HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Park Dedication Requirements � ROSEMO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY P�1RK5 AND RECREATIOIV COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: August 22, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Park Dedication Requirements AGENDA SECTION: Old Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. Director 6 a. ATTACHMENTS: Park Dedication Requirement Information APPROVED BY: dls and Rosemount's Housing Information RECOMMENDED ACTION: To be discussed at the meeting. ISSUE At our meeting in July,the Parks and Recreation Comtnission discussed methods of collecting parks dedication and how some cities collect different amounts foY different types of development. One piece of information that sta,ff did not have at the last meeting was a housing profile for Rosemount.The Metropolitan Council has provided staff with Rosemount's housing information. Based on the housing information, staff would like to continue discussing the topic of collecting paxks dedication. BACKGROUND Minnesota Sta,te statutes pxovide municipalities the opportunity to collect a portion of a subdivision for public purposes. Listed below is the sta.te sta.tute language pertaining to the dedication of land in a subdivision and also the language about the ne�cus between the impact of the development and the required dedication. Sta.te statute 462.358 (a) Subdivision 2b. Dedication.The regulations may require that a reasonable portion of the buildable la,nd, as defined by municipal ordinance, of any pYoposed subdivision be dedicated to the public or pxeserved for public use as streets,roads,sewers, electric,ga.s,and water facilities, storm water drainage and holding axeas or ponds and similar utilities and improvements, parks,recreational facilities as defined in section 471.191,pla,ygrounds, trails,wetlands, or open space.'The requ.irement must be imposed by ordinance or under the proceduxes esta.blished in section 462.353, subdivision 4a. Subd. 2c.Ne�zs.There must be an essentia.l ne�s between the fees or dedication imposed undex subdivision 2b. and the municipal purpose sought to be achieved by the fee or dedication.The fee or dedication must bear a rough proportionality to the need created by the proposed subdivision or development. The City of Rosemount's parks dedication requirement for residential development presuxnes that a reasonable amount of land has been dedicated for parks if a sub-divider dedicates one twenty-fifth 1/25 of an acre for each dwelling unit of the proposed subdivision (acres to be dedicated = 0.04 x number of dwelling units).The City then determines whether a cash payment in lieu of the land dedication is appropxiate based on our Parks,Trails and Open Space Master Pla.n. Manp communities follow the parkland acre per resident sta,nda,rd that is recommended by National Recreation and Parks Association.The NRPA calls for a baseline park acreage per population of 10 acres per 1,000 population or.01 acres per person. One issue with the current xequirement is that all residential units are dedicating the same amount of la,nd/cash even though the residential unit might vary gready in size and potential impact to the pa,rks system.An example might be a single family home with foux bedtooms is dedicating the same amount of land as a one bedroom apartment. Staff have reviewed the parks dedication methods of sevexal other cities and included some examples in a chart that is included in the packet.The examples that staff has provided show that some cities use a sliding scale of percentages for land to be dedicated based on density, some base the dedication on how many people will reside in a specific dwelling type and some such as Rosemount and Savage,have a flat method of collecting the dedication because it is the same no matter the type of housing unit or density of the development. SUMMARY At the meeting on Monday, staff would like to continue the discussion regarding parks dedication methods for low,medium and high density developments. Parks Dedication Requirements c�ty Rosemount: 1/25 of an acre per unit (.04 acres of land per unit) Lakeville: Low density Less than 3.0 12% Med density 3.0 to 9.0 14% High density More than 9.0 17% Farmington: 0- 2.5 units per acre 11% 2.6-5.0 units per acre 12 % 5.1-7.5 units per acre 13 % 7.6- 10.0 units per acre 14% 10.1- 12.5 units per acre 15 % 12.6- 16.0 units per acre 16% For each 2.5 units over 16/acre add .25% Eagan 0-1.9 units per acre 8% 1.9—3.5 units per acre 10% 3.5—5.9 units per acre 12% 6.0- 10.0 units per acre 14% 10+ units pe1'acre add.5%for each unit over 10 Eagan also has a separate trail dedication requirement Inver Grove Heights Percentage based on type of development R-1 & R-2 10% R-3A, R-36 & R-3D 20% R-3C 30% Savage 10%of the net developable land Apple Valley 0.00955 acre per resident Detached SF 3.2 persons per dwelling unit Attached SF 2.1 persons per dwelling unit Multiple family 1.7 persons per dwelling unit Burnsville The dedication formula for residential land shall be based on the national standard of providing ten (10) acres of parks and open spaces per one thousand (1,000) population and residential subdivisions shall be computed on the proposed number of dwelling units in a project and the average population for dwelling unit type as established by the metropolitan council. Shakopee 1 acre of land for every 75 people Single family 3.0 people Duplex/twin 3.0 people Apt or townhouse 1.0 person per bedroom Chanhassen 1 acre of land for every 75 people Single family 3.5 people Two-family dwelling 3.0 people Apt or townhouse 1.0 person per bedroom 2015 Annual Population Estimates Rosemount city, Dakota County, Minnesota Households: 8,095 Population in Households: 22,962 Average Household Size: 2.837 Housing Total: 8,289 Population in Group Quarters: 80 Occupancy Rate: 97.66% Total Population: 23,042 The Metropolitan Council's Annual Estimates account for housing stock changes since April 1,2010.These include housing units permitted and other changes.Other changes are due to demolitions,building conversions(units added or lost),city boundary changes(units annexed in or out),and other changes reported by city and township staff.We assume that 95%of single-family detached units,90%of townhome/duplex/triplex/quadplex units, and 85%of multifamily units permitted in 2014 were completed and occupiable by April 1,2015;the remainder are occupiable in the future and will count toward next year's estimates(for April 1,2016). Manufactured homes are counted each year from Metropolitan Council surveys of manufactured home park operators and local governments.Other housing(boats,RVs,etc.used as housing)comes from the most recent American Community Survey estimates. Housing Stock Permitted and Other chan�es Housin�Stock April 1,2010 built since 2010 since 2010 April 1,2015 Single-family-detached: 5,248 331 -16 5,563 Townhomes: 1,428 37 0 1,465 Duplex,3-,4-plex units: 76 8 0 84 Multifamily units: 920 86 0 1,006 Manufactured homes: 181 171 Other(boats, RVs,etc.as shelter): 0 � Housing Total: 7,853 8,Z89 Each housing type has a specifically estimated occupancy rate and average household size.These data come from the most recent Community Survey estimates,decennial census data from the U.S.Census eureau,and the U.S.Postal Service(for occupancy rates only).For more detail,please see the full methodology,available online from http://www.metrocouncil.org/populationestimates. Definitions:A household is a group of people(or one person alone)occupying a housing unit. The number of occupied housing units and the number of households are equivalent. Population in Group Quarters(or institutional housing)is counted separately through an annual Metropolitan Council survey. Housin�Stock Occupancv Occupied with Persons Per Population in April 1,2015 Rate 2015 Households Household 2015 Single-family-detached: 5,563 99.17% 5,517 3.006 16,585 Townhomes: 1,465 94.42% 1,383 3.006 4,157 Duplex,3-,4-plex units: 84 99.50% 84 2.182 183 Multifamily units: 1,006 93.46% 940 1.577 1,482 Manufactured homes: 171 100.00% 171 3.245 555 Other: p counted on�y if 0 2.368 0 occupied Housing Total: 8,289 Households: 8,095 In Households: 22,962 In Group Qtrs: 80 Total Population: 23,042 Metropolitan Council 5/6/2016 o�'_�;r� sc�.��z. l�a,��da.c� �u,�- c�- ���9 Parks Dedication Requirement Comparison City/Density 193 units on 72.59 acres 76 units on 10.9 acres 232 units on 12.25 acres 2.6 units an acre 6.9 units an acre 18.9 units per acre Rosemount: 7.72 acres of land 3.04 acres of land 9.28 acres of land 1/25 of an acre per unit(.04 per unit) Unit fee Cash in-lieu $656,200 Cash in-lieu $258,400 Cash in-lieu $788,000 $3,400 Proposed Rosemount Unit fees Low density Less than 3.0 .04 acres per unit 7,72 acres of land 2.28 acres of land 4.64 acres of land LD $3,400 Med density 3.0 to 9.0 .03 acres per unit MD $2,550 Cash in-lieu $656,200 Cash in-lieu $193,800 Cash in-lieu $394,400 HD $1,700 High density More than 9.0 .02 acres per unit