HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.b. PCExSumm St Croix Home Builders Add PUD Amend 9-27-16EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Planning Commission Meeting Date: September 27, 2016 Tentative City Council Meeting Date: October 18, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Cases 16-43-SMP and 16-44-PUD Request by St. Croix Home Builders for a Major Amendment to a Planned Unit Development AGENDA SECTION: and Simple Plat to Construct 11 Townhouse Public Hearing Units on Lot 2, Block 1 of Rahns Ninth Addition PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 5.b. ATTACHMENTS: Site Location Map; Project Narrative; Floor Plan Examples; Building Elevation APPROVED BY: KL Examples; Development Plans: Cover Sheet, Site Survey, Demolition Plan, Site Plan, Grading, Storm Water, and Erosion Control Plans, Utility Plan, Preliminary and Final Plat, Detail Sheets, Tree Preservation th Plan, Landscape Plan/Details; Rahn 9 Addition Final Plat; City Engineer Memorandum Dated 9/21/16; Parks Department Memo Dated 9/22/16 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the Planning Commission make the following motions: 1. Motion to recommend the City Council approve a Major Amendment to the Rahns Ninth Addition Planned Unit Development subject to the following conditions: a. Execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement. b. Submission of final building plans and elevations for each of the proposed residential -family attached standards and the front elevation requirements listed below. c. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: i. A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch that extends to any façade facing a private or public street; ii. A front porch with a minimum depth of four feet with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii. No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. d. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-8 (F.5.a.) to reduce the side yard setback to twenty five (25) feet for the eastern property line, and fifteen (15) feet for the western property line. e. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (G) to reduce the number of required parking spaces within common areas to four (4). f. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (M.1.) to eliminate the requirement for playgrounds or passive recreation space. g. Documentation that there is sufficient maneuvering space around each of the common parking stalls located at the east and west ends of the private driveway. The plans for these parking areas shall be amended to provide additional space if necessary. Final resolution should occur prior to City Council review. h. Compliance with Section 11-2-8 (M) of the City Code concerning i. Installation of fire hydrants in accordance with City standards. th j. Obtain all required permits and securities for work within the Upper 149 Street West right-of-way. k. Trees installed on within the development shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. l. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 21, 2016 m. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 22, 2016. 2. Motion to recommend the City Council approve the Simple Plat for St. Croix Home Builders Addition with the following conditions: a. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 21, 2016 b. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 22, 2016. c. All easements as requested by the City shall be documented on the Final Plat. SUMMARY Applicant: St. Croix Home Builders (Norm Dupre), P.O. Box 186, Stillwater, MN Location: Lot 2, Block 1 of Rahns Ninth Addition. Immediately east of water th tower site near the intersection of Chippendale Avenue and 150 Street West Acres: 1.49 Acres Proposed Lots: 11 Lots Wetlands: None Net Density: 7.38 Units/Acre Existing Comp Plan Designation: LDR Low Density Residential Existing Zoning: R3 Medium Density Residential Proposed Zoning No Change Proposed The Planning Commission is being asked to consider an application from St. Croix Home Builders for a major amendment to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) along with a Simple Plat (combined preliminary and final plat) to allow 11 townhouses on 1.49 acres. The proposed development is located near the th intersection of Chippendale Avenue and 150 Street West (Highway 42) on a platted lot within the Rahns Ninth Addition Subdivision. The developer is proposing to construct four separate buildings on the site in the form of two two-unit, one three-unit, and one four-unit buildings. All units would be platted on separate lots with a shared common wall between neighboring structures. 2 BACKGROUND The subject property is somewhat unusual because it is one of the few remaining vacant, undeveloped lots in this portion of the City. All surThe site is located approximately 200 feet east of Chippendale Avenue and is a double-frontage lot with frontage to thth both Upper 149 Street West and 150 Street West/Highway 42. Access to Highway 42 is restricted, so any new roads or driveway connections serving the property must connect to the north. The uses adjacent to the site include the municipal water tower at Chippendale Avenue and Highway 42, a small office building and parking area north of the water tower site, and a townhouse/condominium site with three four-unit buildings located to the east. were all part of a PUD concept plan approved by the City in 1979. The original PUD included two 20-unit and one 11-unit condominium buildings spread over the development area. A subsequent amendment eliminated one of the residential buildings and replaced it with the existing office building. The plans for the remaining condominiums were also revised to allow the present 12-units spread across three buildings (which were eventually constructed in the mid--unit building that was never constructed on the vacant parcel. As part of PUD approval the City established a zoning designation of RM for the property. The current zoning of R3 Medium Density Residential action. Given the history of the site and its past zoning as a PUD, Staff has directed the applicant to apply for a major PUD amendment that will replace the approved plans for the site. Although Staff has not been able to find an approved site plan for the office building or existing condominiums, the major amendment process will require the submission of detailed development plans similar to those required for a new PUD. Unlike the adjacent townhouses that were not platted as individual lots (each unit is a separate condominium unit), St. Croix builders is proposing to subdivide its land so that each townhouse and surrounding area is a separate lot. The creation of the individual lots requires approval of a preliminary and final plat, and the cess. A simple plat request is a quasi-judicial decision for the Planning Commission meaning that the Planning Commission is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. The Planned Unit Development major amendment is a legislative decision because of the Code deviations being requested. Legislative decisions give the Planning Commission more latitude, but consideration should be given to the PUD standards of the similar townhouse developments. The recommended St. Croix Home Builders Addition PUD regulations are similar to those approved for the Harmony townhouses. St. Croix home builders provided the City with a detailed project narrative describing the proposed townhouse development. In general the project includes four separate buildings oriented around a private th road running north and south from Upper 149 Street West. Seven of the units would directly face the private street, while the remaining four units would have access to a narrower private driveway perpendicular to the main private road. All of the homes would be approximately 2,500 square feet in size with no basement and a two-car garage attached to every unit. Each townhouse would be situated on a separate lot, while the private streets would be located within a larger outlot. No common open space is proposed and the land surrounding each unit would be privately owned. The townhouses have bee-3 zoning requirements with 3 standard of 28 feet, along with the minimum side yard setback of 30 feet, leaves a limited amount of room to construct multiple units on the property at the allowed density. In early discussions with the applicant, Staff encouraged him to provide as much separation as possible between the proposed townhouses and the units to the east, and to also maintain a minimum distance of at least 20 feet between the garage entrance of each unit and the curb line of the private street. The plan as submitted depicts a setback of 26.24 feet to the eastern property line, and a setback of 15 feet to the western property line. These setbacks represent a -3 districts. The buildings otherwise comply with all other R-3 district dimensional standards including the front yard setback (30 feet), rear setback from a collector road (40 feet), setbacks between buildings (20 feet), and maximum surface coverage of 75%. The site is relatively flat with a limited number of trees and shrubs in the far western portion of the property. The applicant is proposing to retain two existing trees along the shared property line with the water tower, but all other vegetation would be removed and replaced as part of a robust planting program for the site. Most of the proposed grading will occur in the southern portion of the site to create a moderately-sized berm to provide screening and buffering from Highway 42. All required utilities to serve the property are th located with the Upper 149 Street right-of-way; however, the existing water service line needs to be upsized in order to accommodate the required sprinkling system in the three and four unit buildings. The subject property is currently zoned R3 Medium Density Residential an requirements for single-family attached dwellings found in Section 11-2-18 of the Code. One of the deviations from the R3 standards requested by St. Croix Home Builders are specific to the minimum side yard setback variations noted above. Another potential departure from these standards involves the parking provided within common areas of the site. The project narrative states that there are 48 parking spaces available either in attached garages, or stalls in front of the garages, along with 4 stalls within the private driveway area. The zoning regulations require parking at a ratio of 2.5 stalls per unit in townhouse developments, with 0.5 stalls per unit required within common areas. This ratio leaves the proposed development 1.5 stalls short of meeting this requirement. Parking along the private street would be somewhat limited due to the number of driveways that will access the road. Afinal deviation that would be necessary for the project is the amount of common open space provided. The Zoning Ordinance requires at least twenty percent (20%) of the open/green space, excluding required setback areas, to be reserved for playgrounds and/or passive recreational. Because each lot will be platted as a separate parcel under individual ownership, there are limited opportunities within the development to meet this requirement. The size of the site, and recognition that this is an infill site, also means provision of recreational space is limited. The Parks Department has reviewed the plans and noted that there are no plans for additional public parks in this portion the City, and noted that the developer will need to pay a fee in lieu of land dedication for the project. With the fee payment for parkland, the developer will be contributing development. equirements as described below. Staff is recommending approval of the deviations requested by the development with a comment that the developer is encouraged to find space for two additional parking stalls located in common portions of the development. The proposed deviations are summarized as follows: 1) A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-8 (F.5.a.) to reduce the side yard setback to twenty five (25) feet for the eastern property line, and fifteen (15) feet for the western property line. 4 2) A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (G) to reduce the number of required parking spaces within common areas to four (4). 3) A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (M.1.) to eliminate the requirement for playgrounds or passive recreation space. The applicant has submitted building elevations for a similar type of building that he has constructed elsewhere, and is still working to complete a final design for each of the proposed units. The general design the has been submitted as a PUD with proposed reductions from R3 district standards, Staff is proposing that the front elevations of the homes be upgraded with more attractive and durable materials consistent with other recent townhouse development projects in the City. Staff is recommending that submission and approval the final building plans (including elevation drawings and design details) be included as a condition of approval. In exchange for the proposed reductions from R1 district standards, staff is proposing that all front elevation designs for the homes includes one of three design features: A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch that extends to any façade facing a private or public street; A front porch with a minimum depth of four feet with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. These standards are similar to those adopted by the City in similar cases for single family and townhouse PUD projects. . The developer is proposing to combine the preliminary and final plat process into one step in the form of a Simple Plat as permitted by Subdivision Ordinance. The plat would subdivide the existing 1.49 acre parcel into 12 separate lots ranging in size from 2,860 square feet to 6,309 square feet and would create a larger outlot (Outlot A) for the private road and driveway. Drainage and utility easements across the outlot and private lots are included on the plat as needed for drainage purposes and to provide areas for the installation of public and private utilities. These easements should be subject to final review and approval by the City Engineer to ensure they are adequately sized throughout the subdivision. While the private road is platted as an outlot, and each unit has individual ownership, staff is requiring as a condition of approval that there is a homeowners association for private road maintenance. Additionally, the HOA should maintain perimeter landscaping rather than individual homeowners. No new public streets are proposed as part of the project, and all access into and out of the townhouses th will occur through a private and driveway that connects directly into Upper 149 Street West. Some of the th existing utilities to serve the project are located under Upper 149 Street, and a portion of this street will be impacted the construction of the water line connection in particular. The developer will need to secure the property permit and post securities to ensure that all repair work is completed in accordance with City specification and within a reasonable time frame. Staff is concerned that the four parking stalls that are located at both the eastern and western ends of the private driveway may create some problems for vehicles being able to adequately maneuver into and out of 5 the driveways in front of the end unit garages in this part of the site. Although these stalls are located on private property, Staff would like to see some additional documentation to demonstrate that these stalls will function properly and not create any problems for the adjacent homeowners. A condition of approval has been drafted that will require the applicant to provide additional documentation concerning these parking stalls, and if required, to make revisions to the plans in order to provide adequate maneuvering space around each stall. This may reduce the setback from the edge of the pavement to the property line, so there is no overlap between the parking spaces and the adjoining driveways. The proposed private street system was Marshall who requested that the turnaround area be marked with striping and signage that identifies the area as a fire lane with no parking. The exact location of these markings will be subject to final review and approval by the City. There are no wetlands located on this site. The majority of the site is vacant, with a small number of trees on the western portion of the property. All trees planned for removal have been identified and will be replaced at a ratio greater than required by the Zoning Ordinance. The overall landscape plan for the site notes that 14 trees are required based on one tree per unit and one tree for every 50 feet of street frontage. The overall number of over story and evergreen trees far exceeds this number in order to provide an enhanced level of screening between the project site and adjacent uses and roadways. In addition to the planned over story trees, the landscape plan includes 11 ornamental trees and 136 foundation plantings consent with the ratio required by the City. The Parks and Recreation Director reviewed the St. Croix Home Builders Addition Plans and noted that the parks dedication requirement for 11 residential units is .04 acres of land per unit or $3,400 per unit. The Parks Master Plan does not call for a park in this area so staff is recommending the City collect cash in-lieu of land to meet the parks dedication requirements for the 11units. The cash dedication for 11 units would be $37,400 (11 units x $3,400 per unit). The project is located within the Wachter Lake watershed, which means all storm water runoff from the larger development area that was previously expected to drain into this basin. The City Engineer does need to sign off on the storm water plan for the site; however, to confirm that the development will not create a negative impact on the downstream system. The additional information has been submitted and is being reviewed by the City Engineer. The City Engineer has provided a review memorandum for the development, and the majority of the comments pertain to modifications needed to bring the public improvement and grading plans into conformance with City requirements. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of a Major Amendment to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) along with a Simple Plat to allow 11 townhouses on 1.49 acres on Lot 2, Block 1 of Rahns Ninth Addition with conditions. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached memorandums. 6 St. Croix Homes PUD & Simple Plat September 12, 20161:2,400 0112.5225450ft 03060120m Property Information Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. St. Croix Home Builders Addition St. Croix Home Builders th Upper149Street Rosemount,MN55068 Project Narrative Concept,MasterPlanandFinalDevelopmentPlanPUD PreliminaryandFinalPlatApplication CLS16011 August30,2016 էՙ 8/0 Ո 2 Սթ+ Սժ՞թ՚ 01/ Շ՞գգ՚Ֆեդա՞ը+ ՇՈ 443/0 Վ՚ա 501-15/-687/ ՀՖխ 501-15/-688/ լլլ-՚աՖգաՖ՗-՘դբ ProjectNarrative Concept,MasterPlanandFinalDevelopmentPlanPUD PreliminaryandFinalPlatApplicationΑSt.CroixHomeBuildersAddition Applicant:St.CroixHomeBuilders Date:August30,2016 Lot2,Block1,RahnsNinthAddition,DakotaCounty,Minnesota PropertyLegalDescription: PropertyIdentificationNumber:346285801020 th PropertyAddress:NotassignedΑUpper149St.W. PropertyDescription:BasedoninformationprovidedbytheCitythesubjectpropertyispartofa PlannedUnitDevelopmentfromtheЊВАЉ͸ƭ͵Allofthesurroundingpropertiesexceptforthe/źƷǤ͸ƭwater towersitewerepartofthesamedevelopment.Thepropertytotheeastisoccupiedby12condominium townhomesbuiltin1986ona1.3acresite(9.2unitsperacre).Thesubjectpropertyandthelotonthe th cornerofChippendaleandUpper149Streetweresplitfromthecondominiumpropertyandreplatted in1998.Thecornerlotisoccupiedbyanofficebuildingownedbythesubdividerandsellerofthe subjectproperty. th ThepropertyatthecornerofChippendaleAvenueand150St.W.isownedbythecityandoccupiedby th awatertower.150St.W./CSAH42islocatedonthesouthernboundaryofthesite.AccesstoCSAH 42isrestrictedbytheplat. Tothenorthofthesubjectpropertyaredetachedsinglefamilyhomeson¼acrelotsbuiltaround1980. Thesubjectpropertyisrelativelyflat,generallyslopingfromnorthtosouth.Thesiteanopengrassfield withafewtreesscatteredaroundtheperimeter.Ageotechnicalinvestigationhasnotbeenconducted bythegeneralizedsoilsmapsindicatethatthepredominantsoilisaWaukegancomplexwith0to1% slopes.Waukegansoilsconsistofasurficialsiltloamunderlainbyagravellysand.Thereareno wetlandsonthesite. th ThesiteisservedbymunicipalsanitarysewerandwaterfromUpper149St.W.AnБͼsanitarysewer and1ЊΉЋͼwaterservicehavebeenstubbedtothepropertyline.Thiswaterserviceisinadequatefor fireprotectionandmustbereplaced.AlongthesouthernboundaryofthesitethereisanexistingЌЉͼ RCPStormSewerthatdrainssouthtoaregionalpond.Itisourunderstandingthatthepipeandpond aresizedfordevelopedconditionsonthissiteassuchnoonsitestormwatermanagementisproposed. ProjectDescription:Itisproposedtoconstruct11townhomesΑtwo2unit,one3unitandone4 unitbuildingsonthe1.49acresite.Theresultingdensityof7.4unitsperacreislessthanthemaximum acre).The allowed(12unitsperacre)andtheadjacentcondominiumdevelopment(9.2unitsper th townhomesaccessUpper149St.W.viaaprivatedrive,proposedtobecalledCarolCourt.Thedriveis th ProposedTownhomeDevelopmentΑUpper149St.W. PUDandSubdivisionApplicationAugust30,2016 28feetwideinthenorthsouthdirectionand20feetwidewhereitrunseastwest.Theeastwestdrive createsaͻŷğƒƒĻƩŷĻğķͼturnaroundforemergencyvehiclesandasaresultparkingwillbeprohibited exceptforthe4designatedvisitorstalls. Thebuildingplansfromanotherprojectbythepropertyowner/builderareattachedforreference.The 2unitbuildingfloorplansandelevationswillbesimilartotheinsideunitsasshowninthesedrawings. Thetownhomeunitsinthe3and4unitbuildingswillbedesignedspecificallyforthisproject.Theywill besimilarindesigntothe2unitbuildingsbutwillbe4.67feetwiderwithgaragessetbackfromthe frontoftheunittoprovideaminimumЋЉ͸deepdriveway. Thetownhomeshavemainfloorkitchens,livingrooms,laundries,masterbedrooms,andafulland½ bath.Upstairstherearetwobedrooms,afullbath,familyroomandstorage.Thebuildingswillnot 2 havebasements.Thetotallivingareaofthetownhomeswillbeintherangeof2300to2500ft,plusthe attachedgarage. Eachunithasa2cargarageandroomfortwoguestvehiclesintheЋЉ͸longdriveway.Therearealso4 sharedguestparkingstallsattheendofthehammerhead.Overallparkingisprovidedattherateof4.4 2.5isrequiredbycode. stallsperunitwhere LandUse:Itisproposedtodevelopthesiteundertheprovisionsofthe/źƷǤ͸ƭPlannedUnit Development(PUD)ordinancetoprovidebuildingsetbackflexibility.ThesiteisaremnantpartofPUD approved35plusyearsagoandwillbealogicalextensionofthatdevelopment.Thedevelopmentcould eitherbeconsideredanamendmenttotheoriginalPUDoranewPUDsincetheordinanceallowsPUDs tobelessthan10acresifͻƷŷĻpropertyisdirectlyadjacenttooracrosstherightofwayfromproperty whichhasbeendevelopedpreviouslyasaPUDandwillappearandfunctionasanextensionofthat previouslyapprovedķĻǝĻƌƚƦƒĻƓƷͼ͵ ThePUDordinancerequiresconformancewiththedensityrequirementsoftheunderlyingR3district, whichisachievedwiththeproposeddevelopment.ThePUDordinancestatesthattheCityCouncilmay approvesubdivisionsthatͻğƩĻnotincompliancewithusualspecificationsorordinancerequirementsif itfindsthatstrictadherencetosuchstandardsorrequirementsisnotrequiredtomeettheintentofthis chapterortoprotectthehealth,safetyorwelfareoftheresidentsofthePUD,thesurroundingareor thecityasaǞŷƚƌĻͼ͵ Theparcelisonly193feetwide.Thecityrequiresthatdrivewaysbe20feetlongandprivatestreetsbe 28feetwide.TheunderlyingR3zoningdistrictrequiresthattheprincipalstructurebesetback30feet fromthesideandrearpropertylines.Applyingallofthesedimensionsleavesonly32.5feetofbuilding depth20feetofwhichmustbeusedforthegarage.Theproposeddevelopmentrequiresbuilding setbackflexibility. th ProposedTownhomeDevelopmentΑUpper149St.W. PUDandSubdivisionApplicationAugust30,2016 th TheproposeddevelopmentmeetstherequiredsetbacksfromUpper159St.WΛЌЉ͸ΜandCSAH42ΛЍЉ͸ΜͲ butrequiresrelievefromtherearandsideyardsetbacksfromtheeastandwestpropertylines.Itis proposedtoreducethesetbackfromtheeastpropertylineto25feetandthesetbacktothewest propertylineto15feet.Withthe20footsetbackreductionitisfeasibletoincreasethedepthofthe unitsbehindthegaragetoanğĭĭĻƦƷğĬƌĻЋЋ͵Ў͸͵Thelivingareawillalsoextendinfrontofthegarageto 2 createatotalfootprintofroughly1,350ft. Evenwiththereducedsetbackthenewtownhomeswillbeseparatedfromtheexistingcondominiums byover85feet.Onthewestsideofthesitetheunitsbackuptotheofficebuildingandwatertower property,bothofwhicharegoodneighborsespeciallyatnightandweekendswhenresidentsaremost likelytobehomeandthebusinessesareclosed.Thewatertowerpropertyadjacenttothe developmentisaparklikesetting. ThePUDordinanceallowsthesetbackstovaryfromtheunderlyingzoningrequirementsifͻƷŷĻ lesserstandardshouldbepermittedwiththe developercandemonstratetotheĭźƷǤ͸ƭsatisfactionthata additionofascreeningtreatmentorothermitigativeƒĻğƭǒƩĻƭͼ͵Inadditiontothemitigativemeasures discussedintheprecedingparagraphtheproposedlandscapingplansignificantlyexceedstheordinance requirementincludingberms,fencesanddenselyplantedvegetationalongthewestandsouthproperty lines. Withoutsetbackflexibilitythepropertyhasinsufficientwidthtobedevelopedinanefficientmanner. Thisprojectwillprovidelifecyclehousingopportunitiesforavarietyofagegroups.Theproposedsmall scaledtownhomebuildingsarecompatiblewiththesurroundinglanduses,whereasotherbuilding flexibilitycouldbelargerandmoreobtrusive. designsthatdonotrequiresetback NocommonrecreationalfacilitiesareproposedforthisPUDduetoitslimitedsize.TheoriginalPUD includedparkproperty.ThedevelopmentiswithinafewblocksofChippendale,ClaretandCamfield Parks.ResidentswillbeabletoaccesstheĭźƷǤ͸ƭpedestriansystemviasidewalksalongChippendale AvenueandCSAH42. Nopermanentdevelopmentsignisproposed.Lightingwillbelimitedtodecorativelightingonthe buildingsandasinglestreetlightattheterminusoftheprivatedrive.Therearetwostreetlightson th St.W.attheentrancestotheadjacentculdesacswhichadequatelylightstheentranceto Upper149 thisproject.ThebuildingexteriorsandgroundswillbeŷƚƒĻƚǞƓĻƩ͸ƭassociation(HOA)maintained. TheHOAwillenforcetheyettobedevelopedcovenantswhichwillensurecompliancewiththe approvedmasterdevelopmentplan. StormwaterManagement:Theproposeddevelopmentisservedbyaregionalpond,located southofCSAH42,whichprovidesratecontrolandwaterqualitytreatment.Thereislessthan1acreof newimpervioussurfacescreatedsoMPCAvolumecontrolrequirementsdonotapply.Theproposed privatestreetandfrontoftheunitsareproposedtodraintoasinglecatchbasinatthesouthern th ProposedTownhomeDevelopmentΑUpper149St.W. PUDandSubdivisionApplicationAugust30,2016 terminusoftheprivatestreet.Therearoftheunitsinblock2draintoasecondcatchbasinbothof thesecatchbasinsconnectdirectlytotheexistingЌЉͼstormsewerpipe.Drainagepatternsare maintainedontheeastandwestpropertylines.ThenorthendoftheprivatedrivedrainstoUpper th 149street.Pipesizingcalculationsareattached. CERTIFICATE OF TITLE No. 113767 Transferred 73761 fromCertificate Number(s): By Document Number: T386739 Originally registered February 18, 1956 Volume 26, Page 66, STATE of Minnesota I S.S. REGISTRATION COUNTY of Dakota This is to certify that Fairfax Construction Co., a corporation under the laws of the State of Minnesota, having its principal place of business at 2708 Autumn Woods Drive, Chaska, MN USA Is now the owner of an estate; in fee simple in the following described land situated in the County of Dakota and State of Minnesota Lot Two (2), Block One (1), RAHNS NINTH ADDITION, according to the recorded plat thereof. subject to the encumbrances, liens, and Interest noted by the memorial underwritten or endorsed hereon; and subject to the following rights or encumbrances subsisting, as provided In Laws 1905, chapter 305, section 24, namely: , 1. Liens, claims, or rights arising under the laws or the Constitution of the United States, which the statutes of this state cannot require to appear of record; 2. Any real property tax or special assessment; 3. Any lease for a period not exceeding three years, when there is actual occupation of the promises under the lease; 4. All rights in public highways upon the land; S. Such right of appeal or right to appear and contest the application as is allowed by law; 6. The rights of any person In possession under deed or contract for deed from the owner of the certificate of title; and 7. Any outstanding mechanics lien rights which may exist under sections 514.01 to 514.17. DOCUMENT f NUMBER 1 T70362 RUNNING IN FAVOR OF Easement Agree. MEMORIAL. OF ESTATES EASEMENTS OR CHARGES ON THE LAND DESCRIBED IN THE CERTIFICATE OF TITLE HERETO ATTACHED, DATE OF KIND OF DOCUMENT I REGISTRATION DATE TIME I DOCUMENT AMOUNT 10/18/19713:00 PM 10/24/1972 Village of Rosemount (utility and storm sewer easement over the S 25' of the above described property and other lands) T158682 RUNNING IN FAVOR OF Mortgage 5/5/1986 3:35 PM 04/09/1986 $280,000.00 No. 113767 Page 1 of 2 SIGNATURE OF REGISTRAR James J. Foutchis James N. Dolan First Federal Savings and Loan Association of Hastings (and other lands) Joel T. Beckman T386737 11/30/1998 2;07 PM 10/29/1998 RUNNING IN FAVOR OF Trail Easement County of Dakota (over the S 15' of Lot 2) 7742120 AGREEMENT 2/26/2015 2:51 PM 12/23/2014 Joe( T. Beckman RUNNING IN FAVOR OF Option Agreement for Purchase of Real Property No. 113767 Page 2 of 2 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of my office this 30th day of November, 1998 Joel T. Beckman, Registrar of Title, In and for the County of Dakota and State of Minnesota BUILDING A 5 UNIT PARKWOOD VILLA DATE: ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS A1.0 FOUNDATIONPLAN REVISIONS SHEET TITLE DRAWN BY:CHECKED BY: SHEET NO. BUILDING A 5 UNIT PARKWOOD VILLA DATE: ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS A1.1 MAIN FLOORPLAN DRAWN BY: REVISIONS SHEET TITLE CHECKED BY:SHEET NO. SINK D.W. RANGE 3668 LINEN 36X60 SOAKER 36X60SOAKER LINEN 3668 RANGE D.W. SINK SINK D.W. RANGE 3668 LINEN 36X60 SOAKER SINK D.W. RANGE 3668 LINEN 36X60 SOAKER 36X60SOAKER LINEN 3668 RANGE D.W. SINK BUILDING A 5 UNIT PARKWOOD VILLA DATE: ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS A1.2 SECOND FLOORPLAN DRAWN BY: REVISIONS SHEET TITLE CHECKED BY:SHEET NO. BUILDING A 5 UNIT PARKWOOD VILLA DATE: ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS A1.3 ROOF FRAMINGPLAN DRAWN BY: REVISIONS SHEET TITLE CHECKED BY: SHEET NO. BUILDING A 5 UNIT PARKWOOD VILLA DATE: ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS A2.0 ENLARGED MAIN FLOORPLAN DRAWN BY: REVISIONS SHEET TITLE CHECKED BY: SHEET NO. BATH D.W.SINK ROOM 8 6 PANTRY 6 3 DINING AREA (L8) FLUSH DEMISING WALL (TYP) GAS FIREPLACE VENT THROUGH ROOF JOG FLUE 5 FEET FROM CLOSET KITCHEN RANGE FOYER 7268 (L4) (2) 2440 (L3) LIVING ROOM BENCH 3668 (L3) CLOSET 3668(L3) (2) 4252 (L5) UP (L3) MASTER B. ROOMCLOSET (L3) 3268 19284 (L7) 3668 3068 GARAGE MECH. ROOM BELOW 3268 STORAGE LINEN 36X48SHOWER MASTERBATH 3668 LAUNDRY AREA MASTER CLOSET 3620 (L2) DRYWASH 36X60 SOAKER DRYWASH 36X60SOAKER 3620 (L2) 3668 LAUNDRY AREA MASTERBATH 2 HR FIRE WALL(SEE DTL 5/A1.3) MASTER CLOSET 36X48SHOWER LINEN 3268 3668 STORAGEBELOW 3068 GARAGE 19284 (L7) (L3)3268 MECH. ROOM UP (L3) CLOSET (2) 4252 (L5) MASTER B. ROOM (L3) 3668 CLOSET 3668 (L3) BENCH FOYER 7268 (L4) (2) 2440 (L3) LIVING ROOMKITCHEN RANGE CLOSET (L8) FLUSH 8 6 6 3 DEMISING WALL (TYP) GAS FIREPLACEVENT THROUGH ROOF JOG FLUE 5 FEET FROM PANTRY D.W. SINK DINING AREA BATHROOM (2) 2440 (L1) (2) 2440 (L6) BUILDING A 5 UNIT PARKWOOD VILLA DATE: ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS A2.1 ENLARGED SECONDFLOOR PLAN DRAWN BY: REVISIONS SHEET TITLE CHECKED BY:SHEET NO. STORAGE BEDROOM (2) 4040 (L4) EXERCISE ROOM/ 3268 3268 (L2) 3268 3268 CLOSETCLOSET STORAGE 3268 3268 (L2) DN (2) 4040 (L4) BEDROOM (2) 3040 (L4) FAMILY ROOM 3268 (L2) CLOSET CHUTE STORAGE BEDROOM (2) 4040 (L4) EXERCISE ROOM/ 3268 3268 (L2) 3268 3268 CLOSETCLOSET STORAGE 3268 3268 (L2) DN (2) 4040 (L4) BEDROOM FAMILY ROOM (2) 3040 (L4) 3268 (L2) CLOSET CHUTE CLOSET CHUTE 3268 (L2) (2) 3040 (L4) FAMILY ROOM DN BEDROOM (2) 4040 (L4) 3268 (L2) 3268 CLOSETCLOSET STORAGE 3268 3268 3268 (L2)3268 BEDROOM EXERCISE ROOM/STORAGE (2) 4040 (L4) (2) 2440 (L1) (2) 2440 (L1) BUILDING A 5 UNIT PARKWOOD VILLA DATE: ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS A3.0 FRONT & BACK ELEVATION DRAWN BY: REVISIONS SHEET TITLE CHECKED BY:SHEET NO. FFE FFE 100'-0" 100'-0" 119'- 7 7/8" 110'- 7 7/8"119'- 7 7/8" 110'- 7 7/8" TOP OF SUBFLOOR TOP OF SUBFLOOR ROOF TRUSS BEARING ROOF TRUSS BEARING BUILDING A 5 UNIT PARKWOOD VILLA DATE: ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS A3.1 AND SECTION SIDE ELEVATION DRAWN BY: REVISIONS SHEET TITLE CHECKED BY:SHEET NO. FFE 100'-0" 119'- 7 7/8"110'- 7 7/8" TOP OF SUBFLOOR ROOF TRUSS BEARING ROOF TRUSS BEARING 119'- 7 7/8"TOP OF SUBFLOOR 110'- 7 7/8"FFE 100'-0" 55082 BUILDERS CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. P.O. BOX 186, ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME STILLWATER, MINNESOTA p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990 AUGUST 30, 2016 ADDITION ROSEMOUNT - MINNESOTA PRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLAT SHEET INDEX ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS CONCEPT, MASTER PLAN, & FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PUD PROJECT CONTACTS SITE VICINITY MAP LOCATION MAP H 2m, LU zz HE z V, j rr C) o' C, Ln 37 < x LU 0 000 �� g u _ °Xao Z C oo m 2 2 +< t>u H 2m, j o' o8 V-HHHO'M u u g>1 Vallo o u u > u 'd -po > o u u� o W2� < o o o4o ffi5 2 'o o2 m o E -u flu u + H 2m, DATE N O I T C U R T BUILDERS S CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O DEMOLITION PLAN ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. 60 20 R before you dig. Know what's Call DEMOLITION NOTESLEGEND DATE N O I T C U R T BUILDERS S SITE PLAN CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. 60 20 R before you dig. Know what's Call SITE PLAN NOTESLEGEND SITE PLAN SUMMARY DATE N O I T C U R T BUILDERS S CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT GRADING PLAN ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. 60 20 R before you dig. Know what's Call NPDES AREA SUMMARYLEGEND GRADING NOTES DATE N O I T C U R T BUILDERS S CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT,SWPPP PLAN N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. DATE N O I T C U R T BUILDERS S CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND EROSION CONTROL PLAN FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. 60 20 R before you dig. Know what's Call LEGEND DATE N O I T C U R T BUILDERS S CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, UTILITY PLAN N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. 60 20 R before you dig. LEGEND Know what's Call UTILITY NOTES x w z 00 Ld LL Ll Z p Luj w 00 > FF O7 e4 P, . . . . . . . . . . . 0 o ' L0 o� o � S �,- -,;,2 -o C, I wl x o 00 op - --o x LU 5 u -VHHHM u No ce o o o.. �o o 'o u + u 00 Ld LL Ll Z w vv vv vv vv vv vv uuuuuuuuuuu e4 8 o j . . . . . . . . . . . 0 o ' o� o � S �,- -,;,2 -o o 00 op - --o -VHHHM u o o.. �o o 'o uo o o 3J,= ��� e O u o 'o o �o u u o — - � I s W. -uo �o IS > —u� oE<. o o w V o 'o 7, u o Wo u 1 1+ ol 4'o o o o o o -o i I o. o u o u o �lo o u N m 00 Ld LL Ll Z w vv vv vv vv vv vv uuuuuuuuuuu e4 . . . . . . . . . . . 0 o 00 op - 00 Ld LL Ll Z vv vv vv vv vv vv uuuuuuuuuuu �aye . . . . . . . . . . . 0 o COUNTY, MINNESOTA COUNTY SURVEYOR, DAKOTA COUNTY RECORDER, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA DATE N O I T R C O U F R T T DETAILS BUILDERS S CLS16011 O T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, P.O. BOX 186 N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT N ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & STILLWATER, MN 55082 ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. NO SCALE ROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 7 NO SCALE NO SCALE NO SCALE STREET SECTION VARIES PER PLAN 3 TREE PROTECTION FENCE INLET PROTECTION 10 6 NO SCALE NO SCALENO SCALE SILT FENCE BIO ROLL SEDIMENT CONTROL D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 259 NO SCALE NO SCALENO SCALE VALLEY GUTTER CONCRETE WASHOUT AREA B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER 148 NO SCALE DATE N O I T C U R T BUILDERS S CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT UTILITY DETAILS ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. NO SCALE WATER SERVICE CONNECTION 3 NO SCALE NO SCALE SEWER SERVICE CONNECTION SANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT 2 5 NO SCALENO SCALE HYDRANT INSTALLATION STANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWER 1 4 DATE N O I T C U R T DETAILS BUILDERS S CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. R before you dig. Know what's Call NO SCALE CATCH BASIN MANHOLE 3 NO SCALE NO SCALE STANDARD CATCH BASIN PLASTIC PIPE BEDDING 2 5 NO SCALE NO SCALE RCP OR DIP PIPE BEDDING STANDARD MANHOLE FOR STORM DRAIN 14 DATE N O I T C U R PLAN T BUILDERS S CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH TREE PRESERVATION C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. 60 20 R before you dig. Know what's Call TREE PRESERVATION NOTESLEGEND TREE PRESERVATION SUMMARY DATE N O I T C U R T BUILDERS S CLS16011 T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME LANDSCAPE PLAN O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH C MASTER PLAN, & ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. 60 20 R before you dig. Know what's Call LEGEND LANDSCAPE NOTES LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS CODE 11-6-3 PLANT SCHEDULE DATE N O I T R C O U F R T T BUILDERS S CLS16011 O T 651-303-0471 BUYERS INC. 08/30/2016 CONCEPT, P.O. BOX 186 N BUILDERSADDITION PLAN PUD/FINAL PLAT N ST. CROIX HOMEST. CROIX HOME O ROSEMOUNT, MN 3400 UPPER 149TH LANDSCAPE DETAILS C MASTER PLAN, & STILLWATER, MN 55082 ST. CROIX HOME PRELIMINARY AND FINAL DEVELOPMENT p 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990REGISTRATION NO. NO SCALENO SCALE PRIVACY FENCE SHRUB PLANTING 37 NO SCALE SOD AT HARDSCAPE EDGE NO SCALE 6 CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTING NO SCALE 2 EDGING AT PLANTING BED 55 NO SCALENO SCALE PERENNIAL PLANTING DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTING 14 .�l 8m_ >, ONO in3> ea'ezc � N M 1 61 662 TO 2Q¢ 91 ai V £ vc SII � i 1 F fl v — _ T''HIUON H yON E"59L 00'OR i I N I - HIUGN 90'OLi m m 3 CZ ..P,vOPI —BN-16G N0,.10.33 jC b/S4 610 3N1/ 153M G _ � a � m €s L E 8 � a a�4 �E v °z c • � r �i EE z �F I - HIUGN 90'OLi m m 3 CZ ..P,vOPI —BN-16G N0,.10.33 jC b/S4 610 3N1/ 153M G _ � a � m °z c • � r S °z S MEMORANDUM DATE: September 21, 2016 TO: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Amy Roudebush, Planning & Personnel Secretary John Morast, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer RE: St Croix Home Builders Addition Engineering Review S UBMITTAL: The plans for St Croix Home Builders Addition have been prepared by Elan Design Lab dated August 30, 2016. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal: Concept, Master Plan, and Final Development Plan PUD (16 sheets), dated August 30, 2016 Existing Conditions Erosion Control Plan Demolition Plan Grading and Drainage Plan Site Plan Utility Plan Preliminary and Final Plat Details G ENERAL C OMMENTS: 1. Development fees are required based on the current Schedule of Rates and Fees. For 2016, the estimated development fees are listed below: Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 6,865 / acre Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 1,075 / acre Watermain Trunk Charge: $ 6,500 / acre 2. Street and utility construction shall be installed in accordance with the 2015 City of Rosemount General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates. 3. City inspection of street and utility installation is required during construction. 4. Regional ponding for this site is provided in basin WA-2443 Wachter Lake. Stormwater Management Plan for the site has been received and will be reviewed to confirm capacity 5. 6. The developer is required to obtain a NPDES construction Stormwater Permit and provide a copy of the approved SWPPP to the City prior to the start of any construction activity. 7. The developer is required to obtain a grading permit from the City prior to construction activity. 8. Maximum allowable slope is 4:1. Confirm berm on south end of site has a max slope of 4:1. 9. Upon completion of the sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer construction, the City requires record drawings. See Engineering Guidelines for submittal and formatting requirements. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015. MEMORANDUM To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner Anthony Nemcek, Planner John Morast, Interim City Engineer Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: September 22, 2016 Subject: St. Croix Home Builders Development Plans The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the development plans for the St. Croix Home Builders townhouse project. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: PARKS DEDICATION The parks dedication requirement for 11 residential units is .04 acres of land per unit or $3,400 per unit. The Parks Master Plan does not call for a park in this area so staff is recommending the City collect cash in-lieu of land to meet the parks dedication requirements for the 11units. The cash dedication for 11 units would be $37,400 (11 units x $3,400 per unit). The Parks and Recreation Commission will be reviewing this item at the regular meeting on Monday, September 26. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo.