HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a. Minutes of the October 4th, 2016 Regular Meeting MinutesROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 4TH, 2016 CALL TO ORDER Pursuant to due call and notice thereof a regular meeting of the Rosemount City Council was held on Tuesday, October 4, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers at City Hall, 2875 145th Street West, Rosemount. Mayor Droste called the meeting to order with Council Members DeBettignies, Nelson, Weisensel and Demuth attending. Staff present included the following; o City Administrator Johnson o City Attorney Tietjen o Interim Director of Public Works/City Engineer Morast o City Clerk Hadler o Community Development Director Lindquist o Chief of Police Scott o Parks & Recreation Director Schultz The Pledge of Allegiance was said. ADDITIONS OR CORRECTIONS TO AGENDA City Administrator Johnson stated there were no changes to the agenda. Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Demuth. Motion to Adopt the Agenda. Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Demuth Nays: 0. Motion carried. PRESENTATIONS, PROCLAMATIONS, & ACKNOWLEDGMENTS PUBLIC COMMENT CONSENT AGENDA Motion by DeBettignies. Second by Weisensel. Motion to Approve the Consent Agenda. a. Minutes of the September 20, 2016 Regular Meeting Proceedings b. Bills Listing c. Budget Amendments d. Ice Arena Concessions Agreement Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Demuth Nays: None. Motion carried. 6.a. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 4TH, 2016 PUBLIC HEARINGS 7. a. Geronimo IUP Amendment to Change the Expiration Date Community Development Director Lindquist explained the need for a public hearing for a change in conditions to the Geronimo Interim Use Permit. The condition being changed is the term of the permit; amending the time frame to 25 years from 2017, instead of 2016. This is in recognition of the delays that were of no fault of the applicant. All other conditions of the IUP will remain the same. Council member Weisensel inquired if this was for the 1.5 megawatt solar farm or both. Ms. Lindquist clarified that both of the solar farms would be allowed 25 years. Mayor Droste opened the public hearing at 7:07 p.m. No one was present to speak. Motion by Droste. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to close the public hearing. Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Demuth Nays: 0. Motion carried. The public hearing was closed at 7:08 pm. Motion by Weisensel. Second by Demuth. Motion to adopt a resolution to amend Geronimo Energy’s Interim Use Permit to change the expiration date from 25 years from December 31, 2016, to 25 years from December 31, 2017 subject to the conditions listed in the Interim Use Permit. Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Demuth Nays: 0. Motion carried. 7.b. Amendment to Rosemount Lions Club IUP for an Outdoor Tree Lot Community Development Director Lindquist explained that the annual tree sales lot has had to move this year due to the building of the Arby’s/Chipotle building. The new location will be in the Cub Food parking lot. The applicant has arranged with Cub Foods for use of their restroom facilities. Mayor Droste opened the public hearing at 7:10 pm. There was no one present to speak. Motion by Droste. Second by Demuth. Motion to close the public hearing. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 4TH, 2016 Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Demuth Nays: 0. Motion carried. The public hearing was closed at 7:11 pm. Mayor Droste thanked the Lion’s Club for their many years of service to the community and donations to local civic groups. Motion by Nelson. Second by Demuth. Motion to adopt a Resolution Amending the 2014-2019 Rosemount Lions Club Interim Use Permit for a Transient Merchant Outdoor Sales Lot for Christmas Trees: 1. The location of the IUP will change from Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Market Square to Lot 1, Block 1, Rosemount Village Shopping Center. 2. Condition 15 shall be amended to allow an agreement to use on-site public restroom facilities as a substitute for the provision of a handicap accessible satellite. Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Demuth Nays: 0. Motion carried. OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 9.a. Approval of Resolution Ordering the Abatement of Conditions Creating a Nuisance and a Hazardous Property Existing at 13425 and 13429 Robert Trail South and 13480 and 13510 Dodd Boulevard Community Development Director Lindquist gave an overview of the topic at hand. While the site owner has started clean-up of the site which has had demolition activity, staff recommends approving the motion and give staff the ability to serve notice to the property owner should the clean-up not continue on track. Adjoining neighbors to the site have commented on the hazardous conditions on the site. The property owner wishes to maintain the barn for some time, but staff notes that the barn is currently unsafe. Council member Nelson inquired about the communication that staff has had up to this point. Ms. Lindquist stated she has met with the developer twice in person, the Building Official had sent a couple of emails and a letter, and has issued an extension of an earlier deadline. Council member DeBettignies asked about the verbal discussion and if it was followed up with a letter. She stated it was not. Council member Demuth asked about the resolution and if it would need to be modified if the barn were to just be secured. City Attorney Tietjen explained the process of approving the resolution and making agreements with the property owner for securing the barn and silo. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 4TH, 2016 Mayor Droste stated he had had two phone calls from residents with concerns and explained that, while people should not be trespassing, it is necessary to create a safer environment in case anyone does go on the property. Ms. Lindquist explained ways to make the property more safe. Council member Demuth inquired how the owner could secure the barn structure. Ms. Lindquist explained they could fence it or put plywood over doors and windows, and the ladder on the silo would need to be cut off. Council member DeBettignies asked about the 20 day window to complete the clean-up. City Attorney Tietjen explained that the 20 day window does not start until the order is actually served on the property owner. Motion by Nelson. Second by Demuth. Motion to adopt a Resolution Ordering the Abatement of Conditions Creating a Nuisance and a hazardous Property existing at 13425 and 13429 Robert Trail South and 13480 and 13510 Dodd Boulevard in the City of Rosemount. Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Demuth Nays: 0. Motion carried. 9.b. City Hall - Central Park Sign Parks and Recreation Director Schultz gave an overview of the proposed Central Park Sign on 145th Street in front of City Hall and Central Park. The proposed sign would be a “reader board”, similar to that at the Steeple Center. Staff received three quotes; the lowest bid was from Think Digital for $36,739. After approval, staff and Council still need to finalize the exact location of the sign and the graphics at the top of the sign. Council member Weisensel inquired about a plan location. Mr. Schultz explained that there isn’t one just yet, as staff would like input from the sign company to examine sight lines and obtain their recommendation of where that sign should be located. Council member DeBettignies asked if the proposed screen resolution would be optimal for the site. Mr. Schultz stated that is what staff believes. Motion by Weisensel. Second by DeBettignies. Motion to award the City Hall/Central Park sign project to Think Digital who provided lowest price quote in the amount of $36,739.00. Ayes: DeBettignies, Nelson, Droste, Weisensel, Demuth Nays: 0. Motion carried. ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING PROCEEDINGS OCTOBER 4TH, 2016 ANNOUNCEMENTS Mayor Droste reviewed the calendar of events. The next City Council work session will be held on Monday, October 10th, 2016, at 6:30 p.m. The next City Council meeting will be held on Tuesday, October 18th, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business to come before the City Council and upon a motion by Droste, second by Weisensel, the meeting was adjourned at 7:35 p.m. Respectfully Submitted, Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk