HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 04-23 PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes April 23, 2007 APPROVED Members Present: Ma.ureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy Knight Members Absent: Kevin Strapton Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recrearion and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzman Others Present: Bill Droste,Mayor;Morgan Dawley,WSB Engineering 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Mayor Droste gave the oath of office to Sandy Knight and Maureen Bartz,new Parks &Recreation Commission members. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: 6. e. Old Business—Outdoor Recreation Facility—Landscape Architect/Park Planner. 3. APPROVAL OF THE MARCH 26, 2007 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Eisold to approve the minutes of the March 26,2007 meeting as corrected. SECOND by I{night. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Hwy 3 Pedestrian Crossing Feasibility Study—WSB Engineering has completed a feasibiliry study for the pedestrian crossing for Hwy. 3. The two alternatives are an overpass at the north side of the intersection of Hwy.3 and Connemara Trail, (we have easements here) and an underpass between the high school on the west side of Hwy. 3 and the Glen Rose development on the east side of Hwy. 3 (no easements on the high school property). Schultz reviewed aerial photos of the areas being considered. 'I'here were concerns with the underpass encroaching on high school property,and that with the overpass oprion,we would need trail improvements around the Community Center. Schultz introduced Morgan Dawley of WSB Engineering,who was in attendance to answer any questions the Commission might have. Schultz has talked to the school district about whether more students would be walking to school instead of taking the bus if there is a pedestrian crossing on Hwy. 3. According to the district,students would still be bused to school based on the district's safety guidelines for busing. Schultz asked the Commission for their input on the two options and whether they support either option. I{night expressed concern with the underpass option and possible disruption of school events. She also mentioned that Connemara Trail is a busy road,and crossing it safely is a concern. She supported an"L"shaped overpass with two bridges,one over Hwy. 3 and one over Connemara Trail. Eliason asked that if we go with the overpass,we do something to make it aesthetically pleasing,as this is the gateway to downtown Rosemount. Dawley stated that aesthetic treatrnents can be added. The possibility of adding a stoplight at Hwy.3 and 142�d Street by the high school was mentioned. Dawley stated that this would have to be approved by MnDOT,but it could be discussed. Bartz asked whether future changes to Hwy.3,such as light rail,might impact the bridge. Dawley said that he could contact someone on the corridor board regarding this. Schultz reviewed a possible connection from the underpass to Connemara Trail on the east side of Hwy. 3. Residents would have access to downtown via the underpass,or they could follow the Koch Trail through Central Park to downtown. This would serve many more residents than just those living in the townhomes in the Glen Rose development. Schultz also stated that he would like to get a response in writing from the school district regarding whether the pedestrian crossing on Hwy. 3 would affect busing. The Commission asked if there was a timeline for making a decision. Per Dawley,this May would be the time to look for funding for 2011. The construction deadline is July. Per Schultz,the Commission meeting will be held one week - 1 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes April 23, 2007 early in May,so we can look at this again at that time. We can contact MnDOT about the possibility of adding a stoplight at the intersection of Hwy. 3 and 142nd St. Eisold asked for a map showing Brockway Park,the schools,etc.,that would give the Commission a better idea of how the trails would provide access to these areas. Dawley stated that he can modify a map and bring this back to the negt meeting. Eliason asked Schultz to bring back designs for the L-shaped bridge,and Eisold asked that the path from the parking lot at Schwarz Pond Park to the ball fields behind the high school also be included in the maps to be brought back. Further discussion on this item was tabled until negt month's meeting. b. Parks Master Plan Update—We will be working with HKgi to update the parks,trails and open space master plan. A copy of the HKgi's work tasks was included in this month's packet so the Commissioners have an outline of what will be happening and the timeline for completion of the project. At negt month's meeting,Schultz would like the Commission to review and set plan priorities,and develop goals for the master plan update. Schultz reviewed six goals that he included in the executive summary for the Commission to consider. He mentioned that a consultant will be present at the May meeting to answer questions. Schultz would like to hold a work session later next month to discuss facility standards and whether we are meeting our current standards. Schultz asked if there were any items the Commission would like to discuss as far as goals,or whether they would like to think about this and discuss it furthex at the May meeting. Bartz asked about our current open space philosophy. Schultz stated that we have maps that identity the greenway corridor projects and our existing parks master plan includes natural resource type parks. This is something the Commission can discuss further during the update process. c. Outdoor Recreation Comple�cMlork Plan and Communifiy Input —s�hulrz pro�ided rhe Commissioners with a work plan for the outdoor recreation complex and xeviewed the items included in the work plan. He would like to have an open house for the public to give them an opportunity to comment on the project and ask questions. Schultz recently met with landowners who live near the compleg to discuss their concerns and update them on what is happening so far. He will keep them informed and consider their input with regard to the compleg throughout the planning process. Eisold asked that we try to make this as much of a multiple-use facility as possible with regard to field size,and be open to as many options as possible,indoor as well as outdoor,and to continue looking at neighboring properties that may become available. He also asked that artificial turf be consider for at least some of the fields. Knight wanted to be sure that the facility can be used by lots of groups,and for tournaments as fundraisers for the various groups. She also asked that a storage facility be considered. Bartz asked about winter use for this type of compleg. Per Schultz and Eliason,these types of facilities are used primarily from April through October. Eliason asked that a redesign of Erickson Park also be considered. He agreed that artificial turf was a good idea,considering the fact that some fields don't have a rest period due to the timing of seasons (lacrosse/football) and the amount of wear and tear on fields due to this. Schultz suggested May 9, 10 or 16 as possible dates for the public meeting,which would be held at the Rosemount Community Center. Schultz will contact the Commissioners on Apri124 to confirtn the date. Eisold clarified that by multiple uses,he meant soccer,lacrosse,football. He also asked that we use native grasses on the fields,not sand based fields. d. Triangle Property at Akron Avenue and 135th Street—The owner of rhis properry originally contacted Schultz just over a year ago regarding the possibility of the City purchasing the property. At that time,the Commission looked at three design options for the land that were provided by HKgi. Schultz included these three options in this month's packets. They are: 1) a combination of baseball and full size youth soccer fields;2) full size youth soccer fields only;and 3)youth baseball fields only. There were challenges with each of the options,but with some changes,they could provide much needed fields. Schultz reviewed an initial proposal from the developer for the purchase of this property. He is asking $125,000/acre g 21 acres = $2,625,000. 'I'his includes a down payment of$400,000,parks dedication credit of$1,105,000,waiving of the road assessment in the amount of$399,000 and seller financing of$721,000. Schultz asked whether the Commission was interested in continuing to look into the purchase of this - 2 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes April 23, 2007 properry. The Commission discussed some of the challenges with the property,such as the railroad tracks and that the land is currendy in ag reserve unti12011,as well as some of the positive aspects of owning it, such as the road to the athletic compleg being built faster. Schultz also asked the Commission to consider whether purchasing this 21 acres was the best option or whether it would be more economical to look for less expensive land elsewhere. T'here was further discussion regarding the various options,and Schultz offered to meet with the land owner and bring back more information to the negt meeting. MOTION by Bartz to recommend that staff continue to negotiate with the landowner of the 21 acre parcel of property located at the southeastern corner of the 135�Street and Akron Avenue intersection. SECOND by Knight. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. e. Outdoor Recreation Facility— Landscape Architect/Park Planner— At last month's meeting, the Commission discussed three options for moving forward with the master planning of the athletic facility: sending out requests for plans (RFI''s);sending out requests for qualifications (RFQ's);or just picking a consultant. T'he landscape architect we choose will be responsible for putting together a master plan and then working with the City's engineers to develop the facility. It was the Commission's recommendation at the March meeting to send out RFQ's. Schultz created an RFQ and provided the Commissioners with copies for their review and comments. Schultz was recommending sending RFQ's to four or five consultants who specialize in landscape architecture,and asking that they work with the City's contracted engineering firm,WSB. Schultz recommended sending RFQ's to Brauer and Assoc.,HKgi and possibly SRF. The deadline for all submittals would be Ma.y 4. Once all of the RFQ's have been received, the Commission could review them at a special meeting,possibly on May 9,then the recommendation rega.rding which firm we would like to use would go to the City Council for their May 15 meeting. As far as the master plan,we would like to have something in place by July,and we need to be sure we allow time for community input. MOTION by Eisold to recommend that staff send out RFQ's for the outdoor recreation facilities to no more than five consultants and once the submittals are returned,they be reviewed by the Commission. SECOND by I{night. FRIENDLY AMENDMENT by Knight that the RFQ's be submitted by the May 4 deadline. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 6. NEW BUSINESS: a. Change of Date for Regular Meeting in May—Due to rhe Memorial Day holiday falling on rhe Commission's regularly scheduled meeting date in May,Schultz was recommending changing the date to May 21. 'I'he location and time will remain the same as usual. MOTION by Knight that the regularly Parks and Recreation meeting be rescheduled from Monday,May 28,2007 to Monda,y,Ma,y 21,2007. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. Dlf eCtO�'S Rep01 t—The park improvement fund balance as of March 31,2007 was $1,908,300.71. Interest for last month was $6,584.30. Parks dedication fees in the amount of$180,000 were received from Great River Energy. There were expenditures of$1,379.44-for taxes on Brockway Park. St.Joseph's Task Force Meeting—On Saturday,March 24,the task force toured several facilities that were formerly used as churches or schools and have been converted to another use. The group toured the Lakeville Area Arts Center,the Museum of Russian Art in Minneapolis,the Guardian Angels comples in Hastings and Woodbury's Central Park. The next meeting will be held on Thursday,Apri126 at the Rosemount Communiry Center. On-Line Registration—The Parks and Recreation summer brochure was mailed to all Rosemount residents earlier this month. We are now offering on-line registration,and as of Thursday,April 19,over 80%of 250 registered participants had signed up using the on-line registration option. New Rules for pog Owners—This year,staff will be asking dog owners not to bring dogs to softball fields during games due to a variety of complaints that have been received. Schultz provided a photo of the signs being proposed for the Commission to review. The signs list the rules for all types of pets. - 3 - PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes April 23, 2007 Spring Programs — Arbor Day will be celebrated on May 5 at 10:00 a.m. at Central Park;the City-Wide Garage Sale will take place May 17—19;and the Ciry Clean Up Day will be held at Dakota Counry Technical College on Saturday,May 19, from 8:00 a.m. to noon. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. T'he meeting was adjourned at 9:46 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary -4 -