HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 05-21 PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes May 21, 2007 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason Members Absent: Sandy Knight,Kevin Strayton Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: Jonathan Nutzman Others Present: Greg Ingraham and Steve Wensman,HKGi;and T'homas Hofstead,resident 1. CALL TO ORDER: Elia,son called the meeting to order at 7:04 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: Schultz will give an update on the Veterans'Memorial under the Director's Report. 3. APPROVAL OF THE APRIL 23 AND MAY 9, 2007 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Eisold to approve the minutes of the Apri123,2007 meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the May 9,2007 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Pa�ks MaSte� Plan Upolte— Schultz introduced Greg Ingraham and Steve Wensman of HKGi,who will be working with City staff to update the parks master plan. Ingrahaxn and Wensman gave a presentation on the concepts and information that will be used to complete the plan. Current population projections and other infoxmation provided by the City will be used to determine the service and facility needs for the community through 2030. The 2002 parks master pla,n will be used as a guideline and upda,ted as needed to address current and future needs. The new plan will include inforxnation on a variety of types of parks and pla,y fields,as well as natural axeas and open space. Ingraham asked for any goals or needs the Commission would like to see included. Among the items discussed were the following: It was suggested that we should look at possibly having smaller neighborhood parks and slightly larger neighborhood play fields in ordex to meet the need for fields. Maximizing the use of current facilities/fields is also something we need to look at. Safe pedestrian access to paxks was also discussed. How we are going to provide safe access to the new athletic complex is already being looked at. Including extensive trails throughout the paxk system and the City was considered to be very important. Good connectivity throughout the community is something we axe continually woYking on. Providing shelters and shading pla,yground equipment were discussed. Often there is no shade around the playground equipment. The importance of passive use parks and tree preservation was also mentioned. Ingraham explained that both City and HKGi staff will be working on the pla,n. HKGi will pull all of the information together,including private parks, and bring a final draft to the Commission for review. The draft will also be reviewed by the public. There was brief discussion on the need fox facilities such as a pool,a second sheet of ice,gym space, etc. According to a City survey,while residents would like these amenities, they were not in favor of increasing ta.xes to pay for them. - 1 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes May 21, 2007 Rosemount resident Thomas Hofstead asked about the underpass on Hwy. 3. Pex Schultz,this will be brought to the City Council in June. Mr. Hofstead expressed concern with the run-off from streets into the ponds at some of the City's parks. He also was concerned about the loss of a lot of trees and natural areas due to recent development and that this has caused issues with an increasing number of squirrels in his neighborhood and reduced the number of trees where crows nest. He also had questions about public transportation in Rosemount,as well as the la,ck of sidewalks or trails along Hwy. 3 and County Road 42. He has talked to City sta.ff and was looking foY any help the Paxks and Recreation Commission could provide on these issues. Per Schultz,the run-off issue would be addxessed by the Utilities Commission,and the issue with loss of trees has recently been addressed by the Planning Department. They have revised their tree replacement policy and this should help with future developments. Tom Schuster will contact 1VIY. Hofstead and provide him with phone numbers for Mn/DOT,Dakota,County and MN Valley Transit so that Mr. Hofstead may contact them for information on sidewalks and trails along Hwy. 3 and County Road 42 and public transportation. b. Outdoor Recreation Complex-Community Input and Facility Needs -Schulrz reviewed the input that has been gathered from the various stakeholders as far as existing needs, issues,and comments regarding athletic facilities. Schultz then asked the Commission for their input regarding specific facility needs. Eliason felt that we should look at using artificia.l turf for some of the fields as it can take constant use with little maintenance and no irrigation. Schultz asked how the Commission felt about lighting the fields. The Commission thought that the wiring could be installed when the fields axe built,and then lights could be phased in over time. Pex Schultz,there is a need for another full size baseball field. The Commission thought that it would be nice to have a signature baseball stadium. Bartz asked if we should consider field use changing as we get properiy to build another field. Eliason thought that Shannon and Erickson Paxks should be redesigned for better use of the fields at both parks. Eisold felt that we shouldn't skimp on concession buildings and restrooms -we want to keep people at the fields when thexe are touxnaments. Including a tot lot was suggested,and Schultz thought trees and sun shelters should be included,as people always seek out shade during events. c. Outdoor Recreation Facility— Landscape Architect/Park Planner Contract—At the May 9,2007 meeting,the Commission recommended contracting with Bxauer and Associates for landscape architect and park planning services. Schultz has since met with BxaueY and Associates and they have submitted a proposal. Schultz asked the Commission to review the pxoposal and provide any comments they might have regarding it. Brauer and Associa,tes' estimate for the project is $12,500. This does not include engineering services. Any engineering services they may provide would be billed separately on an hourlp basis. Schultz was recommending approval of the proposal. It would then be sent to the June 6 City Council meeting for the Council's consideration. MOTION by Bartz to recommend that the Citp Council approve the contract for services with Brauer and Associa,tes to develop a master plan and a detailed cost estimate for the outdoor recreation complex. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Trail Design Proposal — Interpretive Trail Corridor— Schultz provided the Commission with a copy of the proposal from WSB for their services for unprovements to the interpretive corridor trail from Erickson Park to Connemara Trail. Schultz reviewed maps of the area and the -2 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes May 21, 2007 pxoposed path for the trail connection. SEP grant funds of approximately$19,000 that remain from a$50,000 grant received in 1999 would be used for the project. Schultz was recommending that the Commission recommend that the remaining SEP gxant funds be used for the design of this trail connection. Eisold asked if future expansion of the ball fields in Erickson Paxk would be an issue. Per Schultz,we will be looking into this. The fields axe close to the proposed trail connection. Schultz and Schuster have walked the proposed connection route,and while thexe axe some spots along the trail that are very tight, the trail should work here. The trail connection could also run along Brazil Avenue,instead of through Erickson Paxk. Eisold also asked about lighting the trail. Per Schultz we could look into this. MOTION by Eisold to spend the Yemaining$19,000 to design, and if needed construct, the ttail connection project at Erickson Park. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. D'IreCtor's Report—The park impxovement fund balance as of Apri130,2007 was $2,142,680.89. Parks dedication fees in the amount of$233,634.50 were received from NNG and Rosemount Family Housing—CDA. No grants or donations were received. Interest fox la.st month was $10,703.74. 'I'here were expenditures of$2,620 for a fence at Meadows Park, $4,421.50 for survey work on the outdoor recYeation complex and$2,916.56 for pla.ns and specs for Brockway Park. City Council Goals—Schultz included a copy of the goals adopted by the City Council at their May 1 meeting for the Commission to review. Veterans'Memorial Design—Schultz pxovided the Commission with a drawing of a new veterans' memoria,l designed by students at Dakota,County Technical College (DCTC). The design incorporated the memorial that is currendy located at Central Park,and included circulaY pathways • bordered by memorial brick pavexs, as well as a section fox amphitheater seating. Schultz was impressed by the students'work and felt that the design could work in a variety of settings. Sta.ff will be meeting with the veterans this week to discuss this further. Schwaxz Pond Paxk Landscaping—The DCTC students also created a landscaping plan for a couple of axeas in Schwarz Pond Pa,rk. One area is the hill near the parking lot. Their design for this area included a grouping of shrubs and other plantings. The City is also looking at ways to xeduce the amount of mowing done in parks and around the City. Schultz pointed out an area near the skate park where we could�inimi7e mowing by adding native pla,ntings with walkways. Another axea being looked at as a site for native plantings is along Bxazil Avenue. Schultz will bring this item back. Schultz was again impressed by the DCTC students' designs. Flint Hills Property Closing—The closing was done today through the mail. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 10:34 p.m. Respectfizlly submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording SecYetary - 3 -