HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.j Authorize Preparation of Feasibility Report - County Road 38, Phase II, City Project 387AGENDA ITEM: Authorize Feasibility Report- County Road 38 Phase II, City Project #387 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineek AGENDA N0.0 6 J ATTACHMENTS: Map, Resolution APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to adopt a resolution authorizing the prepara on of a feasibility report for County Road 38 Phase II, City Project #387. ACTION: City Council Meeting Date: May 3, 2005 ISSUE: Consider authorizing the preparation of a feasibility report for improvements to County Road 38 from the east line of the Harmony development to Akron Avenue (County Road 73). BACKGROUND: CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION The current 10 -year CIP includes the second phase of reconstruction of County Road 38 from the east line of the Harmony development to Akron Avenue (County Road 73) for 2006. Based on the time necessary to accommodate the commencement of a construction project in 2006, it is necessary to begin the preliminary work now. The feasibility report for the County Road 38 Phase II project will review the propose upgrade of County Road 38 from a gravel road to an urban section with pedestrian facilities, a new at- grade railroad crossing, estimated project costs and proposed funding mechanisms. On a parallel track with this project will be the consideration by the City for accepting the turnback of County Road 38 from Dakota County to the City. It is anticipated that a final turnback agreement will be negotiated this year between the City and County that will include the financial terms to be incorporated into a final feasibility report. SUMMARY: To accommodate the planned reconstruction of County Road 38 Phase II in 2006, Staff is recommending that Council authorize the preparation of a feasibility report. G:IENGPROJ1387\Ord FRtoAkronCC5- 3- 05.doc ADOPTED this 3` day of May, 2005. ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005 A RESOLUTION ORDERING A FEASIBILITY REPORT FOR COUNTY ROAD 38 PHASE II CITY PROJECT #387 WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Rosemount deems it necessary to investigate the feasibility of the County Road 38 Phase II from east of Harmony development to Akron Avenue (CR 73) Improvements, City Project #387. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the Staff is directed to have the necessary feasibility report prepared for County Road 38 Phase II from the east line of Harmony development to Akron Avenue (CR 73) Improvements, City Project #387. William H. Droste, Mayor Motion by: Second by: Voted in favor: Voted against: d z w cc t7 N W y M a 0 z 0 0 0 J K F Z d W 0 2 O cC 0 0 w Z 2