HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.a.i. Water Supply Plan Updates - Attachment 1Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 1 Local Water Supply Plan Template Third Generation for 2016 -2018 Formerly called Water Emergency & Water Conservation Plan Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 2 Cover photo by Molly Shodeen For more information on this Water Supply Plan Template, please contact the DNR Division of Ecological and Water Resources at (651) 259-5034 or (651) 259-5100. Copyright 2015 State of Minnesota, Department of Natural Resources This information is available in an alternative format upon request. Equal opportunity to participate in and benefit from programs of the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources is available to all individuals regardless of race, color, creed, religion, national origin, sex, marital status, public assistance status, age, sexual orientation, disability or activity on behalf of a local human rights commission. Discrimination inquiries should be sent to Minnesota DNR, 500 Lafayette Road, St. Paul, MN 55155-4049; or the Equal Opportunity Office, Department of the Interior, Washington, DC 20240. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 3 Table of contents INTRODUCTION TO WATER SUPPLY PLANS (WSP) ............................................................. 6 Who needs to complete a Water Supply Plan .......................................................................................... 6 Groundwater Management Areas (GWMA) ............................................................................................. 6 Benefits of completing a WSP ................................................................................................................... 6 WSP Approval Process .............................................................................................................................. 7 PART 1. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND EVALUATION ................................ 9 A. Analysis of Water Demand................................................................................................................ 9 B. Treatment and Storage Capacity .................................................................................................... 11 Treatment and storage capacity versus demand ................................................................12 C. Water Sources ................................................................................................................................. 12 Limits on Emergency Interconnections ...............................................................................13 D. Future Demand Projections – Key Metropolitan Council Benchmark ............................................ 13 Water Use Trends ..............................................................................................................13 Projection Method ..............................................................................................................15 E. Resource Sustainability ................................................................................................................... 15 Monitoring – Key DNR Benchmark ....................................................................................15 Water Level Data ...............................................................................................................16 Potential Water Supply Issues & Natural Resource Impacts – Key DNR & Metropolitan Council Benchmark ............................................................................................................17 Wellhead Protection (WHP) and Source Water Protection (SWP) Plans ............................20 F. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) ...................................................................................................... 21 Adequacy of Water Supply System ....................................................................................21 Proposed Future Water Sources ........................................................................................22 Part 2. Emergency Preparedness Procedures ..........................................................................25 A. Federal Emergency Response Plan ................................................................................................. 25 B. Operational Contingency Plan ........................................................................................................ 25 C. Emergency Response Procedures ................................................................................................... 25 Emergency Telephone List ................................................................................................26 Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 4 Current Water Sources and Service Area ..........................................................................26 Procedure for Augmenting Water Supplies ........................................................................26 Allocation and Demand Reduction Procedures ..................................................................27 Notification Procedures ......................................................................................................29 Enforcement ......................................................................................................................30 PART 3. WATER CONSERVATION PLAN ...............................................................................32 Progress since 2006 ................................................................................................................................ 32 A. Triggers for Allocation and Demand Reduction Actions ................................................................. 33 B. Conservation Objectives and Strategies – Key benchmark for DNR ............................................... 34 Objective 1: Reduce Unaccounted (Non-Revenue) Water loss to Less than 10% ..............34 Objective 2: Achieve Less than 75 Residential Gallons per Capita Demand (GPCD) .........36 Objective 3: Achieve at least a 1.5% per year water reduction for Institutional, Industrial, Commercial, and Agricultural GPCD over the next 10 years or a 15% reduction in ten years. .................................................................................................................................37 Objective 4: Achieve a Decreasing Trend in Total Per Capita Demand ..............................38 Objective 5: Reduce Peak Day Demand so that the Ratio of Average Maximum day to the Average Day is less than 2.6..............................................................................................38 Objective 6: Implement a Conservation Water Rate Structure and/or a Uniform Rate Structure with a Water Conservation Program ...................................................................39 Objective 7: Additional strategies to Reduce Water Use and Support Wellhead Protection Planning .............................................................................................................................41 Objective 8: Tracking Success: How will you track or measure success through the next ten years? ................................................................................................................................42 A. Regulation ....................................................................................................................................... 42 B. Retrofitting Programs ..................................................................................................................... 43 Retrofitting Programs .........................................................................................................43 C. Education and Information Programs ............................................................................................. 44 Proposed Education Programs ..........................................................................................44 Part 4. ITEMS FOR METROPOLITAN AREA COMMUNITIES .................................................48 A. Water Demand Projections through 2040 ...................................................................................... 48 Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 5 B. Potential Water Supply Issues ........................................................................................................ 48 C. Proposed Alternative Approaches to Meet Extended Water Demand Projections ....................... 48 D. Value-Added Water Supply Planning Efforts (Optional) ................................................................. 49 Source Water Protection Strategies ...................................................................................49 Technical assistance ..........................................................................................................49 GLOSSARY ..............................................................................................................................50 Acronyms and Initialisms ........................................................................................................................ 52 APPENDICES TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE WATER SUPPLIER ............................................54 Appendix 1: Well records and maintenance summaries – see Part 1C ................................................. 54 Appendix 2: Water level monitoring plan – see Part 1E ........................................................................ 54 Appendix 3: Water level graphs for each water supply well - see Part 1E ............................................. 54 Appendix 4: Capital Improvement Plan - see Part 1E ............................................................................. 54 Appendix 5: Emergency Telephone List – see Part 2C ........................................................................... 54 Appendix 6: Cooperative Agreements for Emergency Services – see Part 2C ....................................... 54 Appendix 7: Municipal Critical Water Deficiency Ordinance – see Part 2C ............................................ 54 Appendix 8: Graph showing annual per capita water demand for each customer category during the last ten-years – see Part 3 Objective 4.................................................................................................... 54 Appendix 9: Water Rate Structure – see Part 3 Objective 6 .................................................................. 54 Appendix 10: Adopted or proposed regulations to reduce demand or improve water efficiency – see Part 3 Objective 7 .................................................................................................................................... 54 Appendix 11: Implementation Checklist – summary of all the actions that a community is doing, or proposes to do, including estimated implementation dates – see www.mndnr.gov/watersupplyplans ................................................................................................................................................................ 54 Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 6 DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES – DIVISION OF ECOLOGICAL AND WATER RESOURCES AND METROPOLITAN COUNCIL INTRODUCTION TO WATER SUPPLY PLANS (WSP) Who needs to complete a Water Supply Plan Public water suppliers serving more than 1,000 people, large private water suppliers in designated Groundwater Management Areas, and all water suppliers in the Twin Cities metropolitan area are required to prepare and submit a water supply plan. The goal of the WSP is to help water suppliers: 1) implement long term water sustainability and conservation measures; and 2) develop critical emergency preparedness measures. Your community needs to know what measures will be implemented in case of a water crisis. A lot of emergencies can be avoided or mitigated if long term sustainability measures are implemented. Groundwater Management Areas (GWMA) The DNR has designated three areas of the state as Groundwater Management Areas (GWMAs) to focus groundwater management efforts in specific geographies where there is an added risk of overuse or water quality degradation. A plan directing the DNRs actions within each GWMA has been prepared. Although there are no specific additional requirements with respect to the water supply planning for communities within designated GWMAs, communities should be aware of the issues and actions planned if they are within the boundary of one of the GWMAs. The three GWMAs are the North and East Metro GWMA (Twin Cities Metro), the Bonanza Valley GWMA and the Straight River GWMA (near Park Rapids). Additional information and maps are included in the DNR webpage at http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/gwmp/areas.html Benefits of completing a WSP Completing a WSP using this template, fulfills a water supplier’s statutory obligations under M.S. M.S.103G.291 to complete a water supply plan. For water suppliers in the metropolitan area, the WSP will help local governmental units to fulfill their requirements under M.S. 473.859 to complete a local comprehensive plan. Additional benefits of completing WSP template:  The standardized format allows for quicker and easier review and approval.  Help water suppliers prepare for droughts and water emergencies.  Create eligibility for funding requests to the Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) for the Drinking Water Revolving Fund.  Allow water suppliers to submit requests for new wells or expanded capacity of existing wells.  Simplify the development of county comprehensive water plans and watershed plans.  Fulfill the contingency plan provisions required in the MDH wellhead protection and surface water protection plans.  Fulfill the demand reduction requirements of Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.291 subd 3 and 4. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 7  Upon implementation, contribute to maintaining aquifer levels, reducing potential well interference and water use conflicts, and reducing the need to drill new wells or expand system capacity.  Enable DNR to compile and analyze water use and conservation data to help guide decisions.  Conserve Minnesota’s water resources If your community needs assistance completing the Water Supply Plan, assistance is available from your area hydrologist or groundwater specialist, the MN Rural Waters Association circuit rider program, or in the metropolitan area from Metropolitan Council staff. Many private consultants are also available. WSP Approval Process 10 Basic Steps for completing a 10-Year Water Supply Plan 1. Download the DNR/Metropolitan Council Water Supply Plan Template www.mndnr.gov/watersupplyplans 2. Save the document with a file name with this naming convention: WSP_cityname_permitnumber_date.doc. 3. The template is a form that should be completed electronically. 4. Compile the required water use data (Part 1) and emergency procedures information (Part 2) 5. The Water Conservation section (Part 3) may need discussion with the water department, council, or planning commission, if your community does not already have an active water conservation program. 6. Communities in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area should complete all the information discussed in Part 4. The Metropolitan Council has additional guidance information on their webpage http://www.metrocouncil.org/Handbook/Plan-Elements/Water- Resources/Water-Supply.aspx. All out-state water suppliers do not need to complete the content addressed in Part 4. 7. Use the Plan instructions and Checklist document to insure all data is complete and attachments are included. This will allow for a quicker approval process. www.mndnr.gov/watersupplyplans 8. Plans should be submitted electronically – no paper documents are required. https://webapps11.dnr.state.mn.us/mpars/public/authentication/login 9. DNR hydrologist will review plans (in cooperation with Metropolitan Council in Metro area) and approve the plan or make recommendations. 10. Once approved, communities should complete a Certification of Adoption form, and send a copy to the DNR. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 8 Complete Table 1 with information about the public water supply system covered by this WSP. Table 1. General information regarding this WSP Requested Information Description DNR Water Appropriation Permit Number(s) 76-6069 Ownership ☒ Public or ☐ Private Metropolitan Council Area ☒ Yes or ☐ No (Dakota County) Street Address 2875 145th Street West City, State, Zip Rosemount, MN 55068 Contact Person Name Jim Koslowski Title Public Works Supervisor Phone Number 651-322-2022 MDH Supplier Classification Municipal, Non-municipal transient, non-municipal non-transient, etc. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 9 PART 1. WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM DESCRIPTION AND EVALUATION The first step in any water supply analysis is to assess the current status of demand and availability. Information summarized in Part 1 can be used to develop Emergency Preparedness Procedures (Part 2) and the Water Conservation Plan (Part 3). This data is also needed to track progress for water efficiency measures. A. Analysis of Water Demand Complete Table 2 showing the past 10 years of water demand data.  Some of this information may be in your Wellhead Protection Plan.  If you do not have this information, do your best, call your engineer for assistance or if necessary leave blank. If your customer categories are different than the ones listed in Table 2, please describe the differences below: Water used for non-essential purposes includes irrigation water used for city parks and lawns etc. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 10 Table 2. Historic water demand (see definitions in the glossary after Part 4 of this template) Year Pop. Served Total Connections Residential Water Delivered (MG) C/I/I Water Delivered (MG) Water used for Non- essential Wholesale Deliveries (MG) Total Water Delivered (MG) Total Water Pumped (MG) Water Supplier Services Percent Unmetered/ Unaccounted Average Daily Demand (MGD) Max. Daily Demand (MGD) Date of Max. Demand Residential Per Capita Demand (GPCD) Total per capita Demand (GPCD) 2005 17600 5,989 569 128.4 0 697.0 761.6 8.5% 2.09 6.05 88.5 118.6 2006 20,700 6,212 721 97.7 0 818.8 944.1 13.3% 2.59 5.47 7/5/2006 95.4 125.0 2007 18,100 6,304 756 103.6 0 859.5 937.5 8.3% 2.57 5.08 7/8/2007 114.4 141.9 2008 18,400 6,425 771 125.3 0 906.1 910.4 9.4 0.5% 2.49 6.65 7/3/2008 114.9 135.6 2009 19,100 6,525 786 126.9 0 923.4 937.9 10.6 1.5% 2.57 6.47 6/5/2009 112.7 134.5 2010 19,400 6,615 573 101.1 142.6 0 825.6 825.6 9.1 0.0% 2.26 5.24 5/30/2010 80.9 116.6 2011 19,600 6,681 623 88.9 154.7 0 878.0 855.8 11.0 -2.6% 2.34 6.26 6/8/2011 87.1 119.6 2012 20,600 6,755 693 94.5 173.7 0 971.7 973.1 10.0 0.1% 2.67 6.88 7/3/2012 92.2 129.4 2013 20,900 6,847 635 113.4 130.9 0 889.4 880.6 9.8 -1.0% 2.41 6.37 8/27/2013 83.3 115.4 2014 21,200 6,939 570 102.0 121.4 0 809.0 815.3 15.4 0.8% 2.23 6.40 8/16/2014 73.7 105.4 2015 21,400 7,024 547 119.4 107.2 0 794.6 813.1 20.7 2.3% 2.23 6.05 10/5/2015 70.1 104.1 Avg. 2010- 2015 20517 6810 607 103 138 0 861.4 861 12.7 -0.8 -0.1% 2.36 6.20 N/A 81.2 MG – Million Gallons MGD – Million Gallons per Day GPCD – Gallons per Capita per Day See Glossary for definitions Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 11 Complete Table 3 by listing the top 10 water users by volume, from largest to smallest. For each user, include information about the category of use (residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, or wholesale), the amount of water used in gallons per year, the percent of total water delivered, and the status of water conservation measures. Table 3. Large volume users Customer Use Category (Residential, Industrial, Commercial, Institutional, Wholesale) Amount Used (Gallons per Year) Percent of Total Annual Water Delivered Implementing Water Conservation Measures? (Yes/No/Unknown) Flint Hills Resources Industrial 41,024,000 5.2% Unknown City of Rosemount Commercial 31,455,830 4.0% Unknown Hawkins, Inc. Industrial 18,099,000 2.3% Unknown Rosemount Woods Mobile Home Park Residential 11,337,000 1.4% Unknown Rosemount High School Institutional 9,120,000 1.1% Unknown Dakota Count Technical College Institutional 7,403,000 0.9% Unknown Waterford Commons Residential 3,796,000 0.5% Unknown The Spa Car Wash Commercial 3,757,000 0.5% Unknown Connemara Crossing HOA (Irrigation) Residential 3,233,000 0.4% Unknown El Dorado Shipping Commercial 2,703,000 0.3% Unknown B. Treatment and Storage Capacity Complete Table 4 with a description of where water is treated, the year treatment facilities were constructed, water treatment capacity, the treatment methods (i.e. chemical addition, reverse osmosis, coagulation, sedimentation, etc.) and treatment types used (i.e. fluoridation, softening, chlorination, Fe/MN removal, coagulation, etc.). Also describe the annual amount and method of disposal of treatment residuals. Add rows to the table as needed. Table 4. Water treatment capacity and treatment processes Treatment Site ID (Plant Name or Well ID) Year Constructed Treatment Capacity (GPD) Treatment Method Treatment Type Annual Amount of Residuals Disposal Process for Residuals Do You Reclaim Filter Backwash Water? Rosemount does not currently have a water treatment plant. Because Rosemount water quality meets all primary drinking water standards, treatment is not mandated. Disinfection is accomplished by chlorination at the source wells. Additional treatment includes fluoridation and polyphosphate at the source wells. Complete Table 5 with information about storage structures. Describe the type (i.e. elevated, ground, etc.), the storage capacity of each type of structure, the year each structure was constructed, and the primary material for each structure. Add rows to the table as needed. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 12 Table 5. Storage capacity, as of the end of the last calendar year Structure Name Type of Storage Structure Year Constructed Primary Material Storage Capacity (Gallons) Chippendale Tower Elevated storage 1972 Steel 500,000 Connemara Tower Elevated storage 1988 Steel 1,000,000 Bacardi Tower Elevated storage 2007 Steel 1,500,000 East Side Tower Elevated storage 1998 Steel 500,000 Total NA NA NA 3,500,000 Treatment and storage capacity versus demand It is recommended that total storage equal or exceed the average daily demand. Discuss the difference between current storage and treatment capacity versus the water supplier’s projected average water demand over the next 10 years (see Table 7 for projected water demand): The City of Rosemount currently has 3,500,000 gallons of elevated storage between four steel elevated storage tanks. Typically, it is desired to maintain a storage capacity greater than the average day demand (based on Ten States Standards). In 2016, the average day demand is projected to be 2,495,664 gallons per day. Using the Ten States Standards and comparing the average day demand to total storage capacity, there is a surplus of 1,004,336 gallons in 2016. Future projections over the next 10 years indicate the City of Rosemount will maintain a storage capacity greater than the average day demand. In 2025, the City will have a projected average day demand of 3,027,572 gallons per day, yielding a storage surplus of 472,428 gallons. However, by 2030, a deficit in storage volume of 360,626 gallons is projected. Therefore, additional storage is needed between 2025 and 2030. The City of Rosemount does not operate any water treatment plants since the water quality meets all primary drinking water standards. The City currently has a total well capacity of 10.1 MGD with a firm capacity (largest well out of service) of 8.28 MGD. These well capacities are based on running the wells for 20 hours per day. It is common practice to run the wells for only 20 hours per day maximum. Comparing future demands to current and future water supplies is common for determining when and how many new sources of water are needed. Typically, the water sources should have a firm capacity greater than the maximum day demand. From the future projections in Table 7, it can be seen that in 2016 a maximum day demand of 7.24 MGD is predicted. This leads to a surplus of 1.04 MGD of well water capacity using current firm well capacity. However, future projections indicate that by 2023 a deficit in firm well capacity of 0.11 MGD (76 gpm) will occur, and additional wells will be required to meet the maximum day demand of 8.39 MGD. There is not enough well capacity to supply the City of Rosemount for the next 10 years. T he city will need to add an additional well(s) capable of producing at least 500 gpm by 2023 to have adequate water supply for future demands. C. Water Sources Complete Table 6 by listing all types of water sources that supply water to the system, including groundwater, surface water, interconnections with other water suppliers, or others. Provide the name of each source (aquifer name, river or lake name, name of interconnecting water supplier) and the Minnesota unique well number or intake ID, as appropriate. Report the year the source was installed or established and the current capacity. Provide information about the depth of all wells. Describe the status of the source (active, inactive, emergency only, retail/wholesale interconnection) and if the Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 13 source facilities have a dedicated emergency power source. Add rows to the table as needed for each installation. Include copies of well records and maintenance summary for each well that has occurred since your last approved plan in Appendix 1. Table 6. Water sources and status Resource Type (Groundwater, Surface water, Interconnection) Resource Name MN Unique Well # or Intake ID Year Installed Capacity (Gallons per Minute) Well Depth (Feet) Status of Normal and Emergency Operations (active, inactive, emergency only, retail/wholesale interconnection)) Does this Source have a Dedicated Emergency Power Source? (Yes or No) Groundwater RR #1 457167 1989 500 400 Active Yes Groundwater RR #2 474335 1990 500 400 Active Yes Groundwater Well No. 7 112212 1976 1000 490 Active Yes Groundwater Well No. 8 509060 1990 1100 498 Active Yes Groundwater Well No. 9 554248 1996 1200 481 Active Yes Groundwater Well No. 12 706804 2004 1500 475 Active Yes Groundwater Well No. 14 722623 2005 1300 485 Active Yes Groundwater Well No. 15 753663 2009 1300 487 Active Yes Limits on Emergency Interconnections Discuss any limitations on the use of the water sources (e.g. not to be operated simultaneously, limitations due to blending, aquifer recovery issues etc.) and the use of interconnections, including capacity limits or timing constraints (i.e. only 200 gallons per minute are available from the City of Prior Lake, and it is estimated to take 6 hours to establish the emergency connection). If there are no limitations, list none. Interconnect available with the City of Apple Valley. The capacity o f the interconnect is 23,000 GPM. D. Future Demand Projections – Key Metropolitan Council Benchmark Water Use Trends Use the data in Table 2 to describe trends in 1) population served; 2) total per capita water demand; 3) average daily demand; 4) maximum daily demand. Then explain the causes for upward or downward trends. For example, over the ten years has the average daily demand trended up or down? Why is this occurring? The historic trend in population served shows a consistent increase in the population served within the City of Rosemount. Over the last ten years, the City saw an increase in the service population of 21.5%. The population served over the last 10 years follows the expected trend. As the population served increased, the total number of connections also increased. Overall, the average total per capita water demand averaged 122 gallons per capita per day (gpcd). From Table 2, it can be observed that the trend in total per capita demand has decreased over the last 10 years to 104 gpcd. There are a few years with unusually high demands: such as 2007 where the demand was 142 gpcd and 2008 where the Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 14 demand was 136 gpcd. The overall trend is a decreasing to tal per capita demand. This could be contributed to an increasing population served with a decrease in total water pumped from wells. It appears that during wet years (years with higher amounts of rain) the per capita demand decreases while dry years see an increase in total demand. The average daily demand has averaged 2.41 over the last 10 years. This has remained consistent during the last 10 years of historical monitoring. There is no significant change in the average day demand. However, the City saw a lower average demand during the last 5 years. This is due to less water being pumped from the wells. The maximum day demand has also remained constant over the last 10 years. The historical data shows that the maximum day demand averaged 6.1 MGD. There is no increasing or decreasing trend in the maximum day demand. It is important to note that 2011 and 2013 saw an unusual occurrence in unaccounted for water. From Table 2 it can be seen that there was 2.6% and 1% of all water was unaccounted for during these two years, respectively. This is not typical as it means that there was more water sold than water pumped. Most likely, the total water pumped was under estimated in these two years due to a malfunctioning data logger. Use the water use trend information discussed above to complete Table 7 with projected annual demand for the next ten years. Communities in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area must also include projections for 2030 and 2040 as part of their local comprehensive planning. Projected demand should be consistent with trends evident in the historical data in Table 2, as discussed above. Projected demand should also reflect state demographer population projections and/or other planning projections. Table 7. Projected annual water demand Year Projected Total Population Projected Population Served Projected Total Per Capita Water Demand (GPCD) Projected Average Daily Demand (MGD) Projected Maximum Daily Demand (MGD) 2016 25,873 23,544 106 2.50 7.24 2017 26,216 23,857 106 2.53 7.33 2018 26,604 24,210 106 2.57 7.44 2019 27,485 25,011 106 2.65 7.69 2020 27,890 25,380 106 2.69 7.80 2021 28,589 26,016 106 2.76 8.00 2022 29,289 26,653 106 2.83 8.19 2023 29,988 27,289 106 2.89 8.39 2024 30,688 27,926 106 2.96 8.58 2025 31,387 28,562 106 3.03 8.78 2030 40,023 36,421 106 3.86 11.20 2040 51,476 46,843 106 4.97 14.40 GPCD – Gallons per Capita per Day MGD – Million Gallons per Day Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 15 Projection Method Describe the method used to project water demand, including assumptions for population and business growth and how water conservation and efficiency programs affect projected water demand: Future populations were calculated using linear regression methods. The historic city and county population trends were accounted for to project future populations. Therefore, the City future population follows a similar trend to the County future population. Historically, the population served is approximately 91% of the total City population. Future water Projections were based on future average and peak per capita demands. It was assumed that the projected average per capita water demand would remain constant at 106 gallons per capita per day through 2040. This is slightly larger than Ten States Standard’s typical water usage of 100 gallons per capita per day. Peak per capita demand was assumed to be 307 gallons per capita per day, yielding a peaking factor (peak day to average day ratio) of 2.90. E. Resource Sustainability Monitoring – Key DNR Benchmark Complete Table 8 by inserting information about source water quality and quantity monitoring efforts. List should include all production wells, observation wells, and source water intakes or reservoirs. Add rows to the table as needed. Find information on groundwater level monitoring program at: http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/groundwater_section/obwell/index.html Table 8. Information about source water quality and quantity monitoring MN Unique Well # or Surface Water ID Type of monitoring point Monitoring program Frequency of monitoring Monitoring Method 457167 ☒ production well ☐ observation well ☐ source water intake ☐ source water reservoir ☐ routine MDH sampling ☒ routine water utility sampling ☐ other ☒ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☐ annually ☒ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☐ steel tape ☐ stream gauge 474335 ☒ production well ☐ observation well ☐ source water intake ☐ source water reservoir ☐ routine MDH sampling ☒ routine water utility sampling ☐ other ☒ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☐ annually ☒ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☐ steel tape ☐ stream gauge 211999 ☒ production well ☐ observation well ☐ source water intake ☐ source water reservoir ☐ routine MDH sampling ☒ routine water utility sampling ☐ other ☒ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☐ annually ☒ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☐ steel tape ☐ stream gauge 112212 ☒ production well ☐ observation well ☐ source water intake ☐ routine MDH sampling ☒ routine water utility sampling ☒ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☒ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☐ steel tape ☐ stream gauge Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 16 MN Unique Well # or Surface Water ID Type of monitoring point Monitoring program Frequency of monitoring Monitoring Method ☐ source water reservoir ☐ other ☐ quarterly ☐ annually 509060 ☒ production well ☐ observation well ☐ source water intake ☐ source water reservoir ☐ routine MDH sampling ☒ routine water utility sampling ☐ other ☒ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☐ annually ☒ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☐ steel tape ☐ stream gauge 554248 ☒ production well ☐ observation well ☐ source water intake ☐ source water reservoir ☐ routine MDH sampling ☒ routine water utility sampling ☐ other ☒ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☐ annually ☒ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☐ steel tape ☐ stream gauge 706804 ☒ production well ☐ observation well ☐ source water intake ☐ source water reservoir ☐ routine MDH sampling ☒ routine water utility sampling ☐ other ☒ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☐ annually ☒ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☐ steel tape ☐ stream gauge 722623 ☒ production well ☐ observation well ☐ source water intake ☐ source water reservoir ☐ routine MDH sampling ☒ routine water utility sampling ☐ other ☒ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☐ annually ☒ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☐ steel tape ☐ stream gauge 749377 ☐ production well ☒ Test well ☐ source water intake ☐ source water reservoir ☐ routine MDH sampling ☐ routine water utility sampling ☒ other ☐ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☒ Special Occasions ☐ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☒ steel tape ☐ stream gauge 702837 ☐ production well ☒ Test well ☐ source water intake ☐ source water ☐ routine MDH sampling ☐ routine water utility sampling ☒ other ☐ continuous ☐ hourly ☐ daily ☐ monthly ☐ quarterly ☒ Special Occasions ☐ SCADA ☐ grab sampling ☒ steel tape ☐ stream gauge Water Level Data A water level monitoring plan that includes monitoring locations and a schedule for water level readings must be submitted as Appendix 2. If one does not already exist, it needs to be prepared and submitted with the WSP. Ideally, all production and observation wells are monitored at least monthly. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 17 Complete Table 9 to summarize water level data for each well being monitored. Provide the name of the aquifer and a brief description of how much water levels vary over the season (the difference between the highest and lowest water levels measured during the year) and the long-term trends for each well. If water levels are not measured and recorded on a routine basis, then provide the static water level when each well was constructed and the most recent water level measured during the same season the well was constructed. Also include all water level data taken during any well and pump maintenance. Add rows to the table as needed. Provide water level data graphs for each well in Appendix 3 for the life of the well, or for as many years as water levels have been measured. See DNR website for Date Time Water Level http://www.dnr.state.mn.us/waters/groundwater_section/obwell/waterleveldata.html Table 9. Water level data Unique Well Number or Well ID Aquifer Name Seasonal Variation (Feet) Long-term Trend in water level data Water level measured during well/pumping maintenance ☐ Falling ☐ Stable ☐ Rising MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ ☐ Falling ☐ Stable ☐ Rising MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ ☐ Falling ☐ Stable ☐ Rising MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ ☐ Falling ☐ Stable ☐ Rising MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ ☐ Falling ☐ Stable ☐ Rising MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ MM/DD/YY:____ Potential Water Supply Issues & Natural Resource Impacts – Key DNR & Metropolitan Council Benchmark Complete Table 10 by listing the types of natural resources that are or could be impacted by permitted water withdrawals. If known, provide the name of specific resources that may be impacted. Identify what the greatest risks to the resource are and how the risks are being assessed. Identify any resource protection thresholds – formal or informal – that have been established to identify when actions should be taken to mitigate impacts. Provide information about the potential mitigation actions that may be taken, if a resource protection threshold is crossed. Add additional rows to the table as needed. See glossary at the end of the template for definitions. Some of this baseline data should have been in your earlier water supply plans or county comprehensive water plans. When filling out this table, think of what are the water supply risks, identify the resources, determine the threshold and then determine what your community will do to mitigate the impacts. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 18 Your DNR area hydrologist is available to assist with this table. For communities in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area, the Master Water Supply Plan Appendix 1 (Water Supply Profiles, provides information about potential water supply issues and natural resource impacts for your community. Table 10. Natural resource impacts Resource Type Resource Name Risk Risk Assessed Through Describe Resource Protection Threshold* Mitigation Measure or Management Plan Describe How Changes to Thresholds are Monitored ☐ River or stream N/A ☐ Flow/water level decline ☐ Degrading water quality trends and/or MCLs exceeded ☐ Impacts on endangered, threatened, or special concern species habitat or other natural resource impacts ☐ Other: _____ ☐ GIS analysis ☐ Modeling ☐ Mapping ☐ Monitoring ☐ Aquifer testing ☐ Other: ___ N/A ☐ Revise permit ☐ Change groundwater pumping ☐ Increase conservation ☐ Other N/A ☐ Calcareous fen N/A ☐ Flow/water level decline ☐ Degrading water quality trends and/or MCLs exceeded ☐ Impacts on endangered, threatened, or special concern species habitat or other natural resource impacts ☐ Other: _____ ☐ GIS analysis ☐ Modeling ☐ Mapping ☐ Monitoring ☐ Aquifer testing ☐ Other: ___ N/A ☐ Revise permit ☐ Change groundwater pumping ☐ Increase conservation ☐ Other N/A ☒ Lake Kegan Lake ☒ Flow/water level decline ☒ Degrading water quality ☐ GIS analysis ☐ Modeling ☐ Mapping ☒ Monitoring Lake level declining over successive years along ☐ Revise permit ☒ Change groundwater pumping Monitor lake levels and water quality yearly. Note unusual Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 19 Resource Type Resource Name Risk Risk Assessed Through Describe Resource Protection Threshold* Mitigation Measure or Management Plan Describe How Changes to Thresholds are Monitored trends and/or MCLs exceeded ☐ Impacts on endangered, threatened, or special concern species habitat or other natural resource impacts ☐ Other: _____ ☐ Aquifer testing ☐ Other: ___ with degrading water quality. ☒ Increase conservation ☐ Other events such as drought and high precipitation years. ☒ Wetland Schwarz Park Pond and other misc. ponds ☒ Flow/water level decline ☒ Degrading water quality trends and/or MCLs exceeded ☐ Impacts on endangered, threatened, or special concern species habitat or other natural resource impacts ☐ Other: _____ ☐ GIS analysis ☐ Modeling ☐ Mapping ☒ Monitoring ☐ Aquifer testing ☐ Other: ___ Declining pond level along with degrading water quality ☐ Revise permit ☒ Change groundwater pumping ☒ Increase conservation ☐ Other Monitor pond levels on specific ponds within the Drinking Water Supply Management Area for declining water levels and water quality. ☐ Trout stream N/A ☐ Flow/water level decline ☐ Degrading water quality trends and/or MCLs exceeded ☐ Impacts on endangered, threatened, or special concern species habitat or other natural resource impacts ☐ Other: _____ ☐ GIS analysis ☐ Modeling ☐ Mapping ☐ Monitoring ☐ Aquifer testing ☐ Other: ___ N/A ☐ Revise permit ☐ Change groundwater pumping ☐ Increase conservation ☐ Other N/A Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 20 Resource Type Resource Name Risk Risk Assessed Through Describe Resource Protection Threshold* Mitigation Measure or Management Plan Describe How Changes to Thresholds are Monitored ☒ Aquifer Jordan Sandstone ☒ Flow/water level decline ☒ Degrading water quality trends and/or MCLs exceeded ☐ Impacts on endangered, threatened, or special concern species habitat or other natural resource impacts ☐ Other: _____ ☐ GIS analysis ☐ Modeling ☒ Mapping ☒ Monitoring ☒ Aquifer testing ☐ Other: ___ Declining aquifer water levels with lower well pumping rates. Higher drawdown from wells. ☒ Revise permit ☒ Change groundwater pumping ☒ Increase conservation ☐ Other Monitor well water levels and drawdown yearly. ☐ Endangered, threatened, or special concern species habitat, other natural resource impacts N/A ☐ Flow/water level decline ☐ Degrading water quality trends and/or MCLs exceeded ☐ Impacts on endangered, threatened, or special concern species habitat or other natural resource impacts ☐ Other: _____ ☐ GIS analysis ☐ Modeling ☐ Mapping ☐ Monitoring ☐ Aquifer testing ☐ Other: ___ N/A ☐ Revise permit ☐ Change groundwater pumping ☐ Increase conservation ☐ Other N/A * Examples of thresholds: a lower limit on acceptable flow in a river or stream; water quality outside of an accepted range; a lower limit on acceptable aquifer level decline at one or more monitoring wells; withdrawals that exceed some percent of the total amount available from a source; or a lower limit on acceptable changes to a protected habitat. Wellhead Protection (WHP) and Surface Water Protection (SWP) Plans Complete Table 11 to provide status information about WHP and SWP plans. The emergency procedures in this plan are intended to comply with the contingency plan provisions required in the Minnesota Department of Health’s (MDH) Wellhead Protection (WHP) Plan and Surface Water Protection (SWP) Plan. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 21 Table 11. Status of Wellhead Protection and Surface Water Protection Plans Plan Type Status Date Adopted Date for Update WHP ☐ In Process ☒ Completed ☐ Not Applicable Part I: 2010 Part II: 2012 Part I: 2020 Part II: 2022 SWP ☐ In Process ☒ Completed ☐ Not Applicable NA NA F. Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Please note that any wells that received approval under a ten-year permit, but that were not built, are now expired and must submit a water appropriations permit. Adequacy of Water Supply System Complete Table 12 with information about the adequacy of wells and/or intakes, storage facilities, treatment facilities, and distribution systems to sustain current and projected demands. List planned capital improvements for any system components, in chronological order. Communities in the seven- county Twin Cities metropolitan area should also include information about plans through 2040. The assessment can be the general status by category; it is not necessary to identify every single well, storage facility, treatment facility, lift station, and mile of pipe. Please attach your latest Capital Improvement Plan as Appendix 4. Table 12. Adequacy of Water Supply System System Component Planned action Anticipated Construction Year Notes Wells/Intakes ☐ No action planned - adequate ☐ Repair/replacement ☒ Expansion/addition 2023 and later Additional well of at least 500 gpm is necessary to meet future peak day demands in the next 10 years. Additional wells are needed for future peak demands. Water Storage Facilities ☐ No action planned - adequate ☐ Repair/replacement ☒ Expansion/addition 2025 - 2040 An additional 1.5 million gallons of storage is needed by 2040 to meet storage capacity for average day demand. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 22 System Component Planned action Anticipated Construction Year Notes Water Treatment Facilities ☒ No action planned - adequate ☐ Repair/replacement ☐ Expansion/addition NA Well water meets or exceeds the primary drinking water standards. Therefore, there is no need to construct a treatment facility. Distribution Systems (pipes, valves, etc.) ☐ No action planned - adequate ☒ Repair/replacement ☒ Expansion/addition 2016 – 2040 Water main replacement during street reconstruction projects. Extension of 16” water main for fire flow protection. Pressure Zones ☒ No action planned - adequate ☐ Repair/replacement ☐ Expansion/addition NA Pressure zones are adequate. Other: ☐ No action planned - adequate ☐ Repair/replacement ☐ Expansion/addition Proposed Future Water Sources Complete Table 13 to identify new water source installation planned over the next ten years. Add rows to the table as needed. Table 13. Proposed future installations/sources Source Installation Location (approximate) Resource Name Proposed Pumping Capacity (gpm) Planned Installation Year Planned Partnerships Groundwater Rosemount, MN Well No. 16 500 2023 N/A Surface Water None None None None None Interconnection to another supplier None None None None None Water Source Alternatives - Key Metropolitan Council Benchmark Do you anticipate the need for alternative water sources in the next 10 years? Yes ☐ No ☒ Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 23 For metro communities, will you need alternative water sources by the year 2040? Yes ☐ No ☒ If you answered yes for either question, then complete table 14. If no, insert NA. Complete Table 14 by checking the box next to alternative approaches that your community is considering, including approximate locations (if known), the estimated amount of future demand that could be met through the approach, the estimated timeframe to implement the approach, potential partnerships, and the major benefits and challenges of the approach. Add rows to the table as needed. For communities in the seven-county Twin Cities metropolitan area, these alternatives should include approaches the community is considering to meet projected 2040 water demand. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 24 Table 14. Alternative water sources Alternative Source Considered Source and/or Installation Location (approximate) Estimated Amount of Future Demand (%) Timeframe to Implement (YYYY) Potential Partners Benefits Challenges ☐ Groundwater NA NA NA NA NA NA ☐ Surface Water NA NA NA NA NA NA ☐ Reclaimed stormwater NA NA NA NA NA NA ☐ Reclaimed wastewater NA NA NA NA NA NA ☐ Interconnection to another supplier NA NA NA NA NA NA Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 25 Part 2. Emergency Preparedness Procedures The emergency preparedness procedures outlined in this plan are intended to comply with the contingency plan provisions required by MDH in the WHP and SWP. Water emergencies can occur as a result of vandalism, sabotage, accidental contamination, mechanical problems, power failings, drought, flooding, and other natural disasters. The purpose of emergency planning is to develop emergency response procedures and to identify actions needed to improve emergency preparedness. In the case of a municipality, these procedures should be in support of, and part of, an all-hazard emergency operations plan. Municipalities that already have written procedures dealing with water emergencies should review the following information and update existing procedures to address these water supply protection measures. A. Federal Emergency Response Plan Section 1433(b) of the Safe Drinking Water Act, (Public Law 107-188, Title IV- Drinking Water Security and Safety) requires community water suppliers serving over 3,300 people to prepare an Emergency Response Plan. Do you have a federal emergency response plan? Yes ☒ No ☐ If yes, what was the date it was certified? ___2007________ Complete Table 15 by inserting the noted information regarding your completed Federal Emergency Response Plan. Table 15. Emergency Preparedness Plan contact information Emergency Response Plan Role Contact Person Contact Phone Number Contact Email Emergency Response Lead JIM KOSLOWSKI 612-322-2022 JIM.KOSLOWSKI@CI.ROSEMOUNT.MN.US Alternate Emergency Response Lead B. Operational Contingency Plan All utilities should have a written operational contingency plan that describes measures to be taken for water supply mainline breaks and other common system failures as well as routine maintenance. Do you have a written operational contingency plan? Yes ☒ No ☐ At a minimum, a water supplier should prepare and maintain an emergency contact list of contractors and suppliers. C. Emergency Response Procedures Water suppliers must meet the requirements of MN Rules 4720.5280 . Accordingly, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) requires public water suppliers serving more than 1,000 people to submit Emergency and Conservation Plans. Water emergency and conservation plans that have been Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 26 approved by the DNR, under provisions of Minnesota Statute 186 and Minnesota Rules, part 6115.0770, will be considered equivalent to an approved WHP contingency plan. Emergency Telephone List Prepare and attach a list of emergency contacts, including the MN Duty Officer (1-800-422-0798), as Appendix 5. A template is available at www.mndnr.gov/watersupplyplans The list should include key utility and community personnel, contacts in adjacent water suppliers, and appropriate local, state and federal emergency contacts. Please be sure to verify and update the contacts on the emergency telephone list and date it. Thereafter, update on a regular basis (once a year is recommended). In the case of a municipality, this information should be contained in a notification and warning standard operating procedure maintained by the Emergency Manager for that community. Responsibilities and services for each contact should be defined. Current Water Sources and Service Area Quick access to concise and detailed information on water sources, water treatment, and the distribution system may be needed in an emergency. System operation and maintenance records should be maintained in secured central and back-up locations so that the records are accessible for emergency purposes. A detailed map of the system showing the treatment plants, water sources, storage facilities, supply lines, interconnections, and other information that would be useful in an emergency should also be readily available. It is critical that public water supplier representatives and emergency response personnel communicate about the response procedures and be able to easily obtain this kind of information both in electronic and hard copy formats (in case of a power outage). Do records and maps exist? Yes ☒ No ☐ Can staff access records and maps from a central secured location in the event of an emergency? Yes ☒ No ☐ Does the appropriate staff know where the materials are located? Yes ☒ No ☐ Procedure for Augmenting Water Supplies Complete Tables 16 – 17 by listing all available sources of water that can be used to augment or replace existing sources in an emergency. Add rows to the tables as needed. In the case of a municipality, this information should be contained in a notification and warning standard operating procedure maintained by the warning point for that community. Municipalities are encouraged to execute cooperative agreements for potential emergency water services and copies should be included in Appendix 6. Outstate Communities may consider using nearby high capacity wells (industry, golf course) as emergency water sources. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 27 WSP should include information on any physical or chemical problems that may limit interconnections to other sources of water. Approvals from the MDH are required for interconnections or the reuse of water. Table 16. Interconnections with other water supply systems to supply water in an emergency Other Water Supply System Owner Capacity (GPM & MGD) Note Any Limitations On Use List of services, equipment, supplies available to respond CITY OF APPLE VALLEY 23,000 GPM EMERGENCY INTERCONNECTION GPM – Gallons per minute MGD – million gallons per day Table 17. Utilizing surface water as an alternative source Surface Water Source Name Capacity (GPM) Capacity (MGD) Treatment Needs Note Any Limitations On Use NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE NONE If not covered above, describe additional emergency measures for providing water (obtaining bottled water, or steps to obtain National Guard services, etc.) N/A Allocation and Demand Reduction Procedures Complete Table 18 by adding information about how decisions will be made to allocate water and reduce demand during an emergency. Provide information for each customer category, including its priority ranking, average day demand, and demand reduction potential for each customer category. Modify the customer categories as needed, and add additional lines if necessary. Water use categories should be prioritized in a way that is consistent with Minnesota Statutes 103G.261 (#1 is highest priority) as follows: 1. Water use for human needs such as cooking, cleaning, drinking, washing and waste disposal; use for on-farm livestock watering; and use for power production that meets contingency requirements. 2. Water use involving consumption of less than 10,000 gallons per day (usually from private wells or surface water intakes) 3. Water use for agricultural irrigation and processing of agricultural products involving consumption of more than 10,000 gallons per day (usually from private high-capacity wells or surface water intakes) 4. Water use for power production above the use provided for in the contingency plan. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 28 5. All other water use involving consumption of more than 10,000 gallons per day. 6. Nonessential uses – car washes, golf courses, etc. Water used for human needs at hospitals, nursing homes and similar types of facilities should be designated as a high priority to be maintained in an emergency. Lower priority uses will need to address water used for human needs at other types of facilities such as hotels, office buildings, and manufacturing plants. The volume of water and other types of water uses at these facilities must be carefully considered. After reviewing the data, common sense should dictate local allocation priorities to protect domestic requirements over certain types of economic needs. Water use for lawn sprinkling, vehicle washing, golf courses, and recreation are legislatively considered non-essential. Table 18. Water use priorities Customer Category Allocation Priority Average Daily Demand (GDP) Short-Term Emergency Demand Reduction Potential (GPD) Residential 1 1,660,000 0 C/I/I 2 420,000 0 Non-Essential 3 280,000 280,000 TOTAL NA 2,360,000 280,000 GPD – Gallons per Day Tip: Calculating Emergency Demand Reduction Potential The emergency demand reduction potential for all uses will typically equal the difference between maximum use (summer demand) and base use (winter demand). In extreme emergency situations, lower priority water uses must be restricted or eliminated to protect priority domestic water requirements. Emergency demand reduction potential should be based on average day demands for customer categories within each priority class. Use the tables in Part 3 on water conservation to help you determine strategies. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 29 Complete Table 19 by selecting the triggers and actions during water supply disruption conditions. Table 19. Emergency demand reduction conditions, triggers and actions (Select all that may apply and describe)Emergency Triggers Short-term Actions Long-term Actions ☐ Contamination ☒ Loss of production ☒ Infrastructure failure ☒ Executive order by Governor ☒ Other: storage capacity, water demand______ ☐ Supply augmentation through ____ ☒ Adopt (if not already) and enforce a critical water deficiency ordinance to penalize lawn watering, vehicle washing, golf course and park irrigation & other nonessential uses. ☐ Water allocation through____ ☐ Meet with large water users to discuss their contingency plan. ☐ Supply augmentation through ____ ☒ Adopt (if not already) and enforce a critical water deficiency ordinance to penalize lawn watering, vehicle washing, golf course and park irrigation & other nonessential uses. ☐ Water allocation through____ ☐ Meet with large water users to discuss their contingency plan. Notification Procedures Complete Table 20 by selecting trigger for informing customers regarding conservation requests, water use restrictions, and suspensions; notification frequencies; and partners that may assist in the notification process. Add rows to the table as needed. Table 20. Plan to inform customers regarding conservation requests, water use restrictions, and suspensions Notification Trigger(s) Methods (select all that apply) Update Frequency Partners ☐ Short-term demand reduction declared (< 1 year) ☐ Website ☐ Email list serve ☐ Social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) ☐ Direct customer mailing, ☐ Press release (TV, radio, newspaper), ☐ Meeting with large water users (> 10% of total city use) ☐ Other: ________ ☐ Daily ☐ Weekly ☐ Monthly ☐ Annually ☐ Long-term Ongoing demand reduction declared ☐ Website ☐ Email list serve ☐ Social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) ☐ Direct customer mailing, ☐ Press release (TV, radio, newspaper), ☐ Meeting with large water users ☐ Daily ☐ Weekly ☐ Monthly ☐ Annually Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 30 Notification Trigger(s) Methods (select all that apply) Update Frequency Partners (> 10% of total city use) ☐ Other: ________ ☐ Governor’s critical water deficiency declared ☐ Website ☐ Email list serve ☐ Social media (e.g. Twitter, Facebook) ☐ Direct customer mailing, ☐ Press release (TV, radio, newspaper), ☐ Meeting with large water users (> 10% of total city use) ☐ Other: ________ ☐ Daily ☐ Weekly ☐ Monthly ☐ Annually Enforcement Prior to a water emergency, municipal water suppliers must adopt regulations that restrict water use and outline the enforcement response plan. The enforcement response plan must outline how conditions will be monitored to know when enforcement actions are triggered, what enforcement tools will be used, who will be responsible for enforcement, and what timelines for corrective actions will be expected. Affected operations, communications, and enforcement staff must then be trained to rapidly implement those provisions during emergency conditions. Important Note: Disregard of critical water deficiency orders, even though total appropriation remains less than permitted, is adequate grounds for immediate modification of a public water supply authority’s water use permit (2013 MN Statutes 103G.291) Does the city have a critical water deficiency restriction/official control in place that includes provisions to restrict water use and enforce the restrictions? (This restriction may be an ordinance, rule, regulation, policy under a council directive, or other official control) Yes ☒ No ☐ If yes, attach the official control document to this WSP as Appendix 7. If no, the municipality must adopt such an official control within 6 months of submitting this WSP and submit it to the DNR as an amendment to this WSP. Irrespective of whether a critical water deficiency control is in place, does the public water supply utility, city manager, mayor, or emergency manager have standing authority to implement water restrictions? Yes ☒ No ☐ If yes, cite the regulatory authority reference: City Council or Utility Board, and City Administrator. If no, who has authority to implement water use restrictions in an emergency? Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 31 The City of Rosemount’s Emergency Operation Plan states that the Mayor or City Administrator is responsible for providing overall direction and control of the City government resources involved in the response to a disaster. Typically, the Utilities Commission and City Council implement water restrictions. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 32 PART 3. WATER CONSERVATION PLAN Minnesotans have historically benefited from the state’s abundant water supplies, reducing the need for conservation. There are however, limits to the available supplies of water and increasing threats to the quality of our drinking water. Causes of water supply limitation may include: population increases, economic trends, uneven statewide availability of groundwater, climatic changes, and degraded water quality. Examples of threats to drinking water quality include: the presence of contaminant plumes from past land use activities, exceedances of water quality standards from natural and human sources, contaminants of emerging concern, and increasing pollutant trends from nonpoint sources. There are many incentives for conserving water; conservation:  reduces the potential for pumping-induced transfer of contaminants into the deeper aquifers, which can add treatment costs  reduces the need for capital projects to expand system capacity  reduces the likelihood of water use conflicts, like well interference, aquatic habitat loss, and declining lake levels  conserves energy, because less energy is needed to extract, treat and distribute water (and less energy production also conserves water since water is use to produce energy)  maintains water supplies that can then be available during times of drought It is therefore imperative that water suppliers implement water conservation plans. The first step in water conservation is identifying opportunities for behavioral or engineering changes that could be made to reduce water use by conducting a thorough analysis of:  Water use by customer  Extraction, treatment, distribution and irrigation system efficiencies  Industrial processing system efficiencies  Regulatory and barriers to conservation  Cultural barriers to conservation  Water reuse opportunities Once accurate data is compiled, water suppliers can set achievable goals for reducing water use. A successful water conservation plan follows a logical sequence of events. The plan should address both conservation on the supply side (leak detection and repairs, metering), as well as on the demand side (reductions in usage). Implementation should be conducted in phases, starting with the most obvious and lowest-cost options. In some cases one of the early steps will be reviewing regulatory constraints to water conservation, such as lawn irrigation requirements. Outside funding and grants may be available for implementation of projects. Engage water system operators and maintenance staff and customers in brainstorming opportunities to reduce water use. Ask the question: “How can I help save water?” Progress since 2006 Is this your community’s first Water Supply Plan? Yes ☐ No ☒ Priority 1: Significant water reduction; low cost Priority 2: Slight water reduction, low costs (low hanging fruit) Priority 2: Significant water reduction; significant costs Priority 3: Slight water reduction, significant costs (do only if necessary) Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 33 If yes, describe conservation practices that you are already implementing, such as: pricing, system improvements, education, regulation, appliance retrofitting, enforcement, etc. If no, complete Table 21 to summarize conservation actions taken since the adoption of the 2006 water supply plan. Table 21. Implementation of previous ten-year Conservation Plan 2006 Plan Commitments Action Taken? Change water rates structure to provide conservation pricing ☐ Yes ☐ No Water supply system improvements (e.g. leak repairs, valve replacements, etc.) ☐ Yes ☐ No Educational efforts ☐ Yes ☐ No New water conservation ordinances ☐ Yes ☐ No Rebate or retrofitting Program (e.g. for toilet, faucets, appliances, showerheads, dish washers, washing machines, irrigation systems, rain barrels, water softeners, etc. ☐ Yes ☐ No Enforcement ☐ Yes ☐ No Describe other ☐ Yes ☐ No What are the results you have seen from the actions in Table 21 and how were results measured? A. Triggers for Allocation and Demand Reduction Actions Complete table 22 by checking each trigger below, as appropriate, and the actions to be taken at various levels or stages of severity. Add in additional rows to the table as needed. Table 22. Short and long-term demand reduction conditions, triggers and actions Objective Triggers Actions Protect surface water flows ☐ Low stream flow conditions ☐ Increase promotion of conservation measures Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 34 Objective Triggers Actions ☐ Reports of declining wetland and lake levels ☐ Other: ______________ ☐ Other: ____________ Short-term demand reduction (less than 1 year ☐ Extremely high seasonal water demand (more than double winter demand) ☐ Loss of treatment capacity ☐ Lack of water in storage ☐ State drought plan ☐ Well interference ☐ Other: _____________ ☐ Adopt (if not already) and enforce the critical water deficiency ordinance to restrict or prohibit lawn watering, vehicle washing, golf course and park irrigation & other nonessential uses. ☐ Supply augmentation through ____ ☐ Water allocation through____ ☐ Meet with large water users to discuss user’s contingency plan. Long-term demand reduction (>1 year) ☐ Per capita demand increasing ☐ Total demand increase (higher population or more industry)Water level in well(s) below elevation of _____ ☐ Other: _____________ ☐ Develop a critical water deficiency ordinance that is or can be quickly adopted to penalize lawn watering, vehicle washing, golf course and park irrigation & other nonessential uses. ☐ Enact a water waste ordinance that targets overwatering (causing water to flow off the landscape into streets, parking lots, or similar), watering impervious surfaces (streets, driveways or other hardscape areas), and negligence of known leaks, breaks, or malfunctions. ☐ Meet with large water users to discuss user’s contingency plan. ☐ Enhanced monitoring and reporting: audits, meters, billing, etc. Governor’s “Critical Water Deficiency Order” declared ☐ Describe ☐ Describe B. Conservation Objectives and Strategies – Key benchmark for DNR This section establishes water conservation objectives and strategies for eight major areas of water use. Objective 1: Reduce Unaccounted (Non-Revenue) Water loss to Less than 10% The Minnesota Rural Waters Association, the Metropolitan Council and the Department of Natural Resources recommend that all water uses be metered. Metering can help identify high use locations and times, along with leaks within buildings that have multiple meters. It is difficult to quantify specific unmetered water use such as that associated with firefighting and system flushing or system leaks. Typically, water suppliers subtract metered water use from total water pumped to calculate unaccounted or non-revenue water loss. Is your five-year average (2005-2014) unaccounted Water Use in Table 2 higher than 10%? Yes ☐ No ☒ Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 35 What is your leak detection monitoring schedule? (e.g. monitor 1/3rd of the city lines per year) Leak detection is done as needed during the year. Water Audits - are intended to identify, quantify and verify water and revenue losses. The volume of unaccounted-for water should be evaluated each billing cycle. The American Water Works Association (AWWA) recommends that ten percent or less of pumped water is unaccounted-for water. Water audit procedures are available from the AWWA and MN Rural Water Association / . Drinking Water Revolving Loan Funds are available for purchase of new meters when new plants are built. What is the date of your most recent water audit? _______ Frequency of water audits: ☐ yearly ☒ other (specify frequency) _No Schedule_______ Leak detection and survey: ☐ every year ☐ every other year ☒ periodic as needed Year last leak detection survey completed: The City of Rosemount does not have a citywide leak detection survey. However, a leak detection survey is performed as part of street paving projects. If Table 2 shows annual water losses over 10% or an increasing trend over time, describe what actions will be taken to reach the <10% loss objective and within what timeframe There is a less than 10% loss for each year over the last 10 years. The year 2006 has the only loss greater than 10%. Metering -AWWA recommends that every water supplier install meters to account for all water taken into its system, along with all water distributed from its system at each customer’s point of service. An effective metering program relies upon periodic performance testing, repair, maintenance or replacement of all meters. AWWA also recommends that water suppliers conduct regular water audits to ensure accountability. Some cities install separate meters for interior and exterior water use, but some research suggests that this may not result in water conservation. Complete Table 23 by adding the requested information regarding the number, types, testing and maintenance of customer meters. Table 23. Information about customer meters Customer Category Number of Customers Number of Metered Connections Number of Automated Meter Readers Meter testing intervals (years) Average age/meter replacement schedule (years Residential ___ / ___ Irrigation meters ___ / ___ Institutional ___ / ___ Commercial ___ / ___ Industrial ___ / ___ Public facilities ___ / ___ Other ___ / ___ TOTALS NA NA Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 36 For unmetered systems, describe any plans to install meters or replace current meters with advanced technology meters. Provide an estimate of the cost to implement the plan and the projected water savings from implementing the plan. None. The entire system is metered. Table 24. Water source meters Number of Meters Meter testing schedule (years) Number of Automated Meter Readers Average age/meter replacement schedule (years Water source (wells/intakes) ___ / ___ Treatment plant The City of Rosemount does not currently operate a WTP. Objective 2: Achieve Less than 75 Residential Gallons per Capita Demand (GPCD) The 2002 average residential per capita demand in the Twin Cities Metropolitan area was 75 gallons per capita per day. Is your average 2010-2015 residential per capita water demand in Table 2 more than 75? Yes ☒ No ☐ What was your 2010 – 2015 five-year average residential per capita water demand? 81.2 g/person/day Describe the water use trend over that timeframe: The residential water demand has been decreasing since 2008 where the peak demand of 115 gallons per capita per day (gpcd) occurred. The residential per capita demand in 2015 was 70.1 gpcd. The overall residential water sold has also declined during this period, which corresponds to the decreasing water demand. Complete Table 25 by checking which strategies you will use to continue reducing residential per capita demand and project a likely timeframe for completing each checked strategy (Select all that apply and add rows for additional strategies): Table 25. Strategies and timeframe to reduce residential per capita demand Strategy to reduce residential per capita demand Timeframe for completing work ☐ Revise city ordinances/codes to encourage or require water efficient landscaping. ☐ Revise city ordinance/codes to permit water reuse options, especially for non-potable purposes like irrigation, groundwater recharge, and industrial use. Check with plumbing authority to see if internal buildings reuse is permitted ☐ Revise ordinances to limit irrigation. Describe the restricted irrigation plan: ☐ Revise outdoor irrigation installations codes to require high efficiency systems (e.g. those with soil moisture sensors or Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 37 Strategy to reduce residential per capita demand Timeframe for completing work programmable watering areas) in new installations or system replacements. ☐ Make water system infrastructure improvements ☐ Offer free or reduced cost water use audits) for residential customers. ☐ Implement a notification system to inform customers when water availability conditions change. ☐ Provide rebates or incentives for installing water efficient appliances and/or fixtures indoors (e.g., low flow toilets, high efficiency dish washers and washing machines, showerhead and faucet aerators, water softeners, etc.) ☐ Provide rebates or incentives to reduce outdoor water use (e.g., turf replacement/reduction, rain gardens, rain barrels, smart irrigation, outdoor water use meters, etc.) ☐ Identify supplemental Water Resources ☐ Conduct audience-appropriate water conservation education and outreach. ☐ Describe other plans Objective 3: Achieve at least a 1.5% per year water reduction for Institutional, Industrial, Commercial, and Agricultural GPCD over the next 10 years or a 15% reduction in ten years. Complete Table 26 by checking which strategies you will used to continue reducing non-residential customer use demand and project a likely timeframe for completing each checked strategy (add rows for additional strategies). Where possible, substitute recycled water used in one process for reuse in another. (For example, spent rinse water can often be reused in a cooling tower.) Keep in mind the true cost of water is the amount on the water bill PLUS the expenses to heat, cool, treat, pump, and dispose of/discharge the water. Don’t just calculate the initial investment. Many conservation retrofits that appear to be prohibitively expensive are actually very cost-effective when amortized over the life of the equipment. Often reducing water use also saves electrical and other utility costs. Note: as of 2015, water reuse, and is not allowed by the state plumbing code, M.R. 4715 (a variance is needed). However several state agencies are addressing this issue. Table 26. Strategies and timeframe to reduce institutional, commercial industrial, and agricultural and non-revenue use demand Strategy to reduce total business, industry, agricultural demand Timeframe for completing work ☐ Conduct a facility water use audit for both indoor and outdoor use, including system components ☐ Install enhanced meters capable of automated readings to detect spikes in consumption ☐ Compare facility water use to related industry benchmarks, if available (e.g., meat processing, dairy, fruit and vegetable, beverage, textiles, paper/pulp, metals, technology, petroleum refining etc.) ☐ Install water conservation fixtures and appliances or change processes to conserve water ☐ Repair leaking system components (e.g., pipes, valves) Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 38 Strategy to reduce total business, industry, agricultural demand Timeframe for completing work ☐ Investigate the reuse of reclaimed water (e.g., stormwater, wastewater effluent, process wastewater, etc.) ☐ Reduce outdoor water use (e.g., turf replacement/reduction, rain gardens, rain barrels, smart irrigation, outdoor water use meters, etc.) ☐ Train employees how to conserve water ☐ Implement a notification system to inform non-residential customers when water availability conditions change. ☐ Rainwater catchment systems intended to supply uses such as water closets, urinals, trap primers for floor drains and floor sinks, industrial processes, water features, vehicle washing facilities, cooling tower makeup, and similar uses shall be approved by the commissioner. Proposed plumbing code 4714.1702.1 http://www.dli.mn.gov/PDF/docket/4714rule.pdf ☐ Describe other plans: Objective 4: Achieve a Decreasing Trend in Total Per Capita Demand Include as Appendix 8 one graph showing total per capita water demand for each customer category (i.e., residential, institutional, commercial, industrial) from 2005-2014 and add the calculated/estimated linear trend for the next 10 years. Describe the trend for each customer category; explain the reason(s) for the trends, and where trends are increasing. The overall trend for total water demand has been decreasing for the last 10 years. The projected 10- year linear trend also shows a decreasing total demand trend. The reason for the decreasing trend is due to lower water usage and a decrease in the amount of residential and water used for non-essential purposes. This, paired with a moderate increase in population served has led to the decreasing trend of total demand. The residential demand also follows a decreasing trend. However, there are three years where the demand was greater than 100 gpcd. The 10-year linear trend shows a residential demand that continues to decrease. The moderate increase in population served coupled along with a decrease in the residential water sold leads to the decreasing residential demand. The C/I/I demand has remained consistent but shows a slight decline over the last 10 years. The future linear trend shows the C/I/I demand to slightly decrease. There are slight fluctuations in the demand data where years with higher total demands correspond to higher C/I/I demands. This could be due to larger than average water usage in the commercial/industrial/institutional category. Objective 5: Reduce Peak Day Demand so that the Ratio of Average Maximum day to the Average Day is less than 2.6 Is the ratio of average 2005-2014 maximum day demand to average 2005-2014 average day demand reported in Table 2 more than 2.6? Yes ☒ No ☐ Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 39 Calculate a ten year average (2005 – 2014) of the ratio of maximum day demand to average day demand: 2.53 The position of the DNR has been that a peak day/average day ratio that is above 2.6 for in summer indicates that the water being used for irrigation by the residents in a community is too large and that efforts should be made to reduce the peak day use by the community. It should be noted that by reducing the peak day use, communities can also reduce the amount of infrastructure that is required to meet the peak day use. This infrastructure includes new wells, new water towers which can be costly items. Objective 6: Implement a Conservation Water Rate Structure and/or a Uniform Rate Structure with a Water Conservation Program Water Conservation Program Municipal water suppliers serving over 1,000 people are required to adopt demand reduction measures that include a conservation rate structure, or a uniform rate structure with a conservation program that achieves demand reduction. These measures must achieve demand reduction in ways that reduce water demand, water losses, peak water demands, and nonessential water uses. These measures must be approved before a community may request well construction approval from the Department of Health or before requesting an increase in water appropriations permit volume (Minnesota Statutes, section 103G.291, subd. 3 and 4). Rates should be adjusted on a regular basis to ensure that revenue of the system is adequate under reduced demand scenarios. If a municipal water supplier intends to use a Uniform Rate Structure, a community-wide Water Conservation Program that will achieve demand reduction must be provided. Current Water Rates Include a copy of the actual rate structure in Appendix 9 or list current water rates including base/service fees and volume charges below. Volume included in base rate or service charge: per 1000 gallons or ____ cubic feet ___ other Frequency of billing: ☐ Monthly ☐ Bimonthly ☒ Quarterly ☐ Other: _________________ Water Rate Evaluation Frequency: ☒ every year ☐ every ___ years ☐ no schedule Date of last rate change: ___________ Table 27. Rate structures for each customer category (Select all that apply and add additional rows as needed) Customer Category Conservation Billing Strategies in Use * Conservation Neutral Billing Strategies in Use ** Non-Conserving Billing Strategies in Use *** Residential ☐ Monthly billing ☒ Increasing block rates (volume tiered rates) ☐ Seasonal rates ☐ Time of use rates ☒ Uniform ☐ Odd/even day watering ☐ Service charge based on water volume ☐ Declining block ☒ Flat ☐ Other (describe) Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 40 Customer Category Conservation Billing Strategies in Use * Conservation Neutral Billing Strategies in Use ** Non-Conserving Billing Strategies in Use *** ☐ Water bills reported in gallons ☐ Individualized goal rates ☐ Excess use rates ☐ Drought surcharge ☐ Use water bill to provide comparisons ☒ Service charge not based on water volume ☐ Other (describe) Commercial/ Industrial/ Institutional ☐ Monthly billing ☐ Increasing block rates (volume tiered rates) ☐ Seasonal rates ☐ Time of use rates ☐ Water bills reported in gallons ☐ Individualized goal rates ☐ Excess use rates ☐ Drought surcharge ☐ Use water bill to provide comparisons ☐ Service charge not based on water volume ☐ Other (describe) ☒ Uniform ☐ Service charge based on water volume ☐ Declining block ☐ Flat ☐ Other (describe) ☐ Other * Rate Structures components that may promote water conservation:  Monthly billing: is encouraged to help people see their water usage so they can consider changing behavior.  Increasing block rates (also known as a tiered residential rate structure): Typically, these have at least three tiers: should have at least three tiers. o The first tier is for the winter average water use. o The second tier is the year-round average use, which is lower than typical summer use. This rate should be set to cover the full cost of service. o The third tier should be above the average annual use and should be priced high enough to encourage conservation, as should any higher tiers. For this to be effective, the difference in block rates should be significant.  Seasonal rate: higher rates in summer to reduce peak demands  Time of Use rates: lower rates for off peak water use  Bill water use in gallons: this allows customers to compare their use to average rates  Individualized goal rates: typically used for industry, business or other large water users to promote water conservation if they keep within agreed upon goals. Excess Use rates: if water use goes above an agreed upon amount this higher rate is charged  Drought surcharge: an extra fee is charged for guaranteed water use during drought  Use water bill to provide comparisons: simple graphics comparing individual use over time or compare individual use to others. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 41  Service charge or base fee that does not include a water volume – a base charge or fee to cover universal city expenses that are not customer dependent and/or to provide mi nimal water at a lower rate (e.g., an amount less than the average residential per capita demand for the water supplier for the last 5 years)  Emergency rates -A community may have a separate conservation rate that only goes into effect when the community or governor declares a drought emergency. These higher rates can help to protect the city budgets during times of significantly less water usage. **Conservation Neutral**  Uniform rate: rate per unit used is the same regardless of the volume used  Odd/even day watering –This approach reduces peak demand on a daily basis for system operation, but it does not reduce overall water use. *** Non-Conserving ***  Service charge or base fee with water volume: an amount of water larger than the average residential per capita demand for the water supplier for the last 5 years  Declining block rate: the rate per unit used decreases as water use increases.  Flat rate: one fee regardless of how much water is used (usually unmetered). Provide justification for any conservation neutral or non-conserving rate structures. If intending to adopt a conservation rate structure, include the timeframe to do so: Objective 7: Additional strategies to Reduce Water Use and Support Wellhead Protection Planning Development and redevelopment projects can provide additional water conservation opportunities, such as the actions listed below. If a Uniform Rate Structure is in place, the water supplier must provide a Water Conservation Program that includes at least two of the actions listed below. Check those actions that you intent to implement within the next 10 years. Table 28. Additional strategies to Reduce Water Use & Support Wellhead Protection ☐ Participate in the GreenStep Cities Program, including implementation of at least one of the 20 “Best Practices” for water ☐ Prepare a master plan for smart growth (compact urban growth that avoids sprawl) ☐ Prepare a comprehensive open space plan (areas for parks, green spaces, natural areas) ☐ Adopt a water use restriction ordinance (lawn irrigation, car washing, pools, etc.) ☐ Adopt an outdoor lawn irrigation ordinance ☐ Adopt a private well ordinance (private wells in a city must comply with water restrictions) ☐ Implement a stormwater management program ☐ Adopt non-zoning wetlands ordinance (can further protect wetlands beyond state/federal laws- for vernal pools, buffer areas, restrictions on filling or alterations) ☐ Adopt a water offset program (primarily for new development or expansion) ☐ Implement a water conservation outreach program ☐ Hire a water conservation coordinator (part-time) ☐ Implement a rebate program for water efficient appliances, fixtures, or outdoor water management ☐ Other Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 42 Objective 8: Tracking Success: How will you track or measure success through the next ten years? Tip: The process to monitor demand reduction and/or a rate structure includes: a) The DNR Hydrologist will call or visit the community the first 1-3 years after the water supply plan is completed. b) They will discuss what activities the community is doing to conserve water and if they feel their actions are successful. The Water Supply Plan, Part 3 tables and responses will guide the discussion. For example, they will discuss efforts to reduce unaccounted for water loss if that is a problem, or go through Tables 33, 34 and 35 to discuss new initiatives. c) The city representative and the hydrologist will discuss total per capita water use, residential per capita water use, and business/industry use. They will note trends. d) They will also discuss options for improvement and/or collect case studies of success stories to share with other communities. One option may be to change the rate structure, but there are many other paths to successful water conservation. e) If appropriate, they will cooperatively develop a simple work plan for the next few years, targeting a couple areas where the city might focus efforts. A. Regulation Complete Table 29 by selecting which regulations are used to reduce demand and improve water efficiencies. Add additional rows as needed. Copies of adopted regulations or proposed restrictions or should be included in Appendix 10 (a list with hyperlinks is acceptable). Table 29. Regulations for short-term reductions in demand and long-term improvements in water efficiencies Regulations Utilized When is it applied (in effect)? ☐ Rainfall sensors required on landscape irrigation systems ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared Emergencies ☐ Water efficient plumbing fixtures required ☐ New development ☐ Replacement ☐ Rebate Programs ☐ Critical/Emergency Water Deficiency ordinance ☐ Only during declared Emergencies ☒ Watering restriction requirements (time of day, allowable days, etc.) ☒ Odd/even ☐ 2 days/week ☐ Only during declared Emergencies ☐ Water waste prohibited (for example, having a fine for irrigators spraying on the street) ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared Emergencies ☐ Limitations on turf areas (requiring lots to have 10% - 25% of the space in natural areas) ☐ New development ☐ Shoreland/zoning ☐ Other Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 43 Regulations Utilized When is it applied (in effect)? ☐ Soil preparation requirement s (after construction, requiring topsoil to be applied to promote good root growth) ☐ New Development ☐ Construction Projects ☐ Other ☐ Tree ratios (requiring a certain number of trees per square foot of lawn) ☐ New development ☐ Shoreland/zoning ☐ Other ☐ Permit to fill swimming pool and/or requiring pools to be covered (to prevent evaporation) ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared Emergencies ☐ Ordinances that permit stormwater irrigation, reuse of water, or other alternative water use (Note: be sure to check current plumbing codes for updates) ☐ Describe B. Retrofitting Programs Education and incentive programs aimed at replacing inefficient plumbing fixtures and appliances can help reduce per capita water use, as well as energy costs. It is recommended that municipal water suppliers develop a long-term plan to retrofit public buildings with water efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances. Some water suppliers have developed partnerships with organizations having similar conservation goals, such as electric or gas suppliers, to develop cooperative rebate and retrofit programs. A study by the AWWA Research Foundation (Residential End Uses of Water, 1999) found that the average indoor water use for a non-conserving home is 69.3 gallons per capita per day (gpcd). The average indoor water use in a conserving home is 45.2 gpcd and most of the decrease in water use is related to water efficient plumbing fixtures and appliances that can reduce water, sewer and energy costs. In Minnesota, certain electric and gas providers are required (Minnesota Statute 216B.241) to fund programs that will conserve energy resources and some utilities have distributed water efficient showerheads to customers to help reduce energy demands required to supply hot water. Retrofitting Programs Complete Table 30 by checking which water uses are targeted, the outreach methods used, the measures used to identify success, and any participating partners. Table 30. Retrofitting programs (Select all that apply) Water Use Targets Outreach Methods Partners ☐ Low flush toilets, ☐ Toilet leak tablets, ☐ Low flow showerheads, ☐ Faucet aerators; ☐ Education about ☐ Free distribution of ☐ Rebate for ☐ Other ☐ Gas company ☐ Electric company ☐ Watershed organization ☐ Water conserving washing machines, ☐ Dish washers, ☐ Water softeners; ☐ Education about ☐ Free distribution of ☐ Rebate for ☐ Other ☐ Gas company ☐ Electric company ☐ Watershed organization Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 44 Water Use Targets Outreach Methods Partners ☐ Rain gardens, ☐ Rain barrels, ☐ Native/drought tolerant landscaping, etc. ☐ Education about ☐ Free distribution of ☐ Rebate for ☐ Other ☐ Gas company ☐ Electric company ☐ Watershed organization Briefly discuss measures of success from the above table (e.g. number of items distributed, dollar value of rebates, gallons of water conserved, etc.): C. Education and Information Programs Customer education should take place in three different circumstances. First, customers should be provided information on how to conserve water and improve water use efficiencies. Second, information should be provided at appropriate times to address peak demands. Third, emergency notices and educational materials about how to reduce water use should be available for quick distribution during an emergency. Proposed Education Programs Complete Table 31 by selecting which methods are used to provide water conservation and information, including the frequency of program components. Select all that apply and add additional lines as needed. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 45 Table 31. Current and Proposed Education Programs Education Methods General summary of topics #/Year Frequency Billing inserts or tips printed on the actual bill Water conservation tips 1 ☒ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Consumer Confidence Reports Water conservation tips 1 ☒ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Press releases to traditional local news outlets (e.g., newspapers, radio and TV) Water conservation tips 1 ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☒ Only during declared emergencies Social media distribution (e.g., emails, Facebook, Twitter) ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Paid advertisements (e.g., billboards, print media, TV, radio, web sites, etc.) ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Presentations to community groups ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Staff training ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Facility tours ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Displays and exhibits ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Marketing rebate programs (e.g., indoor fixtures & appliances and outdoor practices) ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Community news letters ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Direct mailings (water audit/retrofit kits, showerheads, brochures) Water conservation tips New Residents ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 46 Education Methods General summary of topics #/Year Frequency ☐ Only during declared emergencies Information kiosk at utility and public buildings Water conservation tips Continual ☒ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Public service announcements ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Cable TV Programs ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Demonstration projects (landscaping or plumbing) ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies K-12 education programs (Project Wet, Drinking Water Institute, presentations) ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Community events (children’s water festivals, environmental fairs) ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Community education classes ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Water week promotions ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Website http://www.ci.rosemount.mn.us/index Water conservation and previous water usage Continual ☒ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Targeted efforts (large volume users, users with large increases) ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Notices of ordinances Water conservation tips As Required ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Emergency conservation notices Water conservation tips As Required ☐ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 47 Education Methods General summary of topics #/Year Frequency ☐ Only during declared emergencies Other: Water conservation tips available on website Year- Round ☒ Ongoing ☐ Seasonal ☐ Only during declared emergencies Briefly discuss what future education and information activities your community is considering in the future: Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 48 Part 4. ITEMS FOR METROPOLITAN AREA COMMUNITIES Minnesota Statute 473.859 requires WSPs to be completed for all local units of government in the seven-county Metropolitan Area as part of the local comprehensive planning process. Much of the information in Parts 1-3 addresses water demand for the next 10 years. However, additional information is needed to address water demand through 2040, which will make the WSP consistent with the Metropolitan Land Use Planning Act, upon which the local comprehensive plans are based. This Part 4 provides guidance to complete the WSP in a way that addresses plans for water supply through 2040. A. Water Demand Projections through 2040 Complete Table 7 in Part 1D by filling in information about long-term water demand projections through 2040. Total Community Population projections should be consistent with the community’s system statement, which can be found on the Metropolitan Council’s website and which was sent to the community in September 2015. Projected Average Day, Maximum Day, and Annual Water Demands may either be calculated using the method outlined in Appendix 2 of the 2015 Master Water Supply Plan or by a method developed by the individual water supplier. B. Potential Water Supply Issues Complete Table 10 in Part 1E by providing information about the potential water supply issues in your community, including those that might occur due to 2040 projected water use. The Master Water Supply Plan provides information about potential issues for your community in Appendix 1 (Water Supply Profiles). This resource may be useful in completing Table 10. You may document results of local work done to evaluate impact of planned uses by attaching a feasibility assessment or providing a citation and link to where the plan is available electronically. C. Proposed Alternative Approaches to Meet Extended Water Demand Projections Complete Table 12 in Part 1F with information about potential water supply infrastructure impacts (such as replacements, expansions or additions to wells/intakes, water storage and treatment capacity, distribution systems, and emergency interconnections) of extended plans for development and redevelopment, in 10-year increments through 2040. It may be useful to refer to information in the community’s local Land Use Plan, if available. Complete Table 14 in Part 1F by checking each approach your community is considering to meet future demand. For each approach your community is considering, provide information about the amount of Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 49 future water demand to be met using that approach, the timeframe to implement the approach, potential partners, and current understanding of the key benefits and challenges of the approach. As challenges are being discussed, consider the need for: evaluation of geologic conditions (mapping, aquifer tests, modeling), identification of areas where domestic wells could be impacted, measurement and analysis of water levels & pumping rates, triggers & associated actions to protect water levels, etc. D. Value-Added Water Supply Planning Efforts (Optional) The following information is not required to be completed as part of the local water supply plan, but completing this can help strengthen source water protection throughout the region and help Metropolitan Council and partners in the region to better support local efforts. Source Water Protection Strategies Does a Drinking Water Supply Management Area for a neighboring public water supplier overlap your community? Yes ☐ No ☐ If you answered no, skip this section. If you answered yes, please complete Table 32 with information about new water demand or land use planning-related local controls that are being considered to provide additional protection in this area. Table 32. Local controls and schedule to protect Drinking Water Supply Management Areas Local Control Schedule to Implement Potential Partners ☐ None at this time ☐ Comprehensive planning that guides development in vulnerable drinking water supply management areas ☐ Zoning overlay ☐ Other: Technical assistance From your community’s perspective, what are the most important topics for the Metropolitan Council to address, guided by the region’s Metropolitan Area Water Supply Advisory Committee and Technical Advisory Committee, as part of its ongoing water supply planning role? ☒ Coordination of state, regional and local water supply planning roles ☐ Regional water use goals ☒ Water use reporting standards ☐ Regional and sub-regional partnership opportunities ☐ Identifying and prioritizing data gaps and input for regional and sub-regional analyses ☐ Others: ___________________________________________________________________ Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 50 GLOSSARY Agricultural/Irrigation Water Use - Water used for crop and non-crop irrigation, livestock watering, chemigation, golf course irrigation, landscape and athletic field irrigation. Average Daily Demand - The total water pumped during the year divided by 365 days. Calcareous Fen - Calcareous fens are rare and distinctive wetlands dependent on a constant supply of cold groundwater. Because they are dependent on groundwater and are one of the rarest natural communities in the United States, they are a protected resource in MN. Approximately 200 have been located in Minnesota. They may not be filled, drained or otherwise degraded. Commercial/Institutional Water Use - Water used by motels, hotels, restaurants, office buildings, commercial facilities and institutions (both civilian and military). Consider maintaining separate institutional water use records for emergency planning and allocation purposes. Water used by multi- family dwellings, apartment buildings, senior housing complexes, and mobile home parks should be reported as Residential Water Use. Commercial/Institutional/Industrial (C/I/I) Water Sold - The sum of water delivered for commercial/institutional or industrial purposes. Conservation Rate Structure - A rate structure that encourages conservation and may include increasing block rates, seasonal rates, time of use rates, individualized goal rates, or excess use rates. If a conservation rate is applied to multifamily dwellings, the rate structure must consider each residential unit as an individual user. A community may have a separate conservation rate that only goes into effect when the community or governor declares a drought emergency. These higher rates can help to protect the city budgets during times of significantly less water usage. Date of Maximum Daily Demand - The date of the maximum (highest) water demand. Typically this is a day in July or August. Declining Rate Structure - Under a declining block rate structure, a consumer pays less per additional unit of water as usage increases. This rate structure does not promote water conservation. Distribution System - Water distribution systems consist of an interconnected series of pipes, valves, storage facilities (water tanks, water towers, reservoirs), water purification facilities, pumping stations, flushing hydrants, and components that convey drinking water and meeting fire protection needs for cities, homes, schools, hospitals, businesses, industries and other facilities. Flat Rate Structure - Flat fee rates do not vary by customer characteristics or water usage. This rate structure does not promote water conservation. Industrial Water Use - Water used for thermonuclear power (electric utility generation) and other industrial use such as steel, chemical and allied products, paper and allied products, mining, and petroleum refining. Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 51 Low Flow Fixtures/Appliances - Plumbing fixtures and appliances that significantly reduce the amount of water released per use are labeled “low flow”. These fixtures and appliances use just enough water to be effective, saving excess, clean drinking water that usually goes down the drain. Maximum Daily Demand - The maximum (highest) amount of water used in one day. Metered Residential Connections - The number of residential connections to the water system that have meters. For multifamily dwellings, report each residential unit as an individual user. Percent Unmetered/Unaccounted For - Unaccounted for water use is the volume of water withdrawn from all sources minus the volume of water delivered. This value represents water “lost” by miscalculated water use due to inaccurate meters, water lost through leaks, or water that is used but unmetered or otherwise undocumented. Water used for public services such as hydrant flushing, ice skating rinks, and public swimming pools should be reported under the category “Water Supplier Services”. Population Served - The number of people who are served by the community’s public water supply system. This includes the number of people in the community who are connected to the public water supply system, as well as people in neighboring communities who use water supplied by the community’s public water supply system. It should not include residents in the community who have private wells or get their water from neighboring water supply. Residential Connections - The total number of residential connections to the water system. For multifamily dwellings, report each residential unit as an individual user. Residential Per Capita Demand - The total residential water delivered during the year divided by the population served divided by 365 days. Residential Water Use - Water used for normal household purposes such as drinking, food preparation, bathing, washing clothes and dishes, flushing toilets, and watering lawns and gardens. Should include all water delivered to single family private residences, multi-family dwellings, apartment buildings, senior housing complexes, mobile home parks, etc. Smart Meter - Smart meters can be used by municipalities or by individual homeowners. Smart metering generally indicates the presence of one or more of the following:  Smart irrigation water meters are controllers that look at factors such as weather, soil, slope, etc. and adjust watering time up or down based on data. Smart controllers in a typical summer will reduce water use by 30%-50%. Just changing the spray nozzle to new efficient models can reduce water use by 40%.  Smart Meters on customer premises that measure consumption during specific time periods and communicate it to the utility, often on a daily basis.  A communication channel that permits the utility, at a minimum, to obtain meter reads on demand, to ascertain whether water has recently been flowing through the meter and onto the Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 52 premises, and to issue commands to the meter to perform specific tasks such as disconnecting or restricting water flow. Total Connections - The number of connections to the public water supply system. Total Per Capita Demand - The total amount of water withdrawn from all water supply sources during the year divided by the population served divided by 365 days. Total Water Pumped - The cumulative amount of water withdrawn from all water supply sources during the year. Total Water Delivered - The sum of residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, water supplier services, wholesale and other water delivered. Ultimate (Full Build-Out) - Time period representing the community’s estimated total amount and location of potential development, or when the community is fully built out at the final planned density. Unaccounted (Non-revenue) Loss - See definitions for “percent unmetered/unaccounted for loss”. Uniform Rate Structure - A uniform rate structure charges the same price-per-unit for water usage beyond the fixed customer charge, which covers some fixed costs. The rate sends a price signal to the customer because the water bill will vary by usage. Uniform rates by class charge the same price-per- unit for all customers within a customer class (e.g. residential or non-residential). This price structure is generally considered less effective in encouraging water conservation. Water Supplier Services - Water used for public services such as hydrant flushing, ice skating rinks, public swimming pools, city park irrigation, back-flushing at water treatment facilities, and/or other uses. Water Used for Nonessential Purposes - Water used for lawn irrigation, golf course and park irrigation, car washes, ornamental fountains, and other non-essential uses. Wholesale Deliveries - The amount of water delivered in bulk to other public water suppliers. Acronyms and Initialisms AWWA – American Water Works Association C/I/I – Commercial/Institutional/Industrial CIP – Capital Improvement Plan GIS – Geographic Information System GPCD – Gallons per capita per day Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 53 GWMA – Groundwater Management Area – North and East Metro, Straight River, Bonanza, MDH – Minnesota Department of Health MGD – Million gallons per day MG – Million gallons MGL – Maximum Contaminant Level MnTAP – Minnesota Technical Assistance Program (University of Minnesota) MPARS – MN/DNR Permitting and Reporting System (new electronic permitting system) MRWA – Minnesota Rural Waters Association SWP – Source Water Protection WHP – Wellhead Protection Local Water Supply Plan Template –July 8, 2016 54 APPENDICES TO BE SUBMITTED BY THE WATER SUPPLIER Appendix 1: Well records and maintenance summaries – see Part 1C Appendix 2: Water level monitoring plan – see Part 1E Appendix 3: Water level graphs for each water supply well - see Part 1E Appendix 4: Capital Improvement Plan - see Part 1E Appendix 5: Emergency Telephone List – see Part 2C Appendix 6: Cooperative Agreements for Emergency Services – see Part 2C Appendix 7: Municipal Critical Water Deficiency Ordinance – see Part 2C Appendix 8: Graph showing annual per capita water demand for each customer category during the last ten-years – see Part 3 Objective 4 Appendix 9: Water Rate Structure – see Part 3 Objective 6 Appendix 10: Adopted or proposed regulations to reduce demand or improve water efficiency – see Part 3 Objective 7 Appendix 11: Implementation Checklist – summary of all the actions that a community is doing, or proposes to do, including estimated implementation dates – see www.mndnr.gov/watersupplyplans