the Parks Director, which totals $632,400 for the entire project payable upon final platting (adjusted for the 5 lot reduction since this memo was drafted). Staff is recommending compliance with the Parks Director’s memorandum as a condition of approval. 9 Engineering Comments The City Engineer has provided a review memorandum for the subdivision, and the majority of the comments pertain to modifications needed to bring the public improvement and grading plans into conformance with City requirements. There are several locations throughout the project area where additional or expanded easements will be necessary to cover the planned infrastructure (including storm water catch basins and storm water pipes). In general the planned streets and sewer and water infrastructure have been found to meet City requirements or will require minor modifications to bring them into conformance. One of the more significant comments from the City Engineer concerns the planned phasing and construction of the storm water system. The applicant will need to identify an interim strategy for construction of these improvements to the satisfaction of the City Engineer. Compliance with the City Engineer’s memorandum is included as a condition of approval. Final Plat. The developer will be submitting a final plat for consideration at an upcoming Planning Commission meeting. The final plat will need to be consistent with the preliminary plat and any conditions of approval adopted by the City Council. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Preliminary Plat, Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan and Rezoning from AGP – Agricultural Preserve to R1 – Low Density Residential with the conditions listed. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the above memorandum. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2016 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PRELIMINARY PLAT FOR PRESTWICK PLACE 13TH ADDITION WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount received a request for Preliminary Plat approval from Prestwick, LLC concerning property legally described as: Outlot C, Prestwick Place 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on July 26, 2015, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 13th Addition; and WHEREAS, on July 26, 2015, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 13th Addition, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on August 16, 2016, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 13th Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Approval of a Planned Unit Development master plan and rezoning the subject property and designating minimum lot requirements and setbacks. 2. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. 3. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016 4. Dedication of Drainage and Utility easements and must be dedicated over all ponding areas. 5. Storm Water Pond Number 2 (immediately north of Connemara Trail) shall be platted within an outlot and deeded to the City at the time of final plat approval for this portion of the subdivision. 6. A drainage and utility easement of 15 feet in width shall be provided along each side of the lot line between Lots 35 and 36, Block 1 and Lots 32 and 33, Block 3 of the preliminary plat in order to accommodate the planed infrastructure depicted on the storm water management plan. ADOPTED this 16th day of August, 2016, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: RESOLUTION 2016- ___________________________________ Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2016 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT (PUD) MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN WITH REZONING FOR PRESTWICK PALCE 13TH ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received a request for a Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with Rezoning from Prestwick, LLC concerning property legally described as: Outlot C, Prestwick Place 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on July 26, 2016, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Prestwick Place 13th Addition; and WHEREAS, on July 26, 2016, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Prestwick Place 13th Addition, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on August 16, 2016, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Planned Unit Development (PUD) Master Development Plan of Prestwick Place 13th Addition and the Rezoning from AGP – Agricultural Preserve to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to: 1. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: a. Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; b. A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; c. A side entry garage; d. Or, no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 2. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-15 F. so that the home designs do not need to include an option for a three garage stall. 3. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.1. to reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 8,600 square feet and corner lot minimum area from 12, 000 to 10,200 square feet. 4. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width to sixty five (65) feet for interior and eighty (80) feet for corner lots. 5. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.4. to reduce the front yard setback to twenty five (25) feet. 6. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.5. to reduce the side yard setback to seven and one half (7.5) feet. 7. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.9. to reduce the maximum lot coverage to RESOLUTION 2016- forty percent (40%) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35%) for lots over 9,750 square feet. 8. Each corner lot will have two overstory trees, one fronting on each road. The seed mix in the ponding areas should be modified to include more wildflowers in the mix. Both of these modifications should be made to the landscape plan prior to release of the final plat. 9. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated August 10, 2016 10. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. 11. The landscape plan shall be updated to include additional plantings of evergreen or deciduous trees along railroad right-of-way. 12. The landscape plan shall be updated to include additional plantings of evergreen or deciduous trees along Connemara Avenue, and Akron Avenue and/or a berm subject to approval by the City. 13. The construction plans shall be updated to include a sidewalk along both sides of Ashford Path. ADOPTED this 16th day of August, 2016, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk 2 City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE PRESTWICK PLACE 13TH ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled “City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,” is hereby amended to rezone property from AGP – Agricultural Preserve to R-1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development that is located south of Union Pacific Rail Line and WEST of Akron Avenue within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: Outlot C, Prestwick Place 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,” shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 16th day of August, 2016. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk Published in the Rosemount Town Pages this ______ day of _______________ , 2016. City of Rosemount Ordinance No. B- AN ORDINANCE AMENDING ORDINANCE B CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ZONING ORDINANCE PRESTWICK PLACE 13TH ADDITION THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA, ORDAINS AS FOLLOWS: Section 1. Ordinance B, adopted September 19, 1989, entitled “City of Rosemount Zoning Ordinance,” is hereby amended to rezone property from AGP – Agricultural Preserve to R-1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development that is located south of Union Pacific Rail Line and WEST of Akron Avenue within the City of Rosemount legally described as follows: Outlot C, Prestwick Place 2nd Addition, according to the recorded plat thereof, Dakota County, Minnesota. Section 2. The Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount, referred to and described in said Ordinance No. B as that certain map entitled “Zoning Map of the City of Rosemount,” shall not be republished to show the aforesaid rezoning, but the Clerk shall appropriately mark the said zoning map on file in the Clerk’s office for the purpose of indicating the rezoning hereinabove provided for in this Ordinance and all of the notation references and other information shown thereon are hereby incorporated by reference and made part of this Ordinance. Section 3. This ordinance shall be effective immediately upon its passage and publication according to law. ENACTED AND ORDAINED into an Ordinance this 16th day of August, 2016. /s/William H. Droste, Mayor Attested: Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk City of Rosemount Dakota County, Minnesota 08/16/2016 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS PRESTWICK PLACE 13TH ADDITION MASTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this 16th day of August 2016, by Prestwick, LLC., a Minnesota limited liability company (hereinafter referred to as the “Declarant”); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property as described as OUTLOT C, PRESTWICK PLACE 2ND ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Subject Property”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) in connection with the approval of an application for a master development plan planned unit development for a residential development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of such proposed use, the master development plan planned unit development would not have been approved; and 1 WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the master development plan planned unit development, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the “Declaration”); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2016- Approving the PUD Master Development Plan with Rezoning for Prestwick Place 13th Addition – Attachment 1 b. City Resolution No. 2016- Approving the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 13th Addition – Attachment 2 c. Preliminary Plat (Sheet 1 of 11; Dated 8/8/16) – Attachment 3 d. Preliminary Grading Plan (Sheet 2 of 11; Dated 8/8/16) – Attachment 4 e. Preliminary Utility Plan (Sheet 3 of 11; Dated 8/8/16) –Attachment 5 f. Existing Conditions (Sheet 4 of 11; Dated 5/31/16) –Attachment 6 g. Prestwick Place Phasing Plan (Sheet 5 of 11; Dated 8/8/16) –Attachment 7 h. Prestwick Place Detail (Sheet 6 of 11; Dated 8/8/16) –Attachment 8 i. Preliminary Street Profiles (Sheets 7 and 8 of 11; Dated 8/8/16) –Attachment 9 j. Preliminary Erosion Control Plan (Sheet 9 of 11; Dated 8/8/16) –Attachment 10 2 k. Preliminary Landscape Plan (Sheets 10 and 11 of 11; Dated 8/8/16) – Attachment 11 l. Prestwick Post-Development Drainage Maps (Dated 8/8/16) – Attachment 12 all of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the following standards and requirements: a. Maintenance of the stormwater basin, infiltration basin and associated stormwater infrastructure necessary for the long term operation and function will be performed by the City. All other maintenance including but not limited to garbage collection, or landscape replacement or the like shall be the responsibility of the of the private property owners. All maintenance of the stormwater basin and infiltration basin shall be the responsibility of the City after the basins have been established. b. Maintenance and replacement of trees and landscaping other than that associated with the stormwater basin and infiltration basin described in standard a. shall be the responsibility of the adjoining homeowners’ association. c. The front elevation design shall including one of the following features: 1) Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; 2) A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; 3) A side entry garage; 4) Or no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 3 d. Fences on lots adjacent to Akron Avenue are to be constructed so that landscaping is outside the fence and between the fence and the Akron Avenue right-of- way. 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 11-2-15 F. Single Family Detached Dwelling Garage Requirements: The home designs do not need to include an option for a three garage stall. b. Section 11-4-5 F. 1. R-1 Minimum Lot Area: Reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 8,600 square feet and corner lot minimum area from 12, 000 to 10,200 square feet. c. Section 11-4-5 F. 2 . R-1 Minimum Lot Width: Reduce the minimum lot width to sixty-five (65) feet for interior and eighty (80) feet for corner lots. d. Section 11-4-5 F. 4. R-1 Minimum Front Yard Setback: Reduce the front yard setback to twenty five (25) feet. e. Section 11-4-5 F. 5. R-1 Minimum Side Yard Setback: Reduce the side yard setback to seven and one half (7.5) feet. f. Section 11-4-5 F. 9. R-1 Maximum Lot Coverage: Increase the maximum lot coverage to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35%) for greater than 9,750 square feet. 4 In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 5. This Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions provides only the Subject Property only master development plan planned unit development approval. Prior to the improvement or development of the Subject Property, beyond the rough grading, a final development plan planned unit development approval pursuant to Zoning Code Section 11-10-6 C. 5. of the Subject Property is required and an addendum filed with County Recorder to this Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions. 6. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT Prestwick, LLC ___________________________________ By Scott Johnson Its: President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 5 2016, by _____________________, the _________________, for and on behalf of _________________________, a ____________________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 651-423-4411 6 SITE CONNEMARA TRAIL140TH STREETAUBURN AVENUEADELAIDE AVENUEABERCORN AVENUE141ST STREET WESTABBE Y F I E L D A V E N U E 141STSTREET WESTCO U N T Y R O A D N O . 7 3 AKR O N A V E N U E NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY GAS PIPELINE EASEMENTL8 B512,578 SFL1 B911,814 SFL6 B69,218 SFL38 B147,992 SFL4 B411,200 SFL6 B411,209 SFL7 B416,725 SFL5 B411,200 SFL1 B426,703 SFL3 B411,200 SFL2 B411,200 SFL12 B514,222 SFL13 B515,173 SFL19 B59,520 SFL1 B511,987 SFL2 B59,145 SFL3 B59,045 SFL5 B59,045 SFL4 B59,045 SFL6 B59,311 SFL7 B510,336 SFL9 B512,102 SFL10 B510,049 SFL11 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B319,361 SFL29 B323,139 SFL30 B332,120 SFL31 B341,102 SFL32 B348,655 SFL33 B346,029 SF20.8104.2 50.2 19.8 70.0 65.0 65.0 65.0 135.0286.9425.1563.2701.4673.1645.055.1 60.3 15.276.1317.1152.7152.7152.714.5PHA S E 1 FUT U R E P H A S E S DRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTAND CONSERVATION EASEMENTDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENTAND CONSERVATION EASEMENTOUTLOT C, 72.59 ACRESPRESTWICK PLACESECOND ADDITIONPROPOSED RIGHT OF WAY: 13.34 ACRESTOTAL NO. OF LOTS 186NET DENSITY (OUTLOT C)2.56 Lots / AcEXISTING ZONING: AGPROPOSED ZONING: PUDEXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION:OUTLOT C, PRESTWICK PLACE 2ND ADDITION, ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT ON FILE IN DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA.PID NO. 34-58601-00-030CONTACT INFORMATION: PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331LAND OWNER:PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331CONSULTANT:PROBE ENGINEERING CO., INC.1000 E. 146TH STREET, SUITE 240BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH. NO. 952-432-3000SETBACKSFRONT - 30 FEETSIDE STREET - 20 FEETSIDE - 7.5 FEETREAR - 25 FEETDATE____________ REG. NO._________I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.17-15-16PMREVISED 141ST CT. 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NO._________I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.1. POSITIVE DRAINAGE AT 2% OR GREATER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTEDAROUND ALL PROPOSED BUILDINGS. SWALES SHALL BECONSTRUCTED AT A MINIMUM OF 2% GRADE.2. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ADJACENT STREETS FREE OF DEBRIS ANDPREVENT OFFSITE TRACKING OF DEBRIS IN ACCORDANCE WITH THECITY OF ROSEMOUNT. ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCES SHALL BEINSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AT EACH CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE.3. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT800-252-1166, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION4. STOCKPILES SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH SILT FENCE.5. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ANY PERMITS NECESSARY FOR THEWORK.6. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES COMPLYWITH THE NPDES PERMIT. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TODEWATERING OPERATIONS.7. DRIVEWAY GRADES SHALL BE BETWEEN 3% AND 10%SETBACKSFRONT - 30 FEETSIDE STREET - 20 FEETSIDE - 7.5 FEETREAR - 25 FEETLOWEST ALLOWABLE FLOOR ELEV = 1 FT ABOVE HWLOF ADJACENT PONDLOWEST ALLOWABLE OPENING ELEV = 3 FT ABOVEHWL OF ADJACENT POND AND 1 FT ABOVE AN EOFDENOTES LEOWET ALLOWABLE FLOOR ELEV.17-15-16PMREVISED 141ST CT. BLOCK 3 & ADDED EASEMENTS17-3941.8903.0895.0GARAGE FLOORELEVATIONPROPOSED LOT BLOCKPROPOSEDGROUND ELEVATIONFBWOHOUSE TYPELOWEST ALLOWABLEFLOOR ELEVATION4.8%DRIVEWAY SLOPE895.0MAXIMUM LOT COVERAGELOTS OVER 9750 SF - 35%LOTS AT OR BELOW 9750 - 40%28-8-16PMREVISED BLOCK 3 LAYOUT & REV PER CITY 15" RCP21" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP 15" RCP21" RCP24" RCP15" RCP48" RCP48" RCP 36" RCP33" RCP30" RCP30" RCP30" RCP21" RCPINV:931.033" RCPINV:926.2 21" RCP21" RCP24" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP15" RCP18" RCP15" R C P 24" RCP 18" RCP8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC 8" PVC 8" PVC8" PVC12" DIP12" DIP12" DIP8" DIP8" DIP 8" DIP 8" DIPL8 B5L1 B9L6 B6L38 B1L4 B4L6 B4L7 B4L5 B4L1 B4L3 B4L2 B4L12 B5L13 B5L19 B5L2 B5L3 B5L5 B5L4 B5L6 B5L7 B5L9 B5L10 B5L11 B5L23 B5L22 B5L21 B5L20 B5L16 B5L18 B5L14 B5L3 B3L4 B3L10 B3L7 B3L6 B3L5 B3L13 B3L1 B3L2 B3L14 B3L15 B3L16 B3L9 B3L23 B3L18 B3L17 B3L19 B3L20 B3L21 B3L22 B3L26 B3L24 B3L25 B3L27 B3L2 B2L1 B2L3 B2L4 B2L5 B2L8 B2L11 B2L9 B2L10 B2L7 B2L6 B2L1 B1L2 B1L3 B1L4 B1L5 B1L9 B1L11 B1L10 B1L7 B1L8 B1L14 B1L17 B1L16 B1L15 B1L13 B1L12 B1L20 B1L22 B1L21 B1L19 B1L18 B1L23 B1L28 B1L26 B1L27 B1L25 B1L24 B1L29 B1L30 B1L31 B1L32 B1L33 B1L52 B1L47 B1L50 B1L49 B1L48 B1L45 B1L46 B1L44 B1L51 B1L53 B1L43 B1L42 B1L41 B1L40 B1L39 B1L36 B1L37 B1L35 B1L34 B1L10 B9L11 B9L12 B9L8 B9L14 B9L15 B9L13 B9L16 B9L6 B9L4 B9L3 B9L2 B9L18 B9L17 B9L7 B9L5 B9L14 B2L1 B6L8 B6L7 B6L4 B6L5 B6L3 B6L17 B5L15 B5L11 B3L12 B3L8 B3L1 B7L6 B7L12 B7L6 B1L12 B2L10 B7L7 B7L4 B7L5 B7L3 B7L8 B7L9 B7L11 B7L2 B7L13 B7L14 B8L9 B9L2 B6L9 B8L7 B8L8 B8L10 B8L11 B8L6 B8L5 B8L4 B8L1 B8L2 B8L3 B8L13 B8L12 B8L15 B8L33 B38" PVC 8" PVC 8" PVC 8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC 8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC 8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" P V C 8" PVC 8" PVC 8" PVC8" PVC8" PVCEX CBMHRIM:940.1INV:931.6EX CBMHRIM:939.7INV:931.5 (E)INV:931.0 (W)INV:930.8 (S)EX FESINV=932.9 (15")INV:933.0 (W)INV:927.8 (N)INV:936.0 (E)INV:934.6 (S)EX STMHRIM:939.6EX CBMHRIM:939.4EX CBMHRIM:939.2INV:933.3 (NE)INV:934.0 (S)EX CBMHRIM:939.3INV:934.2EX CBMHRIM:939.3INV:933.9 (N)INV:934.0 (S)INV:933.7 (E)EX CBMHRIM:939.1INV:935.6EX CBMHRIM:939.1INV:935.2 (W)INV:930.9 (N)INV:928.6 (S)EX CBMHRIM:937.7INV:934.4EX CBMHRIM:936.9INV:924.1 (W)INV:932.9 (N)INV:923.3 (E)INV:921.9 (S)EX CBMHRIM:936.9INV:933.2EX CBMHRIM:933.9INV:924.6 (E)INV:924.0 (W)INV:925.5 (N)EX CBMHRIM:933.8INV:925.9EX STMHRIM:933.5INV:921.9 (N)INV:921.0 (S)EX CBMHRIM:931.5INV:925.4 (N)INV:925.4 (W)EX CBMHRIM:931.4INV:925.7 (N)INV:925.7 (S)EX FESINV=926.0 (30")EX FESINV:920.9 (48")EX CBMHRIM:947.3INV:943.3EX CBMHRIM:945.2INV:935.6EX STMHRIM:944.4INV:935.4 (NW)INV:940.1 (NE)INV:935.4 (SE)EX CBMHRIM:944.5INV:936.1 (E)INV:940.7 (SW)INV:936.1 (SE)EX CBMHRIM:944.4INV:941.0EX CBMHRIM:943.9INV:939.8EX CBMHRIM:941.9INV:937.6EX STMHRIM:947.6INV:939.5 (N)INV:938.8 (E)INV:943.2 (W)INV:938.6 (S)EX CBMHRIM:945.4INV:942.2EX CBMHRIM:945.0INV:940.8EX CBMHRIM:944.9INV:941.2EX MHINV:922.3RIM:944.7EX MHINV:922.3RIM:942.2EX MHINV:936.7RIM:940.7EX MHINV:915.7RIM:947.5EX CBMHRIM:933.5INV:930.4MHRIM:951.3INV:939.2MHRIM:950.0INV:928.5INV:928.4MHRIM:949.0INV:926.4INV:926.4INV:926.4INV:926.3MHRIM:947.9INV:929.1INV:929.0MHRIM:947.8INV:933.8MHRIM:946.1INV:929.7INV:929.6MHRIM:944.2INV:930.3INV:930.3INV:930.2MHRIM:946.4INV:931.9INV:931.8MHRIM:946.2INV:931.3MHRIM:945.2INV:923.7EX. INV:923.6MHRIM:952.6INV:940.6MHRIM:951.3INV:939.5INV:939.4MHRIM:948.5INV:936.9INV:936.8MHRIM:947.4INV:929.7INV:929.6MHRIM:946.4INV:934.3INV:934.2MHRIM:945.4INV:932.7INV:932.6MHRIM:944.4INV:931.2INV:931.1MHRIM:944.1INV:928.1INV:928.1INV:928.0MHRIM:942.5INV:930.8MHRIM:941.2INV:927.1EX. INV:925.1MHRIM:950.8INV:932.7INV:932.6MHRIM:953.9INV:933.7INV:933.7INV:933.6MHRIM:957.2INV:945.2MHRIM:952.4INV:934.9INV:934.8MHRIM:949.8INV:935.7INV:935.6MHRIM:948.1INV:936.2INV:936.2INV:936.1MHRIM:951.1INV:939.2INV:939.1MHRIM:952.6INV:940.6MHRIM:951.1INV:939.1L1 B5MHRIM:956.8INV:944.8MHRIM:955.5INV:938.9INV:938.9INV:938.8MHRIM:954.9INV:940.2INV:940.1MHRIM:953.9INV:938.2INV:938.1MHRIM:952.4INV:941.2MHRIM:953.1INV:941.0MHRIM:953.0INV:940.8MHRIM:952.8INV:933.7INV:933.6MHRIM:951.5INV:940.6INV:940.5MHRIM:952.2INV:937.5INV:937.4MHRIM:951.7INV:935.2INV:935.1MHRIM:953.5INV:939.7INV:939.6MHRIM:951.6INV:933.3INV:933.2MHRIM:950.5INV:939.3INV:939.2MHRIM:951.0INV:939.0MHRIM:950.3INV:932.9INV:932.9INV:932.8MHRIM:949.5INV:938.0INV:937.9MHRIM:949.6INV:936.0INV:935.9MHRIM:948.8INV:932.4INV:932.3MHRIM:948.3INV:936.5INV:936.5INV:936.4MHRIM:947.2INV:932.0INV:931.8MHRIM:945.7INV:931.0INV:931.0EX. INV:916.5MHRIM:947.7INV:934.8INV:934.7MHRIM:946.3INV:932.4INV:932.3MHRIM:944.5INV:931.8INV:931.78" PVC 8" P V C 8" P V C 8 " PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC 8" PVC 8" P V C 8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC 8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" P V C 8" PV C 8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" PVC8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP 8" DIP 8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP8" D I P8" DIP8" DIP 8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP8" DIP 8" DIP 8" D I P 8" DIP 8" DIP 8" DIP 8" DIP 8" D I P8" DIP8" DIPCONNEMARA TRAIL140TH STREETAUBURN AVENUEAILESBURY AVENUE ADELAIDE AVENUEABERCORN AVENUE141ST STREET WEST141ST STREET WESTCO U N T Y R O A D N O . 7 3 AKR O N A V E N U E NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY GAS PIPELINE EASEMENTABBE Y F I E L D A V E N U E15" RCPL15 B2L13 B224" RCP33" RCP18" R C P 24" R C PTOP PIPE 937.1TOP PIPE 934.0TOP PIPE 931.2TOP PIPE 930.5TOP PIPE 930.8TOP PIPE 931.3TOP PIPE 931.8TOP PIPE 932.9TOP PIPE 934.9TOP PIPE 937.1TOP PIPE 939.0TOP PIPE 941.2TOP PIPE 941.4TOP PIPE 940.8TOP PIPE 940.1TOP PIPE 939.3TOP PIPE 938.0TOP PIPE 936.2TOP PIPE 935.7TOP PIPE 935.5TOP PIPE 935.3TOP PIPE 935.5TOP PIPE 935.8140TH STREETASHFORD PATHASH F O R D P A T H ABB E Y F I E L D A V E N U E ASH F I E L D A V E N U E AS H D A L E A V E N U EASHBROOK PATHAILESBURY AVENUE ASHFORD PATHABERCORN AV E N U E ASHBROOK PATH140TH COURTL31 B3L28 B3L32 B3L34 B3L29 B3L30 B3WARNING!!.NORTHERN NATURAL GAS PIPLINE!EXCAVATION AND/OR CONSTURCTIONPHROHIBITED WITHOUT WRITTENPERMISSIONCONTACT SUZANNE WILSIE952-887-1730CBRIM:945.4CBRIM:944.9CBRIM:944.7CBRIM:944.7CBRIM:943.9CBRIM:943.9FESINV:935.1CBRIM:952.3CBRIM:952.0CBRIM:950.9CBRIM:950.8CBRIM:950.3CBRIM:950.3CBRIM:949.5CBRIM:949.2CBRIM:949.2CBRIM:949.0CBRIM:948.2CBRIM:948.2CBRIM:947.8CBRIM:947.4CBRIM:947.4CBRIM:946.9CBRIM:946.7CBRIM:946.7FESINV:934.8CBRIM:955.9CBRIM:955.6CBRIM:955.5CBRIM:954.5CBRIM:954.3CBRIM:952.0CBRIM:951.1CBRIM:951.0CBRIM:951.0CBRIM:950.8CBRIM:950.3CBRIM:950.2CBRIM:949.3CBRIM:949.2CBRIM:949.2CBRIM:948.8CBRIM:948.8CBRIM:948.7CBRIM:948.7CBRIM:948.5CBRIM:948.3CBRIM:948.3CBRIM:947.9CBRIM:947.7CBRIM:947.6CBRIM:947.6CBRIM:946.9CBRIM:946.6CBRIM:946.1CBRIM:945.7CBRIM:945.4CBRIM:945.3CBRIM:945.2CBRIM:945.2FESINV:934.2CBRIM:944.5CBRIM:944.6CBRIM:944.6CBRIM:944.5CBRIM:944.3CBRIM:944.3CBRIM:944.0CBRIM:944.1CBRIM:944.1CBRIM:944.0CBRIM:943.9CBRIM:943.9CBRIM:943.6CBRIM:943.5CBRIM:943.4CBRIM:943.4CBRIM:943.4CBRIM:940.8CBRIM:940.6CBRIM:940.5CBRIM:938.9CBRIM:938.5CBRIM:937.6CBRIM:933.8FESINV:928.0CBRIM:940.1CBRIM:941.2CBRIM:939.6FESINV:935.4DENOTES EXISTING CATCH BASINDENOTES EXISTING HYDRANTDENOTES EXISTING SANITARY MANHOLEDENOTES EXISTING STORM MANHOLEDENOTES EXISTING FENCEDENOTES EXISTING F.E.S.DENOTES PROPOSED SANITARY MANHOLEDENOTES PROPOSED HYDRANTDENOTES PROPOSED CATCH BASINDATE____________ REG. NO._________I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.17-15-16PMREVISED 141ST CT. BLOCK 3 & ADDED EASEMENTS28-8-16PMREVISED BLOCK 3 LAYOUT & REV PER CITY CONNEMARA TRAIL140TH STREETAUBURN AVENUEADELAIDE AVENUEABERCORN AVENUE141ST STREET WESTABBE Y F I E L D A V E N U E 141STSTREET WESTCO U N T Y R O A D N O . 7 3 AKR O N A V E N U E NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY GAS PIPELINE EASEMENTΔΔΔAILESBURY AVENUE 609595 60PRESTWICK PLACE2ND ADDITIONOUTLOT CDRAINAGE & UTILITY EASEMENT OVER ALL OF OUTLOT C5 FT STREET EASEMENT PERDOC. NO. 656231130115950 946 94694894 8 952 954 956 94 0 94095093 6 936 93 8938 94 2 942944 9449469469489489529 5 4 95 6 95 8 930930 940940940 950 950950 950950928928932932934934936936 938938938 942 942 942944 94494494 6 946946948948948952952 9529549 5 4 954 9569 5 6 956940950936938942944946948940938942944946948950 950 952 952 954 954956956958950 950 9429449 4 6 948952952 950952952OUTLOT C, 72.59 ACRESPRESTWICK PLACE2ND ADDITIONEXISTING ZONING: PUDPROPOSED ZONING: PUDEXISTING LEGAL DESCRIPTION:OUTLOT C, PRESTWICK PLACE 2ND ADDITION, ACCORDING TOTHE RECORDED PLAT ON FILE IN DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA.PID NO. 34-58601-00-030CONTACT INFORMATION: PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331LAND OWNER:PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331CONSULTANT:PROBE ENGINEERING CO., INC.1000 E. 146TH STREET, SUITE 240BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH. NO. 952-432-3000DATE____________ REG. NO._________I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. CONNEMARA TRAIL140TH STREETAUBURN AVENUEADELAIDE AVENUEABERCORN AVENUE141ST STREET WESTABBE Y F I E L D A V E N U E 141STSTREET WESTCO U N T Y R O A D N O . 7 3 AKR O N A V E N U E NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY GAS PIPELINE EASEMENTL8 B5L1 B9L6 B6L38 B1L4 B4L6 B4L7 B4L5 B4L1 B4L3 B4L2 B4L12 B5L13 B5L19 B5L1 B5L2 B5L3 B5L5 B5L4 B5L6 B5L7 B5L9 B5L10 B5L11 B5L23 B5L22 B5L21 B5L20 B5L16 B5L18 B5L14 B5L3 B3L4 B3L10 B3L7 B3L6 B3L5 B3L13 B3L1 B3L2 B3L14 B3L15 B3L16 B3L9 B3L23 B3L18 B3L17 B3L19 B3L20 B3L21 B3L22 B3L26 B3L24 B3L25 B3L27 B3L2 B2L1 B2L3 B2L4 B2L5 B2L8 B2L11 B2L9 B2L10 B2L7 B2L6 B2L1 B1L2 B1L3 B1L4 B1L5 B1L9 B1L11 B1L10 B1L7 B1L8 B1L14 B1L17 B1L16 B1L15 B1L13 B1L12 B1L20 B1L22 B1L21 B1L19 B1L18 B1L23 B1L28 B1L26 B1L27 B1L25 B1L24 B1L29 B1L30 B1L31 B1L32 B1L33 B1L52 B1L47 B1L50 B1L49 B1L48 B1L45 B1L46 B1L44 B1L51 B1L53 B1L33 B3L43 B1L42 B1L41 B1L40 B1L39 B1L36 B1L37 B1L35 B1L34 B1L10 B9L11 B9L12 B9L8 B9L14 B9L15 B9L13 B9L16 B9L6 B9L4 B9L3 B9L2 B9L18 B9L17 B9L7 B9L5 B9L1 B8L5 B8L4 B8L14 B2L1 B6L8 B6L7 B6L4 B6L5 B6L3 B6L17 B5L15 B5L11 B3L7 B8L6 B8L13 B8L12 B3L8 B3L1 B7L6 B7L12 B7L6 B1L12 B2L15 B2L2 B6L10 B7L7 B7L4 B7L5 B7L3 B7L8 B7L9 B7L11 B7L2 B7L13 B7L10 B8L11 B8L12 B8L14 B8L15 B8L2 B8L9 B8L3 B8L8 B8L9 B9L13 B2AILESBURY AVENUE 9595 6060606060 60 606060606060 60 60606060606060 60606060 34 LOTS21 LOTS22 LOTS21 LOTS20 LOTS47 LOTS140TH STREETASHFORD PATHAS H F O R D P A T H ABB E Y F I E L D A V E N U E ASH F I E L D A V E N U E AS H D A L E A V E N U EASHBROOK PATHAILESBURY AVENUE ASHFORD PATHABERCORN AV E N U E ASHBROOK PATH140TH COURT21 LOTSL32 B3L34 B3L29 B3L30 B3L31 B3L28 B3CONTACT INFORMATION: PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331LAND OWNER:PRESTWICK, LLC (SCOTT JOHNSON)350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125EXCELSIOR, MN 55331CONSULTANT:PROBE ENGINEERING CO., INC.1000 E. 146TH STREET, SUITE 240BURNSVILLE, MN 55337PH. NO. 952-432-3000PHASING IS SUBJECT TO REVISIONDATE____________ REG. NO._________I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.16-6-16COREVISED PHASE 127-15-16PMREVISED 141ST CT. BLOCK 3 & ADDED EASEMENTS38-8-16PMREVISED BLOCK 3 LAYOUT & REV PER CITY 30'8.0'14.0'30'13'17'17'13'30' MIN25'25'10'VARIESR/WBACK OF CURBCENTERLINEBACK OF CURBR/WFRONT SETBACKWALKOUT / LOOKOUT ELEVPROPERTY LINE60' PREPARED HOUSE PADCONTROLLED FILLHOLD DOWN*1:11:1PLANELEVATION6" TOPSOILHOLD DOWNS*2.75 FT FBWO & D/W123123100.0 (GAR FLR)100.091.8 TYP. PLAN ELEV97.897.891.8 TYP.TOPSOIL ELEVTOPSOILFBWO ELEV'SFBWO (FULL BASEMENT WALKOUT)13'17'17'13'30' MINVARIESR/WBACK OF CURBCENTERLINEBACK OF CURBR/WFRONT SETBACK PROPERTY LINE60' PREPARED HOUSE PADCONTROLLED FILLHOLD DOWN*1:1 1:1PLANELEVATION6" TOPSOILHOLD DOWNS*3.25 FT FB1212100.0 (GAR FLR)100.0PLAN ELEV97.397.3TOPSOIL ELEVTOPSOILFB ELEV'SFB (FULL BASEMENT )GRADEFINISHEDGRADEFINISHED(TYP.)60'(TYP.)D/W (DAYLIGHT WINDOW)MIN.2%13'17'17'13'30' MIN25'25'10'VARIESR/W BACK OF CURB CENTERLINE BACK OF CURB R/W FRONT SETBACK WALKOUT / LOOKOUT ELEV PROPERTY LINE60' PREPARED HOUSE PADCONTROLLED FILLHOLD DOWN*1:1 1:1PLANELEVATION8" TOPSOILHOLD DOWNS*2.75 FT FBWO & D/W123123100.0 (GAR FLR)100.095.0 TYP. PLAN ELEV97.897.895.0 TYP.TOPSOIL ELEVTOPSOILD/W ELEV'SGRADEFINISHEDMIN.2%TOP OF INFILTRATION BENCH @ NWLDESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION NOTES:1. AVOID COMPACTION OF INFILTRATIONSHELF DURING CONSTRUCTION2. SEED FILTRATION SHELF WITH MNDOT33-261 AND 34-261 SEED MIXTURES18" PLANTING MEDIA70% FINE FILTERAGGREGATE MEETINGMNDOT 312630% ON-SITE UPLANDTOPSOIL (ENGINEERMUST VERIFY)4:110:13:14:110:13:1NWL18" CLAY LINERCLAY LINER SPECIFICATIONS PER SOILS ENGINEERINFILTRATION SHELF DETAILPOND DETAILSEE PLANS FOR DESIGNATEDINFILTRATION AREASDATE____________ REG. NO._________I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.18-8-16PMREVISED BLOCK 3 LAYOUT & REV PER CITY 140TH STREET & 140TH COURT 925 930 940 950 960 970 -1+50-1+00 941.2941.250+00939.8941.03938.4941.751+00938.4942.75938.3943.752+00938.7944.76939.3945.703+00940.3946.20941.6946.204+00943.4945.76944.4945.265+00945.0944.76945.2944.266+00944.1944.01941.9944.267+00939.1944.76936.8945.268+00935.2945.76934.6946.269+00935.3946.76936.3947.2610+00937.6947.7611+00 -1.00% 2.00% -1.00%1.00%-0+50.00EL=941.2510+03.40EL=947.79PVI STA= 0+00.00 PVI EL=940.75 LVC=75.00 BVCS: -0+37.50BVCE: 941.12EVCS: 0+37.50EVCE: 941.50L P STA=-0+12.54 LP EL=941.00 PVI STA= 6+00.00 PVI EL=943.76 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 5+50.00BVCE: 944.26EVCS: 6+50.00EVCE: 944.26L P STA=6+00.00 LP EL=944.01 PVI STA= 3+00.00 PVI EL=946.76 LVC=150.00 BVCS: 2+25.00BVCE: 945.26EVCS: 3+75.00EVCE: 946.01HP STA=3+25.08 HP EL=946.26 EXISTING GROUND PROFILE FINISH GROUND PROFILE ABBEYFIELD AVE 935 940 950 960 970 980 935 940 950 960 970 980 -0+50 0+00945.3945.20946.6946.201+00947.7947.20948.6948.202+00948.8949.20949.5950.203+00949.8951.20950.0952.204+00950.6953.20952.2953.905+00952.0953.99950.7953.486+00949.0952.67948.6951.857+00949.7951.04952.3950.228+00954.6949.41956.8948.609+00 9+50 2.00% -1.63%0+00.00EL=945.208+68.25EL=948.30PVI STA= 4+75.00 PVI EL=954.70 LVC=150.00 BVCS: 4+00.00BVCE: 953.20EVCS: 5+50.00EVCE: 953.48HP STA=4+82.70 HP EL=954.03 EXISTING GROUND PROFILE FINISH GROUND PROFILE ABERCORN AVENUE 935 940 950 960 970 980 935 940 950 960 970 980 -0+50 0+00944.7944.70944.6945.451+00944.1946.21944.0946.962+00945.5947.72947.4948.473+00949.0949.23950.8949.984+00952.5950.74953.2951.495+00953.2951.93952.9951.746+00952.4951.247+00 7+50 1.51% -1.00%0+00.00EL=944.706+17.38EL=951.07PVI STA= 5+00.00 PVI EL=952.24 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 4+50.00BVCE: 951.49EVCS: 5+50.00EVCE: 951.74HP STA=5+10.14 HP EL=951.94 EXISTING GROUND PROFILE FINISH GROUND PROFILE ASHDALE AVENUE 935 940 950 960 970 980 935 940 950 960 970 980 -0+50 0+00950.0953.92950.4954.421+00950.9954.55951.7953.942+00952.6952.96953.0951.983+00952.7950.99951.6950.014+00950.1949.035+00 5+50 1.00% -1.96%0+00.00EL=953.924+49.53EL=948.06PVI STA= 1+00.00 PVI EL=954.92 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 0+50.00BVCE: 954.42EVCS: 1+50.00EVCE: 953.94HP STA=0+83.75 HP EL=954.59 EXISTING GROUND PROFILE FINISH GROUND PROFILE ASHFIELS AVENUE 935 940 950 960 970 980 935 940 950 960 970 980 -0+50 0+00950.1955.50950.1956.001+00949.8956.23950.1955.932+00950.1955.36950.3954.793+00950.7954.21951.3953.644+00952.1953.07952.7952.505+00953.2951.93954.2951.366+00 6+50 1.00% -1.14% PVI STA= 1+00.00 PVI EL=956.50 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 0+50.00BVCE: 956.00EVCS: 1+50.00EVCE: 955.93HP STA=0+96.67 HP EL=956.23 0+00.00EL=955.505+71.70EL=951.11EXISTING GROUND PROFILE FINISH GROUND PROFILE ASHBROOK PATH 935 940 950 960 970 980 935 940 950 960 970 980 -0+50 0+00945.2944.14947.0945.121+00949.8946.10950.5947.082+00950.1948.07948.2949.053+00945.7950.03945.1950.764+00946.5951.00948.1950.745+00947.2950.24945.8949.746+00946.1949.24947.6948.827+00948.5949.04948.5949.888+00947.3950.82947.1951.759+00948.4952.68949.7953.6210+00950.5954.55951.3955.4811+00951.5956.42950.9957.0912+00950.2957.22949.9956.8113+00949.7956.14950.1955.4614+00950.7954.79951.8954.1215+00952.9953.44953.6952.7716+00954.0952.10952.3951.4217+00950.3950.7518+0018+50 -1.35% 1.87% 1.96% -1.01%0+00.00EL=944.1417+33.44EL=950.30PVI STA= 6+75.00 PVI EL=948.48 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 6+25.00BVCE: 948.98EVCS: 7+25.00EVCE: 949.41L P STA=6+60.02 LP EL=948.81 PVI STA= 11+75.00 PVI EL=957.82 LVC=150.00 BVCS: 11+00.00BVCE: 956.42EVCS: 12+50.00EVCE: 956.81HP STA=11+87.16 HP EL=957.23 PVI STA= 3+75.00 PVI EL=951.50 LVC=150.00 BVCS: 3+00.00BVCE: 950.03EVCS: 4+50.00EVCE: 950.74HP STA=3+99.15 HP EL=951.00 EXISTING GROUND PROFILE FINISH GROUND PROFILE DATE____________ REG. NO._________ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA 7 11 WJM PRM 5-31-16 1"=100' 15922.00 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125 PRESTWICK LLC 1 8-8-16 PM REVISED BLOCK 3 LAYOUT & REV PER CITY AILESBURY AVE & ASHFORD PATH 925 930 940 950 960 970 980 -0+50 0+00939.9939.92939.6940.921+00941.4941.92941.8942.922+00941.9943.92942.2944.933+00942.6945.93942.5946.874+00942.0947.37941.4947.375+00940.7946.93940.3946.446+00939.8945.94939.0945.447+00939.2944.94938.9944.458+00938.3943.97937.8943.899+00938.1944.31938.7944.8510+00939.4945.39940.4945.9411+00942.3946.48945.0947.0212+00948.7947.57950.5948.1113+00951.3948.65951.1949.2014+00950.9949.74951.0950.2815+00951.9950.83953.3951.3716+00954.7951.91955.5952.4117+00955.9952.61955.5952.4618+00954.5952.00953.3951.5019+00952.3951.00951.9950.5020+00951.8950.00951.6949.5021+00950.3949.00949.0948.5022+00948.7948.06949.0948.0623+00949.6948.50950.6949.0024+00950.6949.50950.7950.0025+00950.6950.50951.8950.9626+00953.7951.12955.8950.9627+00957.9950.502.00% -1.00% -1.00% 1.00% 1.09% PVI STA= 4+00.00 PVI EL=947.93 LVC=150.00 BVCS: 3+25.00BVCE: 946.43EVCS: 4+75.00EVCE: 947.18HP STA=4+25.20 HP EL=947.43 PVI STA= 17+00.00 PVI EL=953.00 LVC=150.00 BVCS: 16+25.00BVCE: 952.18EVCS: 17+75.00EVCE: 952.25HP STA=17+03.12 HP EL=952.61 PVI STA= 26+00.00 PVI EL=951.50 LVC=150.00 BVCS: 25+25.00BVCE: 950.75EVCS: 26+75.00EVCE: 950.75HP STA=26+00.00 HP EL=951.12 PVI STA= 8+35.00 PVI EL=943.60 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 7+85.00BVCE: 944.10EVCS: 8+85.00EVCE: 944.14L P STA=8+32.81 LP EL=943.86 PVI STA= 22+25.00 PVI EL=947.75 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 21+75.00BVCE: 948.25EVCS: 22+75.00EVCE: 948.25L P STA=22+25.00 LP EL=948.00 0+00.00EL=939.92EXISTING GROUND PROFILE FINISH GROUND PROFILE AILESBURY AVE & ASHFORD PATH 925 930 940 950 960 970 980 18+00952.00953.3951.5019+00952.3951.00951.9950.5020+00951.8950.00951.6949.5021+00950.3949.00949.0948.5022+00948.7948.06949.0948.0623+00949.6948.50950.6949.0024+00950.6949.50950.7950.0025+00950.6950.50951.8950.9626+00953.7951.12955.8950.9627+00957.9950.50959.2950.0028+00959.3949.50958.7949.0029+00957.6948.50957.3948.2530+00957.5948.50956.8949.0031+00954.4949.50950.9950.0032+00948.1950.50946.7951.0033+00944.5951.50941.8952.0034+00939.8952.50938.8953.0035+00938.6953.44938.3953.4536+00938.0952.98939.0952.0837+00942.6951.12947.1950.1638+00948.9949.20948.4948.2439+00946.6947.28944.0946.3240+00945.1945.36946.4944.5241+00947.5944.53946.3945.4042+0042+50 -1.00% 1.00%-1.00% 1.00% -1.92% 1.97% PVI STA= 26+00.00 PVI EL=951.50 LVC=150.00 BVCS: 25+25.00BVCE: 950.75EVCS: 26+75.00EVCE: 950.75HP STA=26+00.00 HP EL=951.12 PVI STA= 35+50.00 PVI EL=954.00 LVC=150.00 BVCS: 34+75.00BVCE: 953.25EVCS: 36+25.00EVCE: 952.56HP STA=35+26.37 HP EL=953.51 PVI STA= 22+25.00 PVI EL=947.75 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 21+75.00BVCE: 948.25EVCS: 22+75.00EVCE: 948.25L P STA=22+25.00 LP EL=948.00 PVI STA= 29+50.00 PVI EL=948.00 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 29+00.00BVCE: 948.50EVCS: 30+00.00EVCE: 948.50L P STA=29+50.00 LP EL=948.25 PVI STA= 40+75.00 PVI EL=943.92 LVC=100.00 BVCS: 40+25.00BVCE: 944.88EVCS: 41+25.00EVCE: 944.91L P STA=40+74.33 LP EL=944.41 41+78.45EL=945.96EXISTING GROUND PROFILE FINISH GROUND PROFILE DATE____________ REG. NO._________ I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA. ROSEMOUNT,MINNESOTA 8 11 WJM PRM 5-31-16 1"=100' 15922.00 EXCELSIOR, MN 55331 350 HIGHWAY 7, SUITE 125 PRESTWICK LLC 1 8-8-16 PM REVISED BLOCK 3 LAYOUT & REV PER CITY 10+03???-0+50941.250+00941.031+00942.752+00944.763+00946.204+00945.765+00944.766+00944.017+00944.768+00945.769+00946.7610+00947.760+00 945.2 0 1+00947.202+00949.203+00951.204+0 0 953. 2 0 5+0 0 953. 9 9 6+0 0 952. 6 7 7+00 951.04 8+00 949.410+00944.701+00946.212+00 947.72 3+00 949.23 4+00 950.74 5+00 951.93 41+78945.960+00939.92 1+00941.92 2+00943.92 3+00945.93 4+00947.37 5+00946.93 6+00945.94 7+00944.94 8+00943.97 9+00944.31 10+00945.3911+00946.4812+00947.5713+00948.6514+00949.7415+00950.8316+00951.9117+00952.6118+00952.0019+00951.0020+00950.0021+00949.0022+00948.0623+00948.5024+00949.5025+00950.5026+00951.1227+00950.5028+00949.5029+00948.5030+00948.5031+00949.5032+00950.5033+00951.5034+00952.5035+00 953.4 4 36+ 0 0 952. 9 8 37+ 0 0 951. 1 2 38+ 0 0 949. 2 0 39 + 0 0 94 7 . 2 8 4 0 + 0 0 9 4 5 . 3 641+00944.530+00944.14 1+00946.10 2+00948.073+00950.034+00951.005+00950.246+00949.247+00949.048+00950.819+00952.6810+00954.5511+00956.4212+00957.2213+00956.1414+00954.7915+00953.4416+00952.1017+00950.750+0 0 953 . 9 2 1+0 0 95 4 . 5 5 2+ 0 0 952 . 9 6 3+00 950.99 4+00 949.039409369349329329329389 4 4 9489 4 2 9 4 0 9 4 6 9 4 8 950950952954954946950946950946948952956942942942940 9469 4 0 9 3 8 936 938 940 LP: -0+12.54Elev: 941.00HP: 3+25.08Elev: 946.26LP: 6+00.00Elev: 944.01HP: 4 + 8 2 . 7 0 Elev : 9 5 4 . 0 3 HP: 4+25.20Elev: 947.43 LP: 8+32.81Elev: 943.86 HP: 17+03.12Elev: 952.61LP: 22+25.00Elev: 948.00HP: 26+00.00Elev: 951.12HP: 3 5 + 2 6 . 3 7 Elev : 9 5 3 . 5 1 LP: 29+50.00Elev: 948.25LP: 40+74 .33Elev : 944 .41HP: 11+87.16Elev: 957.23LP: 6+60.02Elev: 948.81HP: 3+99.15Elev: 951.00HP: 0 + 8 3 . 7 5 Ele v : 9 5 4 . 5 9 HP: 5+10.1 4 Elev: 951.9 4 954952950956956954950948946942938936934938942936936 930930944944936 950 952932944 942 936936934950 9509429308-5DW0.5' DROP1-9FB6-6FB38-1FBWO4-4DW6-4DW7-4DW5-4DW1-4DW3-4DW2-4DW12-5FB13-5DW1.5' DROP19-5DW1-5FB2-5FB3-5FB5-5DW4-5DW6-5DW7-5DW9-5FB10-5FB11-5FB23-5DW22-5DW21-5DW20-5DW16-5DW18-5DW14-5DW0.5' DROP3-3DW4-3DW10-3DW7-3FBWO6-3FBWO5-3FBWO13-3DW1-3DW2-3DW14-3DW15-3FBWO16-3FBWO9-3DW23-3FB18-3FBWO17-3FBWO19-3FBWO20-3FBWO21-3DW22-3DW26-3FB24-3FB25-3FB27-3FB2-2FB1-2FB3-2FB4-2FB5-2DW8-2FBWO11-2FBWO9-2FBWO10-2FBWO7-2FBWO6-2DW1-1FB2' DROP2-1DW1' DROP3-1DW0.5' DROP4-1DW5-1DW9-1FBWO11-1FBWO10-1FBWO7-1DW8-1DW14-1FBWO17-1FBWO16-1FBWO15-1FBWO13-1FBWO12-1FBWO20-1DW22-1DW21-1DW19-1FBWO18-1FBWO23-1DW28-1FBWO26-1FBWO27-1FBWO25-1FBWO24-1FBWO29-1FBWO30-1FBWO31-1FBWO32-1DW33-1DW52-1DW1' DROP47-1FBWO50-1DW49-1DW48-1DW45-1FBWO46-1FBWO44-1FBWO51-1DW0.5' DROP53-1DW1' DROP43-1FBWO42-1FBWO41-1FBWO40-1FBWO39-1FBWO36-1FBWO37-1FBWO35-1FBWO34-1DW10-9DW1.5' DROP11-9FB12-9DW8-9FB14-9DW15-9DW13-9DW16-9DW6-9DW4-9DW3-9FB2-9FB18-9DW17-9DW7-9DW5-9DW1-8FB5-8DW4-8DW14-2DW1-6FB8-6FB7-6FB4-6DW5-6FB3-6DW17-5DW15-3DW11-3DW7-8FB6-8FB13-8DW12-3DW8-3FBWO1-7FB6-7DW12-7FB6-1DW12-2FBWO15-2FB10-7DW7-7DW4-7FB5-7DW3-7FB9-7DW11-7DW2-7FB13-7FB10-8DW11-8DW12-8DW14-8FB2-8FBFB3-8FB9-9FB15-8FB2-6FB9-8DW8-8FB8-7DW0+00 955.5 0 1+00 956.2 3 2+00 955.3 6 3+0 0 954. 2 1 4+00 953.0 7 5+00 951.93 HP: 0 + 9 6 . 6 7 Elev: 9 5 6 . 2 3 93 6 948948940936938 940938940944 942 942942946936936940950940950944936936940950940942944936936940950936940948942942 946 940 940938 940938942938 948 950944948950952954CONNEMARA TRAIL140TH STREETAUBURN AVENUEAILESBURY AVENUE ADELAIDE AVENUEABERCORN A V E N U E 141ST STREET WEST141ST STREET WESTCO U N T Y R O A D N O . 7 3 AKR O N A V E N U E NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY GAS PIPELINE EASEMENTABBE Y F I E L D A V E N U E 13-2DWR:941.9R:943.9R:947.3R:945.49409 3 4 94 0 9 4 8946 9489 5 0 95 0930942948946 938BTM:933INFILTRATION BETWEEN 937.7 TO 936INFILTRATION BETWEEN 937.7 TO 936928140TH STREETASHFORD PATHASH F O R D P A T H ABB E Y F I E L D A V E N U E ASH F I E L D A V E N U E AS H D A L E A V E N U EASHBROOK PATHAILESBURY AVENUE ASHFORD PATHABERCORN A V E N U E ASHBROOK PATH140TH COURTFBFBFBFBFBFBPH A S E ON E CBR:950.8CBR:948.7CBR:948.8CBR:948.8CBR:947.7CBR:946.6CBR:945.4CBR:943.9CBR:935.4CBR:944.5CBR:944.3CBR:944.1CBR:943.4CBR:940.8CBR:938.9CBR:938.5CBR:933.8CBR:929.2CBR:940.1CBR:949.5CBR:947.4CBR:947.4CBR:946.9CBR:946.7CBR:936.0CBR:945.4CBR:936.4SILT FENCESILT FENCEDATE____________ REG. NO._________I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.1. POSITIVE DRAINAGE AT 2% OR GREATER SHALL BE CONSTRUCTEDAROUND ALL PROPOSED BUILDINGS. SWALES SHALL BECONSTRUCTED AT A MINIMUM OF 2% GRADE.2. CONTRACTOR SHALL KEEP ADJACENT STREETS FREE OF DEBRISAND PREVENT OFFSITE TRACKING OF DEBRIS IN ACCORDANCEWITH THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCES SHALL BE INSTALLED AND MAINTAINED AT EACHCONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE.3. CONTRACTOR SHALL NOTIFY GOPHER STATE ONE CALL AT800-252-1166, 48 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY EXCAVATION4. STOCKPILES SHALL BE PROTECTED WITH SILT FENCE.5. CONTRACTOR SHALL OBTAIN ANY PERMITS NECESSARY FOR THEWORK.6. CONTRACTOR SHALL ENSURE ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIESCOMPLY WITH THE NPDES PERMIT. INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITEDTO DEWATERING OPERATIONS.7. EROSION CONTROL DEVICE LOCATIONS AND TIMING SUBJECT TO PHASING.8. INLET PROTECTION SHOWN IN PROPOSED STREETS ISPOST-STREET CONSTRUCTION UNLESS CB'S ARE PLACE ON LIVEDURING CONSTRUCTION9. PART IIIC OF THE NPDES PERMIT REQUIRES A TEMPORARYSEDIMENTATION BASIN WHEN 10 OR MORE ACRES OF DISTURBEDSOIL DRAINS TO A COMMON LOCATION. THE TEMPORARYSEDIMENT BASIN SHOULD PROVIDE 3600 CUBE FT OF STORAGEFOR EACH ACRE DRAINED TO THE BASIN. A FLOATING SKIMMEROUTLET IS REQUIRED FOR THE OUTLET.SITE SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED AS FOLLOWS:INFILTRATION AREAS & PONDS FROM NWL TO 1FT ABOVE HWLMNDOT 33-261 @ 85 LBS/AC (EST 8.0 AC)ALL OTHER DISTURBED AREAS (NON PAVED) MNDOT 25-131 @ 220 LBS/AC(EST 58.0 AC)ALL NEW NON-PAVED AREA SHALL BE SEEDED AND MULCHED(DISC ANCHORED) (EST 58.0AC)TIMING SHALL COMPLY WITH THE NPDES PERMITPART III B -EROSION PREVENTION PRACTICESLegend:DENOTES SILT FENCE(EST. 13500 LINEAR FT)DENOTES INLET PROTECTION(EST 92 EA)18-8-16PMREVISED BLOCK 3 LAYOUT & REV PER CITY CONNEMARA TRAIL140TH STREETAUBURN AVENUEADELAIDE AVENUEABERCORN AVENUE141ST STREET WESTABBE Y F I E L D A V E N U E 141STSTREET WESTCO U N T Y R O A D N O . 7 3 AKR O N A V E N U E NORTHERN NATURAL GAS COMPANY GAS PIPELINE EASEMENT8-51-96-638-14-46-47-45-41-43-42-412-513-519-51-52-53-55-54-56-57-59-510-511-523-522-521-520-516-518-514-53-34-310-37-36-35-313-31-32-314-315-316-39-323-318-317-319-320-321-322-326-324-325-327-32-21-23-24-25-28-211-29-210-27-26-21-12-13-14-15-19-111-110-17-18-114-117-116-115-113-112-120-122-121-119-118-123-128-126-127-125-124-129-130-131-132-133-152-147-150-149-148-145-146-144-151-153-143-142-141-140-139-136-137-135-134-110-911-912-98-914-915-913-916-96-94-93-92-918-917-97-95-91-85-84-814-21-68-67-64-65-63-617-515-511-37-86-813-812-38-31-76-712-76-112-215-22-69,650 SF10-77-74-75-73-78-79-711-72-713-710-811-812-814-815-810,819 SF2-89,174 SF9-814,252 SF3-89,082 SF8-89,542 SF9-99,075 SF13-29,160 SFAILESBURY AVENUE 140TH STREETASHFORD PATHASH F O R D P A T H ABB E Y F I E L D A V E N U E ASH F I E L D A V E N U E AS H D A L E A V E N U EASHBROOK PATHAILESBURY AVENUE ASHFORD PATHABERCORN AV E N U E ASHBROOK PATH609595 6060606060 60 606060606060 60 60606060606060 60606060140TH COURTINFILTRATION BETWEEN 937.7 TO 936INFILTRATION BETWEEN 937.7 TO 936L33 B3L30 B3L31 B3L28 B3L32 B3L34 B3L29 B3PLANT LIST: Site Plantings______________________________QTY.KEY COMMON/BOTANICAL NAMESIZE/ROOT SPACING O.C.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Landscape______________________________Total Trees:1. 1 tree per regular interior Single Family Lot2. 2 trees per corner Single Family Lot1 Tree x 158 Regular Interior Lots = 158 trees_____________________________________________________________________2 Trees x 28 Corner Lots = 56 trees_____________________________________________________________________Akron (County Road 73) & Connemara Trail Screening:_____________________________________________________________________Overstory Trees: 7 trees_____________________________________________________________________Evergreen Trees: 17 trees_____________________________________________________________________Total Trees: 238 trees__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Miscellaneous Notes______________________________All overstory trees shall be planted on residential lots and not inboulevards. Maintenance and upkeep of trees after warranty periodshall be sole responsibility of the homeowner. SEE STANDARD LOT PLANTING DETAIL (SHEET 2) FOR INDIVIUAL LOT TREES.NO TREES SHALL BE PLANTED WITHIN DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENTS OR OVER POND ACCESS ROUTES. SEE FINALPLAT & GRADING PLAN.TREES SHALL NOT BE PLANTED NEAR WATER OR SEWERSERVICE LINES.DATE____________ REG. NO._________I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.18-8-16PMREVISED BLOCK 3 LAYOUT & REV PER CITY DATE____________ REG. NO._________I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THIS PLAN WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECT SUPERVISION AND THAT I AM A DULY LICENSED ENGINEER UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF MINNESOTA.DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTINGEVERGREEN TREE PLANTING SHRUB PLANTING PERENNIAL PLANTINGNOTES:1.YARD TREES WILL BE PLANTED BY DEVELOPER AFTER CONSTRUCTION ON LOT IS COMPLETE. TIMING OF INSTALLATION WILL BE DEPENDENT UPON SEASON AND PLANT AVAILABILITY.2.ACTUAL LOCATION OF PLANT MATERIAL IS SUBJECT TO FIELD AND SITE CONDITIONS.3.NO PLANTING WILL BE INSTALLED UNTIL ALL GRADING AND CONSTRUCTION HAS BEEN COMPLETED IN THE IMMEDIATE AREA.4.TREE SPECIES WILL BE SELECTED BY DEVELOPER FROM APPROVED SPECIES LIST (SEE SHEET 1).5.TREES INSTALLED ON FRONTS OF INDIVIDUAL LOTS SHALL BE PLANTED IN A LOCATION THAT DOES NOT INTERFERE WITH CURBSTOPS OR INDIVIDUAL SEWER & WATER CONNECTIONS.18-8-16PMREVISED BLOCK 3 LAYOUT & REV PER CITY PRESTWICK - POST-DEVELOPMENT DRAINAGE AREAS10775 Poppitz Ln.Chaska, MN 55318612-418-6828Land Surveying& Engineering161011Post-DevelopmentDrainage AreasPrestwickRosemount, MNProbe EngineeringPond 1 - Northeast BasinPond NWL 936.00 feet100 yr HWL 938.82 feet10yr HWL 937.21 feet10 day snow melt HWL 940.14 feetDead Storage 9.60 acre-feetLive Storage Available to EOF 13.39 acre-feetLive Storage Used to HWL 7.01 acre-feetPond 2 - Southwest BasinPond NWL 926.00 feet100 yr HWL 931.78 feet10yr HWL 928.64 feet10 day snow melt HWL 932.22 feet 1.51 cfs outlet at EOF 932.1Dead Storage 3.38 acre-feetLive Storage Available to EOF 15.11 acre-feetLive Storage Used to HWL 14.14 acre-feetPond 3 - Southeast BasinPond NWL 936.00 feet100 yr HWL 939.80 feet10yr HWL 937.90 feet10 day snow melt HWL 940.52 feet 0.14 cfs outlet at EOF 940.5Dead Storage 0.94 acre-feetLive Storage Available 2.77 acre-feetLive Storage Used to HWL 2.21 acre-feetPond 4 - Northwest Infiltration BasinInfiltration Basin Bottom 936.00 feet100 yr HWL 938.23 feet10yr HWL 936.91 feet10 day snow melt HWL 939.67 feetDead Storage 24.00 acre-feetLive Storage Available to EOF 12.36 acre-feetLive Storage Used to HWL 2.97 acre-feet PRESTWICK - STORM SEWER DRAINAGE AREAS10775 Poppitz Ln.Chaska, MN 55318612-418-6828Land Surveying& EngineeringPrestwickRosemount, MNProbe Engineering161011Storm SewerDrainage Areas MEMORANDUM To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner Anthony Nemcek, Planner John Morast, Interim City Engineer Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: July 21, 2016 Subject: Prestwick Place – 13th Addition Preliminary and Final Plat The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the preliminary and final plat for the Prestwick Place 13th Addition. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: PARKS DEDICATION The parks dedication requirement for the 191 units in the 13th addition is either 7.64 acres of land or cash in lieu of land. Because the Prestwick Place development has already dedicated land that is being developed as Ailesbury Park, staff is recommending that the developer pay cash in lieu of land to fulfill their parks dedication requirement. The cash in lieu of land dedication for 191 units is $649,400 (191 units x $3,400 per unit). TRAILS and SIDEWALKS Staff is recommending that a sidewalk be added to one side of 141st Court and that the sidewalk be continued along Block 3 lots 10 and 11 on 140th Court. The Parks and Recreation Commission reviewed the development plans at their regular meeting on Monday, June 27, 2016 and recommended approval of the preliminary plat and final plat with the following conditions: 1. The City collect cash in lieu of land to satisfy the parks dedication requirement for the new units based on the City’s subdivision ordinance. 2. Sidewalks be added to one side of all streets in the plan and for the sidewalk plans to be reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission. The Parks and Recreation Commission will review the recently submitted sidewalk plans at their meeting on Monday, July 25, 2016. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo. MEMORANDUM DATE: August 10, 2016 TO: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director John Morast, Director of Public Works/City Engineer Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Amy Roudebush, Planning & Personnel Secretary FROM: Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer RE: Prestwick Place 13th Addition Preliminary Plat Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: Prepared by Probe Engineering, the Prestwick Place Additions Preliminary Plat dated May 31, 2016; resubmitted August 8, 2016. The following review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: Preliminary Plan comprised of the following: Existing Grading Utility Street Profiles Phasing Details Erosion Control Landscape Prestwick Place 13th Addition Final Plat Preliminary Stormwater Management Plan and Calculations Preliminary Geotechnical Evaluation GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. The development fees below are estimated based on the current Schedule of Rates and Fees. These fees are due with the final plat and subdivision agreement. GIS Fees: $60/unit Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $1075/acre Watermain Trunk Charge: $6500/acre Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $6865/ net developable acre 2. Per the existing Joint Development and Cost Sharing Agreement, the developer is responsible for the costs of adjacent roadways. These costs are as follows: Prestwick Cost Share Spreadsheet: G:\ENGPROJ\431\Prestwick Place Cost Share Tabulation - 2016.xlsm The developer is responsible for costs associated with upgrading Akron Avenue. This cost is $278.40/acre for a total of $5,239 for Phase 1 of development (Prestwick 13th Addition – 18.82 acres). The developer is responsible for costs associated with the recent extension of Connemara Trail between Bloomfield and Akron Avenue. This cost is estimated at $12,643.12/acre for a total of $237,943 for Phase 1 of development (Prestwick 13th Addition – 18.82 acres). 3. Show drainage and utility easements on utility plan. 4. Submit grading plan at 1”=50’ or 1”=60’ scale. 5. Information notes for Pond 2 should be moved for clarity. 6. The developer is required to obtain a NPDES Construction Stormwater Permit and provide a copy of the approved SWPPP to the City prior to the start of any construction activity. 7. Backyard catch basins should have inlet protection. 8. Rock construction entrances should be located at all development entrances. 9. Improvements are proposed within the Northern Natural Gas pipeline easement. Prior to construction, an agreement will need to be executed with Northern Natural Gas allowing the proposed street and utility crossings and grading. A copy of the agreement shall be submitted to the City. 10. The drainage and utility easement encompassing Pond 2 in the south portion of the site, adjacent to Connemara Trail, should be changed to be designated as a City owned outlot. 11. Drainage and utility easements shall be dedicated over all Outlots. 12. Conservation easements will be required over all ponding and infiltration areas, and shall encompass at minimum the HWL and all naturally vegetated areas. Signage for conservation easements shall be provided by the developer and an extended maintenance warranty shall be required to ensure establishment of the naturally vegetated areas. 13. Provide top of wall and bottom of wall spot elevations for the retaining wall in the SE corner of the site. 14. Retaining walls exceeding 4 feet in height shall require a plan prepared by a licensed engineer submitted for review and approval by the Building Official prior to permit issuance. 15. Retaining walls and fences are required to be installed by the developer with the mass grading of the site. Retaining walls and fences are required to be owned and maintained by the developer or individual property owners. 16. Sidewalk should be added on north side of 140th Court from Ashbrook Path to the cul-de- sac 17. Pedestrian ramps should be added at the following locations: NW corner of the north intersection of Abbeyfield & Ashford SW corner of the south intersection of Abbeyfield & Ashford NW corner of the intersection of Abercorn & Ashford 18. A street lighting plan shall be submitted for review and. Street light requirements are detailed below: at all public street intersections at the end of all cul-de-sacs at regularly spaced intervals (not to exceed 500’) on alternating sides of the street at all instances where the road configuration warrants extra illumination as determined by City Engineering Staff STORMWATER COMMENTS: 19. Show EOF routes from all low points. Add an EOF between lots 5-6/4-6. 20. Flow path for EOF located west of 1-7 is not located within a drainage and utility easement. 21. All ponds need outlets. Need to show alignments for outlet pipes. 22. All reginal basins should have outlet pipes with control structures containing a weir wall set at the 100-yr, 24-hr rainfall event and an orifice with a sluice gate set at the NWL. Orifice should be sized to allow 0.05 cfs/acre of drainage area when the basin is at the HWL. 23. Lining of NURP ponding areas is not required by the City; however, the developer may want to consider as ponding areas will likely not maintain vegetation below the NWL. 24. Outlet pipes shall either be submerged or have a skimmer structure meeting the requirements outlined in the City Engineering Guidelines (section II.3.f) PRELIMINARY UTILITY PLAN: 25. Storm sewer inlets are generally required every 300’. Anticipate additional inlets will be required on Ashbrook Path and Ashford Path. 26. Mid radius catch basins are not allowed. Changes will be made during final design. 27. Storm sewer is proposed along the side and back lot lines of many properties to convey rear yard drainage. Drainage and utility easements along these lines shall prohibit the installation of sheds to ensure that access can be provided for storm sewer maintenance. Fences are allowed but shall not restrict drainage and are required to include gates for truck access over the drainage and utility easement. Also, landscaping that will block access should be prohibited. These restrictions should be added as a restriction on the property deed. 28. The width of drainage and utility easements over all public utilities shall be verified during final design. 29. Trees are not allowed to be planted within drainage and utility easements, over the proposed storm sewer, or within a pond access location. Trees located on individual properties shall not be planted near the sanitary sewer and water service lines. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015. EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING JULY 26, 2016 6.c. Request by Prestwick LLC for a revised Preliminary Plat and Final Plat for Prestwick Place 13th Addition to build an additional 41 single family homes in the first development phase of the preliminary plat area. (16- 21-PP, 16-22-FP). Senior Planner Klatt gave a brief overview of the staff report. Chair Kenninger inquired if not requiring three stall garages was allowed in other developments. Klatt stated not in Prestwick but has been allowed in Greystone, with allowing smaller lots it is hard for the developer to fit a third stall into the plans. Commissioner Mele inquired if it is possible to be able to offer a third garage stall with the lots proposed. Klatt stated it depends on the lot. Commissioner Forester confirmed that the standards set forth in previous Prestwick additions is generally the same. Forester also inquired about the northern road and the challenge to break up the monotony of the road. Staff indicated that the proposed design is the best alignment from a safety aspect. Although it is not ideal, there are a few spots having a slight curve, which should help calm traffic along the street. Commissioner Clements inquired if the current easement allows double-loading the sidewalk on both sides of the street. Klatt stated that the standard is to have a sidewalk on one side of the street. Clements also inquired about the Park th meeting the Park and Rec Commission recommended a sidewalk on both sides of the street due to the length and conditions of the road. Commissioner Forester wanted to ensure that staff reviewed the layout of Ashford Ave and is OK with the proposed street. Engineer Hatcher stated they met early on with the developer to find the best possible layout and are content with the design presented. Commissioner Freeman inquired if there are stop signs proposed within the development. Hatcher replied that there are none other than at Connemara Trail. Typically within residential neighborhoods the traffic volumes do not warrant stop signs. Commissioners Clements, Kenninger, Freeman, and Mele agree with Park & have sidewalks on both sides of Ashford Path. th Commissioner Forester clarified that tonight the Planning Commission is only approving the final plat for Prestwick 13 addition which is the first phase shown on the preliminary plat. He also inquired if staff foresees anything changing in the future. Klatt stated no, any intentions should be shown on the preliminary plat. Commissioner Freeman inquired if the side setback was changed to 7.5 feet if the number of homes would decrease. Klatt stated the number of homes would be the same. Chair Kenninger clarified that the houses would need to be smaller if the side set back was changed. The public hearing was opened at 10:04 pm. Public comments: Scott Johnson, President of Prestwick LLC, stated that the sidewalk issue was just brought to his attention tonight, and he is neutral on the double sidewalk. He also stated that a 5 foot setback would give more flexibility but they can work with 7.5 foot setback. Commissioner Clements inquired if there is anywhere else in Prestwick that has double loaded sidewalks. Johnson stated that there are none that he can think of. Clements also inquired how many builders would be active in the development. Johnson stated there will be three with this phase also. Commissioner Forester inquired if there is any existing vegetation along railroad. Johnson stated there is but there might be a few places they could add plantings. MOTION by Mele to close the public hearing. Second by Freeman. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 10:07 pm. Additional Comments: Chair Kenninger stated she is in favor of adding a double sidewalk. Commissioner Mele agrees with her. 1. Motion by Forester to recommend that the City Council approve the Preliminary Plat for Prestwick Place 13th Addition, subject to conditions: a. Approval of a Planned Unit Development master plan and rezoning the subject property and designating minimum lot requirements and setbacks. b. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. c. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016 d. Dedication of Drainage and Utility easements and must be dedicated over all ponding areas. Second by Mele. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0 2. Motion by Forester to recommend the City Council approve the Planned Unit Development Master Development Plan with the Rezoning of the property from AGP – Agricultural Preserve to R1 PUD – Low Density Residential Planned Unit Development, subject to conditions: a. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: i. Three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch; ii. A front porch with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii. A side entry garage; iv. Or, no more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. b. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-15 F. so that the home designs do not need to include an option for a three garage stall. c. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.1. to reduce the interior lot minimum area of 10,000 to 8,600 square feet and corner lot minimum area from 12, 000 to 10,200 square feet. d. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.2. to reduce the minimum lot width to sixty five (65) feet for interior and eighty (80) feet for corner lots. e. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.4. to reduce the front yard setback to twenty five (25) feet. f. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.5. to reduce the side yard setback to seven and one half (7.5) feet. g. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-5 F.9. to reduce the maximum lot coverage to forty percent (40%) for lots less than 9,750 square feet in size and thirty five percent (35%) for lots over 9,750 square feet. h. Each corner lot will have two overstory trees, one fronting on each road. The seed mix in the ponding areas should be modified to include more wildflowers in the mix. Both of these modifications should be made to the landscape plan prior to release of the final plat. i. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016 j. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. k. The landscape plan shall be updated to include additional plantings of evergreen or deciduous trees along railroad right-of-way. l. The landscape plan shall be updated to include additional plantings of evergreen or deciduous trees along Connemara Avenue, and Akron Avenue and/or a berm subject to approval by the City. m. n both sides of Ashford Ave. Second by Mele. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0. 3. Motion by Forester to recommend the City Council approve the Final Plat for Prestwick Place 13th Addition, subject to conditions: a. Approval and execution of a subdivision agreement. b. Trees installed on individual lots shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. c. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. d. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated July 21, 2016. e. All easements as requested by the City shall be documented on the Final Plat. f. Vacation of existing drainage and utility easements over Outlot C of Prestwick Place 2nd Addition and the dedication of new easements as required by the City. Second by Clements. Ayes: 5. Nays: 0.