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Budget Worksheet - WaterPage One 2017 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY - REVENUES - April 12, 2016 2017 2016 Object 2017 2013 2014 2015 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 601 33425.00 Other State Grants & Aids $0 $9,901 $0 $0 $4,500 MCES Water Efficiency Grant 601 34108.00 Administrative Fees-Other Funds 2,497 3,931 6,828 0 0 5% of 5% Fees-Const Projects 601 34109.00 Other Gen'l Govt Chgs for Services 12,250 15,820 5,850 0 0 ______________________________ 601 36101.00 Principal - Special Assessments 55,362 56,217 54,299 57,000 57,000 ______________________________ 601 36102.00 Penalties & Interest - S/A 224 (847)57 0 0 ______________________________ 601 36210.00 Interest Earnings - Investments 57,119 105,027 97,236 60,000 60,000 ______________________________ 601 36214.00 Net Change in FV-Investments (125,524)96,607 (5,138)0 0 Annual Market Value Changes 601 36215.00 Interest Earnings 70 65 280 200 200 ______________________________ 601 36220.00 Rents & Royalties 88,052 107,624 158,580 140,000 148,500 Antenna Leases 601 36260.00 Other Revenues 128 0 0 0 0 ^^ Added Verizon Antenna ^^ 601 36265.00 Use of Reserve Funds 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 37110.00 Residential Water Revenues 1,155,429 1,100,286 1,090,820 1,350,000 1,200,000 Est $6K Lost Rev from Rebate Prog 601 37120.00 Apartment Water Revenues 83,470 84,079 94,071 100,000 100,000 ______________________________ 601 37125.00 Institutional Water Revenues 70,541 61,957 69,187 78,000 75,000 ______________________________ 601 37130.00 Commercial Water Revenues 79,091 79,817 81,477 95,000 85,000 ______________________________ 601 37140.00 Industrial Water Revenues 123,072 113,947 164,347 140,000 150,000 ______________________________ 601 37160.00 Penalties - Water Revenues 9,896 9,280 10,506 9,500 9,500 ______________________________ 601 37165.00 Meter Maint Water Revenues 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 37170.00 Other Water Revenues 0 2,800 592 0 0 ______________________________ 601 37180.00 Water Meter Sales Revenue 46,529 37,385 49,058 45,000 45,000 ______________________________ 601 39103.00 Gain or Loss from F/A Disposal (144)0 (494)0 0 ______________________________ 601 39203.00 Transfer From______________24,443 0 89,101 0 0 ______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- FUND TOTALS $1,682,505 $1,883,897 $1,966,658 $2,074,700 $1,934,700 ======================================================== Page One 2017 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY - EXPENDITURES - April 12, 2016 2017 2016 Object 2017 2013 2014 2015 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ All Salary Costs Inclusive of 601 49400 101.00 Salaries & Benefits $515,100 Salary, Taxes, PERA & Benefits 601 49400 77 101.00 Administrative 117,500 117,387 139,529 144,900 178,900 Add $24K for Asst City Engineer 601 49400 78 101.00 Technical/Clerical 142,778 151,671 151,280 158,800 160,500 ______________________________ 601 49400 79 101.00 Maintenance 157,164 163,437 165,527 172,300 175,700 ______________________________ 601 49400 xx 101.00 Salary & Benefit Contingency 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 102.00 Full-Time Overtime 15,629 13,810 9,705 8,000 8,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 103.00 Part-Time Salaries & Benefits 5,697 6,508 5,132 8,000 7,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 99 103.01 Utility Commission Wages (50%)1,000 50% - 601; 50% - 602 601 49400 99 103.02 Maintenance Labor 6,000 100% - 601 601 49400 01 203.00 Printed Forms & Paper 1,742 2,075 1,005 2,200 2,200 Inserts & Water Bill Statements 601 49400 01 209.00 Other Office Supplies 1,459 186 168 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 212.00 Motor Fuels 5,600 601 49400 01 216.00 Chemicals & Chemical Products 58,454 51,562 48,581 70,000 75,000 Chlorine/Flouride/Poly (add Well 16) 601 49400 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 331 250 50 300 300 Maintenance Supplies 601 49400 01 220.00 Water Meter Purchases 107,500 Meters, MIU's & CU Horns 601 49400 01 220.01 For Replacements 43,441 13,930 16,142 60,000 62,500 New Meter Standards 601 49400 01 220.02 For New Homes 61,704 68,837 74,982 45,000 45,000 From Water Rate Model 601 49400 01 224.00 Street Maintenance Materials 0 0 640 2,500 2,500 Patching for Breaks 601 49400 01 225.00 Landscaping Materials 845 0 60 500 500 Topsoil, Seed & Sod 601 49400 01 228.00 Meter Repair Materials 29 490 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 229.00 Other Maintenance Supplies 26,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 229.01 Supplies for Hydrants 3,332 6,622 8,619 6,000 8,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 229.02 Curb Shutoffs 565 653 252 1,000 1,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 229.03 GV Repair/Replacement 0 11,973 303 12,000 12,000 Repairs Done By City Staff 601 49400 01 229.04 Miscellaneous Supplies 3,355 2,581 2,074 5,000 5,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 241.00 Small Tools 614 702 626 2,000 2,000 Wrenches, Shovels, etc. 601 49400 01 242.00 Minor Equipment 2,860 2,966 5,113 3,000 12,000 Hydrant Tool (2 x $4500 ea) 601 49400 01 303.00 Engineering Fees 78,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 303.01 WHPP 0 0 0 5,000 5,000 Groundwater Plan Implementation 601 49400 01 303.02 GIS 516 4,607 3,413 5,000 3,000 Reduce Due to In-House Eng 601 49400 01 303.03 Rate Study 0 0 0 15,000 15,000 Part of Comp Plan Update 601 49400 01 303.04 Miscellaneous Fees 20,093 29,118 68,392 20,000 55,000 Water Facility Study in '17 ($50K) 601 49400 01 304.00 Legal Fees 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 601 49400 01 310.00 Testing Services 47,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 310.01 Bacteria & Water Quality 1,585 1,560 1,966 2,000 2,000 Radon, Tri-Chl., Pesticides, Etc. 601 49400 01 310.02 V.O.C., Pesticides, etc.0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 310.03 MDH Service Connection Fee 43,149 43,552 44,475 45,000 45,000 $6.36/Connection -Annual Fee 601 49400 01 312.00 Gopher State One-Call 2,303 2,770 1,655 2,500 2,500 $7,500 Split 3 Ways 601 49400 01 313.00 Temporary Service Fees 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 318.00 Contract Engineer 10,000 12,000 6,250 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 30,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 319.01 Thaw Pipes, Check Leaks, etc.0 32,250 0 1,500 1,500 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 319.02 Supervisory Controls 15,648 6,562 3,575 5,000 12,500 SCADA, Summit Loggers $7,500 601 49400 01 319.03 Hazardous Chemical Permits 725 725 725 1,000 1,000 MN Department of Public Safety 601 49400 01 319.06 Contracted Hydrant Painting 10,004 10,120 10,028 10,000 11,000 110 Hydrants / Yr ($92 each) 601 49400 01 319.07 Antenna Expenses 12,563 19,904 15,458 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 319.08 Buxton Project 0 5,556 5,556 5,600 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 319.09 HVAC Maintenance Contract 4,000 Annual Insp/Maint, All Wells 601 49400 01 320.00 Credit Card Activity Fees 3,324 5,372 6,797 6,000 7,000 1/3 Cost of C/C Pymt Processing 601 49400 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 2,745 3,003 3,122 3,500 3,500 Cell Phones, Modesm, GPS 601 49400 01 322.00 Postage Costs 4,556 4,173 4,296 5,000 5,000 Billings with Inserts 601 49400 01 323.00 Radio Units 1,045 1,367 1,120 1,500 5,100 (24x$300) (12x$1500) (split 5 ways) 601 49400 01 352.00 General Notices & Public Info 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 365.00 Workers Comp Insurance 6,990 7,095 8,338 7,000 7,000 Water's Share of Premiums 601 49400 01 369.00 Other Insurance 6,181 6,048 6,132 12,000 6,500 Water's Share of Premiums 601 49400 01 391.00 P.C. Maintenance 2,900 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 391.01 U/B Software Maintenance 2,081 2,074 2,074 2,200 2,200 Added to Utility Budgets in 2012 601 49400 01 391.02 Auto Read Software Support 585 578 595 700 700 Added to Utility Budgets in 2012 601 49400 01 392.00 P.C. Accessories & Supplies 0 0 40 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 393.00 P.C. Hardware Purchases 4,093 1,707 9,199 2,000 2,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 394.00 P.C. Software Purchases 16,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 394.01 Licensing & Maintenance 4,279 4,371 4,591 6,200 15,000 ESRI, Cartegraph OMS $10,700 601 49400 01 394.02 Online Subscriptions 286 379 379 800 800 Pictometry 601 49400 01 394.03 New Software Purchases 2,271 0 0 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 395.00 P.C. Repairs 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE TOTALS 772,524 820,530 837,962 867,600 977,600 Page Two 2017 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY - EXPENDITURES - April 12, 2016 2017 2016 Object 2017 2013 2014 2015 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 601 49400 01 403.00 Contracted R & M - Other Impr 30,845 23,576 23,397 30,000 30,000 Main Breaks, Gate Valves, Etc. 601 49400 01 416.00 Machinery Rental 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 433.00 Dues & Subscriptions 25 0 187 400 400 Suburban Utility Supt Assn, MRWA 601 49400 01 435.00 Books & Pamphlets 0 0 0 200 200 Reference Materials 601 49400 01 437.00 Conferences & Seminars 5,700 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 437.01 MDH Training (Water School)816 1,459 2,161 2,000 2,500 Operator Licensure 601 49400 01 437.02 AWWA Conference 0 0 0 0 1,200 Duluth, Send 2 Staff 601 49400 01 437.03 CarteGraph, ESRI, GIS 370 126 0 1,300 1,000 User Group, Conference, Training 601 49400 01 437.04 Miscellaneous Training 0 9 849 1,000 1,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 14,627 13,460 13,459 45,000 45,000 DNR Annual Water Use 601 49400 01 450.00 Sales Tax on Purchases 0 0 2,699 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 521.00 Building & Structure Purchases 0 0 0 10,000 10,000 Pymt on P.W. Building (18 of 20) 601 49400 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 220,600 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 530.01 Well Inspections 490 560 0 600 600 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 530.02 Miscellaneous Improvements 0 0 405 5,000 5,000 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 530.03 CRP of Watermain 0 0 0 150,000 150,000 Annual Pavement Management 601 49400 01 530.04 Inspection & Maintenance 0 0 259,255 190,000 65,000 From Long-Term Plan 601 49400 01 540.00 Heavy Machinery Purchases 0 Equipment Purchases - Match CIP 601 49400 01 550.00 Motor Vehicle Purchases 0 0 0 0 10,000 Truck 8333 (Split w 602, 603) 601 49400 01 570.00 Office Equipment Purchases 107 0 0 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49400 01 580.00 Other Equipment Purchases 7,000 Trash Pump (Split w 602, 603) 601 49400 01 611.00 Interest on Lease Payments 2,538 2,167 1,773 0 0 P.W. Building Expansion(See 521) 601 49400 01 710.00 Transfers 139,194 4,796 0 0 0 Transfers for Other Improvements ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 601-49400-01 TOTALS 961,537 866,683 1,142,148 1,303,600 1,307,000 601 49406 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 2,762 0 500 13,000 SCADA Upgrades 601 49406 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 7,250 0 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49406 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 2,352 5,862 1,000 1,000 ______________________________ 601 49406 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 1,045 1,083 1,147 1,300 1,300 Pumping & Lighting ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - PRV 1,045 13,448 7,009 3,000 15,500 601 49407 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 1,401 0 409 1,500 1,500 ______________________________ 601 49407 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 8 0 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49407 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49407 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 211 211 211 300 300 ______________________________ 601 49407 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 23,667 23,142 20,778 33,000 33,000 Pumping, Lighting, Tower Mixer 601 49407 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 6,000 11,781 1,429 2,000 2,000 $800 for Lights in 2015 601 49407 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 37 0 0 100 100 Contingencies 601 49407 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 0 0 0 0 60,000 Controls Upgrade / Modernization ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WELL #7 31,316 35,142 22,826 37,100 97,100 601 49408 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 1,342 242 25 1,500 1,500 ______________________________ 601 49408 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 106 19 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49408 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49408 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 23,841 21,542 20,456 25,000 25,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49408 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 470 592 497 600 600 Heat Only 601 49408 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 5,952 27,330 735 2,000 2,000 $800 for Lights in 2015 601 49408 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WELL #8 31,605 49,812 21,732 29,400 29,400 601 49409 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 2,831 2,569 0 1,500 1,500 ______________________________ 601 49409 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 109 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49409 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49409 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 16,618 31,854 25,109 32,000 32,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49409 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 795 901 627 1,500 1,500 Heat Only 601 49409 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 837 335 1,838 2,000 2,000 $800 for Lights in 2015 601 49409 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies 601 49409 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 21,907 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WELL #9 42,988 35,659 27,683 37,300 37,300 Page Three 2017 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY - EXPENDITURES - April 12, 2016 2017 2016 Object 2017 2013 2014 2015 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 601 49410 01 219.00 Other Operating Supplies 0 0 0 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49410 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 4,434 0 5,710 1,000 1,000 ______________________________ 601 49410 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 213 15 0 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49410 01 321.00 Telephone Costs 765 765 765 0 0 Removing Phone Line in 2013 601 49410 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 16,623 13,223 16,173 17,000 17,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49410 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 9,957 1,748 690 2,000 2,000 $800 for Lights in 2015 601 49410 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies 601 49410 01 530.00 Improvements Other Than Bldgs 10,014 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WELL #10 42,005 15,751 23,337 20,800 20,800 Rural Water System 601 49411 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 4 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49411 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WELL #11 0 0 4 0 0 Rural Water System (#2) 601 49412 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 3,431 1,500 1,500 ______________________________ 601 49412 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49412 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49412 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 23,242 21,696 21,159 28,000 28,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49412 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 1,495 8,317 15,891 2,000 2,000 $800 for Lights in 2015 601 49412 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WELL #12 24,737 30,013 40,480 31,800 31,800 601 49414 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 161 0 1,500 1,500 ______________________________ 601 49414 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 408 0 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49414 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 384 0 1,000 1,000 ______________________________ 601 49414 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 27,051 23,382 26,674 28,000 28,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49414 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 883 0 6,850 2,000 2,000 $800 for Lights in 2015 601 49414 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WELL #14 27,934 24,335 33,525 32,800 32,800 601 49425 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 575 830 0 1,500 1,500 ______________________________ 601 49425 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49425 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49425 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 26,071 24,817 24,641 28,000 28,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49425 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 1,526 430 3,944 2,000 2,000 $800 for Lights in 2015 601 49425 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WELL #15 28,172 26,077 28,585 32,300 32,300 601 49426 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 1,500 1,500 ______________________________ 601 49426 01 223.00 Building Repair Supplies 0 0 0 200 200 ______________________________ 601 49426 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 0 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49426 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 0 0 0 28,000 28,000 Pumping & Lighting 601 49426 01 383.00 Gas Utilities 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 May Be Electric Only (TBD) 601 49426 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 0 0 0 1,000 1,000 ______________________________ 601 49426 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 100 100 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WELL #16 0 0 0 32,300 32,300 Page Four 2017 BUDGET WORKSHEETS WATER UTILITY - EXPENDITURES - April 12, 2016 2017 2016 Object 2017 2013 2014 2015 Adopted Detail Proposed Account # Description Actual Actual Actual Budget Amount Budget Comments ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 601 49415 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 0 500 500 Touch-up Paint 601 49415 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 3,675 0 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49415 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 0 1,050 617 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49415 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 200 200 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WATER TOWER #1 0 4,725 617 1,200 1,200 (Chippendale Water Tower) 601 49416 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 12 101 0 500 500 Touch-up Paint 601 49416 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 3,500 0 0 Tower Inspection 601 49416 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 1,338 1,261 2,195 4,500 4,500 New Water Mixers in 2014 601 49416 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 0 8,210 3,027 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49416 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 0 200 200 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WATER TOWER #2 1,350 9,572 8,722 5,700 5,700 (Connemara Water Tower) 601 49417 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 206 8 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49417 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 3,500 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49417 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 5,374 4,760 2,994 6,000 6,000 ______________________________ 601 49417 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 0 14,700 6,105 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49417 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 96 0 156 200 200 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WATER TOWER #4 5,470 19,666 12,763 7,200 7,200 (Bacardi Water Tower) 601 49418 01 221.00 Equipment Parts 0 0 24 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49418 01 319.00 Other Professional Services 0 0 20,314 0 0 ______________________________ 601 49418 01 381.00 Electric Utilities 3,359 2,768 2,154 4,000 4,000 New Water Mixers in 2014 601 49418 01 409.00 Other Contracted Repairs & Maint 519 15,500 1,020 500 500 ______________________________ 601 49418 01 439.00 Other Miscellaneous Charges 0 0 20 200 200 Contingencies ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TOTAL - WATER TOWER #3 3,878 18,268 23,532 5,200 5,200 (East Side Water Tower) GRAND TOTAL - ALL DEPTS.$1,202,036 $1,149,152 $1,392,963 $1,579,700 $1,655,600 ======================================================== 4.80%