HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 07-23 PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes July 23, 2007 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Mike Eliason,Sandy I{night,Kevin Strayton Members Absent: jason Eisold Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: None Others Present: Residents and stakeholder groups interested in the athletic compleg,and Rick Packer,Project Manager,Arcon Development. 1. CALL TO ORDER: Elia.son called the meeting to order at 8:05 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None. 3. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 25, 2007 MEETING MINUTES AND THE JULY 9, 2007 SPECIAL WORK SESSION: MOTION by Knight to approve the minutes of the June 25,2007 meeting. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 4 Nays:0 Motion passed. MOTION by Bartz to approve the minutes of the Ju1y 9, 2007 Special Work Session. SECOND by Strayton. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None. 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None. 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Outdoor Recreation Complex—A new�on�ept plan,3A,is an addition to the original four plans and is being discussed at tonight's meeting for the first time. Schultz asked that the Commission give their input on the plans,and then discussion will be opened up to the stakeholders and residents. Eliason recapped the discussion from the last meeting for the benefit of those in attendance,including which amenities were considered to be the most needed,lighting and related issues due to the power line easement,trails,points of entrance,and access to county roads. Greg Bergacker, 13080 Akron Ave.,thought that Plan 2 was friendlier to their property which is located about 100 feet from the complex. Plans 3 and 3A were the Bergacker's least favorite because of the location of the multi purpose fields so to close to their front door. The parking lot in Plan 3 is very close to their property and they were concerned about people coming to the complex late at night and wandering onto their property. The Berga.ckers asked if it would be possible to move everything to the south to create a buffer between the park and their property. RAAA President,Dan Shaw, 13824 Current Circle,preferred Plans 2 and 4 and had issues with the parking in Plan 3. He really liked Plan 4,because the split parking would prevent speeding through the park. He stressed that RAAA's main interest was to get as much flat,useable space as quickly as possible. He also liked the walking paths,and the adult ball field. John Remkus, 13040 Akron Ave.,preferred Plan Z. He liked the location of the multi purpose fields against Bonaire Path instead of next to private property. Brian Fahey-Bleick, 14010 Cobbler Ave.,Dakota Rev President,thought that the soccer and lacrosse fields would be the busiest and there are only three of them in Plan 2. He questioned the need for tennis courts at the complex at this time and wondered if they could be included in another park located in a more developed residential area so they would be accessible to more people. As Rosemount grows,tennis courts could be added to the athletic complex. He thought it was a good idea to have two entrances,and suggested taking out one line of trees from the four-plex fields so that grass space/fields could be added if needed. Knight emphasized that we don't have any communiry tennis courts at this time for the traveling tennis program and we do need faciliries for them. She also told the group that USTA has been pushing for an adult league. Eliason stated that soccer and in-house socceY - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes July 23, 2007 have more participants than other sports and green space is important. Schultz stated that we are looking at ways to make the best use of the space/facilities at egisting parks such as F.rickson and Shannon. Knight stated that the Commission had focused on Plan 3A because it provided the most facilities and asked if it would be better if the plan were flipped. The Bergackers thought that would be better. Per Schultz the original plan has all the fields being lit so we can egpand the use and we want to design a complex that impacts everyone in a positive way. Mrs.Bergacker asked how much use the adult baseball field would get. Per Schultz,it could be used for eighth grade to adult. A soccer field could also be cut in the outfield for use in the off season. Snare stated that the Legion and VFW could use it and Shaw stated that traveling and in-house programs would use it too. Schultz mentioned aga.in that we are looking at the space we currently have and how we can take full advantage of it in combination with the athletic complex. He asked what the overall feeling was as far as the field size of 310',and whether that was moving in the right direction. The multi use fields can be built full size and can be shrunk down if needed. The goal of the Commission is to get as many fields as we can. The fact that Plans 2 and 4 have the least amount of parking was discussed,because parking is going to be an issue. Snare thought that a full size baseball field is needed as we don't currently have one and any pouth program could make use of a full size field. Strayton thought that we should fit as many fields as possible into all the parks for the least amount of money. Eliason asked that Shannon and Erickson Parks be redesigned in conjunction with the building of the athletic complex to make the best use of each park. Knight sta.ted that we will be looking at how to fund the compleg and creative ways to do this. Snare asked about the timeframe for completion. Per Schultz,discussion will continue over the negt six weeks,the Commission will meet again in August,we will have cost estimates shortly,and then we need to get everyone to agree on one plan. Once we have agreed on a plan,it will be brought to the City Council for approval,and we could be ready for a referendum neat spring and begin building negt summer. We would need to let the turf grow for a year before use. Including artificial turf has also been discussed. So, completion would take two years at best. Schultz also informed the group that staff is meeting with Dakota County Technical College and District 917 about the possibility of sharing use of fields,and that we will keep the residents and user groups informed about what is going on. He will meet with Jason Amberg,Brauer&Associates,Ltd. and discuss the changes suggested for Plan 3A. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Prestwick Place Preliminary Plat— PUD Master Development Plan—Schulrz included a location map and preliminary plat of the development in the Commission's packets. He handed out a topographic map of the park and another map showing the sanitary sewer running through the park. He egplained that the park area is 7.91 acres,with 1.32 acres of ponding or slope and.85 acres for a 57' easement,which leaves 5.7 acres of parkland. Schultz was not recommending any action on this item,but asked for comments from the Commission about the plan and the amenities. The amenities seemed crowded in some areas and a sanitary sewer runs through the midsection of the park. T'he park is on the small end of what is requested and the developer is working on the ponding,infiltration area but not on the redesign of the park area. Schultz asked if the Commission was comfortable with the park amenities. Strayton asked about the kind of housing proposed for the development. He also asked whether tennis courts could be included instead of a ball field or soccer field. Strayton felt that this was a small park for this development. Rick Packer,Project Manager for Arcon Development,stated that the development has a lot of housing,but it is the type that doesn't generate a lot of park use,and as far as the elderly,the developer will be providing different amenities for them. Eliason mentioned that there are a number of town homes behind Home Depot in Apple Valley,and many families with children live in them. Kelly Park,which is near these town homes,is very popular and very busy. He asked about a cost estimate for a splash pad like the one that was installed in Kelly Park. Eliason felt that a pla,yground,basketball court and open space were amenities that would be used a lot. Bartz mentioned that seniors are big walkers,and asked how this fits into the development as far as tra.ils. Per Schultz,the trail and sidewalk plan is well connected. He will also get an updated map identifying trails and sidewalks. Schultz asked if there was any - 2 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION Regular Meeting Minutes July 23, 2007 other feedback from the Commission. I�night thought that the amenities seem right for this park,although the size is small. Schultz will work with the developer on a park plan that will fit with this development and will bring an updated plan back to the Commission in August. Eliason stated that he would like to see a bigger park in the development. b. DI�eCtO�'S RepO�'t — The park improvement fund balance as of June 30,2007 was$2,122,076.52. No parks dedication fees,grants or donations were received. Interest for June was$6,888.66. There were expenditures of$13,087.92 for parks master planning services, outdoor recreation complex planning,concrete at Meadows Park,concrete at Winds Parks,and woodland restoration on the Wiklund property. Other Items-Leprechaun Days is going on all week. The St.Joseph's Task Force will be meeting on July 26 and Schultz will continue to give the Commission updates on what is discussed. There are parking issues at Bloomfield and Shannon Parks. Schultz reviewed a map of the area where people are parking. There have been issues with participants crossing lawns,littering,and not parking in the lots. We may run a temporary snow fence along the property lines to prevent this. At Shannon Park,people are parking in the cul de sacs during tournaments. The Police Departrnent is looking at what we can do differently,possibly some kind of permit parking. Tournaments and football games are creating the most problems. Additional Discussion on Athletic Complex—Per Schultz,the athletic complex cost estimate for Plan 3A is appro�mately$6,000,000 to$7,000,000 including$420,000 for landscaping,and concrete for 20 portable toilets. There are items that can be eliminated to reduce the cost. There was brief discussion on the following flipping Plan 3A and that there still might be some issues,the need for tennis courts,and drainage in the corner which is going to be an issue. Sttayton felt that a major concern with the athletic compleg is parking and we need to get the actual dimensions of the fields and what the age group requirements are. Eliason asked about turning the youth baseball field and bringing it closer to the parking lot. Schultz will meet with Jason Amberg,Brauer&Associates,Ltd.,this week and ask him to flip Plan 3A,and also look into what we can do as far as grading,parking,lighting,and the other issues discussed at tonight's meeting. Triangle Property-Schultz has talked to the City Council about pursuing the purchase of this property. The developer is not willing to go down from$105,000/acre. Some Council members were not interested in the property at this price;others said that if the developer would be willing to reduce the price to$75,000/acre they would be willing to keep communication open. At this time,the developer was not interested in selling for$75,000/acre. Dakota County Technical College (DCTC)—Schultz has contacted DCTC regarding partnering on soccer fields. A good long term lease agreement would be needed before Schultz would bring this item to the Commission and City Councils. 8. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Strayton to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes:4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:54 p.m. Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl, Recording Secretary - 3 -