HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 03-26 PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes March 26, 2007 APPROVED Members Present: Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Mark Jacobs,Kelly Sampo,Kevin Strayton Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzman Others Present: Emily Ziminer,Reporter from Rosemount Town Pages and Maureen Bartz,new Commissioner beginning in April,who will be completing Mark Jacobs term. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: 7. c.New Business—Camfield Park Tra.il Project. 3. APPROVAL OF THE FEBRUARY 26, 2007 MEETING MINUTES: Correction: Director's Report-Change arena event date and St. Joseph's meeting date from February 26 to February 22. MOTION by Eisold to approve the minutes of the February 26,2007 meeting as corrected. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. St. Joseph's Church Outdoor Recreational Facilities— Schulrz acrended a St.Joseph°s S�hool Board meeting last month to further discuss partnering on athletic facilities. At the meeting,the Board asked Schultz how much funding the City would be willing to contribute to the athletic facilities. Schultz could not give them a definite amount because that would depend on the amount of access the City would have to the fields. The board also expressed concern regaxding the following: the expectation of field use by the City on Saturdays and Sunday mornings which might conflict with weddings and church services; that those using the facilities would be parking in the church lot and taking spaces needed for those attending church;the cost of maintenance;and access to the facilities. While there is not a lot that can be done until we have the site plan,Schultz asked for feedback regarding the concerns of the St.Joseph's Board and for any other input. Jacobs suggested either waiting to see what their plans are or coming up with several scenarios of what the City investment might be based on the amount of use the City would have. Strayton wasn't sure how this fits in with the overall direction of our park plan but would like to continue the dialogue with them. Sampo thought we should look at the agreements we have with Shannon Park and Charlies Park when we discuss this with the Board and we should also consider the impact of this facility when developing future parks. Eliason thought that irrigation and parking would be expensive issues that we need to discuss. Churches are busy during the spring,summer and fall with weddings,etc., and parking will be an issue. The Commission was interested in continuing discussion regarding these facilities and thought that it was important for the Board to determuie the amount of disruption they will be comfortable with. b. OutdOOP ReCPeStlOt1 FaClll'L�/—Schultz was bringing this item to the Commission in order to discuss the selection of a registered landscape architect. The landscape architect will put together a master plan and work with the City's engineers to develop the facility. There were three options for the Commission to consider. sending out requests for plans (RFP's);sending out requests for qualifications (RFQ's);or just picking a consultant. We would be asking them to provide a master plan and cost estimate,to provide construction documents and bid material,and to perform some of the construction observation. Schultz and the Tom Schuster,Parks Supervisor,could also perform a fair amount of the construction inspections. The City has recendy used several f.irms for this type of work including SRF,HKgi,Ingrahatn and Assoc (now part of I�Kgi),and Larson Engineering. Eliason asked if the firm we hire could also look at Shannon - 1 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes March 26, 2007 and Erickson Parks at the same time. Per Schultz,we will put together a scope of service when we choose someone,and this could be included. Jacobs asked if any consideration had been given to acquiring additional land around the 57 acre site,as the ideal size was approximately 95 acres. Per Schultz,this is being discussed. Sta.ff also recendy met with the owner of the triangular piece of land to the south,and there is another private homestead to the east that we have not approached. MOTION by Jacobs that we go through the RFQ process and selection of a registered landscape architect. SECOND by Sampo. Ayes: 5 Nays:0 TVlotion passed. 6. NEW BUSINESS: a. Park Plan for Arcon Development—At last monrh's meeting the Commission had a number of recommendations for the developer,including increasing the size of the park. Schultz reviewed an updated map of the park,which had been increased to 8 acres,less 0.7 acres for ponding,for a total of 7.3 acres. The developer may also be including some private amenities in the development which would add benefit. Sampo thought the park looked small for the density of homes,and pointed out that while the ponding issue was addressed,a pipeline easement runs through the middle of the park. Eliason stated that at last month's meeting,the Commission made it clear that we do not accept ponds or pipeline easements as parks dedication and he asked Schultz to make this clear to the developer. Per Schultz,the developer is aware that we do not give credit for ponds or pipeline easements. This is their first concept plan since our last meeting,and Schultz will continue to recommend to them that this park be 8 acres. b. D'I�eCtO�'S Rep01 t—The park improvement fund balance as of February 28,was$1,723,095.85. Interest last month was $11,271.35. No donations or parks dedication fees were received.There were no egpenditures. Spring Egg Hunt—This event,which will be held on Saturday,March 31,generally attracts between 700- 800 participants,including children and their parents. St.Joseph's Task Force—On Saturday,March 24,the task force toured three sites that were formerly used as churches or schools,as well as an indoor park in Woodbury. The sites toured were the Lakeville Area Arts Center,The Russian Museum in Minneapolis,Woodbury's Central Park and the Guardian Angels campus in Hastings. New Parks&Recreation Commission Members—Sandy I�night will be joining the Commission for a three year term,and Maureen Bartz will be fulfilling the remaining year of Jacobs'term. Parks Master Plan Update—An inforxnation flyer was included in the Commissioners'packets regarding the comprehensive plan community meeting that will be held on April 10 at the Rosemount Community Center. This flyer was also mailed to all Rosemount residents. C. Camfield PB�k T�811 PPOjeCt—Schultz was requesting that the Commission consider including additional trails in Camfield Park as part of the proposed street construction project that will be taking place near the park. Schultz reviewed a map of the park and pointed out proposed sidewalk/trail connections through the park to provide better access to areas such as the playground. These connections would be paid for from the park improvement fund. MOTION by Sampo to recommend that the City Council approve the addition of new trails in Camfield Park is considered as an addition to the City of Rosemount's Street Reconstruction Project 410. SECOND by Jacobs. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Sampo to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Jacobs. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 8:16 p.m. Schultz thanked Jacobs and Sampo for their years service on the commission. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -2 -