HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g. 11/15/2005 Receive Feasibility Report/Set Public Hearing - 2006 Pavement Management Project, City Project #396AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report /Set Public Hearing -2006 Pavement Management Project, City Project #396 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engmee A G ar, t APPROVED BY: yr ATTACHMENTS: Resolution; Feasibility Report RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to Adopt a Resolution Receiving the Feasi lity Report and Setting a Public Hearing for the 2006 Pavement Management Project, City Project #396. x ROSEMOUN r CITY COUNCIL City Council Meeting: December 20, 2005 BACKGROUND: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY On July 5, 2005 the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report for the 2006 Pavement Management Project. This project has been designated as City Project No. 396 Attached please find a copy of the Feasibility Report for the 2006 Pavement Management Project This report addresses the reconstruction and bituminous pavement rehabihtauon of streets within the City of Rosemount that have been identified by the Pavement Management Program to receive scheduled maintenance. A beef review of the proposed improvements and funding is as follows: 1. LOCATION The project is located in the southwest poruon of the City of Rosemount. Streets included in this project are located south of Dodd Boulevard, west of Chippendale Avenue, north of 150 Street West (CSAH 42), and east of Colorado Avenue (property line 1300 feet west of Chippendale Avenue). 2. PROPOSED STREET IMPROVEMENTS Each street within the 2006 Pavement Management Project has reached a significant level of deterioration in its quality and performance As part of the City of Rosemount's Pavement Management Program, each street or area of streets is to receive the appropriate improvement to enhance the design strength of the roadway and extend the useful life of each roadway. Two separate improvements are proposed for the streets designated in the 2006 Pavement Management Project. The area of streets within the Broback 10 Addition, including Chrome Avenue, Chrysler Avenue, Cimarron Avenue, 146' Street West, and 147` Street West, is proposed to have full depth pavement rehabilitation. Since the existmg public utility infrastructure (samtary sewer, water main, and storm sewer) are all in place and m good working condition, and the existing concrete curb and gutter has not experienced significant cracking or setdement, it is proposed that these streets receive pavement rehabilitation m the form of pavement reclamation The area of streets within the Edwin Rahn's 1" 2 and 3r Additions, including Cimarron Avenue, Chorley Avenue, 148 Street West, Upper 148 Street West, 149` Street West, and Upper 149 Street West, will receive a full reconstruction to include the removal of the existing bituminous surface and all existing curb G ENGPROJA396 \RLCeuveFR- SetPHCC12 -20.05 doc and gutter. 3. STORM SEWER Currently there is storm sewer in the Broback 10` Addition only. Streets within the Edwin Rahn's 1 2" and 3`d Adchtions do not have an interconnected storm sewer system. The existing catch basins collect street surface runoff that infiltrates directly into the subgrade of the roadway. The proposed storm sewer improvements include the installation of a subsurface collection and conveyance system throughout the Edwin Rahn's 1 2 and 3` Additions. This will transport runoff into two existing infiltration basins located within the project area One of the infiltration basins is located on the west side of Cimarron Avenue between 148` Street West and Upper 148 Street West This basin has an existing storm sewer outlet. The second drainage basin is located on the south side of Upper 149t Street West between Cimarron Avenue and Charley Avenue This basin does not have a storm sewer outlet A proposed outlet is to be installed to the south, extending toward 150` Street (CSAH 42), where a connecnon would be made with the existing storm sewer system within the County right -of -way. 4. SANITARY SEWER The existing sanitary sewer system within the project is found to be m good condition. Some sanitary sewer manholes within the project area have been installed with excessive casting adjustment rings. It is recoimmended that pre -cast manhole sections be installed on these manholes to reduce the number of adjustment rings and make manhole access safer for pubhc works personnel. 5. WATERMAIN The water main over the entire project area is still well within its useful hfe. There are, however, portions of cast iron pipe (CIP) m the Edwin Rahn's if, 2 and 3rd Additions. It is recommended that a leakage test is performed on the water main m these areas prior to construction to determine if these are any pre- existing leaks or weak joints in the water main Potential problems would be fixed as part of construction, All the fire hydrants within the Edwin Rahn's 1 2 1 d and 3'd Additions do not conform to the current City of Rosemount design standards. These fire hydrants will be replaced with new fire hydrants that meet city standards 6. PARK IMPROVEMENTS The sidewalk within Chippendale Park is proposed to be replaced as part of this project. A concrete pad will also be mstalled for placement of portable toilet facilittes. Pedestrian ramps adjacent to the park will be replaced to comply with current American Disability Act (ADA) standards 7. FUNDING The estimated construction cost for the 2006 Pavement Management Project is $1,426,600 as shown on the following table: Proposed Project Funding 1Special Assessments (Street CIP Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund (Water Utility Fund Storm Sewer Utility Fund Park Department Total $595,310 II$ 32,800 Cost $571,190 x$30,500 $187,500 $9,500 $1,426,600 °A of project 42% 40% 2% 2% 13% 1% 100% 2 A breakdown of the funding for the project is as follows: The proposed 2006 Pavement Management Project has been divided into two separate improvement categories for assessment purposes: rehabilitation and reconstruction According to the proposed 2006 City of Rosemount's Fee Resolution, 35% of the total cost for street rehabilitation projects can be assessed to benefiting properties For reconstruction projects in areas zoned Urban Residential, a proposed per- unit assessment rate of $4,400 can be assessed to benefiting propernes. For the pavement rehabilitation within the Broback 10` Addition, benefiting properties will be assessed on a per-mint basis, at an estimated $2,010 per lot The total funds proposed to be recovered through assessments m this area are estimated at $102,510. Similarly, the per -umt assessments for street reconstruction occurring within Edwin Rahn's 1 2n and 3` Additions give a total assessment value for street reconstruction estimated at $492,800. The City Street CIP Fund, Storm Sewer Utility Fund, Sanitary Sewer /Water Main Utility Fund, and Park Department will fund the remauung portion of the project. SUMMARY: Staff recommends Council adoption of a resolution receiving the feasibility report and setting the public hearing for the 2006 Pavement Management Project, City Pioject No 396 3 r WHEREAS, the City Council deemed it necessary and expedient that the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, construct certain improvements, to -wit: City Project #396, 2006 Pavement Management Project, in the City as described in and in accordance with the feasibility report prepared by the City Engineer; and WHEREAS, the City Council has been advised by the City Engineer that said utility and street improvements, City Project #396 is feasible, and should best be made as proposed, and the City Engmeer's report to this effect has heretofore been received by Council, and filed with the City Clerk on December 20, 2005, and WHEREAS, the statute provided that no such improvements shall be made until the Council has held a pubhc hearing on such improvements following mailed notice and two publications thereof in the official newspaper stating time and place of the hearing, the general nature of the Improvement, the estimated costs thereof, and the area proposed to be assessed, in accordance with the law. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the City Council of the City of Rosemount accepts the feasibility report for City Project #396 and places n on file. NOW THEREFORE IT BE FURTHER RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that the public hearing be scheduled to consider City Project #396, 2006 Pavement Management Project, to be held on Tuesday, January 17, 2006 at 7:30 o'clock p.m or as soon thereafter as possible, in the Council Chambers of the City Hall. ADOPTED this 20th day of December, 2005 ATTEST: Linda Jentmk, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005- A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND SETTING THE PUBLIC HEARING FOR THE 2006 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT #396 William H Droste, Mayor Motion by Seconded by. Voted in favor: Voted against: 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 December 20, 2005 Prepared for: 4 ROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA Prepared by: s WSB Associates, Inc 1 I Repor WSB Project No. 1556 -45 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763 -541 -4800 Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556-45 FEASIBILITY REPORT 2006 PAVEMENT MANAGEMENT PROJECT CITY PROJECT NO. 396 FOR THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA December 20, 2005 Prepared By: WSB Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763) 541-4800 (763) 541 -1700 (Fax) WSB Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Associates, Inc Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 December 20, 2005 Ter 763- 541 -4800 Fax 763 -541 -1700 Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount 2875 145 Street West Rosemount, MN 55068 Re: Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 Dear Honorable Mayor and City Council Members: Transmitted herewith for your review is a feasibility report which addresses the street and utility improvements of the following streets: 146 Street West Cimarron Avenue 147 Street West Chrome Avenue 148 Street West Chrysler Avenue Upper 148 Street West Chorley Avenue 149 Street West Upper 149 Street West We are available at your convenience to discuss this report. Please don't hesitate to contact me at 763 -541 -4800 if you have any questions regarding this report. Sincerely, WSB Associates, Inc. L5 Kevin B. Kawlewski, P E Senior Project Manager Attachment srb Minneapolis 1 St Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer Date: December 20, 2005 Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that this plan, specification, or report was prepared by me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. 6.„ Lit_ Kevin B. Kawlewski, P.E. Date: December 20, 2005 Prepared By: Lic. No. 25496 TITLE SHEET LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1 2. INTRODUCTION 2 2.1 Authorization 2 2.2 Scope 2 2.3 Data Available 2 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND 3 3.1 Project Location 3 3.2 Project Zoning 3 3.3 Project History 3 3.4 Existing Conditions 4 3.4.1 Streets 4 3.4.2 Sanitary Sewer 5 3.4.3 Water Main 5 3.4.4 Storm Sewer 5 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 6 4.1 Streets 6 4.2 Sanitary Sewer 7 4.3 Water Main 7 4.4 S torm Sewer 7 4.5 Right-of-Way/Easements 8 4.6 Permits/Approvals 8 4.7 Construction Traffic 8 5. FINANCING 9 5.1 Opinion of Cost 9 5.2 Funding 9 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE 11 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION 12 Appendix A Figures Appendix B Opinion of Probable Cost Appendix C Cost Distribution Calculations Preliminary Assessment Roll Appendix D Soil Boring Logs Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 155645 TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY City Project No. 396 provides for the street reconstruction of streets within the Broback 10 Addition, Edwin Rahn l Addition, Edwin Rahn r Addition, and Edwin Rahn 3 Addition, all located between Dodd Boulevard, Chippendale Avenue, Cimarron Avenue, and 150 Street West (CSAH 42). The streets within the Broback 10 Addition are proposed for pavement rehabilitation. These streets include Cimarron Avenue, Chrome Avenue, 146 Street West, and 147 Street West. The streets within the Edwin Rahn 2 and 3td Additions are proposed to be reconstructed, and include Cimarron Avenue, Chrysler Avenue, Chorley Avenue, 148 Street West, Upper 148 Street West, 149 Street West, and Upper 149 Street West. Pavement rehabilitation includes in -place bituminous reclamation of approximately 3,200 feet (0 60 miles) of 30- foot -wide urban section streets, located in the area west of Chippendale Avenue, between Dodd Boulevard and 147 Street West. Bituminous reclamation involves the gnndmg up and in -place compaction of the existing bituminous pavement, followed by the placement of a new bituminous surface. Where it is deemed necessary, existing storm sewer and sanitary sewer castings, as well as cracked or spalled concrete curb and gutter, will be replaced. The reconstruction portion of the project will include the total reconstruction of approximately 5,600 feet (1.10 riles) of 28 -foot urban section streets, located west of Chippendale Avenue between 148 Street West and Upper 149 Street West, complete with bituminous paving and new B -618 concrete curb and gutter. Also included in this portion of the project is the upgrade of existing hydrants, installation of storm sewer, and the upgrade of two existing drainage basins. The total estimated project cost is $1,426,600, which includes a 5% contingency and 30% indirect costs. Funding for the project will consist of special assessments, 2006 Street Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) funds, and utility funds as necessary. The final assessment hearing will be held in the fall of 2006, following completion of the construction of the project. It is proposed that construction occur in 2006 and is anticipated to be completed, including all restoration items, by the fall of 2006. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost effective from an engineering standpoint and should be constructed as proposed herein. Feastinlay Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Protect Na 1556 -45 Page 1 2. INTRODUCTION 2.1 Authorization On July 5, 2005, the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of a feasibility report for the 2006 Pavement Management Project. This project has been designated as City Project No. 396. 2.2 Scope This project provides for street reconstruction and pavement rehabilitation for streets within the Broback 10 Addition, Edwin Rahn 2 Addition, and Edwin Rahn 3` Addition. The proposed project area is shown in Figure I of Appendix A. Proposed Broback 10 Addition improvements include the reclamation of in -place bituminous pavement for reuse as aggregate base, new bituminous pavement, and replacement of outdated or broken manhole castings and cracked or spalled concrete curb and gutter. Streets affected by these improvements include Cimarron Avenue, Chrome Avenue, l46 Street West, and 147 Street West. Proposed Edwin Rahn 15` tat and 3 Additions improvements include total street reconstruction, with new concrete curb and gutter, and storm sewer improvements. Fire hydrants that do not meet current City standards are also proposed to be replaced. Streets affected by these improvements include Cimarron Avenue, Chrysler Avenue, Chorley Avenue, 148 Street West, Upper 148` Street West, 149 Street West, and Upper 149 Street West. 2.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: City of Rosemount Record Plans City of Rosemount Topography Maps City of Rosemount Pavement Management Program Field Rating Data Sanitary Sewer Televising Field Observations of the Area Rosemount Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan Field Survey Soil Borings (Appendix D) Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 Page 2 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND 3.1 Project Location The project is located in the southwestern portion of the City, and is bounded by Dodd Boulevard to the north, Chippendale Avenue to the east, 150 Street West (County Road 42) to the south, and Cimarron Avenue to the west. The streets proposed for improvement include 146 Street West 147 Street West 148` Street West Upper 148 Street West 149`" Street West Cimarron Avenue Chrome Avenue Chrysler Avenue Chorley Avenue Upper 149 Street West The proposed project area is identified on Figure I in Appendix A of this report. 3.2 Project Zoning The project area is zoned Urban Residential. The existing properties consist mainly of single family residential homes, with some four -unit apartment buildings and duplexes. 3.3 Project History This project was initiated through the development and implementation of the City of Rosemount Pavement Management Program. The Pavement Management Program was created to enable City officials to evaluate and monitor the condition of existing street surfaces. This allows for timely maintenance and improvement activities to maximize the life of existing pavements. The Pavement Management Program consists of a field evaluation of City streets in order to establish a Pavement Condition Index (PCI). The PCI is used to rank the surface condition of each street segment. One -third of the City's total street mileage is reviewed every year, such that each segment is reviewed once every three years. In order to interpret the PCI ranking of a street segment, the following values are used as a guideline to determine the maintenance and improvement strategies: Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No 155645 PCI Recommended Improvement 91 -100 Do Nothing 61 -90 Routine Maintenance /Seal Coat/Crack Seal 40 -60 Patch/Repair /Overlay 0 -39 Total Reconstruct/Reclamation Page 3 A breakdown of individual street ratings and the year each was constructed is as follows: Year 2004 Projected 2006 Street Constructed PCI Rating PCI Rating 146 Street West 1975 28 18 147 Street West 1975 55 47 148 Street West 1973 61 53 Upper 148 Street West 1973 40 31 149 Street West 1973 18 7 Upper 149 Street West 1973 40 30 Cimarron Ave. (Dodd Blvd. to 147 St.) 1975 32 22 Cimarron Ave. (148 St. to U. 149 St.) 1973 36 26 Chrome Avenue 1975 30 20 Chrysler Avenue 1973 18 7 Chorley Avenue 1973 20 9 Based on the individual PCI ratings and field observations of existing curb and gutter conditions, it is proposed that 146 Street West, 147 Street West, Cimarron Avenue (from Dodd Boulevard to 147 Street West), and Chrome Avenue receive pavement reclamation and resurfacing. It is proposed that Cimarron Avenue (148th Street West to Uper 149 Street West), Chrysler Avenue, Chorley Avenue, 148 Street West, Upper 148` Street West, 149 Street West, and Upper 149 Street West be reconstructed. While the PCI ratings in this area indicate that bituminous reclamation and resurfacing may be a possible alternative to reconstruction, the poor condition of the curb and the lack of storm sewer indicate that complete street reconstruction is warranted. 3.4 Existing Conditions 3.4.1 Streets The streets within the Broback 10 Addition are 30 feet wide with surmountable concrete curb and gutter. The partial cul -de -sac at the intersection of Cimarron Avenue and 148 Street West is 90 feet in diameter, and also includes surmountable concrete curb and gutter. The streets within the Edwin Rahn ls 2 and 3 Additions are 28 feet wide with surmountable concrete curb and gutter. The partial and full cul -de -sacs at the intersections of Cimarron Avenue and Upper 149 Street West, Cimarron Avenue and 148 Street West, Chorley Avenue and Upper 149 Street West, and Chorley Avenue and 148 Street West are all 90 feet in diameter, and include concrete curb and gutter. Borings taken throughout the proposed project area indicate approximately 2 to 3 inches of bituminous pavement over mostly fine to medium grained sandy gravel, ranging in depth from 2 feet to 9 feet beneath the surface. Bonngs taken in the Edwin Rahn 1 2" and 3` Additions indicated areas of silty sand and clay 'nixed with granular matenal beneath the gravel base, extending to a depth of 9 feet. Boring depths were set at 9 feet due to the proposed depth of the storm sewer installation. Feasibthty Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Protect No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 155645 Page 4 3.4.2 Sanitary Sewer There are two types of sanitary sewer within the project area. Sanitary sewer constructed as part of the Broback 10` Addition consists of 8 -inch and 10 -inch vitnfied clay pipe (VCP). Televising reports completed as part of this study indicate that the sanitary sewer is in good condition. There were no indications of ground water infiltration or root intrusion identified by televising throughout the Broback 10 Addition. The existing sanitary sewer within the Edwin Rahn l 2 and 3 Additions consists of 8 -inch PVC pipe. Televising reports indicate that this pipe is also in good condition, with no cracking or settlement found throughout the project. There was no ground water infiltration or root intrusion identified throughout the Edwin Rahn 2 3.4.3 Water Main and 3` Additions. Some sanitary sewer manholes within the project area have been installed with excessive casting adjustment nngs. Too many adjustment nngs creates a maintenance hazard that prevents public works personnel from being able to safely reach the steps within each manhole structure. The existing watermam network within the project area consists of 8 -inch and 6 -inch cast iron pipe (CIF) and ductile iron pipe (DIP) within the Edwin Rahn 1 2 and 3` Additions, and 6 -inch DIP within the Broback 10 Addition. The water main is between 30 and 45 years old, and is in generally good condition. 3.4.4 Storm Sewer The proposed project area is located in the Wachter Lake Drainage District (WA). The Broback 10 Addition contains interconnected storm sewer that takes street and residential runoff and flows south to Wachter Lake. The Edwin Rahn 1 2 and 3rd Additions do not contain any storm sewer. Runoff is directed into catch basins that infiltrate directly into the soils below the roadway, or is directed via overland flow to two drainage and infiltration basins within the project area. Localized street flooding has occurred in some areas of the Edwin Rahn l 2 and 3 Additions dunng larger rain events and spring snowmelt periods. One drainage basin is located on the west side of Cimarron Avenue between 148 Street West and Upper 148 Street West. The second drainage basin is located on the south side of Upper 149 Street West between Cimarron Avenue and Chorley Avenue. The Cimarron Avenue drainage basin contains an outlet pipe that directs runoff to Wachter Lake, and functions pnmanly as an infiltration basin. The Upper 149` Street drainage basin does not have an outlet pipe, and functions strictly as an infiltration basin. Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 Page 5 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS 4.1 Streets Each street within the 2006 Pavement Management Project has reached a significant level of deterioration in its quality and performance. As part of the City of Rosemount Pavement Management Program, each street or area of streets is to receive the appropriate improvement based on its PCI to enhance the design strength of the roadway and extend the useful life of each roadway Two improvement techniques are proposed for the streets within the 2006 Pavement Management Project. Streets within the Broback 10 Addition have an average weighted PCI rating of 29, with individual PCI values ranging from 18 to 47. With the exception of 147 Street, which has a PCI rating above 40, all other streets within the Broback 10` Addition have PCI ratings within the Reconstruct/Rehabilitate" improvement category. The existing public utility infrastructure (sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer) are all in -place and in good working condition. The existing concrete curb and gutter has not experienced significant cracking or settlement. Based on the overall condition, it is proposed that pavement rehabilitation in the form of pavement reclamation and bituminous surfacing occur in this area The existing bituminous pavement will be ground up and mixed with the existing Class 5 aggregate base and re- compacted in -place to form a new aggregate base for the roadway. Prior to resurfacing, gate valve boxes and storm sewer and sanitary sewer manhole castings will be replaced Spot repairs will be made to the concrete curb and gutter, followed by the installation of 4 inches of new bituminous pavement. Streets within the Edwin Rahn 1 t and 3 Additions have an average weighted PCI rating of 31, with PCI ratings ranging from 7 to 53. With the exception of 148 Street, which has a PCI rating above 40, all other streets within the Edwin Rahn 1 2nd and 3 Additions have PCI ratings within the "Reconstruct/Rehabilitate" improvement category. The lack of a storm sewer system has resulted in widespread cracking and deterioration of the streets and curb and gutter. The soil borings also indicate the need for some subgrade correction. Therefore, it is proposed that the streets within the Edwin Rahn 1 2 and 3 Additions be completely reconstructed. The reconstruction would include the removal of all existing bituminous pavement and removal of the existing curb and gutter. New B -618 concrete curb and gutter, 4 inches of bituminous pavement, 6 inches of Class 5 aggregate base, and select granular material as needed for subgrade correction, are proposed as part of the improvement. In addition, all existing sanitary sewer castings and gate valve boxes are proposed to be replaced. The proposed roadway improvements and typical street sections are shown on Figures 2 and 3 in Appendix A. Feastbdity Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 Cay of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556 -05 Page 6 4.2 Sanitary Sewer The existing sanitary sewer system within the project has been televised and found to be in good condition. A portion of the sanitary sewer along Chrome Avenue in the Broback 10 Addition exhibited some minor cracking at joints The pipe does not display any signs of settlement, visible root intrusion, or groundwater infiltration. Therefore, there are no improvements or repairs recommended for the sanitary sewer pipe as part of the project. Some sanitary sewer manholes within the project area have been installed with excessive casting adjustment nngs. For these manholes, it is recommended that a pre -cast manhole section be installed to reduce the number of adjustment nngs. These additional manhole sections would include an additional step for safer manhole access by public works personnel. 4.3 Water Main The existing water main within the Broback 10 Addition and the Edwin Rahn 1st Addition (148 Street West) is 6 -inch ductile iron pipe (DIP). The water main within the Edwin Rahn tad and 3 Additions is 6 inches in diameter, and is assumed to be cast iron pipe (CIP). All water main in the area was installed between 1962 and 1975, and has no history of breaks or unusual maintenance requirements. The pipe ranges from 30 to 43 years old, but is still within its useful life of 70 to 100 years. All fire hydrants within the Edwin Rahn lst, 2 and 3` Additions do not conform to the current City of Rosemount design standards. These hydrants will be replaced with new fire hydrants that meet City standards. Due to the presence of CIP within the project area, it is recommended that a leakage test be performed on the existing water main within the project pnor to construction to determine if there are any pre existing leaks or weak joints in the water main. Any potential problem areas would be repaired as part of construction. This is recommended as CIP tends to become more bnttle with age. Pnor to the placement of the bituminous wear course, a second leakage test would be performed on the water main within the project to make certain that no water main was damaged as result of construction. If leaks or damaged portions are found, these sections of water main would be replaced. The proposed hydrant replacement locations are shown on Figure 3 in Appendix A. 4.4 Storm Sewer Currently, there is storm sewer in the Broback 10 Addition only. The Edwin Rahn l r and 3 Additions do not have an interconnected storm sewer system. Existing catch basins collect street surface runoff that infiltrates directly into the subgrade of the roadway. This infiltration has resulted in the saturation of the street subgrade in certain areas. There are no subsurface pipes to transport the water to stormwater ponds or infiltration areas. While effective in smaller rain events, larger ram events and springtime snowmelt have caused minor street flooding and erosion in adjacent drainage basin swales. Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 Page 7 The proposed storm sewer improvements include the installation of a subsurface collection and conveyance system throughout the Edwin Rahn 1 2 and 3rd Additions. This storm sewer would collect and transport runoff to existing drainage basins located within the project area. One drainage basin is located on the west side of Cimarron Avenue between 148 Street West and Upper 148 Street West. This basin has an existing storm sewer outlet, and would require little or no grading modifications. The second drainage basin is located on the south side of Upper 149 Street West between Cimarron Avenue and Chorley Avenue. This basin does not have an existing storm sewer outlet, and currently acts as an infiltration basin. An outlet is proposed to be installed to the south, extending toward 150 Street (County Road 42), where it would connect into the existing storm sewer system within the County right -of -way. The proposed storm sewer improvements are shown on Figure 3 in Appendix A. 4.5 Right of Way/Easements The acquisition of temporary construction easements or nghts -of -entry may be required for grade modifications proposed within the Edwin Rahn 1 2 and 3rd Additions. The majority of the easements would be for driveway repairs that may be necessary if the roadway grades are lowered. City staff will work with the affected property owners to acquire the necessary temporary construction easements. 4.6 Permits/Approvals The following permits will be necessary as part of this project. MN Department of Health (MDH) Water Main MN Pollution Control Agency Sanitary Sewer Dakota County Highway Department Work Within Right -of -Way MN Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES II) General Storm -water Permit for Construction Activity (MN R110000) 4.7 Construction Traffic This project will include excavation and disposal of materials from the existing street areas. Significant volumes of granular base, aggregate base, and bituminous pavement materials will need to be hauled into the project area. This will increase truck traffic on the streets adjacent to the construction area. All residents will have access to their properties during construction, however, some inconvenience is anticipated, primanly during the curb and driveway apron construction phase of the work. Feasibility Report 2.006 Pavement Management Project City Protect No 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 Page 8 SCHEDULE/DESCRIPTION TOTAL A. Broback 10` Addition Rehabilitation $310,100 B. Edwin Rahn 15` 2nd and 3 Additions Reconstruction $856,400 C. Sanitary Sewer Improvements $32,800 D. Water Main Improvements $30,300 E. Storm Sewer Improvements (Edwin Rahn 15t, 2 °6, and 3 $187,500 F. Chippendale Park Improvements $9,500 TOTAL 1,426,600 5. FINANCING 5.1 Opinion of Cost Detailed opinions of cost can be found in Appendix B of this report. The opinions incorporate estimated 2006 construction costs and include a 5% contingency factor and all related indirect costs, which are estimated at 30 The indirect costs include legal, engineering, and financing, as well as other administrative items. The cost does not include any easement acquisition costs. A summary of the project costs is as follows: 2006 Pavement Management Project Summary of Costs 5.2 Funding Funding for the project will consist of a combination of Special Assessments, Street CIP funds, Storm Sewer funds, and Water Core funds. The proposed 2006 Pavement Management Project has been divided into two separate improvement categories: rehabilitation and reconstruction. According to the City of Rosemount's Fee Resolution, the costs of street rehabilitation occurring in areas zoned Urban Residential can be assessed at a rate of 35% of the total cost. In the case of the Broback 10 Addition, benefiting properties will be assessed on a per -unit basis, at $2,010 per lot. The total funds proposed to be recovered through assessments in this area are estimated at $102,510. Similarly, according to the City of Rosemount's Fee Resolution, the costs of street reconstruction occurring in areas zoned Urban Residential are proposed to be assessed at a rate of $4,400 per residential unit. In the case of the Edwin Rahn 1 2 and 3 Additions, the total assessments for street reconstruction are estimated at $492,800. Feasrbtlity Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 155645 Page 9 PROPOSED PROJECT FUNDING COST OF PROJECT Special Assessments' 595,310 42% Street CIP 571,190 40% Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund 32,800 2% Water Utility Fund 30,500 2% Storm Sewer Utility Fund $187,500 13% Park Department $9,500 1% TOTAL 1,426,600 100% In order to fairly distribute the pavement rehabilitation costs within the Broback 10 Addition, a residential equivalent for Kidder Park was determined. This equivalent was found by taking the average front footage per lot within the Broback 10 Addition and applying that average to Kidder Park. This equated to three residential equivalent units. The assessable cost of these improvements adjacent to Kidder Park is proposed to be supplemented through the City's Street CIP fund. Additional street improvement costs in the amount of $571,190 are proposed to be funded through the City's Street CIP fund The cost for sanitary sewer, water main, and storm sewer improvements are proposed to be funded entirely through the City's Sanitary Sewer, Water and Storm Sewer utility funds, respectively. A summary of the proposed funding for this pro ect is in the following table: 1 Based on the City of Rosemount's proposed 2006 rate schedule. A Preliminary Assessment Roll and Cost Distribution Calculations can be found in Appendix C of this report. Feast ility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project Cay Project Na. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Protect No. 1556 -45 Page 10 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE The proposed project schedule for these improvements is as follows: Authorized Preparation of Feasibility Report July 5, 2005 Public Information Meeting December 7, 2005 Receive Feasibility Report and Order Public Heanng December 20, 2005 Public Heanng/Authorize Preparation of Plans and Specs January 17, 2006 Receive Plans and Specs /Authonze Ad for Bid March 21, 2006 Receive Bids/Award Contract April 18, 2006 Begin Construction May 15, 2006 Substantial Completion Fall 2006 Assessment Hearing Fall 2006 Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement 6fanagement Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 Page 11 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION Due to deteriorating street conditions identified as part of the City of Rosemount's Pavement Management Program, the following improvements are recommended: Pavement rehabilitation through bituminous reclamation of streets within the Broback 10 Addition, including 146 Street West, 147 Street West, Cimarron Avenue, and Chrome Avenue. Street reconstruction and storm sewer improvements within the Edwin Rahn l t and 3 Additions, including 148 Street West, Upper 148 Street West, 149` Street West, Upper 149 Street West, Cimarron Avenue, Chrysler Avenue, and Chorley Avenue. Sanitary sewer manhole section replacement on manholes within the project area that have excessive adjustment nngs. Fire hydrant replacement and spot water main replacement within the Edwin Rahn l 2nd and 3 Additions The total estimated cost of these street and utility improvements is $1,426,600. Funding for these improvements will be provided through a combination of Special Assessments, City Street Capital Improvement funds, and City Utility funds. This project is feasible, necessary, and cost effective from an engineering standpoint. It is our recommendation that the street rehabilitation of streets within the Broback 10 Addition, including 146 Street West, 147 Street West, Cimarron Avenue, and Chrome Avenue; the street reconstruction of streets within the Edwin Rahn 1 st 2nd and 3 Additions, including 148 Street West, Upper 148 Street West, 149 Street West, Upper 149 Street West, Cimarron Avenue, Chrysler Avenue, and Chorley Avenue; the installation of pre-cast manhole sections on manholes with excessive adjustment nngs within the Broback 10 Addition and Edwin Rahn 1 r and 3 Additions; and the installation of storm sewer and new fire hydrants within the Edwin Rahn 1 st 2nd and 3 Additions, be implemented as outlined in this report. It is the recommendation of WSB Associates, Inc. that the City Council accepts this feasibility report and schedules the public hearing as proposed herein. Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 Page 12 Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 APPENDIX A Project Location Maps w 0 z al 0 I !4H l[ (:11;11 41 Es a 0 4 E_ so 1 RESTWE Y� rc n 1,1u, 11114 ,I n_ t 4TH 4S4N 5 j 4 ors 150TH 5T W ■I V 5 N 1 r al 7 46TH ST nST ST 0 so SG s t1 _Prim D S 1u 811H WI R' NN 2NR A FRAhN UpPEI4 i4�T 14. ■VIII■. 11 I 11111 :11111, IV 11111 1• 1441 n[TIT T1!1T S1 uPPEr I ST 111 1 T ST 1 0 R 1 11 ER 5 7 ;e o 11 u P V T 50711 ST L U ■'s a1 L 150 51 �Ur 15 5T 1 1 I7 1 0 w 5T 1 15157 0 X 400 800 -at 701 Xena Avenue South, Suite 300 W58 Minneapolis, MN 55416 JQ wwm wsberg com Associates, Inc 7635414810.FU l835J1.170) INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING CONSTRUCTION 2006 STREET IMPROVEMENTS IROSEMOUNT MINNESOTA WSB Protect No 0155645 January 17,2006 Figure Number 1 J K 101556- 451Cad1Exh,bds 1556 .45_FIG_01 dwg, 12/13/2005 1 30 05 PM 0 co �,.�I \i, 0 I 0 D F 1 I 7 N -N� GIMARRON AVE 4 5 1 1 `1. c �r H co CI-IRY�LER I AVE I A 1 C Icn 931 COILORADO AVE I 1 C11ORLEY AVE CLIIPPENDA�VE L Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556 -45 APPENDIX B Opinion of Cost Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project 2006 Street Reconstruction Design Bit JDH Project Location City of Rosemount Checked By BDC Gay Project No. 396 WSB Project No 1556 -45 Date 12'5/2005 Item No MN /DOT Specification No Descnption Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Unit Pnce Estimated Total Cost A. Surface Improvements Broback 10 Addition 1 2021 501 MOBILIZATION LUMP SUM 1 $4,500 00 $4,500 00 2 2104 501 REMOVE CURB AND GUTTER LIN FT 1800 SS 00 $9,000 00 3 2104.505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 50 $2.50 $125 00 4 2104 505 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 20 $3 50 $70 00 5 2104 509 REMOVE SIG(. EACH 7 $50 00 $350 00 6 2104 509 REMOVE CASTING EACH 10 $75 00 $750 00 7 2104 509 REMOVE VALVE BOX EACH 6 $75 00 $450 00 8 2104 513 SAWING BITUM]NOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 150 $300 $450 00 9 2104 513 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 20 S5 00 $100 00 10 2105 507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU YD 100 $S 00 $800 00 11 2105522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CU YD 100 $650 $65000 12 2112 501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA 33 0 $225 00 $7,425 00 13 2211 501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (100% CRUSHED) TON 1,000 $t0 00 $10,000.00 14 2331 604 BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT RECLAMATION SQ YD 9,500 $4 50 $42,750 00 15 2331 607 HAUL BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT RECLAMATION (LV) CU YD 1,550 $8 50 $13,17500 16 2350.501 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE (C TON 1,150 $42 00 $48,300 00 17 2350 502 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE (C TON 1,150 $40 00 $46,000 00 18 2357 502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 520 $3 00 $1,56000 19 2503 602 CHIMNEY SEALS EACH 14 $300 00 54,200 00 20 2504602 ADJUST GATE VALVE AND BOX EACH 6 $20000 $1,20000 21 2504 602 F &1 VALVE BOX EACH 6 $650 00 $3,900 00 22 2506 516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 10 S450.00 S4,500 00 23 2531 501 CONCRETE CURB GUTTER, DESIGN SPECIAL LIN FT 1,800 $1100 $19,800 24 2563 601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM 1 $1,500.00 $1,500 00 25 2564.531 F &I SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FT 12 0 $25 00 $300 00 26 2564 602 F &I SIGN PANELS TYPE 0 EACH 6 525000 51,500 00 27 2573 502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT 100 $2.50 $250 00 28 2573 602 INLET PROTECTION EACH 6 $150 00 $900 00 29 2575 505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INC.. TOPSOIL PERT SQ YD 850 $3 00 52,550 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A Surface Improvements TOTAL Schedule A Surface Improvements Broback 10 m Addition $227, 100 00 5% Contingencies $1 1,360.00 Subtotal 5238,500.00 30% Indirect Cost $71,550 00 Broback 10 16 Addition $310,100.00 Opinion of Probable Cost 2006 Pavement Management Project Cav Project No, 392 WS8 Project No. 1563 -00 1 Of 5 K 10155845WammiFeas,b.tylOpman of Probable Costsf xis Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project 2006 Street Reconstruction Design By IDH Project Location City of Rosemount Checked By BDC Cuy Project No. 396 WSB Project No. 1556 -45 Date 12/5/2005 Item No. MN/DOT Spec Descnption Unit Estimated Quanti Estimated Unit Pnce Estimated Total Cost B. Surface Improvements Edwin Rahn 1 st 2nd and 3 Additions 30 2021 501 MOBILIZATION LUKIP SLM 1 $12,00000 $12,00000 31 2104 501 REMOVE CURB AND GUII ER LIN FT 11,100 5500 $55,500 00 32 2104 503 REMOVE CONCRE I E WALK SQ FT 100 3200 $200 00 33 2104 503 REMOVE CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 1200 $3 50 $4,200 00 34 2104505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SO YD 18,100 $250 $45,25000 35 2104 505 REMOVE BITUMINOUS DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 400 $3 50 $1,40000 36 2104 505 REMOVEBITUMINOUS SIDEWALK SQ YD 12 5500 $60 00 37 2104 509 REMOVE VALVE BOX EACH 11 S75 00 $825 00 36 2104509 REMOVE CASTING EACH 2 55000 $10000 37 2104 509 REMOVE SIGN EACH 4 55000 $200 00 38 2104 513 SAWING BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 300 5300 590000 39 2104 513 SAWING CONCRETE PAVEMENT (FULL DEPTH) LIN FT 720 5500 $3,60000 40 2105 507 SUBGRADE EXCAVATION CU YD 2,000 $8 00 $16,000 00 41 2105 522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CU YD 2.000 S6 50 513,000 00 42 2112,501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA 57 520000 $11,42000 43 2211 501 AGGREGATE BASE CLASS 5 (100% CRUSHED) TON 7,800 SI000 $78,000 00 44 2350 501 TYPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE (C TON 2.000 $42 00 $84,000.00 45 2350 502 TON 2,000 540 00 $80,000 00 TYPE LV 3 NON WEARING COURSE (C 46 2357 502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 900 53 CO $2,700 47 2502 541 4" PERF PVC PIPE DRAIN LIN FT 230 57 50 $1,725 00 48 2503 602 CHIMNEY SEALS EACH 23 530000 $6,900 00 49 2504602 F &I VALVE BOX EACH t1 S65000 $7,150 50 2506 516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 2 545000 5900 51 2521501 4 "CONCRETEWALK SQ FP 100 5300 5300 52 2521 604 2' BITUMINOUS PATH SQ YD 12 S20 00 $240 00 53 2531 501 CONCRETE CURB GUTTER- DESIGN B618 LIN FT 11 100 S8 50 $94,350 00 54 2531 507 7" CONCRETE DRIVEWAY PAVEMENT SQ YD 1,200 $45 00 $54,000 00 55 2531 618 TRUNCATED DOMES SQ FT 12 55000 $600.00 56 2540 602 RELOCATE MAIL BOX EACH 135 $100 00 $8,500 57 2540 602 F &I MAIL BOX AND SUPPORT EACH 111 $150 00 $16,650 00 58 2563 601 TRAFFIC CONTROL LUMP SUM I SI 50000 51,500 00 59 2564 602 F &I SIGN PANELS TYPE D EACH 4 525000 51,000 60 2573 502 SILT FENCE, TYPE HEAVY DUTY LM FT 100 $2 50 I $250 00 61 2573 602 INLET PROTECTION EACH 30 56000 $1,800 62 2575 505 SODDING TYPE LAWN (INCL TOPSOIL PERT) SQ YD 7,400 53 00 $22,200 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE B Surface Improvements Edwin TOTAL Schedule B Edwin Rahn 1 `r 2 and 3 Additions $627,400 00 5"!o Contingencies $31,370 00 Subtotal $658,800.00 30% Indirect Cost $197,640.00 Rahn 1 2 and 3 Additions $856,400.00 Opinion of Probable Cost 2006 Pavement iWanagenrent Project City Project No. 392 WSB Project No. 1563 -00 20f5 K 10155 8- 4 51Admm(FeasibdRNOpmon of Probable Costs( xis Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project 2006 Street Reconstruction Design Br, ]DH Project Locator)! City of Rosemount Checked By: BDC City Project No 396 WSB Protect No 155645 Date. 12/5/2005 Item No MN;DOT Specification No Descnptton Unit Estimated Total Quantity Estimated Una Pnce Estimated Total Cost C Sanitary Sewer Improvements 63 2104 501 REMOVE MANHOLE EACH 20 $150 00 S3,000 00 64 2104 509 REMOVE CASTING EACH 36 S50 00 $1,800 00 65 2506 516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 36 $450 00 $16,200 00 66 2506 603 CONST48" DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN Fr 20 575000 $3,000 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE C Sanitary TOTAL Schedule C Sanitary Sewer Improvements $24,000 00 5% Contingencies $1,200 00 Subtotal $25,200.00 30% Indirect Cost $7,560 00 Sewer Improvements $32,800.00 D. Water Main Improvements 67 2104 501 REMOVE WATER MAIN LIN FT 120 $15 00 $1,80000 68 2(04 509 REMOVE HYDRANT EACH 9 $250 00 $2,250 00 69 2504 601 WATER MAIN LEAK SURVEY LUMP SUM 2 $2,000 00 $4,000 00 70 2504 602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER MAIN EACH 2 $1,000 00 $2,000 00 71 2504 602 ADJUST HYDRANT EACH 4 $500 00 $2,00000 72 2504.603 6" DIP CL 52 WATERMA[N LIN FT 120 $45 00 $5,400 00 73 2504 602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATER SERVICE EACH 4 $300 00 SI _00 00 74 2504 602 t" CORPORTION STOP EACH 4 $60 00 $240 00 75 2504 602 CURB STOP AND BOX EACH 4 5150 00 $600 00 76 2504 603 r TYPE K COPPER LIN FT 120 $20 00 32,400 00 77 2504 602 DUCTILE IRON FITTINGS POUND 175 32 00 3350 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE D Water 54 TOTAL Schedule D Water Main improvements $22,200 00 5% Contingencies $1,1 10 00 Subtotal 523,300.00 30% Indirect Cost $6,990.00 Main Improvements 530,300.00 Opinion of Probable Cost 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 392 WSB Project No. 1563 -00 3 Of 5 K 01556 -45W erntheeasAdoylOpmron of Probable Costs', xis Opinion of Probable Cost WS8 Project. 2006 Street Reconstruction Desagn By 1DH Project Location City of Rosemount Checked By. BDC Crty Project No 396 WSB Protect No 1556 -45 Date. 12/5/2005 Item No MN /DOT Specification No, Descnptton Unit Estimated Taal Quantity Estimated Unit Pnce Estimated Total Cost E. Stoup Sewer Improvements 78 2104 501 REMOVE SEWER PIPE (STORM) UN FT 28 310.00 $280 00 79 2104 509 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 5 315000 $750 00 80 2104 505 REMOVE CONCRETE FLUME SQ YD 80 $1200 $960 00 81 2104509 REMOVE CASTING EACH 5 $5000 325000 82 2451 602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL TON 50 3300 515000 83 25015/5 18" RC PIPE APRON EACH I 345000 $45000 S4 2501 515 24" RC PIPE APRON EACH 2 350000 51,00000 85 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 18" PIPE APRON EACH 1 340000 540000 86 2501 602 TRASH GUARD FOR 24" PIPE APRON EACH 2 350000 $1,00000 87 2503 541 15" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V UN FT 1,170 S21 50 $26,325 00 88 2503 541 18" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL 01 LIN ET 1,070 S24 50 526,215 00 89 2503 541 21" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL 111 LIN FT 235 S27 75 16,521 25 90 2503 541 24" RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III UN FT 120 33100 33,72000 91 2506 501 CONSTRUCT' DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48 -4020 LIN FT 100 327500 327 500 00 92 2506 501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 60 -4020 LIN FT 10 330000 33,00000 93 2506 501 CONSTRLCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL 1 (2 CB) EACH 14 31,250 00 317,50000 94 2506501 CONSTRUC T DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL 2 EACH 1 35,00000 35,00000 95 2506 516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 23 350000 311,50000 96 2506 602 CONNECT INTO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 1 3I 000.00 52,00000 97 2511 501 RANDOM RIPRAP CL 1V CU YD 22 370 00 51,540 00 98 2511 515 GEOTEXTILE FABRIC TYPE IV SQ YD 33 5300 S9900 99 2575 501 SEEDING(NCL TOPSOIL FERT, MULCH, DISC ANCHOR) ACRE 025 5400000 31,00000 100 2575 523 EROSION CONTROL BLANKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 80 3200 316000 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE E Storm TOTAL Schedule E Storm Sewer Improvements $137,300 00 5% Contingencies 56,870 00 Subtotal $144,200.00 30% Indirect Cost $43,260.00 Sewer Improvements 5187,500.00 Opinion of Probable Cost 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No 392 19513 Project No. 1563 -00 4 of 5 1( 101555.4SAOmn\FeambHRylOpmron of Probable Costs, xfs Opinion of Probable Cost WSB Project 2006 Street Reconstruction Design By IDIT Project Location Cvty of Rosemount Checked By BDC City Project No. 396 WSB Pi oiect No 155645 Date 12/5/2005 Item No. MINiDOT Specification Descnption Unit Estimated Q u�na` ty Estimated Unit Pnce Estimated Total Cost F. Chippendale Park Improvements 101 2104 503 REMOVE CONCRETE SIDEWALK SQ FT 900 $I 00 590000 102 2104 603 SAWING CONCRETE WALK LIN FT 15 $5 00 $75 00 103 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 10 $5 00 55000 104 2105 522 SELECT GRANULAR BORROW (CV) CU YD 10 $6 50 365 00 105 1 2521 501 4" CONCRETE WALK SQ FT 1,290 $4 50 35,805 00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE F Chippendale TOTAL Schedule F Chippendale Park Improvements $6,900 00 5% Contingencies $350 00 Subtotal 57,300.00 +30 Indirect Cost $2,190 00 Park Improvements 59,500.00 GRAND TOTAL 2006 Pavement Management Project 51,426,600.00 Opinion of Probable Cost 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project Yo. 392 WSB Project No. 1563 -00 5 at 5 N 101556- 151MmmlFeas,MitylOpinton of Probable Costs! xis Feas+btlity Report 2006 Pavement Management Project Cay Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSR Project No. 1556 -45 APPENDIX C Cost Distribution Calculations Preliminary Assessment Roll Cost Distribution Calculations WSB Project: 2006 Street Reconstruction Project Location City of Rosemount Cuy Project No 396 WSB Protect No 1556 45 Design By BDC Checked By KBK Date- 12/5/2005 Special Assessments 5439 ft 51 107 ft 352 ft 3 $310,100 $108,535 54 =II $856,400 112 54.400 Residential Equivalent Calculation (for Kidder Park Assessment) Total Residential Front Footage Total Residential Properties Average Residential Front Footage 5439 ft 51 Kidder Park Front Footage Residential Equivalent for Kidder Park 352 ft 107 ft Surface Improvements Broback 10 Addition (Schedule A) 35% Assessable to Benefiting Properties Total Residential Properties Residential Equivalents Cost Per Property $110,705 54 Properties Surface Improvements -Edwin Rahn 1 2 and 3 Addition (Schedule B) Total Residential Properties $4,400 Assessable to Each Benefiting Property Special Assessment TOTAL $595,31A Street Capital improvement Program (CIP) Fund $310,100 S856,400 $1,166,500 ($595,310) Surface Improvements Broback 10th Addition (Schedule A) Surface Improvements -Edwin Rahn 1st, 2nd and 3rd Addition (Schedule B) SUBTOTAL Subtract Special Assessments N Street Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Fund 5571,1901 Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund $12.800 Sanitary Sewer Improvements (Schedule C) Sanitary Sewer Utility Fund TOTAL $32,8001 Water Main Utility Fund sin Inn Water Main Improvements (Schedule D) Water Main Utility Fund TOTAL $30,30 Cost Distribution 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 392 WSB Project No. 1563 -00 1 of 2 Cost Distribution Calculations WSB Project 2006 Street Reconstruction Project Location. City of Rosemount City Project No. 396 WSB Protect No 1556 -45 Design By Checked By Date BDC KBK 12/ 5/2005 Storm Sewer Utility Fund $187.500 Storm Sewer Improvements (Schedule E) Storm Sewer Utility Fund TOTAL 5187,500, Park Department 59.500 Chippendale Park Improvements (Schedule F) S torm S ewer C ore F T $9,500 Cost Distribution 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 392 WSB Project No. 1563 -00 2 oft 1 Preliminen y Assessment Roll 1 IndUIVaasV pasndiud Is 2OW O I s 2,010 00 y I 2,0(000 I S 2,010001 1000E0'Z sj IS 2,01000 LS 2,010001 1 cal NWT. s1 1 00010.E s 2,01000 s 2,01000 1000IOY 11 00 010`Z s I 1 s 2,010 00 1 too OI0'Z S 1 1 00 010 5 Assessable Residential Equsvalent Units 1 1 1 1 r- L—» 1 a L- Properly Address 3np4 HAV dNNOHHJ OOP II 114629 CHROME AVE 1 114618 CHROME AVE 1 HAV d141011H3 L 19911 14(70 CHROME AVE 14574 CHROME AVE 114585 CHROME AVE 114566 CHROME AVE 1 368 W 13600 146111 ST W 1 M 1S 11L96I 58921 1 M LS 111961 8099 13584 146111 ST W 13652 1461H ST W 13566 146 LH ST W 3634 146TH S I W 3 SI W 1 M LSII19010E9E1 1 3536 146TH ST W 3516 146T11 ST W VENUE IV. of 147th ST. W.) 1 M3AVNOURVWIJ 559@1 114671 CIMARRON AVE W II M 3AV NORRVIN1J L896I 114709 CIMARRON AVE W 1 174725 CIMARRON AVE W 137201471H ST W 13619 147TH ST W 370 147TH ST W City /State Zip Code 1 89055 1 89055 1 89055 1 89055 1 89055 1 89055 1 1 59055 1 a155 89055 55068 1 89055 1 59055 1 89055 1 S9055 1 89055 J 1 89055 I 1 89055 1 66055 J 1 89055 89055 89055 89055 89055 L 89055 S9055 L 89055 1 89055 59055 L 89055 j 1 Brohack 10 Addition 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 NH 'ue2e3 Rosemount MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemouut, Rosemount, MN 1 1 NV4 5 1010 a 40 11 1 1 NW `mnosuasuw 1 Rosemount, MN Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Pity 'a0 1na%fl I Rosemount, MN 1 1 NW yunomasoy 1 ftosemoun1, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 L Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN L Rosemous, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN pap ion ouasog I 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Fee Owner Address L4630 CHROME AV L 1 k4629 CHROME AVE 114618 CHROME AVE 1 114617(IIROME AVE 1 114600 CHROME AVE 1 114603 CHROME AVE 114574 CHROME AVE 11228 TOWN CENTRE DR 1 114566 CHROME AVE 1 1 M ISHL9bI@89E1 136001461H ST W 1 1 M IS H1961 58911 13668146THS1' W 1 13584 146T11 ST W 1 13652 146111 ST W 135661461H ST W, 1 13634 I46TH ST W 120655 JUTLAND PL 1 1 M IS1119PI OZ9q 13536 1460H ST W 1 13516 146TH ST W 1 L4655 CIMARRON AVE W 114673 CIMARRON AVE W 1 14687 CIMARRON AVE W 114709 CIMARRON AVE W. 1 13720 147 EH ST W 13619 147TH ST W 1 137061471H ST W 1 Fee Owner !KEVIN JENNIFER PAULY 1 1JOHN C CUNNINGHAM 1 CHERYL WITSO 1 1JAMES R KATHIE1 HANSON 1 ZVd W VSI1 1 37IHJSLI1N V HVNOH3U 7 8 M HVH1.01 1 DAKO I A COHN l Y CDA 1 HYRON ZEFVELD 1 1LINDA 1 MUELLER 1 1KATHLEEN D REINEKE 1 1MARK 1 GINA D PETERSON 1 1PAUL AND JENNUFRL ZERUA 1 'BENJAMIN JOHN PIAZZA 1 1KELLY STEVEN GOVE MELISSA LOUISE GOVE j 1DANIEL L SANDRA M LINKE 1 1LAWRENCF L PRIOR 1 1URIAN H DOYLE 1 1ORVILLE JR RHONDA TROXEL 1 [STEVEN ENE00 1 1 t131 V Id V Nt4A 11 TTOPDI ONHa1 1 Sa3Aaw d NIAVJ11 1EMILYJ &KRISN REKSTAD 1 1 SVW VS 131111 V33"' RONALDE OLSON 1 1 NOS/1113d 3NIR3HLV.3 TAR3f 1 33OD a NRA31S 'w A3TUIHM T VIJD I V d 1DAVIDC &JINAL WEIS 1 ai d CHROME AVI 1 34- 15209 010 -041 U4_15209 1 10 bf 1 34 -15209 -040 -04 1 1 34- 15209- 050 -04j 1 34- 15209 -010 -02 1 1 34 -15209- 010 -03 1 34_15209 -020-02 1 1 34-15209 -030-03 1 Z0 1 34- 15209 -040 -03 1 1-E0-050- 60Z -srt 1 34 -15209 060-03 1 1CIMARRON A 1 10 1 1 34- 15209- 020 -01 1 Flo-ow-60u -bE L34-15209-0S0-0I 1 1 34-15209 -060-01 1 1 Z0 090 W 1 34- 15209 070 -0I 1 a Preliminary Assessment Roll 1 loam ssassv pabulum 01010'3 If 2.010aou 1$ 2,010O1I 100010.z 15 2,010 00 11 1 o 010'2 $1 R 000102 S) EIEFET8 O N O r$_ 2,01000 1 Assessable Residential Equivalent !bits 1-- -1 1— 1 L 1 1- l 1 1 1 1 1__' 1_ Property Address 3633 147TH S1 W 1 3515147TH SP W 1 M IS HULPI 06931 3651 147TH ST W 1 13 53 5 14711! ST W 1 13666 147111 ST W 13667 147Th ST W 1 1 M ISHILPI IC 1 M LS HILPI 0591 3691 147TH ST W 1 1— M IS111601595CI 3632 147TH ST W 13705 147TH ST W 1 1 M 1S 311LPJ C89 136181471H ST W 13599 I 4711 ST W 1 13598147THS W I MIS Hl H Z85C 13564147TH ST W 1 [3550 147TH ST W 1 I M- LS II11P1 1 [3514 I47TH ST W -1 I I 1 Broback 10 Addilmn Assessment Totn! apo0 dpy 89055 1 89055 1 u 89055 I 89055 1 1 89055 j 1 89055 1 89055 _I 1_8905 1 IL 89055 I 1 89055 I 1 89055 1 89055__I 1 89055 I 89055 1 1 89055 1 89055 1 89055 1 89055 J 1 89055 I 1 89055 1 89055 1 I 1 89055 Broback 10 Addition 1 ainsabbo 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 NW 'lunomaso) 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 NW'Rlnowasog I L NW lunotuaso) I 1 Rosemount, MN 1_ NW `Imsomasoll I 1 Rosemount, MN 1 mg ltmomasoN I 1 NW }unomasaN I 1 NW 'lunuwase)/ I 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 Nyy'sunonusoN -1 1 pay'lunomasou I Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 r Rosemount, MN 1 1 NW 'lunouiasn) 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 Fee Owner Address 13633 147111 ST W 1 13515147TH ST W 13690 147TH ST W 1 13651 147TH ST, W 1 1 M ISHILPI SCSC 1 MIS 11I01999C 13667 147111 ST W 1 13551 147111 ST W 1 [3650 1471H ST W 1 13691 147TH ST W 1 13565 147TH S C W l M IS Hilt I ZC91 13705 147111 ST W 1 3583 147 ST. W. 1 M IB HILPI 8 13599 147111 ST W 1 135981471H ST W 1 1 M IS 1110128511 [3564 147TH ST W 1 1 M ISHILPI OSSC r I 1JERAMY &CYNTHIAM LADZUN 13534 147TH S1 W 1 [JOSEPH L LAHONNE 13514 147TH ST W Fee Owner 1 WWDI d.L13 IOHJIN re' WINN W UTAVa1 1 Sit ILLS AONIO a8 1 71NHDnd1 1MICHAILJ KIMBERLY GORMAN 1 [DAVID L DIANE MULLIGAN 1 1 7Iuv1D f IWV1 Z? S O)11n1 MAH10W111 'KAREN R &JASON LOVOLD 1 1HRUCE A SMDERMAN 1 1HENRY F DARI LNE S WIENTJES 1 1THOMAS C SHERRI I BIRKHOLM 1 [FREDERICK E MARIA CONE 1 1 NOSHHOI 1LLwuni aB 3U1VN]I 1 NVIIOJ 1 VNVU 7 8 1 JIJINIVd !DANIEL L DONNA M GAINOR 1 111 I FREY S KARL 1 !CHARLES E PA 1 FY SCHEID 1JEFFREYA &JOANE PLAN 1 VWAI VIJTIVIN 1191'IVM 1JEAN CAROL(WHIIE) JOHNSON 1 11EFFREY IFAN LAWRENCE 1 i i Old o oco-6BZ51 rc' 1 34- 15209- 080 -014 20 080 60LS11 34- 15209 -090 -0d 1 34_15209 -090 -03 1 1 C0 602S111 F4- 15209 -110 -021 rio-0Z 1-60Z51-PC Net 1 5209 140 -01 34- 15209 170 -01 34-15209- 180 -01 1 Prefmtiamy Assessment Roll 1 11'58 Project. 2006 Pavement Management Project Date: December 5, 2005 Project Location: Rosemount, MN WSB Project No: 1556450 Edwin Rahn 1", 2" and 3 Additions Proposed Per -Unit Assessment: $4,400 Proposed Assessment 4,40000 11 4,400 00 4,400 00 4,40000 4,100 00 00 001'1 AA .L'. „Goon l oo omit I 5 4,400 00 4,400 00 I 4,400 00 5 4,400 00 I-, 4,400 00 1 4,400 00 4,400 00 5 4,400 00 !CHRYSLER AVENUE 4,400 00 4,400 00 4,400 00 1 55 11.L661 1 4,40000 4,400 00 4A0000 I s 4,40000 4,40000 4,400 0 4,40000 4,40000 I 1 1CHORLEYAVENUE W. 0 1 00 0066 t I Assessable Residential Equivalent _hats 1 I 1 1 J 1 1 I 114875 CHRYSI ER AVE W 14885 CHRYSLER AVE W 14895 CHRYSLER AVE W I4850CIIORLEYAVE W M BAV A3111OIIJ 8981 55068 3725 tJ1'PLR 148711 SF W 1 1 55068 13705 UPPER 148111 ST W 1 1 UPPER 148111 ST W 1 1 55068 13665 UPPER 148 rH ST W 1 1 55068 13645 UPPER 148TH Si W 1 1 55068 13625 UPPER 148T11 ST W 1 55068 13605 UPPER 148111 ST W 1 r UPPER 148111 ST W 1 I_ M IS 111801 )13ddf 595[1 89055 J 55068 3545 UPPER 148TH S I W 1 [3546149TH ST W 1 1 M IS H1601 9951 13586 149TH ST W 1 13606 149TH ST, W 1 1 M IS H16PI9Z9EI 36467491H SI W 1 i 1 11666149TH SF W 1 I 1 M 1S 01611 9891.1 Property Address 114835 CIMARRON AVE W 1 114896 CIMARRON AVE W 1 114895 CIMARRON AVEW 1 114906 CIMARRON AVE W I 114905 CIMARRON AVL W 1 14916 CIMARRON AVE W 114915 CIMARRON AVE W 1 89055 89055 l Zip Code 1 89055 1 1 H9055 1 1 89055 S9055 89055 1 89055 1 1 89055 1 1 89055 j 89055 J 1 55068 1 1 100175 1 1 89055 1 1 89055 1 1 89%5 1 I_89055 j 1 8E906 1 89055 1 1 89055 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 N51 'Ianowasog 1 Aosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 tort 7unomasog 1 1 NH 'wnowasn8 1 1 NN 'Innotuaso)I I 1 Rosemount, MN Rosett MN Rosem ?yarn 1 NPI ytmowaso 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 IM 6UatuY 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 I N!AJ 7nnowaso)1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 VJ 'Ppen}sJ e'l E Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1- 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosenwu t,5 Fee Owner Address City /State 114835 CIMARRON AVE W. 1 Rosemount, MN 114896 CIMARRON AVEW 1 Rosemount, MN 114895 CIMARRON AVEW F Rosemount, MN 1 14906 CIMARRON AVE W 1 Rosemount, MN 1 114905 CIMARRON AVE W Rasenount, MN 1 114916 CIMARRON AVE W 1 Rosemount, MN 114915 CIMARRON AVEW 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1215 CENTRAL 1 M 1S H160199 13586 149TH ST W 1 13606 149TH SI W 1 1 M 15 Mkt 1 991 1 N7 VH3IAINl 90 €51 1 M IS1116PI999E 13686 149TH ST W 1 1148511 CIIORLEY AVE W 1 114866CHORLEY AVE, W 1 13725 UPPER 148TII ST W 1 13705 UPPER 148 III ST W 1 13685 UPPER 148TH ST W. 1 13665 UPPER 148TH ST W 1 1 M J S H18171 IMMO 569fI 13625 UPPER 148111 ST W 1 13605 UPPER 1481H ST W. 1 13585 UPPER 148TH ST W 1 13565 UPPER 148TH Sf W 1 3545 OPPUR 148TH ST W 1 14875 CHRYSLER AVFW 1 1 M 3A 831SAUHD 5881 114895 CHRYSLER AVE W 1 1 34- 62801 -020 -04 1CIJRTIS 0 DARLA M STENE J 134- 62801- 03o- 041ROBERT& PA7RICIA PETERSON J 1 34- 62802- 230 -01 1MARCELI.YN F CARLSON 1 Fee Owner 1MICHAELJ GRO}I r NOSD[8OW t NH011 1DAVIDH PA fRICIA RATZLAFF 1 1111OMASR &LINDAL ALTON [NANCY J MOSTAD 1 KEVIN J LAURA M CORNELL STANI EY CAROL SHIIBERT [HELEN E NELSON 1 1K LNNETH ILA RUD 1 11AMES L DEBRA L CUNNINGHAM 1 1MONICA GUI HMILLER J 1DEBORAB J GROEHLER 1 1VENEVIFVE ALEXON 1 1 HOSDH>13D1 V IIVA3H5R 1ERIC LORI SNYDER 1 UNV7H3HNVHJ f VUN3)IB't8 f1H3H 1JAMES R REBECCA S SOILEAU 1 CHARI OE1E 1 BItEVOLD 1 !FRANCIS C BOl INERT PIIYLLIS C BOHNERT J 1 S3FINVH O 73IHnN'w8 1 OHVHJIH 1 I NBA3151 73HVBI NINltl [HELEN J CUNNINGHAM [MARKA &MYRLAL BAUMANN 1 1DONALD L STFLLA HEAD 1 DEBRA K B 1CORY K KELI.I STEVENS 1 1CURTJSR COBURN F34-62802-150-01 34- 02802- 160 -01 1 34- 62802 170 -01 1 1 i0 1 I0 1 34- 62802 200 -01 1 1 34-62802-210±9L1 11 .2± ±,2 11. 2 .22 0 -01 1 34- 62801- 120 -03 1 1 34- 62801- 130 -03 1 ma i 34- 62801- 050 -01 34- 62802 -010-01 34- 62802 010 -02 34- 62802 -020 -01 34- 62802 -020 -02 34- 62802 030 -01 34- 62802 -030-02 1 UPPER 148th c 34-62801-050-03 34- 62801 -020-03 34- 62801- 030 -03 34 -62801 -040 -03 34- 62801 -060 -03 34- 62801 070 -03 R0 1 34-62801 -090-03 1 (0 1 34- 62801 110 -03 1 1 Pre /Jtnittnry Assessment Roll 1 JYSB Project 2006 Pavement Management Project Date December 5, 2005 Project Location. Rosemount, MN wSB Project No 1556 -450 Edwin Rahn 1", 2 and 3" Additions Proposed Per -Unit Assessment: $4,400 Proposed Assessment 4,40000 s 4400 00 00 006'P s 1 OOOOb'0 1 17,60000 17,60000 17,600 00 17,600 00 8,800 00 1 4,400001 17,600 00 4,400 00 1 s 4,400 00 S 4,40000 1 4,40000 8 00008'8 o000P'P $I 00 ma's I n 4,40000 4,400 00 s 440000 4,40000 s 4,400 00 S 4,400 00 4,400 00 4,40000 4,40000 44(1000 4,400 00 11 00001/P "t 1 00 0006 TT 4,400 00 1 000OP'P T 1_L 1 L 1 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 s n 4ua1rnp363 Imtuaptsau aplessassy 1 1 1 1 P I 1 1 1' 1 1 Z 1 13622 UPPER 149111 ST W 1 13606 TIPPER 149TH Sf W 1 13588 UPPER 149TH SL W f 3111 UI'IS W_ 3796 UPPER LR 149111 149TH SST'. 3570 UPPER 149TH ST W 3695 UPPFR 149TH ST W 13 UPPFR 149TH ST W 1 13679 (UPPER 149111 ST W 1 13764 UPPER 149111 ST W 13663 UPPER 149 HI ST W 1 M IS I I I6P l lI3dd0 sac(' 3647 ZIPPER 149TH Si W 1 1 M 1S 11.L6PI IMMIX] ZEbE 1 3631 IR'I'LR 149TH S1 W 3696 UPPER 149r11 ST W 3621UPPER 1491H ST W 1081 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 13605 UPPER 149111 ST W, 1 3664 UPPFR 149TH ST W 3587 UPPER 149TH ST W 3648 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 M 1S H1601 113ddf L95C1 Properly Address 114876 CHORI EY AVE W 1 14884 CHORLEY AVE W 1 14892 CHORLEY AVE W 14898 (HURLEY AVE. W 114998 (2I]ORLEY AVE W 1 114990 CHORLEY IORLEY AVE W 1 114986 C'I IORLEY AVE W 1 ■4946CHORLFY AVE W 1 1HRLEY W 14925 4928 C CHOO AVE AVF W Ire (-Laces' 1 bZ055 1 1 89055 1 1 89055 1 /89055 1 1 89055 i 1 5905e 1 1 89055 1 1 89055 1 55068 1 I_ 8905$ 1 890SS 1 1 S90Se I 1 89055 1 1 89055 1 1 89055 1 1_ 89055 1 1 89055 1 L8965 1 89055 89055 /89055 1 1 89055 1 apa0 dtZ 1 89055 1 1 89055 1 1 55068 1 1 89055 1 1960Z 19PO2 8/£551 PPOSS 1 55044 -8804 55068 1 FRnI'amnia "°93 J 1 Farmington, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 NW 'Nnomasou L Rosemount, MN 1 L NJnl yunowasog 1 Rosemount, MN 1 NW 'Rmomasog 1 Rosemount, MN Rosemount, MN Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 NW '1unomasow I 1 Rosemount, MN 1 r Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 r Rosemount, MN 1 NW lunom> sou r Rosemount, MN F Rosemount, MN Rosemount, MN 1 NW 'lunowasOj 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 Rosemount, MN 1 1 MIN '00ua'el 1 NIM 'a9EArS 1 Jypsl'a8ene5 1 NW '211'031e1 1 1 NPI l 1 1 Rosemount, MET 19900 LINDEN DR 1 18231 FIKWOOD AVE 1 13588 UPPER 149TH ST 1 13711 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 r 11 3570 3796 UPPER PPER 149TH 149 LH ST ST W W 3695 ZIPPER 149TH ST W 1 F780 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 13679 UPPER 149111 ST W 13764 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 13663 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 13748 UPPER 149TH ST 1 3647 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 13732 UPPER 14911-1 ST W 13631 UPPER 149111 ST W 1 696 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 1 M IS H16P1 N3ddfl IZ9E1 680 UPPER 149TH S7 W 1 13605 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 13664 UPPER 149TH ST W 13587 UPPER 149TH SF W 1 13642 UPPER 149TH ST W 1 13567 UPPER 149TH ST W Fee Owner Address [14876 CHORLEY AVF W 1 14884 CfIORLEY AVE W_ 1 114892 CHORLEY AVE W 1 /4898 C 11ORLEY AVE W 1 116840 INTERLACHEN BLVD 113552 LYNN AVE 1 3AV NNA1 Z55CI 16685 KENTUCKY AVE 10341 204TH ST 15355 AKRON AVE 1EARL W STEIN 1_ )13N1 I3f ANOILLNVI 1AlINEM MCDONOUGH 1 930N4 1 VNI1 S SB3BOu (LORI ANN BOUDREAU DAVID L SALI Y L STAPF !JOSEPH A_ FRANCES I MURPHY r 11130NIS'IU VNI431 NVH1tlNOf 1 "IHV1S V A3VR1 OHd3SOt LEE W EUNICF SCHULDT 1 'RONNIE ROGER HOCHHALIER I 30BV1302I IN 9113INVO 38 u3HSI 1 f AO0J1 1FIUC E SANDRA D BROOKS 1 1 ATILNVJ Sal 1HlyNl8H13NN3N GERALD D EDNA 1 WEISJAHN JOHN E KIM M HANKS 1 1uVH W NVO11 1DAVID S VALARIEI CI EAR J JAYNEC HAI PAUS DARYL D HAMPTON NORMA I HAMPTON 111ARLAN G MCCLINTOCK 1 11OIINM &A C HAFIERSON 1 1ALL EN L SUZANNE GAETKE 1 Fee Owner L UBTI30N 1 AJNYN 38 SHIROW1 1MICHAEL OLSON 1 1 a IOOd NA'13A3 1 PETER D KIRSTEN B OSTBY 1 1 dO G1 aNaEt3 ACHY A N DMOHS39 V u 1 WILLIAM &SHERIIII WEBER 1 1WILLLAMA WEBER _1 !SCOTT JENNIFER KURTZ 1 1A C BROBACK ID PTNSHP 1 LERRANCE Y11RIKO YOURCHUCK 1 L aid 1 34- 62891- 140.03 1 4:2801-150-03 2801- 160 -03 34- 62801- 170 -03 34- 62802 050 -03 34- o2802- 060 -03 3402802- 070 -03 34- 62802- 080 -03 1 E0 ZO8Z T 11 34- 62802 150 -01 1 JUPPER 149TH 34- 62802- 011 -03 34-62802 -020-03 34-62802 -030-03 1 34- 62802 -040 -01 34- 62802 040 -02 JI 13462802- 040-03 1 3452802 -050-01 1 34- 62802 050-02 34- 62802 060 -01 1 34- 62802- 060 -02 1 1 3462802- 070 -01 1 I zo-oto-cos 3 1134- 52802 080 -01 4- 62802- 080 -02 1 10-060- Z0810-P£ tl 1 U1 060 ZOSZH P£ 3462802 -10001 34-62802-100-02 34- 62802 -I 10 -01 34- 62802 110 -02 34- 02801 -120 -01 1 p 0 0E1ZOBZRPE ZO-OZIZOSZA-P£ E V as O a 7 0 a 0 s O c`. ala EzE Feasibility Report 2006 Pavement Management Project City Project No. 396 City of Rosemount, MN WSB Project No. 1556.45 APPENDIX D Soil Boring Logs 11 i♦ Nn urn ,Qa 18,1 ,eDD 10101 PANINt- 14144 1 1 14105 I l I a I I+ 1 3 Y6 di 1 pPr ,Im wsa gs� s r ua en z.a lelbaranalera 1511 1 �IIh 9ii;iiN1e 1 11501111M11111 I IEF W&!!ii!IiIfl 5 1: _l c °n rl ia' a I al i, l RD uRS ial ii 4 i t* j i s p R J Rd RII t f R R Cs4+t 4 z euA•n f-s-ln 4 ROSEMOUNT 2006 Street Reconstruction Utility Map !OMIT Of AVID! AID MKfryt r—� r zoo leo IO O 300 Man LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT 2006 Rosemount Reconstruction Project 396 CLIENT/MBE NO I 40/N5498 LOCATION Rosemount, Minnesota BORING NUMBER PB- 1 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL USCS GEOLOGIC N or SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION. ORIGIN CR No TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu /RQD 0 Re 2 12" Bituminous Pavement FILL Fill 1 S vino Fdl, Mostly Sand with Gravel 1 HSA -2 J Sand with Grasel, Fme to Medium Grained, Light SP Coarse Alluvium -3 Brown, Ntotst, Loose 9 2 SB -4 -5 8 3 SB -6 -7 -8 9 4 SB -9 -10 Sand, Fme Grained, Brown, Moist, Medium Dense 12 5 SB -11 -12 END OF BORING -13 -14 1- 15 -16 -17 -18 -19 20 -21 -22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START. 9/16/05 END 9/16/05 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 9/16/05 11 45 AM 11 1/2' 9 1/2' None 3 1/4" HSA 0' 9 1/2' R. Smith McGhie p Betts, Inc. LOG OF TEST BOREtiG PROJECT 2006 Rosemount Reconstruction Project 396 CLIENT/MBI NO 40/N5498 LOCATION Rosemount, Minnesota BORING NUMBER PB -2 DEPTH (FEET) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SURFACE ELEVATION USCS GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N or CR S AMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD 0 3" Bituminous Pavement Fill Fill Fill, Mostly Sand with Gravel —1 I HSA —2 Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grained, Light SP Coarse Alluvium —3 Brown, Moist, Medium Dense 13 2 SB 4 5 16 3 SB 6 —7 Sand with Gravel, Medium to Fine Grained, Light —8 Brown, Moist, Medium Dense 26 4 SB 9 —10 20 5 SB —I I —12 END OF BORING —13 —l4 —15 —16 —17 —18 —19 —20 —21 —22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 9/16/05 END 9/16/05 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 9/16/05 1215 PM 111/2' 91/2' None 3 1/4" PISA 0' -91/2' It Smith McGhie cp Betts, Inc. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT 2006 Rosemount Reconstruction Project 396 CLIENT/MBI N0140/N5498 LOCATION Rosemount, Mumesota BORING NUMBER PB -3 DEPTH (FEET) DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL SURFACE ELEVATION USCS GEOLOGIC ORIGIN N Of CR i 3 SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD 0 nra 3" Bituminous Pavement Fill Fill J Fill, Mostly Sand with Gravel I 1 HSA —2 VS Silty Sand, Brown, Moist, Loose E SM Coarse Alluvium 6 —3 2 S8 —4 Sandy Lean Clay, Brown, Very Soft CL Till —5 3 3 SB —6 7 —8 Lean Clay, Dark Brown, Soft Lean Clay with Sand, Brown, Soft 7 4 SB —9 IO Sand with Gravel, Medium to Fine Grained, Brown, Loose SP Coarse Alluvium 10 5 SB —11 12 END OF BORING —13 14 —15 —16 —17 —18 19 —20 —21 —22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 9/16/05 END 9/16/05 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 9/16/05 1030 AM II 1/2' 9 1/2' None 3 1/4" FBA 0' -91/2' R SEmth McGhie c Betts, Inc. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT 2006 Rosemount Reconstruction Project 396 CLIENT/MBI N0140/N5498 LOCATION Rosemount, Minnesota BORING NUMBER PB -4 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL USCS GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS (F hET) SURFACE ELEVATION ORIGIN CR No TYPE MC DD LL PL Qu/RQD 0 2 1/2" Bnummous Pavement Fill Fill Fill, Mostly Sand with Gravel I 1 HSA —2 Sand with Gravel, Fine to Medium Grmned, Light SP Coarse Alluvium —3 Brown, Moist, Medium Dense Pushed Rock) 28' 2 SB —4 Sand with a Little Gravel, Medium to Fine Grained, Light Brown, Moist, Dense to Medium —5 Dense Pushed Rock) 42* 3 SB —6 —7 —8 34 4 SB —9 —10 28 5 SB —11 END OF BORING —12 —13 —14 —15 —16 —17 —18 —19 -20 —21 —22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 9/16/05 END 9/16/05 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 9/16/05 11.00 AM 111/2' 912' None 3 1/4" HSA 0' -91/2' R Smith McGhie Betts, Inc. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT 2006 Rosemount Reconstruction Project 396 CLIENT/MBI N0140/N5498 LOCATION Rosemount_ Minnesota BORING NUMBER PB -5 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC N SAMPLE SAPLE LABORATORY TESTS No TYPE MC DO LL PL Qu(RQD (FEET) SURFACE ELEVATION ORIGIN CR 3 0 act 2" Bituminous Pavement Fill Fill iii Fill, .M Mostly Sand with Gravel —1 VOW 1 HSA 2 :*,:a Silty Sand with a Little Gravel, Brown, Medium SM Coarse Alluvium Dense —3 Pushed Rock) 27* 2 SB —4 1 Sand with a Little Gravel, Medium to Fine SP 5 Grained, Brown, Moist, Medium Dense 16 3 SB —6 —7 -8 13 4 SB —9 10 Sand, Fine Grained, Light Brown, Moist, Medium Dense 22 5 SB —11 —12 END OF BORING —13 —14 —15 —16 —17 —18 —19 —20 —21 —22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 9/16/05 END 9/16/05 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 9/16/05 9 35 AM 11 1/2' 9 1/2' None 3 1/4" HSA 0' 9 1/2' R Smith McGhie cp Betts, Inc. LOG OF TEST BORING PROJECT 2006 Rosemount Reconstruction Project 396 CLIENT/h,IBl N0140/N5498 LOCATION Rosemount, Minnesota BORING NUMBER PB -6 DEPTH DESCRIPTION OF MATERIAL GEOLOGIC t SAMPLE LABORATORY TESTS No TYPE MC DD LL PL QU RQD (I EET) SURFACE ELEVATION_ USCS ORIGIN Or CR 0 2 1/4" Bituminous Pavement Fill Fill Fill, Mostly Sand wtih Gravel and a Little Silt —1 1 HSA —2 Lean Clay with a Little Sand, Brown CL Till —3 Sand with Gravel, Fine to Coarse Grained, Brown, SP Coarse Alluvium Moist, Medium Dense to Dense to Medium Dense 25 2 SB —4 —5 pieces of limestone 38 3 S8 —6 -7 -a 19 4 SB —10 19 5 SB —11 —12 END OF BORING —13 —14 —15 —16 —17 —18 —19 -20 —21 —22 WATER LEVEL MEASUREMENTS START 9/16/05 END 9/16/05 DATE TIME SAMPLED DEPTH CASING DEPTH CAVE -IN DEPTH WATER DEPTH BAILED DEPTHS METHOD CREW CHIEF 9/16/05 10:00 AM 11 1/2' 91/2' None 3 1/4" HSA 0' -91/2' R. Smith McGhie cp Betts, Inc. I Subsurface Profiles The subsurface stratification lines on the graphic representation of the test bonngs shows an approximate boundary between soil types or rock. The transition between materials is approximate and is usually far more gradual than shown. Estimating excavation depths, soil volumes and other computations relying on the subsurface strata may not be possible to any degree of accuracy. Water Level NOTICE TO REPORT USERS BORING LOG INFORMATION McGhie Betts took groundwater level readings in the exploratory borings, reviewed the data obtained, and discussed its interpretation of the data in the text of this report. The groundwater level may fluctuate due to seasonal variations caused by precipitation, snowmelt, rainfalls, constructon or remediation activities, and/or other factors not evident at the time of measurement. The actual determination of the subsurface water level is an interpretative process. Subsurface water level may not be accurately depicted by the levels indicated on the bonng logs. Normally, a subsurface exploration obtains general information regarding subsurface features for design purposes. An accurate determination of subsurface water levels in not possible with a typical scope of work. The use of the subsurface water level information provided for estimating purposes or other site review can present a moderate to high risk of error. The following information is obtained in the field and noted under "Water Level Measurements" at the bottom of the log. Sampled Depth The lowest depth of soil sampling at the time a water level measurement is taken. Casing Depth The depth to the bottom of the casing or hollow -stem auger at the time of water level measurement. Cave -In Depth The depth at which the measuring tape slopes in the bore hole. Water Level The point in the bore hole at which free standing water is encountered by a measunng tape dropped from the surface inside the casing. Drilling Fluid Level Similar to the water level, except the liquid to the bore hole is a dnlling fluid. Obstruction Depths Obstructions and/or obstruction depths may be noted on the bonng logs. Obstruction indicates the sampling equipment encountered resistance to penetration. It must be realized that continuation of dnlling, the use of other drilling equipment, or further exploration may provide information other than that depicted on the logs The correlation of obstruction depths on the log with construction features such as rock excavation, foundation depths, or buried debns cannot normally be determined with any degree of accuracy For example, penetration of weathered rock by soil sampling equipment may not correlate with removal by certain types of construction equipment. Using this information for estimating purposes often results in a high degree of misinterpretation. Accurately identifying the obstruction or estimating depths where hard rock is present over the site requires a scope of service beyond the normal geotechnical exploration program. The nsk of using the information noted on the bonng togs for estimating purposes must be understood TERMINOLOGY SYMBOLS Sod layering and Moisture Type Size Ranee Dri Ilinq and Samplin g Term Visual Observation Laboratory Testing Symbol es cn non Symbol Descn onon HSA 3- 1 /4 "LD Hollow stem auger W Water content, (ASTM** D2216) FA 4", 6" or 10" diameter flight auger D Dry density, pcf HA 2 4 or 6" hand auger LL Liquid limit (ASTM 04318) DC 2 -1/2 4 5", or 6" steel drive casing PL Plastic limit (ASTM D4318) Size A, B or N rotary casing _RC PD Pipe drill or cleanout tube Inserts in last column (Qu or RQD)- CS Continuous split barrel sampling DM Drilling mud Qu Unconfined compressive strength, psf (ASTM D21 66) J W Jetting water Pq Penetrometer reading, tsf (ASTM DI 558) SB 2" 0 D split barrel sampling Ts Torvanc reading, tsf L 2 -1(2" or 3 -1/2" 0 D SB liner sampler G Specific gravity (ASTM D854) 2" or 3" thin walled tube sample SL Shnnkage limits (ASTM D427) _T 3TP 3" thin walled tube using pitcher sampler OC Organic content- combustion method (ASTM D2974) TO 2" or 3" thin walled tube using Osterberg SP Swell pressure, tsf (ASTM D4546) sampler PS Percent swell under pressure (ASTM D4546) W Wash sample FS Free swell, (ASTM D4546) B Bag sample SS Shrink swell, (ASTM D4546) P Test pit sample pH Hydrogen ion content -Meter Method (ASTM D4972) _Q BQ, NQ, or PQ wire line system SC Sulfate content, parts /million or mg/I _X AX, BX, or NX double tube barrel CC Chloride content, parts/million or mgt N Standard penetration test, blows per foot C" One dimensional consolidation (ASTM D2435) CR Core recovery, percent Qc• Tnaxial compression (ASSTM D2850 and D4767) WL Water level D S' Direct Shear (ASTM D3080) Water level K• Coefficient of permeability, cm/sec (ASTM D2434) NMR No measurement recorded, primarily due P" Pinhole test (ASTM D4647) to presence of drilling or coring fluid DH• Double hydrometer (ASTM 04221) MA" Particle size analysis (ASTM D422) R Laboratory electncal resistivity, ohm -cm (ASTM 057) E• Pressuremeter deformation modulus, tsf (ASTM 04719) PM• Pressuremeter test (ASTM D4719) VS" Field vane shear (ASTM 02573) IR* Infiltrometer test (ASTM D3385) RQD Rock quality designation, percent •Results shown on attached data sheet or graph "ASTM designates Amencan Society for Testing and Matenals TERMINOLOGY Particle Sizes Sod layering and Moisture Type Size Ranee #200 sieve and 0 005mm #200 sieve and 0.005mm Term Visual Observation of any combination of or colors sods in a soil mass materials or colors water water limit Boulders 12" Cobbles 3" 12" Coarse gravel 3/4" 3" Fine gravel #4 sieve 3/4" Coarse sand #4 #10 sieve Medium sand #10 -#40 steve Fine sand #40 -#200 sieve Silt 100% passing Clay 100% passing Lamination Up to 1/4" thick stratum Varved Altenng laminations clay, silt, fine sand, Lenses Small pockets of different Stratified Altering layers of varying Layer 1/4" to 12" thick stratum Dry Powdery, no noticeable Moist Damp, below saturation Waterbearing Pervious soil below Wet Saturated, above liquid Gravel Content Standard Penetration Resistance Coarse Grained Soils Fine- Grained Soils Cohesionless Soils Cohesive Soils Gravel Description Gravel Description pl -Value Relative Density N -Value Consistency 2 -15 A little gravel 16 49 With gravel 5 Trace of gravel 5 15 A little gravel 16 -30 With gravel 31-49 Gravelly 0 -4 Very loose 5 10 Loose 11 30 Medium dense 31 -50 Dense 50 Very dense 0 -4 Very soft 5 8 Soft 9 Firm 16 -30 Hard 30 Very hard SYMBOLS AND TERMINOLOGOY ON TEST BORING LOG fir kIli ISZIat ma eraavd 11 lb J• u f s g sails and srtaalmt te a°am of vea,ad sda. Swaim ertarmi U..255 Egason UYeVarLa0a0 1.1.1510 ten e0-0 at PI.4 than P14073(LL- at V- PI-7 0(LL-6) to Qt 1 011 n1. MH or OH G r a in n i.lr I ML ;rOL oo 11 lb 4 10 ao 40 60 t 4Q u f s I n3p' 1 .0075 we 1111 I t n 111111 1 111111 r 1 1111 Coarse- Gniaed Soils More then 50% retained on No 200 Fine-Grained Sacs Silts and Clays Liquid bust Is than 50 50% or more passes the No 200 wM Hngh1Y organic sods Filing Peat 6rA Fibers CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS FOR ENGINEERING PURPOSES ASTM Designation: D2487 (Based on Unified Soil Classification System) Silts and Clays Liquid limit 50 or more 1 "Based oo the mend passing the 3 -m (75 -nm) stem If Sad sot gsle contained cobbles or boulders, or both, add `with nobles or boulders, or both' to group nem Gnwls with 5 to 12% firms requue dud symbols GWGM well -gashed gravel with sit GWGC well -graded pawl with clay GP-GM poorly graded gavel vnth salt GP-GC ponty graded gavel with clay Sands Ynth 5 to 12% goes require dual symbols SW-SM well-graded sand with silt SW-SC well -graded sand with day SP -SM poorly graded sand with silt SP -SC poorly graded sand with dry 100 50 Crams for Amman Group Symbols wad Group Naas Ususg Laboratory Tests" SIEVE ANALYSIS Gravels More than 50% coarse &aeon° moused on No 4 sine Sands 50% or more of coarse fraction passer No 4 slew 10 5 t 5 d PARTICLE SIZE IN MILLIMETERS Clean Gravels than 5 fines` Gravels with Fuses than 12 %fines Clean Sands than 12%fnes Sands with Fuses More thin 12 %fines morpnJG organic inot$11mc Pnmanly °queue matter, dads in color, and organic Home Peat 33 %67 Ffliers CuwDo /Dui 0 Less Cud andl <Cc <3E Mort Cu 4 and/or] >Cc>3E Fines classify es ML or MH Fuses classify as CL or CH Less Cu 6 and l<Cc53 Cu 6 and/or l Cc 3 Fines classify as ML or MH Fuss classify as CL or CH PI 7 and plots on or above "A" line P[ 4 or plots below "A" [use Liquid loot moo dried Liquid bust not dned PI plots on or °bose'A" line PI plots below "A" base Cc- (D L/ D10 Dm 'If sod comas 11 sand, add belch timer to group name e lf fines classify as CL -M1, use dual symbol GC-GM or SC-SM a lf fines art organic, add 'with organic fuses" to group name t If soil contains d 15% gravel, Md'WUh gavel" to group name 1 If Atterberg bust plot in hatched area sod ts a CL -ML silty day If seal contains 15 -29% plus No 200, add' with sand" or "ands goad,' whichever a prdoonnant Ifsoil contams 30% plus No 200, prdomnandy sand. add "sandy" to group came SOIL ENGINEERING 075 Liquid Lost- oven dt'wd 075 Liquid limit not deed Group Symbol GW GP GM GC SW SP SM SC CL ML OL Sad Clasnfic,non Group Nave' Well-graded pr°x7 Poorly graded AaveI silty ga VSF G,N Clayey grsvelr,0" Well graded sand Poorly graded sand' Silty sand coin Sand Lem clay Silt" Glganc dey Omen ujt tL1l° CH Fa dry'' MH Elastic silt OH Otpmc day Organic silt" PT Pea Sapnc Peat 33 %Fibers n lfsoil contains a 30 %plus No, 200, predonenmtJy gn.d, add 'gravelly" to group name PI? 4 and plots on or above "A line PI <4 or plots blow "A" line 'P1 plots an or above "A" ill= PI plots below "A" hoe 60 50 E 40 30 a 20 10 0 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 Liquid Ltrnd (LL) PERCENT RETAINED PERCENT PASSING