HomeMy WebLinkAbout5.a. Partners in Energy ApplicationAPPLICATION COLORADO | MINNESOTA Partners in Energy PAGE 1 OF 6 16-05-618 | 5/2016 Partners in Energy offers tools and expertise to support communities as they develop and implement Energy Action Plans. These Energy Action Plans belong to the communities and become roadmaps for successfully achieving their energy goals, including outlining responsiblity, ownership and the metrics to define success. As with other planning documents in a community, the Energy Action Plans and associated work products will be public and can be shared with community members and other communities who may be participating in or considering Partners in Energy. Partners in Energy is offered at no cost to participating communities, with the expectation that both the Xcel Energy and the community will invest in the process. This investment will include staff and financial resources from Xcel Energy during both the planning and implementation phases, as well as the community providing staff time during both the planning and implementation phases and financial support as necessary for the implementation of the plan. Xcel Energy wants to work with motivated, engaged, and action-oriented communities and champions who are willing to commit to the process and the outcomes. This application will help us better determine good community alignment for our limited, but valuable, resources. While completing the application does not guarantee acceptance as a participant, your application will be evaluated against other applicants using criteria that include, but may not be limited to, community size and structure, planning experience, stakeholder capacity, available resources (staff and otherwise), and willingness to share results publicly. If you have questions about the application or the opportunity, please visit xcelenergy.com/PartnersInEnergy, email us at PartnersInEnergy@xcelenergy.com or call 1-800-369-4362. SUBMIT COMPLETED APPLICATION VIA EMAIL TO: PartnersInEnergy@xcelenergy.com. Return this application by 5:00 p.m. CST on October 14, 2016. Qualifying Customers Communities in Colorado and Minnesota with retail energy services from Xcel Energy qualify to participate in Partners in Energy. Community name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Community jurisdiction (e.g., city, association, partnerships, county): ___________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title _____________________________________________________________________________________ Phone ____________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City _____________________________________________________________________________________ Email _____________________________________________________________________ Approximate business count ___________________________________________________ Approximate household count _______________________________________________ Approximate population ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Approximate area in square miles ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Would you be able to provide a GIS a shapefile of your community that would define the geographic boundaries of the area? Yes No COMMUNITY CUSTOMER INFORMATION COMMUNITY PROFILE PARTNERS IN ENERGY APPLICATION CO | MN PAGE 2 OF 6 16-05-618 | 5/2016 Current community energy-related utility providers (e.g., gas service providers) 1) Name of Company __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fuel type _______________________________________________________________________ Area Served ___________________________________________________________________ 2) Name of Company __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fuel type _______________________________________________________________________ Area Served ___________________________________________________________________ 3) Name of Company __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Fuel type _______________________________________________________________________ Area Served ___________________________________________________________________ Describe your interest in the Partners in Energy. What is/are the most pressing energy-related issue(s) facing your community today? INTEREST IN PARTNERS IN ENERGY PARTNERS IN ENERGY APPLICATION CO | MN PAGE 3 OF 6 16-05-618 | 5/2016 If you’re accepted as a participant in Partners in Energy, what additional approvals within your community would need to be obtained prior to starting the planning process? (examples: City Council, Sustainability Commission, etc.) Does your community currently have any sustainability or energy plans, policies, codes, regulations or initiatives? If yes, please identify them and indicate the date(s) they were last revised. (Include links to documents if possible.) Describe any energy programs or energy management activities your community has participated in over the past two years. Please include goals and results if applicable. This can include initiatives to track energy use in any part of your community (e.g., public buildings), a neighborhood energy challenge, etc. PLANNING AND ENERGY MANAGEMENT EXPERIENCE PARTNERS IN ENERGY APPLICATION CO | MN Does your community currently have paid staff who are, or will be, involved in the management and/or implementation of energy or sustainability initiatives as a component of their job duties? If so, please describe their title and role. (If available, please include an organization chart or staff list to indicate the role of key personnel that would participate in this program.) Please indicate who in your community would be the point person to manage your Partners in Energy participation and describe his/her applicable experience and background relative to planning, energy and /or sustainability, as well as availability to support this two-year process. a. During the planning phase (approximately 15 hours per month) b. During the implementation phase (time commitment will be driven by the implementation strategies identified through the planning process) COMMUNITY RESOURCES AND COMMITMENT PAGE 4 OF 6 16-05-618 | 5/2016 PARTNERS IN ENERGY APPLICATION CO | MN PAGE 5 OF 6 16-05-618 | 5/2016 While Partners in Energy is offered to communities at no cost, the community will be responsible to supporting expenses associated with implementing the plan. Does your community have staff, volunteer, budget or other funding resources to implement the energy initiatives that will be identified in development of an Energy Action Plan? Yes No If yes, please describe. Is there an interest in applying for grants or identifying third-party financing mechanisms to fund energy-related activities for the community to successfully implement an Energy Action Plan (if necessary)? Yes No If no, please provide a reason. One of the keys to Partners in Energy is to engage representatives from your community to participate in developing the plan and ultimately in the implementation activities. These representatives should be varied and willing to commit their time to the process. They may include city or town staff members, business association representatives, large local business, local nonprofits,s schools, county government officials, etc. Please describe who from the community you would anticipate trying to engage in developing your Energy Action Plan. (Please list six to eight possible representatives.) COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT PARTNERS IN ENERGY APPLICATION CO | MN Would you be willing to share your progress during plan development and implementation with community members and other potential Partners in Energy participants and make your Energy Action Plan a public document? Yes No If no, please explain. Is there anything else you would like us to consider when evaluating your application? I certify that the information in this application is accurate and complete and I am authorized to make this application on behalf of my community. Your signature confirms your community is interested in participating in Partners in Energy and is willing to enter into a Memorandum of Understanding with Xcel Energy that will define responsibilities and expectations of both parties. Community Name ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Contact Name _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Title _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ By checking the box and indicating my name below, I am signing this application in declaration of its accuracy. Name __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Date _______________________________________ CUSTOMER DECLARATION xcelenergy.com| © 2016 Xcel Energy Inc. | Xcel Energy is a registered trademark of Xcel Energy Inc. 16-05-618