HomeMy WebLinkAbout7.b. Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget - Project Planning � ROSEMO EXECUTIVE SUMMARY PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Parks and Recreation Commission Regular Meeting: October 24, 2016 AGENDA ITEM: Capital Improvement Program (CIP) AGENDA SECTION: Budget— Project Planning New Business PREPARED BY: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation AGENDA NO. Director 7 b. ATTACHMENTS: Parks and Recreation Project List and APPROVED BY: dls Facili Needs Memo RECOMMENDED ACTION: To be discussed at the meeting. ISSUE The City of Rosemount is in the process of developing the 10 year Capita.l Improvement Plan (CIP Budget). The CIP includes laxgex parks and recreation facility projects,equipment purchases and is updated annuallp. Included in the packet is a list of projects that have been discussed in past yeaxs by the Commission and a memo regarding facility needs,based on recent discussions with RAAA and REV Soccer.The list of projects is a staYting point for what the Commission would like to see in the CIP Budget. Sta.ff would like for the Commission to discuss the project list and Facility Needs Memo and provide - feedback to staff. Staff e�ects that the CIP Pla.n will be on the Commission's agenda at our next regular meeting in Novembex. Parks and Recreation Project List Athletic Facllities 1. rtint Hills Athletic Fields—Phase 2—Include A�:d£tcial Turf+Lights 2. UIVIore Ball Field Pioject—Ph�se 2 3. Pa�Sheltex/Warming House at Bloomfield Park 4. 1'a�k Plnn Update—Erickson Park(includes Play L�quipment at Erickson Pnrl�) 5. Covered Dugouts (list parks�vhere tve�vant tlieln a.nd the puority) 6. Batting Cages (list parks where�ve�v1nt them and dze priority) 7. Erickson Patk Tentus Courts Phase 2 Special lnterest Facilitles . 1.a.Di.sc Golf Course � • 1.b.Dog Park � 1.c. Cen�:�l Park/Sp11sh Pad Phase 2 2. Skate Park Rehab 3. Sculpture Garden between Libtary and Steeple Center 4. Outdoor Esercise Equipment Neighborhood Parks 1. Prestzvick Park Phase 2 2. Horseshoe Lake Parlc ''3. Planning Gteystone Park 4. Develop Park N-5 Incorf�orate.rhacle�l pl�rygrvirn�l�•(odher thnn tree.,)in futarre park.r. Trails . 1. Dakota County Regional Green�vaps � 2. Benches 111ong Trails Natural Areas � 1. Planning to Restote Nltural Areas—Include Buckthorn Removal nt C�rsoll's�oods/Schwarz Pond Park 2. Keegan Lalie�Ylater Access—Canoe Dock 3. McNlenomy Woods � Community Facility/ Community Centet 1.a. Indoox Pool l,b, Indoor Basketball and Volleyball Courts 1.c. Indoor��(/all�ing Track 1.d. Esercise Room 1.e.Preschool-Toddler Play Area The nboue iterrl.r�rld b�l�e eqcral priority. � � 2, Community Water Felture—11�Ieandering River '• Other 1. Consider the Feasibilitq of 1 Second Sheet oF Ice-Possibly a xefrigerated outdoor sheet th�t would serve multiple funct�ons so it co«ld be used in all seasons -1- �S C�Ll,(.�T z- I��t f'1�(PC{CJCtf-Q.�' d�-��. ]0 —��—/�p ��l rlCS�/�,� CP1»�'"n.v',° � 7� b. �-p��fa( .z�rnp. ��r�z vh Lc�'�� �u,�L��- �QrJ ec� �4cx vt►'�.t,'v�-� RAAA Partidpation Numbers Progrem 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 In-House Baseball 470 482 550 530 547 586 552 564 557 572 637 666 Traveling Baseball 144 167 196 205 205 191 227 259 246 286 237 251 In-House Softball 150 176 200 190 186 179 202 207 166 158 165 149 Traveling Softball 73 63 90 67 82 91 95 100 90 105 106 108 In-House Soccer 833 900 898 940 919 905 868 830 824 904 1,050 1,130 In-House Tennis 44 57 72 92 105 106 73 93 116 131 135 140 Traveling Tennis 36 35 42 45 43 46 53 54 42 38 36 53 Lacrosse-Summer - - - 1 9 230 1 250 2 4 198 250 37 318 Lacrosse-Spring - - - - - 88 164 124 107 129 97 79 Football(3-6 grade) 247 254 264 284 270 298 274 334 303 263 249 244 Track 236 291 302 311 314 318 421 490 491 475 487 581 Cross Country (new in 20 - - - - - - - - - 43 65 55 REV SOUTH Participation q REV Soccer South NA NA NA NA 755 791 833 902 932 1021 1,145 1,270 'S i'n-Fo r.�laf�es � `� ParkS � �ereQ�-�.pv� Fecc�. (� � I��e�c[s M�ew�.� � �f►ROSEMOL�NT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Dwight Johnson, City Administrator From: Dan Schultz, Parks and Recreation Director Date: October 18, 2016 Subject: Outdoor Facility Needs Staff recently met with repYesenta.tives from the Rosemount AYea Athletic Associa,tion (RAAA) and REV Soccer to discuss their outdoor facility needs. Listed below are the details about the input they provided to sta,ff. RAAA R A A A uses facilities that are provided by the City of Rosemount,ISD 196,the City of Lakeville and the City of Apple Valley.Two key facility issues that were brought up by leadership at RAAA and were the quality and safety of facilities used by the associa,tion. RAAA has indicated that most of the facilities pxovided by the City of Rosemount are well kept and safe to play on.They have requested the City consider adding baseline fencing at Camfield,Twin Puddles,Kidder and Chippendale parks. The feedback that we received for each RAAA sport that uses out outdoor facilities is listed below: • In-House Baseball—They are currently at capaciry for this program.They are looking to try and secure fields at Red Pine Elementary (ISD 196) for 2017.They have also requested 3 more fields with permanent base pegs as well. One with a base distance of 60 feet for 4th/5th graders, similar to Winds and two fields fox 6th-8th gxades with bases 75ft and pitching distance of 52 ft(mound preferred).These requests axe based on pxogram growth and trying to keep teams to a manageable size. • In-House Softball—They have enough fields but are facing some qua.lity issues at ISD 196 facilities. The field at Rosemount Elementary is not used because of lack of maintenance by ISD 196. In-house softball is planning to have their older gixl's teams join the South Metxo Slow pitch league this year as there aren't enough gixls to keep it all in-house.They have requested a nicer field as they will be plaping games against other cities. • Traveling Baseball—They have enough fields for the program,although at the 13 year old level only one field is available. They would like to see more batting cages and covered dugouts added to City of Rosemount parks. • Traveling Softball—They could use another field to practice on.T'hey have enough fields for games. • In-House Football (grades 3-6) —Football currently has enough fields with the space the City provides at Shannon Park. • Lacrosse—Lacrosse is currendy having challenges finding enough fields and also to find fields that allow for safe play because the sport needs several feet of clearance at the ends of the field to contain the small hard ball that is used. � In-House and Traveling Tennis—They axe doing okay with facilities but the RHS tennis court complex went from 8 courts down to 7 with their recent reconstruction. • In-House Soccer—In-house soccer was able to secure enough fields for their program. REVSOCCER REV Soccex ma.u�ly uses fields pYovided by the Ciry of Rosemount,City of Apple Vallep,ISD 196 and the one field from the City of Eagan. Repxesenta,tives from REV indicated that playability is a big factor in the ability to keep games happening as scheduled.They indicated that the conditions at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex axe ideal because the fields drain so well after it rains.They typically do not have to cancel games because of field conditions at the Flint Hills Complex. • REV Soccer—They axe currendy finding enough facilities for their programs but are concerned they will not have enough fields for any future gxowth. Fields with lights are valuable because their older kids can pla,y games late into the evening under the lights. REV Soccer is also very interested in an artificial turf field with lights.This type of facility would allow for e�anded use in the spring, summex and fall seasons. Attached is a spreadsheet that shows the participation numbers by sport fox RAAA. Also attached is a spreadsheet that identifies the participation numbers for REV Soccer. Staff Recommendation Staff is recommending that we continue to pursue the development of the foux green fields at the Flint Hills Athletic Complex, two additional baseball/softball fields at UMore and the one large baseball field at UMore. Staff also xecommends that we consider including athletic facilities in some oux future neighboYhood parks.As oux community continues to grow, staff expects that RAAA and REV Soccer will see an increase in participation levels. The increase in paxticipation numbexs will require additional facilities. Listed below is a projection developed by sta,ff for the future needs based on the recent participation trends of RAAA and REV Soccer. T e of Field/Ran e of Yeaxs 1 —2 eaxs 3 -4 ears 5—6 ears Youth Baseball/Softball 1 2 1 Greenfield soccer,la,crosse or football) 1 2 1 13 eax old baseball field 1 2 0 Lar e baseball field 0 1 0 Please let me know if you have any questions regarding this memo.