Regular Meeting Minutes
November 26, 2007
Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy I�night
Members Absent: Kevin Strayton
Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary
Student Volunteer: None
Others Present: Troy Robole,Trail Adxninistrator,Inver Grove Heights Snowmobile Club
1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:03 p.m.
3. APPROVAL OF THE OCTOBER 22, 2007 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Bartz to approve the
minutes of the October 22,2007 meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 3 Nays:0 Motion passed.
5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None.
Schultz requested that we start with New Business to accommodate Mr.Robley.
a. Snowmobile Trail Request—In past years,the Inver Grove Heights Snowmobile Club has marked,
maintained and groomed a snowmobile trail that runs through what is now the outdoor recreation compleg
property. They conta,cted the City because they would like to continue to use the trail as they have in the
past. Per Schultz,city ordinance allows areas in parks to be designated for this type of trail. Schultz has also
spoken with Flint Hills Resources,the former property owners,and they have had no problems with the
club using the property. Schultz supported the club being allowed to continue to use the trail for a period of
one year and evaluating this on an annual basis after that. Eisold suggested the motion be worded"2007-08
season"instead of"period of one year". Troy Robley,Trail Administrator,Inver Grove Heights
Snowmobile Club,addressed the Commission. He egplained that before the snowmobile season begins
each year,they check with all of the land owners whose property they use to see if anything has changed.
He also provided a map of the area and pointed out where the trail crosses the athletic compleg site.
MOTION by Bartz in support of marking a snowrnobile trail on the Outdoor Recreation Compleg
property for the 2007-08 season and that this be evaluated on an annual basis. SECOND by Eisold.
Ayes: 3 Nays: 0 Motion passed.
a. Review of Parks and Recreation Fees and Fee Policy—schulrz provided rhe Commissioners
with a copy of the 2007 Fees and Fee Policy and explained that he was asking the Commission for input on
maximizing use of our rental facilities. Schultz reviewed ice rental rates first. Rosemount's rates are some of
the lowest when compared with nearby cities. Per Schultz,our goal is to be in the midrange,so we will
probably be proposing an increase in fees. Other community center fees were also reviewed. We are
considering raising the banquet room fees and possibly the auditorium fees. Park facility fees were reviewed
next. Some of our fees are higher than other communities. We are looking into field use fees and the
possibility of renting on an hourly basis or changing the way we charge. We are also reviewing the league
fees and considering the possibility of including half day shelter rentals. Sta.ff is also working on a timetable
as far as when athletic groups have priority for making reservations. The Commission asked if we had
considered charging higher rates for District 196 as other cities do. Per Schultz,we are evaluating this and
will look into why some cities are charging them a higher fee. It was asked if the hockey teams have locker
Yooms at the communiry center. Per Schultz,the varsity boys and girls teams have permanent locker rooms
in the arena provided at no cost. There was also a question about whether the revenue generated from
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Regular Meeting Minutes
November 26, 2007
games goes back to the district. Per Schultz,the district collects the money and it goes back to them. There
was a question about who runs the concessions. Per Schultz,we lease the space to them and they provide
staff,etc. More information on the Fees and Fee Policy will be brought back to the Commission in the
b. DCTC FBCIIIty P8Pt11e�Shlp—Schultz reviewed a map of the site of the proposed shared soccer fields at
Dakota County Technical College. He also had included a draft letter of understanding in the Commission
packets. Schultz had noted several changes to the letter which were noted on the draft copy. The changes
were all regarding the removal of any references to the ciry providing funding for any"design and
construction management". The City's contribution would be for construction costs only. Per Schultz,the
City's attorney will also be reviewing this letter. As part of the approved 2008 CIP budget,$450,000 has
been set aside for this project. Bartz mentioned that the Commission had agreed to contribute a maximum
of$450,000,and asked if we were now committing that entire amount. The project will go through a
MnSCU bidding process and they will be able to provide us with a firm cost estimate based on this. We will
verify that the funds we are contributing are based on solid numbers. More information on this item will be
brought back in the future.
C. OUtdOOP R@CPeat1011 COt11pleX—Brauer and Associates has provided the City with a final master plan
for the complex,as well as a master plan cost estimate. Besides the ball fields and multipurpose fields,the
plan includes two concession/restroom buildings,two children's play areas and a maintenance facility.
Considering the topographical and power line challenges with this site,the plan maximizes the use of the
property and meets the needs of the area athletic groups. Schultz told the Commission that the County is
looking at the plan and access to Akron Avenue is being questioned. This plan will also be brought to the
City's Planning Commission for review and any input they may have.
Schultz reviewed the proposed budget. The Base Facility Development—On Site Costs total estimate is
$7,402,509.92,and the Off Site Costs total estimate is $1,367,060.20 for a total of$8,769,570.12. Other
costs included Potential Add On Items—On Site Cost total is $2,400,970.00 and the estimate for Potential
Alternative Storm Water Management Items—On Site Costs is�$1,832,573.88.
Schultz asked for comments from the Commission. Eisold asked about using artificial turf on one of the
fields. Per Schultz,we are looking at this for one of the fields at the Dakota County Technical College
Facility as they have offered to pay for half of it. We have a cost estimate of appro�mately$450,000 for an
artificial turf field. There was discussion about the priority of various amenities including restroom facilities,
concession buildings,and lighting of fields. Knight suggested that any portable toilets be attached to
concrete slabs with fencing around them so they cannot be tipped over. The Commission wanted to include
as many amenities as possible at the time the compleg is built. This will be discussed further at the
December 10 work session with the City Council.
Schultz was recoxnxnending approval of only the master plan,not the cost estimates,at this time.
MOTION by Knight to approve the Outdoor Recreation Complex Final Master Plan. SECOND by
Bartz. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0. Motion passed.
Schultz handed out copies of the most November 2007 issue of The Irish Gazette,the Rosemount High
School newspaper. An article written by Jonathan Nutzmann,Commission's Student Volunteer,was
included in the publication,along with a proposed master plan for the complex.
b. Update—St. Joseph'S TBSk FO�Ce —The task force has been meeting for almost a year and is
coming to the end of its work. Schultz provided aerial photos of the St.Joseph's Church site and pointed
out where the library is being built and the adjoining property that was acquired along Cameo Avenue to
enhance the future use of the site. The task force is currendy working on finalizing a recommendation
that will be given to the Ciry Council. Based on informarion gathered from the meetings,the reuse focus
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Regular Meeting Minutes
November 26, 2007
will be on an arts and cultural facility with a multipurpose/flex space. At this titne,there does not appear
to be a great demand for use of the facility. The Rosemount Area Arts Council recently formed to
spearhead the arts focus in the communiry. The City Council has approved the hiring of an architect to
make the church building ADA accessible. From the beginning,the City Council made it clear that the
church building would remain,but the future of the school building has yet to be determined. St.Joseph's
Church has a lease for use of the school unti12011.
This was only an update and Schultz will bring back a final version of the task force recommendations
after it is completed.
C. DI�eCt01'S Rep01't-The park improvement fund balance as of October 31,2007 was$2,123,493.80. No
parks dedication fees,grants or donations were received this month. Interest for October was $8,109.00.
T'here were egpenditures of$1,926 for parks master plaiining services,outdoor recreation complex planning
and Brazil Avenue trail plamung.
2008 CIP Budget—Schultz provided the Commission with a copy of the recently approved 2008 CIP
Benches for Tennis Courts-Schultz updated the Commission on this item from la,st month's meeting. The
high school would be willing to purchase four benches for the tennis courts if Ms.Ewen is able to get four
benches donated. Schultz had suggested that this would be a project an Eagle Scout candidate might wish to
take on,but he has been unsuccessful in finding one at this time. It was suggested that rrir„ming the bushes
along the courts would allow sufficient room for spectators to bring their own chairs for seating. This is
what is done for other youth sports programs. Another option that was suggested was that the High School
purchase four benches and this might give other interested groups incentive to buy four more. Schultz will
also let Ms.Ewen know she might want to look into wooden benches,which would serve the same purpose
as the more egpensive benches she had received a bid on.
Joint Work Session—A work session with the Parks&Recreation Commissioner and City Council has been
scheduled for December 10 at 630 p.m. The session will take place in the Counal Chambers.
Because the regularly scheduled Parks and Recreation Commission meeting falls on December 24,Christtnas
Eve,Schultz asked the Commission if they would be agreeable to holding the regular Parks and Recreation
meeting immediately after the work session,if there are items that need to be addressed. If there are no
items for discussion,there would be no regular meeting in December. The Commissioners agreed with
holding a meeting,if necessary,after the work session.
MOTION by Eisold to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Bartz. Ayes: 4 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The
meeting was adjourned at 8:39 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by
Sonja Honl,
Recording Secretary
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