HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.l. 2006 Fee ResolutionAGENDA ITEM: 2006 Fees and Fee Policy AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Department Directors Amy Domeier, Secretary AGE ATTACHMENTS: Fee Resolution, Dept. Memos APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTON to approve the 2006 Fee Resolution and Fee Policy. 4 ROSEMOUNT City Council: December 20, 2005 CITY COUNCIL SUMMARY Staff recommends approval of the presented resolution and attachment EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Update and review of frequent fees for all city departments. Annual review occurs in December for fee changes in 2006. BACKGROUND Many of the common fees issued for all city departments are stated in a yearly resolution. Staff and a financial consultant, Jessie Hart from Spnngsted and Associates, have estabhshed baseline charges which include work sheets on staff tune involved for each fee. After thorough review, fees have been changed as presented m the resolution. The proposed amendments are noted with editing markings to remove wording or fees, and bold and underline to insert wording and fees 4 ROSEMOUNT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Dawn Weitzel, Assistant City Administrator Date: December 15, 2005 Subject: Proposed 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees As requested, the following is a summary of the proposed rate and fee adjustments that are included m the draft 2006 Fee Resolution. Document Fees Minnesota Statutes, section 13.03 allows the City to charge copy costs to people requesting copies of pubhc government data. Amendments to section 13.03 during the 2005 legislative session require entities to calculate any fee that is charged by either Fee Calculation Method I or Fee Calculation Method II A description of these methods is included on the following pages. City Attorney LeFevere has reviewed each of the changes so that the City's document charges fall into comphance with the amended statute. For most documents charges are based on the following guidelines: For 100 or fewer pages of black and white legal or letter sized copies, $.25 per page plus tax will be charged to the requester For more than 100 pages, and if the request takes longer than 15 minutes of staff time to complete, the actual cost of the document plus tax will be charged to the requester. For documents which are outsourced, the actual cost of the document plus tax will be charged to the requester. Faxed copies are $.50 per page plus tax. If more than 100 pages or if long distance charges apply, actual costs will be charged to the requester. Mailed documents are the cost of the document plus tax and handling costs. For other types of materials (i.e. video and audio tapes or actual photographs) actual costs will be charged to the requester. Fees For Providing Copies of Public Government Data Effective August 1, 2005 This document is intended to guide government entities in determining an appropriate fee for providing copies of public government data when the requester is not the subject of the data and the copy fee is not established specifically by statute. Minnesota Statutes, section 13.03 provides that, if a person requests copies or electronic transmittal of public goverunent data, and the requester is not the subject of the data, the responsible authority for the government entity may require the requester to pay a fee. Amendments to section 13.03 in 2005 require entities to calculate any fee that is charged by using one of the two methods below (Minnesota Session Laws 2005, Chapter 163, section 8, effective August 1, 2005.) Regardless of which method is used, the entity may not charge for separating public data from not public data Fee Calculation Method I If 100 or fewer pages of black and white, letter or legal size paper copies are requested, the entity may charge a per -page fee of not more than 25 cents for each page copied (50 cents for a two -sided copy). The entity is authorized to charge only the per -page fee and cannot require the requester to pay any of the costs listed m Fee Calculation Method II. This provision should not be interpreted to permit division of a single request into requests for copies of fewer than 100 pages in order to avoid charging a fee based on the actual costs of providing copies. Fee Calculation Method II In all other circumstances, including requests to provide data via facsimile, the entity may require the requester to pay the actual costs of searching for and retrieving the data, including the cost of employee time, and for making, certifying, compiling and electronically transmitting copies of the data or the data themselves. Additional criteria for determining copy costs using Method II are set forth at Minnesota Rules, part 1205.0300, subpart 4. The entity may not charge a minimum fee. Certain advisory opinions, issued pursuant to Minnesota Statutes, section 13.072, have established the following criteria for determining copy costs using Method II. (See the opinion index on IPAD's website; specifically, the topical index category. Copy costs.) A. Costs that may be included as long as they are reasonable: Staff time required to: Retrieve documents Sort and label documents, only if necessary to identify the data to be copied Remove staples or paper clips Take documents to copier for copying Copy documents Notes The entity may not assess a fee for labor costs (wages /salary plus benefits) that exceed those of the lowest -paid employee who could complete the task(s) performed. The requirement that data be kept in a manner that makes them easily accessible for convenient use may limit the entity in charging for staff tine. Materials (paper, copier ink, staples, magnetic tapes, video or audio cassettes, etc.) Special costs associated with making copies from computerized data, such as writing or modifying a computer program to format data. Note Computerized data must be kept in a manner Search and retrieval costs when data are inspected but no copies are requested Information Policy Analysis Division, Department of Administration 201 Administration Building, 50 Sherburne Avenue St Paul, Minnesota 55155 Voice 651 296 6733 or 1 800 657 3721 Fax 651 205 4219 www 'pad state mil us July 2005 Fees for Providing Copies of Public Government Data Page 2 that makes the data easily accessible for convenient use. Mailing costs Vehicle costs directly involved in transporting data to the appropriate facility when necessary to provide copies (for example, when the entity is unable to provide copying services for photographs, oversized documents, videos, etc.) Electricity costs when the requester uses own scanner to make an unusually large number of copies B. Costs that may not be included: Purchase or rental of copier Maintenance of copier Normal operating expenses of computer /copier, including electricity used, and machine wear /tear Depreciation of copier Staff time required to: Separate public from not public data Open a data request that was mailed Sort, label or review data, if not necessary to identify the data to be copied Return documents to storage Provide information about the data to the requester (i.e., explain content and meaning of data) Prepare data for mailing Prepare cover letter, fax sheet or invoice for copies Credit payment and perform other associated accounting functions Note The entity may not assess a fee for labor costs (wages /salary plus benefits) that exceed those of the lowest -paid employee who could complete the task(s) performed Administrative costs that are not related to copying Records storage Sales tax The entire cost of operating a multi -tasked computer for a measured unit of time, when fulfilling a request for copies was only one of the tasks performed during that unit of time Costs incurred because data are not maintained in a manner that makes them easily accessible for convenient use 4 ROSEMOUNr PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT M E M O R A N D U M To: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator From: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer Date: December 15, 2005 Subject: Proposed 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees As requested, the following is a summary of the proposed rate and fee adjustments that are included m the draft 2006 Fee Resolution: 1. Street Assessments a. The per unit street assessment rate for Single Family /R -1 Zoned properties with existing concrete curb and gutter is proposed to increase from $4,000 per unit to $4,400 per unit. b. The per unit street assessment rate for Single Family /R Zoned properties with existing bituminous curb is proposed to increase from $4,500 per unit to $5,000 per unit. 2. Quarterly Storm Water Utility Fees The quarterly storm water utihty fees are proposed to increase as shown in accordance with the storm water utility fee analysis completed by Springsted in 2003 tn conjunction with the Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan 3. Sanitary Sewer and Water Trunk Area Charges The trunk sanitary sewer and water area charges and connection charges are proposed to increase 3% and 5%, respectively. This recommended increase is consistent with the annual increases for the past 6 years m accordance with the City's most recent rate study At this time, a new rate study is being completed to review both the trunk area and connection charges along with the sanitary sewet and water utility rates. These rates may be modified in 2006 based on the recommendattons of this rate study. 4. Storm Water Trunk Area Charges The trunk storm sewer area charges and connection charges are proposed to increase 3 C \Documents and Settings \dmw\Local Settings \Temporary Internet Files \OLK:B\2006feeresolutwn memo jv 121505 doc MEMORANDUM TO: City Council Members FROM: Kim Lindquist, Community Development Director DATE: December 16, 2005 RE: Fee Resolution Fee changes for the Community Development Department are to bring the fees more in line with the analysis of time and resources done by Springsted Inc There are some planning fees, those traditionally requested by residents rather than developers that have been reduced under the estimated costs. Those continue to be lower. However, there are other items that have been increased based on increased cost or because the process has changed, such as the PUD process. Building pernut fee increases are also based upon the Springsted study. The documentation fees and water softener Installation fee are State mandated and are not reflective of the cost estimates found within the Springsted report. 9 ROSE MOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M To: Mayor City Council Members City Administrator Verbrugge From: Dan Schultz, Director of Parks and Recreation Date: December 12, 2005 Subject: 2006 Fees and Fee Policy The Parks and Recreation Commission recommended the following changes be mage to the 2006 Fees and Fee Pohcy: Arena Staff rs recommending we increase Prime Time Ice Fees from $155 to $165 per hour. Staff is also recommending increasing the Daytime Open Skate Fee from $1 50 to $2 00 per person Community Center Tax will now be charged (to all taxable groups) in addition to RCC rental fees. This is our first year being asked by the State to charge tax on these rentals. Staff is also recommending that we increase the Banquet Room Rental Fees and joint Banquet Room and Auditorium Rental Fees as proposed below Staff Negotiations Staff is also suggesting that new language be added to our Fee Policy allowing for some negotiations to take place between staff and customers under special circumstances such as last minute rentals, long term rentals and special event rentals. The language would be as such: Under the supervision of the Parks and Recreanon Director, the management staff at the Community Center would have the ability to negotiate for last minute rentals, long term rentals and special events in order to maximize the use of the Community Center Staff would provide quarterly exception reports Parks Dedication Fees Staff have not received any new information that would warrant an increase to our fees. The Commission will receive a new park dedication fee survey that is due out in December Also, based on discussions with local developers in the area, our land prices are m line with recent land purchases. Park Rental Fees No recommended changes The information listed on the next page identifies comparable fees per facility that were reviewed by the Parks and Recreation Commission Item /City (Org.) St Thomas A.V Burnsville IGH Farmington Lakeville Rsmt Eagan Pnme Ice $180 195 $165 5160 5165 5145 $170 $155 5155* Non Pnme Ice 5135 $103 after 11 $113 5135 5140 5170 5115 5112 Summer depends on hours NA $140 5135 NA $140 $115 by hours Pubhc Open Skate NA 54 $4 $4 50 $3 00 $2 k $3 a $4 00 $1 50 dayume $2 k $3 a Adult Open Hockey NA NA 56 $5 50 NA NA 54.00 55 00 Item /Org. IGH Royal Chff TSD 196 Rosemount Apple Valley Full Gym $42 NA 520, 526 or 572* $30, $40 or $60 530, $50 or 590 Gym NA NA Half pace NA NA Banquet Room $785 gym for wedding $250 5795 based on group size NA R $550 N $650 NA Classroom $15, $32 or $37 NA $10, $24 or $48 $25, $30 or 530 $30, 560 or $120 Item /City Apple Valley Eagan R $43 N $64 Farmington $25 half day 540 full day Rosemount R $25 N $35 Lakeville R $50 N $75 Open Shelters 540 Shelter Buildings $60 R $128 N $176 NA R $80 N $130 R $65 N $90 Ball fields $25 5230 460 for 9 games 25 525 $30 Park Fees Community Center Fees *Middle School Gym 1 full court of basketball Arena Ice Fees ROSEMOUNt 1 PARKS AND RECREATION M E M O R A N D U M *Eagan charges the school district 5165 per hours which is the same rate Apple Valley charges the district ATTEST: Linda Jentmk, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005 A RESOLUTION APPROVING AMENDMENTS SETTING THE FEE SCHEDULE FOR 2006 WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount conducted a User Fee Study in order to estabhsh logical and defensible fees for the City of Rosemount; and WHEREAS, the City has found several fees and rates m need of adjustments; THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, that it adopts the attached Exhibit 1, Schedule of Rates and Fees including. Appendix I: Schedule of Rates and Fees for 2006, including Exhibit A,B,C Appendix II: Rosemount Parks and Recreation 2006 Fees and Fee Pohcy ADOPTED December 20, 2005 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. William H Droste, Mayor Motion by: Second by: Voted m favor: Voted against: Member(s) absent: APPENDIX I SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEES FOR 2006 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates Fees Appendix I Planning and Zoning Review Fees Page 1 Public Works and Engineering Fees Page 3 Park Dedication Fees Page 9 Administration Fees Page 10 Fire Prevention Permits and Fees Page 12 Police Department Permits and Fees Page 14 Building Permits and Fees Page 16 Building Value Range Fees Exhibit A Page 21 Residential Building Valuations Exhibit B Page 22 Table A -33B Grading Plan Review Fees Exhibit C Page 23 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I PLANNING AND ZONING REVIEW FEES Administrative Appeals 200.00 Affidavits Certificate of Authenticity 60.00 Appeal of Planning Commission Decisions to the City Council 130.00 City Staff Billing For applications that include excessive staff time, services performed by City personnel will be billed at two and one -half (2.5) times the actual payroll hourly rate. Services provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Application Fee 4,000.00 Conditional Use Permit 1,000.00 Documents 2020 Comprehensive Guide Plan 31.00 tax Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan 92.00 tax Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance .25/page tax Zoning Map Black and White 1.00 tax Color 11" x 17" 10.00 tax Color 24" x 36" 25.00 tax Environmental Assessment Worksheets Escrow fee for City Consultant Services. Applicant will be responsible for actual costs incurred by the city. Interim Use Permit 500.00 Joint Applications A planned unit development that includes a subdivision may have the fee waived for a preliminary plat at the discretion of the Community Development Director. Mineral Extraction Permit Application Fee Annual Fee Surety Bond 1 1,800.00 10,000.00 1,425.00 370.00 7,500.00 per acre RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I Planned Unit Development Concept Plan 1,500.00 $20 per acre Final Development Plan 2,000.00 Administrative 800.00 Minor Amendment 900.00 Major Amendment 2,700.00 Rezoning 1,000.00 Signs Permanent Installation 270.00 electrical permit Temporary sign 50.00 Site Plan Review Site: One acre or more Site: Less than one acre TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Application Fee parcel in TIF new TIF District 2 1,700.00 1,200.00 Subdivision Fees Preliminary Plat 1,500.00 the following: Residential 10 00 per unit Commercial/Industrial 50 00 per acre Final Plat 1,600 00 Lot Split 1,440.00 Administrative Plat/ Simple Plat 1,120.00 Other Subdivision (waiver of subdivision) 950.00 Lot Combination 450.00 775.00 1,750.00 Transmission Facilities 1,075.00 Variance Petition Application Fee 200.00 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 1,600.00 PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING FEES RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I 1. Assessments A. Street Assessments for Total Reconstruction Projects on existing streets are as follows: 1. Single Family /R -1 Zoned Lot: With Existing Concrete Curb Gutter 4,400.00 With Existing Bituminous Curb 5,000.00 With Existing Gravel Road Full Cost of Improvement 2. Rural and Transitional Residential With existing bituminous With existing gravel road 35% of Improvement Cost Full Cost of Improvement B. Street Assessments for Rehabilitation Projects on existing streets are as follows: All Properties 35% of Improvement Cost C. Street Assessments for Overlay Projects on existing streets are as follows: All Properties 35% of Improvement Cost D. Special Assessment Search 80.00 2. City Equipment and Staff Rates A. Equipment Per hour charge (does not include operator) Equipment charges, including licensed vehicles and mobile equipment, will be calculated as follows: The true cost of the equipment (including annual depreciation, annual insurance premiums, annual license taxes if applicable, annual operating and maintenance expenses, and an annual carrying fee) will be divided by the estimated hours the equipment is expected to be used annually. B. Public Works Staff Per hour charge Staff charges for each employee billed will be calculated using the top hourly pay at the overtime rate plus an additional 20% for FICA, Medicare and PERA expenses 3. Engineering Fees: Administrative Fees: For Chapter 429 or private improvements project charges shall be calculated at 5 percent of public improvement construction costs. Services provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates plus 5 percent administrative costs, unless assessed to benefiting property under a 429 project which then excludes the 5 percent. 4. Miscellaneous Public Works Fees: Asbuilts Record Drawings 50.00 tax 3 Assessment Searches (see pg.7 also) Feasibility Reports Geographic Information Systems Fees (GIS) Single family, town homes or multi family All other Final Plat Simple Lot/Parcel split or boundary change Maps Half- Section Maps (property lines only) Topo Maps (1/2 Section Hard Copy) Plat Maps Private Utility Permits Right of Way/Utility Easement Vacation Fee Sidewalk/Trail Snow Removal Street Excavation and Curb Cuts Curb Cuts, Driveway Access Permits, Transit Stop Kiosks Street Excavation minimum bond deposit with City Street Utility Specifications Weed Inspection Wetland Notification/Application Form Wetland Inventory Map 5. Solid Waste Hauling License Solid Waste Hauling License 6. Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water Usage Rates A. Water and Sanitary Sewer User Fees Usage Based on Quarterly Meter Readings Water Use Water Fixed Charge Sanitary Sewer Use Sanitary Sewer Fixed Charge 4 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I 75.00 tax 23.47 tax 60.00 per lot /unit 120.00 per acre 300.00 20.00 tax 20.00 tax 20.00 tax 1,000.00 775.00 225.00 per lot 325.00 2,000.00 23.47 tax 580 00 3,175 00 50.00 tax 320.00 1.02/1000 gallons 8.90 each account 1.40/1000 gallons 20 00 each account Storm Fee Land Use Category Land Use Description Unit Fee 1 Single family residential, R -1,2, RL, Multi -unit residential with individual water meters, R -3,4, Platted/undeveloped, Minimum charge for all parcels Residential Unit $10.21 2 Rural residential, Agricultural, RR, AG Lot $10.21 3 Parks, Golf Courses, Cemeteries, PK Acre $2.19* 4 Undeveloped/unplatted Acre .15* 5 Multi -unit residential without individual water meters, Apartments, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Government Buildings, Mobile Home Parks Acre $37 94 6 Commercial, Industrial and Parking Lots, C- 1,2,3,4, IP, IG, PL, WM Acre $47.32 RESOLUTION 2005-XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I B. Water Surcharge and Meter Maintenance Per Chart Below (Quarterly) Meter Size Surcharge Meter Maintenance Single Family 5/8" 8.80 0 Multi Family 5/8" 6.80 0 1" 13.50 6.25 1 28.00 11.25 2" 31.50 1815 2 1/2" 39.35 22 20 3" 47.00 26.25 4" 70.00 45 00 6" $154.00 $100.00 8" $170.00 $130.00 *Commercial, Industrial or Institutional /Commercial and Industrial are taxable *Meter maintenance applied to Base Fixed Water Charge based on meter size. Sewer Only Users Bulk Water Irrigation Meters: Exempt from Sanitary Sewer Usage charges. Pays Water Usage charge, Fixed Water charge by meter size and Surcharge by meter size. C. QUARTERLY STORM WATER UTILITY FEES *Categorie 3, 4, 5, 6 are subject to the minimum charge of $10.21. The largest of either the minimum or application of the above rates will be used for the fee. 5 40 00 per quarter per SAC unit 2.00 per 800 gallons tax D. Miscellaneous Utility Charges: Meter Disconnection Charge 80.00 Meter Reconnection Charge 80.00 Manual Meter Read 50.00 Monthly New Customer List Total Customer List 1. 100 copies of black and white letter or legal sized copies; or RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I .25 /page tax 2. More than 100 pages and 15 minutes or Actual costs will be billed longer of staff time, or tax Utility Billing Search/Resident No Charge Utility Billing Search/Non- Resident No Charge Water Meter Accuracy Check Testing 5/8" 2# meters Testing 3" meters Testing 4" meters Testing 6" meters Water Meter Installation Charges: Water meter charges are the actual cost of meter and appurtenant parts, plus shipping and handling. Charges are subject to change during the year. See the most recent Cost of Water Meter schedule. 7. Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Capital Charges A. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Availability Charge (Metro SAC) Per Sac Unit, as determined by the MCES, 1,550.00 B. City Sanitary Sewer Availability Charges Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plat/subdivision agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution, prior to connection to the sanitary sewer system 6 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 Trunk Area Assessments collected with final plat/subdivision agreement Per SAC Unit as determined by the MCES and collected with the Building Permit CITY SANITARY SEWER CHARGES Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential Institutional, Commercial and Industrial. $1,075.00 per acre $1,200.00 D. Miscellaneous Utility Charges: Meter Disconnection Charge 80.00 Meter Reconnection Charge 80.00 Manual Meter Read 50.00 Monthly New Customer List Total Customer List 1. 100 copies of black and white letter or legal sized copies; or RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I .25 /page tax 2. More than 100 pages and 15 minutes or Actual costs will be billed longer of staff time, or tax Utility Billing Search/Resident No Charge Utility Billing Search/Non- Resident No Charge Water Meter Accuracy Check Testing 5/8" 2# meters Testing 3" meters Testing 4" meters Testing 6" meters Water Meter Installation Charges: Water meter charges are the actual cost of meter and appurtenant parts, plus shipping and handling. Charges are subject to change during the year. See the most recent Cost of Water Meter schedule. 7. Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Capital Charges A. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Availability Charge (Metro SAC) Per Sac Unit, as determined by the MCES, 1,550.00 B. City Sanitary Sewer Availability Charges Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plat/subdivision agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution, prior to connection to the sanitary sewer system 6 125.00 125.00 125.00 125.00 STORM WATER CHARGES Trunk Area Assessments to be collected from Developers on all newly developed properties Connection Charges (STAC) collected with the Building Permit on all Newly Developed properties Single Family Multiple Family Public/Institutional Commercial and Industrial. $6,200 per acre* 690 per lot 260 per housing unit (4 plex =4 units) 2,065 per acre 2,065 per acre 2,065 per acre RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I C. City Water Availability Charges 1. Trunk area assessments collected with final plat/subdivision agreement as follows: All zoning types 4,420.00 per acre Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plat/subdivision agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution, prior to connection to the water system 2. And Water Access Charge collected with the Building Permit as follows: Single Family Res. Multi Family Res. 1" Meter 1' Meter 2" Meter 2'h" Meter 3" Meter 4" Meter 6" Meter 8" Meter 7 1,480.00 1,480.00 6,700.00 10,050.00 13,400 00 16,750.00 20,110.00 23,460.00 26,810.00 30,160.00 D. Storm Water Charges a. For this charge, Newly Developed Properties are defined as any property, including platted or unplatted parcels, which are improved with buildings, grading, or otherwise creating an impervious surface. In addition to the following charges, stormwater ponding fees /credits will be determined at the time of final platting or building permit application. *Acres are defined as gross acres of developable property minus pond acreage (at high water level) and wetlands at delineation line, rounded to the nearest one tenth (1 /10th) of an acre. Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plat/subdivision agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution, prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for use of any property. RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix 1 b. Connection Charges (STAC) Collected with the Building Permit on all newly developed properties that have not paid trunk area assessments listed above (Gross Area). Single Family 2,755.00 per lot Multiple Family 7,740.00 per acre Public /Institutional 8,265.00 per acre Commercial 8,265.00 per acre Industrial 8,265.00 per acre 8. Water Tower Antennas Application fee 2,500.00 Per year rent payments based on 9" panel Type or 3 A whip type antennas and appropriate outside equipment area will be charged at the current yearly rate, which is adjusted annually. Minimum per year lease payment increase. 8 5% PARK DEDICATION FEES RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I Park dedication fees are outlined in City Subdivision Ordinance and City Ordinance No. XVII.103 and .107 which states: In all new residential subdivisions, the City shall require that a sufficient portion of such land be set aside and dedicated to the public for parks, playgrounds or other public use exclusive of property dedicated for streets and other public ways. It shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated for parks and playgrounds for the present and future residents of the subdivision, if the subdivider dedicates at least 1/25 of an acre per dwelling unit that can be constructed in the subdivision. The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land be dedicated if the City determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether cash in lieu of land dedication is more appropriate. The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution by the City Council. In all new commercial and industrial subdivisions, it shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated to serve the needs of the resident and working population if the subdivider dedicates at least ten percent (10 of the land in the subdivision for parks, recreation and usable open space. The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land to be dedicated if it determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes. The City shall determine whether cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate. The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution of the City Council. Land Values for the dedication of land and /or cash contribution: New residential subdivision $75,000 /acre Commercial subdivision $90,000 /acre Industrial subdivision $50,000 /acre 1. Adult Use Establishment License 2. Check Return Charge 3. Copies Videotapes 3. Document that is outsourced On -Sale Wine ADMINISTRATION FEES City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission, Parks Recreation or Utilities Commission Minutes (mailed) *no charge to Rosemount residents Documents The following fees for copies apply to all departments. 2. More than 100 pages and 15 minutes or longer of staff time; or tax 4. Large Public Gathering on City Parkland (Reso.1997 -36) 5. Liquor Licenses On -Sale Intoxicating Class A (Jan 1 -Dec 31) Class B (Jan 1 -Dec 31) 10 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I 3,000.00 30.00 City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission, Parks .25 /page handling tax Recreation or Utilities Commission Agendas (mailed) .25 /page handling tax The above items are available at no charge to residents if documents are requested on an individual basis. Actual Cost of Reproduction and Handling. (Handling charge will be taxed.) 100 copies of black and white letter or .25 /page tax legal sized copies; or Actual costs will be billed Actual costs will be billed tax Faxed copies are $.50 per page plus tax If more than 100 pages or if long distance charges apply, actual costs plus tax will be billed to the requester. Mailed copies are charged the applicable document rate and all handling costs plus tax. 150.00 4,500.00 3,000.00 550.00 Off -Sale Intoxicating On -Sale 3.2% Malt Off -Sale 3.2% Malt Temporary On -Sale Intoxicating Temporary On -Sale 3.2% Malt Special Club On -Sale Intoxicating Membership under 200 between 201 and 500 between 501 and 1,000 between 1,001 and 2,000 between 2,001 and 4, 000 between 4,001 and 6,000 more than 6,001 Special Sunday Bottle Club One -day Bottle Club 11 (July 1 -Jun 30) (July 1 -Jun 30) (Jan 1- Dec 31) (Jan 1 -Dec 31) On -Sale Intoxicating Liquor License On Public Premise Annual License (Jan 1 -Dec 31) Per event Amending an Existing Liquor License 6. Massage Therapist License (Jan 1 -Dec 31) 7. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants (Jan 1 -Dec 31) 8. Gambling Permits FIRE PREVENTION PERMITS AND FEES RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I 200.00 250.00 210.00 170.00 /event 150.00 /event 300.00 500.00 650.00 800.00 1,000 00 2,000.00 3,000.00 250.00 140.00 25.00 350.00 30.00 175.00 90.00 90.00 250.00 1. Alarm System Permit/Review As recommended by Exhibit A. Minimum fee Large: Minimum fee Small: 2. Burning Permit Commercial 3. Day Care Inspection 4. Fire Dept. Certificate of Occupancy Inspection/Renewal Fee 5. Copies of Fire Dept. Officers Report 6. Fire Dept. Re- inspection Fee 7. Fire Dept. Special and Miscellaneous Inspections 8. Copies of Fire Dept. Report 9. Fire Photo (per copy) 10. Fire Video Tape 11. Fire Sprinkler Protection System As recommended by Exhibit A. State Surcharge: 12. Fuel Tank Installation or Removal: As recommended by Exhibit A 13. Haunted House Operation Permit 14. Penalty for Failing to Obtain Permit 12 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I $225.00 Surcharge. $100.00 Surcharge. 235.00 50.00 965.00 .25 /page tax 47.00 130.00 .25 /page tax Actual cost of reproduction and handling. (Handling charge will be taxed Actual cost of reproduction and handling. (Handling charge will be taxed.) As recommended by the Minnesota State Code Section 16B.70 880.00 Penalty for failing to obtain a permit prior to starting work required is two times the regular permit fee established herein. 15. Plan Check Fees: Commercial/Industrial/Multi- family buildings and structures Sixty -five percent (65 of the building permit fee. RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I Residential buildings sixty -five percent (65 of the building permit fee for new single family dwellings. Residential Accessory Structures /additions /alterations /repairs /remodeling sixty -five percent (65 of the building permit fee. 16. Pyrotechnic Display of Fireworks 200 00 17. Fireworks Sales 350 00 18. State Surcharge: 19. Storage and Use of Hazardous Materials 615.00 Over quantities listed in current Fire Code Edition Section 4. Permit valid for twelve months maximum 20. Temporary Use of LP Gas 100.00 13 As recommended by the Minnesota State Code Section 16B.70. 1. Alarm User Permit 2. Animal Impound First impound in 12 month period (same animal) All impounds beyond first in 12 month penod 3. Animal Licenses Registration Fees Annual fee for spayed and neutered animals Annual fee for unspayed and uimeutered Duplicate Tags 4. Audio Tape Copies 5. Background checks 6. Contractual Overtime 7. Dangerous Dog Registration 8. Pawn Shop License Fee 0 20 pawns a day 21 -40 pawns a day 41 and over pawns a day 9. Photographs: Actual Photo Color copy of photo 10. Copies of Police report 11. Tattoo Body Piercing Establishments Annual Business License POLICE DEPARTMENT PERMIT AND FEES 14 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I 160.00 30.00 50 00 6.00 12.00 5.00 Applicants 62 years of age or older shall pay fifty percent (50 of above stated fees. Actual cost of reproduction and handling (Handling charge will be taxed.) 18.78 tax ($20.00) 48.00 per hour 300.00 1,500.00 yr. 3,000.00 yr. 5,000.00 yr. Initial application includes $1,500.00 deposit for investigation fee as set in City Code. Actual cost of reproduction and handling. (Handling charge will be taxed.) .50 /page +tax .25 /page tax 250.00 Annual Personal Service License 100.00 12. Video Tape Copies Traditional 15 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I Actual cost of reproduction plus handling. (Handling charge will be taxed.) 1. Administrative Handling Fee A handling fee of $25.00 will be charged for address and lot changes and for permit and file editing. These changes must be done within thirty (30) days of permit issuance or all prior permit fees will be forfeited (non refundable). 2. Building Permits: As recommended by Value Range Exhibit A. Asbuilt Survey Escrow Fee (Refundable after final grade asbuilt approved.) 3. Certificate of Occupancy Inspection and /or change of use 4. Documentation Fees Building Department Reports 4. Electrical Permits 1. Minimum fee for each separate inspection of an installation, replacement, alteration or repair limited to one inspection only. 2. Administrative fee for each permit. BUILDING PERMITS AND FEES 3. Services, changes or service, temporary services, additions, alterations or repairs on either primary or secondary services shall be computed separately. 0 to 100 ampere capacity 101 to and including 200 ampere capacity For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof 4. Circuit, installation of, additions, alterations or repairs of each circuit or sub feeder shall be computed separately, including circuits fed from sub feeders and including the equipment served, except as provided for in Items 4 through 9. 0 to and including 30 ampere capacity (maximum number of 1 -30 ampere circuits to be paid on is 30 to any one cabinet) 16 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I 2,000.00 58.00 160.00 /y ear tax 12.50 /month tax 30.00 10.00 18.00 20.00 8.00 6.00 31 to and including 100 ampere capacity 7.00 For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof 5.00 5. In addition to the above fees: A charge of $2.00 will be made for each street lighting standard. A charge of $3.00 will RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I be made for each traffic signal standard Circuits originating within the standard will not be used when computing fees. 6. In addition to the above fees: All transformers and generators for light, heat and power will be computed separately at 55.00 per unit plus 25 per KVA up to and including 100 KVA. 101 KVA and over will be computed at .20 per KVA All Transformers for signs and outline lighting shall be computed at $4.00 for the first 500 VA or fraction thereof per unit plus $.40 for each additional 100 VA or fraction thereof. 7. In addition to the above fees (unless included in the fee filed by the initial installer): Remote control, signal circuits and circuits of less than 50 volts shall be computed at $6.00 per each ten (10) openings or devices of each system plus $.50 for each additional opening. 8. For review of plans and specifications of proposed installations there shall be a minimum fee of $100.00 up to and including $30,000 00 of electrical estimate, plus 1/10 of one percent (1 on any amount in excess of $30,000.00 to be paid by persons or firms requesting the review. 9. When re- inspection is necessary to determine whether unsafe conditions have been corrected and such conditions are not subject to an appeal pending before any court, a re- inspection fee of $25.00 may be assessed in writing by the inspector. 10. For inspections not covered herein, or for requested special inspections or services, the fee of $32.00 per man hour. including travel time, plus the standard IRS allowed mileage reimbursement per mile traveled, plus the reasonable cost of equipment or material consumed. This section is also applicable to inspection of empty conduits and such jobs as determined by the City. 11. For inspection of transient projects including, but not limited to carnivals and circuses the inspection fees shall be computed as follows: Power supply units according to item 2 of the fee schedule. A like fee will be required on power supply units at each engagement during the season, except that a fee of $32.00 will be charged for additional time spent by the inspector if the power supply is not ready for inspection at the time and date specified on the Request for Inspection as required by law. Rides, devices or concessions shall be inspected at their first appearance of the season and the inspection fee shall be $25.00 per unit. 12. Fees for services, feeders and circuits operating at over 250 volts shall be double those listed in items 2 and 3 above. 17 13. A $.50 State surcharge is to be added to each permit. 5. Grading Permits -All fees are established in Exhibit D Plan review fees are found in Exhibit D State surcharge fee of $0.50 Bond Required, $3,000.00 per disturbed acre: minimum one acre 6. Plan Check Fees: COmmereiaUlndustriaUMulti- family buildings and structures sixty -five percent (65 of the building permit fee. Residential buildings sixty -five percent (65 of the building permit fee for new single family dwellings similar plans per state statute 1300.0160: twenty -five percent (25 of the building permit fee Residential Accessory Structures additions /alterations /repairs /remodeling: sixty -five percent (65 of the building permit fee. 7. Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Refrigeration Fees Residential (4 or less units) New construction 125.00 Alteration/repair 50.00 Multiple Housing (5 or more units) New construction 100 00 /unit Alteration/repair 50.00 /unit Commercial /Industrial/Institutional 1.5% of valuation plus 0005 surcharge $215.00 minimum fee plus $.0005 surcharge Private Sewer all classifications New construction or reconstruction Dakota County Recording Fee 18 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I 215.00 8. Sewer and Water Installation Permit Fees Municipal Service residential (4 or less units) 55.00 Municipal Service multiple housing (5 or more units) 1.5% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge. $105.00 minimum fee plus 0005 surcharge. Municipal Service commercial /industrial /institutional 1. 5% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge. $105.00 minimum fee plus $.0005 surcharge. 250.00 50.00 Total $300.00 9. Septic System Maintenance /Operation Permits and Fees Residential Maintenance Permit No fee Commercial, Industrial, Public or Institutional Operational Permit 40.00 Late renewal fee for maintenance or operational permits 25.00 Special Individual Sewage Treatment System (I.S.T.S) Inspections or Investigations 100.00 10. State Surcharge: State surcharge added to each permit MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING FEES Decks 100.00 Demolition Permit 85.00 Fences 75.00 Fireplaces 100.00 Manufactured Homes Inclusive of all Inspections Connections 100.00 Moving Permit Moving Permit Out Moving Permit In Penalty for failing to obtain a permit prior to starting work requiring a permit: 2 times the regular permit fee as established herein Re- inspections 47.00 19 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I As recommended by the Minnesota State Code Section 16B 70. Set fee of $.50 per permit permit based on value is $.0005 value of job 180.00 175.00 Roofing, Re- Roofing Residential A. Residential Tear off, Re -roof, and Overlay B. Commercial /Institutional/Industrial Siding Residential Re- Siding Commercial /Institutional/Industrial As recommended by Exhibit A -plus $.0005 surcharge. Minimum fee of $97.00 plus $.0005 surcharge. Satellite Dishes and Antennas Residential: No fee All other antennas and satellite dishes per Exhibit A plus $.0005 surcharge. Minimum fee $84.00 plus $.0005 surcharge Single Family Dwelling Basement Finish Slabs Residential Commercial/Institutional /Industrial Special and Miscellaneous Inspections Swimming Pools Temporary Construction Trailer Water Softener Installation (State mandated fee, maximum) Window Replacement 20 RESOLUTION 2005 -0C 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I 75.00 As recommended by Exhibit A Plus $.0005 surcharge. Minimum fee of $100.00 $.0005 surcharge 75.00 175.00 47 00 70.00 75.00 130 00 65.00 15.00 46.00 Sample Fee Schedule 2004 EXHIBIT A Building Value Range Fee Schedule *changes per LMC report of 11/3/03 21 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I Building Value Range Fee Range SO $500.00 $500.01 $2,000 $2,000.01 $25,000 $25,000.01 $50,000 $50,000.01 $100,000 $100,000.01 $500,000 $500,000.01 $1,000,000 $1,000,000.01 and up $25.00 $25.00 for the first $500 $3.25 per additional $100 $73.50 for the first $2,000 $14.75 per additional $1,000 $413.00 for the first $25,000 $10.75 per additional $1,000 $681.75 for the first $50,000 $7.50 per additional $1,000 $1,056.75 for the first $100,000 $6.00 per additional $1,000 $3,456.75 or the first $500,000 $5.00 per additional $1,000 $5,956.75 for the first $1,000,000 $4.00 per additional $1,000 This fee schedule was developed cooperatively by members of the League of Minnesota Cities and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, with information provided by the State Building Codes and Standards Division. MASONRY FIREPLACES: 14.60 One Level 5,900.00 Each Additional Level 3,000 00 THREE SEASON PORCHES, WOOD FRAMED 49.35 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING MECHANICAL INSTALLATION VALUES: Plumbing (Up to 2 Full Baths 1 Half Bath- Basement R.I. Only) 8,000.00 Plumbing, Each Additional Bathroom 1,000.00 HVAC (No Air conditioning, One Furnace) 5,000.00 HVAC, Air Conditioning 1,200.00 HVAC, Each Additional Furnace 2,500 00 City Sewer /Water Installation 800 00 Septic Systems(s)• Standard Trench/Drain field 4,000.00 Mound System 11,000 00 Tanks /Pumped up /Drain field 6,000.00 GARDEN SHEDS 14.60 DECKS, WOOD FRAMED, ENTRY PORCH 12.00 FOUR SEASON PORCHES 5 72.66 THREE SEASON PORCHES, WOOD FRAMED 49.35 GAZEBOS, WOOD FRAMED /SCREENED 49.35 3,500.00 ZERO CLEARANCE FIREPLACES Finished Basements 19.70 Unfinished Basements 14.70 Crawl Space 7.54 Conversion 5.11 Un- excavated Foundation Areas 3.77 Wood Frame 22 11 Masonry Construction 24.93 Carport 1511 Pole Building 14 60 Fast Floor 72.66 Second Floor 72.66 EXHIBIT B RESIDENTIAL BUILDING VALUATIONS* Cost Per Square Foot SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS -TYPE V- WOOD FRAME SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS BASEMENT GARAGES: RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I *Permit fees are automatically revised in May to reflect the new schedule of Building Valuation 22 50 cubic yards (38.2m or less $23.50 51 to 100 cubic yards (40m to 76 5m $37 00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards (77 2m to 764 6m -$37 00 for the first 100 cubic yards (76 5m plus $17.50 for each additional 100 cubic yards (76 5m') or fraction thereof 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards (765 3m to 7645 5m -$194 50 for the first 1,000 cubic yards (764 6m plus $14 50 for each additional 1.000 cubic yards (764 6m or fraction thereof 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards (7646 3m to 76,455m $325.00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards (7645.5m plus S66 00 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards (7645 5m or fraction thereof 100,001 cubic yards (76 456m') or more -$919 00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards (76 455m plus $36.50 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards (7645 3m or fraction thereof Other Inspections and Fees: 1 Inspections outside of normal business hours $50.50 per hour' (minimum charge-two hours) 2 Reinspection fees assessed under provisions of Section 108 8 $50.50 per hour 3. Inspections for which no fee is specifically mdicated $50 50 per hour (minimum charge-one -half hour) 50 cubic yards (38.2m or less .No fee 51 to 100 cubic yards (40m' to 76 5m .......$23 50 101 to 1,000 cubic yards (77 2m to 764.6m $37 00 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards (765 3m' to 7645 5m ..$49 25 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards (7646 3m to 76,455m -$49 25 for the first 10,000 cubic yards (7645 5m plus $24 50 for each additional 10,000 yards (7645 5m or fraction thereof 100,001 to 200,000 cubic yards (76 456m to 152 911m -$269 75 for the first 100,000 cubic yards (76 455m plus $13.25 for each additional 10 000 cubic yards (7645 5m or fraction thereof 200,001 cubic yards (152 912m or more -$402 25 for the first 200,000 cubic yards (152 911m plus $7 25 for each additional 10 000 cubic yards (7645 5m or fraction thereof. Other Fees: Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans $50 50 per hour* (minimum chargo-one -half hour) Data issued by the Minnesota Department of Administration. EXHIBIT "C" TABLE A- 33- A- GRADING PLAN REVIEW FEES RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I *Or the total hourly cost to the juusdiction, whichever is the greatest This cost shall mclude supery ision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved TABLE A- 33- B- GRADING PERMIT FEES1 1 The fee for a grading permit authorizing additional work to that under a valid permit shall be the diff¢ence between the fee paid for the original permit and the fee shown for the entire project 2 Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest. This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefts of the employees involved 23 APPENDIX II ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION 2005 FEES AND FEE POLICY I. COMMUNITY CENTER AND ARENA Definitions Page 2 Priority for Scheduling Facilities Page 3 Facility Fees Page 3 A. Purpose Page 3 B. Fee Class of Users Page 3 C. Fees Page 4 1. Auditorium Page 4 2. Banquet Room Page 5 3. Classrooms Page 5 4. Gymnasium Page 6 5. Audio Visual Equipment Page 6 6. Arena Page 6 D. Deposits Page 7 II. OUTDOOR FACILITIES Page 8 Park Facility Priority Use Page 8 Facility Fees Page 8 24 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I APPENDIX II ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION 2005 FEES AND FEE POLICY I. COMMUNITY CENTER, ARENA, AND FACILITIES 1. DEFINITIONS RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I A. City Groups, Organizations, or Activities (City sponsored activities.) Includes Rosemount Halloween Festivity, Leprechaun Days, and Shamrock Awards Banquet. B. Civic and Non Profit Groups Includes civic organizations, political groups, churches, athletic associations, fraternal groups, charitable groups, and character building organizations devoted to social, educational, recreational and civic development or other like purposes. C. Commercial Groups Includes groups that operate for profit or the purpose of promotion or advertisement. D. Governmental Agencies Includes county, state, federal, and special tax districts serving Rosemount residents. E. Non Resident Groups Includes groups having more than one -half of their members not living within the Rosemount City limits. F. Resident Any person who maintains a residential address in the City of Rosemount. G. Resident Groups Includes groups having more than one -half of their members living within the Rosemount City limits. H. School District #196 Includes all directly related school activities including curricular, co-curricular, extra curricular and all directly controlled school organizations, including Community Education. I. Resident Athletic Groups Includes RAAA and RAHA. 2 2. PRIORITY FOR SCHEDULING FACILITIES A. Purpose Due to the large number of organizations that request community center facilities, the City Council has deemed it necessary to group by activity these organizations and establish a priority in order to insure that community center facilities are made available so as to best meet community needs. B. Priority of Users 1. Rosemount Parks and Recreation Programs. 2. Community Events. 3. National Guard. 4. All Others. C. Permits and Rental Agreements Uses may be determined by permit, contract or rental agreement on such terms as mutually agreed upon. 3. FACILITY FEES A. Purpose The City Council establishes the following user classifications for the purpose of setting fees. Specific fee charges are dependent on the purpose of the activities, type of group, facility that is requested and special services and /or equipment needed, with consideration to the market place and such other factors as may be deemed relevant. A fee schedule will be established by the City Council after review and recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The fee schedule will be reviewed as necessary but not less than annually by the Parks and Recreation Commission. Under supervision of the Park and Recreation Director, the management staff at the Community Center would have the ability to negotiate for last minute rentals, long term rentals, and special events in order to maximize use of the Community Center. Staff would provide quarterly exception reports. B. Fee Class of Users 1. City sponsored activities. RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I 2. Residents, resident civic, resident non profit groups, ISD 196 schools, and other Rosemount schools. 3. Non residents, non resident civic, non resident non profit groups, and other governmental agencies. 3 4. Commercial groups. C. Fees 1. Auditorium Auditorium Alone Fee Class Hourly Rate 8 hours or more Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set -up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $35 per hour $250 Class 3 $40 per hour $300 Class 4 $60 per hour $500 Auditorium with the banquet room and adjoining lobby (all day fee) Fee Class Saturday Friday Fee Fee Class3 $800 $750 $400 Class4 $900 $850 $650 4 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I Weekday (Sun- Thurs) Fee Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set -up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class2 $700 $650 $350 A fee will be assessed if using additional audio visual equipment other than microphones and standard lighting (See 3.e. for Audio Visual Equipment fees.) Add I00 for Sunday Thursday rentals scheduled past 10:00 p.m., no later than midnight. 2. Banquet Room Fee Class Saturday Friday Fee Fee Class 1 $500 Fees based upon direct cleaning and set -up costs, and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $600 $500 $250 Class 3 $700 $600 $300 Class4 $800 $700 $350 Add $100 for Sunday Thursday rentals scheduled past 10:00 p.m., no later than midnight. 3. Classrooms Fee class Per Classroom Class 3 $30 per 3 hours per classroom Class 4 $30 per 3 hours per classroom Regular use of the classroom: RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I Weekday (Sun- Thurs) Fee Class 1 Fees based upon direct cleaning and set -up costs, and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $25 per 3 hours per classroom The classrooms will be available for regular meetings. An organization in Fee Class 2, that is a resident civic or resident non profit group can reserve one classroom at no charge for one meeting per month. Dependent upon space availability, Rosemount Community Center Staff will coordinate the free meeting space to best accommodate multiple users. An organization can reserve up to one year in advance of the reservation period, and is charged a $25 reservation fee. An additional fee may be assessed relating to direct cleaning and setup costs. 4. Gymnasium Fee Class Full Gym Full Day Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set -up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $30 per hour $200 Class 3 $40 per hour $300 Class 4 $60 per hour $450 The Gymnasium Kitchen may be rented for $50 per day. RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I Banquets or dance events in the gymnasium will be charged Banquet Room rates. Groups of 50 or more, using the gymnasium will be charged a custodial fee of $15 per hour of use. 5. Audio visual Equipment Easels, paper and markers may be rented for $15 tax per use. (Easels are free of charge if no paper and markers are requested.) The remaining equipment including the overhead projectors, slide projector, and TVIVCRs may be rented for $10 tax per use. There is no charge for use of microphones and lecterns. A portable LCD Projector may be rented at $200 per use, subject to availability. 6. Arena Prime Time Ice Non Prime Time Ice Summer Ice Public Skating Fee Evening and holiday vacation Daytime public skating fee Daytime youth open hockey Open Skate Passes Skate Sharpening $165 per hour tax) $115 per hour tax) $115 per hour tax) $4.00 (includes tax) $2 00 (includes tax) $2.00 (includes tax) 8 for $20.00 $4.00 Skate Sharpening Passes 8 for $20.00 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I Prime and Non -Prime Ice Season: January, February, March, September, October, November, and December Summer Ice: April, May, June, July and August. Dry Floor Event. fees to be negotiated by management staff+ tax. Prime Time: Monday- Friday 7:00 a m. 10 00 p.m. and Saturday and Sunday 6:00 a.m. 10:00 p.m. Non Prime Time: Monday- Friday 10:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m., Saturday and Sunday after 10:00 p.m. The order of priority for scheduling of ice time to major users +200 hours per year) is as follows: 1. Community Center sponsored programs (open skating, learn to skate, events, etc.) 2. Rosemount High School Girls and Boys Hockey games and practices, based on limits mutually agreed upon. 3. Rosemount Area Hockey Association. 4. Other hockey associations or organizations requesting 200 or more hours per year. After the above groups have been scheduled consecutively, ice time for secondary users (less than 200 hours per year) will be scheduled on a first come first served basis. 5. Cancellations: Cancellations will be subject to 50% of the rental fee. D. Deposits 1. Specific to banquet room events, a damage deposit of $300 is required two weeks prior to the event As to Auditorium and Gymnasium, depending on the type of event and group size, a damage deposit of up to $300 may be added to rental charges. Pending the rental space does not incur any damages, the deposit will be refunded within 21 days after the event date. 2. Specific to the auditorium, banquet room and gymnasium, a non refundable rental deposit of one -half the fee is required within two weeks of permit issue. The renter will forfeit the reservation if the rental deposit is not received within two weeks after the permit issue date. The balance of the room fee is due two weeks prior to the event. 3. Specific to the ice arena, a non refundable deposit of 50% of the total contract price is required upon receipt of ice arena contract for use. The remainder of the contract 7 4. Specific to the classrooms, rental fee is required with signed permit. Reservation is not confirmed until both the signed permit and the fees are paid. II. OUTDOOR FACILITIES RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I shall be paid before the group gets on the ice. RAHA and RHS (ISD 196) are exempt from paying a deposit and will make full payment for the previous month's ice bill. 1. PARK FACILITY PRIORITY USE: All City of Rosemount Parks and Recreation Activities will be given priority; all facilities will be scheduled to accommodate these activities. After all Parks and Recreation activities have been scheduled accordingly, then requests will be granted to other users in order of their priority as listed below. A. City Sponsored Events All Parks and Recreation Activities which include, but not limited to, Adult Leagues, tournaments, playground programs, special events, etc. B. RAAA and RAHA C. Rosemount Non Profit and Civic /Service Groups D. Rosemount Residents E. Rosemount ISD 196 Schools F. Rosemount Non Public Schools G. Rosemount Colleges and Universities H. All Other Requests 2. FACILITY FEES: A. Erickson Softball Complex and Tournament Fees: Athletic Fields (Ball, Soccer) $25 field day tax Field Maintenance $30 hour or cost incurred by City Chalk cost incurred by City Field Dry cost incurred by City B. Park Shelter Fees: 8 Open Shelter (does not include other park amenities) Enclosed Shelter and Amphitheater (does not include other park amenities) E. Other Fees: First Aid Kit Portable Toilet Damage Deposit Lost Key Fee $25 /day tax (Resident) $35 /day tax (Non- Resident) $80 /day tax (Resident) $130 /day tax (Non- Resident) C. Non League Field Fees: Fields (Ball, Soccer, Outdoor Rinks) $25 /field/day tax D. Independent League Field Fee Fields (Ball, Soccer, Outdoor Rinks) $225 /team /season tax 9 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I $50 restocking deposit (refundable) $55 /unit tax additional, required for events over 100 $30 /unit Special Service other than regular service $150 for all events (refundable) $50 per key or cost to re -key facility or building F. Cancellations will be subject to 50% of the rental fee. No refunds for inclement weather. APPENDIX I RESOLUTION200frXXX 2006 Schedule of Rates Fees Appendix I SCHEDULE OF RATES AND FEES FOR 200 Deleted: 5 Planning and Zomng Review Fees Page 1 Public Works and Engineering Fees Page 3 Park Dedication Fees Page 9 Administration Fees Page 10 Fire Prevention Permits and Fees Page 12 Police Department Permits and Fees Page 14 Building Permits and Fees Page 16 Building Value Range Fees Exhibit A Page Residential Building Valuations Exhibit B Page22 Table A -33B Grading Plan Review Fees Exhibitg P age23 5 Formatted Table Deleted: 15 Deleted: 20 {Deleted: 21 1 Formatted: Font Not Bold Deleted: Valuation Tables Exhibit C 9 'Note table In Bldg Dept and Resolution 2004-153 Deleted: Page 221 1 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, PLANNING AND ZONING REVIEW FEES Administrative Appeals 200 00 Affidavits Certificate of Authenticity 60.00 Appeal of Planning Commission Decisions to the City Council 130.0l City Staff Billing For applications that include excessive staff time, services performed by City personnel will be billed at two and one -half (2 5) times the actual payroll hourly rate, Services provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates. Comprehensive Guide Plan Amendment Application Fee 4,0000 Conditional Use Permit 1,000 00 Documents 2020 Comprehensive Guide Plan 1 -00 ±tax Deleted: 9000 Comprehensive Stormwater Management Plan 2.00 —tax Deletes 10000 Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance .25/page tax Deleted. (tax included Zoning Map Deleted, —taxll Black and White 1.00 tax Deleted: 3500 +18x Color 11 x17" 10.00 tax Deleted: Color 24" x 36" 3.10) tax Deleted: so 00 Environmental Assessment Worksheets Escrow fee for City Consultant Services Applicant will be responsible for actual costs incurred by the city 1,800.00 10,000.00 Interim Use Permit 500.00 Joint Applications A planned unit development that includes a subdivision may have the fee waived for a preliminary plat at the discretion of the Community Development Director. Mineral Extraction Permit Application Fee Annual Fee Surety Bond 1,425,00 370.00 7,500.00 per acre 1 Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy Deleted• 1 Deleted: 17500 Deleted: 1 Deleted: 12000 Deleted: 3 Planned Unit Development Concept Plan final Development Plan Administrative Miner Amendment Major Amendment Rezoning Signs Permanent Installation Temporary sign Site Plan Review Site One acre or more Site Less than one acre RESOLUTION 200frXXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, 1,50000+520 per acre 2, 000 00 800.00 900 00 2,700.00 1,000.00 TIF (Tax Increment Financing) Application Fee parcel in TIF 775 00 new 111- Distnct 1,750.00 Transmission Facilities 1,075.00 Variance Petition Application Fee 200 00 Zoning Ordinance Text Amendment 1,600.00 270.00 electrical perm' 50.00 1,700.00 1,200.00 Subdivision Fees Preliminary Plat 1,500 00; the followine' J2esidential 10 00 per unit Commercial /Industrial _50 00 per acre Final Plat 1,600 00 Lot Split 1,440 00 Administrative Plat/ Simple Plat 1,120 00 Other Subdivision (waiver of subdivision) 950 00 Lot Combination 450.00 Deleted. 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy Deleted •1 Deleted. pia Deleted: acre {Delete@ plus Formatted: Font 12 pt Formatted• Font 12 pt, Not Bold 1 F rmatted• Font 12 pt Formatted. Font Not Bold Formatted. Indent Left 0 Hanging 5", Tabs Not at 1 2" {Deleted 1,50000 PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING FEES 1. Assessments A. Street Assessments for Total Reconstruction Projects on existing streets are as follows: 1. Single Family/R -1 Zoned Lot- With Existing Concrete Curb Gutter ,4.400 00,_ With Existing Bituminous Curb ,5 000 00 With Existing Gravel Road Full Cost of Improvement 2. Rural and Transitional Residential With existing bituminous With existing gravel road RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix 1, 35% of Improvement Cost Full Cost of Improvement B. Street Assessments for Rehabilitation Projects on existing streets are as follows: All Properties 35% of Improvement Cost C. Street Assessments for Overlay Projects on existing streets are as follows: All Properties 35% of Improvement Cost D. Special Assessment Search 80.00 2. City Equipment and Staff Rates A. Equipment, f er hour charge (does not include operator) qulpment charges. including licensed vehicles and mobile e uc ui went, will be calculated as follows The true cost of the equipment (including annual depreciation, annual insurance premiums, annual license taxes if applicable annual operating and maintenance expenses and an annual carrying fee) will be divided by the estimated hours the equipment is expected to be used annually. B. Public Works Staff Per hour charge aff char es for each employee billed will be calculated using the toghour_ly pay at the overtime rate plus an additional 20% for FICA Medicare and PERA expenses. 3. Engineering Fees: Administrative Fees For Chapter 429 or pnvate Improvements project charges shall be calculated at 5 percent of public Improvement construction costs Services provided by City consultants will be billed at the current consultant rates plus 5 percent administrative costs, unless assessed to benefiting property under a 429 project which then excludes the 5 percent 4. Miscellaneous Public Works Fees: 1 Asbuilts Record Drawings 50.00 tax Deleted: Deleted: 6 1 Deleted. 3005 Parks Recreation Fees anti Policy Deleted. 1 -1 Deleted: 4.00000 •Formatted, Not Strikethrough Deleted: 4 500 00 f Formatted: Not Stinketwough rFFormatted• Indent First line 0 38 Bulleted Level 1 Aligned at 0 5" Tab after 0 75" Indent at 0 75" Formatted: No underline Formatted: No underline Deleted- f Deleted: 1 Formatted: Font Bold Deleted: Deleted• Formatted: Header, None Deleted. Pick -Up Truck 5 23 001 1 -Ton Dump Truck 8 24 00 Single Axle Dump Truck 33 00 1 Tandem Axle Dump Truck S 4100 Tractor Axle Dump Truck 16 00 Tractor Backhoe/Loader 36 00 950 Cat Loader 56600 Road Grader 5 72 00 Street Sweeper S 5100 Aar Compressor S 26 00 r Sewer letter Truck 5133 001 Sewer Vacuum Truck $133 001 Groundmaster Mower S 23 001 6" Pump 5 26 001 Skid Loader 5 36 00 Tree Spade 5 36 00 Formatted: I ndent Left 0 5" Deleted: Engmeenng Technician• 51 05¶ Intern* 5 21 60 11 Secretary• S 38 331 Puhhc Works Supenntendent 66021 Maintenance Worker* S 41 901 Water resource Engineer 5 51 05 5 Top hourly pay at ovemme rate with 20% for FICA Medicare expenses Formatted. Indent Left 0 5" Formatted: Font Bold Feasibility Reports Geographic Information Systems Fees (GIS) Single family. town homes or multi-family All other Final Plat Simple Lot/Parcel split or boundary change Maps. Half Section Maps (property lines only) Topo Maps /x Section Hard Copy) Plat Maps Private Utility Permits 5. Solid Waste Hauling License Solid Waste Hauling License 6. Water, Sanitary Sewer, Storm Water Usage Rates A. Water and Sanitary Sewer User Fees Usage Based on Quarterly Meter Readings Water Use Water Fixed Charge Sanitary Sewer Use Sanitary Sewer Fixed Charge RESOLUTION 200 -XXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix 1, Assessment Searches (see pg.7 also) 75.00 tax 23.47 +tax OM per lot/unit 120 00 per acre 300.00 ,20.00 +tax 000 +tax 20.00 tax 1,000 00 flight of Way /Utility Easement Vacation Fee 775.00 5idewalk/Trad Snow Removal 225 00 per lot Street Excavation and Curb Cuts Curb Cuts, Dnvew ay, Access Permits, Transit Stop Kiosks 325.00 Street Excavation minimum bond deposit with City /000.00 Street Utility Specifications 47 tax Weed Inspection 580 00 Wetland Notification/Application Form 3,175.00 Wetland Inventory Map 50 00 tax 1.02/1000 gallons 8 90 each account 1 40/1000 gallons 20 00 each account Deleted. 6 Deleted. I Deleted 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and PnLCv Formatted: Font Bold Formatted: Font Bold Deleted. 10 00 Deleted: (mcludes tax) Formatted. Font Bold Deleted: 55 00 Deleted: 11 00 Deleted 25000 Formatted. Font Bold Deleted. Deleted: 5000 Deleted. 50 00 Formatted: Font Bold Deleted: x Formatted: Font Bold Formatted: Font Bold Deleted: 25 00 (includes tax) Deleted:37000 Storm Fee Land Use Category Land Use Description Unit Fee 1 Single family residential, R -1,2, RL, Multi-unit residential with individual water meters, R -3,4, Plattedlundeceloped, Minimum charge for all parcels Residential Unit I0 .2 1__ 2 Rural residential, Agricultural, RR, AG Lot 10.21 3 Parks, Golf Courses, Cemeteries, PK Acre 19* 4 Undeveloped/unplatted Acre .15* 5 Multi-unit residential without individual water meters, Apartments, Churches, Schools, Hospitals, Government Buildings, Mobile Home Parks Acre $,37 94 6 Commercial, Industrial and Parking Lots, C- 1,2,3,4, IP, IG, PL, WM Acre 7 32 B. Water Surcharge and Meter Maintenance Per Chart Below (Quarterly) Meter Size Surcharge Meter Maintenance Single Family 5/8" 8 80 0 Multi -Family 5/8" 6 80 0 1" 13.50 625 1 28.00 11 25 2 31 50 1815 2' 'A 3935 22.20 3" 47 00 26.25 4" 70.00 45 00 6" CO $15400 $10000 8" $17000 $130.00 *Commercial, Industrial or Institutional/Commercial and Industrial are taxable *Meter maintenance applied to Base Fixed Water Charge based on meter size. Sewer Only Users Bulk Water Irrigation Meters. Exempt from Sanitary Sewer Usage charges. Pays Water Usage charge, Fixed Water charge by meter size and Surcharge by meter size. C. QUARTERLY STORM WATER UTILITY FEES *Categories 3, 4, 5, 6 are subject to the minimum charge of $10 21 The largest of ei her the minimum or application of the above rates will be used for the fee. 5 RESOLUTION 200frXXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, 40 00 per quarter per SAC unit 2.00 per 800 gallons tax Deleted: 1 Deleted: 6 I Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreation Fen and Policy 1 Deleted: 1 Formatted Table Deleted: 9 72 1 Deleted 972 Deleted: 2 08 J Deleted: 3613 1 Deleted: 45 07 Deleted. 972 CITY SANITARY SEWER CHARGES Trunk Area Assessments collected with final plat/subdivision agreement Per SAC Unit as determined by the MCES and collected with the Building Permit Single Family Residential Multi Family Residential Institutional, Commercial and Industrial. 075 00 per acre $,1 200 00 RESOLUTION 200 -XXX ;006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, ,D. Miscellaneous Utility Charges pieter Disconnection Charge 80 00 Meter Reconnection Charge _80.00 ?'lanual Meter Read ,t4onthly New Customer List Total Customer List 1 100 copses of black and white letter or 25 /page tax legal sized copies, or 2. More than 100 pages and 15 minutes or Actual costs will be billed longer of staff time. or +tax Utility Billing Search /Resident Utility Billing Search/Non Resident Water Meter Accuracy Check Testing 5/8" 2# meters Testing 3" meters Testing 4" meters Testing 6" meters 125.00 125 00 125.00 125 00 Water Meter Installation Charges Water meter charges are the actual cost of meter and appurtenant parts, plus shipping and handling Charges are subject to change during the year. See the most recent Cost of Water Meter schedule 7. Water, Sanitary Sewer and Storm Water Capital Charges A. Metropolitan Council Environmental Services Availability Charge (Metro SAC) 1 Per Sac Unit, as determined by the MCES, $1.550.00 B. City Sanitary Sewer Availability Charges Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plat/subdivision agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution, pnor to connection to the sanitary sewer system 6 Deleted. I Deleted. 6 Deleted 5 Deleted Formatted: Font Bold Formatted: Font Bold Formatted' Font Bold Deleted• 5 '0 00 tax Formatted. Font Bold Deleted. s Deleted• 10 00 Deleted: 15 00 +tax Formatted: Indent Lek Hanging 031" t Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy 50 00 -t Formatted.' Font Bald No Charge Formatted. Font Bold No Charge Formatted: Font Bold Formatted* Font Bold 1 450 00 Formatted. H eading 3, Indent Left: 1' i 0 Right 0" —I Deleted: 1,045 00 {Deleted: 1,16000 STORM WATER CHARGES Trunk Area Assessments to be collected from Developers on all newly developed properties Connection Charges (STAC) collected with the Building Permit on all Newly Developed properties Single Family Multiple Family Public/Institutional Commercial and Industrial 200per acre* 6 per lot jer housing unit (4 plex =4 units) $z o6s per acre 2,065per acre $,2,065 per acre C. City Water Availability Charges 1 Trunk area assessments collected with final plat/subdivision agreement as follows: 7111 zoning types Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plaUsubdtvislon agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution, prior to connection to the water system. 2. And Water Access Charge collected with the Building Permit as follows Single Family Res Multi- Family Res 1" Meter 11/2" Meter 2" Meter 21" Meter 3" Meter 4" Meter 6" Meter 8" Meter *Acres are defined as gross acres of developable property minus pond acreage (at high water leve and wetlands at delineation line, rounded to the nearest one tenth (1 /10th) of an acre Any part of the Trunk Area Assessment that is not collected with a plat/subdivision agreement will be collected as a connection charge, in addition to any other connection charge established by this resolution. prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for use of any property RESOLUTION 200f -XXX -1 Deleted• 4 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Deleted• 6 Appendix 1, I Deleted: 2005 Parka Recreation I 1 Fees and Pokey 1 Deleted: I 4,420.00 per acre Formatted: Font Bold 1 480.00 1.480 00 6 700 10 050 00 3 ,400 00 16,750 00 20.110 00 23 460 26.810 00 30 160.00 D. Storm Water Charges a. For this charge, Newly Developed Properties are defined as any property, including platted or unplatted parcels, which are Improved with buildings, grading, or otherwise creating an impervious surface In addition to the following charges, stormwater ponding fees /credits will be determined at the time of final platting or building permit application. 1 Deleted. 4 21000 Deleted: 1.410 00 Deleted. 1 410 00 Deleted: 638 Deleted: 9,575 00 Deleted: 12,765 OD Deleted: 15,955 00 Deleted: 19,150 00 Deleted. 22 34000 Deleted• 25 ,530 00 Deleted: 28,725 00 Deleted. 6015 Deleted• 2,005 Deleted: 670 Deleted: 250 Formatted: Font t2 Formatted' Fon 2 pt Deleted: 2 Formatted• Font 12 pt Deleted. 2,005 Formatted Font 12 pt b. Connection Charges (STAC) Collected with the Building Permit on all newly developed properties that have not paid trunk area assessments listed above (Gross Area) Single Family ,2.755 00 per lot Multiple Family 7 740 00 per acre Public/Institutional 8 265 00 per acre Commercial 8 265 00 per acre Industrial 8,265 00 per acre Per year rent payments based on 9" panel Typeor 3 A,-whip type antennas and appropriate outside equipment area will be charged at the current yearly rate, which is adjusted annually. Minimum per year lease payment increase. 5% RESOLUTION 200 -XXX Deleted. 4 ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Deleted: 6 Appendix 1. Deleted 2005 Parks Recreation 1 H es and POLO f Deleted' 1 1 8. Water Tower Antennas Application fee 2,500.0 Formatted. Font Bold Deleted: Deleted: Formatted: Normal 3 1 !ARK DEDICATION FEES Park dedication fees are outlined in City Subdivision Ordinance and City Ordinance No. XVII 103 and 107 which states In all new residential subdivisions, the City shall require that a sufficient portion of such land be set aside and dedicated to the public for parks. playgrounds or other public use exclusive of property dedicated for streets and other public ways It shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated for parks and playgrounds for the present and future residents of the subdivision, if the subdivider dedicates at least 1/25 of an acre per dwelling unit that can be constructed in the subdivision The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land be dedicated if the City determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes The Ctty shall determine whether cash in lieu of land dedication is more appropriate The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution by the City Council In all new commercial and industrial subdivisions, it shall be presumed that a sufficient amount of land has been dedicated to serve the needs of the resident and working population if the subdivider dedicates at least ten percent (10 of the land in the subdivision for parks, recreation and usable open space The City upon consideration of the particular type of development proposed in the subdivision may require larger or lesser amounts of land to be dedicated if it determines that the present and future residents of the subdivision would require greater or lesser amounts of land for such purposes The City shall determine whether cash in lieu of land dedication is appropriate The amount of cash dedication shall be determined by multiplying the number of acres otherwise required to be dedicated by the average value of comparable undeveloped land set by resolution of the City Council. Land Values for the dedication of land and/or cash contribution: New residential subdivision $75,000 /acre Commercial subdivision $90,000 /acre Industnal subdivision $50 000 /acre 9 RESOLUTION 20C -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix 1. 1. Adult Use Establishment License 2. Check Return Charge 3. Copies ADMINISTRATION FEES City Council, Port Authority, Planning Commission, Parks Recreation or Utilities Commission Agendas (mailed) City Council, Port Authority. Planning Commission, Parks Recreation or Utilities Commission Minutes mailed) *no charge to Rosemount residents RESOLUTION 20QfrXXX y006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix 1; 3,000.00 30 00 ,25 /page handling tax ,The above items are avadable at no charge to residents if documents are requested on an Individual basis Videotapes Documents, The following fees for copies apply to all departments 1 100 copies of black and white letter or legal sized copies. or 2. More than 100 pages and 15 minutes or longer of staff time or +tax 3. Document that is outsourced 4. Large Public Gathering on City Parkland (Reso 1997 36) J50 00 5. Liquor Licenses On Sale Intoxicating Class A (Jan 1 -Dec 31) Class B (Jan 1 -Dec 31) On -Sale Wine 10 2 Deleted: "no charge to Rosemount 25 /page +handlm +tax elz Lre"d`n "t r Formatted: Indent Left 0 5 Hanging 475" Actual Cost of Reproduction and Handling. (Handling charge w Ill be taxed 2 page +tax Actual costs will be billed Actual costs will be billed tax Faced copies are 50 per page plus tax If more than l00 Dates or if long distance charges apply. actual costs plus tax will be billed to the requester_ Mailed copies are charged the applicable document rate and all handling costs plus tax. 4,500 00 3,000 00 550 00 Deleted 2005 Parks Recreation Fes and Policy Formatted: Indent Left 0 5 Hanging 475" Deleted. 32 00- tax/ Deleted: 32 00+ Deleted: City Council, Port godsonry, Planning Commission 5 45 00+ tavyearli Parks Recreation or Litihns Commission Agendas and Minutes (mailed)1 no charge 10 Rosemountrendenrs9 Deleted. .Nora Formatted' Indent Left 0 Hanging 5 31" Deleted• 5 00 +1 Formatted: Indent Left 0 25 First line 0" Deleted: Minimum fee will be charged far all City Council 3 25 00 +taxi Adopted including but not 'muted to the following Assessment Policy, Audited Financial Statements, Budget Car roll's Woods Master Maseer Plan, City Code, de, Comprehensive Niter System Plan, Drainage Planl- Formatted Indent Left 0 S' Formatted: Intent First line 0' Deleted: except as specified m tine Ii 2 Formatted Formatted' i ndent First line 0" Formatted' Indent Left 0 5' Formatted Formatted' Font Not Bold Deleted Formatted i Deleted: Formatted: Note Heading Formatted' Font Bold RESOLUTION 200 -XXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, Off -Sale Intoxicating 200.00 On-Sale 3.2% Malt (July 1 -Jun 30) 250.00 Off -Sale 3.2% Malt Temporary On -Sale Intoxicating 170 00 /event Temporary On -Sale 3.2% Malt 150 00 /event 8. Gambling Permits 11 -j Deleted. 4 Deleted: 6 1 Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreation I Fees and Policy -1 Formatted• Font told t Deleted: 1 Formatted• Font Bold (July 1 -Jun 30) 210.00 Formatted: Font told Formatted. Font Bold "Formatted: Font Bold f Formatted. Font Bold Apecial Club On -Sale Intoxicating (Jan I- Dec 31) Membership- under 200 300.00 between 201 and 500 500.00 between 501 and 1,000 650 00 between 1,001 and 2 000 800 00 between 2,001 and 4, 000 1,000 00 between 4,001 and 6,000 2,000 00 more than 6,001 3,000 00 Special Sunday (Jan 1 -Dec 31) 250 00 {Formatted• Font Bold Deleted: 20000 Pottle Club 140.00 —j Formatted: Font Bold One -day Bottle Club 5 00 On- Sale Intoxicating_ Liquor License On Public Premise Annual License (Jan 1 -Dec 31) 350.00 Per event 30.00 Amending an Existing Liquor License 175.00 6. Massage Therapist License (Jan 1 -Dec 31) 90 00 7. Peddlers, Solicitors and Transient Merchants (Jan 1 Dec 31) 90 00 250.00 Deleted. 25 00 1 Formatted. Font Bold Formatted. Font Bold --i Deleted t Formatted: Font Not Bold Formatted. Font Bok1 a Formatted. Font Not Bold TIRE PREVENTION PERMITS AND FEES Formatted: Tabs Not at 3 58" Deleted. 1. Alarm System Permit/Review As recommended by Exhibit A. Minimum fee Large Minimum fee Small 2. Burning Permit Commercial Z. Day Care Inspection A. Fire Dept. Certificate of Occupancy Inspection/Renewal Fee Copies of Fire Dept. Officers Report 7• Fire Dept. Re- inspection Fee Fire Dept. Special and Miscellaneous Inspections Copies of Fire Dept Report 2. Fire Photo (per copy) 10. Fire Video Tape l5, Plan Check Fees: 12 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, $225 00 Surcharge. $100.00 Surcharge 235.00 50.00 965 00 25, /page +tax 47.00 130.00 r 25 /page tax Actual cost of.reoroduction and handling (Handling charge will be taxed.) Actual cost of reproduction and handling (Handling charge will be taxed .11. Fire Sprinkler Protection System As recommended by Exhibit A State Surcharge. As recommended by the Minnesota State Code Section 16B.70,_ 22. Fuel Tank Installation or Removal: As recommended by Exhibit A n. Haunted House Operation Permit 1. Penalty for Failing to Obtain Permit 880 00 Commercial/Industrial/Multi buildings and structures .Sixty -five percent (65%) of -1 Deleted. Deleted. 6 1Deleted 2005 Pa Deleted• 5 Deleted: Burning Perms Deleted: Deleted: 15 00 Deleted: Deleted. 7 Deleted:s I Formatted Deleted. 9 Deleted 6 Deleted. s Deleted. 6 Deleted: reproducing Deleted: 11 Formatted Deleted. Deleted. A Deleted: Deleted: 13 Formatted Deleted: 14 Deleted 15 Formatted Deleted• 1200 tax for the 15 Deleted: 10 Deleted• 12 570 00 Deleted: Actual cost of reorad r Formatted ,.Deleted• (per copy) -i Formatted Formatted Rec reation [81 1 2 Formatted 21 penalty for failing to obtain Formatted 2Z a permit prior to starting -I Formatted workrequired is two times Deleted: the regular permit fee established herein. _1211 the budding permit fee. RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, Residential Accessory Structures additions /alterations/repairs/remodeling .sixty -five percent (65 of the building permit fee 16. Pyrotechnic Display of Fireworks 200.00 E. Fireworks Sales 350 00 a ,8. State Surcharge: As recommended by the Minnesota State Code Section 16B 70 19. Storage and Use of Hazardous Materials 615 00 Over quantities listed in current Fire Code Edition ,Section 4 Permit valid for twelve months maximum 2. Temporary Use of LP Gas 100.00 13 Deleted: 4 Deleted: 6 Deleted• 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy 1 Deleted:1 Residential buildings sixty -five percent (65 of the building permit fee for new single family Formatted: Indent Left 05 dwellings Formatted: Indent Left 0 5 First 1 line 0" Deleted. 1 Deleted v Deleted 11 Deleted. i9 Formatted Indent Lee 0 Hanging 0 5 Tabs. -1 Left 1. Alarm User Permit 2. Animal Impound First impound in 12 month period (same animal) All impounds beyond first in 12 month period 3. Animal Licenses Registration Fees Annual fee for spayed and neutered animals Annual fee for unspayed and unneutered Duplicate Tags Applicants 62 years of age or older shall pay fifty percent (50 of above stated fees. 4. Audio Tape Copies 5. Background checks 6. Contractual Overtime 7. Dangerous Dog Registration 8. Pawn Shop License Fee 0 20 pawns a day 21 -40 pawns a day 41 and over pawns a day 9. Photographs: Actual Photg Color copy of photo 10. Copies of Police report 11. Tattoo Body Piercing Establishments Annual Business License POLICE DEPARTMENT PERMIT AND FEES 14 RESOLUTION 200 XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, 60, 30.00 50 00 6.00 12.00 5.00 Actual cost of reproduction and handling. (Handling charge w ill be taxed 18.78 +tax ($20 0 0) 48.00 per hour 300.00 $_1,500.00 yr. $_3,000 00 yr $_5,000 00 yr Initial application Includes $1,500.00 deposit for investigation fee as set in City Code. Actual cost of reproduction and handling (Handltnu charge will be taxed tax .25 /page tax 250 00 Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreation F ea and Policy Deleted: 150 00 Formatted: Indent Left -0 06 Hanging 5 06" I Deleted: 5 50 00 including tax Deleted: 20 00 including tax {Deleted: t peleted: total Deleted: Photograph Copra •1,1 Deleted• Traditional 33 00 1 Digtal 1400 Deleted: 1 Deleted Formatted: Font Bold Formatted• Indent Len. 0 5 Hanging 4 5" Deleted: 1 {Deleted: Deleted: Deleted. (Other than data sabi ct 8 00 including tax for the first 10 pages of each reportt S 05 per page after the first 10 paged Data Subject 400 Annual Personal Service License 100.00 J2. Video Tape Copies Traditional 15 RESOLUTION 200frXXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix Z Actual cost of reproduction plus handling (Handl ne charge will be taxed 1 Deleted: 4 Deleted: 6 i Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreation 1 Fees and Policy Deleted: -1 Deleted. t Formatted: Indent Left- Cr, Hanging 1 5" Deleted- 5 65 00 including tax BUILDING PERMITS AND FEES 1. Administrative Handling Fee A handling fee of $25 00 will be charged for address and lot changes for permit and file editing These changes must be done withinjhirry (30) days of permit issuance or all prior permit fees will beforfeited (non refundable) 2. Building Permits• As recommended by Value Range Exhibit A Asbuilt Survey Escrow Fee (Refundable after final grade asbuilt approved.) 3. Certificate of Occupancy Inspection and(gr change of use 58.00 Deleted: j Deleted. 4. Documentation Fees a' Formatted: Font Bold J wilding Department Reports ]60.00 /yeaz +tax Formatted. Font Bold_ $_12 50 /month +tax Formatted Indent Hanging 4" Deleted' 15000 4. Electrical Permits {Formatted' Font 12 pt 1. Minimum fee for each separate inspection of an installation, Formatted: Indent Left r', Tabs replacement, alteration or repair limited to one inspection only. 30 00 Not at 4 5 2 Administrative fee for each permit. 3. Services, changes or service, temporary services, additions, alterations or repairs on either pnmary or secondary' services shall be computed separately, 0 to 100 ampere capacity 101 to and including 200 ampere capacity For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof 0 to and including 30 ampere capacity (maximum number of 1 -30 ampere circuits to be paid on is 30 to any one cabinet) 16 RESOLUTION 200frXXX ..--4, Deleted:4 ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees I Deleted 6 Appendix I, Deleted. 2005 Parks Recreation l Fees and Policy 2 000.00 10.00 18.00 20.00 8.00 4. Circuit, installation of, additions, alterations or repairs of each circuit or sub feeder shall be computed separately, including circuits fed from sub feeders and mcludmg the equipment served, except as pro. ided for tn Items 4 through 9 6.00 31 to and Including 100 ampere capacity 7.00 For each additional 100 ampere capacity or fraction thereof 5 00 5 In addition to the above fees. A charge of $2.00 will be made for each street lighting standard. A charge of $3.00 will Deleted: I Deleted: a I Deleted: if 1 Deleted Formatted' Level 1, Indent First lute 0", Tabs Not at 1" Deleted: Building Department Miscellaneous Documents 8 00+ tax¶ RESOLUTION 200frXXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix 1, be made for each traffic signal standard. Circuits originating within the standard will not be used when computing fees. 6. In addition to the above fees. All transformers and generators for ltght, heat and power will be computed separately at $5 00 per unit plus 25 per KVA up to and including 100 KVA 101 KVA and over will be computed at 20 per KVA All Transformers for signs and outline lighting shall be computed at $4.00 for the first 500 VA or fraction thereof per unit plus $.40 for each additional 100 VA or fraction thereof. 7. In addition to the above fees (unless included in the fee filed by the initial installer). Remote control, signal circuits and circuits of less than 50 volts shall be computed at $6 00 per each ten (10) openings or devices of each system plus $.50 for each additional opening. 8. For review of plans and specifications of proposed installations there shall be a minimum fee of $100 00 up to and including $30,000.00 of electrical estimate, plus 1 /10 of one percent (1 on any amount in excess of $30,000 00 to be paid by persons or firms requesting the review 9. When re- inspection is necessary to determine whether unsafe conditions have been corrected and such conditions are not subject to an appeal pending before any court, a re- inspection fee of $25 00 may be assessed in writing by the inspector 10. For inspections not covered herein, or for requested special Inspections or services, the fee of $32 00 per man hour, including travel time, plus the standard IRS allowed mileage reimbursement per mile tray e1ed, plus the reasonable cost of equipment or material consumed This section is also applicable to inspection of empty conduits and such lobs as determined by the City. 11. For inspection of transient projects including, but not limited to carnivals and circuses the inspection fees shall be computed as follows: Power supply units according to item 2 of the fee schedule, A like fee will be required on power supply units at each engagement during the season, except thatp fee of S32 00 will be charged for additional time spent by the inspector if the power supply is not ready for inspection at the time and date specified on the Request for Inspection as required by law Rides, devices or concessions shall be inspected at their first appearance of the season and the inspection fee shall be $25 00 per unit 1 12. Fees for services, feeders and circuits operating at over 250 volts shall be double those listed in items 2 and 3 above. 17 Deleted: 4 j Deleted: 6 Deleted 2005 Parks Recreatron Fees and Polley Deleted:1 Deleted: plus 5 40 per mile traveled 1 Deleted:1 Formatted. Indent Left 0", Hanging 0 5", Tabs Not at 0" 6. 7. Plumbing, Heating, Ventilating, Air Conditioning Refrigeration Fees Residential (4 or less units) New construction 125.00 Alteration/repair 50 00 13 A $.50 State surcharge is to be added to each permit. 5. Grading Permits -All fees are established to Exhibit D -Plan review fees are found in Exhibit D State surcharge fee of SO 50 Bond Required, $3,000.00 per disturbed acre. minimum one acre RESOLUTION 200frXXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, Plan Check Fees. Commercial/Industrial/Multi family buildings and structures -ixty-five percent (65 of the building permit fee. 0 5", First l 1 Residential buildings sixty -five percent (65 of the building permit fee for new single family i Formatted: Indent Left 0 5" dwellings similar plans per state statute 1300.0160• twenty-five percent (25 of the building permit fee Residential Accessory Structures additions /alterations /repairs/remodeling: sixty-five percent (65 of the building permit fee Multiple Housing (5 or more units) New construction 100.00 /unit Alteration/repair 50.00/unit Commercial /Industrial /Institutional 1 5% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge $215 00 minimum fee plus 0005 surcharge 8. Sewer and Water Installation Permit Fees 215.00 Municipal Service residential (4 or less units) 55 00 Municipal Service multiple housing (5 or more units) 1.5% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge. $105.00 minimum fee plus 0005 surcharge. Private Sewer all classifications New construction or reconstruction Dakota County Recording Fee 18 250.00 50.00 Total $300.00 Deleted: 2005 Parks t Fees and Policy Ddeted. I Formatted: Indent First line* 0 5" I Formatted. Indent Left line 0" Deleted.I (Formatted: Indent Left 0 5" J {Formatted: Indent First line 0 5" Formatted: Indent Hanging 0 5" I f ormatted• indent Hanging 0 S' Municipal Service commercial/industnal /institutional e Formatted: Indent First line 0 5" 1 5% of valuation plus $.0005 surcharge._$105 00 minimum fee plus 5.0005 surcharge t formatted Indent Hanging 0 5" �ormatted. Indent First line O S" 9. Septic System Maintenance /Operation Permits and Fees J4esidential Maintenance Permit RESOLUTION 200fi -XXX ;006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I,_ No fee Commercial, Industrial, Public or Institutional Operational Permit 40.00 J.ate renewal fee for maintenance or operational permits Special Individual Sewage Treatment System (I.S.T.S) Jpspections or Investigations 10. State Surcharge. State surcharge added to each permit MISCELLANEOUS BUILDING FEES Decks Demolition Permit Fences Fireplaces Manufactured Homes Inclusive of all Inspections Connections Moving Permit Moving Permit Out Moving Permit In Penalty for fading to obtain a permtprior to starting work requiring a permit: Re- inspections 19 25 00 100 00 As recommended by the Minnesota State Code Section I6B 70 Set fee of $.50 per permit permit based on value is $.0005 value ofjob 100.00 $5.00 75 00 100.00 100 00 180 00 175 00 2 times the regular permit fee as established herein 47 00 Formatted' Indent First line 0 5" .i Formatted: Font Bold 1 Formatted. Font Bold Formatted: Font Bold Formatted: Indent First line 0 5' Formatted. Font Bo Font Bold Deleted 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy Deleted:I Formatted: Font Bo 1 Formatted• Font Bold Formatted. Font Bold 1 Formatted' Indent First line 0 5" Formatted• Indent Left 0 Hanging 5" Formatted: Indent Left 0 Right d Formatted: Indent Left 0 First ine 05 ",Right 0" 1 Formatted. Font Bold Deleted 80 00 t Deleted: 60 00 Deleted: Formatted. Indent Left 0 Hanging 5" 1 1 Roofing, Re- Roofing Residential A. Residential Tear off, Re -roof, and Overlay B. Commercial /Institutional/Industrial Siding Residential Re-Siding Comm ercial /Institutional/Industrial As recommended by Exhibit A -plus 0005 surcharge Minimum fee of $97 00 plus 0005 surcharge. Satellite Dishes and Antennas Residential: No fee All other antennas and satellite dishes per Exhibit A plus 0005 surcharge Minimum fee $84 00 plus $.0005 surcharge Single Family Dwelling Basement Finish Slabs Residential Commerce aUlnstitutional/Industrlal Special and Miscellaneous Inspections Swimming Pools Temporary Construction Trailer Water Softener Installation (State mandated fee, maximum) Window Replacement 20 RESOLUTION 20Qf -XXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, 75.00 As recommended by Exhibit A lus, 0005 surcharge. Minimum fee of $100 00 $.0005,Surcharge 75.00 175.00 47 00 70.00 75 65 00 15 00 46.00 Deleted. 4 6 {Deleted. 2005 Parks Recreation i Fees and Policy D :I Formatted. No underline Formatted. Heading 2, Indent Left 0 Hanging 5", Tabs Not at -075 -05 D 05 1"+ 1Y+ r+ 25"+ 3" 3F+ 4" 45 5 55"+ 586' Formatted. Font Not Bold Formatted. Font Not Bold Formatted Font Not Bold Formatted. Font Not Bold Deleted: 50 00 Deleted: 12000 Deleted: Formatted: Note Heading Formatted: Note Heading, Indent First line 0 5" Deleted. Sample Fee Schedule 2004 EXHIBIT A Building Value Range Fee Schedule *changes per LMC report of 11/3/03 21 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX .2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix 1, Building Value Range Fee Range $0 S500 00 $500 01 $2,000 $25.00 525 00 for the first $500 $3 25 per additional $100 $2,000.01 525,000 $73 50 for the first 52,000 $14.75 per additional $1,000 $25,000.01 $50,000 $413 00 for the first $25,000 $10.75 per additional $1,000 550,000 01 $100,000 $681.75 for the first $50,000 $7 50 per additional $1.000 $100,000 01 $500,000 $1,056 75 for the first $100,000 56.00 per additional $1,000 $500,000 01 $1,000,000 $3,456.75 or the first 5500,000 $5.00 per additional $1,000 51,000,000.01 and up $5,956.75 for the first $1,000,000 $4 00 per additional $1,000 This fee schedule was developed cooperatively by members of the League of Minnesota Cities and the Association of Metropolitan Municipalities, with information provided by the State Building Codes and Standards Division. Deleted: 4 1 Deleted: Deleted: 2005 Parks Recrea0on L Fees and Policy i Deleted. 1 Deleted. 4 t Formatted Table MASONRY FIREPLACES: 14.60 One Level 5,90000 Each Additional Level 3,000 00 THREE SEASON PORCHES, WOOD FRAMED 5 49 35 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING MECHANICAL INSTALLATION VALUES: Plumbing (Up to 2 Full Baths 1 Half Bath Basement R I. Only) 8,000 00 Plumbing. Each Additional Bathroom S 1.000 00 I-IVAC (No Air conditioning, One Furnace) 5,000.00 HVAC, Air Conditioning 1,200 00 HVAC, Each Additional Furnace 2,500 00 City Sewer/Water installation 800.00 Septic Systems(s) Standard Trench/Drain field 4,000.00 Mound System 11,000 00 Tanks /Pump up,Drain field 6,000.00 GARDEN SHEDS 14.60 DECKS, WOOD FRAMED, ENTRY PORCH 12.00 FOUR SEASON PORCHES 72 66 THREE SEASON PORCHES, WOOD FRAMED 5 49 35 GAZEBOS, WOOD FRAMED /SCREENED 49.35 ZERO CLEARANCE FIREPLACES 5 3,500.00 Unfinished Basements 14 70 Crawl Space 7.54 Conversion 511 Wood Frame 22.11 Masonry Construction 24.93 Carport 1511 Pole Building 14 60 EXHIBIT B RESIDENTIAL BUILDING VALUATIONS* Cost Per Square Foot SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS -TYPE V- WOOD FRAME GARAGES: First Floor 72 66 Second Floor 72 66 SINGLE FAMILY DWELLINGS BASEMENT Finished Basements Un-excavated Foundation Areas 22 RESOLUTION 200 -XXX Deleted: a 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees A pp endix I, Deleted: Zoos Parks Recreation Fees and Policy 19 70 3 77 "Permit fees are automatically revised in May to reflect the new schedule of Budding Valuation Deleted. 6 Deleted: 1 50 cubic yards (38 2m') or Jess S23 50 51 to 100 cubic yards (40m to 76 5m $37 00 101 to 1,000 cubic yards (77 2m to 764 6m -$37 00 for the first 100 cubic yards (76 5m plus $17 50 for each additional 100 cubic yards (76 5m or fraction 1° 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards (765 3m to 7645 5m) -$194 50 for the first 1,000 cubic yards (764 6m plus $14 50 for each additional 1,000 cubic yards (764 6m') or fraction thereof 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards (7646 3m to 76,455m )-$325 00 for the first 10,000 cubic yards (7645 5m plus $66 00 for each additional 10 000 cubic yards (7645 5m or fraction thereof 100,001 cubic yards (76 456m or more -$919 00 for the first 100,000 cubic yards (76 455m plus $36 50 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards (7645 5m or fraction thereof Other Inspections and Fees: I Inspections outside of normal business hours $50 50 per how; (minimum charge -two hours) 2 Remspectron fees assessed under provisions of Section 108 8 $50 50 per hour' 3 Inspections for which no fee n specifically indicated $50 50 per hour' (minimum charge- one -half hour) 50 cubic yards (38 2m or less No fee 51 to 100 cubic yards (40m' to 76 5m $23 50 101 to 1 000 cubic yards (77 2m to 764 6m 53700 1,001 to 10,000 cubic yards (765 3m' to 7645 5m) 549 25 10,001 to 100,000 cubic yards (7646 3m to 76,455m -$49 25 for the first 10,000 cubic yards (7645 5m'), plus Data issued by the Minnesota Department of Administration. EXHIBIT "C" TABLE A- 33- A- GRADING PLAN REVIEW FEES 24 10 forcach addiuonal 1Q, 100,001 to 200 000 cubic yards (76 456m' to 152 911 m') -$269 75 for the first 100,000 cubic yards (76 455m plus $13 25 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards (7645 5m') or fraction thereof 200,001 cubic yards (152 912m or more -$402 25 for the first 200 000 cubic yards (152 911m plus $7 25 for each additional 10,000 cubic yards (7645 5m or fraction thereof Other Fees Additional plan review required by changes, additions or revisions to approved plans $50 50 per hour* (minimum charge -one -half hour) *Or the total hourly cost to the Jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, hourly wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved TABLE A -33 -B- GRADING PERMIT FEESI 23 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, 1 The fee for a gradine permit authonzmg additional work to that under a valid permit shall he the difference between the fee paid for the original pemm and the fee shown for the enure project 2 Or the total hourly cost to the jurisdiction, whichever is the greatest This cost shall include supervision, overhead, equipment, haply wages and fringe benefits of the employees involved Deleted: D 6 Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy 1 Deleted: I Formatted: Superscript Formatted: Font 8 pt, Superscnpt APPENDIX II ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION 2005 FEES AND FEE POLICY I. COMMUNITY CENTER AND ARENA Definitions Page 2 Priority for Scheduling Facilities Page 3 Facility Fees Page 3 A Purpose Page 3 B. Fee Class of Users Page 3 C. Fees Page 4 1 Auditorium Page 4 2 Banquet Room Page 5 3. Classrooms Page 5 4. Gymnasium Page 6 5 Audio- Visual Equipment Page 6 6 Arena Page 6 D. Deposits Page 7 IL OUTDOOR FACILITIES Page 8 Park Facility Priority Use Page 8 Facility Fees Page 8 24 RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX Deleted: 4 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Deleted: Appendix Z Deleted. 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy Deleted: 1 1 DEFINITIONS APPENDIX II ROSEMOUNT PARKS AND RECREATION 2005 FEES AND FEE POLICY I. COMMUNITY CENTER, ARENA, AND FACILITIES RESOLUTION 200frXXX ,,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, A. City Groups, Organizations or Activities (City sponsored activities.) Includes Rosemount Halloween Festivity, Leprechaun Days, and Shamrock Awards Banquet. B. Civic and Non -Profit Groups Includes civic organizations, political groups, churches, athletic associations, fraternal groups, charitable groups, and character building organizations devoted to social, educational, recreational and civic development or other like purposes. C. Commercial Groups Includes groups that operate for profit or the purpose of promotion or advertisement. D. Governmental Agencies Includes county, state, federal, and special tax districts serving Rosemount residents. E Non Resident Groups Includes groups having more than one -half of their members not living within the Rosemount City limits F Resident Any person who maintains a residential address in the City of Rosemount. G. Resident Groups Includes groups having more than one -half of their members living within the Rosemount City limits H. School District #196 Includes all directly related school activities including curricular, co- curricular, extra cumcular and all directly controlled school organizations, including Community Education. Resident Athletic Groups Includes RAAA and RAHA. Deleted. a Deleted:6 Deleted 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy t tt ¢leted' 1 2. PRIORITY FOR SCHEDULING FACILITIES A Purpose Due to the large number of organizations that request community center facilities, the City Council has deemed it necessary to group by activity these organizations and establish a priority in order to insure that community center facilities are made available so as to best meet community needs B Priority of Users I, Rosemount Parks and Recreation Programs. 2. Community Events. 3 National Guard. 4. All Others. C. Permits and Rental Agreements 3. FACILITY FEES Uses may be determined by permit, contract or rental agreement on such terms as mutually agreed upon. A. Purpose RESOLUTION 200 -XXX Deleted: 4 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Deleted. 6 Appendix T Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreaeooi t ees and rake) The City Council establishes the following user classifications for the purpose of setting fees, Specific fee charges are dependent on the purpose of the activities, type of group, facility, that is requested and special services and/or equipment needed, with consideration to the market place and such other factors as may be deemed relevant A fee schedule will be established by the City Council after review and recommendation of the Parks and Recreation Commission. The fee schedule will be reviewed as necessary but not less than annually by the Parks and Recreation Commission Under supervision of the Park and Recreation Director the management staff at the Community Center would hay e the ability to negotiate for last minute rentals long term rentals and special events in order to maximize use of the Community Center Staff w ould provide quarterly exception reports. B. Fee Class of Users 1. City sponsored activities. 2. Residents, resident civic, resident non profit groups, ISD 196 schools, and other Rosemount schools 3. Non residents, non resident civic, non resident non profit groups, and other governmental agencies. Deleted•I 4. Commercial groups C. Fees 1 Auditorium Auditorium Alone* Fee Class Hourly Rate 8 hours or more Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set -up costs and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $35 per hour $250 Class 3 $40 per hour $300 Class 4 $60 per hour $500 Auditorium with the banquet room and adjoining lobby (all day fee) Fee Class Saturday Friday R'eekday(Sun- Thurs) Fee Fee Fee Class 1 Fees based upon directly cleaning and set -up costs and other costs directly associated with the event Class 2 700 50 350 Class 3 $,7_5_ 0 $400 Class 4 $900 850 6$50 A fee will be assessed if usine additional audio visual w eguipment other than microphones and standard lighting (See 3 e for Audio Visual Equipment fees Add $100 for Sunday Thursday rentals scheduled past 10.00 p.m., no later than midnight. 4 Deleted: 4 RESOLUTION 200 -XXX X006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Deleted: 6 Appendix I, Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy Deleted: 1 Deleted: 650 Deleted: 600 Deleted- 300 Deleted: 750 D eleted: 700 =fled 350 Deleted• 850 Deleted. 800 Deleted. 600 Deleted. St0 per hour Deleted f Formatted• Indent Left 1 Hanging 0 19 Tabs 1 19 Left Not at 0" 1" Formatted: Indent Left 1 Hanging 019 ",Tabs Not at 0" 2. Banquet Room Fee Class Saturday Friday Weekday (Sun- Thurs) Fee Fce Fee Class 1 4500 Fees based upon direct cleaning and set -up costs, Deleted. 450 and other costs directly associated with the event. Class 2 $0.11 500 50 Class 3 $t700 $,600 Class4 $400 X700 Vat Add $100 for Sunday Thursday rentals scheduled past 10:00 p.m., no later than midnight, 3. Classrooms Fee class Per Classroom Class 1 Fees based upon direct cleaning and set -up costs, and other costs directly associated with the event Class 2 $25 per 3 hours per classroom Class 3 $30 per 3 hours per classroom Class 4 $30 per 3 hours per classroom Regular use of the classroom The classrooms will be available for regular meetings. An organization in Fee Class 2, that is a resident civic or resident non -profit group can reserve one classroom at no charge for one meeting per month. Dependent upon space availability, Rosemount Community Center Staff will coordinate the free meeting space to best accommodate multiple users An organization can reserve up to one year in advance of the reservation period, and is charged a $25 reservation fee. An additional fee may be assessed relating to direct RESOLUTION 2002 -XXX Deleted: 4 ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Deleted: 6 Appendix Deleted• 2005 Perks Recreation Fens and Policy Deleted:1 Deleted' 450 Deleted: 200 Deleted: 650 Deleted: 550 Deleted. 250 Deleted: 750 Deleted: 650 Deleted: 300 Deleted: on Sundays Deleted: 550 cleaning and setup costs. 4. Gymnasium Fee Class Class 1 Class 2 Class 3 Class 4 The Gymnasium Kitchen may be rented for $50 per day Banquets or dance events in the gymnasium will be charged Banquet Room rates Groups of 50 or more, using the gymnasium will be charged a custodial fee of $15 per hour of use. 5. Audio -visual Equipment Easels, paper and markers may be rented for $15 -I- tax per use (Easels are free of charge if no paper and markers are requested.) The remaining equipment including the overhead projectors, slide projector, and TVNCRs may be rented for $10 tax per use There is no charge for use of microphones and lecterns A portable LCD Projector may be rented at $200 per use, subject to availability 6. Arena Full Gym Full Day Fees based upon directly cleaning and set costs and other costs directly associated with the event. $30 per hour $200 $40 per hour $300 $60 per hour $450 Prime Time Ice Non Pnme Time Ice Summer Ice Public Skating Fee Evening and holiday vacation Daytime public skating fee Daytime youth open hockey Open Skate Passes Skate Sharpening 165 per hour tax) $115 per hour tax) $115 per hour tax) RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, $4.00 (includes tax) $rt00 (includes tax) $2.00 (includes tax) 8 for $20 00 $4 00 Deleted: 2005 Parks Recrealmn Fees and Policy Deleted. 1.55 Deleted 150 Deleted. 1 50 Skate Sharpening Passes 8 for 520.00 Prime and Non -Pnme Ice Season: January, February, March, September, October. November, and December Summer Ice: April, May, June, July and August RESOLUTION 200f -XXX -t Dereted.4 Dry Floor Event• fees to be negotiated by management staff +tax Prime lime Monday -Fnday 7.00 a m. 10.00 p m and Saturday and Sunday 6 00 a.m 10.00 p m. Non Pnme Time Monday -Friday 10:00 p.m. 7:00 a.m Saturday and Sunday after 10.00 p m. The order of priority for scheduling of ice time to major users +200 hours per year) is as follows: 1 Community Center sponsored programs (open skating, learn to skate. events, etc.) 2. Rosemount High School Girls and Boys Hockey games and practices based on limits mutually agreed upon 3. Rosemount Area Hockey Association 4. Other hockey associations or organizations requesting 200 or more hours per year. After the above groups have been scheduled consecutively, ice time for secondary users (less than 200 hours per year) will be scheduled on a first come first served basis 5. Cancellations. Cancellations wilt be subject to 50% of the rental fee. 11 Deposits 1 Specific to banquet room events, a damage deposit of $300 is required two weeks pnor to the event As to Auditorium and Gymnasium, depending on the type of event and group size, a damage deposit of up to $300 may be added to rental charges Pending the rental space does not incur any damages, the deposit will be refunded within 21 days after the event date. .2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Deleted: s Appendix 1 '1` Deleted. 2005 Parks Recreation Fees and Policy 2. Specific to the auditorium, banquet room and gymnasium, a non- refundable rental deposit of one -half the fee is required within two weeks of permit issue The renter will forfeit the reservation if the rental deposit is not received within two weeks after the permit issue date. The balance of the room fee is due two weeks pnor to the event. 3. Specific to the ice arena, a non refundable deposit of 50% of the total contract price is required upon receipt of ice arena contract for use The remainder of the contract Deleted: I II. OUTDOOR FACILITIES RESOLUTION 200fi -XXX 2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix I, shall be paid before the group gets on the ice RAHA and RHS (ISD 196) are exempt from paying a deposit and will make full payment for the previous month's ice bill 4 Specific to the classrooms, rental fee is required with signed permit. Reservation is not confirmed until both the signed permit and the fees are paid. PARK FACILITY PRIORITY USE: All City of Rosemount Parks and Recreation Activities will be given priority; all facilities will be scheduled to accommodate these activities After all Parks and Recreation activities have been scheduled accordingly, then requests will be granted to other users in order of their prionty as listed below. A. City Sponsored Events All Parks and Recreation Activities which include, but not limited to, Adult Leagues, tournaments, playground programs, special events, etc. B. RAAA and RAHA C. Rosemount Non Profit and Civic /Service Groups D. Rosemount Residents E. Rosemount ISD 196 Schools F. Rosemount Non Public Schools G. Rosemount Colleges and Universities H. All Other Requests 2. FACILITY FEES: A. Enckson Softball Complex and Tournament Fees: Athletic Fields (Ball, Soccer) $25 field day tax Field Maintenance $30 hour or cost incurred by City Chalk cost incurred by City Field Dry cost incurred by City B. Park Shelter Fees: 1 Deleted: 2005 Parks Recrea Fees and Policy Open Shelter (does not include other park amenities) Enclosed Shelter and Amphitheater (does not include other park amenities) $25 /day tax (Resident) $35 /day tax (Non Resident) $80 /day tax (Resident) $130 /day tax (Non- Resident) C. Non League Field Fees: Fields (Ball, Soccer, Outdoor R inks) $25 /field/clay tax D. Independent League Field Fee Fields (Ball, Soccer, Outdoor Rinks) E. Other Fees: First Aid Kit Portable Toilet Damage Deposit Lost Key Fee F. Cancellations will $225 /team /season tax RESOLUTION 2005 -XXX ,2006 Schedule of Rates and Fees Appendix 1, $50 restocking deposit (refundable) $55 /unit tax additional, required for events over 100 $30 /unit Special Service other than regular service $150 for all events (refundable) $50 per key or cost to re -key facility or building be subject to 50% of the rental fee No refunds for inclement weather. Deleted; 4 Deleted: 6 Deleted: 2005 Parks Recreation Fee and Policy _1 Deleted:1