Regular Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2007
Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Sandy Knight
Members Absent: Mike Eliason,Kevin Strayton
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: None
Others Present: Jeanne Ewen,RHS Boys Tennis Coach
1. CALL TO ORDER: Eisold called the meeting to order at 7:06 p.m.
approve the minutes of the September 24,2007 meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
Schultz requested that we start with New Business to accommodate Ms.Ewen's presentation regarding the
Tennis Teatn request.
a. Request for Facility Improvements— RHS Tennis Courts—Schulrz pro�ided aerial photos of the
tennis courts and the location where Ms.Ewen is requesting benches. He explained that one of the City
Council's goals is to create partnerships with other groups and that this would be an opportunity for this. It
could also open up dialogue with the high school. Jeanne Ewen,RHS Boys Tennis Coach,addressed the
Commission. She explained that she is working to improve the program and mentioned some of the events she
has coordinated since taking over the program. Ewen was at tonight's meeting to ask for the City's support for
providing four benches that would be installed along the north side of the tennis courts. Mr.Manning has told
her that if she can get four benches,the school district will also provide four benches. Ewen handed out bid
information for benches. The quote for the benches they would like is $375 each. Knight asked what RAAA's
response to her request was. Per Ewen,they support it,but have no funds to contribute. Eisold suggested that
Ewen also contact St. Croix Recreation in Stillwater for information and a quote. There was a question on
whether there was room for benches between the shrubs and the courts. Per Schultz there is sufficient room.
Schultz suggested that building benches might be an excellent Eagle Scout project during the interim period until
funds are raised to purchase benches. Parks and Recreation Dept. staff often receive requests from Eagle Scouts
who are interested in doing this type of project,and this may be the most cost effective way to get the benches.
Schultz will talk with the Parks Supervisor about the possibility of having Eagle Scouts work on the benches.
Schultz will also check to see if the City has any old benches that might work for this location.
Eisold asked for CIP information from the school district so we are on the same page and are aware of projects
they have coming up. Schultz agreed that this would be a good idea,because sometimes we are not aware of
improvements until the last minute. Schultz will obtain a copy of the CIP budget and bring it back to the
Commission. Schultz asked Ewen what the timeline was for installation of the benches. Ewen stated that she
was looking at next spring. I�night asked if the shrubs could be trimmed to allow room fox chairs in case there
isn't funding for the benches. Ewen said that she would make sure the shrubs are trimmed. Knight was
interested in the possibility of an Eagle Scout taking on this project. She also encouraged Ewen to get benches
that have backs on them. Schultz mentioned that inexpensive bench frames are available,and boards can be
added to them. Ewen asked how she should approach Mr.Manning with this. Per Schultz,there map be no
cost if an Eagle Scout is able to get donated supplies for the benches,and possibly the school district could
purchase the frames. The Commission asked what funds the school district would use for the four benches they
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Regular Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2007
would provide,and whether the tennis team does any fundraising. Per Ewen,they have several fundraisers and
use the money they make to purchase items such as tennis balls and uniforms. There is also a fee to participate.
She works with an annual budget of only$2,300.
Schultz recommended no action at this meeting. He will research this further and bring more information back.
Ewen sta.ted that the tennis team could work on the project,too.
a. 2008 CIP Budget—Schultz reviewed the parks and arena/communiry center items that have been identified
for 2008. The items were: Miscellaneous Park,Parking Lot for Disc Golf Course,Trail Improvements,
Interpretive Trail Corridor,Bloomfield Park Shelter,8 Tennis Courts,DCTC Soccer Complex,Construction of
an Outdoor Recrearion Complex(Schultz would like the Commissioners to meet with the City Council to
further discuss this),Improvements to Erickson Park,Construction of Brockway Park,Painting the Ceiling in
the Community Center Ice Arena,and New Carpet for the Community Center Office.
Other projects that may also be considered are paving of the Jaycee Park hockey rink,participation in the ISD
917 ball field project and improvements to Brazil Ave. and Erickson Park parking lot.
Schultz asked if the Commission had any comments regarding paving the Jaycee Park rink. I�night asked if there
had been requests for this. Per Schultz,the requests have dropped off,but City sta,ff will be redoing the boards
in the rink and if there is any interest in paving it,this would be a good time. T'here were suggestions for
alternate uses for the rink such as putting sand in the rink so it could also be used for volleyball,using the rink as
a skate park,and using it for tennis or soccer. Schultz will talk to the City maintenance staff and bring this item
Schultz asked the Commission to keep in mind the possibiliry of parmering with ISD 917 on the ball field
project. This item will be brought back when their plans are finalized.
Paving Brazil Ave.and the parking lot at Erickson Park were discussed. T'he City Council has asked for
feedback from the Commission on these. No funding source for these improvements has been identified. Per
Schultz,we want to focus on the park first,and possibly adding it to the referendum for the athletic complex.
On a final note as far as the CIP budget,Schultz asked the Commission to keep in mind that all of the amounts
are estimates. He asked the Commission if there were any items they would like to prioritize. Bartz asked about
the legal requirements for Camfield Park. Per Schultz,the ADA specifications will give us recommendations,
and the improvements should be minor. Schultz will bring this back in detail. I�night's top priority items would
be green space,the athletic complex,and improvements to Erickson Park. Eisold thought that the Bloomfield
Park shelter is needed before Brockway Park improvements.
b. Review of Parks and Recreation Fees and Fee Policy—Schultz provided an update on the Fees and
Fee Poliry. He did not expect any major increases for 2008. Schultz explained that we compare our fees with
other cities when we are thinking about increasing fees. We are currently looking into increasing the
Community Center fees for banquet room and AV equipment rentals. The ice arena fees were increased for
2007,so we do not expect an increase there. Ba.rtz asked about the billable vs. non-billable use time for the
gym and for other rooms that are rented. Schultz will bring back that information as well as a breakdown of
who uses the ice,and when it is used. Per Schultz,we will be revising the Outdoor Facilities information in the
Fees and Fee Poliry. We are looking into the following. setting dates for requests by different groups,how we
collect for field maintenance,revising the park shelter rental options to include half-day rentals,and
independent league field fees. Schultz asked for input from the Commission on any of these items. There were
several comments that the current poliry is hard to understand and unclear. On page 7—8,#3,it was asked if
it could be billed hourly and whether there is a structure/policy we want to think about for the new athletic
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Regular Meeting Minutes
October 22, 2007
complex. Having the option of hourly billing could be a marketing tool. Schultz will bring more information
back to the negt meeting.
c. Director's Report- The paxk improvement fund balance as of September 30,2007 was$2,117,312.80. No
parks dedication fees,grants or donations were received this month. Interest for September was $7,811.05.
There were expenditures of$715 for parks master plan update services.
Outdoor Recreation Complex(ORC)—Ciry staff recently met with a representative from Dakota County.
There will be an internal review regarding access to Akron Ave. At this time,they saw no major problems with
the plan.
The tennis courts have been removed from the plan. The designer could squeeze them in,but this would impact
parking. The new plan also includes more ponding. Because there is no regional oudet in Rosemount for
ponding,we have to have enough ponding to handle a 100 year flood. The land under the power lines cannot be
raised,so ponding can only be included in the lower areas under the power lines.
The Commission continued discussing tennis courts. It had previously been discussed that courts could be
added to another park in Rosemount. Two courts could be added at Charlie's Park or possibly at Erickson Park,
where the soccer field is,possibly with lights. One concern is that if we can't move forward with the DCTC
soccer complex,this would take away green space. There is a greater need for green space than for tennis courts.
We will continue to look at existing and future park sites where tennis courts could be located. Knight asked if
Innisfree Park could be leveled somehow. Per Schultz,we could probably add two or three tennis courts here.
Bartz mentioned that no one uses this park. Schultz asked that at next month's meeting the Commission discuss
the need for more tennis courts and how to best meet that need i.e. one location or if we could add two more at
the Middle School and two at Innisfree Park. Knight supported adding courts to Charlie's Park,adding two
courts at a time to neighborhood parks and adding a large set of courts in the future. Schultz would like to get a
joint powers agreement with the school district for use. He would also like to have them agree to partner on
building the courts before we make any improvements. Schultz will discuss this further with the Ciry Council if
there is a strong push from the Commission to build eight courts. Eisold suggested not adding eight courts at
this time,but adding two more to a park that already has two courts,adding four courts to a park that doesn't
have any,or possibly incorporating two courts and two hitting boards into a park. Per Schultz,we can look at
this when we update the parks master plan.
Minnesota Recreation and Parks Association Natural Resources Workshop The MRPA
Natural Resources Workshop was recendy held at the Rosemount Community Center. The workshop included
a bus tour of sites in Rosemount,Apple Valley and Eagan. Professionals from around the state attended. The
focus was on natural resource topics related to development and management of parks,trails and open space.
Tom Schuster,Parks Supervisor, did an excellent job organizing the event.
PI'eStwlCk PIaCe Flnal Plat —The final plat for this development includes the creation of a number of
outlots that cannot be built on,but will be sold to developers. When the oudots are sold,the City will receive
parks dedication for them.
MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by I�night. Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The
meeting was adjourned at 9:16 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary
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