HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.g Receive Feasibility Report/Order Plans & Spec's-Connemara Crossing, City Proj. 391CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 18, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: Receive Feasibility Report/Order Plans AGENDA SECTION: Spec's- Connemara Crossing, City Project #391 Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer] AGEN134,1'J0: ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Feasibility Report APPROVED BY RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION REC VING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT AND AUTHORIZE THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONNEMARA CROSSING, CITY PROJECT #391. ACTION: BACKGROUND: On December 21, 2004, City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report to address development related infrastructure costs attributed to the Connemara Crossing development. Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work project has been designated as City Project No. 391. Attached please find a copy of the Feasibility Report for Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work. This report addresses the construction of streets and utilities within the Connemara Crossing development along with the estimated costs and proposed funding. A brief review of the proposed improvements and funding is as follows: 1. LOCATION The project is a proposed 44 -unit townhouse development to be located on a 13.88 acre parcel. The tract is located on the southwest quadrant of the Connemara Trail and Biscayne Avenue intersection. 2.STREETS The City streets to be constructed as a part of the Connemara Crossing development are all local streets. They include a new access street off of Biscayne Avenue, approximately 550 feet south of Connemara Trail; a north -south street through the middle of the development, with a cul -de -sac on the north end and a stub for future extension to the south; and a second cul -de -sac near the south end of the development. f 3. STORM SEWER The proposed storm sewer improvements include the construction of lateral storm sewer to serve the road rights -of -way. The site storm sewer system will be designed for a 10 -year rainfall event. Stormwater will be routed in a manner consistent with Rosemount's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan (CSMP). The proposed improvements will route all of the site storm water to a new storm water management pond being constructed by the property developer in the west central portion of the property. 4. SANITARY SEWER Sanitary sewer service for the Connemara Crossing development will be provided by extending an existing 8 -inch PVC sanitary sewer stub south from Connemara Trail. 5. WATERMAIN Water service will be extended from an 8 -inch ductile iron pipe (DIP) watermain stub along Biscayne Avenue into the property, and then along the proposed streets. The 8- inch line will also be connected to an 8 -inch watermain stub located along Connemara Trail for a complete watermain loop. 6. PEDESTRIAN FACILITIES A 5 -foot concrete walk will be constructed along Biscayne Avenue and within the development. An 8 -foot bituminous pathway will be constructed around the storm water pond for pedestrian use and public works access for maintenance. 7. ESTIMATED CONSTRUCTION COST The estimated construction cost is $412,080.00 as shown in the following table: Estima Construction Co Connemara Cross Streets $169,360 Sanitary Sewer $73,517 Watermain Storm Sewer $66,610 10% Contingencies $37,460 Total Estimated Construction Costs $412,080 Costs that are not included as part of the estimated construction costs are City fees and plat fees. The total estimated project cost including these additional fees is $793,922.00 as shown in the following table: Total Estimated Construction Costs and Fees Connemara Crossin Total Estimated Construction Costs $412,080 Total Estimated Plat Fees $285,134 Total Estimated Plat City Fees $96,708 Total Estimated Construction Costs and Fees $793,922 Plat fees include storm water conveyance fees, water access charges, sanitary sewer access charges, park dedication fees and any other pertinent fees. City fees include engineering fees, legal fees, administration fees, and any other pertinent City fees. The Developer, Basic Builders, Inc. will fund the entire project. At this time, the developer has submitted a final plat for approval for Connemara Crossing. If requested, Staff will provide a brief overview of the feasibility report. SUMMARY: Staff requests Council adopt a resolution receiving the feasibility report and authorize the preparation of plans and specifications for Connemara Crossing, City Project #392. I CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005 A RESOLUTION RECEIVING THE FEASIBILITY REPORT, ORDERING THE PROJECT AND AUTHORIZING THE PREPARATION OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR CONNEMARA CROSSING STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVMENTS CITY PROJECT 9391 WHEREAS, pursuant to the resolutions of the Council adopted on December 21, 2004, a report has been prepared by the City Engineer with reference to the improvement of Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements City Project 4391, and this report was received by the Council on January 18, 2005, and WHEREAS, the report provides information regarding whether the proposed project is necessary, cost effective, and feasible. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA: 1. Such improvements are hereby ordered as proposed in the Feasibility Report for the project. 2. The City Engineer is hereby ordered to prepare plans and specifications for the making of such improvements. ADOPTED this 18th day of January, 2005. William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Voted against: Seconded � � �: � � � ��� ;� �� �, � �� '" � � � ' � � ' � � .,� , � January 18, 2005 � �� � � � � �� �_� � � Connemara Crossin g � . . Street and Ut�l�t Im rovements � Y p and A urtenant Work � pp � Prepared for: � �C ROSEMOLINT ' MINNESOTA , Ci Pro'ect No. 391 �1' J � \\ ����� �� �� � � � , - - _ ��� � � � � � �������,���„��s �� ��� � WSB Project No. 1556-32 , � - �3 , ' Prepared by: 1 , ,� � , , , ,� � 1 ��SB 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 763-541-4800 &Ass°�`°t�,l"�. , ' ' ' FEASIBILITY REPORT , ' ' CONNEMARA CROSSING STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS AND APPURTENANT WORK ' CITY PROJECT NO. 391 , FOR THE ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT, MINNESOTA ' ' January 18, 2005 ' ' ' Prepared By: ' WSB & Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South, Suite 300 ' Minneapolis, MN 55416 (763) 541-4800 ' (763) 541-1700 (Fax) ' ' Feasibility Report Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work ' City Project No.391 Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.I556-32 ' - ��� ' &Associares,Inc. Infrastructure 1 Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 ' Minneapolis,MN 55416 Te1:763-541-4800 Fax:763-541-1700 ' January 18, 2005 , Honorable Mayor and City Council City of Rosemount ' 2875 145�' Street West Rosemount, MN 55068-4997 ' Re: Feasibility Report Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work ' City Project No. 391 WSB Project No. 1556-32 ' Dear Mayor and City Council Members: � Transmitted herewith is a feasibility report that addresses street and utility improvements for the Connemara Crossing development. ' We would be happy to discuss this report with you at your convenience. Please do not hesitate to contact me at (763) 541-4800 if you have any questions regarding this report. � Sincerely, WSB &Associates, InG , � ' Anthony A. Aderhold, P.E. Project Manager � Enclosure � ' ' , Minneapolis 1 St. Cloud Equal Opportunity Employer , ' CERTIFICATION , - , , I hereby certify that this plan, specification or report was prepared by ' me or under my direct supervision and that I am a duly Licensed Professional Engineer under the laws of the State of Minnesota. , � , An ny A. Aderhold,P.E. ' Date: January 18,2005 Lic.No. 43422 ' Quality Control Review by: ' � � ' nan D. Connolly,E.I.T. ' Date: January 18, 2045 ' , ' , ' Feasibility Repon Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improveneents and Appurtenant Work ' City Project No.391 Rosemount,�nnesota WSB Project No.1556-32 ' ' TABLE OF CONTENTS TITLE SHEET ' LETTER OF TRANSMITTAL CERTIFICATION SHEET TABLE OF CONTENTS ' l. EXECUTNE SUMMARY.............................................................................. ..................1 i2. INTRODUCTION.....................................................................................................................2 2.1 Authorization..................................................................................................................2 , 2.2 Scope..............................................................................................................................2 2.3 Data Available................................................................................................................2 3. GENERAL BACKGRO'UND ..................................................................................................3 ' ' .....3 3.1 Pro�ect Location......................................................................................................... 3.2 Existing Conditions........................................................................................................3 ' 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS............................................................................................4 4.1 Street.............................................................................. ......4 ........................................... , 4.2 Storm Sewer...................................................................................................................4 4.3 Sanitary Sewer................................................................................................................ 4.4 Watermain..................................:...................................................................................5 ' 4.5 Private Utilities/Streetlights............................................................................................5 4.6 SidewalksiTrails.............................................................................................................5 4.7 Pernuts/Approvals..........................................................................................................6 ' 4.8 Right-of-Way/Easements...............................................................................................6 5. FINANCING.................................................................................... ......................7 ................... ' S.1 Estimated Costs..................................................................... .........................................7 5.2 Funding............................................................:..............................................................8 , 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE............................................................................. 8 7. FEASIBILITY AND RECOMMENDATION........................................................................8 ' APPendix A Figures ' APPendiz B Opinion of Probable Cost Appendiz C ' Calculation of Estimated Development Fees and City Fees Appendiz D Storm Water Lateral3'runk Conveyance and Ponding Fee Calculation Worksheets , ' Feasibility Report Conneinara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenarrt Work ' City Project No.391 Rosemount,Mienesota WSB Project No.1556-32 ' 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ' City Project No. 391 provides for the installation of new streets, sanitary sewer,watermain, and ' storm sewer in the proposed Connemara Crossing development. The Connemara Crossing development is proposed to include 44 townhouse units, and is located in the southwest quadrant of the Connemara Tra.il and Biscayne Avenue intersection. This report is written to address the , proposed improvements, cost, and funding related to the development of the new Connemara Crossing develoment. A map showing the project location is shown on Figure 1 in Appendix A. , The proposed improvements include the construction of city streets that include concrete curb and gutter and 5-foot concrete sidewalks. The proposed street construction includes the installation of a new access street off of Biscayne Avenue, approximately 550 feet south of ' Connemara Trail; a north-south street through the middle of the development,with a cul-de-sac on the north end and a stub for future extension to the south; and a second cul-de-sac near the south end of the development. Utility improvements include the construction of lateral sanitary ' sewer,watermain, and storm sewer systems to serve the proposed 44 townhouse lots. The estimated project cost for the street and utility improvements of the Connemara Crossing , development is$793,922. The estimate includes all City of Rosemount Development Charges, City Fees, Engineering Fees, and other associated costs. The developer, Basic Builders,Inc, will fund the entire project cost. ' The ma'orit of the ublic im rovements for the Connemara Crossing development,including : J Y P P the first lift of bituminous pavement and a11 restoration items,will be completed in 2005. The , final lift of bituminous and any associated clean up and restoration items will be completed in 2006. , This project is feasible,necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint and should be constructed as proposed herein. , ' , ' , , , Feasibility Report Connemam Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work ' City Project No.391 Rosemoun�Minnesota WSB Project No.1536 32 Page 1 ' 2. INTRODUCTION ' 2.1 Authorization � , On December 21, 2004,the Rosemount City Council authorized the preparation of a Feasibility Report to address development-related infrastructure costs attributed to the Connemara Crossing ' development. The Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work project has been designated as City Project No. 391. ' The Connemara.Crossing developer,Basic Builders,Inc.,will be funding all costs associated with this project. ' 2.2 Scope This report addresses the construction of street and utility improvements necessary for the ' development of the Connemara Crossing residential development located on the southwest quadrant of the Connemara Trail and Biscayne Ayenue intersection. The proposed improvements include construction of streets, lateral sanitary sewer,watermain, and storm sewer ' systems. Preliminary site grading will be completed privately prior to construction of the street and utility improvements. ' 2.3 Data Available Information and materials used in the preparation of this report include the following: ' • City of Rosemount Record Plans.for adjoining properties. • City of Rosemount Stormwater Management Plan. ' • City of Rosemount Topography Maps for AdjoiningProperties. • City of Rosemount Water Supply and Distribution Plan. ' • Preliminary Plat information for Connemara Crossing prepared by Probe Engineering Company, Inc. , • Preliminary Grading Plans for Connemara Crossing prepared by Probe Engineering Company, Ina , • Construction Plan Set for Connemara Trail and Biscayne Avenue prepared by WSB & Associates, Inc. (March, 2003). ' ' ' ' Feasibi[ity Report Connemara Crossing Street and Uti[ity Improveinents and Appurtenant Work , City Project No.391 Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-32 Page 2 ' 3. GENERAL BACKGROUND ' 3.1 Project Location ' The project is a proposed 44-unit townhouse development to be located on a 13.8$-acre parceL The tract is located on the southwest quadrant of the Connemara Trail and Biscayne Avenue intersection. The Canadian Pacific Railroad has a raikoad spur line along the west side of the ' property. The State of Minnesota,Department of Military Affairs owns the property to the immediate south of the development for utilization by the Minnesota National Guard as a , maintenance facility. A map showing the location of the project can be found in Figure 1 of A�pendix A. � 3.2 Ezisting Conditions The developer has already preliminarily graded the majority of the existing land. Prior to ' grading, the area consisted of an open field,with some small trees and brush located along the Canadian Pacific Railroad right-of-way, as well as adjacent to Connemaxa Trail. The proposed development will save most of the trees along the Canadian Pacific Railroad tracks,but will ' remove said trees adjacent to Connemara Trail for grading and drainage purposes. There is no current access constructed to the property from any adjacent roadways. Due to the ' topography,temporary and permanent access will be obtained off of Biscayne Avenue, approximately 550 feet south of Connemara TraiL ' The terrain in the project area is generally sloped to the west,toward the Canadian Pacific Railroad right-of-way. Storm sewer installed along Connemara Trail in 2003 was sized to include future development on this site, and to accept storm water from the site to the regional ' storm water pond located due north across Connemara Trail. The project area is currently served by the Rosemount West Water System. A 16-inch DIP , watermain was constructed along Biscayne Avenue in 2003,with two separate 8-inch stubs provided to service the proposed development site. ' An 8-inch PVC sanitary sewer stub to service the proposed development site was installed along Connemara Trail during the construction of the Brockway Draw sanitary sewer. It is deep enough to provide gravity service to al144 proposed lots within the praposed development. ' There are overhead(aerial)private utilities located along the south property line of the proposed development. These utilities should not affect the construction of any of the proposed ' improvements. ' ' ' Feasibility Report Connemara Crossing Street and Uti[ity Improvements and Appurtenant Work ' Clty Project No.391 Rosemouny Minnesom WSB ProJect No,1556-32 Page 3 ' 4. PROPOSED IMPROVEMENTS ' 4.1 Street , The City streets to be constructed as a part of the Connemara Crossing development aze all local streets. They include a new access street ofF of Biscayne Avenue, approximately 550 feet south of Connemara Trail (Street C); a north-south street through the middle of the development,with , a cul-de-sac on the north end and a stub for future extension to the south(Street A); and a second cul-de-sac near the south end of the development(Street B). At the time this report was , prepared,none of these streets had been named. The local streets are proposed to be constructed to"a width of 32 feet face-to-face with B-618 ' curb and gutter along Street C, and modified `S' (surmounta.ble) concrete curb and gutter along Street A and Street B. , The pavement section for all streets will be designed to accommodate a 7-ton axle load, and will consist of approximately four inches of bituminous and six inches of Class U aggregate base. All streets will be constructed over a sand base,with a minimum depth of two feet. , Figure Z in Appendix A shows the location of the proposed streets for the Connemara Crossing development. ' 4.2 Storm Sewer ' The proposed storm sewer improvements include the construction of lateral storm sewer to serve the road rights-of-way. The site storm sewer system will be designed for a 10-year rainfall event. , Stormwater will be routed in a manner consistent with Rosemount's Comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan(CSMP}. The proposed improvements will route all of the site ', stormwater to a new stormwater management pond being constructed by the property developer in the west-central portion of the property. From this pond, an emergency overflow outlet control structure and storm sewer is proposed to direct storm water to the north irito the existing ' storm sewer along Connemara Trail, and then north into City Regional Stormwater Management Pond No. KL-1687, located ixnmediately north of Connemara Trail. ' Figure 2 in Appendix A shows the location of the proposed storm sewer installation for the Connemara Crossing development. ' 4.3 Sanitary Sewer Sanitary sewer service for the Connemara Crossing development will be provided by extending ' an existing 8-inch PVC sanitary sewer stub south from Connemara.Trail. An 8-inch sanitary sewer stub will be extended to the southerly properly line for connection to future development. _' ' Feasibility Report Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements a»d Appurtenant Work ' City Project No.39l Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No.1556 32 Page 4 , Figure 2 in Appendix A shows the location of the proposed sanitary sewer for the Connemara ' Crossing development. 4.4 Watermain ' Water service will be extended from an 8-inch ductile iron pipe(DIP)watermain stub along Biscayne Avenue into the property, and then along the proposed streets. The 8-inch line will ' also be connected to an 8-inch watermain stub located along Connemara Trail,and also stubbed to the south for future development. These proposed improvements are in accordance with the � ' Rosemount Water Supply and Distribution Plan. Fire hydrants will be installed along City streets in accordance with City Standards. ' Figure 2 in Appendix A shows the location of the proposed watermain for the Connemara Crossing development. , 4.5 Private Utilities/Streetlights t Xcel Energy will provide electrical service to the development area,phone service will be provided by Frontier Communications, and gas service by Aquila. � Streetlights for the development will be incorporated into the private portion of the project and paid for by the developer. ' Overhead utility lines exist along the southern property line of the development. These utility lines are anticipated to remain in-place during construction. , 4.6 Sidewalks/Trails A 5-foot wide sidewalk will be constructed along the west side of Biscayne Avenue, frorn ' Connemara Trail south to the southerly property line of the proposed development, as well as along the south side of Street C, and along the west side of Street A, from Street C to the south property line of the development. ' An 8-foot wide bituminous trail will be constructed at the west end of Street B, extending west and north toward the proposed drainage area for pedestrian use and for maintenance access for ' the City's public vvorks department. A second 8-foot wide bituminous path will be constructed along the west edge of the property, extending from Connemara Trail south toward the proposed drainage area, and also extending to the western edge of the cul-de-sac of Street A. , Fi re 2 in A endix A shows the location of the ro osed sidewalks and trails within the � PP P P Connemara Crossing development. , ' � Feasibility Report Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work ' Cily Project No.391 Rosemouny Minnesota WSB Project No.1556-32 Page 5 , , 4.7 Permits/Approvals The anticipated permits and approvals that will be required and the respective regulatory , agencies are listed below: • Minnesota Department of Health(MDH)...........................................................Watermain ' • Minnesota Pollution Control A enc CA Sanitary Sewer g Y� }.. ......................................... • Metropolitan Council Environmental Services (MCES) .............................Sanitary Sewer , • Minnesota Pollution Control Agency(MPCA)..National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System(NPDES) General Storm-water Permit for Construction Activity (MN R100001) , The final plat requires approval by the Dakota County Plat Commission and Board of Commissioners. ' 4.8 Right-of-Way/Easements ' The proposed street rights-of-way for a11 public streets and a11 necessary easements across the proposed Connemara Crossing development will be dedicated by the developer as part of the final plat. ' , , ' ' ' - ' ' ' � Feasibility Repon Connemara Cmssing Street and Utility Improveirtents and Appurtenant Work , City Project No.391 Roseinount,�nnesota WSB Project No.1556-32 Page 6 , 5. FINANCING � 5.1 Estimated Costs ' The detailed Opinion of Cost can be found in Appendix B of this report. Construction Costs, Plat Fees and City Fees were for this project. Summaries of the project costs are as follows: ' Estimated Construction Costs—Connemara Crossing(Appendiz B) ' Streets $169,360 . Sanitary Sewer $'73,517 Watermain $65,128 ' Storm Sewer $66,610 10%Contingencies $37,460 Total Estimated Construction Costs $412,080 , � Estimated Plat Fees—Connemara Crossing(Appendiz C&D) , Pazk Dedication Fee $132,000 GIS Fee $2,420 City Sanitary Sewer Availability Charge $14,505 ' City Water Availability Charge $58,435 Stormwater Conveyance and Ponding Fees $�7,774 ' Total Estimated Developer Fees $285,134 Estimated City Fees—Connemara Crossing ' Engineering Fees(17%) $70,054 Attorney Fees(Lump Sum) $2,000 ' S%City Administration Fee $20,604 Street Lighting Energy Costs $720 Stceet Seal Coating Costs $3,330 , Total Estimated Ci Fees $96,708 tY ' Total Estimated Construction Costs and Fees—Connemara Crossing Total Estimated Conshuction Costs $412,080 ' Total Estimated Plat Fees $285,134 Tota1 Estimated Plat City Fees $96,708 ' Total Estimated Construction Costs and Fees $793,922 ' ' Feasibiltty Repon Connemara Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and fl ppurtenant Work ' City Project No.391 Rosemount,Minnesota WSB Project No,1556 32 Page 7 ' 5.2 Funding ' The cost for all public improvements will be funded by the developer,Basic Builders, Inc. There will be no City costs or oversizing costs related to this�development. The cost per lot for the 44 , townhouse lots is approximately$18,044 per lot. 6. PROJECT SCHEDULE , The proposed project schedule is as follows: , Order Feasibility Report........................................................................December 21, 2004 ' Receive Feasibility Report/Order Plans and Specifications....................January 18, 2005 Approve Plans and Specifications/Order Ad for Bids...................................March 1, 2005 ' , ReceiveBids....................................................................................................April 1,2005 ' Award Contract................................................................................................Apri15, 2005 Begin Construction...........................................................................................May 2,2005 ' Substantial Completion......................................................................... ......June 30,2005 ' Fina1 Lift of Bituxninous.............................................................................August 15,2006 ' 7: FEASIBILITY AND RECONIMENDATION , ' ` City Project No. 391 consists of the construction of street, sanitary sewer,watermain,storm sewer, and appurtenant work as necessary to construct the Connemara Crossing development. The proposed public utility improvements are in accordance with the City of Rosemou.nt's ' Comprehensive Plans. It is the recommendation of WSB &Associates, Inc., that City Project No. 391, Connemara ' Crossing Street and Utility Improvements and Appurtenant Work,is feasible,necessary, and cost-effective from an engineering standpoint. We recommend construction of the proposed improvements as detailed in this report. ' , , , Feasibility Report Connemara Crossing Sbeet and Uti[ity Imprnvements and Appurtenant Work , City Project No.391 Rosemount,�nnesota WSB Project No.1556 32 Page 8 ' , Opinion of Probable Cost ' WSB Projectr Connemara Crossing Design By: BDC Project Location: City of Rosemount Checked By: CEH City Project No.: 391 ' WSB Pro'ect No.: 1556-23 Date: 1/6/2005 Item MN/DOT Estimated Estiwated Total No. Specification No. Description Unit Total Quantity Unit Price Cost I A. SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS 1 2021.501 MOBILIZ?,TION LUMP SLTM 1 $7,300.00 57,300.00 ' 2 _ 2104.501 REMOVE CURB AND GLTI'fER LIN FT 145 54.50 5652.50 3 2104.501 REMOVE BITUMINOUS PAVEMENT SQ YD 40 S2.50 5100.00 4 2104.501 REMOVE DRAINAGE STRUCTURE EACH 1 5250.00 S250.00 ' S 2104.513 SAWII�TG BI'I�JMINOUS PAVEMENT(FCTLL DEPTI� L1N FI' 145 53.50 5507.50 6 2105.501 COMMON EXCAVATION CU YD 100 55.00 5500.00 7 2105.522 SELECT GRANLJLAR BORROW(C�(PLACEMENT) CU YD 700 53.00 5300.00 8 2105.525 TOPSOIL BORROW(Ll� CLT YD 280 59.00 52,520.00 , 9 2112.501 SUBGRADE PREPARATION ROAD STA 12.6 5200.00 52,520.00 10 2211.501 AGGREGATE BASE,CLASS 5(100%CRUSHED) TON 2,040 511.00' $22,440.00 11 2350.501 T'YPE LV 3 WEARING COURSE(C) TON 670 536.00 $24,120.00 ' 12 2350.502 TYPE LV 3 NON-WEARING COURSE(C) TON 670 535.00 $23,450.00 13 2357.502 BITUMINOUS MATERIAL FOR TACK COAT GALLON 280 52.00 S560.00 14 2502.541 4"PERF PVC PIPE DRAIN LIN F1' 300 510.00 53,000.00 ' 15 2521.501 6"CONCREI'E WALK SQ FT 7,400 53.75 527,750.00 16 2521.501 CONCRET'E PEDESTRIAN RAMP EACH 7 5550.00 $3,850.00 17 2521.604 2"BITUMINOUS PATH SQ YD 985 E14.00 S1Q990.00 18 2531.501 CONCRETE CURB&GUTI'ER,DESIGN B618 LIN Ff 660 58.00 $5,280.00 ' 19 2531.501 CONCRET'E CLJRB 8c GUTTER,DESIGN MODIFTED S LIN FT 2,050 58.25 S 16,912:50 20 2545.523 4"NON-METAI.I.IC COND[JIT LIN FT' 920 $6.00 54,320.00 21 2563.60t TRAFh'IC CONTROL LUMP SLJM 1 51,500.00 51,500.00 ' 22 2564.531 FBcI SIGN PANELS TYPE C SQ FI' 36.0 $25.00 5900.00 23 2564.602 F&I SIGN PANELS TYPE D EACH 6 $250.00 $1,500.00 24 25b4.603 12"SOLID LINE VVHITE(EPDXl� LIN FT 30 525.00 5750.00 25 2573.501 BALE CHECK EACH 35 56.50 522�.50 ' 26 2573.502 SIL.T FENCE,TYPE HEAVY DUTY LIN FT 200 $2.00 5400.00 27 2573.602 INLET PROTECTION EACH 6 560.00 5360.00 28 2575.501 SEEDING(INCL TOPSOII.,FERT,M[TI,CH,DISC ANCHOR) ACRE 035 SI,000.00 5350.00 , 29 2575.505 SODDING TYPE LAWN(INCL.TOPSOIL 8c FERT.) SQ YD 1,950 53.00 55,850.00 30 2575.523 EROSION CONTROL BLAIVKETS CATEGORY 3 SQ YD 100 52.00 S200.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE A-SURFACE IMPROVEMENTS $169,360.00 , B. SANITARY SEWER 31 2451.602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MATERIAL TON 33 52.00 $66.00 32 2503.603 CONNECT TO EX[STIIVG SANITARY SEWER EACH i 5800.00 5800.00 ' 33 2503.602 8"X 4"PVC WYE EACH 44 575.00 $3,300.00 34 2503.603 TELEViSING SAIVITARY SEWER LIN FI' 1,325 $1.00 51,325.00 35 2503.603 4"PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 26 LIN FI' 1,928 59.50 E16,416.00 , 36 2503.603 8"PVC PIPE SEWER SDR 35 LIN FT 730 520.00 S14,600.00 37 2503.603 8"PYC PIPE SEWER SDR 26 LIN FT 595 526.00 SI5,470.00 38 2503.603 8"OUTSIUE DROP LIN FI' 6.1 $400.00 52,440.00 , 39 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH S 5400.00 53,200.00 40 2506.603 CONST 48"DIA SAN SEWER MANHOLE LIN FT 106 5150.00 $15,900.00 SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE B-SANTfARY SEWER $73,517.00 ' ,, ' KW1556-32Wdmin\Feasibilityl0pinion of Probable Cost 1 Of 2 ' Opinion of Probable Cost ' WSB Project: Connemara Cmssing Design By: BDC Project Location: City of Rosemount Checked By: CEH ' City Project No.: 391 WSB Project No.: 1556-23 Date: 1/6/2005 Item MN/DOT Estimated Estimated Tohl No. Specification No. Description Unit Total Quantity Unit Price Cost , C. WATERMAIN 41 2504.602 Hl'DRANT EACH 4 52,000.00 $8,000.00 ' 42 . 2504.602 1"CORPORATION STOP EACH 44 $45.00 51,980.00 43 2504.602 6"GAT'E VALVE AND BOX EACH 5 $575.00 52,875.00 44 2504.602 8"GA1'E VALVE AND BOX EACH 3 $850.00 52,550.00 , 45 2504.602 1"CURB STOP&BOX EACH 44 SI00.00 $4,400.00 46 2504.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING WATERMAIN(8") EACH 2 5250.00 $500.00 47 2504.603 1"TYPE K COPPER PIPE LIN FT 1,791 58.00 514,328.00 48 2504.603 6"WATER MAIN-DUCT IItON CL 52 LIN Ff 345 518.00 56,210.00 ' 49 2504.603 8"WATER MAIN-DUCT IRON CL 52 _ LIN Ff 1,465 520.00 $29,300.00 50 2504.604 4"POLYSTYRENE INSULATION SQ YD I S 520.00 $300.00 51 2504.604 DUCTII,E IItON FITTINGS POiJND 1,790 51.50 $2,685.00 ' SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE C-WATERMAIN Sb5,128.00 D. STORM SEWER 52 2451.602 GRANULAR FOUNDATION MAT'ERIAL TON 30 52.00 560.00 , 53 2501.515 12"RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 $400.00 5400.00 54 2501.515 15"RC PIPE APRON EACH 3 5425.00 S 1,275.00 55 2501.515 18"RC PIf'E APRON EACH 1 $475.00 E475.00 ' S6 2501.602 TRASH GRATE FOR 15"RC PIPE APRON EACH 3 5250.00 5750.00 57 2501.602 TRASH GRATE FOR 18"RC PIPE APRON EACH 1 5350.00 5350.00 58 2503.541 12"RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V • LIN FP 210 $21.00 $4,410.00 ' S9 2503.541 15"RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL V LIN FP 565 $22.50 $12,712.50 60 2503.541 18"RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN FT 495 524.00 511,880.00 61 2503.541 24"RC PIPE SEWER DESIGN 3006 CL III LIN FT 175 E28.00 $4,900.00 62 2506.501 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES 48-4020 LIN Ff 46 $200.00 59,200.00 ' 63 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL 1(2'7c3'CB) EACH 5 $1,200.00 56,000.00 64 2506.502 CONSTRUCT DRAINAGE STRUCTURE DES SPECIAL 2 EACH 1 $5,000.00 55,000.00 65 2506.516 CASTING ASSEMBLY EACH 14 5400.00 S5,600.00 , 64 2506.602 CONNECT TO EXISTING STORM SEWER EACH 2 5750.00 _ $1,500.00 66 2511.501 RANDOM RIPRAP,CLASS N CU YD 22 585.00 51,870.00 67 251 I.515 GEOTEXTII,E FILTER,1'YPE IV SQ YD 45 55.00 5225.00 ' SUBTOTAL SCHEDULE D-STORM SEWER $66,610.00 Project Subtotat $314,620.00 ' +10%Contin encies $37 460.00 Connemara Crossing-Project Total $412,080.00 , ' ' ' K101 55 6-3 21AdmiMFeasibililyl0pinion of Probable Cost 2 Of 2 ' ' ' ' , , Connemara Crossing Opinion of Probable Cost Summary ' ' Schedule A Surface Improvements $169,360.00 Schedule B Sanitary Sewer $73,517.00 ' Schedule C Watermain $65,128.00 ' Schedule D Storm Sewer $66,610.00 ' SUBTOTAL $374,620.00 +10% Contingencies $37,460.00 ' Connemara Crossing Project Total $412,080.00 , ' ' , ' , Feasibility Report Cannemara Crossing Street and Utiliry Improvemenis and Appurtexant Work ' City Project No.391 Rosemount,�nnesota R'SB Project No.1556-32 ' _ IDEVELOPMENT FEES CALCULATIONS -CONNEMARA CROSSING ' Park Dedication Fees Appendix I-pg 9 Requirements: 1) 1/25 acre per unit dedicated to park space ' 2)$75,0001acre fee for no park dedication 44 Total Proposed Dwelling Units � 44 D.U.x 1/25 acre per D.U.x$75,000/acre=$132,000 $132,000 tGeog�nhic Information SXstems Fees(GIS) Appendix I-pg 4 Requirements: ' 1)$55.00 per Lot/Unit 44 Total Proposed Dwelling Units , 44 D.U.x$55.00 per D.U. _$2,420 required GIS Fee $2,420 , Trunk Sanitary Sewer Area Assessment Appendix I-pg 7 ' Requirements: 1)$1,045.00 per Acre 13.88 Acres Total Area , 13.88 Acres x$1,045.00 per Acre=$14,504.60 Trunk Sanitary Sewer Area Assessment $14,504.60 , Trunk Watermain Area Assessment Appendix I-pg 7 � Requirements: 1)$4;210�.00 per Acre 13.88 Acres Total Area ' 13.88 Acres x$4,210.00 per Acre=$58,434.80 Trunk Watermain Area Assessment $58,434.80 ' ' , ' ' Estimated Development Fees 1 of 2 ' ICITY FEES CALCULATIONS -CONNEMARA CROSSING ' Engineering Fees Engineering Fees are estimated at 17% of the total estimated construction costs. Estimated Engineering Fees include the preparation of the Feasibilty Report, Final Design, ' preparation of Construction Plans and Spec�cations, Construction Services and Material Testing.) Total estimated construction costs=$412,080 x 0.17=$70,054 Estimated Engineering Fee t $70,054 Attome�l Fees , Attorney fees are estimated at$2,000 for this project. ' C�Administration Fee - City Administcation Fees are 5%of the total estimated canstruction�costs. ' Actuai construction costs will be used when the final fee is collected. Total estimated construction costs=$412,080 x 0.05=$20,604 Estimated City 5%Administration Fee ' $20,604 Street Ljght Energy Costs , Street light energy costs are determined by the following equatiorr. Number of street lights in the development x$5.00/month/light x 24 months , Total number of street lights is estimated to be 6 for this development Street light energy cost=6 street lights x$5.00/month/light x 24 months=$720 ' $720 Street Seal Coating Costs ' Street Seal Coating Costs have been de#ermined to be$0:60 per square yard of new public roadways. Area of proposed public streets=5,550 Square Yards ' Street Seal Coating Costs=$0.60/S.Y. public streets x 5,550 S.Y. public streets=$3,330 $3,330 ' ' , , ' Estimated Development Fees 2 of 2 ' ' Development Name: Connemara Crossing ' Date of Plans: Date of Fee Calculation: 6 JANUARY 2005 ' 1.Tota1 site area(acres): 13.88 Acres , 2.Ponding azea to HWL(acres): Pond 1: 0.95 , Pond 2: 0 Pond 3: 0 ' Total ponding area(acres): 0.95 3.Floodplain area not included in ponding area(acres): 0 , 4.Tota1 wetland not included in ponding or floodplain area(acres): 0 5.Public park area (acres): 0 , 6. County and State road right-of-way area(acres): 0 7.Determine Net Developable Area: 13.88 Acres ' Equation:Net Developable Area=Item 1 —Item 2—Item 3—Item 4—Item S—Item 6 ' 12.93 Acres= 13.88-0.95-0-0-0-0 ' 8.Determine Total Lateral Trunk Conveyance Fee: 8a.Fee at Time of Final Plat 8b.Fee at Time of Building Permit ' Equation: (Item I.7)($6,015/acre)=Lateral Trunk Lateral Trunk Conveyance Fee Part 2: Conveyance Fee Part 1 (2005 Rate) Low Density Residential=$670/lot ' =j12.93 acres)($6,015/acre)—2005 Rates High Density Residential=$250/unit CommerciaUIndustrial and Other Land Uses=(Item _$77,774.00—2005 Rates I.7)($2,005/Net Developable Acre) ' Density=441ots/12.93 acres =3.401ots/acre (High Density Residential) , Fee=44 units g$250/unit—2005 R�tes _$ 11,000—2005 Rates ' ' ' K 101556-321AdminiFeasibilirylTrunk Storm Fee Calc.rtf ' ' ' 1.Is off-site ponding provided?If no,no fee required and skip y to Item 2. If es, ski to Item 3. Y N X t 2.Is on-site ponding oversized at the request of the City? If yes, skip to Section III. If no, enter$0 in Item II.4 and skip Y N X to Section V 3.Circle applicable fee scale: ' a. 1-31ots/acre: 2 675/lot $ , , b. Greater than 31ots/acre: $7,515/acre � c. Public/InstitutionaUCommerciaUIndustrial: $8,020/acre , 4.Determine Ponding Fee: Equation: (Item I.7)(Fee scale in Item 3)=Ponding Fee=$0.00 , ' l.On-site storage required(cubic yards): 2. On-site storage provided(cubic yards): ' 3.Excess storage provided: Equation: Item 3—Item 2=Excess cubic yards ' 4.Determine excess storage credit Equation: (Item 4)($1/cubic yard)=Excess storage credit ' S.Additional land required for pond(acres): 6.Determine excess land cost credit for pond ' Equation: (Item 6)($30,000/acre)=Excess land cost 7.Determine Total Ponding Credit ' Equallon: Item 4+Item 6= Total Ponding Credit ' 1.Determine total storm water ponding fee Equation: Item II.4—Item III.S=Total Storm Water Ponding Fee=$0.00 � , List any other considerations to be taken into account into the calculation of the fees: The fees for this analysis have been calculated using the current 2005 rates. ' ' K 101556-321AdminlFearibilitylTrunk Storm Fee Calc.rtf , ' ' 1.Determine Total Lateral Trunk Conveyance and Ponding Fee Fee at Time of Final Plat Fee at Time of Building Permit Equation:Item I.8a+Item N.1=Total Fee at Final Plat Equation:Item I.Bb=Total Fee at Building Permit ' 77 774.00—2005 Rates 11 000—2005 Rates $ � � � � Calculations performed bv Brian D.Connolly.E.I.T. Date Januarv 6.2005 ' ' ' , � ' ' � , ' ' ' � ' K 101556-321AdminlFeasibilitylTrunk Storm Fee Calc.rtf ' � � ,3,5� 5� w p132ND CT W � � � �...� I I 132ND ST W 13�ND 5T W � _..._""""- _. ...___i. . .___""_ ' ..I__'. . �.__ . 1 I I ' / i I � I � J i I 3��'P�,� l� I .l�' _I i . � � � � �� �'. � �)� ,� . . . ... . �I � '. ' _..__. , � � � � � � I— � P a . ___. � � �� __ �� �4iq . �I � �� �$ Fpq ' ��-�����- � � � �« a i �� � �asrN s1 w �`�' - i i �f�{ e h J ' � +�� Q� i � ` y. U3 r�. S J 3 � � , N ��� PROJECT SITE �e CONNEMARA TRL � � � � LOWER 138TH ST W CONNEMARA TRL � a o i3ani sr w � z BIRMMCHAM CT 138TH ST � � UPPER 138TH ST W � � a ,.p�� m m 739TH ST W¢ a �./ �7'. . � P � � �' Q "' a � � N a1" BELVEDERE CT W a a � �ry � �G I � � O �at Jt.u.h m 0 0 � i � � Q m . . . 140TH ST � � m m m - .".'_.� ..� 140TH 5T W m� .. ' � BELMONT CT � �v g�,� m2� �P �h g ' \ . y� � �...���,�, . BIRCH 5T W �� �� % , 142ND 5T W /� ! BELFqST CT � '. \ '���"�/.� Bf-�'E PSS SS� �,�.,.>' ' P .. _.�..�. ` $ �. -1�� � � BlO�MFIELD � ePN{PN QP'l� �M � � N I / j ' 143RD 5T W �� % t�`9 ./�� p0�� A C( �. ____ __._._.__� �' �EA � a 0 P Gt PZ � - w BEECH ST W 3' y �" ��� ...�,_.._ � a 0 4'�• y0�`'g8 W I I.._._.�.1 I I m 9'1'r,y 2 0P ' 9 e� /J\ � + I I CH / U T+ iasn{sr w iasn+sr w r � � i a i I, I } � I jj� _,. ' ia6tri sT w � iasm sr w m � � � � m a � a BIRCH 5T o m < PJ ' � � � � O a m � � BISCAYNE LOWER 147TH ST W a ���LO �� S� ��0 ' PROJECT LOCATION WSBProjectNo.01556-32 January18,2o05 - �,� 701 Xenia Avenue South,Suite 300 W�+ MinneaWp�olfVs�Mb 9 om CONNEMARA CROSSING �78 Figure Number I &Asso�' ''�RO SEMOUNT � �����7fi�541�800-Faz 763-541-1700 INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING CONSTRUCTION MiNNESOTA ' K:\0755G32\Cad\Exhibits\FIG_01.dwg,1/t0120051:7223 PM ' \ \ \ cq�q0 ' �'�N \ � A ' \�c/F�C _,_ —_ � �9��Rpq� � � � ��-� � ° � � .�� 4; � � ,� . �----�3, , \ � \ o so ,00 ' ; � � , t I Q � --�_- �' ' � \ r � � � \ \ � o ,� , - _ i / � _ ` ; � . � � o;, , � N I \ \ / % I 1 � � � t I f � .� -�-""�A��-.-...---_. \ 1' � � - - - � ' �_ ,. . . I _ � _ _ _ _ v� \ : .� � . � m , � '�,� � ,� ; jo o i j r�\�: ,,�. ' � + � -- -- -- � �'� \ - � � �o r -- -- �-- --, : -- i� --- --- ' ' CONNECT TO � .�,�_� -� i o � � EXISTING STORM SEWER �,� i � , . � , ,_,__ ,� o ; ; � '-� _ � CONNECT TO _ ,_, ,____,_,_�� � ' � _ --- i �'a s�'='>=y.�—� �.--� � �.,���_��� �._,���� � ' ;f E XI STI N G S AN I TAR Y SE WE R � �� 4+ o 5+a -+v �—�—�—,_� — ,_ ���i-1 i Q �' i i—i—i-1—Q—i—i—i—i—i 6i+00�_�_�_i_i_i � – � ��i� �� ] '�� � :f � ' '— � � CONNECT TO o , >_ ,�,_ i , , - -- _ , N �''_�—,_,_ > >�� , � i �—'''-� �' EXISTING WATERMAIN � -- ' /'` � � -- �-- �-- - � � -- --J ___� �-- ---� , ' I o ` J EXISTING CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER ;'����� �S� ��/ � o EXISTING WATERMAIN c-� � ± EXISTING STORM SEWER � ExisTiNc eiTMiNous TRni� / LEGEND: � EXISTING SANITARY SENlER �-1 EXISTIGN CONCRETE CURB AND GUTTER �-'—'—'—'—'—�—�—�—�—�—�—�� ExisriNc wnrERMniN � Q f — PROPOSED WATERMAIN - ; V' � �--- PROPOSED STORM SEWER _._..,. . _ :: , » _- , `''; h , / f--�- PROPOSED SANITARY SEWER ' -" -- -- — -- -- - - - - ` oo+-o - �- - _;;= _ ,o+oo - - --- 0 PROPOSED STREET CONSTRUCTION BISCAYNE AVENUE fEx�sT�N� STORM SEWER —,� � , � _ _` ,. 0 PROPOSED CONCRETE WALK ' `: - - .: ,, , ` — _ � � 0 PROPOSED BITUMINOUS TRAIL � � � • : ��� ._,. � ���`� r CONNECT TO EXISTING CONNECT TO EXISTING � �� �-�� '' -� ' EXISTING BITMINOUS TRAIL `a� - � , ��� WATERMAIN STORM SEWER ��� � �� ����, � 1 � �r � �� � � i � �.-� ��� x o' ' - —�� WSB Project No.01556-32 January 18,2005 701 Xenia Avenue South,Suite 300 C O N N E M A RA C R O S S I N G W�� Minnea��be gcom �RO SEMOUNT � STREET AND UTILITY IMPROVEMENTS Figure Number ' & Associates, Inc. MINNESOTA n ����76&541-4800-faz763-541-1700 L INFRASTRUCTURE ENGINEERING PLANNING CONSTRUCTION ' K:\0155632�Cad\Ezhibits\FIG_02.dvg,1/10/2005122:55 PM