HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 07-25-16 PARKS 8� RECREATION COMMISSION July 25, 2016 Regular Meeting DRAFT Members Present: Maureen Bartz,Bryan Feldhaus,Baxb Farrell,Lincoln Tilson,Jim Young, Dave Speich Members Absent: Mike Eliason Staff Present: Dan Schultz, Director of Paxks and Recreation and Sonja Honl,Recoxding Secretary Others Present: None 1. CALL TO ORDER: Eliason called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. 2. ADDITIONS TO THE AGENDA: None 3. APPROVAL OF THE JUNE 27,2016 MEETING MINUTES: MOTION by Speich to approve the minutes of the June 27,2016 meeting. SECOND by Speich. Ayes: 6 Nays: 0 Motion passed. 4. AUDIENCE INPUT: None 5. DISCUSSION (Response to Audience Input): None 6. OLD BUSINESS: a. Prestwick Place 13`''Addition Sidewalk Plan—This item did not go to the Planning Commission yet because of issues with the plat. It will be going to them on July 26,2016. Staff is xecommending approval of the plan with the addition of a sidewalk on one side of 1415`Court and with the continu.ing of the sidewalk along Lots 10 and 11 of Block 3, along one side of 140`� Court. (Young arrived at 7:04 p.m.) Per Schultz,with these additions, the sidewalk plan is consistent with the requirements for sidewalks in a development.The Commission asked if the sidewalk could go on the other side of Ashfoxd Path so kids using the sidewalk would not have to be crossing the street so many times. There was discussion about the sidewalks in the neighboxhood and the consensus was that there is a legitimate case foY having the sidewalk on the north side of Ashfoxd Path for the safety of kids in the neighboxhood. MOTION by Young to ask the developer to extend the sidewalk on the north side/loop around Ashfield Path in addition to the other changes in the Recommended Action. SECOND by Farxell. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. Per Schultz, this will go to the developex as xecomxnended and Schultz will let the Planning Commission know for the meeting tomorrow. 7. NEW BUSINESS: a. Greystone III 5`�Addition Preliminary Plat, Final Plat& PUD Master Development Plan— Schultz explained that this part of the development includes 169 single family lots on 72.26 acres located east of the e�sting Greystone Development and south of Bonaixe Path. No public pa,rk is needed fox this subdivision because they have alteady dedicated land whexe a public park will be built. Staff is xecommending accepting cash in lieu of land for this part of the development. This would be 169 units x $3,400 per unit for a total of$574,600 in parks dedication. Per Schultz,no changes wexe xecommended as fax as the sidewalks and trails in the pla,n. MOTION by Farrell to xecommend approval of the pxeliminary plat and final plat with the City collecting cash in lieu of land to satisfy the parks dedication requirement fox 169 units,which is $574,600 (169 units x$3,400 per unit) as detailed in the City's subdivision oxdinance. SECOND by Young. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. - 1 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION July 25, 2016 Regular Meeting b. Harmony 7`� and S�'Addition Major Amendment to PUD—7 Single Family Homes and an 80 Unit Apartment Building—Per Schultz,no action is needed by the Paxks and Recreation Commission on this item, this is just an update. The developex is now planning to build seven single family homes on the west side of the development in an area that was originally to be a storm watex pond. "I'he storm watex pond will be moved acxoss Hwy 3 to the Dunmoxe Development. 'I'he developer is also proposing an 80 unit apartment building at the cornex of Bronze Pky. and Brockway Ave. instead of townhomes. Per Schultz, one issue xegarding the apaxtment complex is access from the complex to Brockway Park. He was proposing a link from the complex's parking lot to the park,possibly removing a parking stall on the west side to create this access. Per Schultz,Brockway Park is the correct size for the number of residents in the area and there is sufficient street parking available,though the apartment complex may want to post signs in their lot restricting parking. Schultz will report back to the Commission regarding whexe the developer will put the sidewalk. c. Parks Dedication Requirements—This month's Executive Summary included the state statue and subdivision nexus la.nguage with regaxd to collection of paxks dedication,and this month's packet included a Paxks Dedication Requixements ta.ble for several cities. Schultz explained that we have used the current parks dedication collection formula for as far back as he could find in the City's files. He reviewed the table and the different ways each city collects parks dedication. He noted that the National Park Service has a baseline national standard of 10 acres of parks and open spaces per 1,000 people. Per Schultz, the City's current paxks dedication collection method is being questioned by a developer who is building a complex of apartments and believes he is paying too much in paxks dedication fees. Schultz handed out the City of Rosemount's 2016 Park Dedication Fees ordinance,a Parks Dedication Requirements Comparison table (with seveYal options fox collecting parks dedication), and a City of Lakeville 2016 park dedication fees collection table. Per Schultz,when the Commission Yeviews parks dedication fee collection this fall,we may want to consideY having a pex-acre fee fox each density: low, med and high. In reviewing the "Proposed—Rosemount" option for Low, Med, and High density collection of paxks dedication fees in the Paxks Dedication Requirements table, the Commission suggested increasing the Med density on this chart fxom.03 acres per unit to .035 acres pex unit and the High density fxom .02 acres peY unit to .03 acxes per unit. In reviewing the Parks Dedication Requixements Comparison table,Young thought we should . make sure we compare the old method of collection with the new method. In that table, for example,paYks dedication for 232 units using the curxent method of collection xesulted in collection of cash in lieu of land for$788,000, and the pxoposed collection method for cash in lieu of land was $394,400,which is much less than we have been collecting. The Commission thought we should study the proposed fee collection methods in this table further to make sure we are collecting sufficient parks dedication, and that we might want to look at txeating multi- unit buildings separately. Faxrell mentioned that she liked being in line with the National Parks recommendations for collection. Schultz will bring back moxe information on housing based on information from the Met Council. d. Director's Report-The park improvement fund balance as of June 30, 2016 was $328,139.40 Dedication fees of$3,400 wexe xeceived. There wexe no grants or donations. Interest was $39.75. 'I'here were expenditures of$120,649.38 foY ta,x payments for greenway, Ailesbury Park impxovements, and the Flint Hills Athletic Complex sign insta,llation. Summer Programs—All of oux summer pYograms including Kids' Corner,Puppets in the Parks, camps, etc., are in full swing. -2 - PARKS & RECREATION COMMISSION July 25, 2016 Regular Meeting Skate Park—We're seeking input fxom skateboardexs xegaxding what they'd like to see as far as a skate paxk. Signs have been posted at the skate park,business caxds with information on how to go on-line and comment on the skate paxk are being handed out,and we'll also be putting a press release in the paper asking for input. We may need a new suxface for the skate paxk; based on some comments we've heard, a smooth suxface is preferred over what we currendy have. Bartz volunteered to hand out business cards too. 8. ADJOURNMENT - MOTION by Young to adjourn the meeting. SECOND by Farrell. Ayes: 7 Nays: 0 Motion passed. The meeting was adjourned at 9:00 p.m. � Respectfully submitted by Sonja Honl,Parks and Recreation Secretary - 3 -