HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. Water Supply Plan UpdateI:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\6.l. Water Supply Plan Update.docx EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Regular Meeting: September 20, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Water Supply Plan Update AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: John Morast, Interim Public Works Director AGENDA NO. 6.l. ATTACHMENTS: WSB and Bolton & Menk Water Supply Proposals APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve Bolton & Menk to provide consulting engineering services to update the Rosemount Water Supply Plan and submit to the MnDNR by December 31, 2016. ISSUE The City of Rosemount is a public water system serving more than 1,000 people. Minnesota State Statute 103G.291 requires all public water supply systems serving more than 1,000 people and/or all cities in the seven-county metropolitan area, must have a water supply plan approved by the DNR. The City of Rosemount’s current Water Emergency and Conservation Plan was prepared in September 2007 and is required to be updated as the Water Supply Plan in 2016. BACKGROUND Water Supply Plans must be updated and submitted to the DNR for approval every ten years. This requirement, in place since the 1990s, is designed to encourage communities to deal proactively with providing sustainable drinking water for citizens, businesses, and industry. The City last updated our Water Emergency and Conservation Plan (now known as the Water Supply Plan) in September 2007. To meet these update requirements, the DNR is requiring that a draft Water Supply Plan for the City of Rosemount be submitted to MnDNR by December 31, 2016. The Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (MnDNR) has developed a template to be used to standardize the updates and submittals for the Water Supply Plans. The information to complete the update includes three parts for all water systems. In addition, the MnDNR requires Metro Area Water Suppliers (which Rosemount is considered) to complete an added task to help determine consistency with the Metropolitan Land Use Planning Act. The City of Rosemount Water Supply Plan update will consist of four parts: •Part 1 – Water Supply System Description and Evaluation •Part 2 – Emergency Planning and Response Procedures •Part 3 – Water Conservation Plan •Part 4 – Metro Area Water Suppliers The Water Supply Plan update is a separate process from the 2040 Comprehensive Plan update process, which will be undertaken over the next year. However, much of the information collected and compiled with the Water Supply Plan update is required data that will be used in the Comprehensive Plan update. I:\City Clerk\Agenda Items\Approved Items\6.l. Water Supply Plan Update.docx 2 SUMMARY The City solicited three consultant proposals from WSB & Associates, SEH and Bolton & Menk, Inc to be submitted by Wednesday, September 14, 2016. Two Consultant proposals were received on September 14, 2016: •WSB - proposal fee - $9,900, lump sum •Bolton & Menk - proposal fee - $9,450, not to exceed •SEH - no proposal received It is anticipated schedule to submit the Water Supply Plan update is: •Week of September 19 – Select consultant •Week of September 26 – Consultant meeting, provide data •Week of October 31 – Review and comment on draft plan •November 14 – Present draft plan to Utility Commission •December 12 – Present Draft plan at City Council Work Session •December 20 – City Council Approve Plan •December 21 – Submit Plan to Metropolitan Council and MNDNR After reviewing the proposals, staff recommends approving Bolton & Menk to provide consulting engineering services to update the Rosemount Water Supply Plan and submit to the MnDNR be December 31, 2016. n:\proposals\rosemount\water supply plan\rosemount water supply plan proposal.docx September 14, 2016 John W. Morast, P.E. Interim Director of Public Works/City Engineer City of Rosemount 2875 145th Street W. Rosemount, MN 55068 RE: DNR Water Supply Plan City of Rosemount, Minnesota Dear Mr. Morast: We appreciate the opportunity to assist the City of Rosemount with completion of the Water Supply Plan as required by the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR). Project Understanding Minnesota State Statute 103G.291 requires all public water supply systems serving more than 1,000 people and/or all cities in the seven-county metropolitan area, must have a water supply plan approved by the DNR. Water supply plans must be updated and submitted to the DNR for approval every ten years. This requirement, in place since the 1990s, is designed to encourage communities to deal proactively with providing sustainable drinking water for citizens, businesses, and industry. To meet this requirement, the DNR is requiring that a Water Supply Plan for the City of Rosemount be completed by December 31, 2016. Scope of Work The DNR has developed a standard template for Water Supply Plans and instructions for completion of the plan. The scope of work will include completing the plan template as required to gain approval of the plan from the DNR. Specific tasks required to complete the plan are as follows:  Project kick-off meeting  Collection of data  Evaluation of data to complete the requirements of the plan  Completion of the Water Supply Plan Template o Part 1 – Water Supply System Description and Evaluation o Part 2 – Emergency Planning and Response Procedures o Part 3 – Water Conservation Plan o Part 4 – Metro Area Water Suppliers  Meetings with City staff to review and complete Parts 2 and 3  Submittal of draft plan to DNR and the Metropolitan Council for approval  Preparation of resolution for City Council adoption of approved plan  Final completion of plan for submittal prior to December 31, 2016 Name: John W. Morast, P.E. Date: September 14, 2016 Page: 2 As part of the data collection phase we will request water records for the past 10 years. We also will be referencing and utilizing the following reports or studies that we already have: - September 2007 – Water Emergency & Conservation Plan - November 2009 – Comprehensive Plan - May 2016 – East Side Utilities Study Schedule Bolton & Menk, Inc. proposes the following schedule to meet the December 31, 2016 submittal deadline: - September 20, 2016 – City Council select consultant - September 23, 2016 – Project kick-off meeting with City and request information - October 2016 – Completion of Water Supply Plan Template with available information - October/November 2016 – Meetings with City staff to work through sections 2 and 3 - November 14, 2016 – Presentation of draft plan to Utilities Commission - December 12, 2016 – Presentation of draft plan to City Council at work session - December 20, 2016 – Council approval of Water Supply Plan - December 21, 2016 – Submit plan to Metropolitan Council and DNR Project Fees Bolton & Menk, Inc. proposes to provide engineering services for completion of the DNR Water Supply Plan as listed above for a not to exceed fee of $9,450. We look forward to assisting you with this project and we appreciate the City’s continued consideration of Bolton & Menk, Inc. If you need any additional information or have any questions on the above please do not hesitate to give me a call at 612-803-5223. Respectfully Submitted, Bolton & Menk, Inc. Seth A. Peterson, P.E. Principal Engineer Cc: Marcus Thomas, P.E. 701 Xenia Avenue South | Suite 30 0 | Minneapolis, MN 55416 | (763) 541-4800 Building a legacy – your legacy. Equal Opportunity Employer | wsbeng.com G:\WaterWastewater\Proposals\Water Supply Plans\FINAL Rosemount Proposal 091416.docx September 14, 2016 Mr. John W. Morast, PE Interim Director of Public Works/City Engineer 2875 145th Street W Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Proposal to provide services to complete the City of Rosemount’s Water Supply Plan Dear Mr. Morast: We are pleased to provide you with this proposal for services to assist the City of Rosemount (City) in completion of its Water Supply Plan (Plan) as required by the Minnesota Division of Natural Resources (DNR). Our multi -faceted team includes professionals in Water/Wastewater, Water Resources, City Planning, and GIS; ensuring that the City’s Plan will be a cohesive document that will not only meet state regulations, but will be a useful planning document throughout the next decade. WSB has the technical skills to deliver high-quality Plans, and we are experienced in navigating the regulatory process required for such submittals. The combination of our technical expertise, project management experience, and familiarity with the City’s water supply system will allow WSB to deliver a final product that will also include the majority of information required for the City’s 2040 Comprehensive Plan Update. Below is description of the required components and the method by which WSB will address them in the City’s Water Supply Plan. Task One: Water Supply System Description and Evaluation 1.1 Analysis of Water Demand Using the City’s Wellhead Protection Plan alongside appropriations permits and water use data, WSB will evaluate the past ten years of water demand data. The per capita usage and number of connections, large quantity users, and water used for essential versus non-essential uses will be considered, among other factors. WSB will work with assigned City personnel to acquire the relevant and necessary City water system and usage information that will be required to complete this task. 1.2 Treatment and Storage Capacity Recent evaluations of the City’s existing supply and storage system completed by the City and SEH will be used and updated, as necessary. WSB will document the City’s existing treatment process and summarize the capacity of treated water versus the demand. 1.3 Water Sources Three types of resources will be considered: groundwater, surface water, and interconnection. We will evaluate emergency interconnections and determine if there are any deficiencies. Mr. John W. Morast September 14, 2016 Page 2 G:\WaterWastewater\Proposals\Water Supply Plans\FINAL Rosemount Proposal 091416.docx 1.4 Future Demand Projections Using data compiled in the previous sections and as developed by the City and SEH in May 2016, WSB will determine what trends, if any, are seen. We will attempt to determine the cause behind any significant patterns. Using this data and analysis, the Plan will project demands through 2040 by estimating population served, per capita water demand, and peak water usage. 1.5 Resource Sustainability WSB will outline water quality and quantity monitoring efforts currently undertaken by the City. From this data, it will be determined if there are any potential water supply issues or natural resource impacts as a result of permitted withdrawals. Each natural resource type will be evaluated to determine if water usage will have a negative impact. The results of the City’s Wellhead Protection and Source Water Protection Plans will be described. 1.6 Capital Improvement Plan The adequacy of each component of the existing water supply system will be determined. This includes wells, storage and future planned treatment facilities, and distribution systems. Proposed future water sources will be outlined as well as any alternatives available. WSB will consider the feasibility of water reuse, including reclaimed stormwater and/or wastewater, as well as interconnection to nearby suppliers. Task Two: Emergency Planning and Response Procedures WSB will describe the current status of the City’s 1) Federal Emergency Response Plan; 2) Operational Contingency Plan; and 3) Emergency Response Procedures. We will include in the Emergency Response Procedures the method by which the City will augment water supplies (if required), the allocation and demand reduction procedures, any emergency demand reduction conditions or triggers in place, and several other related items. Task Three: Water Conservation Plan Component 3.1 Progress since 2006 WSB will describe any initiatives the City has undertaken since its last Water Supply Plan was approved by the DNR. Conservation practices the City is implementing – such as pricing, regulations, and education – will be included. 3.2 Triggers for Allocation and Demand Reduction Actions This section will include future conditions and actions during a Governor’s “Critical Water Deficiency Order” or other instances in which usage reductions must occur. WSB will work with the City to determine what triggers should be selected to initiate short- or long-term demand reductions, and what actions will be taken should such an instance arise. 3.3 Conservation Objectives and Strategies This section of the Plan serves as a Key Benchmark for the DNR. It will include strategies by which the City will reduce unaccounted f or water loss. The DNR has set goals for each community, including the following: 1) Reaching 75 gallons per capita of water usage daily; 2) Achieving at least a 1.5% per year reduction for industrial, commercial, and agricultural water use; 3) Decreasing the trend in total per capita demand; 5) Reducing the City’s peaking factor to less than 2.6; 6) Implementing a conservation water rate structure; and 7) Support Wellhead Protection Planning. WSB will work with the City to highlight the goals that have already been achieved and to outline the method the City will implement to achieve the remaining benchmarks. Included in the analysis will be possible regulatory changes, retrofitting potential and educational programs. Mr. John W. Morast September 14, 2016 Page 3 G:\WaterWastewater\Proposals\Water Supply Plans\FINAL Rosemount Proposal 091416.docx Task Four: Project Management, Coordination, and Meetings Project management is a key task included in each project undertaken by WSB. This task consists of management and administration, project coordination, and overall communication with the City and DNR. Proper completion of this task will help keep all affected parties routinely updated and informed regarding project issues, as well as keep the project on schedule and within budget. The proposed work plan will include one Utility Commission meeting, one City Council meeting, and two meetings with the City prior to finalizing the Plan. Estimated Fee WSB will complete the proposed work plan as proposed on a lump sum basis with a fee of $9,900. Sincerely, WSB & Associates, Inc. Erin Heydinger Andy Brotzler, PE Graduate Engineer Principal/Sr. Project Manager ACCEPTED BY: City of Rosemount Name Title Date