HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.r. GlenRose of Rosemount (Dean Johnson) Final Plat 05-43-FPAGENDA ITEM: Case 05 -43 -FP GlenRose of Rosemount (Dean Johnson) Final Plat and Subdivision Development Agreement AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Rick Pearson, City Planner Andy Brotzler, City Engineer gGEN i p Eht ATTACHMENTS: Draft Resolution, Location map, Final Plat and Proposed Roadway Easement Exhibit reductions, 09/27/2005 PC Minutes, Resolution 2005 -40 APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend that the City Council adopt a resolution approving the final plat for GlenRose subject to conditions, and Motion to authorize the execution of the subdivision development agreement. 4 ROSEMOUNT CITY COUNCIL City Council Regular Meeting December 20, 2005 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ISSUE The Developer of GlenRose has requested final plat approval for the 76 unit townhouses east of Highway 3 between the St Joseph's Cemetery and Rosemount Woods manufactured housing park. The final plat is the official survey document that will be recorded at Dakota County that legally defines the street right -of- way for the 140 Circle cul -de -sac, the individual building pads and various drainage, ponding and utility easements. Also included are the easements related to the potential trail underpass for Highway 3 required as part of the PUD approval. PLANNING COMMISSION REVIEW No concerns were identified by the Planning Commission, it was recommended fot approval by consent. BACKGROUND Applicant Dean Johnson of Dean Johnson Homes Property Owner: Church of St Joseph Current Zoning- R -2, Moderate Density Residential Comp Plan Desig Urban Residential Preliminary Plat Approved: July 19, 2005, Resolution 2005 -40 (83) Number of Units• 76 Land Area 10.75 gross, 9 55 net (less Right -of -way and wetland) Density: 7.07 du ac (gross); 7 96 du /ac. (net) Planning Commission Action: Recommendation of approval (5 -0) The final plat represents the last stage of the planning process for this development. Conformance with the approved prehminary plat assures the developer approval of the final plat Therefore, the focus of the review is the comparison between the prehminary and final plats A public hearmg is not required. If there were something m the final plat that was different from what was approved m the preliminary, then the developer would need approval of an amendment to the Planned Umt Development which would revise the preliminary plat. This final plat is somewhat different from many final plats that the City reviews because there are no individual lots created for single family use Lots are defined on the basis of townhouse building footprints and the right-of -way for 140 Circle as dedicated on the plat. The site also has a pre existing easement for a storm water utility pipe that traverses the property. All other easements are expected to be dedicated with the common area, which is Lot 14, Block 1 The City Council also required easements m support of a possible trail underpass at Highway 3 as part of the preliminary plat approval If the underpass is built, it would be linked with sidewalks m the development to the pondmg /wetland perimeter, and ultimately, to the trail connecting 140 Circle with the park on the east side of the plat. Easements for those potential improvements are included with the final plat information. The plat is adjacent to State Highway 3 and is therefore subject to review by MnDOT. MnDOT has denied access to Highway 3 because the ahgnment of 140 Circle is off -set from the opposite entrance; the Community Center driveway across Highway 3 A gap between the access points would cause a conflict between left -turn movements into either property given the center turn -lane design. A solution to the problem is to shift the Community Center driveway further south. Sufficient right -of -way is available for this purpose. Approval is conditioned on the Developer obtauung the necessary MnDOT access permits and fundmg the reconstruction of the Community Center driveway A condition of approval relating to this issue has been added to the recommended approval. RECOMMENDATION The preliminary plat has been compared to the final plat The lot areas ahgn with the building footprints and is consistent with the prehmmary plat as approved. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the final plat with condition. Typically a condition of final plat approval is execution of the subdivision agreement. In this case, the subdivision agreement has already been signed to allow awarding of the pubhc utility contracts. 2 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE FINAL PLAT FOR GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from GlenRose Investments, LLC (Dean Johnson Homes) on September 13, 2005 requesting a Final Plat for GlenRose of Rosemount, legally described as That part of Lot One (1) and Lot Six (6) of Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 to the Village of Rosemount, according to the recorded plat tfi ereof now on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Deeds withm and for the County of Dakota anQ State ofMnmesota, said part of Lot One (1) being located in the Northeast Quarter (NE Y) and said part of Lot Six (6) being located m the Northwest Quarter (N /W 'A) of Section Twenty -nme (29), Township One Hundred Fifteen (115) North Range Nineteen (19) West. and being described as follows: Beginning at a judicial land mark on the East line ofthe Northwest Quarter (NW of said Section Twenty nine (29), a distance of 1997.40 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof, said East line assumed to be North 00 degrees East; thence South 88 degrees 13 minutes 27 seconds East 495 00 feet to a Judicial land mark at the southeast comer of said Lot One (1); thence North 16 degrees 46 mmutes 28 seconds East along the Easterly line of said Lot One (1). a distance of 668 00 feet to aJudicial land mark on the North line of said Northeast Quarter (NE '''A), thence South 88 degrees 00 mmutes 00 seconds West along the North line of said Northeast Quarter (NE'/) and Lot One (1), a distance of 688.00 feet to a Judicial land mark at the Northwest cornerof said Northeast Quarter (NE'/) of Lot One (1), thence South 89 degrees 44 minutes 42 seconds West along the North line of said Northwest Quarter (NW and said Lot Six (6), a distance of 80.68 feet to ajudicial land mark on the Easterly right of way line of State Trunk Highway No 3 as now established; thence South 17 degrees 29 minutes 51 seconds West along said right of way line 618.44 feet to a judicial land mark, thence South 87 degrees 51 minutes East a distance of 266.81 feet to the East line of Lot Six (6) and of said Northwest Quarter (NW /a) being the point of beginning, the land herein described. WHEREAS, on September 27, 2005, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Final Plat for GlenRose of Rosemount located east of Highway 3 between the S. Joseph's Cemetery and Rosemount Woods; and WHEREAS, the Planning Commission adopted a motion to recommend that the City Council approve the Final Plat for GlenRose of Rosemount, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on December 20, 2005, the City Council of the City of Rosemount approved the Final Plat for GlenRose of Rosemount after reviewing the Planning Commission's recommendation and the Final Plat; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Final Plat for GlenRose of Rosemount, subject to: 1. Execution and recording of the GlenRose PUD agreement. 2. Payment of all development and subdivision related fees in accordance with the current fee schedule 3. Recording of easements for roadway, temporary construction and trail purposes related to a potential future grade separated pedestrian crossing of South Robert Trail. 4. Park dedication in the amount specified by the Parks and Recreation Director based upon the current fee schedule (anticipated to be $3.000 per unit) and dedication of an easement for the trail connecting 140` Circle to Central Park. 5. Acquisition of a State Highway 3 access permit from the Minnesota Department of Transportation. 6. The Developer shall provide for all costs associated with conditions of MnDOT access permit requirements. William H Droste, Mayor ADOPTED this 20th day of December, 2005 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount. ATTEST: Linda Jentmk, City Clerk RESOLUTION 2005 Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Member absent: 2 0 0 Excerpt of Minutes from the Regular Planning Commission Meeting of September 27, 2005 Consent Agenda: 4A. Approval of the August 23, 2005 Regular Meeting Minutes. 4B. Approval of 05 -43 -FP GlenRose of Rosemount (Dean Johnson) Final Plat. Commissioner Schultz requested a correction on page 8 of the August 23, 2005 minutes striking "Schultz" m the second sentence and replacing it with "Zorn MOTION by Powell to approve the Consent Agenda with the change to the minutes. Second by Schultz Ayes: All Nayes None. Motion carried. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005 -40 A RESOLUTION APPROVING A PRELIINARY PLAT AND PUD FINAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR GLENROSE OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the Community Development Department of the City of Rosemount received an application from Dean Johnson Homes requesting Preliminary Plat and PUD Final Development Plan approval concerning property legally described as: That part of Lot One (1) and Lot Six (6) of Auditor's Subdivision No. 1 to the Village of Rosemount, according to the recorded plat thereof now on file and of record in the office of the Registrar of Deeds within and for the County of Dakota and State of Minnesota, said part of Lot One (1) being located in the Northeast Quarter (NE Y) and said part of Lot Six (6) being located in the Northwest Quarter (N /W of Section Twenty-nme (29), Township One Hundred Fifteen (115) North, Range Nineteen (19) West, and being described as follows: Beginning at a judicial land mark on the East line of the Northwest Quarter (NW Y,) of said Section Twenty -nine (29), a distance of 1997 40 feet North of the Southeast corner thereof, said East line assumed to be North 00 degrees East, thence South 88 degrees 13 minutes 27 seconds East 495 00 feet to a judicial land mark at the southeast comer of said Lot One (1), thence North 16 degrees 46 minutes 28 seconds East along the Easterly line of said Lot One (1), a distance of 668 00 feet to a judicial land mark on the North line of said Northeast Quarter (NE thence South 88 degrees 00 mmute;,00 seconds West along the North line of said Northeast Quarter (NE'/) and Lot One (1), a distance of 688.00 feet to a judicial land mark at the Northwest comer of said Northeast Quarter (NE of Lot One (1), thence South 89 degrees 44 minutes 42 seconds West along the North lme of said Northwest Quarter (NW and said Lot Six (6), a distance of 80 68 feet to a judicial land mark on the Easterly right of way line of State Trunk Highway No 3 as now established, thence South 17 degrees 29 minutes 51 sends West along said right of way line 618 44 feet to ajudicial land mark; thence South 87 degrees 51 minutes East a distance of 266.81 feet to the East line of Lot Six (6) and of said Northwest Quarter (NW Y) being the point of beginning, the land herein described. WHEREAS, on June 24, 2005, the Planning Commission of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Preliminary Plat, Final Development Plan, rezoning from PI to PUD R -2, and Final Site and Building Plan; and WHEREAS, on June 24, 2005, the Planning Commission recommended approval of the Rezoning, Preliminary Plat, PUD Final Development Plan, subject to conditions; and WHEREAS, on July 19, 2005, the City Council of the City of Rosemount reviewed the Planning Commissions recommendations; and. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the Council of the City of Rosemount hereby approves the Preliminary Plat and PUD Master Development Plan for the GlenRose of Rosemount development, subject to: 1. The developer shall provide documentation from MnDOT that the plan has been reviewed and approved by MnDOT. This documentation will need to be received by the City prior to the issuance of a grading permit. 2. For the proposed grading on the adjacent property to the north, the developer shall provide documentation of an easement or right -of -entry to complete this work prior to the issuance of a grading permit 2 RESOLUTION 2005 -40 3. The EOF spot elevation between Lots 8 9 and Lots 12 13 require 1' of freeboard to the low floor opening elevation. Also, all EOF locations shall be labeled on the plans. 4. The street section shall reflect the City of Rosemount's typical section for residential street construction of 2" bituminous wear course, 2" bituminous non -wear course, 6" Class V, 24" select granular and B618 curb and gutter. 5. The developer shall complete the Wetland Conservation Act permit for the proposed impact. The following items shall be addressed relative to the wetland and storm water pond. 6. A 30' buffer shall be shown on the plan from the delineated wetland edge and proposed mitigation edge. Buffer averaging will be required to meet the wetland buffer requirements. Buffer monumentation shall be shown on the plan. A conservation easement will be required for the wetland, mitigation site, storm water pond and a buffer area. Restoration of the wetland, mitigation site and storm water pond shall be with MnDOT Seed Mixture 310. 7. All final plans meet the detail and specifications of the engineering department relating to drainage, easements, grading, storm water management, street alignments and utilities. 8. Park dedication shall be in the form of cash dedication in lieu of land dedication with the payment to be made at the rate of the current fee schedule at the time of final plat. 9. The trail connection at the mid -block of 140 Circle needs to be identified on the plan as a future connection to the north, intended for access to Connemara Trail 10. Grading is allowed in the park as per the plan, with only the seven identified trees to be removed from the northwest corner of the park. 11. The developer will pay for all trail costs including those on City property. 12. Increase the buffer at the northeast edge of the park with additional plantings to create a buffer from the ballfield lights, etc. 13. All public trails and sidewalks shall be designed and built to current standards Sidewalks shall be made of concrete and a minimum of 5 feet wide. Trails shall be made of asphalt and are 8 feet wide. RESOLUTION 2005 -40 14. Execution of a PUD agreement based upon the revised plans received on July 12, 2005, and recording the PUD agreement with Dakota County. The plan revision satisfactorily resolved previously identified setback, landscaping, architectural and site plan deficiencies referred to in the Planning Commission recommendation. 15. Conformance with the requirements for final plat including execution of a subdivision development agreement to secure public and private infrastructure to serve the development 16. Conformance with the attached housing garage standards for minimum size and storage space. 17. Conformance with all of the conditions of Resolution 2005 -11. 18. Homeowners association covenants and documents shall be approved by the City Attomey and recorded at Dakota County at the time of final plat. 19. Driveways for building 8 shall be combined to increase the driveway spacing from the intersection between buildings 7 and 8. 20. The intersections between buildings 9, 10, 11 and 12 shall be redesigned by consolidating the east -west street and connecting the north -south streets with perpendicular alignments. 21. The applicant dedicate a public trail and access easement over 100' between the Hwy 3 and the southern private street for an underpass and a 10' easement for a sidewalk system along the southern side of the private drive to Link with the sidewalk shown on the plans date stamped July 12, 2005 adjacent to the overlook. The applicant is required to install the 5' sidewalk in back of the curb of the private drive around the pond, terminating at the private driveway or some reasonable location acceptable to staff The applicant shall dedicate a 400' temporary easement between Hwy 3 and the western private drive that shall be in effect until such time as the City constructs an underpass or the City vacates the easement. To facilitate the future construction of the underpass the southern private dnve shall have a 945.1 elevation at the western edge. 22 The applicant revise the front facade of building 1 to provide additional architectural detailing and to ensure that the front steps and railings are proportionate to the structure and of appropriate mass. 3 ADOPTED this 19 day of July, 2005 by the City Council of the City of Rosemount ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Shoe Corrigan Voted in favor. Sterner, DeBettignies, Shoe Corrigan, Droste, Baxter Voted against: None Member absent: None William H. Droste, Mayor Second by: Sterner 4 RESOLUTION 2005 -40