HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 02-26 PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes February 26, 2007 APPROVED Members Present: Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,I{evin Strapton Members Absent: Mark jacobs,Kelly Sampo Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzman Others Present: Representatives from Arcon Development 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:17 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE JANUARY 22, 2007 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Strayton to approve the minutes of the January 22,2007 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Family Resource Center Annual Report—Each year, the Family Resource Center provides the Parks and Recreation Commission with an annual report to ensure that they are meeting the requirements of the Youth Initiative Grant that was used to fund construction of the Family Resource Center,and that the Community Action Council(CAC)is fulfill'ing their lease agreement. Shira Rabinowicz,neighborhood Service Volunteer Coordinator from the Fam.ily Resource Center,presented the Commission with the progress report for 2006. She highlighted a number of services provided by the Family Resource Center including neighborhood support to help families that are new to Rosemount;providing childcare outreach to Hispanic families;a new,very successful,"Rosemount Recycle,Reduce and Reuse"educational program made possible through a grant;before and after school programs which include volunteers who assist children with homework;and"Ways to Work",a nationally recognized program that provides affordable loans for low income families to use to purchase a car or to cover cax repairs. Schultz inforxned the Commission that staff attends quarterly meetings at the Family Resource Center and it is always very busy. It was staffls opinion that the Family Resource Center is meeting the requirements of the grant and that the CAC is fulfilling the obligations outlined in their lease. MOTION by Eisold to accept the CAC 2006 Annual Report for the Family Resource Center. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. Rosewood Commons—Progress Land Company,the developer for Rosewood Commons,provided a site map and four concept plans for review. The property is located south of 145�St. and west of the Grief Brothers business. The plan includes six 4-0 unit residential buildings,240 aparttnent units and up to two commercial buildings. 'They have also talked about possibly including a small recreation area and a club house. Per Schultz this development is served by Biscayne,Erickson and Central Parks. Schultz recommended improvements/more amenit'tes at Biscayne Park to better meet the needs of the neighborhood. Schultz also reviewed the following recommendations for the developer to incorporate when submitting the preliminuy plat: that an extensive trail system be included to better connect residents to nearby parks;that parks dedication would be cash in lieu of land in the amount of$816,000; that parks dedication for the Commercial area would be 10%of the total land area(yet to be determined); and that the developer consider installing some recreational amenities in the development. Strayton asked that the last item be changed slighdy,removing the word"consider". It would then read as follows: Due to the high density of development,staff is requesting that the developer install some on- - 1 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes February 26, 2007 site amenities. Eliason asked about the ponding,and whether the roads and park will be private. Schultz pointed out a couple of areas on the plan where ponding has been provided for. The City Engineer will make sure they meet the requirements for this. The streets in the development are proposed to be private,but the park will probably be public. MOTION by Strayton to recommend that the City Council approve the concept plan,provided the developer reviews and incorporates the five comments outlined by Schultz in the executive summary when submitting their preliminary plat,changing the last comment to: Due to the high density of the proposed development,staff is recommending that the developer install some on-site recreational amenities. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. d. A�COr1 DeVeIOp�Y1@tlt PUD COrlCept PIBn— Schultz provided the Commissioners with a copy of the concept plan. Arcon Development Inc.is looking at working with Centex homes for this mixed use development on 296 acres. There will be single family housing,apartments,town homes,commercial development and a public school. There were questions regarding the school purchasing property,the Ciry partnering with the school for their ball fields and gym,and why we would give parks dedication for this when we don't have control of the fields. Per Schultz,we will talk about these issues again at negt month's meeting. Eliason asked if the developer was aware that we have never given credit for pipeline easements and ponding. Rick Packer and Steve Gohoski from Arcon Developers were in attendance. Packer provided the Commission with further details about the development. They will have a variety of housing including single and multi-family housing,and CDA rental units. They will also have a commercial area. T'hey were originally opposed to this,but have received calls from commercial developers interested in future development. MOT'ION by Eisold to recommend that the City Council approve the concept plan provided the developer reviews and incorporates the comments outlined in the egecutive stunmary when submitting the preliminary plat SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 3 Nays:0 Motion passed. c. Northern Natural Gas—Conditional Use Permit—Norrhern Nacural Gas is proposing installing new pipeline in Meadows and Bloomfield Parks. The work in Meadows Park will be within the egisting easement. Northern Natural Gas is asking for an additiona130'of easement in Bloomfield Park to install pipeline,as well as the use of some areas of the park for temporary work space. Schultz reviewed a map of the area,focusing on Bloomfield Park,and noting the new pipeline location and areas to be used for work space. Schultz also pointed out other areas in the Bloomfield development where they will be working. Northern Natural Gas has provided a financial sta.tement detailing the expected payment to the Ciry. The total amount would be$101,239.50. The project is to begin in March and should be completed by the end of October. Eliason noted that there will be no handicapped access via the trail to the basketball courts,tennis courts and soccer fields if they block the trail. He will get more details from Northern Natural Gas regarding this and make sure that the issues of safe access for those using the facilities and safety near the work areas are addressed. Eliason suggested that using the funds received for this project for a shelter would be a nice gesture to the neighborhood residents for the disruption caused by the new pipeline. Schultz agreed to bring this back. MOTION by Strayton to recommend that the City Council approve the transmission facility permit and conditional use permit for Northern Natural Gas,subject to the conditions outlined in the egecutive summary. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Outd001'ReCr@BtlOt1 COmpleX—The City Council recently approved the donation from Flint Hills Resources of 57 acres at the northeast corner of 135�St.and Akron Ave. to be used for an athletic complex. Flint Hills Resources had several conditions associated with the donation. These conditions include: the future park would need to include"Flint Hills Resources"in the name;no other petroleum based manufacturing company would receive any name recognition for sponsoring facilities;and the property is to be used for a public recreational park. If the City decides not to use the land as an athletic complex,it would go back to Flint Hills Resources. The closing date is scheduled for March 28. Schultz will be meeting with a number of stakeholders,including groups such as RAAA (in-house and traveling programs) and Dakota Rev,local schools, etc., to discuss their needs and gather input from them. He -2 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes February 26, 2007 would like to have information on the needs of these groups by April. The information from discussions with the stakeholders will be compiled and brought to the Commission,possibly at a work session in May. No motion was required for this item. Strayton asked for copies of what was previously discussed regarding this item. Eisold asked about the triangle of property across the street. Per Schultz,the property is currendy in ag reserve. There is interest in this property and staff will be meeting with the City Administrator about it. In-house little league fields have been discussed as a possible use and we have plans that show this. Strayton asked for copies of those plans,too. b. Parks Master Plan—At last month's meeting the Commission discussed requesting a proposal from HKgi for assistance with updating the current Parks,Trails and Open Space Master Plan. HKgi has provided us with a proposal in the amount of$10,700. This is$S,OOO less than the amount budgeted for these services. Schultz was recommending contracting with HKgi to assist with the update. T'he Engineering,Community Development,and Parks and Recreation Departments have planned an open house for the community on April 10 to provide information about the 2008-2030 Comprehensive Plan. At the March Commission meeting,Schultz would like to discuss the timeline for this project and how we should break down the chapters. The framework of the current plan is sound,we just need to egtend it to 2030 based on recommendations from the Community Development Department. MOTION by Eisold to recommend that the City Council approve contracting with HKgi to assist staff with updating the City's Parks,Trails and Open Space Master Plan. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes:3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 7. NEW BUSINESS: (continued) e. D'I�eCto�'S Report—The park improvement fund balance as of January 31,2007 was $1,712,321.03. No dedication fees were received. Interest for the month was$3,966.08. There were no egpenditures. Outdoor Ice Rinks—Outdoor rinks were closed for the season on Wednesday,February 23. Arena Sell Out—On Thursday,February 22,the ice arena had a sold out crowd for the Rosemount vs. Eastview boys high school sectional hockey game. The arena reached its capacity of 1,200 half an hour before the game started. St.Joseph's Task Force Meeting— The task force held its second meeting on Thursday,February 22. The main focus o£the meeting was a tour of the church and school buildings. The task force decided to meet on Saturday,March 24 for a tour of other facilities that have been renovated for a new use. Meeting with DCTC — City Staff recendy met with DCTC regarding converting turf grass in some of our parks to a more natural landscape. Also,students from DCTC will be working with the Father Frank's Foundation to come up with a design for the memorial at Central Park. New Carpet—The carpet squares in the community center banquet room are being replaced for the third year in a row. There has been a problem with the edges of the squares fraying. All replacements have been under warranty. The installer will be using a different supplier this time. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.'I'he meeting was adjourned at 9:03 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary - 3 -