HomeMy WebLinkAbout6.i Concurrence for Revocation-CSAH 48N CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: January 18, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: Concurrence for Revocation -CSAH 48 AGENDA SECTION: Consent PREPARED BY: Andrew J. Brotzler, P.E., City Engineer A ATTACHMENTS: Resolution, Letter, Map APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: MOTION TO ADOPT A RESOLUTION IN CONCURRENCE WITH DAKOTA COUNTY FOR REVOCATION OF DESIGNATION OF COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 48 WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT. ACTION: BACKGROUND: With the recent realignment of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 46 at the southern border of Rosemount and Coates at TH 52, there is a short segment of CSAH 48, shown on the attached map that Dakota County is planning to revoke as a county state aid highway. As noted in the attached letter from Dakota County staff, the construction of CSAH 46 has resulted in a decrease in traffic volumes on CSAH 48, such that the revocation and redesignation of the CSAH mileage to another county road will be more beneficial. The majority of CSAH 48 is within Coates, however there is a short segment that /z of the road is within Rosemount. Therefore, for the County to revoke the designation of CSAH 48, approval from the City is required. SUMMARY: Staff recommends that the City Council adopt a resolution concurring with the revocation designation of County State Aid Highway 48. CITY OF ROSEMOUNT DAKOTA COUNTY, MINNESOTA RESOLUTION 2005 A RESOLUTION IN CONCURRENCE WITH DAKOTA COUNTY FOR REVOCATION OF DESIGNATION OF COUNTY STATE AID HIGHWAY 48 WITHIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE CITY OF ROSEMOUNT WHEREAS, the County Board of the County of Dakota will adopt a resolution on January 25, 2005, revocating designation of County State Aid Highway No. 48 within the corporate limits of the City of Rosemount, as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of said County State Aid Highway No. 48 with the easterly right of way boundary of State Trunk Highway No. 52; thence easterly along said centerline as it transgresses through the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 115 North, Range 18 West and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 114 North, Range 18 West to its intersection with the northerly right of way boundary of new County State Aid Highway No. 46 and said line there terminating. Be, and hereby is revoked as a County State Aid Highway of said County subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota; and WHEREAS, the County engineer and Transportation Staff recommend that the road, as described as follows, should be designated as County Road 48; and WHEREAS, the County Board of the Commissioners has determined that the road as described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of the centerline of said County State Aid Highway No. 48 with the easterly right of way boundary of State Trunk Highway No. 52; thence easterly along said centerline as it transgresses through the southwest quarter of the southwest quarter, the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter, the southwest quarter of the southeast quarter and the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of Section 31, Township 115 North, Range 18 West and the northwest quarter of the northwest quarter, the northeast quarter of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the northeast quarter, and the northeast quarter of the northeast quarter of Section 6, Township 114 North, Range 18 West to its intersection with the northerly right of way boundary of new County State Aid Highway No. 46 and said line there terminating. Be, and hereby is revoked as a County State Aid Highway of said County subject to the approval of the Commissioner of Transportation of the State of Minnesota; and Be, and hereby is established, located, and designated a County Road. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the City Council of the City of Rosemount that said revision is in all things approved. ADOPTED this 18 day of January, 2005. CERTIFICATION I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a resolution presented to and adopted by the City Council of Rosemount at a duly authorized meeting thereof, held on the 18th day of January, 2005, as disclosed by the records of said City in my possession. (SEAL) Linda J. Jentink, Rosemount City Clerk William H. Droste, Mayor ATTEST: Linda Jentink, City Clerk Motion by: Voted in favor: Second Voted against: C 4e C O U N T r Transportation Department December 21, 2004 Mark J. Krebsbach. P.E. T an,p :ao ^e,nr; Mr. Andy Brotzler (-.m Engineer Rosemount City Engineer Dakota county 2875 -145 Street West Western Service Center Rosemount, MN 55068 -4997 14955 Galaxie .Avenue 3rd Fl= Apple Salle.. MN 55124 -8579 RE: Resolution of Concurrence for Revocation of County State Aid Highway (CSAH) 48 and Designation of County Road (CR) 48 in the City of Rosemount 952.891 7100 Fax 952 891 112 7 w co.dakotamn.us Dear Andy: Dakota County receives State Aid highway funds based on the following formula: 10% equalization distribution, 10% motor vehicle registration, 30% CSAH lane miles, and 50% CSAH money needs. CSAH money needs ("needs') are the estimated cost to improve the County's designated CSAH system from the existing condition to appropriate State Aid standards. Currently, CSAH 48 (160` Street) in the cities of Coates and Rosemount is drawing "needs" for the Dakota County Highway system. The 50% CSAH "Needs" are based on projected future 2025 traffic volumes and the corresponding roadway design for that volume of traffic. With the new CSAH 46 roadway and overpass at TH 52 completed, traffic volumes on CSAH 48 have decreased. The Dakota County Transportation Department would like to revoke CSAH status on this road and designate it as a County Road (CR). It is beneficial to Dakota County to designate another roadway (with a higher traffic volume) as a CSAH and be able to draw greater "needs This roadway will continue to be maintained by Dakota County at the existing level of service. In the future, if this County Road is to be turned back to the cities, it will still require an executed agreement between each city and the County Board according to Policy M.10 of the Dakota County 2025 Transportation Plan. At this time, I am requesting that the City of Rosemount consider passing a resolution of concurrence for the revocation of CSAH 48 and designation of CR 48 from Trunk Highway 52 to CSAH 46 within the City of Rosemount. I have enclosed a sample resolution for your convenience. If you have any questions or concerns, please call me at 952.891.7090 and I will be glad to discuss them with you. Sincerely, i i(i Holly A derson Principal Engineering Specialist Encl. Sample Resolution of Concurrence Location Map Ca n ca Attachment A evocation of CSAH 48 )csignution of C'R 48 ROSEMOUNT 46) VERWLLION Revocation of CSAH 48 Designation of CR 48 ;6 OAT E S