HomeMy WebLinkAbout20160620 UC Minutes
June 20, 2016
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof the regular Utility Commission meeting of the City of
Rosemount, was called to order on June 20, 2016, at 5:30 p.m. in the Conference Room of the City
Hall, 2875 145 Street West, Rosemount.
President Connolly called the meeting to order with Commissioners McDonald and Nelson, City
Administrator Johnson, Public Works Director Wrase, Councilmember Demuth, and Recording
Secretary Roudebush attending.
Motion by McDonald. Second by Nelson.
Motion to approve the minutes of the April 18, 2016 Utility Commission meeting.
Correcting typo on second page, 2 paragraph.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
5.a. Splash Pad Water Reuse Feasibility Report
Public Works Director gave a brief history of the Splash Pad water usage and reuse of water at the
splash pad. Revised cost is $432,000, almost double the cost presented in January. Vermillion River
Watershed supported and applied for a grant to help support the cost. With the grant it would be about
$260,000 cost for the city. Grant has not been awarded for $120,000 from met council but still would get
$40,000 from Vermillion River Watershed for the recirculation system. It would be about an 18.5 years
payback for total cost of project. Water rates are extremely low and part of the reason that the payback
would take so long. Bottom 3 in the metro, water quality is high and no treatment plant. Staff
recommendation would be to do at a 12.5 yr payback, doesn’t feel the payback is feasible without the
Councilmember Demuth inquired if the commission sees water rates comparison when reviewing rates
yearly. City Administrator Johnson stated based on cost not comparison against other cities. Difference
is treatment and age of system, young compared to other cities. Reaping infrastructure dividends, not a
lot of capital cost at this point.
City Administrator Johnson inquired if the grant is available next year and if the City will get a reason
why the grant wasn’t awarded to Rosemount. Wrase stated it is available next year and should have the
reasoning by the end of June.
President Connolly inquired what is the typical life cycle. Wrase stated between 20-30 years, but
based on knowledge in industry could last beyond that.
Commissioner Nelson inquired if a preventative maintenance program would need to be included.
Wrase stated it is included in the budget.
President Connolly warned for every motor that exceeds the expected life there is one that won’t
meet the expected life span. He questioned why was this included when the splash pad was built.
Johnson stated it was too expensive, estimated that wouldn’t be used as much as it has, and also
thought could put in pond and use for irrigation but it didn’t all work out.
President Connolly stated he is not comfortable with the 18.5 year payback and we should apply for
grant next year.
Commissioner McDonald stated if not mandated then don’t feel it is needed at this time.
Commissioner Nelson agrees with the other commissioners.
6.a. Hawkins Sanitary Sewer Meter Agreement
Wrase provided an overview of Hawkins Sewer Meter Agreement. Hawkins is concerned that they
are paying for water that isn’t making it to the sewer. It is almost impossible to break out water lines
that are going for specific uses that aren’t getting to the sewer. Hack flow equipment has a product
that would calculate how much water is going to through the sewer. An agreement has been
prepared to allow them to change measurement.
Commissioner McDonald inquired how much revenue the city would lose. Wrase stated the sewer
fee is the same but the volume will decrease. Revenue is likely to go down but they have most likely
been overcharged in sewer. Cost of the project will see about a two year payback for Hawkins.
Councilmember Demuth stated it is akin to the irrigation meter that homeowners can have.
President Connolly inquired if there are any other companies that might be interested in using this
system. Wrase stated might suggest at Flint Hills. ,
Councilmember Demuth inquired if this would reduce their incentive to conserve water. Wrase
stated yes but they will still pay for usage.
Motion by Connolly. Second by Nelson.
Motion to recommend to City Council the approval of Hawkins Sewer Meter Agreement
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
President Connolly thanked Public Works Director Wrase for his service to the city.
8.a. City Projects Update
Well 16 house has been designed, plan to online by fall of 2016
Safe routes to school-project is out to bid and opens tomorrow. Hoping to start in August
and be done by the time school starts in Sept. that by RES
Well 4 & 5- Department of Health gave info on how to address changes needed for well 4.
Well 5 was cleaned out, Department of Health is coming out tomorrow to analyze the casing
to determine the how the capping of the well can take place.
East side utility study will be used to provide info for valuable for projected projects
Storage tank project peer review determined that project can wait until 2022-2025. Reject the
bids and prepare a city wide plan for usage. Water treatment plant is budgeted for 2019 if
8.b. 2016 Well Pumping Report
The attached report was reviewed and it was noted that pumping was up this quarter but had been
reconciled with billing and usage. Compared 2015 to 2016, 9 total rainfall event vs. last year was 17
events and could be the reason for the change. Also more residents in town.
Wrase stated the recommendation for temp engineer will have a pool of consultants to rely and can
pick the best consultant for the job. Request for interim service for 2-3 months and went with
Bolton and Menk to fill the void until a replacement is found for about 20 hours a week.
Councilmember Demuth spoke about two presentations she recently attended.
8c. Set Next Meeting Agenda for July 18, 2016
Motion by Connolly. Second by McDonald.
Motion to move the next meeting of the Utility Commission from May 16 to May 23, 2016.
Ayes: 3.
Nays: 0. Absent: 0. Motion carried.
There being no further business to discuss the meeting was adjourned by Connolly at 6:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Amy Roudebush
Recording Secretary