HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.n. Elected Official Travel PolicyAGENDA ITEM: Elected Official Travel Policy AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Dawn Weitzel, Assistant City Administrator AGEN<{3 ATTACHMENTS: Resolution Elected Official Out -of -State Travel Policy APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to approve the attached resolution adopti g the Elected Official Out -of -State Travel Policy 4 ROSEMOLINT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting' December 20, 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE Minnesota Statutes 471.661 adopted this past legislative session states that "By January 1, 2006, the governing body of each statutory or home rule charter city, county, school distract, regional agency, or other political subdivision, except a town, must develop a policy that controls travel outside the state of Minnesota for the applicable elected officials of the relevant unit of government. The policy must be approved by a recorded vote and specify (1) when travel outside the state is appropriate; (2) apphcable expense htmts, and (3) procedures for approval of the travel. The policy must be made available for public inspection upon request and reviewed annually. Subsequent changes to the policy must be approved by a recorded vote." BACKGROUND The City currently follows a policy for employees, commissioners, and City Council members that governs applicable expense hmits. There is currently no policy in place guiding the procedures or the reasons for approving out -of -state travel by the Mayor or City Council. The League of Minnesota Cities drafted a model policy. We have used it as our basis for the reasons travel may be approved by Council. SUMMARY Because we need to enforce this travel policy by January 1, 2006, it is requested that Council approved the attached resolution adopting the Elected Official Out -of -State Travel Policy. ATTEST: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING APPROVING THE ELECTED OFFICIAL OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL POLICY WHEREAS, the Mayor and members of the City of Rosemount City Council do travel out -of- state for workshops, conferences, or other assignments, and WHEREAS, the Minnesota legislature has enacted a statute requiring that every City adopt a policy that provides guidelines for when out -of -state travel is appropriate, applicable expense limits and procedures for approval; and WHEREAS, the City of Rosemount has a travel policy for all employees, commissioners and elected officials regarding appropriate expense limits; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount, Minnesota, that it should, and hereby does: Approve the attached Elected Official Out -of -State Travel Policy effective January 1, 2006. ADOPTED this 20 day of December, 2005. William H. Droste, Mayor Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Seconded by: Voted in favor: Voted against: POLICY TITLE: ELECTED OFFICIAL OUT -OF -STATE TRAVEL POLICY EFFECTIVE DATE: JANUARY 1, 2006 POLICY NUMBER: DATE APPROVED BY ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL: PURPOSE The City of Rosemount recognizes that its elected officials may at times receive value from traveling out of the state for workshops, conferences, events and other assignments. This pohcy sets forth the conditions under which the City will reimburse out -of -state travel Reimbursement will be made pursuant to the expense reimbursement and travel policy. GENERAL GUIDELINES 1. The event, workshop, conference or assignment must be approved in advance by a vote of the City Council at an open meeting and must include an estimate of the cost of the travel. In evaluating the out -of -state travel request, the Council will consider the following: Whether the elected official will be receiving training on issues relevant to the City or to his or her role as Mayor or as a Council member. Whether the elected official will be meeting and networking with other elected officials from around the country to exchange ideas on topics of relevance to the City or on the official roles of local elected officials. Whether the elected official will be viewing a city facility or function that is similar in nature to one that is currently operating at, or under consideration by the City where the purpose for the tnp is to study the facility or function to bring back ideas for the consideration of the full Council. Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to visit another city for the purpose of establishing a goodwill relationship such as a "sister- city" relationship. Whether the elected official has been specifically assigned by the Council to testify on behalf of the city at the Umted States Congress or to otherwise meet with federal officials on behalf of the City. Whether the City has sufficient funding available in the budget to pay the cost of the trip. 2. No reimbursements will be made for attendance at events sponsored by or affiliated with political parties.