HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.c. Director's Report � ROSEMO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION E X E C U T I V E S U M M A R Y Parks and Recreation Commission Meeting: September 26, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Director's Report AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks & Recreation Director AGENDA NO. 7 c. ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: dls RECOMMENDED ACTION: None, discussion only. Park Improvement Fund Balance as of August 31, 2016: $316,814.43 Inflows to the Park Improvement Fund last month wexe as follows: Dedication fees—$10,200 Gxants/Other- $0 Interest- $1,412.75 Donations - $0 Expenditures - $3,998.92 (Ailesbury and Greystone Parks—Professional Services) The Minnesota Wild Learn to Play Hockey Program-The Minnesota Wild recently announced the third season of the Little Wild Learn to Pla.y Hockey Program pxesented by the Minnesota.Wild, Minnesota Hockey, CCM,Total Hockey,and Hy-Vee. Since the inaugural season in 2014, over one thousand kids have been introduced to the game of hockey through the Little Wild Learn to Pla.y Hockey Program. This year,Little Wild has expanded to additional sites throughout the metro and Gxeater Minnesota.The Rosemount Area Hockey Association has joined this pYogram with the Minnesota Wild and is hosting the Little Wild Program at the Rosemount Ice Arena on Tuesday nights from 6:15pm- 7:15pm in September. For the low xegistration fee of$100, the equipment kit includes: Helmet Shoulder pads Gloves Elbow pads Breezers Shin guards Ice skates Hockey socks Hockey stick Little Wild jexsey Equipment bag Who Done It Hike -The SORR (South of the River Recxeators) Cities of Apple Valley,Burnsville, Eagan, Farmington,Lakeville,Rosemount and Savage hosted the annual Who Done It Hike at Ritter Farm Park in Lakeville on Saturday, September 10. This yeax's event drew 269 participants,which is a substantial increase over last year's attendance of 174. The beaurifiil morning brought out many families who enjoyed hiking through the park while collecting clues to detexmine"Who Done It". New this year was a note on the publicity stating that the event was dog-friendly. Families were encouraged to bring their dogs with them to join in the family time together outdoors. Bowls of watex were supplied along the trail and at water stops. We look forward to offering this fun, free family event again next yeax. Adopt A Park- In the last few weeks,three of oux parks have been adopted through our Adopt-A-Park program. Kiddex Park and Winds Paxk have been included in our progtam for many years and both became availa,ble for adoption this year.They were recendy adopted by Brian,Amy,Brooks,&Bendy Seaberg,and Dan,Lisa, Cody& Zach Utes respectively. Ailesbury Park, our newest park,has just been added to the Adopt-A-Paxk program and has been adopted by the Rosemount Fire Explorers Post 0635. We would like to welcome these groups to the Adopt-A-Patk progxam. With these new additions,all of oux parks are currendy adopted. Garden Plots -Last week Tom Schuster got the following email concerning our garden plots at Biscayne Park fxom one of our gardeners,Joe Sapletal: Tom, I did want to share with you that Chase entered a few things from our gaxden in the Dakota, County Fa.iY in the Youth Categories of Small Tomatoes,Jalapeno Peppers,Laxgest Cucumber and Canning Dill Pickles. He walked away with two blue ribbons, a red xibbon and a white ribbon for all the hard work he put in helping out this summer. He tells everyone that his jax of pickles got a blue ribbon and mine only a yellow (fifth place),but I think my competition may have been a little tougher than his. Joe Capital Improvement Program Budget (CIP)—Staff is working on the CIP budget for the next 10 yeaxs and will have information to share on the Commission at a meeting in the near future.