HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 01-22 PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes January 22, 2007 APPROVED Members Present: Mike Eliason,Mark Jacobs,Kelly Sampo,Kevin Strayton Members Absent: jason Ei�old Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of l�arks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: None Others Present: Mayor Droste 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. Mayor Droste administered the oath of office to Kevin Strayton,new Parks&Recreation Commissioner. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE NOVEMBER 27, 2006 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION byJacobs to approve the minutes of the November 27,2006 meeting. SECOND by Sampo. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Update Request by Father Frank's Foundation for Improvements at Central Park- This item was originally discussed in the fall of 2006. The current proposal by the Foundation is to install engraved pavers along the Koch/Flint Hills Trail north of the hockey rink in Central Park. 'I'he Foundation is proposing selling the pavers for approximately$200 each to residents and non-residents wishing to recognize someone who has served in the military. Once they have sold 200 pavers,they would begin installing them. Per Schultz,an agreement regarding installation,maintenance,etc.has yet to be discussed. When this item was previously discussed,the possibiliry of moving the current veterans' memorial was also mentioned. Schultz reviewed a drawing of Central Park and some possible memorial location options. He also provided an aerial photo of the area along the trail that the Foundation is looking at. The Commission felt that honoring veterans was a good idea,but they did not think that the proposed location along the trail was the right spot. The existing memorial was pla.ced in the current location at Central Park so it would be easily accessible. The Commission felt that it was very important to have a well thought out,planned and designed memorial that was easily accessible. Placing the pavers around the current memorial was suggested. Including a memorial at the future athletic compleg or another future park that could be named Veterans'Park was also suggested. Schultz will be meeting with the veterans group on January 23 and will discuss this further. Sampo asked if this item could be added to the Council's goal setting session scheduled for January 26-27,and that this be discussed further as we update the parks master plan,possibly including the memorial in the negt park that is developed. MOTION by Jacobs to table this item. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Proposed Recreation Facility at the New St Joseph'S Church -Representatives from St.Joseph's Church/School have met with City staff regarding the possibility of partnering on the development of athletic fields on the church/school property. Schultz provided a photo of the proposed location for the school addition and athletic fields. They are proposing including two softball/baseball fields,one soccer field,and one full size baseball field on approximately 15 acres. - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes January 22, 2007 Completion date for the school was tentatively scheduled for 2009. Details that would have to be worked out include who would build the fields,cost,maintenance,portable toilets versus a concession/restroom building,equita.ble use of fields,hours the fields would be availa.ble for use, whether they would be youth or adult fields,etc. T'here was some concern regarding restricted hours of use,and also with possibly setting a precedent by partnering with a religious organization. Overall,the Commission was interested in looking into this further. Schultz hopes to receive an updated site plan within the next month. If it is received in time,he will bring it to the Commission negt month for further review. b. Goal Setting and Work Plan -S�hulrz,Eliason,Jacobs,Administrator Verbrugge and Mayor Droste met recently and discussed the Commission's frustration that they did not seem to be on the same page as the City Council. One thing that came out of this meeting was that there had been a lack of communication between the Ciry Council and the Commission at some levels. An egample of this was the community meeting room at the new fire station taking the place of the Bloomfield Park shelter. Also,sta.ff mentioned to the Mayor and City Administrator that last year the Council did not set specific goals and benchmarks for the Comxnission. T'he Commission would like to have specific goals from the Council,and they would like to have benchmarks so that they can work toward those goals. Schultz has asked Verbrugge to ask the Council to consider setting benchmarks for 2007. Eliason gave an overview of items discussed at the meeting. These included the frustration of the Commission regarding the proposed Bloomfield Park shelter. The City Council will be meeting on January 26-27 to discuss goals for 2007. Schultz will be attending the session on January 27,and asked the Commission if they had any items they felt should be considered for discussion. Jacobs provided the following list of items to be discussed at the goal setting session: the recreation complea(including clarity on the fiscal part of this),and the game plan for a pool,senior center,and youth center;building the Bloomfield Park shelter;the game plan for use of the old St.Joseph's Church/School; the UMORE property-what is going to happen with it and what will the impact be as far as recreation; what is the current Sidewalk/Trail plan;and as far as use of Parks Dedication funds,what does the City Council decide and what does the Commission decide. Sampo added that we should look at the McMenomy land as open space/greenway. Schultz agreed that the athletic compleg is the top priority. It was part of the 2002 Parks Master Plan,and we need to consider the current demand and future growth of the City. Schultz will bring all of these issues to the City Administrator tomorrow. Strayton asked Schultz to e-mail the list of issues to the Commissioners as well. Eliason agreed that the recreation complex was an important issue. He asked that the 20 acre triangle previously looked at as a potential location for the complex be included in any discussion,as well as getting pre-dedication on privately owned surrounding property if possible. Eliason also reminded the Commission that teen centers in surrounding communities are not used,as teens do not want to be supervised. Jacobs mentioned that last week he and Administrator Verbrugge attended a Chamber of Commerce event on healthy communities. Jacobs asked if this is something that would be embraced City-wide. Jacobs also mentioned that he'd been hearing about green communities and wondered if this was something the City is interested in. Per Schultz,the City will be looking at these concepts and the Commission should also consider them when updating the parks master plan. C. PB�ks M1Ste�PIB� UpdBte—The Metropolitan Council is requiring cities to update their Comprehensive Guide Plans by the end of 2008. The Parks,Trails and Open Space Plan is part of the City's Comprehensive Guide Plan and was last updated in 2002. Schultz reviewed an updated map of the City with proposed housing extending beyond what was projected in 2002. Ingraham and Associates,who prepared the 2002 Parks Master Plan,has since merged with the Hoisington Koegler Group,Inc. (HKGi). The City has worked with both fixms,and has been satisfied with their work and pricing. Schultz asked the Commission to consider contra.cting with HKGi to prepare the Parks,Trails, and Open Space Plan update for 2008,based on their history and familiarity with the City. Strayton asked about the possibility of going out for bids. Schultz felt it could cost more to bring in a consultant who is unfamiliar with the pla,n. Creating all new files,etc.,could be cosdy. Schultz suggested getting a -2 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes January 22, 2007 quote from HKGi that is within the budgeted amount of$15,000. He will contact HKGi and bring back a quote to next month's meeting. MOTION by Jacobs that following the City Council goal setting session,staff will request a price quote from HKGi to upda.te the Parks,Trails and Open Space Plan and if it is unacceptable,staff will issue an RFI'. SECOND by Strayton. Jacobs asked whether we should do a"light"version of the master plan until we know the plan for UMORE. Schultz stated that UMORE will be creating a concept plan late this summer and we should have time to review it before finalizing our plan. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. d. DII'eCtO�'S RepOPt—The park improvement fund balance as of December 31,2006 was $1,712,289.25. No dedication fees were received. Interest for the month was $6,698.84. We received a refund of$341.02 from Versa Lock. There were expenditures of$1,228.04 for professional services provided by JAE Architects. Outdoor Ice Rinks—Outdoor rinks are currendy open. We have had good ice conditions for the last two weeks. Parks and Recreation Brochure—In the past,the Parks and Recreation Departtnent activities have been included in the City's quarterly brochure. This year,the Parks and Recrearion Department will be sending out a separate publication of activities on a quarterly basis. A separate publication of City information will be mailed to residents six times a year. Also,on-line registration will be available this spring to those registering for Parks and Recreation activities. New Park Map— We recendy printed an updated park map. There were some map/designer discrepancies and we will be reprinting a revised map. Ice Arena Use—Schultz provided the Commission with copies of the ice scheduling book for review, per discussion at last month's meeting regarding ice use and increasing the nonprime and summer ice fees for 2007. 2006 was the highest year ever for rentals and revenues. e. Appoint New Commission Chairperson —Vice Chair Eliason has been chairing the Commission meetings since the October resignation of Eric Johnson,the former Chair. Schultz recommended appointing a new Cha.ir,and if needed a new Vice Cha.ir. MOTION by Jacobs to nominate Eliason as Chair. SECOND by Sampo. Ayes: Sampo,Jacobs,Strayton. Eliason abstained. Nays:0 Motion Passed. MOTION by Sampo to appoint Jacobs as Vice Chair. SECOND by Eliason. Ayes: Sampo, Eliason,Strayton. Jacobs abstained. Nays: 0 Motion passed. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Sampo to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Jacobs. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary - 3 -