HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007 12-10 Special Mtg PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes � December 10, 2007 APPROVED Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Jason Eisold,Mike Eliason,Sandy Knight,Kevin Strayton Members Absent: None Staff Present: Dan Schultz,Director of Parks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recording Secretary Student Volunteer: None Others Present: 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 8:30 p.m. 2. DISCUSSION ITEMS a. Pt'opOSed 2008 FeeS arld Fee PoIICy—The Auditorium and Banquet Room fees will be increasing for 2008. Prime Time Ice Fees will also be increasing by$10. Schultz received a letter from the Rosemount Area Hockey Association (R.AHA) asking that the$10 increase translates to$8,000-$9,000 and this will have to be passed on to the families who participate. They suggested cutting back bleacher heating to defray some of the arena costs and lower the increase in fees. Per Schultz,these heaters are used to prevent mold growth. They also suggested a two tier ice schedule charge,with Apple Valley and Farmington paying a higher rate. Per Schultz,this doesn't translate into a large dollar amount because they use the ice less. Schultz explained that we try to keep our fees in line with what other cities are charging. Schultz will make copies of the letter for the Commissioners. Based on information received from other cities,a$10 increase is not out of line. The Commission asked that the Prime Time Ice Fees explanations currendy listed on page 7 be put on the same page as all of the other infoxmation listed under f. It's confusing having the explanations on the next page. Schultz reviewed the park fee increases. The Commission asked that Dakota Rev be added to number 2. on page 8. MOTION by Strayton to recommend that the City Council approve the attached changes to the 2007 Fees and Fee Policy and that the changes be included in the 2008 Fees and Fee Policy,and that Dakota Rev be added to item number 2 on page. SECOND by Knight. Ayes: 5 Nays: 0 Motion passed. b. 2008 PB�k Imp�OVemerlt P�OjeCts—Based on discussion at the Parks and Recreation Commission/City Council Special Joint Works Session held earlier this evening,Schultz will be reviewing the master plan for the outdoor recreation complex with Jason Amberg. The Commission felt that playability and usage of fields should be the top priority for the complex. Schultz felt that the championship soccer field(second field from the west side) should be lit as well as what is shown on the as the adult baseball size field. Eliason felt that lighting was a priority and thought that we should light all but the last field. It was suggested that the playground be included under the potential add-on items. Eliason felt that the following were the most important items: Getting the fields right,irrigation,parking and lighting. It was suggested that the maintenance facility be moved and that the signs for the complex be kept the same as those at the City's other parks. Knight suggested having two less expensive concession/bathroom buildings that could be added on to if needed. Traveling baseball and RAAA might be willing to donate funds for this. Schultz will discuss this with them. Strayton asked how far back we wanted to scale the lighting. T'here was discussion on use of fields by various groups and how lighting would allow for increased field use, especially in the spring and fall,and also how increased use can affect the fields. As far as the maintenance facility,it was suggested that it be left where it is,but that the road to it be left unpaved and the bathroom be eliminated. Discussion turned back to lighting. The Commission preferred that that the whole complex be lit,but that options for lighting be included in the bids. Eliason suggested the"L"shaped field wheel be the last place lit. It was discussed that soccer fields can be cut - 1 - PARKS � RECREATION COMMISSION Special Meeting Minutes December 10, 2007 their for fall soccer leagues to maAimi�e use. Eisold stressed that if we could get everything lit at the beginning,we will be much better off. It is very difficult to add lights afterwards and the cost is always an issue. Schultz asked for the Commission's input on the other items listed for inclusion on the referendum. He egplained that currently,the old St.Joseph's Church is not ADA accessible. It will have to be brought up to code. An architect is working on a plan for doors,air return,bathrooms,etc. to bring it up to code so it is useable as a revenue source. Tennis was discussed next. Per I{night there were approgimately 45— 60 traveling tennis participants last year and approximately 75 in-house participants. Other cities have built two court systems and it's become a detriment. Building eight courts where the soccer fields are at Erickson Park was discussed. T'his would be possible if we are able to partner with Dakota,County Technical College on the soccer field project. It was suggested that the courts could be built at angles, instead of in rows,to make better use of the space available. Including a practice wall and lights (apply for a USTA grant for the lights)were also discussed. This would provide 16 courts between Erickson Park and the high school which is a highly concentrated number of courts in a small area. T'he Commission asked about what their response should be when people ask about St.Joseph's Church. Schultz will forward a copy of the St.Joseph's Church Task Force final report to the Commissioners and information on how they are going to improve the church. T'he school will be located at the site until 2011. Bartz asked that a sign be posted at the athletic complex site explaining that there will be lights installed as part of the compleg. There will be no Parks and Recrearion Commission meeting on December 24,2007,Christmas Eve. 3. ADJOURNMENT MOTION by Bartz to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Eisold. Ayes: 5 Nays:0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:38 p.m. Respectfully submitted bp Sonja Honl, . Recording Secretary - 2 -