HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.d. Arterial Connector Study – Pine Bend AreaG:\ENGPROJ\ENG 0168 - Pine Bend Area Corridor Study\City Council Items\20160816 CWS Dakota County Pine Bend Study Recommendations Memo.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: August 16, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Arterial Connector Study – Pine Bend Area (CP 97-111), ENG0168 AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: John Morast, PE, Interim Director of Public Works/City Engineer AGENDA NO. 9.c. ATTACHMENTS: Arterial Connector Study Summary, Arterial Connector Study Presentation APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Recommend the City Council Adopt the Recommendations of the Arterial Connector Study. BACKGROUND The Pine Bend Area Arterial Connector Study has been underway since August of 2014. The purpose of the study is to look at the transportation needs in the Pine Bend Area over a 20-30 year term and develop a shared vision for the transportation improvements necessary to serve anticipated population growth. The study area is within the cities of Inver Grove Heights and Rosemount. The specific roadways of concern within Rosemount are County Road 73 (Akron Avenue) and County Road 71 (Blaine Avenue). Since the start of the study, County representatives have hosted numerous Project Management Team meetings, Open Houses, Council Workshops and neighborhood Outreach meetings. The most recent update to the Rosemount City Council occurred at the March 9, 2016 Work Session. At that meeting the County design team discussed refined alignments, impacts and cost estimates for the Scenario B, D and D- refined alignments. They reviewed and examined the alignment recommended by the neighborhood stakeholders and discussed improvements to County Road 73 as a paved 2-lane road from Bonaire Path to Cliff Road in the Short Term, constructing County Road 73 as a 4-lane road from County Road 42 to a future extension of County Road 32 (Cliff Road) in the Long Term, after traffic volumes warrant the need. Since the last update, the County design team has completed their evaluations for the long-term alignments and anticipates bringing recommendations to the County Commission in August. Brian Sorenson with Dakota County will be in attendance at the meeting to present the Pine Bend Area implementation recommendations, which are: 1) Complete the 30% design for short-term improvements to existing County Road, 2) Plan for long term County Road 73 improvements, if and when 4-lane improvements are needed, 3) Plan for long-term improvements of County Road 32 in Scenario D-Refined, 4) Assess County Road 71 alignment at the time County Road 73 is realigned. The presentation will cover the purpose, needs, scenario, coordination, cost implications, schedule, recommendations, reasons for recommendations and next steps. SUMMARY Staff is Recommending Council Approval of Arterial Connector Study Recommendations. Arterial Connector Study Arterial Connector Study - Summary This study provides recommendations to provide study partners Dakota County, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) and the Cities of Rosemount, Inver Grove Heights, and Eagan with planning for future roadways to provide the safe and efficient movement of traffic. The study incorporates the Dakota County 2030 Transportation Plan, the Regional Roadway System Visioning Study, and the Rosemount/Empire/UMORE Transportation study recommendations to identify solutions that will minimize delays and the risk of crashes as traffic demands continue to grow. The study partners identified the need to develop solutions that minimize environmental impacts, maximize cost-effectiveness, and take into account input from stakeholders in developing transportation system planning recommendations for the area. The Regional Roadway System Visioning Study (north of the study area) and the Rosemount/Empire/UMore Transportation System Study (south of the study area) are two studies recently completed to address future transportation needs within the north and central portions of Dakota County. The Dakota County Arterial Connector Study was conducted to bridge the gap and bring consistency between these studies (see Figure 1: Area Studies). Recommendations will assist study partners in prioritizing future infrastructure improvements, update local planning documents, and coordinate with future land use changes in the study area. Infrastructure improvements related to the long-term vision are not being built today and anticipated to occur over time as development occurs and traffic volumes increase. Study outcomes provide sufficient detail to allow the County and study partners to move forward to the design-level phase for projects identified in the County and cities’ Capital Improvement Programs (CIP’s). Study Purpose Study partners are working toward a common goal of proactively planning for future transportation needs by identifying and preserving key transportation corridors. These corridors need to provide strong system continuity and connectivity while promoting safety, multimodal uses, and potential greenway connections. The Dakota County Arterial Connector Study provides the opportunity to plan and shape the transportation system in conjunction with development rather than after development has occurred. This will reduce long-term costs as well as future right-of-way impacts. The County’s 2030 Transportation Plan identifies the need to study potential north-south arterial connections and refinement of the County Highway 32 (Cliff Road) alignment to State Highway 52. To address deficiencies in the arterial system continuity and connectivity in the north-south and east-west directions, the Dakota County Arterial Connector Study Arterial Connector Study combines these two objectives into a single study in development of a future transportation system vision that will serve the area. Figure 1. Area Studies Arterial Connector Study Study Process Figure 2 illustrates the study process, which included identifying system needs, development and refinement of alignment alternatives, preliminary concept of the 117th Street corridor (from County Highway 71 to State Highway 52), as well as documentation of all study outcomes and implementation strategies. The process included significant public involvement and agency coordination to effectively facilitate the study. The Project Management Team (PMT) reviewed all technical analyses and documents prior to presentation to the public and respective councils/boards. Figure 2. Study Framework Study Goals In order to be effective, the study must address local and regional transportation goals. The goals are reflective of local and regional transportation visions, providing direction and guidance for roadway improvements. The goals below directed and guided the study process in order to achieve a shared transportation vision. GOAL 1: Encourage planning and design of an arterial roadway system that accounts for future travel growth and planned development GOAL 2: Enhance transportation system efficiency and mobility GOAL 3: Improve transportation system connectivity, spacing, and continuity GOAL 4: Enhance the safety of the traveling public GOAL 5: Encourage preservation of right-of-way for future transportation corridors Arterial Connector Study GOAL 6: Coordinate with potential greenway alignments, other bicycle/pedestrian facilities, transit connections, and rail alignments GOAL 7: Consider adopted plans/studies and maintain interagency coordination in developing the future transportation system GOAL 8: Minimize social, environmental, and property impacts as much as possible while achieving the desired functionality out of the transportation system GOAL 9: Maximize cost effectiveness of the overall transportation system vision, as well as its flexibility to be implemented over time Figure 3. Study Area Arterial Connector Study Recommendations 1. Complete a 30% design for improving existing County 73 (Akron Avenue) to a 2-lane paved roadway from Bonaire Path to Cliff Road. 2. Plan for the long-term improvement of County 73 as presented in Scenario D-Refined (not along existing Akron) if and when 4-lane improvements are needed. This includes: a. A general alignment for County 73. The exact alignment will be determined when the improvement is needed. b. A 4-lane design from County 42 to the future alignment of County 32, and a 2-lane design north of County 32, based on actual traffic demand. c. A right-of-way corridor of 150 feet south of Bonaire Path where urban development is planned, and a corridor of 180 feet through the refinery buffer land. 180 feet will allow for ditch drainage and infiltration of storm water runoff. It also reduces future construction costs by reducing curb and gutter, storm sewer piping, and ponding. d. Dakota County turning back existing Akron Avenue to the cities of Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights from its intersection with a realigned County 73 to County 32. The City of Inver Grove Heights can decide at that time whether to sever its connection with County 32 to eliminate cut-through traffic. 3. Plan for the long-term improvement of County 32 as presented in Scenario D-Refined. This includes: a. A general alignment for County 32. The exact alignment will be determined when the improvement is needed. b. A right-of-way corridor of 150 - 180 feet through the refinery buffer land. 180 feet will allow for ditch drainage and infiltration of storm water runoff. It also reduces WHY: A 30% design will provide clarity on the impacts to adjacent property owners and a better estimate of costs for reconstructing and paving Akron Avenue. This information will inform the County, cities, and adjacent property owners in making a decision on whether to move forward with a project on Akron Avenue. These limited improvements address short to intermediate term needs, and provide a collector type roadway that supports the long-term system vision. WHY: Realigning County 73 allows for a more efficient and direct connection to County 71 and Trunk Highway 3. It also ensures that in the long term, the segment of Akron Avenue adjacent to the existing rural residential neighborhoods in IGH will not become four lanes in the future. Traffic demand does not support the need for a 4-lane facility at this time, and it’s not feasible to realign now because of the planned aggregate mining, but adopting this plan now solidifies an approach for the future. Arterial Connector Study future construction costs by reducing curb and gutter, storm sewer piping, and ponding. c. A 4-lane design from Trunk Highway 3 to Trunk Highway 52, including improvements to existing 117th Street to add lanes and manage access. 4. The long-term alignment for County 71 should be assessed at the time County 73 is realigned, as presented in Scenario D-Refined. Next Steps 5. The 30% design for County Road 73 should consider the following: a. A 2-lane design with paved shoulders for safety and to accommodate bikers and walkers. Every effort should be made to minimize impacts to surrounding properties while still meeting standards and maximizing safety. Curb and gutter and retaining walls should be considered to minimize impacts and permanent right-of- way needs. b. Cul-de-sac 114th Street to remove its intersection with Akron and eliminate the need for turn lanes. c. Inclusion of left turn lanes, and consideration of the need for right turn lanes, to reduce the risk of crashes at the following locations along Akron: Alameda Avenue/Private Road (known as 116th Street) serving 11618 to 11636 Akron Avenue (east of Akron) Private Road (known as 118th Street) serving 11760 to 11990 Akron Avenue (east of Akron) Albavar Path d. Inclusion of bypass lanes, and consideration of the need for right turn lanes, to reduce the risk of crashes at the following locations along Akron: 121st Street 124th Court e. Inclusion of left and right turn lanes on County 32 (Cliff Road) at its intersection with County 73. f. Identification of right-of-way needs through the design. It is intended that right-of- way be the minimum necessary to support the roadway’s structural and operational WHY: Realigning County 32 allows for a more efficient and direct connection to 117th Street and Trunk Highway 52. It’s not feasible to realign now because of the planned aggregate mining, but adopting this plan now solidifies a plan for the future that works with the planned realignment of County 73. Arterial Connector Study elements. Additional right-of-way width may be considered for a few parcels just north of Bonaire Path where the long-term alignment will follow existing Akron. 6. A Memorandum of Understanding should be adopted by Dakota County and Flint Hills that indicates a shared vision for a future realignment of County 73 when traffic conditions dictate. The MOU should indicate a willingness by Flint Hills to provide the land needed at fair market value or less. 7. Together with the existing transportation system, improving the existing alignment of County 73 (Akron Avenue) to a paved roadway accommodates up to 50 percent of the future growth in traffic volumes before improvements (in addition to turn lanes) are needed at County 32/County 71, County 73/County 32, and County 71/117th Street (see Chapter 2, Page xx). These intersections should be monitored periodically, and improvements made when traffic conditions dictate. This approach also helps to maximize safety and operation of the existing system, delaying the need to realign both County 32 and County 73 until necessary. 8. Continued coordination is needed with Bituminous Roadways to monitor mining operations in the area of Scenario D Refined. The value of this aggregate is greater than the cost of regrading the corridor in the future, so it is not recommended to acquire any of the Bituminous Roadways property and the mining rights at this time. Again, the timing of a future realignment of County 73 will be based on actual traffic demand and when traffic issues become apparent. 9. It is possible that more of the land in the area of Scenario D Refined could be mined in the future, which would help make the long term profile grade of the road more consistent. With any new mining applications, the implications for a future realignment of County Road 73 should be considered by the cities of Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights before mining permits are approved. 10. The study identifies Alverno Avenue as having an important role in the overall transportation system as a Major Collector. 11. In addition to the specific corridors discussed herein, the County and cities should plan to accommodate future development with appropriately sized roadways to provide strong system continuity and connectivity while promoting safety, multimodal uses, and potential greenway connections. Arterial Connector Study Figure 4. Scenario D – Refinements Arterial Connector Study Figure 5. Long-Term Transportation System Plan CITY COUNCIL MEETING – August 16, 2016 ROSEMOUNT •Purpose & Need •Process •Recommendations •Akron Reconstruction •Next Steps Agenda MAPO Transportation Plan Purpose & Need Look at 20-30 year system needs to develop a shared transportation vision •Proactively plan for the future •Allow County and Cities to identify best approach before growth results in traffic issues –Minimize impacts –Minimize costs •Help to ensure investments are wisely made •Improvement projects happen when needed The Dakota County 2030 Transportation Plan identifies the need for this study: •Bridge gap between area of adjacent studies •Increase in traffic with proposed planned growth based on City Plans - IGH Population: 33,880 (2010) 42,000 (2030) - Rosemount Population: 21,874 (2010) 31,700 (2030) •Address the disconnected north/south and east/west County roadway system in study area MAPO Transportation Plan Purpose & Need •Study Began – Fall 2014 •Project Management Team: IGH, Rosemount, MnDOT, County, Consultant (SRF) •Open Houses – Oct 2014, Jan 2015, Sept 2015 •Council Workshops – May 2015, Oct 2015, March 2016 •Neighborhood Outreach – Spring/Summer 2015 and Winter 2016 •Schedule Extended due to Public Response & Council Meeting discussions (Iterative Process) Process Since March Council Workshops •Study Report •Revised recommendations considering need for more information on short-term projects –30% Design of interim improvements to Akron now recommended to provide clarity on impacts and costs Process MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations •Recommendations have been simplified from January Draft Recommendations. •There has been a lot of work completed over the past 2 years to develop the recommendations (not all of which is covered here). •Much of this detail has been covered in open houses and/or previous city council discussions. •Study Report includes more detailed information. •Long-term: Plan for realignments of County 73 and County 32 (generally along Scenario D-Refined) MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations •Short-term: Initiate design work for County 73 2- lane collector design from Bonaire Path to Cliff Road along Akron Avenue 1. Complete 30% design now to improve County 73 to a 2-lane paved roadway from Bonaire Path to Cliff Road –Complete 30% design to identify impacts, right of way needs, and costs –County staff will recommend to County Board consideration for constructing future turnback portion at 100% County cost –Supports short/intermediate-term traffic needs and fits long-term vision of Akron as a city Collector –Typical 55/45 cost share would apply to future alignment MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations Staff will recommend 100% County cost for turnback segment. Design to meet City collector standards. –The City of Rosemount would still pay 45% for the ½ mile segment that is not future turnback, per County policy. –This segment is similar to what’s already been completed south of Bonaire Path. MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations ½ mile 1 mile 2. Long-term Plan for County 73 consistent with Scenario D-Refined –If and when needed, 4-lane roadway from County 42 to future County 32 and transition to 2-lane roadway north of County 32 –150 foot right-of-way along existing Akron and 180 foot through refinery buffer land –Exact alignment will be determined when needed –Agreement with Flint Hills is necessary to document support and process for future right-of-way –Transfer jurisdiction of Akron Avenue beyond CR 73 realignment to cities of Rosemount and Inver Grove Heights if/when long-term alignment is constructed MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations 3. Long Term Plan for County 32 consistent with Scenario D-Refined –If and when needed, improve County 32 to a 4-lane roadway from Trunk Highway 3 to Trunk Highway 52, and realign from Akron to 117th Street –150 foot right-of-way along existing Cliff Road and 180 foot through refinery buffer land. Right-of-way for 117th to be determined through design. –Timing of realignment likely tied to realignment of County 73 due to Bituminous Roadway mining, and design considerations MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations Improvements to 117th Street (future County 32) –Improve 117th Street to a 4-lane facility with turn lanes and access management for safety. Include improvements at County 71. MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations 4. Assess Long Term Alignment for County 71 when County 73 is realigned –Dependent upon traffic conditions and projections at the time of design MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations Elements of This Approach –Provides more information on the impacts and costs of reconstructing and paving Akron in the short term. –Long term vision means right of way acquisition along Akron would limited to minimize impacts. –If/when 4-lanes are needed, utilizes refinery buffer land instead of rural residential land (relief valve) MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations Elements of This Approach –Allows Bituminous Roadways to mine consistent with their existing permit. Realigning now would require significant compensation for the aggregate material. –Flint Hills has indicated willingness to work with County on R/W, however they expect to be compensated. Agreement would help provide clarity on intent and expected process for acquisition. MAPO Transportation Plan Recommendations MAPO Transportation Plan Why Consider Reconstruction of Akron? –Safety of County 73 between Bonaire & County 32 •10 reported crashes in 10 years (2005-2014) •Crash Rate - crashes per million vehicles •Severity Rate takes into account number and type of injury crashes –Comments received regarding condition of Akron from area residents MAPO Transportation Plan Akron Reconstruction Crash Rate Severity Rate County 73 (Bonaire to County 32) 2.46 3.20 2-lane Rural Paved Averages (0-1,500 ADT) 0.68 1.18 Why Consider Reconstruction of Akron? –Provides long-term system benefit for area residents •Half of existing 400 trips are local –Allows for reduction of maintenance efforts •Studies recommend paving at 150-300 daily trips •Highest number of complaints of all gravel roads on County system •Last gravel road in a city in Dakota County –Planned growth will continue to degrade roadway MAPO Transportation Plan Akron Reconstruction Next Steps –30% Design Considerations (begin in August, plan for design by early 2017) –Flint Hills MOU –Monitor intersections of 32/73, 32/71, and 117th/71 for necessary improvements (including traffic controls) as traffic conditions dictate –Monitor area mining, and consider system vision in consideration of new mining permit applications –Continue to support future development with safe, connected transportation systems MAPO Transportation Plan Next Steps Inver Grove Heights –Tentatively planning for discussion at September 6 workshop. –If there is no adoption, or only adoption of the long term recommendations: •County will consider reconstructing the turnback segment of existing County 73 at its own cost. •IGH could consider improvements to 117th on its own. Jurisdictional changes could be considered in the future, likely with realignment of County 73 and County 32. Next Steps Study Adoption Study Report is on County Website (www.co.dakota.mn.us – Search “Connector Study”) Inver Grove Heights: Sept 6, 2016 (tentative) County Board: Request Adoption of Study •October 18 2016 Physical Development Committee Next Steps