HomeMy WebLinkAbout9.b. St Croix Home Builders PUD Amendment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Council Meeting Date: October 18, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Cases 16-43-SMP and 16-44-PUD Request by St. Croix Home Builders for a Major Amendment to a Planned Unit Development and Simple Plat to Construct 11 Townhouse Units on Lot 2, Block 1 of Rahns Ninth Addition AGENDA SECTION: New Business PREPARED BY: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner AGENDA NO. 9.b. ATTACHMENTS: Simple Plat Resolution; PUD Amendment Resolution; St. Croix Home Builders PUD Agreement; Excerpt of Planning Commission Meeting Minutes; Site Location Map; Project Narrative; 2-unit Floor Plan and Front Elevation; 3-unit Floor Plan and Front Elevation; 4-unit Floor Plan and Front Elevation; Development Plans: Cover Sheet, Site Survey, Demolition Plan, Site Plan, Grading, Storm Water, and Erosion Control Plans, Utility Plan, Preliminary and Final Plat, Detail Sheets, Tree Preservation Plan, Landscape Plan/Details; Rahn 9th Addition Final Plat; City Engineer Memorandum Dated 9/21/16; Parks Department Memo Dated 9/22/16; APPROVED BY: ddj RECOMMENDED ACTION: Staff recommends the City Council adopt the following motions: 1. Motion to adopt a resolution approving a Major Amendment to the Rahns Ninth Addition Planned Unit Development subject to conditions. 2. Motion to adopt a resolution approving the Simple Plat for St. Croix Home Builders Addition with conditions. 3. Motion to Approve the Rahns Ninth Addition Planned Unit Development Agreement and Authorizing the Mayor and City Clerk to enter into the agreement. SUMMARY Applicant: St. Croix Home Builders (Norm Dupre), P.O. Box 186, Stillwater, MN Location: Lot 2, Block 1 of Rahns Ninth Addition. Immediately east of water tower site near the intersection of Chippendale Ave. and TH42. Acres: 1.49 Acres Proposed Lots: 11 Lots Wetlands: None Net Density: 7.38 Units/Acre Existing Comp Plan Designation: LDR – Low Density Residential 2 Existing Zoning: R3 – Medium Density Residential Proposed Zoning No Change Proposed The City Council is being asked to consider an application from St. Croix Home Builders for a major amendment to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) along with a Simple Plat (combined preliminary and final plat) to allow 11 townhouses on 1.49 acres. The proposed development is located near the intersection of Chippendale Avenue and 150th Street West (Highway 42) on a platted lot within the Rahns Ninth Addition Subdivision. The developer is proposing to construct four separate buildings on the site in the form of two two-unit, one three-unit, and one four-unit buildings. All units would be platted on separate lots with a shared common wall between neighboring structures. PLANNING COMMISSION ACTION The Planning Commission held a public hearing to review the proposed PUD Amendment and Simple Plat request on September 27, 2016. The Commission asked several questions related to the road serving the development, with Staff noting that the road would be private and that a homeowner’s association would need to be formed to address maintenance of the road. The Commission also questioned whether or not the proposed layout would provide adequate access for emergency and other larger vehicles. Staff replied that the Fire Marshall did review the plans and is requesting that the developer restrict parking along certain portions of the private roadway in order to ensure that larger vehicles will have adequate maneuvering room at the southern end of the street. The Commission also discussed the zoning of the property, with Staff noting that the site has been zoned for medium density residential for over 30 years. The proposed plat is consistent with the City’s R3 – Medium Density Residential zoning designation, and although the land is guided for low density development in the Comprehensive Plan, the City’s regulations allow for a mix of uses and densities within a PUD. In addition, the applicant’s property and neighboring sites were previously approved as a PUD, and the proposed plans do not exceed the densities allowed with previous approvals. During the public hearing portion the meeting, the Planning Commission received the following comments: • Wade Prozeller, 3353 Chevelle Court North, generally supported the project, but expressed concerns about increased traffic levels in the neighborhood. He also noted that the neighborhood has experienced power outages in the past, with two issues this year and six in the previous year. He wanted to make sure that traffic and power issues were being properly addressed. • Greg Malmberg, 3376 Upper 149th Street West, spoke as a representative of the neighboring Chippendale Condominium Association. He requested that the developer provide a point of contact for the project and that a six foot fence be installed between their homes and the new development in order to delineate the private property boundary in this area. Staff noted that it was not aware of any specific power issues prior to the meeting, and that this is a utility provider issue that falls outside of the City’s authority. Fencing or screening is also not required by the City Ordinances; however, either party will be able to install a fence if it is desired in the future. The City Engineer commented that they are not aware of any traffic concerns in the area at this time. Staff noted that the City’s transportation plan takes planned land uses into account when addressing capacity and safety issues. After closing the public hearing, the Planning Commission voted unanimously to recommend approval of the PUD Amendment and Simple Plat (6-0). Since the Planning Commission meeting, Staff has reached out to Xcel Energy’s Community Relations Manager for our region to discuss the power issues raised during the public hearing. He confirmed that 3 there have been an unusual number of outages in the area over the past several years, but stressed that the proposed development would not have any impact on the reliability of power for other users in the neighborhood. Xcel will be working to fix the problem for existing users in the area and will be reaching out to Mr. Prozeller to further review his concerns. BACKGROUND The subject property is somewhat unusual because it is one of the few remaining vacant, undeveloped lots in this portion of the City. All surrounding lots were platted and built upon in the 1960’s and 1970’s. The site is located approximately 200 feet east of Chippendale Avenue and is a double-frontage lot with frontage to both Upper 149th Street West and 150th Street West/Highway 42. Access to Highway 42 is restricted, so any new roads or driveway connections serving the property must connect to the north. The uses adjacent to the site include the municipal water tower at Chippendale Avenue and Highway 42, a small office building and parking area north of the water tower site, and a townhouse/condominium site with three four-unit buildings located to the east. The City’s land use records indicate that the office building, 12 condominium units, and applicant’s parcel were all part of a PUD concept plan approved by the City in 1979. The original PUD included two 20-unit and one 11-unit condominium buildings spread over the development area. A subsequent amendment eliminated one of the residential buildings and replaced it with the existing office building. The plans for the remaining condominiums were also revised to allow the present 12-units spread across three buildings (which were eventually constructed in the mid-1980’s) and a 16-unit building that was never constructed on the vacant parcel. As part of PUD approval the City established a zoning designation of RM for the property. The current zoning of R3 – Medium Density Residential is consistent with the City’s past zoning action. Given the history of the site and its past zoning as a PUD, Staff has directed the applicant to apply for a major PUD amendment that will replace the approved plans for the site. Although Staff has not been able to find an approved site plan for the office building or existing condominiums, the major amendment process will require the submission of detailed development plans similar to those required for a new PUD. Unlike the adjacent townhouses that were not platted as individual lots (each unit is a separate condominium unit), St. Croix builders is proposing to subdivide its land so that each townhouse and surrounding area is a separate lot. The creation of the individual lots requires approval of a preliminary and final plat, and the project meets the City’s requirements for a simple plat, or combined review, process. Legal Authority A simple plat request is a quasi-judicial decision for the Planning Commission meaning that the Planning Commission is acting as a judge to determine if the regulations within the Comprehensive Plan, Zoning Ordinance, and Subdivision Ordinance are being followed. The Planned Unit Development major amendment is a legislative decision because of the Code deviations being requested. Legislative decisions give the Planning Commission more latitude, but consideration should be given to the PUD standards of the similar townhouse developments. The recommended St. Croix Home Builders Addition PUD regulations are similar to those approved for the Harmony townhouses. General PUD and Subdivision Design St. Croix home builders provided the City with a detailed project narrative describing the proposed townhouse development. In general the project includes four separate buildings oriented around a private road running north and south from Upper 149th Street West. Seven of the units would directly face the private street, while the remaining four units would have access to a narrower private driveway perpendicular to the main private road. All of the homes would be approximately 2,500 square feet in size with no basement and a two-car garage attached to every unit. Each townhouse would be situated on a separate lot, 4 while the private streets would be located within a larger outlot. No common open space is proposed and the land surrounding each unit would be privately owned. The townhouses have been arranged and designed to comply with the City’s R-3 zoning requirements with some exceptions concerning building setbacks. The developer notes that the City’s minimum street width standard of 28 feet, along with the minimum side yard setback of 30 feet, leaves a limited amount of room to construct multiple units on the property at the allowed density. In early discussions with the applicant, Staff encouraged him to provide as much separation as possible between the proposed townhouses and the units to the east, and to also maintain a minimum distance of at least 20 feet between the garage entrance of each unit and the curb line of the private street. The plan as submitted depicts a setback of 26.24 feet to the eastern property line, and a setback of 15 feet to the western property line. These setbacks represent a departure of 3.76 feet and 15 feet respectively from the City’s requirement of 30 feet in R-3 districts. The buildings otherwise comply with all other R-3 district dimensional standards including the front yard setback (30 feet), rear setback from a collector road (40 feet), setbacks between buildings (20 feet), and maximum surface coverage of 75%. The site is relatively flat with a limited number of trees and shrubs in the far western portion of the property. The applicant is proposing to retain two existing trees along the shared property line with the water tower, but all other vegetation would be removed and replaced as part of a robust planting program for the site. Most of the proposed grading will occur in the southern portion of the site to create a moderately-sized berm to provide screening and buffering from County 42. All required utilities to serve the property are located with the Upper 149th Street right-of-way; however, the existing water service line needs to be upsized in order to accommodate the required sprinkling system in the three and four unit buildings. Major Planned Unit Development Amendment The subject property is currently zoned R3 – Medium Density Residential and is subject to the City’s zoning requirements for single-family attached dwellings found in Section 11-2-18 of the Code. One of the deviations from the R3 standards requested by St. Croix Home Builders are specific to the minimum side yard setback variations noted above. Another potential departure from these standards involves the parking provided within common areas of the site. The project narrative states that there are 48 parking spaces available either in attached garages, or stalls in front of the garages, along with 4 stalls within the private driveway area. The zoning regulations require parking at a ratio of 2.5 stalls per unit in townhouse developments, with 0.5 stalls per unit required within common areas. This ratio leaves the proposed development 1.5 stalls short of meeting this requirement. Parking along the private street would be somewhat limited due to the number of driveways that will access the road. A final deviation that would be necessary for the project is the amount of common open space provided. The Zoning Ordinance requires at least twenty percent (20%) of the open/green space, excluding required setback areas, to be reserved for playgrounds and/or passive recreational. Because each lot will be platted as a separate parcel under individual ownership, there are limited opportunities within the development to meet this requirement. The size of the site, and recognition that this is an infill site, also means provision of recreational space is limited. The Parks Department has reviewed the plans and noted that there are no plans for additional public parks in this portion the City, and noted that the developer will need to pay a fee in lieu of land dedication for the project. With the fee payment for parkland, the developer will be contributing towards City’s overall efforts to provide recreational opportunities for the future residents of this development. All other aspects of the project will comply with the City’s zoning requirements as described below. Staff is recommending approval of the deviations requested by the development with a comment that the developer is encouraged to find space for two additional parking stalls located in common portions of the 5 development. The proposed deviations are summarized as follows: 1) A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-8 (F.5.a.) to reduce the side yard setback to twenty five (25) feet for the eastern property line, and fifteen (15) feet for the western property line. 2) A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (G) to reduce the number of required parking spaces within common areas to four (4). 3) A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (M.1.) to eliminate the requirement for playgrounds or passive recreation space. Home Designs The applicant has submitted building elevations for a similar type of building that he has constructed elsewhere, and is still working to complete a final design for each of the proposed units. The general design that has been submitted will comply with the City’s minimum standards for townhouses; however, because the has been submitted as a PUD with proposed reductions from R3 district standards, Staff is proposing that the front elevations of the homes be upgraded with more attractive and durable materials consistent with other recent townhouse development projects in the City. Staff is recommending that submission and approval the final building plans (including elevation drawings and design details) as a condition of approval. In exchange for the proposed reductions from R1 district standards, staff is proposing that all front elevation designs for the homes includes one of three design features: • A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch that extends to any façade facing a private or public street; • A front porch with a minimum depth of four feet with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; • No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. These standards are similar to those adopted by the City in similar cases for single family and townhouse PUD projects. Simple Plat. The developer is proposing to combine the preliminary and final plat process into one step in the form of a Simple Plat as permitted by Subdivision Ordinance. The plat would subdivide the existing 1.49 acre parcel into 12 separate lots ranging in size from 2,860 square feet to 6,309 square feet and would create a larger outlot (Outlot A) for the private road and driveway. Drainage and utility easements across the outlot and private lots are included on the plat as needed for drainage purposes and to provide areas for the installation of public and private utilities. These easements should be subject to final review and approval by the City Engineer to ensure they are adequately sized throughout the subdivision. While the private road is platted as an outlot, and each unit has individual ownership, staff is requiring as a condition of approval that there is a homeowners association for private road maintenance. Additionally, the HOA should maintain perimeter landscaping rather than individual homeowners. Street System/Parking No new public streets are proposed as part of the project, and all access into and out of the townhouses will occur through a private and driveway that connects directly into Upper 149th Street West. Some of the existing utilities to serve the project are located under Upper 149th Street, and a portion of this street will be impacted the construction of the water line connection in particular. The developer will need to secure 6 the property permit and post securities to ensure that all repair work is completed in accordance with City specification and within a reasonable time frame. Staff is concerned that the four parking stalls that are located at both the eastern and western ends of the private driveway may create some problems for vehicles being able to adequately maneuver into and out of the driveways in front of the end unit garages in this part of the site. Although these stalls are located on private property, Staff would like to see some additional documentation to demonstrate that these stalls will function properly and not create any problems for the adjacent homeowners. A condition of approval has been drafted that will require the applicant to provide additional documentation concerning these parking stalls, and if required, to make revisions to the plans in order to provide adequate maneuvering space around each stall. This may reduce the setback from the edge of the pavement to the property line, so there is no overlap between the parking spaces and the adjoining driveways. The proposed private street system was also reviewed by the City’s Fire Marshall who requested that the turnaround area be marked with striping and signage that identifies the area as a fire lane with no parking. The exact location of these markings will be subject to final review and approval by the City. Wetlands There are no wetlands located on this site. Landscaping and Tree Preservation The majority of the site is vacant, with a small number of trees on the western portion of the property. All trees planned for removal have been identified and will be replaced at a ratio greater than required by the Zoning Ordinance. The overall landscape plan for the site notes that 14 trees are required based on one tree per unit and one tree for every 50 feet of street frontage. The overall number of over story and evergreen trees far exceeds this number in order to provide an enhanced level of screening between the project site and adjacent uses and roadways. In addition to the planned over story trees, the landscape plan includes 11 ornamental trees and 136 foundation plantings consistent with the ratio required by the City. Consistent with the City Code, Staff is recommending a condition of approval that will require the developer to provide a security for the value of the landscaping to be installed. Parks and Open Space The Parks and Recreation Director reviewed the St. Croix Home Builders Addition Plans and noted that the parks dedication requirement for 11 residential units is .04 acres of land per unit or $3,400 per unit. The Parks Master Plan does not call for a park in this area so staff is recommending the City collect cash in-lieu of land to meet the parks dedication requirements for the 11units. The cash dedication for 11 units would be $37,400 (11 units x $3,400 per unit). Storm Water Plans The project is located within the Wachter Lake watershed, which means all storm water runoff from the site will be directed into this larger water basin. The applicant’s lot and surrounding area were part of the larger development area that was previously expected to drain into this basin. The City Engineer does need to sign off on the storm water plan for the site; however, to confirm that the development will not create a negative impact on the downstream system. The additional information has been submitted and is being reviewed by the City Engineer. Engineering Comments The City Engineer has provided a review memorandum for the development, and the majority of the comments pertain to modifications needed to bring the public improvement and grading plans into conformance with City requirements. 7 CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATION Staff and the Planning Commission recommend approval of a Major Amendment to a Planned Unit Development (PUD) along with a Simple Plat to allow 11 townhouses on 1.49 acres on Lot 2, Block 1 of Rahns Ninth Addition with conditions. This recommendation is based on the information submitted by the applicant, findings made in this report and the conditions detailed in the attached resolutions. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2016- A RESOLUTION APPROVING A SIMPLE PLAT FOR ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS ADDITION WHEREAS, the Planning Department received an application for approval of a Simple Plat for St. Croix Home Builders Addition to reconfigure three parcels to allow 11 townhouses on 1.49 acres. for property legally described as follows: Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn’s Ninth Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount conducted a public hearing as required by ordinance for the purpose of receiving public comment regarding the proposed St. Croix Home Builders Addition, Simple Plat on September 27, 2016; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission reviewed the application on September 27, 2016 and found it consistent with the criteria for an simple plat review outlined in the Subdivision Ordinance; and, WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend approval of the application for a Simple Plat on September 27, 2016. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, The Council of the City of Rosemount does hereby approve the St. Croix Home Builders Addition Simple Plat, subject to the following condition: 1. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 21, 2016 2. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 22, 2016. 3. All easements as requested by the City shall be documented on the Final Plat. ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 2016 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2016 - A RESOLUTION APPROVING A MAJOR PUD AMENDMENT TO THE RAHNS 9TH ADDITION WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from St. Croix Home Builders requesting a planned unit development (PUD) amendment to allow 11 townhouses on 1.49 acres concerning property legally described as: Lot 2, Block 1, Rahn’s Ninth Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota. WHEREAS, on September 27, 2016, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount held a public hearing and reviewed the requested application; and WHEREAS, on September 27, 2016, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the requested applications, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on October 18, 2016, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commission’s recommendations. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the planned unit development (PUD) amendment for Rahn’s 9th Addition, subject to the following conditions: 1. Execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement. 2. Submission of final building plans and elevations for each of the proposed residential buildings that comply with the City’s single-family attached standards and the front elevation requirements listed below. 3. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: i. A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch that extends to any façade facing a private or public street; ii. A front porch with a minimum depth of four feet with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii. No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. 4. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-8 (F.5.a.) to reduce the side yard setback to twenty five (25) feet for the eastern property line, and fifteen (15) feet for the western property line. 5. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (G) to reduce the number of required parking spaces within common areas to four (4). 6. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (M.1.) to eliminate the requirement for playgrounds or passive recreation space. 7. Documentation that there is sufficient maneuvering space around each of the common parking stalls located at the east and west ends of the private driveway. The plans for these parking areas shall be amended to provide additional space if necessary. Final resolution should occur prior to City Council review. 8. Compliance with Section 11-2-8 (M) of the City Code concerning homeowners’ association and maintenance of common areas. 9. Installation of fire hydrants in accordance with City standards. RESOLUTION 2010- 2 10. Obtain all required permits and securities for work within the Upper 149th Street West right-of-way. 11. Trees installed on within the development shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. 12. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 21, 2016 13. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 22, 2016. 14. Submission of a landscape security in a form acceptable to the City Attorney equal to one hundred and ten percent (110%) of the total cost of the plantings. ADOPTED this 18th day of October, 2016, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. __________________________________________ William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: ___________________________________ Clarissa Hadler, City Clerk 1 DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS ADDITION PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT AMENDMENT AGREEMENT THIS DECLARATION made this 18th day of October 2016, by St. Croix Home Buyers, Inc., P.O. Box 186, Stillwater, MN, a Minnesota corporation (hereinafter referred to as the “Declarant”); WHEREAS, Declarant is the owner of the real property as described as LOT 2, BLOCK 1, RAHNS NINTH ADDITION, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA (hereinafter collectively referred to as the “Subject Property”); and WHEREAS, the Subject Property is subject to certain zoning and land use restrictions imposed by the City of Rosemount (hereinafter referred to as the “City”) in connection with the approval of an application for a plan planned unit development amendment for an attached single family residential development on the Subject Property; and WHEREAS, the City has approved such development on the basis of the determination by the City Council of the City that such development is acceptable only by reason of the details of the development proposed and the unique land use characteristics of the proposed use of the Subject Property; and that but for the details of the development proposed and the unique land use 2 characteristics of such proposed use, the master development plan planned unit development would not have been approved; and WHEREAS, as a condition of approval of the plan planned unit development amendment, the City has required the execution and filing of this Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (hereinafter the “Declaration”); and WHEREAS, to secure the benefits and advantages of approval of such planned unit development, Declarant desires to subject the Subject Property to the terms hereof. NOW, THEREFORE, the Declarant declares that the Subject Property is, and shall be, held, transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, conditions, and restrictions, hereinafter set forth. 1. The use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the following documents, plans, and drawings: a. City Resolution No. 2016-___ Approving the PUD Amendment b. City Resolution No. 2016-___ Approving a Simple Plat for St. Croix Home Builders Addition c. St. Croix Home Builders Addition Concept, Master Plan, and Final Development Plan - Preliminary and Final Plat (Sheets C.0, C1.1, C2.1, C3.1- C3.3, C4.1, C5.1, Final Plat, C6.1-C6.3, L1.1, L2.1-L2.2; Dated August 30, 2016) – Attachment 3 d. Architectural Plans and Elevation Drawings 3-Unit Building (3 sheets) – Attachment 4 e. Architectural Plans and Elevation Drawings 2-Unit Buildings (3 sheets) – Attachment 5 3 f. Architectural Plans and Elevation Drawings 4-Unit Building (3 sheets) – Attachment 6 All of which attachments are copies of original documents on file with the City and are made a part hereof. 2. Development and maintenance of structures and uses on the Subject Property shall conform to the following standards and requirements: a. Maintenance and replacement of trees and landscaping shall be the responsibility of the abutting homeowner. b. The front elevation design shall including one of the following features: 1) A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch that extends to any façade facing a private or public street; 2) A front porch with a minimum depth of four feet with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; 3) No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. c. The turnaround area at the southern end of the private road shall be marked with striping and signage that identifies the area as a fire lane with no parking 3. The Subject Property may only be developed and used in accordance with Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration unless the owner first secures approval by the City Council of an amendment to the planned unit development plan or a rezoning to a zoning classification that permits such other development and use. 4 4. In connection with the approval of development of the Subject Property, the following deviations from City Zoning or Subdivision Code provisions were approved: a. Section 11-4-8 F.5.a. R-3 Minimum Side Yard Setback: Reduce the side yard setback to twenty five (25) feet for the eastern property line, and fifteen (15) feet for the western property line. b. Section 11-2-18 G. Single-Family Attached Dwelling Parking Requirements: Reduce the number of required parking spaces within common areas to four (4). c. Section 11-2-18 M.1. Single-Family Attached Dwelling Open Space Requirements: Eliminate the requirement for playgrounds or passive recreation space. In all other respects the use and development of the Subject Property shall conform to the requirements of the Paragraphs 1 and 2 of this Declaration and the City Code of Ordinances. 5. The obligations and restrictions of this Declaration run with the land of the Subject Property and shall be enforceable against the Declarant, its successors and assigns, by the City of Rosemount acting through its City Council. This Declaration may be amended from time to time by a written amendment executed by the City and the owner or owners of the lot or lots to be affected by said amendment. a. Declarant, its heirs, successors and assigns, shall be bound by the covenants set forth in this Declaration until: 1) Declarant has fulfilled all of its obligations under this Declaration and the City has approved and accepted all of the work and improvements relating to the same; and 2) all individual lots within the Subject Property have been conveyed to private property owners. Upon satisfaction of these conditions, the obligations in this Declaration shall be the responsibility of the private property owners. 5 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned as duly authorized agents, officers or representatives of Declarant have hereunto set their hands and seals as of the day and year first above written. DECLARANT St. Croix Home Buyers, Inc. ___________________________________ By Norm Dupre Its: President STATE OF MINNESOTA ) ) ss. COUNTY OF __________ ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ___ day of _________, 2016, by _____________________, the _________________, for and on behalf of _________________________, a ____________________, by and on behalf of said _______________________. _______________________________ Notary Public THIS INSTRUMENT WAS DRAFTED BY: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 2875 145TH STREET WEST ROSEMOUNT, MN 55068 651-423-4411 EXCERPT OF DRAFT MINUTES PLANNING COMMISSION REGULAR MEETING SEPTEMBER 27, 2016 5.b. Request by St. Croix Home Builders for a Major Amendment to a Planned Unit Development and Simple Plat to Construct 11 Townhouse Units on Lot 2, Block 1 of Rahns Ninth Addition. (16-43-SMP, 16-44-PUD) Senior Planner Klatt gave a brief summary of the staff report. Chair Kenninger inquired if the road would be private. Klatt confirmed it would be private. She also inquired if there would be an association; Klatt stated it is a requirement of approval. Commissioner Forster inquired about the ability for emergency vehicles to access the hammerhead. Klatt stated it isn’t ideal to only have one exit but Fire Marshall is comfortable with the proposal so long as there is restricted parking on the private road to permit access for emergency vehicles. Commissioner Henrie asked what is east of this project and whether or not it would require rezoning. Klatt stated that the property is owned by the Chippendale Association and in his research he did not find any history that it was rezoned. Henrie inquired what the relation of this project is to the Harmony townhomes. Klatt stated the reference was in terms of façade and design elements not zoning. Chair Kenninger inquired if the project is consistent with the existing zoning for the property, whereas the Comprehensive Plan guides it for low density. Klatt stated that is correct. Commissioner Forster questioned if the 20’ setback from curb line to the garage meets the City’s regulations. Klatt stated that code doesn’t specifically state a requirement on a private road for the distance from the road to a garage. Staff had requested the distance to ensure cars can be parked on the driveway and not overhang into the street. Public Comment opened at 7:22 Public comments: Wade Prozeller, 3353 Chevelle Court North, stated that he checked out a similar design in Woodbury. He looks forward to the site being built but is concerned about traffic and the electricity grid. He explained that he had to go to the Public Service Commission to get power grid fixed, and that there were six issues last year and two this year. He wanted to make sure traffic and power grid are addressed. Greg Malmberg, 3376 Upper 149th Street West, representing Chippendale Condominium Homeowner Association, sees two conditions he would like added. First he would like to have a point of contact with developer to address construction issues. He also requested a 6 foot fence to divide two properties so current residents don’t fight over parking and yard space. Norm Dupre, President of St. Croix Homebuilders, explained that he would be happy to give out his cell number to address construction issues and that he believes the fence would detract from the looks of the development. MOTION by Mele to close the public hearing. Second by Henrie. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. Motion Passes. The public hearing was closed at 7:29 pm. Additional Comments: Chair Kenninger asked staff to address the traffic and power grid. Klatt stated that the Fire Marshall has reviewed the plan and it does allow for emergency vehicle turnaround. The Fire Marshall is asking for stripping along certain portions of the private street so that parking doesn’t block the ability to accommodate emergency vehicles. Klatt noted that the site is very constrained because there is no room for any connections into the adjacent parcels . Staff indicated that the Planning Department was not aware until tonight that there were issues with the power grid. Staff will look into the issue. Klatt stated that screening is not an ordinance requirement between to similar residential development and that these are private lots and should function like other single family lots where some might want to put up a fence and some will not. Commissioner Forster inquired if there are any issues about traffic on Chippendale. Klatt stated that when a site is planned the city takes into account the future development and future traffic of the area. Engineer Hatcher stated that there are currently no concerns on Chippendale at this time. 1. Motion by VanderWiel to recommend the City Council approve a Major Amendment to the Rahns Ninth Addition Planned Unit Development subject to the following conditions: a. Execution of a Planned Unit Development Agreement. b. Submission of final building plans and elevations for each of the proposed residential buildings that comply with the City’s single-family attached standards and the front elevation requirements listed below. c. The front elevation design shall include one of the following elements: i. A minimum of three and a half (3.5) feet of brick or stone wainscoting, excluding doors, windows or the wall behind the front porch that extends to any façade facing a private or public street; ii. A front porch with a minimum depth of four feet with railing that extends at least 30% of the width of the front elevation, including the garage; iii. No more than 70% lap siding, excluding doors and windows. d. A deviation from City Code Section 11-4-8 (F.5.a.) to reduce the side yard setback to twenty five (25) feet for the eastern property line, and fifteen (15) feet for the western property line. e. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (G) to reduce the number of required parking spaces within common areas to four (4). f. A deviation from City Code Section 11-2-18 (M.1.) to eliminate the requirement for playgrounds or passive recreation space. g. Documentation that there is sufficient maneuvering space around each of the common parking stalls located at the east and west ends of the private driveway. The plans for these parking areas shall be amended to provide additional space if necessary. Final resolution should occur prior to City Council review. h. Compliance with Section 11-2-8 (M) of the City Code concerning homeowners’ association and maintenance of common areas. i. Installation of fire hydrants in accordance with City standards. j. Obtain all required permits and securities for work within the Upper 149th Street West right -of-way. k. Trees installed on within the development shall be planted in a location that does not interfere with curb stops or individual sewer or water connections. l. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 21, 2016 m. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 22, 2016. Second by Henrie. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. 2. Motion by VanderWiel to recommend the City Council approve the Simple Plat for St. Croix Home Builders Addition with the following conditions: a. Conformance with all requirements of the City Engineer as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 21, 2016 b. Conformance with all requirements of the Parks and Recreation Director as detailed in the attached memorandum dated September 22, 2016. c. All easements as requested by the City shall be documented on the Final Plat. Second by Henrie. Ayes: 6. Nays: 0. St. Croix Homes PUD & Simple Plat Property Information Se pte mber 12, 2016 0 225 450112.5 ft 0 60 12030 m 1:2,400 Disclaimer: Map and parcel data are believed to be accurate, but accuracy is not guaranteed. This is not a legal document and should not be substituted for a title search,appraisal, survey, or for zoning verification. St. Croix Home Builders Addition St. Croix Home Builders Upper 149th Street  Rosemount, MN 55068              Project Narrative Concept, Master Plan and Final Development Plan PUD  Preliminary and Final Plat Application     CLS16011  August 30, 2016     901 N 3rd St, Suite 120 Minneapolis, MN 55401 Tel 612.260.7980 Fax 612.260.7990 www.elanlab.com Project Narrative  Concept, Master Plan and Final Development Plan PUD  Preliminary and Final Plat Application – St. Croix Home Builders Addition  Applicant: St. Croix Home Builders   Date: August 30, 2016    Property Legal Description: Lot 2, Block 1, Rahns Ninth Addition, Dakota County, Minnesota    Property Identification Number: 34‐62858‐01‐020    Property Address: Not assigned – Upper 149th St. W.    Property Description:  Based on information provided by the City the subject property is part of a  Planned Unit Development from the 1970’s. All of the surrounding properties except for the City’s water  tower site were part of the same development. The property to the east is occupied by 12 condominium  townhomes built in 1986 on a 1.3 acre site (9.2 units per acre). The subject property and the lot on the  corner of Chippendale and Upper 149th Street were split from the condominium property and re‐platted  in 1998.  The corner lot is occupied by an office building owned by the sub‐divider and seller of the  subject property.    The property at the corner of Chippendale Avenue and 150th St. W. is owned by the city and occupied by  a water tower. 150th St. W. / CSAH 42 is located on the southern boundary of the site.  Access to CSAH  42 is restricted by the plat.    To the north of the subject property are detached single family homes on ¼ acre lots built around 1980.    The subject property is relatively flat, generally sloping from north to south.  The site an open grass field  with a few trees scattered around the perimeter. A geotechnical investigation has not been conducted  by the generalized soils maps indicate that the predominant soil is a Waukegan complex with 0 to 1%  slopes.  Waukegan soils consist of a surficial silt loam underlain by a gravelly sand.  There are no  wetlands on the site.    The site is served by municipal sanitary sewer and water from Upper 149th St. W.  An 8” sanitary sewer  and 1‐1/2” water service have been stubbed to the property line.  This water service is inadequate for  fire protection and must be replaced. Along the southern boundary of the site there is an existing 30”  RCP Storm Sewer that drains south to a regional pond. It is our understanding that the pipe and pond  are sized for developed conditions on this site as such no on‐site stormwater management is proposed.    Project Description:  It is proposed to construct 11 townhomes – two 2‐unit, one 3‐unit and one 4‐ unit buildings on the 1.49 acre site.  The resulting density of 7.4 units per acre is less than the maximum  allowed (12 units per acre) and the adjacent condominium development (9.2 units per acre).  The  townhomes access Upper 149th St. W. via a private drive, proposed to be called Carol Court.  The drive is  Proposed Townhome Development – Upper 149th St. W.  PUD and Subdivision Application  August 30, 2016    28 feet wide in the north south direction and 20 feet wide where it runs east‐west.  The east west drive  creates a “hammerhead” turn‐around for emergency vehicles and as a result parking will be prohibited  except for the 4 designated visitor stalls.    The building plans from another project by the property owner/builder are attached for reference.  The  2‐unit building floor plans and elevations will be similar to the inside units as shown in these drawings.  The townhome units in the 3 and 4‐unit buildings will be designed specifically for this project.  They will  be similar in design to the 2‐unit buildings but will be 4.67 feet wider with garages setback from the  front of the unit to provide a minimum 20’ deep driveway.      The townhomes have main floor kitchens, living rooms, laundries, master bedrooms, and a full and ½  bath.  Upstairs there are two bedrooms, a full bath, family room and storage.  The buildings will not  have basements. The total living area of the townhomes will be in the range of 2300 to 2500 ft2, plus the  attached garage.    Each unit has a 2‐car garage and room for two guest vehicles in the 20’ long driveway.  There are also 4  shared guest parking stalls at the end of the hammerhead.  Overall parking is provided at the rate of 4.4  stalls per unit where 2.5 is required by code.    Land Use:  It is proposed to develop the site under the provisions of the City’s Planned Unit  Development (PUD) ordinance to provide building setback flexibility.  The site is a remnant part of PUD  approved 35 plus years ago and will be a logical extension of that development. The development could  either be considered an amendment to the original PUD or a new PUD since the ordinance allows PUDs  to be less than 10 acres if “the property is directly adjacent to or across the right of way from property  which has been developed previously as a PUD and will appear and function as an extension of that  previously approved development”.      The PUD ordinance requires conformance with the density requirements of the underlying R‐3 district,  which is achieved with the proposed development.  The PUD ordinance states that the City Council may  approve subdivisions that “are not in compliance with usual specifications or ordinance requirements if  it finds that strict adherence to such standards or requirements is not required to meet the intent of this  chapter or to protect the health, safety or welfare of the residents of the PUD, the surrounding are or  the city as a whole”.      The parcel is only 193 feet wide.  The city requires that driveways be 20 feet long and private streets be  28 feet wide.  The underlying R‐3 zoning district requires that the principal structure be setback 30 feet  from the side and rear property lines. Applying all of these dimensions leaves only 32.5 feet of building  depth 20 feet of which must be used for the garage. The proposed development requires building  setback flexibility.         Proposed Townhome Development – Upper 149th St. W.  PUD and Subdivision Application  August 30, 2016    The proposed development meets the required setbacks from Upper 159th St. W (30’) and CSAH 42 (40’),  but requires relieve from the rear and side yard setbacks from the east and west property lines.  It is  proposed to reduce the setback from the east property line to 25 feet and the setback to the west  property line to 15 feet.  With the 20 foot setback reduction it is feasible to increase the depth of the  units behind the garage to an acceptable22.5’.  The living area will also extend in front of the garage to  create a total footprint of roughly 1,350 ft2.    Even with the reduced setback the new townhomes will be separated from the existing condominiums  by over 85 feet. On the west side of the site the units back up to the office building and water tower  property, both of which are good neighbors especially at night and weekends when residents are most  likely to be home and the businesses are closed.  The water tower property adjacent to the  development is a park like setting.    The PUD ordinance allows the setbacks to vary from the underlying zoning requirements if “the  developer can demonstrate to the city’s satisfaction that a lesser standard should be permitted with the  addition of a screening treatment or other mitigative measures”. In addition to the mitigative measures  discussed in the preceding paragraph the proposed landscaping plan significantly exceeds the ordinance  requirement including berms, fences and densely planted vegetation along the west and south property  lines.    Without setback flexibility the property has insufficient width to be developed in an efficient manner.   This project will provide life cycle housing opportunities for a variety of age groups.  The proposed small  scaled townhome buildings are compatible with the surrounding land uses, whereas other building  designs that do not require setback flexibility could be larger and more obtrusive.    No common recreational facilities are proposed for this PUD due to its limited size.  The original PUD  included park property. The development is within a few blocks of Chippendale, Claret and Camfield  Parks.  Residents will be able to access the city’s pedestrian system via sidewalks along Chippendale  Avenue and CSAH 42.     No permanent development sign is proposed.  Lighting will be limited to decorative lighting on the  buildings and a single street light at the terminus of the private drive.  There are two street lights on  Upper 149th St. W. at the entrances to the adjacent cul‐de‐sacs which adequately lights the entrance to  this project.  The building exteriors and grounds will be homeowner’s association (HOA) maintained.   The HOA will enforce the yet to be developed covenants which will ensure compliance with the  approved master development plan.    Stormwater Management:  The proposed development is served by a regional pond, located  south of CSAH 42, which provides rate control and water quality treatment.  There is less than 1 acre of  new impervious surfaces created so MPCA volume control requirements do not apply. The proposed  private street and front of the units are proposed to drain to a single catchbasin at the southern  Proposed Townhome Development – Upper 149th St. W.  PUD and Subdivision Application  August 30, 2016    terminus of the private street.  The rear of the units in block 2 drain to a second catchbasin both of  these catchbasins connect directly to the existing 30” storm sewer pipe.  Drainage patterns are  maintained on the east and west property lines.  The north end of the private drive drains to Upper  149th street.  Pipe sizing calculations are attached.  901 North 3rd StreetSuite 120Minneapolis, MN 55401(612) 260-7980www.elanlab.comSt. Croix Home Builders AdditionStorm Sewer Design CalculationsProject No.: CLS16011Storm Frequency:10 yearsPrinted:Location: Rosemount, MN08/30/16Date: Calculations By:SMJ9:46 AMSegment A - Trib. Areas C - Coef. Tc - Time of Conc. I - Intensity Q - Rate Pipe Upstream Structure Downstream StructureCB Pipe CB Pipe CB Pipe Total CB Total CB Pipe Len. Dia. Grade Man's. Vel. Cap. ExcessFrom ToAc.Ac. Indiv.Avg. Min. Min. Min. In/HrIn/HrCFS CFS Ft. In. % Mat'l. n Ft/S CFS Cap.STRUCT RIM ELEV INVERT BUILD TYPE CASTING Structure Rim Elev Inlet BuildNotesCB 3CBMH 2 0.550.550.85 7.10 3.3 3.388 12 2.27 PVC0.010 8.9 7.0 3.7 CB 3959.20955.90 3.3048" DIAR-3067CBMH 2 957.70953.903.80CBMH 2STMH 1 0.200.750.60 7.10 0.9 4.233 15 1.00 RCP0.012 5.7 7.0 2.8 CBMH 2957.70953.70 4.0048" DIAR-3067STMH 1 960.50941.8818.6208/30/161 UPPER 149TH STREET W150TH STREET WESTBUILDING B3 UNITSFFE 961.93BUILDING A4 UNITSFFE 962.00BUILDING C2 UNITSFFE 960.5BUILDING D2 UNITSFFE 960.5FFE 961.67 FFE 961.60LOCATION MAPPROJECT CONTACTSNOT TO SCALECIVIL ENGINEERSTEVE JOHNSTON, PET (612) 260-7982F (612) 260-7990ELAN DESIGN LAB, INC.901 N 3rd STREETSUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401LANDSCAPEARCHITECTPILAR SARAITHONG, RLAT (612) 260-7980F (612) 260-7990LAND SURVEYORDAN THURMES, LST (651) 275-8969F (651) 275-8976CORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC.6750 STILLWATER BLVD. N. SUITE 1STILLWATER, MN 55082ELAN DESIGN LAB, INC.901 N 3rd STREETSUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401SHEET INDEXST. CROIX HOME BUILDERSADDITIONROSEMOUNT - MINNESOTACONCEPT, MASTER PLAN, & FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN PUDPRELIMINARY AND FINAL PLATAUGUST 30, 2016CLS16011PROJECT NO.SITENOT TO SCALEVICINITY MAPC0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILS901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990CITY PLANNINGKYLE KLATTT (651) 322-2052CITY ENGINEERMITCH HATCHERT (651)-322-2015CITY OF ROSEMOUNT2875 145TH STREET WROSEMOUNT, MN 55068145TH STREET W150TH STREET WCONNEMARA TRAIL WBISCAYNE AVENUEDODD BOULEVARDCANADA AVENUECHIPPENDALE AVENUESHANNON PKWYDIAMOND PATH W S ROBERT TRAILBRAZIL AVENUE3 ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186,STILLWATER, MINNESOTA55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSCITY OF ROSEMOUNT2875 145TH STREET WROSEMOUNT, MN 55068OWNER/BUILDERNORM DUPRET (651) 303-0471ST. CROIX HOME BUYERS INC. P.O. BOX 186 STILLWATER, MN, 55082 BENCHMARKSELEVATIONS BASED ON INFORMATION AS SHOWN ON THE MNDOT GEODETICWEBSITE. SURVEY DISK 1921 S WITH AN ELEVATION OF 958.57 WAS USED TOESTABLISH VERTICAL CONTROL FOR THIS SURVEY (NAVD 88). PROJECT BENCHMARK SHOWN ON SURVEY.CONTACT:UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTES:THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELDSURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NOGUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPROMISE ALLSUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THESURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIESSHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOES CERTIFYTHAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM THEINFORMATION AVAILABLE. THIS SURVEY HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THEUNDERGROUND UTILITIES. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATE TICKETNUMBER(S) 162223472. SOME MAPS WERE RECEIVED, WHILE OTHER UTILITIESDID NOT RESPOND TO THE LOCATE REQUEST. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OFWHICH WE ARE UNAWARE MAY EXIST.ND16001SURVND01BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.0COUNTY/CITY:REVISIONS:Suite #16750 Stillwater Blvd. N.Stillwater, MN 55082Phone 651.275.8969Fax 651.275.8976dan@cssurvey.netDATEREVISIONPROJECT NO.FILE NAMELEGAL DESCRIPTION:1. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON COORDINATES SUPPLIED BY THE DAKOTA COUNTYSURVEYORS OFFICE.2. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN PER GOPHER ONE LOCATES ANDAS-BUILTS PLANS PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKSDEPARTMENT.3. THERE MAY SOME UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS, ELECTRIC, ETC. NOTSHOWN OR LOCATED.SURVEY NOTES:(AS SHOWN ON OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE TITLECOMMITMENT NO. 47732, DATED JULY 28, 2016 )Lot 2, Block 1, RAHNS NINTH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota.8-15-16 INITIAL ISSUECERTIFICATION:I hereby certify that this plan was prepared byme, or under my direct supervision, and that I ama duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws ofthe state of Minnesota.Daniel L. Thurmes Registration Number: 25718Date:__________________TITLE NOTES:0NORTH20 40PROJECT LOCATION:LEGENDFOUND MONUMENTSET 1/2" IRON PIPEMARKED RLS NO. 25718ELECTRIC METERLIGHT POLEGUY WIREPOWER POLEGAS METERTELEPHONE PEDESTALSANITARY CLEANOUTSANITARY MANHOLECATCH BASINSTORM MANHOLEFIRE DEPT. CONNECTIONHYDRANTCURB STOPWATER VALVESPOT ELEVATIONCONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREEST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS8-15-16(THE FOLLOWING SURVEYING RELATED ITEMS ARE AS SHOWN ON OLD REPUBLICNATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 47732, DATED JULY 28,2016 )Subject to an easement for trail purposes over that part of the subject property described as theSouth 15 feet of Lot 2, as shown by Document No. 386737.Subject to drainage and utility easements as shown on the recorded plat.Easement Agreement recorded October 18, 1973 as Document No. 70362 for utility and stormsewer easement in favor or the Village of Rosemount. (said easement appears to affect the adjoiningroadway to the south of the plat of Rahns Ninth Addition).8-16-16 INITIAL ISSUEAREATOTAL LOT AREA = 64,735 SQ. FT. 150TH STREET WESTUPPER 149TH ST. W.C.S.A.H. NO. 42REMOVETREEREMOVETREEREMOVECURB & GUTTERREMOVETREEPROTECT GAS LINEPROTECT UNDERGROUNDELECTRICALPROTECT UNDERGROUNDCOMMUNICATIONPROTECT TV PEDPROTECTELECTRICAL PEDPROTECTTELEPHONE PEDPROTECT TV PEDREMOVEVEGETATIONPROTECT EXISTINGTREEPROTECT EXISTINGTREEPROTECT EXISTINGTREEREMOVEVEGETATIONPROTECTCATCH BASINPROTECT EXISTINGTREEPROTECT STORM SEWERX X X X X X X X X X X X SAWCUT AND REMOVE PAVEMENTAS REQUIRED TO MAKE UTILITYCONNECTION.PROTECTSANITARY MANHOLE6020SCALE IN FEET Know what's below. Call before you dig. RC1.1C101CLS11.DWGDEMOLITION PLAN1DEMOLITION PLAN1" = 20'DEMOLITION NOTES1. BACKGROUND INFORMATION AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEY TAKEN FROM SURVEY BYCORNERSTONE LAND SURVEYING, INC., STILLWATER MINNESOTA, ON AUGUST16,2016, EXPRESSLY FOR THIS PROJECT. ELAN DESIGN LAB CANNOT GUARANTY THEACCURACY OR COMPLETENESS OF THIS INFORMATION. VERIFY ALL FIELDCONDITIONS AND UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION. IFANY DISCREPANCIES OR UNKNOWN UTILITIES ARE FOUND THAT IMPACT DESIGNOR IMPAIR CONSTRUCTION, THE ENGINEER AND OWNER SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELYNOTIFIED.2. PROTECT ALL STRUCTURES AND LANDSCAPE NOT LABELED FOR DEMOLITIONFROM DAMAGE DURING CONSTRUCTION. ANY ON-SITE OR OFF-SITE AREASDISTURBED DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY DUE TO CONSTRUCTION SHALL BERETURNED TO A CONDITION EQUAL TO OR BETTER THAN THE EXISTING CONDITION.CONTRACTOR IS SOLELY RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY CIVIL PENALTIES RESULTINGFROM THEIR WORK UNDER THIS CONTRACT.3. NO DEMOLITION MATERIALS SHALL BE DISPOSED OF ON-SITE. ALL DEBRIS SHALLBE HAULED OFF-SITE TO A DISPOSAL AREA APPROVED BY APPROPRIATEGOVERNMENTAL AUTHORITIES FOR THE HANDLING OF DEMOLITION DEBRIS. WORKSITE SHALL BE LEFT IN A CONDITION THAT MINIMIZES EROSION POTENTIAL ON ANIGHTLY BASE.4. LIMIT CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES TO THE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS SHOWN ON THEPLAN. ALL CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES SHALL COMPLY WITH LOCAL ORDINANCES.5. CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE AND SILT FENCE SHALL BE IN PLACE AS SOON ASDEMOLITION OPERATIONS ALLOW. SEE SHEETS C3.2 AND C3.3 FOR ALL EROSIONCONTROL MEASURES AND APPROPRIATE STAGING.6. PROVIDE NECESSARY BARRICADES, SUFFICIENT LIGHTS, SIGNS AND OTHERTRAFFIC CONTROL METHODS AS MAY BE NECESSARY FOR THE PROTECTION ANDSAFETY OF THE PUBLIC AND MAINTAIN THROUGHOUT THE LIFE OF THE PROJECT.7. REMOVE ALL EXISTING SURFACE SITE FEATURES INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO,CONCRETE AND BITUMINOUS PAVING, CONCRETE AND BITUMINOUS CURBING,WALKWAYS, CONCRETE APRON, SIGNAGE AND RELATED FOUNDATIONS, WITHINTHE CONSTRUCTION LIMITS UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.8. SEE SHEET L1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN FOR TREE REMOVAL.LEGENDPATCH STREETREMOVE CURB & GUTTERREMOVE TREECLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Professional Engineer under thelaws of the state of MINNESOTA.Stephen M. Johnston1891408/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSELECTRIC METERLIGHT POLEGUY WIREPOWER POLEGAS METERTELEPHONE PEDESTALSANITARY CLEANOUTSANITARY MANHOLECATCH BASINSTORM MANHOLEFIRE DEPT. CONNECTIONHYDRANTCURB STOPWATER VALVESPOT ELEVATIONCONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREEREMOVE VEGETATIONCONSTRUCTION LIMITSTREE PROTECTION FENCE 150TH STREET WESTUPPER 149TH ST. W.C.S.A.H. NO. 4240' "COLLECTOR STREET" BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK30' BUILDING SETBACK15' PROPOSED BUILDING SETBACK BUILDING B3 UNITSFFE 961.93BUILDING A4 UNITSFFE 962.00BUILDING C2 UNITSFFE 960.5BUILDING D2 UNITSFFE 960.5FFE 961.67 FFE 961.60CAROL COURTXXX X X X X X X X X X PROPOSED 25' BUILDING SETBACK 15' PROPOSED BUILDING SETBACKR30'R15'R15'11.5'28'B-B11.5'20'18'TYP 26.24'15'25'15'18.5'R30' 10'10'18'10'10'18'20'26.53'6.2'11.1' 26' 15'20'B-BTYP15'20'25.09'25.20'40.76'45.34'68.85'60.45'CL2C6.1D412 CURB &GUTTER (TYP.)B618 CURB &GUTTER (TYP)B618 CURB &GUTTER (TYP)D412 CURB & GUTTER (TYP)3C6.1TYPICALSTREETCURB TRANSITION(TYP)CURBTRANSITION(TYP)CURBTRANSITION(TYP)CURBTRANSITION(TYP)4C6.1VALLEY GUTTER32.29' 36.03'30.59'23.14'13.15'13.15'23.19'CURBTRANSITION(TYP)DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT2 GUEST PARKINGSTALLS2 GUESTPARKINGSTALLS15'DRAINAGE & UTILITYEASEMENT PAINT CURB YELLOWBETWEEN SIGNSPAINT CURB YELLOWBETWEEN SIGNSPAINT CURB YELLOWBETWEEN SIGNSNO PARKINGBETWEEN SIGNSNO PARKINGBETWEEN SIGNNO PARKINGBETWEEN SIGNSNO PARKINGBETWEEN SIGNCURBTRANSITION(TYP)B618 CURB &GUTTER (TYP)STREET LIGHT1C6.1B618 CURB &GUTTER (TYP.)7L2.2PRIVACY FENCE(TYP.)DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASEMENT6020SCALE IN FEET Know what's below. Call before you dig. RC2.1C201CLS11.DWGSITE PLAN1SITE PLAN1" = 20'SITE PLAN NOTESLEGENDCLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Professional Engineer under thelaws of the state of MINNESOTA.Stephen M. Johnston1891408/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSZONING : R3 - MEDIUM DENSITY RESIDENTIALREQUIRED PROPOSEDBUILDING SETBACKFRONT 30'30.6'REAR 30'15', 26.3'COLLECTOR STREET 40'40.8'PARKING SETBACKFRONT 30'N/ASIDE 10'13.2'REAR 10'N/ASITE AREA 64,735 SF. (1.49 AC.)IMPERVIOUS 34,567 SF. (53%)(75% MAX. LOT COVERAGE) BUILDING19,793 SF. (31%) WALK, DRIVE, STREET 14,774 SF. (23%)PERVIOUS30,168 SF. (47%)TOTAL 11 UNITSDENSITY 7.4 UNITS/ AC. (12 MAX.)REQUIRED 2.5 STALLS/ UNIT (8.5'X19')PROPOSED 48 STALLS (4.36 STALLS/UNIT)22 GARAGE STALLS (2 GARAGE STALLS/ UNIT)22 DRIVEWAY STALLS (2 DRIVEWAY/ UNIT)4 GENERAL GUEST STALLSSITE PLAN SUMMARY1. DIMENSIONS SHOWN ON THIS PLAN ARE TO BACK OF CURB AND EXTERIORFACE OF BUILDING UNLESS NOTED OTHERWISE.2. MEET AND MATCH EXISTING CONDITIONS. PROVIDE TRANSITION ASNECESSARY.3. ON-SITE CURB TO BE B618 OR D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER.4. ALL CURBS TO HAVE 3/4" EXPANSION JOINTS AT A MAXIMUM OF 100'-0" ANDCONTROL JOINTS AT A MAXIMUM OF 10'-0".5. ALL PARKING STALLS TO BE PAINTED WITH A 4" WIDE WHITE STRIPING.PERVIOUS AREA 150TH STREET WESTUPPER 149TH ST. W.C.S.A.H. NO. 42BUILDING B3 UNITSFFE 961.93BUILDING A4 UNITSFFE 962.00BUILDING C2 UNITSFFE 960.5BUILDING D2 UNITSFFE 960.5>>>>>>>>>>>>957.96958.28959.18958.82959.15959.90960.65961.40961.27961.15961.03960.90960.15959.40958.40958.10959.83960.23960.01960.03960.55960.55960.20959.80FFE 961.67FFE 961.60960962963961963962961960959958960960960960960960 960959 960 959 958 960960960960961961 961 959961961 961961961961960959.1959.5957.7960 9609599589599594.59%962.00TC61.082.81%962.00TC61.432.62%961.67TC61.153.13%961.67TC61.042.35%960.50TC60.032.85%960.50TC59.933.03%960.50TC59.892.52%960.50TC60.002.48%961.60TC61.103.17%961.93TC61.302.67%961.93TC61.40X X X X X X X X X X X X 958 MEET & MATCHEXISTING CURB & GUTTERMEET & MATCH EXISTINGCURB & GUTTERMINIMIZE DAMAGE.PATCH STREET TOMATCH EXISTINGREPLACE CURB AS REQUIREDTOPSOIL STOCKPILE(TYP)BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTSECTION (TYP)CONCRETE PAVEMENTSECTION (TYP)EOSEOS 6020SCALE IN FEET Know what's below. Call before you dig. RC3.1C301CLS11.DWGGRADING PLAN1GRADING PLAN1" = 20'CLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Professional Engineer under thelaws of the state of MINNESOTA.Stephen M. Johnston1891408/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSGRADING NOTES1. VERIFY ALL FIELD CONDITIONS AND UTILITY LOCATIONS PRIOR TO EXCAVATION/CONSTRUCTION. IFANY DISCREPANCIES OR UNKNOWN UTILITIES ARE FOUND THAT IMPACT DESIGN OR IMPAIRCONSTRUCTION, THE ENGINEER AND OWNER SHOULD BE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFIED.2. ALL WORK TO COMPLY WITH CURRENT MINNESOTA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (MNDOT)STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION UNLESS NOTED.3. ALL UNDOCUMENTED FILL, AND TOPSOIL SHALL BE REMOVED FROM WITHIN THE PROPOSED BUILDINGPAD. A GEOTECHNICAL ENGINEER OR THEIR DESIGNATED REPRESENTATIVE SHALL OBSERVE THEPROJECT EXCAVATIONS TO VERIFY THAT UNSUITABLE MATERIALS HAVE BEEN PROPERLY REMOVEDFROM PROPOSED STRUCTURAL AREAS, THAT ADEQUATE BEARING SUPPORT IS PROVIDED BY THEEXPOSED SOILS AND THAT STRUCTURAL FILL IS PLACED APPROPRIATELY. THE EXPOSED SOIL AT THEBASE OF FOOTINGS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 98 PERCENT PROCTOR DRY DENSITY (ASTM D698). IFSOIL CORRECTION IS REQUIRED IT SHALL EXTEND 3 FEET OUTSIDE OF THE PAVEMENT OR BUILDINGLIMITS PLUS ONE FOOT HORIZONTAL FOR EVERY VERTICAL FOOT OF CORRECTION.4. ON-SITE NON-ORGANIC NON-SILT SOIL IS GENERALLY SUITABLE FOR STRUCTURAL FILL. SILTY ORORGANIC SOILS SHALL NOT BE USED FOR STRUCTURAL FILL. PLACEMENT OF STRUCTURAL FILL SHALLBE OBSERVED AND TESTED BY AN EXPERIENCED TECHNICIAN OR ENGINEER TO VERIFY THAT PROPERCOMPACTION HAS BEEN ACHIEVED. STRUCTURAL FILL SHALL BE MOISTURE CONDITIONED (DRIED ORWETTED) AS APPROPRIATE PRIOR TO PLACEMENT. MOISTURE CONDITIONED ENGINEERED FILL SHALLBE PLACED AND COMPACTED IN LOOSE LIFTS OF 8 INCHES OR LESS. EACH LIFT OF FILL SHOULD BECOMPACTED BY LARGE VIBRATORY EQUIPMENT UNTIL THE IN-PLACE SOIL DENSITY IS EQUAL TO ORGREATER THAN THE CRITERIA ESTABLISHED WITHIN THE FOLLOWING TABULATION.TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION COMPACTION CRITERIA MOISTURE CONTENT (% RESPECTIVE PROCTOR) VARIANCE FROM OPTIMUMNON-ENGINEERED FILL (GREEN SPACE) 90 ENGINEERED FILL BELOW FOUNDATIONS 98 ENGINEERED FILL BELOW FLOOR SLABS 95 ENGINEERED FILL PLACED AS PAVEMENT100 AGGREGATE BASEENGINEERED FILL PLACED MORE THAN 3 FEET 95BELOW PAVEMENT AGGREGATE BASE ENGINEERED FILL PLACED IN UPPER 3 FEET 100BELOW PAVEMENT AGGREGATE BASEUTILITY TRENCHES95 5. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL PROTECT THE SUBGRADE FROM INCLEMENT WEATHER TO MAINTAINSTABILITY. FOLLOWING REMOVAL OF TOPSOIL, PAVEMENT, AND ANY UNSUITABLE SOILS, THERESULTING SUBGRADE SHOULD BE SCARIFIED AND RE-COMPACTED TO A DEPTH OF 12 INCHES. APROOFROLL TEST SHOULD THEN BE PERFORMED TO DETERMINE SOFT OR UNSTABLE SUBGRADEAREAS. IF RUTTING OR LOCALIZED UNSTABLE SUBGRADE AREAS ARE OBSERVED, THOSE AREASSHOULD BE SUBCUT, MOISTURE-CONDITIONED, AND RE-COMPACTED OR REMOVED TO A STABLEDEPTH. THE PROOF ROLL SHOULD BE PERFORMED WITH A TANDEM AXLE DUMP TRUCK LOADED TOGROSS CAPACITY (AT LEAST 20 TONS). ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA OF THE PROOF ROLL SHALL BE LIMITEDTO RUT FORMATION NO MORE THAN ONE INCH (1”) DEPTH (FRONT OR REAR AXLES) AND NO PUMPING(ROLLING) OBSERVED DURING THE VISUAL INSPECTION. PROOF ROLL TESTS SHOULD BE OBSERVED BYAN EXPERIENCED TECHNICIAN OR ENGINEER PRIOR TO PLACEMENT OF THE AGGREGATE BASECOURSE TO VERIFY THE SUBGRADE WILL PROVIDE ADEQUATE PAVEMENT SUPPORT.6. PAVEMENT BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR (MNDOT 2360)WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) SPWEA240E)TACK COAT (MNDOT 2357)1.5" BITUMINOUS NON-WEAR (MNDOT 2360 TYPE 12.5NON-WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) SPNWA230E)8" AGGREGATE BASE (MNDOT 3138 CL5 OR CL7)COMPACTED SUBGRADECONCRETE WALKWAY4.0" CONCRETE (SEE BELOW FOR MIX DESIGNATION)6.0" AGGREGATE BASE (MNDOT 3138 CL5 OR CL7)COMPACTED SUBGRADEBITUMINOUS DRIVEWAYS2.0" WEAR (MNDOT 2360)WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) SPWEA240E)6.0" CL 5 (MNDOT 3138 CL5)7. CONCRETE MIX NO. 3A32 (MNDOT2461) SHALL BE USED FOR HAND PLACED FORMED CURB ANDGUTTER, MEDIANS, DRIVEWAYS, CROSS GUTTERS, SIDEWALKS, PEDESTRIAN RAMPS AND MEDIANS.CONCRETE MIX NO. 3A22, MNDOT SPECIFICATION 2461) SHALL BE USED FOR AN EXTRUSION MACHINEPLACEMENT OF CONCRETE. IN THE PRODUCTION OF CONCRETE, AN AIR ENTRAINING AGENT SHALL BEADDED TO THE MIX ACCORDING TO MNDOT 2461.4.8. FORM COATING MATERIAL SHALL MEET MNDOT 3902. CONCRETE INSTALLATION SHALL CONFORM WITHMNDOT 2531.9. SITE CONCRETE FINISHING - CONCRETE SHALL BE STRUCK TRUE TO CROSS SECTION AS SHOWN ONTHE PLANS. NO ADDITIONAL WATER MAY BE ADDED TO AID IN THE FINISHING PROCESS. A LIGHT BROOMFINISH WILL BE REQUIRED AT RIGHT ANGLES TO THE CENTER LINE ON ALL CONCRETE WORK UNLESSDIRECTED OTHERWISE. ALL EXPOSED EDGES AND JOINTS IN CURB,GUTTER, SIDEWALK AND STEPSSHALL BE ROUNDED WITH A SUITABLE EDGING TOOL. BEFORE FINAL FINISHING, THE CONTRACTORSHALL CHECK THE CONCRETE WITH A TEN (10) FOOT STEEL STRAIGHT EDGE TO ENSURE THERE IS NOVARIATION GREATER THAN 3/16”FROM THE STRAIGHT EDGE ON TANGENT LINES OR GRADES. IFDEVIATIONS GREATER THAN 3/16” ARE FOUND THE WORK WILL BE CONSIDERED AS UNACCEPTABLEAND WILL BE REQUIRED TO BE REMOVED AND REPLACED AT NO EXPENSE TO THE OWNER.10. CONCRETE CURING SHALL BE PERFORMED BY APPLYING A MEMBRANE CURING COMPOUND (TYPE 2,WHITE PIGMENTED, MNDOT 3754) TO THE EXPOSED SURFACE OF THE CONCRETE WITHIN ONE (1)HOURAFTER FINISHING THE CONCRETE SURFACES. WHEN THE FORMS ARE REMOVED IN LESS THAN 72HOURS AFTER PLACING THE CONCRETE, THE CURING COMPOUND SHALL BE APPLIED IMMEDIATELY TOTHE EXPOSED SURFACES, OR THE TRENCHES SHALL BE BACKFILLED IMMEDIATELY WITH SUITABLEBACKFILL MATERIAL. THE RATE OF APPLICATION OF CURING COMPOUND SHALL BE 150 SQUARE FEETPER GALLON. THE COMPOUND SHALL APPEAR AS WHITE AS A SHEET OF PAPER AFTER APPLICATIONON THE CONCRETE SURFACE.11. PREFORMED EXPANSION JOINTS SHALL MEET MNDOT 3702, AND SHALL BE PROVIDED AT THEFOLLOWING LOCATIONS: AT THE BEGINNING AND END OF ALL CURB AND GUTTER RADII. WHERE NEWCONCRETE SURROUNDS, ADJOINS, OR ABUTS ANY EXISTING FIXED OBJECTS SUCH AS FIRE HYDRANTS,BUILDING FOUNDATIONS, CONCRETE DRIVEWAYS, SIDEWALKS, AND OTHER RIGID STRUCTURES.AFTER EACH LOAD OF CONCRETE WHEN PLACING CURB AND EVERY 100 FEET WHEN PLACINGSIDEWALK. CONTRACTION JOINTS WILL NOT BE SEALED BUT WILL BE REQUIRED AT A SPACING OF 10FEET ON CURB AND GUTTER AND ON SIDEWALK CONSTRUCTION AS SHOWN ON THE PLAN.CONTRACTION JOINTS WILL BE CUT TO A DEPTH 1/3 THE THICKNESS OF THE CONCRETE, SURFACE ANDBACK OF ALL CURBS. CONTRACTION JOINTS SHALL BE PLACED SO THAT NO SLAB IS LARGER THAN 100SQUARE FEET IN AREA. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR CONSTRUCTING CONTRACTIONJOINTS THAT PREVENT CONCRETE FROM CRACKING AT OTHER LOCATIONS.12. CONCRETE TESTING INCLUDING SLUMP, AIR ENTRAINMENT, TEMPERATURE AND COMPRESSIVESTRENGTH SHALL BE PERFORMED ON THE FIRST LOAD OF THE DAY FOR ALL CONCRETE POURS OF ATLEAST 4 CUBIC YARDS. AN ADDITIONAL TEST SHALL BE PERFORMED FOR EACH 100 CUBIC YARDS ORPORTION THEREOF.13. AGGREGATE BASE FINAL SHAPING AND COMPACTION OF THE AGGREGATE BASE SHALL BE DONE JUSTPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION OF THE PLANT MIX BITUMINOUS SURFACE. THE FINISHED SURFACE OF THEBASE SHALL SHOW NO VARIATION GREATER THAN 1/2 INCH FROM A TEN (10) FOOT STRAIGHT EDGE.14. PLANT MIXED BITUMINOUS MIXTURE SHALL BE SPREAD WITHOUT SEGREGATION, AT THE SPECIFIEDRATE TO THE CROSS SECTION SHOWN IN THE PLANS AND PER MNDOT 3151.15. THE THICKNESS OF EACH BITUMINOUS COURSE SHALL BE WITHIN 1/4 INCH OF THE THICKNESS ASSHOWN ON THE PLANS. THE TOTAL THICKNESS OF ALL BITUMINOUS COURSES SHALL BE WITHIN 1/2INCH.16. ADJUST ALL SURFACE COURSES TO NOT GREATER THAN ” ABOVE ADJACENT CURB FRONT EDGESWHERE WATER FLOWS TO CURB, AND FLUSH WHERE WATER FLOWS AWAY FROM CURB, OR ” ABOVEMANHOLE FRAMES, VALVE BOXES OR OTHER FIXED STRUCTURES.17. PRIOR TO CONSTRUCTING THE BITUMINOUS BINDER AND/OR WEARING COURSES, THE CONTRACTORSHALL SWEEP THE PARKING LOT. THE SWEEPER SHALL BE A SELF-PROPELLED PICK-UP (WITH WATER)SWEEPER. A SIDE-THROW SWEEPER WILL NOT BE ALLOWED.18. TACK COAT SHALL CONFORM TO MNDOT 2357.2.A.19. BITUMINOUS PAVEMENTS SHALL BE COMPACTED TO 92% OF THE MAXIMUM THEORETICAL DENSITY.THE OWNER MAY AT THEIR OPTION PERFORM AGGREGATE AND BITUMINOUS TESTING. THE COST OFALL FAILING TESTS MAY BE BACK-CHARGED TO THE CONTRACTOR.-3 TO +3%-3 TO +3%STREET PATCH-3 TO +3%-2 TO +2%-2 TO +2%-2 TO +2%-3 TO +3%LEGENDIMPERVIOUSPERVIOUSTOTAL0 ACRES1.486 ACRES1.486 ACRESEXISTINGPROPOSEDBUILDING0 ACRESPAVEMENT0 ACRESTOTAL IMPVNPDES AREA SUMMARY0.794 ACRES0.693 ACRES1.486 ACRES0.454 ACRES0.339 ACRESTOPSOIL STOCKPILECONSTRUCTION LIMITS C3.2C302CLS11.DWGSWPPP PLANCLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Professional Engineer under thelaws of the state of MINNESOTA.Stephen M. Johnston1891408/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERS 150TH STREET WESTUPPER 149TH ST. W.C.S.A.H. NO. 42BUILDING B3 UNITSFFE 961.93BUILDING A4 UNITSFFE 962.00BUILDING C2 UNITSFFE 960.5BUILDING D2 UNITSFFE 960.5>>>>>>>>>>>>FFE 961.67 FFE 961.60960962963961963962961960959958960960960960960960 960959 960 959 958 960960960960961961 961 959961 961961961961961960960 960959958959959X X X X X X X X X X X X 958 6C6.1INLET PROTECTION(TYP.)7C6.1ROCK CONSTRUCTIONENTRANCESILT FENCE(TYP)INLET PROTECTION(TYP)SILT FENCE(TYP)10C6.1TREE PROTECTIONFENCE (TYP.)8C6.1CONCRETE WASHOUTAREA5C6.1SILT FENCE (TYP.)9C6.1BIO ROLL (TYP.)TREE PROTECTIONFENCE (TYP)INLET PROTECTION(TYP)INLET PROTECTION(TYP)IINSTALL BIO ROLLDURING HOME CONSTRUCTION(TYP)10C6.1TREE PROTECTIONFENCE (TYP)6020SCALE IN FEET Know what's below. Call before you dig. RC3.3C303CLS11.DWGEROSION CONTROL PLANCLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Professional Engineer under thelaws of the state of MINNESOTA.Stephen M. Johnston1891408/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSLEGENDSTORM STRUCTURE PROTECTIONSILT FENCEBIO ROLL SEDIMENT CONTROLTREE PROTECTION FENCE 150TH STREET WESTUPPER 149TH ST. W.C.S.A.H. NO. 421" COPPER1.5" COPPER1" COPPER4" PVC6" DIP8" PVC6" DIP6" DIP8" PVC4" PVCBUILDING B3 UNITSFFE 961.93BUILDING A4 UNITSFFE 962.00BUILDING C2 UNITSFFE 960.5BUILDING D2 UNITSFFE 960.5>>>>>>>>>>>>FFE 961.67 FFE 961.601.5" COPPER8" PVCX X X X X X X X X X X X 5C6.3PVC PIPE BEDDING(TYP.)CONNECT TO EXISTINGWATERMAIN WITH 16" x 6" TAPPINGSLEEVE AND VALVECATCH BASINMANHOLE 2(TYP.)HYDRANT & GATE VALVE(TYP.)3C6.31C6.3STORM MANHOLE(TYP.)RCP PIPE BEDDING(TYP)4C6.34C6.2BUILD STMH 1 OVER EXISTING PIPE60" DIA R-1642 CASTINGRE 960.5INL 953.37INV 941.88SAN MH 1RE 960.10INL 951.63INV 951.36SAN MH 2RE 960.04INL 950.18INV 950.08SAN MH 3RE 959.50INL 949.80INV 949.7088' - 12" RCP @2.27%237' - 8" PVC @0.5%56' - 8" PVC @5%33' - 15" RCP @1%DISCONNECT EXISTING1.5" WATER SERVICE. TURN OFFCORPORATION VALVE ANDABANDON PIPE IN PLACE.CLEANOUTRE 960.05INV 952.3820' - 4"@1%75' - 4" PVC@1%67' - 4" PVC@1%4" X 4" WYECLEANOUTRE 960.05IE 952.30INV 952.50INV 952.003'X4' CATCH BASIN 3RE 959.20INV 955.70CBMH 48" DIAR-4342 CASTINGRE 957.70IE 953.70INV 952.58INV 952.081C6.2BUILD MANHOLEOVER EXISTINGSANITARY STUB2C6.24" SAN SERVICE (TYP)3C6.21" COPPER DOMWSERVICE (TYP)5C6.22C6.22C6.3CLEANOUT(TYP.)4C6.3DIP PIPE BEDDING(TYP.)6" 45d BEND6" 45d BEND6020SCALE IN FEET Know what's below. Call before you dig. RC4.1C401CLS11.DWGUTILITY PLANCLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Professional Engineer under thelaws of the state of MINNESOTA.Stephen M. Johnston1891408/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSUTILITY NOTES1. VERIFY ALL CONNECTIONS TO EXISTING UTILITY SERVICESPRIOR TO CONSTRUCTION. ANY DISCREPANCIESBETWEEN LOCATED UTILITIES AND THE EXISTINGCONDITIONS PLAN SHOULD BE NOTED AND FORWARDEDTO THE ENGINEER.4. CONTRACTOR TO PROVIDE ADEQUATE MEANS ANDMETHODS TO ASSURE ADJACENT PROPERTY IS NOTDAMAGED DURING UTILITY INSTALLATION.5. PIPE LENGTHS SHOWN ARE MEASURED FROM CENTER OFSTRUCTURE TO CENTER OF STRUCTURE.6. PIPE MATERIALS: (TO BE VERIFIED)WATERMAINDIP CLASS 52 SAN SEWER PVC SDR 35STORM SEWER HDPE OR RCPSANITARY SERVICE PVC SDR 25WATER SERVICE COPPER TYPE K7. ALL UTILITY CONSTRUCTION TO CONFORM WITH STATE,CITY ENGINEER'S ASSOCIATION OF MINNESOTA (CEAM),AND CITY OF ROSEMOUNT STANDARD SPECIFICATIONS.8. ADJUST ALL STRUCTURES, PUBLIC AND PRIVATE, TOPROPOSED GRADES WHERE DISTURBED. COMPLY WITHALL REQUIREMENTS OF UTILITY OWNERS. STRUCTURESBEING RESET TO PAVED AREAS TO MEET OWNERSREQUIREMENTS FOR TRAFFIC LOADING.9. MAINTAIN 7.5' COVER ON ALL NEW WATERMAIN.10. CONNECTION TO EXISTING WATER MAIN WILL REQUIRETHE REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT OF EXISTING CURB,PAVEMENT AND OTHER IMPROVEMENTS. CONTRACTORTO WORK INSIDE OF A DOUBLE BOX TO MINIMIZEDISTURBANCE. SUPPORT EXISTING UTILITIES. ACCESSTO EXISTING CENTER TO BE RESTORED AS QUICKLY ASPOSSIBLE. EXCAVATION TO BE BACKFILLED BY THE ENDOF THE WORK DAY AND THE STREET REOPENED WITH AGRAVEL SURFACE. CURB AND PAVEMENT RESTORATIONMUST BE COMPLETED WITHIN 5 WORKING DAYS.LEGEND>>STORM SEWERSANITARY SEWERWATERMAIN LOT 1AREA=5,258 SQ.FT.LOT 2AREA=2,860 SQ.FT.LOT 3AREA=2,860 SQ.FT.LOT 4AREA=3,741 SQ.FT.LOT 1AREA=5,527 SQ.FT.LOT 2AREA=4,865 SQ.FT.LOT 3AREA=4,863 SQ.FT.LOT 4AREA=6,323SQ.FT.LOT 3AREA=5,058 SQ.FT.LOT 2AREA=3,315 SQ.FT.LOT 1AREA=6,309 SQ.FT.BLOCK 1 B L O C K 2 B L O C K 3 O U T L O T A PROPOSED PRIVATE DRIVE (CAROL COURT)BENCHMARKSELEVATIONS BASED ON INFORMATION AS SHOWN ON THE MNDOT GEODETICWEBSITE. SURVEY DISK 1921 S WITH AN ELEVATION OF 958.57 WAS USED TOESTABLISH VERTICAL CONTROL FOR THIS SURVEY (NAVD 88). PROJECT BENCHMARK SHOWN ON SURVEY.CONTACT:UNDERGROUND UTILITIES NOTES:THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN HAVE BEEN LOCATED FROM FIELDSURVEY INFORMATION AND EXISTING DRAWINGS. THE SURVEYOR MAKES NOGUARANTEE THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN COMPROMISE ALLSUCH UTILITIES IN THE AREA, EITHER IN SERVICE OR ABANDONED. THESURVEYOR FURTHER DOES NOT WARRANT THAT THE UNDERGROUND UTILITIESSHOWN ARE IN THE EXACT LOCATION INDICATED ALTHOUGH HE DOES CERTIFYTHAT THEY ARE LOCATED AS ACCURATELY AS POSSIBLE FROM THEINFORMATION AVAILABLE. THIS SURVEY HAS NOT PHYSICALLY LOCATED THEUNDERGROUND UTILITIES. GOPHER STATE ONE CALL LOCATE TICKETNUMBER(S) 162223472. SOME MAPS WERE RECEIVED, WHILE OTHER UTILITIESDID NOT RESPOND TO THE LOCATE REQUEST. ADDITIONAL UTILITIES OFWHICH WE ARE UNAWARE MAY EXIST.ND16001SURVND01PRELIMINARY PLATC5.1COUNTY/CITY:REVISIONS:Suite #16750 Stillwater Blvd. N.Stillwater, MN 55082Phone 651.275.8969Fax 651.275.8976dan@cssurvey.netDATEREVISIONPROJECT NO.FILE NAMELEGAL DESCRIPTION:1. BEARINGS ARE BASED ON COORDINATES SUPPLIED BY THE DAKOTA COUNTYSURVEYORS OFFICE.2. UNDERGROUND UTILITIES SHOWN PER GOPHER ONE LOCATES ANDAS-BUILTS PLANS PROVIDED BY THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKSDEPARTMENT.3. THERE MAY SOME UNDERGROUND UTILITIES, GAS, ELECTRIC, ETC. NOTSHOWN OR LOCATED.SURVEY NOTES:(AS SHOWN ON OLD REPUBLIC NATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE TITLECOMMITMENT NO. 47732, DATED JULY 28, 2016 )Lot 2, Block 1, RAHNS NINTH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota.8-25-16 INITIAL ISSUECERTIFICATION:I hereby certify that this plan was prepared byme, or under my direct supervision, and that I ama duly Licensed Land Surveyor under the laws ofthe state of Minnesota.Daniel L. Thurmes Registration Number: 25718Date:__________________TITLE NOTES:0NORTH20 40PROJECT LOCATION:LEGENDFOUND MONUMENTSET 1/2" IRON PIPEMARKED RLS NO. 25718ELECTRIC METERLIGHT POLEGUY WIREPOWER POLEGAS METERTELEPHONE PEDESTALSANITARY CLEANOUTSANITARY MANHOLECATCH BASINSTORM MANHOLEFIRE DEPT. CONNECTIONHYDRANTCURB STOPWATER VALVESPOT ELEVATIONCONIFEROUS TREEDECIDUOUS TREEST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS8-15-16(THE FOLLOWING SURVEYING RELATED ITEMS ARE AS SHOWN ON OLD REPUBLICNATIONAL TITLE INSURANCE TITLE COMMITMENT NO. 47732, DATED JULY 28,2016 )Subject to an easement for trail purposes over that part of the subject property described as theSouth 15 feet of Lot 2, as shown by Document No. 386737.Subject to drainage and utility easements as shown on the recorded plat.Easement Agreement recorded October 18, 1973 as Document No. 70362 for utility and stormsewer easement in favor or the Village of Rosemount. (said easement appears to affect the adjoiningroadway to the south of the plat of Rahns Ninth Addition).(IN SQUARE FEET)LOT 1, BLOCK 1 = 5,258LOT 2, BLOCK 1 = 2,860LOT 3, BLOCK 1 = 2,860LOT 4, BLOCK 1 = 3,741LOT 1, BLOCK 2 = 5,527LOT 2, BLOCK 2 = 4,865LOT 3, BLOCK 2 = 4,863LOT 4, BLOCK 2 = 6,323LOT 1, BLOCK 3 = 6,309LOT 2, BLOCK 3 = 3,315LOT 3, BLOCK 3 = 5,058OUTLOT A = 13,754AREATOTAL LOT AREA = 64,735 SQ. FT. Being 10.00 feet in width and adjoining public ways and being5.00 feet in width and adjoining boundary lines, unlessotherwise shown on this plat.Drainage and utility easements over all of Outlot A.1 INCH = 30 FEETFor the purposes of this survey the eastline of RAHNS NINTH ADDITION, DakotaCounty, Minnesota is assumed to bearN00°36'23"W .ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS ADDITIONLEGENDDenotes monument found (as noted)Denotes 12 inch x 14 inch iron pipe set and marked withMinnesota License No. 25718 (monuments to be setwithin one year after recording of the plat)DRAINAGE AND UTILITYEASEMENTS ARE SHOWN THUS:(NOT TO SCALE)0NORTH30 60KNOW ALL PERSONS BY THESE PRESENTS: That St. Croix Home Buyers, Inc.,a Minnesota corporation, owner of the following described property:Lot 2, Block 1, RAHNS NINTH ADDITION, Dakota County, Minnesota.Has caused the same to be surveyed and platted as ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERS ADDITION and does hereby dedicate to the public the easementsfor drainage and utility purposes as created by this plat.In witness whereof said St. Croix Home Buyers, Inc., a Minnesotacorporation, has caused these presents to be signed this ___________ day of_____________________ , 20______.SIGNED: Norman J. DupreBy ________________________________________________ , its president. Norman J. DupreSTATE OF ______________________________COUNTY OF _____________________________This instrument was acknowledged before me this _________ day of______________________ , 20______ , by Norman J. Dupre, president of St.Croix Home Buyers, Inc., a Minnesota corporation.______________________________________________Notary Public__________________________________My Commission Expires________________________I Daniel L. Thurmes do hereby certify that this plat was prepared by me orunder my direct supervision; that I am a duly Licensed Land Surveyor in theState of Minnesota; that this plat is a correct representation of the boundarysurvey; that all mathematical data and labels are correctly designated onthis plat; that all monuments depicted on this plat have been, or will becorrectly set within one year; that all water boundaries and wet lands, asdefined in Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.01, Subd. 3, as of the date ofthis certificate are shown and labeled on this plat; and all public ways areshown and labeled on this plat.Dated this ___________ day of _______________ , 20_____ .___________________________________________Daniel L. Thurmes, Licensed Land SurveyorMinnesota License No. 25718STATE OF MINNESOTACOUNTY OF WASHINGTONThis instrument was acknowledged before me this ___________ day of_______________ ,20______, by Daniel L. Thurmes, a Licensed Land Surveyor.______________________________________________Notary Public__________________________________My Commission Expires________________________ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTAThis plat of ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS ADDITION was approved and accepted by the City Council of theCity of Rosemount, Minnesota, at a regular meeting thereof held this __________ day of _____________,20____ , and is in compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2.City Council of the City of Rosemount, MinnesotaBy: ___________________________________ , Mayor Attest: _________________________________ , City ClerkCOUNTY SURVEYOR, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTAI hereby certify that in accordance with Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd 11, this plat has beenreviewed and approved this _____________ day of _________________ , 20_______.By: ______________________________________________ Todd B. Tollefson, Dakota County SurveyorDAKOTA COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISIONERSWe do hereby certify that on the ___________ day of _______________, 201___, the Board of Commissionersof Dakota County, Minnesota, approved this plat of ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS ADDITION, and said plat isin compliance with the provisions of Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.03, Subd. 2, and pursuant to theDakota County Contiguous Plat Ordinance.By ____________________________________, ChairAttest: ________________________________DEPARTMENT OF PROPERTY TAXATION AND RECORDS, DAKOTA COUNTY MINNESOTAPursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 505.021, Subd. 9, taxes payable in the year 20____ on the landhereinbefore described have been paid. Also pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, Section 272.12, there are nodelinquent taxes and transfer entered this __________ day of ____________________ , 20_____ .By: _____________________________________________ By: ____________________________________Department of Property Taxation and Records DeputyCOUNTY RECORDER, DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTAI hereby certify that this plat ST. CROIX HOME BUILDERS ADDITION was filed in the office of the CountyRecorder for public record on this ___________ day of _________________ , 20_____ , at __________ o'clock_____ .M. and was duly filed in Book __________ of Plats, Page ____________ as Document No._____________________ .By: _____________________________________________ By: ____________________________________ County RecorderDeputy1OUTLOT A231234123BLOCK 3BLOCK 1BLOCK 2 4 C6.1C601CLS11.DWGDETAILSCLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Professional Engineer under thelaws of the state of MINNESOTA.Stephen M. Johnston1891408/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERS 3"RSLOPE 3/4"PER FT.8"1 3NO SCALE6"6"1/2"R 18"13.5"1/2"R7"1B618 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTER2D412 CONCRETE CURB & GUTTERNO SCALE1/2"R4"11"12"3/8"TOP BIT. MAT1/2"R7"SLOPE 3/4" PER FT.3STREET SECTION VARIES PER PLAN* SUBGRADE MUST BE WITHIN + OR - .10' AND BE APPROVED BY ENGINEER.2%2%BACK TO BACKSTREET WIDTH 20' OR 28'BUILDING WALL 5'51' BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT1.5" BITUMINOUS WEAR (MNDOT 2360)WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) SPWEA240E)TACK COAT (MNDOT 2357)1.5" BITUMINOUS NON-WEAR (MNDOT 2360 TYPE 12.5NON-WEARING COURSE MIXTURE (2,B) SPNWA230E)8" AGGREGATE BASE (MNDOT 3138 CL5 OR CL7)COMPACTED SUBGRADENO SCALE7"18"18"1" 11.5'NO SCALE4VALLEY GUTTER9NO SCALE5SILT FENCENO SCALE1. DIG A 6"X6" TRENCH ALONG THE INTENDED FENCE LINE.2. DRIVE ALL POSTS INTO THE GROUND AT THE DOWNHILL SIDE OF THE TRENCH.3. LAY OUT SILT FENCE ON THE UPHILL SIDE ALONG THE FENCE LINE, AND BACK FILL.4. SPACE WOOD POSTS UP TO 4' APART TO SUPPORT THE FABRIC.5. REMOVE SILT FENCE AFTER TURF IS ESTABLISHED.NOTES12" MIN.RUNOFF FLOWUNDISTURBED SOILBACKFILL 6" x 6" TRENCHFILTER FABRIC(MIRAFI-ENVIRO FENCEOR APPROVED EQUAL)MIN. 30" - MAX. 36"ABOVE GRADE2" x 2" WOOD POSTS 4' O.C.BIO ROLL SEDIMENT CONTROLRUNOFF FLOW45°'2"X2"X16" LONG WOODEN STAKES AT 12"SPACING. STAKES SHALL BE DRIVENTHROUGH THE BACK HALF OF THE FILTER LOGAT AN ANGLE OF 45d WITH THE TOP OF THESTAKE POINTING UPSTREAM. FLOW FLOW FLOW FLOW12" BIO ROLL SEDIMENTCONTROL LOGBIO ROLL SEDIMENTSTAKE6NO SCALEINLET PROTECTIONSILT FENCETEMPORARY BERMGRADIENTTEMPORARY BERMSILT FENCEEXCAVATED BASINGRADIENT1. EXCAVATED BASIN SHALL HAVE A MINIMUM 10 YARD CAPACITY.2. FOLLOWING CONSTRUCTION, OR WHEN 1/2 OF CAPACITY IS LOST, CONTRACTORSHALL REMOVE ACCUMULATED CONCRETE FROM SITE AND DISPOSE OF ATPROPER FACILITY.3. PREFABRICATED BASIN MAY BE ACCEPTABLE. SUBMIT SPECIFICATIONS TOENGINEER FOR APPROVAL.4. ALTERNATIVE CONCRETE WASHOUT DESIGNS WHICH FUNCTION IN AN EQUAL ORBETTER FASHION ARE ACCEPTABLE.EXCAVATED BASINIMPERMEABLE LINERBURY 4" BELOW GRADE8CONCRETE WASHOUT AREANO SCALEPUBLIC STREET50' MIN.PE R C O D E 6" MINIMUM DEPTH OF1"-2" DIA. WASHED ROCKGEOTEXTILE FABRIC UNDERLYINGMAINTAIN ROCK ENTRANCE TO PREVENTTRACKING MUD ONTO PUBLIC STREETS.ADD ROCK OR REINSTALL THE ROCKENTRANCE AS NECESSARY.7NO SCALEROCK CONSTRUCTION ENTRANCE 11.5' 20'GARAGE WALL 20'GARAGE WALL BUILDING WALL12"6"3"#4 BAR EPOXY COATED(TYP)GUTTER LINEBITUMINOUS PAVEMENT36"PER PLAN1/2" EXPANSIONJOINT (TYP)1/2" EXPANSIONJOINT (TYP)10TREE PROTECTION FENCENO SCALEEXISTING GROUND2"x6" STEEL POST AT 6' ON CENTER (MAX.)INSTALL AT DRIPLINEEXISTING TREETO REMAIN2'4'STRING 4' HIGH ORANGE POLYETHYLENELAMINAR SAFETY NETTING OR ORANGE SILTFENCE BETWEEN STAKES (DO NOT BURY)CRITICAL ROOT ZONENOTES1. PRIOR TO ANY TREE REMOVAL ACTIVITIES, A LAND DISTURBANCE PERMIT MUST BE SUBMITTED AND APPROVEDBY THE COUNTY. NO CLEARING EFFORTS SHALL BE STARTED WITHOUT THE CAREFUL COORDINATION WITH THEOWNERS' REPRESENTATIVE IN ORDER TO UNDERSTAND WHICH TREES ARE TO BE SAVED AND/OR REMOVED.2. THE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR DAMAGE TO ANY EXISTING TREES INCLUDING ROOT ZONES WITHIN THEDRIP-LINE OF TREES. IF THE CITY DETERMINES THAT THE CONTRACTOR HAS DAMAGED TREES THE THECONTRACTOR WILL BE SUBJECT TO RESTITUTION COSTS AS DETERMINED BY THE CITY FORESTRY MANAGER.RESTITUTION COSTS WILL BE BASED ON THE SPECIE, LOCATION, AND CALIPER SIZE OF THE DAMAGED TREE INADDITION TO THE COSTS FOR A REPLACEMENT TREE.3. INSTALL TREE PROTECTION FENCE BEYOND CRITICAL ROOT ZONES OF TREE TO BE SAVED PRIOR TO ANY LANDDISTURBANCE.4. NO PARKING, STORAGE, STOCKPILE, OR OTHER CONSTRUCTION SITE ACTIVITIES WITH HEAVY MACHINERY SHALLENCROACH ON THE DESIGNATED TREE SAVE/CRITICAL ROOT ZONE AREA.5. MAINTAIN TREE PROTECTION FENCE UNTIL FINAL INSTALLATION OF LANDSCAPE. XC6.1XXX(TYP.)XC4.1PIPE BEDDING(TYP.)CONNECT TO EXISTINGSANITARY STUBBIO ROLL SEDIMENTCONTROL(TYP)CONNECT TO EXISTINGWATER STUBXC4.1CATCH BASIN(TYP.)XC4.1STORM MANHOLE(TYP.)XC4.1HYDRANT & GATE VALVE(TYP.)C6.2C602CLS11.DWGUTILITY DETAILSCLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Professional Engineer under thelaws of the state of MINNESOTA.Stephen M. Johnston1891408/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSSTANDARD MANHOLE FOR SANITARY SEWERNO SCALE1NO SCALE3WATER SERVICE CONNECTIONNO SCALE4HYDRANT INSTALLATIONNO SCALE60°NOTES:1. FRAME AND COVER TO BE CAST IRON.APPROX. WEIGHT IS 70 LBS.2. COVER TO HAVE THE LETTERS"C.O." CAST ON TOP.3. CONCRETE REST BLOCK SHALLBE 2'-0" LONG x O.D. OFPIPE + 6" ON EACH SIDE.2'-0"2'-0" DIA.6"6" 8.5"C.O.SECTIONPLANPLUG AT ANGLEAND TERMINAL POINTS6" SEWER PIPECOMPACTED BACKFILL30° SHORTRADIUS CURVEHOT POURED JOINT COMPOUNDCIRCULAR CONCRETE COLLARWYECASE IRONCLEANOUT FRAMEAND COVERSANITARY SEWER CLEANOUT5NO SCALE2SEWER SERVICE CONNECTIONNO SCALE Know what's below. Call before you dig. RC6.3C603CLS11.DWGDETAILSCLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILSI hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Professional Engineer under thelaws of the state of MINNESOTA.Stephen M. Johnston1891408/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERS1STANDARD MANHOLE FOR STORM DRAINNO SCALE2STANDARD CATCH BASINNO SCALERCP OR DIP PIPE BEDDING4NO SCALE3CATCH BASIN MANHOLENO SCALE5NO SCALEPLASTIC PIPE BEDDING 150TH STREET WESTUPPER 149TH ST. W.C.S.A.H. NO. 42REMOVETREEREMOVETREEREMOVETREE>>>>>>>>>>>>960962963961963962961960959958960960960960960960 960959 960 959 958 960960960960961961 961 959961 961961961961961960960 960959958959959X X X X X X X X X X X X 958 10C6.1TREEPROTECTIONFENCE (TYP)5C6.1SILT FENCE (TYP)TREE PROTECTIONFENCE (TYP)TREE PROTECTIONFENCE (TYP)REMOVE VEGETATIONREMOVE VEGETATION6020SCALE IN FEET Know what's below. Call before you dig. RL1.1L101CLS11.DWG TREE PRESERVATIONPLANTREE PRESERVATION NOTESLEGENDREMOVE TREECLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILS08/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Landscape Architect under the lawsof the state of MINNESOTA.Pilarsinee Saraithong45059ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSTREE PRESERVATION SUMMARYTOTAL EXISTING SIGNIFICANT TREES 7 TREESTOTAL CALIPER114 INCHESTOTAL REMOVAL 5 TREES 66 INCHES (58%)(25% MAX ALLOWANCE) = 29 INCHESEXCEEDED ALLOWANCE 37 INCHESREQUIRED REPLACEMENT18.5 INCHES(0.5 CALIPER INCH/ 1 CALIPER INCH REMOVED)PROPOSED REPLACEMENT20 INCHES3 - 2.5" OVERSTORY TREES = 7.5 INCHES5 - 6' HT. SPRUCE (2.5" EQUIVALENCE) = 12.5 INCHES1. NO VEGETATION CLEARING, PRUNING, AND TREE REMOVAL TO BE STARTEDWITHOUT COORDINATION WITH THE OWNER'S REPRESENTATIVE. TREES TO BESAVED AND/OR REMOVED TO BE MARKED IN THE FIELD AND APPROVED BY THECITY PRIOR TO ANY REMOVAL. CONTRACTOR TO PROTECT EXISTING TREES,SHRUBS, AND VEGETATION WHERE NOTED. UNAUTHORIZED REMOVAL WILLREQUIRE REPLACEMENT AND POSSIBLE RESTITUTION. DURING THECONSTRUCTION, IF TREES NOTED TO BE SAVED ARE DAMAGED AND CONSIDEREDLOST PER THE CITY'S STANDARDS, CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR REQUIREDREPLACEMENT AND FINANCIAL PENALTY.2. INSTALL SILT FENCE AND TREE PROTECTION FENCE PRIOR TO COMMENCINGGRADING ACTIVITIES. INSTALL TREE PROTECTION FENCE AROUND TREES TO BESAVED AT A DISTANCE IN FEET FROM TREE EQUAL TO THE TREE DIAMETER (DBH).SILT FENCE AND TREE PROTECTION FENCE MUST BE INSTPECTED BY CITY STAFFPRIOR TO ANY SITE WORK. MAINTAIN FENCES FOR DURATION OF CONSTRUCTIONACTIVITIES. UPON ESTABLISHMENT OF TURF AND SEEDING, REMOVE FENCES ANDDISPOSE OFFSITE.3. NO MATERIALS, VEHICLES, OR EQUIPMENT CAN BE STORED WITHIN THE TREEPROTECTION AREAS.4. AVOID TRIMMING OR CLEARING OAK STANDS BETWEEN APRIL 15 AND JULY 1 TOPREVENT INSECT TRANSMISSION. IF ANY PRUNING OR WOUNDING OAK OCCURSDURING THIS PERIOD, COVER THE WOUND WITH A RECOMMENDED TREE WOUNDDRESSING IMMEDIATELY. FRESH OAK STUMPS MUST BE TREATED, COVERED, ANDGROUND OUT IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING FELLING OF TREES.REMOVE VEGETATIONTREE PROTECTION FENCEEXISTING TREESILT FENCE 1L2.2DECIDUOUS TREEPLANTING (TYP.)2L2.2CONIFEROUS TREEPLANTING (TYP.)4L2.2PERENIALPLANTING(TYP.)5L2.2EDGE AT PLANTINGBED (TYP.)18" WIDE MOWINGSTRIP (TYP)24" WIDEROCK MULCH(TYP)BUILDING ABUILDING BBUILDING DEXISTING TREEEXISTING TREEEXISTING TREEEXISTING TREEBERMBERM18" WIDE MOWINGSTRIP (TYP)ROCK MULCH(TYP)BUILDING C6L2.2SOD ATHARDSCAPE (TYP.)3L2.2SHRUBPLANTING (TYP.)BEGIN 6' PRIVACYFENCEEND OF 6' PRIVACYFENCEEXISTING VEGETATIONEXISTING TRAIL7L2.2PRIVACY FENCE150TH STREET WESTUPPER 149TH ST. W.C.S.A.H. NO. 426020SCALE IN FEET Know what's below. Call before you dig. RL2.1L201CLS11.DWGLANDSCAPE PLANCLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILS08/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Landscape Architect under the lawsof the state of MINNESOTA.Pilarsinee Saraithong45059ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSLEGENDSOD 27,547 SF.LANDSCAPE REQUIREMENTS CODE 11-6-3R-3 ZONING DISTRICTTREE REPLACEMENT FOR TREE PRESERVATION (SEE SHEET L1.1)TOTAL PROPOSED 3 - 2.5" OVERSTORY TREES5 - 6 HT. CONIFEROUS TREESREQUIRED TREES1 OVERSTORY TREE/ OPEN SPACE UNIT EXPOSURE = 11 TREESPLUS 1 TREE/ 50' BOULEVARD INTERVALPROPOSED11 - 2.5" OVERSTORY TREES FOR 11 UNITS 3 - 2.5" OVERSTORY BOULEVARD TREES 8 - 2.5" OVERSTORY TREES FOR SCREENING46 - 6' HT. CONIFEROUS TREES FOR SCREENING11 - 1.5" ORNAMENTAL TREES FOR SCREENINGREQUIRED FOUNDATION1 SHRUB FOUNDATION PLANTING/ 10 LF. OF BUILDING PERIMETERBUILDING A 451 LF.REQUIRED FOUNDATION 451/10 45 SHRUBSPROPOSED47 SHRUBSBUILDING B 372 LF.REQUIRED FOUNDATION 372/10 37 SHRUBSPROPOSED37 SHRUBSBUILDING C 243 LF.REQUIRED FOUNDATION 243/10 24 SHRUBSPROPOSED26 SHRUBSBUILDING D 243 LF.REQUIRED FOUNDATION 243/10 24 SHRUBSPROPOSED26 SHRUBSTOTAL PROPOSED 136 FOUNDATION SHRUBSSUBSTITUTIONS: IF ANY SUBSTITUTIONS ARE REQUIRED, SUBMITWRITTEN DOCUMENTS AND PROPOSEDSUBSTITUTIONS TO LANDSCAPE ARCHITECT FORAPPROVAL 5 DAYS PRIOR TO PURCHASE AND/ORINSTALLATION.LANDSCAPE NOTES1. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR IS RESPONSIBLE FOR FINISHED GRADING AND POSITIVE SURFACE DRAINAGEIN ALL LANDSCAPE AREAS. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR MUST ENSURE THAT THE FINAL GRADES ARE METAS SHOWN ON GRADING PLAN. IF ANY DISCREPANCIES ARE FOUND, IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY LANDSCAPEARCHITECT FOR RESOLUTION.2. ALL PLANT MATERIALS ARE TO CONFORM WITH STATE & LOCAL CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS AND THECURRENT ADDITION OF THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATION OF NURSERYMEN STANDARDS. ALL PLANTMATERIALS ARE TO BE HEALTHY, HARDY STOCK, AND FREE FROM ANY DISEASES, DAMAGE, ANDDISFIGURATION.3. QUANTITIES OF PLANTS LISTED ON THE PLAN ARE TO GOVERN ANY DISCREPANCY BETWEEN THEQUANTITIES SHOWN ON THE PLANT SCHEDULE AND PLAN. PLACE PLANTS IN PROPER SPACINGFOLLOWING LAYOUT FIGURES.4. APPLY FOUR (4) INCH DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD BARK MULCH IN FOUR (4) FOOT DIAMETER RINGAROUND ALL TREES IN TURF AREA. NO EDGING IS REQUIRED.5. EDGE ALL SHRUB BEDS WITH FOUR (4) INCH MILL FINISHED ALUMINUM EDGING WITH STAKES.6. APPLY FOUR (4) INCH DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD BARK MULCH IN ALL SHRUB AREAS.7. APPLY THREE (3) INCH DEPTH OF SHREDDED HARDWOOD BARK MULCH IN ALL PERENNIAL AREAS.8. PLACE THREE (3) INCH DEPTH OF 2-3" WASHED RIVER ROCK OVER WEED BARRIER FABRIC AS INDICATEDON PLAN.9. SOD SHOWN ON LANDSCAPE PLAN TO BE INSTALLED BY LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR. SOD SHALLCONFORM WITH MNDOT 3878.2A, BE DENSE, AND OF UNIFORM TEXTURE, FREE OF WEEDS AND DISEASE.APPLY MINIMUM SIX (6) INCHES OF TOPSOIL (MNDOT 3877) AND THOROUGHLY APPLY SLOW RELEASEFERTILIZER TO TOP TWO (2) INCHES BEFORE LAYING SOD.10. PLANTING SOIL FOR LANDSCAPED AREAS SHALL BE AT MINIMUM SIX (6) INCHES IN DEPTH AND A SANDYLOAM, SILT LOAM, LOAM, OR SANDY CLAY CONSISTING OF NO MORE THAN 65% SAND, 1.5-10% ORGANICMATTER, A PH OF 4.5-6.8, SOLUBLE SALTS LESS THAN 2 MMHOS/CM, FREE OF CHEMICAL CONTAMINANTS,AND NOT COMPACTED BEYOND 80% OF STANDARD PROCTOR OR 200 PSI. SUBSOIL SHALL BE SCARIFIEDBEFORE TOPSOIL IS SPREAD. SOIL SHALL BE GENERALLY FREE OF DEBRIS SUCH AS LARGE ROCKS ANDFRAGMENTS OF WOOD.11. SPREAD PLANTING SOIL AT MINIMUM EIGHTEEN (18) INCH DEEP IN ALL PLANTING BEDS PRIOR TOPLANTING.12. PLANTING AND TURF AREAS SHALL BE IRRIGATED WITH AN UNDERGROUND IRRIGATION SYSTEM. NOWATER IS ALLOWED ON ANY PAVEMENT, PARKING, WALKWAY, AND BUILDING. THE IRRIGATIONCONTRACTOR IS TO DESIGN AND ENSURE THAT IRRIGATION DESIGN MEETS ALL CITY PLUMBING CODESAND REQUIREMENTS.13. FOLLOW LANDSCAPE DETAILS FOR ALL INSTALLATION, UNLESS OTHERWISE NOTED.14. LANDSCAPE CONTRACTOR TO MAINTAIN PLANTS AND SOD IN HEALTHY CONDITION THROUGHOUT TWOYEAR WARRANTY PERIOD. THE WARRANTY PERIOD SHALL BEGIN UPON INSPECTION AND ACCEPTANCEBY CITY STAFF.QUANT.KEYCOMMON NAMESCIENTIFIC NAMESIZEROOTCOND.DECIDUOUS TREESEVERGREEN TREESMATURESIZEPLANT SCHEDULE7B&B 45'H X 30'W2.5" CAL.11ACER X FREEMANII'BAILSTON'FIRST EDITIONSMATADOR MAPLEB&B 25'H X 25'WSYRINGA RETICULATA2.5" CAL.JAPANESE TREELILAC(PROPOSED SUBSTITUTION : SMALL TREES DUE TO UNDERGROUND UTILITIESAND FRONT UNIT SPACES12B&B 60'H X 40'WCELTIS OCCIDENTALIS 2.5" CAL.COMMONHACKBERRY6SHRUBS5 GAL.4'H X 4'WINCREDIBALLHYDRANGEAHYDRANGEAARBORESCENS 'ABETWO'POT5 GAL.2.5'H X 4'WPOTPOTENTILLA FRUTICOSA'GOLDFINGER'GOLDFINGERPOTENTILLA5 GAL.POT12'H X 5'WJUNIPERUS SCOPULORUM'WICHITA BLUE'WICHITA BLUEJUNIPER235852ORNAMENTAL TREESAMERLANCHIER XGRANDIFLORA'AUTUMN BRILLIANCE'1.5" CAL. B&B 25'H X 15'WAUTUMN BRILLIANCESERVICEBERRY66' HT. B&B 35'H X 20'WPICEA GLAUCADENSATABLACK HILLS SPRUCEEXISTING TREE406' HT. B&B 25'H X 8'WTHUJA OCCIDENTALIS'PYRAMIDALIS'PYRAMIDALARBORVITAECRATAEGUSCRUS-GALLIVAR. INERMIS1.5" CAL. B&B 20'H X 15'WTHORNLESSCOCKSPURHAWTHORN5PERENNIALS1 GAL.POT1.5'H X 1.5'WHEMEROCALLIS'STELLA SUPREME'STELLE SUPREMEDAYLILY677 GAL.POT8'H X 8'WCORNUS SERICEA'CARDINAL'CARDINAL DOGWOOD23 L2.2L202CLS11.DWGLANDSCAPE DETAILSCLS16011PROJECT NO.C0.0 COVER SHEETC1.0 BOUNDARY AND TOPOGRAPHIC SURVEYC1.1 DEMOLITION PLANC2.1 SITE PLANC3.1 GRADING PLANC3.2 SWPPP PLANC3.3 EROSION CONTROL PLANC4.1 UTILITY PLANC5.1 PRELIMINARY PLATC5.2 FINAL PLATC6.1 DETAILSC6.2 DETAILSC6.3 DETAILSL1.1 TREE PRESERVATION PLANL2.1 LANDSCAPE PLANL2.2 LANDSCAPE DETAILS08/30/16CONCEPT,MASTER PLAN, &FINAL DEVELOPMENTPLAN PUD/PRELIMINARY ANDFINAL PLAT08/30/2016NOT FORCONSTRUCTION ST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSADDITION3400 UPPER 149THROSEMOUNT, MNSHEETCERTIFICATIONREGISTRATION NO.DATESHEET INDEXREVISIONDATEISSUEPROJECT901 N 3rd STREET, SUITE 120MINNEAPOLIS, MN 55401www.elanlab.comp 612.260.7980f 612.260.7990I hereby certify that this plan was prepared by me,or under my direct supervision, and that I am aduly Licensed Landscape Architect under the lawsof the state of MINNESOTA.Pilarsinee Saraithong45059ST. CROIX HOMEBUYERS INC.P.O. BOX 186STILLWATER, MN 55082T 651-303-0471OWNERDEVELOPER/ BUILDERST. CROIX HOMEBUILDERSMOUND SUBGRADESCARIFY BOTTOM ANDSIDES OF PIT PRIORTO PLANTINGCUT AND REMOVE TOP 1/3 BURLAP (MIN.),WIRE BASKET, AND ALL NYLON CORD16" POLY PROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE,40 ML, 1-1/2" WIDE STRAPPLANTING PIT 2-3 X DIA. OF SOIL BALLDUG & TILLED PIT 3-5 X DIA. OF SOIL BALLMULCH DISHMULCH, EDGING, & DISH RING(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)ROOT FLARE AT SOIL LINE ORFIRST MAJOR BRANCHING ROOTAT 1 INCH BELOW SOIL LINEDOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE3' @ 120 DEGREE INTERVALSINDIGENOUS SOIL BACKFILLWATER & TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETSNOTESMAINTAIN TREE IN PLUMB POSITIONTHROUGHOUT THE GUARANTY PERIOD(SEE SPECIFICATIONS).TREE STAKING AND ITS METHOD ARE OPTIONALTO CONTRACTORS. TWO ALTERNATIVES ARESHOWN.2CONIFEROUS TREE PLANTINGNO SCALE8' STEEL STAKE INSTALL ON THE SIDEOF PREVAILING WIND1DECIDUOUS TREE PLANTINGNO SCALETREE WRAP TO FIRST BRANCHMOUND SUBGRADESCARIFY BOTTOM ANDSIDES OF PIT PRIORTO PLANTINGCUT AND REMOVE TOP 1/3 BURLAP (MIN.),WIRE BASKET, AND ALL NYLON CORD16" POLY PROPYLENE OR POLYETHYLENE,40 ML, 1-1/2" WIDE STRAPPLANTING PIT 2-3 X DIA. OF SOIL BALLDUG & TILLED PIT 3-5 X DIA. OF SOIL BALLMULCH DISHMULCH, EDGING, & DISH RING(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)ROOT FLARE AT FINISHED GRADE ORFIRST MAJOR BRANCHING ROOTAT 1 INCH BELOW SOIL LINEDOUBLE STRAND 14 GA. WIRE3' @ 120 DEGREE INTERVALSNOTESMAINTAIN TREE IN PLUMB POSITIONTHROUGHOUT THE GUARANTY PERIOD(SEE SPECIFICATIONS).TREE STAKING AND ITS METHOD ARE OPTIONALTO CONTRACTORS. TWO ALTERNATIVES ARESHOWN.ONE FLAG PER WIREPLANTING SOILTOP SOILINDIGENOUS SOIL BACKFILLWATER & TAMP TO REMOVE AIR POCKETS8' STEEL STAKE INSTALL ON THE SIDEOF PREVAILING WINDPLANTING SOIL(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)MOUND SUBGRADESCARIFY BOTTOM ANDSIDES OF PIT PRIORTO PLANTINGMULCH(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)TOP OF ROOT AT FINISHED GRADEEDGING(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)REMOVE ALL POT AND ALL PLASTIC3SHRUB PLANTINGNO SCALEPLANTING SOIL(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)MULCH(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)3" MAX. BELOW PAVING SURFACEEDGING(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)6" MIN.INSTALL PLANTING BED 6" MIN.BEYOND ROOT STRUCTURE6" MIN.3"5EDGING AT PLANTING BEDNO SCALEPLANTING SOIL(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)SCARIFY BOTTOM ANDSIDES OF PIT PRIORTO PLANTINGMULCH(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)MAKE SAUCER AROUND PLANTSEDGING(SEE LANDSCAPE NOTES)SEE PLANT SCHEDULE FOR SPACING12" MIN.6" MIN.INSTALL PLANTING BED 12" MIN. AROUND PLANTSPERENNIAL PLANTINGNO SCALE7PRIVACY FENCENO SCALE54CONCRETE FOOTING FORSTEEL POST BEYOND4"6'-0" MIN. NOTES:1. FENCE TO BE CEDAR WOOD BOARD ON BOARD FENCE WITH CLEARPROTECTIVE FINISH.2. INSTALL ON 3 CEDAR RAILS AND STEEL POSTS, COMMERCIAL USE SYSTEMWITH CONCRETE SET POSTS.3. MATERIALS AND POST SPACING TO BE PER MANUFACTURER STANDARDS.FIELD VERIFY ALL DIMENSIONS.(3) CEDAR 2"X4" RAILSEVENLY SPACED VERTICALLY.FASTEN PICKETS TO RAILSWITH 1 5/8" GALVANIZEDDECK SCREWS, 2 PER RAIL.1"X6" CEDAR PICKETS4 7/16"BOTTOM OF PICKETS TO BE 4" ABOVE GROUND.BOARD ON BOARD WOOD FENCEON STEEL POSTS2'-0" MIN.6"SODDED AREA 2" MIN.BELOW PAVING SURFACE2"6SOD AT HARDSCAPE EDGENO SCALE MEMORANDUM DATE: September 21, 2016 TO: Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner CC: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Amy Roudebush, Planning & Personnel Secretary John Morast, Director of Public Works/City Engineer FROM: Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer RE: St Croix Home Builders Addition Engineering Review SUBMITTAL: The plans for St Croix Home Builders Addition have been prepared by Elan Design Lab dated August 30, 2016. Engineering review comments were generated from the following documents included in the submittal:  Concept, Master Plan, and Final Development Plan PUD (16 sheets), dated August 30, 2016 ▫ Existing Conditions ▫ Demolition Plan ▫ Site Plan ▫ Preliminary and Final Plat ▫ Erosion Control Plan ▫ Grading and Drainage Plan ▫ Utility Plan ▫ Details GENERAL COMMENTS: 1. Development fees are required based on the current Schedule of Rates and Fees. For 2016, the estimated development fees are listed below:  Storm Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 6,865 / acre  Sanitary Sewer Trunk Charge: $ 1,075 / acre  Watermain Trunk Charge: $ 6,500 / acre 2. Street and utility construction shall be installed in accordance with the 2015 City of Rosemount General Specifications and Standard Detail Plates. 3. City inspection of street and utility installation is required during construction. 4. Regional ponding for this site is provided in basin WA-2443 Wachter Lake. Stormwater Management Plan for the site has been received and will be reviewed to confirm capacity and rate and volume control in the City’s regional stormwater system. 5. The proposed 12” storm sewer should be 15”. The City’s standards require a minimum of 15” 6. The developer is required to obtain a NPDES construction Stormwater Permit and provide a copy of the approved SWPPP to the City prior to the start of any construction activity. 7. The developer is required to obtain a grading permit from the City prior to construction activity. 8. Maximum allowable slope is 4:1. Confirm berm on south end of site has a max slope of 4:1. 9. Upon completion of the sanitary sewer, watermain, and storm sewer construction, the City requires record drawings. See Engineering Guidelines for submittal and formatting requirements. Should you have any questions or comments regarding the items listed above, please contact me at 651-322-2015. M E M O R A N D U M To: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director Kyle Klatt, Senior Planner Anthony Nemcek, Planner John Morast, Interim City Engineer Mitch Hatcher, Project Engineer From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: September 22, 2016 Subject: St. Croix Home Builders Development Plans The Parks and Recreation Department recently reviewed the development plans for the St. Croix Home Builders townhouse project. After reviewing the plans, the Parks and Recreation Department staff has the following comments: PARKS DEDICATION The parks dedication requirement for 11 residential units is .04 acres of land per unit or $3,400 per unit. The Parks Master Plan does not call for a park in this area so staff is recommending the City collect cash in-lieu of land to meet the parks dedication requirements for the 11units. The cash dedication for 11 units would be $37,400 (11 units x $3,400 per unit). The Parks and Recreation Commission will be reviewing this item at the regular meeting on Monday, September 26. Please let me know if you have any questions about this memo.