HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a. Resident Survey/Decision ResourcesCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Meeting Date March 9, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: Resident Survey /Decision Resources AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Jamie Verbrugge, City Administrator AGENP t 2 ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Information only. No action requested ACTION: ISSUE Presentation of results of the 2005 resident attitudinal survey. BACKGROUND The City Council previously directed staff to retain Decision Resources Ltd to conduct a community survey of residents' opinions related to City services, quality of life, and important community issues This continues the City's practice of surveying its residents every two years to track citizen satisfaction, also done in 2003 and 2001 It is especially important for a growing community to continually monitor issues as new residents move into the community Decision Resources has completed the field work for the survey and is currently tabulating results The results were not available at the time this agenda was prepared SUMMARY Dr William Morris of Decision Resources will be present the survey findings to Council The survey information will be very useful to the Council as goals and priorities are established for 2005 -2006 DECISION RESOUR.CES, LTD. 24Q5 CITY 4F ROSEMOUNT 3128 Dean Court RESIDENTIAL QUESTIONNAIRE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 January, 2005 Hello, I�m of Decision Resources, Ltd. , a nationwide polling firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Rosemount to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because your city representatives and staff are interested in �our opin- ions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUS�) 1. Approximatel� how many years LESS THAN ONE YEAR. . . . .5a have you lived in Rosemount? ONE OR TWO YEARS . . . . . . . 7� THREE TO FIVE YEAR.5. . .24� SIX TO TEN YEARS. . . . . .21� ' ELEVEN - TWENTY YRS. . .24� TWENTY - THIRTY YRS. . .10� OVER THIRTY YEARS. . . . . .9� REFUSLD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0$ 2 . In what city and/or state were you located immediately prior to your residence here? ALWAYS ROSEMOUNT, 20; MINNEAP4LIS, 6°s; SAINT PAUL, 3�; OUT OF STATF, 18$; OUTSTATE MINNESOTA, 8�; EAGAN, 12�; APPLE VALLEY, 14$; BURNSVILLE, 7�; INVFR GRUVE HFIGHTS, 6�; LAKEVILLE, 3�; BLOOMINGTON/RICHFIPLD, 4�; FARMINGTON, 3�; SOUTH ST. PAUL, 3�; REST OF METRO, 8°s; EDEN PR.AIRIE, 2�; HASTINGS, 2$. 3 . Thinking back to when you moved to Rosemount, what factors were most important to you in selecting this location? UNSURE, 2�; ALWAYS HERF, 20; LOCATION, 8°s; SCHQOLS, 22g; SMALL TOWN FEEL, 12�; RUR.AL/OPFN SPACE, 5�; FAMILY AND FRIENDS, 8�; JOB, 140; NEIGHBORHOOD/HOUSING, 13�; AFFORD- ABLE, 130; SCATTERED, 1%. 4 . As things stand now, how long in LESS THAN TWO YEARS. . . .6� the future do yau expect to live TWO TO FIVE YEARS. . . . .13� in Rosemount? SIX TO TEN YEARS. . . . . .14� OVER TEN YEARS. . . . . . . .59� DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . . 9� 5 . How would �rou rate the quality of EXCELLENT. . . . . . . . . . . . .39� life in Rosemount -- excellent, GOOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54� good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7$ POOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ls DON'T KNOWjREFUSED. . . . . 0� 1 6. What do you like MOST, if anything, about living in Rose- mount? o , UNSURE, 6�; LOCATIQN, 22s; SCHOOLS, 70 ; SMALL TOWN FEEL, 32�; RURAL/OPEN SPACE, 5%; QUI$T AND PEACEFUL, 7$; FRIENDLY PEOPLE, 100; NEIGHBORHOOD/HOUSING, 6�; DOWNTOWN AREA, 20; SCATTERED, 40. 7 . What do you think is the most serious issue facing Rosemount today? UNSURE, 11�; NOTHING, 3�; T00 MUCH GROWTH, 38�; NEED M4RE BUSINESSES, 9�; TAXES, 7$; TRAFFIC, 8�; CRIME, 5g; CROWDED SCHOOLS, 4�; DOWNTOWN REDFVELOPMENT, 100; CITY GOVPRNMENT, 30; RUNDOWN PROPERTIFS, 2$; SCATTERED, 2's. When residents are asked what comes to mind when they think of their communities, many things can occur to them. Minneapolis residents think of the lake system, Stillwater residents think of their riverfront, and Saint Paul residents think of the State Capitol. 8 . What image comes to mind when you think about the City of Rosemount? UNSURE, 9�; NOTHING, 130; SMALL TOWN, 19$; PARKS, 4�; DOWNTOWN, 4$; IRISH, 12�; RURAL, 12�; KOCH REFINERY, 30; GROWTH, 6%; SCH04LS, 6$; RAILRpADfTRAINS, 2�5; FRIFNDLY PEOPLE, 50; SCATTERED, 6�', 9 . How would you rate the general FXCELLENT. . . . . . . . . . . . .23$ sense of community among Rosemount GOOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .590 residents -- excellent, good, only ONLY FAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . .15� fair or poor? POOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2� DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .20 IF A RESPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: (N=392) 10 . Wh�r do you feel that way? UNSURE, 14%; FRIENDLY PEOPLE, 38s; STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY, 11�; TOO MUCH GROWTH, 8's; GOOD COMMUNITY EVENTS, 9°s; COMMUNITY DIVIDED B� INCOME LEVELS, 50; SMALL T4WN, 5�; COULD IMPROVE, 5�; RESIDENTS DON'T CARE, 2%; SCATTERED, 3�. il. What things could be done to improve the sense of conununity in Rosemount? UNSURE, 31�; NOTHING, 17$; MORE NEIGHBORHOOD EVENTS, 40; FIX DOWNTOWN AREA, 12a; MORE COMMI?NITY EVENTS, 9$; ATEED COMMUNITY GATHERING AREA, 7�; BETTER CITY GOVERNMENT, 4$; STOP GROWTH, 4�; BETTER C�MMUNICA- TION, 6�; MORE CITY OUTREACH, 30; SCATTERED, 4$ . 2 12 . Now which of the following state- STATEMENT A. . . . . . . . . . .34s ments comes closest to your STATEM�NT B. . . . . . . . . . .43% feelings? STAT�MENT C. . . . . . . . . . .21� A. I feel a real tie to the entire NONE (VOL. ) . . . . . . . . . . . .1� Rosemount community. DON'T KNOWfREFUS�D. . . . .2g B. I have strong ties ta my neigh- borhood., but weak ties to the rest of Rosemount. C. I have neither strong ties to my neighborhood nor the comm- unity as a whole. 13 . In �ahich neighborhood in the City of Rosemount do you live? UNSURF, 11�; NEIGHBORHOOD NAMED, 48�; SOMETHING ELSE NAMED, 41v. Moving on. . . . . 14. How important do you think it is VERY IMPORTANT. . . . . . . .26� to the quality of life in a com- SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT. . . .46� munity to have a strong arts and NOT T00 IMPORTANT. . . . .20� cultural presence, such as music NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT. . .7� programs and men.toring, theater, DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .1$ and art works, such as paintings and sculpture -- very important, somewhat important, not too im- portant, or not at all important? 15 . What types of arts activities, if any, do you and other household members regularly participate in? NONE, 39$; THEATERjPLAYS, 21�; CONCERTSjMUSIC, 22�; ARTS AND CRAFTS, 10$; MUSEUMS, 4$; DANCE, 2�; SCATTERED, 2�. IF "NONE, " ASK: (N=154) 16. Could �rou tell me one or two reasons why you and other members of your household do not regularly participate in arts activities? UNSURE, 70; NO INTFREST, 45�; NOT AWARE OF, 12$; NO TIME, 21�; AGE AND HEALTH, 11�; SCATTFRED, 3$. Many communities host arts and creative activities, such as local art and ghotography shows, local music and drama groups, as well as crafts groups and classes, in which residents may actively participate. 17. Other than school-related program- YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .670 ming, do you feel there are enough NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22� facilities and programs to meet DEPENDS ON TYPE. . . . . . . .2� your household needs? DON�T KN4W/REFUSED. . . . . 9� 3 18. How much, if anything, would you NOTHING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .370 be willing to pay in additional $10 .Q4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13� property taxes per year to operate $20 .Q0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15� and maintain a cultural facility $30 .OQ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 in Rosemount containing a theater, $40 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4� as well as music and arts class- $50 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9� rooms and exhibits? Let' s say, $60 .00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 would you be willing to pa� an ad- DON�T KNOW. . . . . . . . . . . . .5� ditional $ per year? (CHOOSE REFUSED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0� A RANDOM STARTING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON ANSWER� How about $ per year? (REPEAT PROCESS} 19. All in all, do you think things in RIGHT DIRECTION. . . . . . .74� Rosemount are generally headed in WRONG TRACK. . . . . . . . . . .18� the right direction, or do yau DON'T KNOW/REFUS£D. . . . .9� feel things are off on the wrong track? IF A RFSPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: (N=366} 20 . Could you tell me why you feel that way? UNSURE, 3%; TOO MUCH GROWTH, 10$; GROWTH IS WELL PLANNED, 37$; NO PROBLEMS, 10�; COUNCIL IS DOING A GOOD JOB, 15$, IMPROVING DOWNTOWN, 10�; COUNCIL LISTENS, 2�; LOSING SMALL TOWN FEEL, 5�; COUNCIL DOESN'T LISTEN, 5$; GOOD SCHOOLS, 2$; LOSING BUSI- NESSES, 2�. I would like to read you a list of characteristics of a communi- ty. For each one, please tell me if you think Rosemount currentl�r has too many or too much, too few or too little, or about the right amount. (ROTATE LIST} MANY FFW/ ABOUT D.K.j MUCH LIT'T RIGHT REF. 21. Affordable rental units? 80 190 37� 36� 22 . Luxury rental units? 9� 150 31� 46�5 23 . Condominiums? 14s 12� 470 27$ 24. Townhouses? 28� 7� 51� 14� 25 . Starter homes for young families? 3g 50a 390 9� 26 . "Move up" housing? 5� 230 62's lls 27 . Higher cost housing? 270 130 540 7� 28 . Senior housing? 20 380 39g 21g 29. Affordable housing, defined by the Metropolitan Council as a single family home costing less than $193, 700? 2g 560 31� 11g 30 . Parks and open spaces? 4's 27 0 68� 2`s 31. Trails and bikeways? 2% 43% 44$ 100 32 . Service establishments? 20 45s 47°s 7� 33 . Retail shopping opportunities? 20 690 28� lo 4 MANY FEW/ ABOUT D.K./ MUCH LITT RIGHT RFF. 34. Entertainment establishments? 20 60� 360 2% 35 . Dining establishments? 3� 78g 19a lo 36. Da�r care opportunities? 40 11� 350 500 37 . Do �rou think noise from trains, MAJOR PROBLEM. . . . . . . . .14� such as whistles, is a major pro- MIN�R PROBLEM. . . . . . . . .35$ blem in the community, a minor NOT A PROBLEM. . . . . . . . .51� probletn or not a problem at all? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .1°s Moving on. . . 38. Do you think the pace of commer- TOO RAPID. . . . . . . . . . . . . 10� cial and retail development in the ABOUT RIGHT. . . . . . . . . . .51°S city has been tao rapid, about NOT FAST ENOUGH. . . . . . .37� right, or not fast enough? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .2� 39. And, do yau think the pace of T00 RAPID. . . . . . . . . . . . .51% residential development in the ABOUT RIGHT. . . . . . . . . . .46s city has been too rapid, about NOT FAST ENOUGH. . . . . . . .3� right, or not fast enough? DON'T KNOWjREFUSED. . . . .10 As I read the following statements about residential and business development, please answer ��yes" or ��no. " YES NC? DKR 40. There is a good mix of business and residential development in the City. 500 470 30 41. During the past few years, the appear- ance and maintenance of business pro- perties has improved. 680 26% 6� 42 . Residents have adequate opportunity to make their feelings known about pro- posed development or redevelopment projects. 75°s 16� 90 43 . There is sufficient open and natural space in the communit�r. 67 0 310 3 0 As you know, schools grade students on a scale from A to F, including pluses and minuses. 5 44 . Using this scale, please give an A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .&o overall rating to development in A- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2s the City of Rosemount? B+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11� B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36� B- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 C+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6� C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19� C- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4� D+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1$ D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 D- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0� F+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q� F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lo NO ANSWER. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3$ On another topic. . . . 45 . Beyond the current offerings in Downtown Rosemount, what other types of services would you like to see offered there? UNSURE, 10$; SMALL RETAIL SHOPS, 31$; SITDOWN RESTAURANTS, 220; "BIG BOX" STORES, 50; PARK, 2�; NOTHING, 9�; LI- BRARY, 7$; SERVICE BUSINESSES, 8�; MOVIE THEATER, 2$; MEDICAL FACILITY, 2$; SCATTERED, 30. 46 . Would you support or oppose the STRONGLY SUPPORT. . . . . .54� acquisition of land in the commun- SUPPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .26� ity for preservation as open space OPPOSF. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8� or green space areas? (WAIT FOR STRONGLY OPPOSE. . . . . . . .6� RESPONSE� Do you feel strongly DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .50 that way? 47. Would you support or oppose a STRONGLY SUPPORT. . . . . .270 property tax increase to acquire SUPPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .280 land for preservation as open and OPPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14� green space areas? (WAIT FOR RE- STRONGLY OPPOSE. . . . . . .21� SPONSE) Do you feel strongly that DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . .10� way? As you may know, propert� taxes are divided between the City of Rosemount and various other units of local government. Thinking about the amount going to the City. . . . 48 . Do you think the city partion of VERY HIGH. . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 your progerty taxes, which funds SOMEWHAT HIGH. . . . . . . . .14g City services in Rosemount is very ABOUT AVERAGE. . . . . . . . .46� high, somewhat high, about average SOMEFTHAT LOW. . . . . . . . . . .30 somewhat low or very low in com- VERY LOW. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1� parison with nearby suburban com- DON�T KNOW/REFUSED. . . .280 munities? I would like to read you a list of a few city services. For each one, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? � 6 EXC GOO FAI P00 DKR 49. Police protection? 370 520 8a 1� 2� 50. Fire protection? 340 54$ 5� l0 80 51. Storm drainage and flood control? 16� 56� 11� 7� 9� 52 . Park maintenance? 25% 54% 15a 2� 4� 53 . City-sponsored recreation programs? 22% 48� 13� 4� 14� 54 . Animal control? 140 53� 150 5� 13� 55 . Quality and taste of drinking water? 13� 49� 17$ 14a 8� Now, for the next three city services, please consider only cit�- maintained street and roads . Do not consider state and county roads, which are taken care of by other levels of government. How would you rate. . . . EXC GOO FAI POO DKR 56 . City street repair and maintenance? 17� 61� 18g 4� 1� 57. Snow plowing? 24� 520 190 5� 1� 58 . Street lighting? 15� 53� 230 8� lo 59. When you consider the property EXCELLENT. . . . . . . . . . . . .150 taxes you pay and the quality of GOOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .66� city services you receive, would ONLY FAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . .15� you rate the general value of city POOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3� services as excellent, good, only DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .20 fair, or poor? 60. Would you favor or oppose an in- FAVOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .530 crease in city property taxes, OPPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .40a if it were needed to maintain DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .7� city services at their current level? 61. Would �ou favor or oppase a FAVOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .360 property tax increase to expand or OPPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .56g improve city services? DON�T KNOWjREFUSED. . . . .80 IF "FAVOR, " ASK: (N=143) 62 . What city services would you be willing to pay higher property taxes to expand ar improve? UNSURE, 21$; STREET MAINTENANCE, 25�; FIRE, 8�; POLICE, 15�5; DRINKING WATER, 3$; PARI�S AND RECREA- TION, 140; STREET LIGHTING, 6$; BUSINESS DEVFsLOPMENT, 8s. Thinking about another topic. . . . 7 63 . Do you generally feel safe in your YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99� home? NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1� DON'T KNOW/REFUS�D. . . . .0� 64 . And, do �ou generally feel safe YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87� walking in your neighborhood alone NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8� at night? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .6� 65 . What do you consider to be the most serious crime issue in Rosemount? (READ LIST} VANDALISM AND PROPERTY DAMAGE. . . . . . . . . . . . .34$ BURGLARY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6� SHOPLIFTING AND THEFT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4$ DRUGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17a GANGS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1$ TRAFFIC VIDLA.TIONS AND SPEEDING. . . . . . . . . . .21$ DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3s ASSAULTS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1$ NONE (VOL. } . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5$ DON'T KNOWfREFUSED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9� 66 . How would you rate the amount of TOO NNCH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1� police patrolling in your neigh- ABOUT RIGHT AMOUNT. . . . 70a borhood -- too much, about the NOT ENOUGH. . . . . . . . . . . .290 right amount or not enough? DON�T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .ls Again, as I read the following statements, please answer "yes" or "no. " YES NO DKR 67. This neighborhood is a good place to raise children. 97� 30 1� 58 . People have pride and ownership in our neighborhood. 96� 40 1� 69. I feel a part of my neighborhood. 920 7� 1� 70. Business and residential neighbor- hoods are enjoyable and stable places to live, work and recreate in Rosemount. 95g 4� 2� 71. I have recently or plan to sign- ficantl�r remodel my residence in the next couple of years. 32% 68� Qo 8 72 . Using the scale of A to F, in- A. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .270 cluding pluses and minuses, please A- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10% give an overall rating to your B+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21� neighborhood? B. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25� B- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6s C+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 C. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .6% C- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2� D+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0� D. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1% D- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Q% F+. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0� F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0� NO ANSWER. . . . . . . . . . . . . .0$ As you may know, the Community Groups in Rosemount offer a wide variety of neighborhood activities or events, such as Leprechaun Days. 73 . Have you or household members YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .73� participated in Leprechaun Days NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27� during the past two �ears? DON�T KNOWfREFUSED. . . . .0� 74. Have you or household members participated in any other neighborhood events or activities during the past two years? (IF ��YES, " ASK: ) Which ones? UNSURE, 2%; N0, 500; BLOCK PARTIES, 25�; NATIQNAL NIGHT OUT, 60; EASTER EGG HUNT, 3�; HALLOWFsEN EVENTS, 4�; CONCERTS IN THE PAR.K, 3�; JULY FOURTH, 2°s; WINTER CARNI- VAL, 2$; SCATTFRED, 4$. Continuing. . . . The Rosemount park system is composed of larger community parks and smaller neighborhood parks, trails, and community ballfields. Of these facilities, which have you or members of your household used during the past year? YES NO DKR 75 . Larger community parks? 590 41� 0% 76. Smaller neighborhood parks? 760 240 0°� 77 . Trails? 530 4?$ Oo 78. Community ballfields? 43� 57� Qg 79 . Have you or members of your house- YEsS. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .39� hold participated in any City NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .61s park and recreation programs? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . . lo IF "YES, " ASK: (N=154} 9 80 . Which ones? UNSURE, 3$; BASEBALLjS4FTBALL, 29�; SOCCER, 10�; AAA, Z6�; PUPPETS IN THE PARK, 60; SWIMMING, 6s; BASKETBALL, 50; SUNIl�lER PROGRAMS, 15�; SKATING, 5°s; SCATTERFD, 7�. 81. Were you satisfied or dis- SATISFIED. . . . . . . . . . . . . 97g satisfied with your exper- DISSATISFIED. . . . . . . . . . .1� ience? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .1� 82 . Do y�ou or members of your household currently Zeave the city for park and recreation facilities or activities? {IF "YES, " ASK: ) What would that be? NO, 56%; SWINIl�lING, 3�; FISHING, 2�; CAMPING, 3%; TR.AILS/ HIKING, 9a; BOATING, 4�� WATFsRPARK, 3�; ATHLFTIC FIFsLDS, 7$; DOG PARK, 2°s; SKIING, 2$; OTHER CITY' S PARKS, 4s; OTHER COMMUNITY EVENTS, 2�; SCA'I�!'ERED, 4$. There have also been discussions about the construction of a larger athletic complex in the community. Facilities that ma.y be included are soccer fields, baseball fields, softball fields, football fields, and tennis courts. 83 . Would you support or oppose the STRONGLY SUPPORT. . . . . .310 construction and operation of a SUPPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29� large athletic eomplex in the City OPPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16� of Rosemount? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) STRONGLY OPP�SE. . . . . . .17� Do you feel strongly that way? DON�T KNOW/RFFUSED. . . . . 7� 84 . Would you support or oppose a STRONGLY SUPPORT. . . . . .16� property tax increase to acquire SUPPORT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .230 land for a large athletic complex? OPPOSE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20� (WAIT FOR RESPONSE} Do you feel STRONGLY OPPOSE. . . . . . .34� strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .8� 85. How mu.ch would you be willing to NOTHING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54� pay in additional property taxes $4Q .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24� for the construction of a large $80 .00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7� athletic complex? How about $ $120.40. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6� per year? (CH04SE A R.ANDOM START- $160.00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1� ING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN D£PEND- $20Q .00. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0$ ING ON RESPONSE) How about $ DON'T KNOW. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8� per year? (REPEAT PROCESS) REFUSED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1% I would like to read �rou a list of faciZities which could be constructed by the City of Rosemount . Keeping in mind that the construction af each facility would require a property tax in- crease for EACH, please tell me if you would strongly support the city constructing that facility, somewhat suppart, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose the city constructing that facility. 10 STS SMS SMO STO DKR 86 . An aquatic center? 180 41� 22% 17� 2� 87, A Senior Center? 23� 48� 170 8� 40 88 . A Youth Center? 29� 49� 13� 7� 30 89. A second sheet of ice? 9� 23� 27� 32s 9� 90. Are there any other additional services beyond those cur- rently offered you would like to see the City of Rosemount provide? UNSURE, 6$; NOTHING, 73�; LIBR.ARY, 5�; MORE TRAILS, 2�; FITNESS CENTER, 3�; GOLF COURSE, 2%; MORE ATHLETIC FIELDS, 2$; SCATTERED, 70. Moving on. . . . 91. Do you leave the City of Rosemount NO/WORK IN ROSEMOUNT. .16�5 on a regular or daily basis to go NOT FMPLOYED/RETIRED. .14� to work? {IF "YES, " ASK: ) How YES/5 MINUTES OR LESS. .3� many minutes does it take you to YES/6 TO 10 MINUTES. . . .6s get to work? {IF ��NO, " ASK: ) Do YES/11 TO 15 MINUTES. . .9� you work in Rosemount? YES/16 TO 20 MINUTES. .17� YES/21 TO 25 MINUTES. . . 8$ YES/26 TO 30 MINUTES. . .5$ YFsS/OVER 30 MINUTES . . .220 DON'T KNOW/REFUSFsD. . . . .1$ 92 . Have you used public transgorta- YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19� tion during the past two years? NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81� DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .Oo 93 . How likely would you be to use VERY LIKFLY. . . . . . . . . . .120 public transportation if a park- SOMEWHAT LIKELY. . . . . . .15� and-ride facility for bus service NOT T00 LIKELY. . . . . . . . 16% were constructed in the City of NOT AT ALL LIKELY. . . . .56a Rosemount -- very likely�, somewhat DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .2� likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? Changing topics. . . . 94 . Other than voting, do you feel YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .770 that if you wanted to, you could NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .19� have a say about the way the City� DON�T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .5� of Rosemount runs things? IF "N0, " ASK: (N=76) 95 . Why do you feel you cannot have a say? UNSURE, 110; DON'T LISTEN, 49�; DON'T KNOW HOW, llo; DON'T ASK FOR INPUT, 18$; NOT INTERESTED, WILL VOTE, 120 . 11 96 . How much da you feel you know GR�AT DEAL. . . . . . . . . . . . .4g about the work of the Mayor and FAIR ANlOUNT. . . . . . . . . . .37� Cit� Council -- a great deal, a �ERY LITTLE. . . . . . . . . . ,57� fair amount, or very little? DON'T KNOW/REFUS�D. . . . .2% 97 . From what you know, do you ap- STR4NGLY APPROVE. . . . . .20� prove or disapprove of the job SOMEWHAT APPROVg. . . . . .510 the Mayor and City Council are SOMEWHAT DISAPPROVE. . . .8� doing? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And do STRONGLY DISAPPROVE. .-. .40 you feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . .17� 98. How much first-hand contact have QUITE A LOT. . . . . . . . . . . .6� yau had with the Rosemount City SOME. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30� staff -- quite a lot, some, very VERY LITTLE. . . . . . . . . . .39� very little, or none at all? NONE AT ALL. . . . . . . . . . .25� DON'T KNOWfREFUSED. . . . . 1� 99 . From what you have seen or heard, EXCELLENT. . . . . . . . . . . . .18� how would you rate the job per- GOOD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53� formance of the Rosemount City ONLY FAIR. . . . . . . . . . . . .18� staff -- excellent, good, only POOR. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3� fair, or poor? DON�T KNOW/REFUSED. . . .10� 100 . During the past year, have you YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54� visited or contacted Rosemount NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .460 City Hall in person, or on the DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . . 0� telephone? IF "YES, " ASK: (N=216) 101. On your last contact with the POLICE DEPARTMENT. . . . . 16� Cit�r, which Department did FIRE DEPARTMENT. . . . . . . .10 you contact -- the Police De- WATER AND SEWER. . . . . . . .7� partment, Fire Department, PLANNING. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11� Water and Sewer, Planning, PAR.K MAINTENANCE. . . . . . .3� Park Maintenance, Street STREET MAINTENANCE. . . . .5� Maintenance, Building Inspec- BUILDING INSP$CTIONS. .14% tions, Engineering, Deputy ENGINEERING. . . . . . . . . . . .20 Registrar for License Ser- DEPUTY REGISTRAR. . . . . .15� vices, Community Center, Rec- C4MMUNITY CENTSR. . . . . . .1� reation Serviees, General In- RECREATION SERVICES. . . .30 formation Desk, or Adminis- GFNERAL INFORNlATION. . .150 tration/City Council? ADMIN/CITY COUNCIL. . . . .7� DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .1� Thinking about your last contact with the City, for each of the following characteristics, please rate the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor. . . . 12 EXC GOC? FAI POO DKR 102 . Waiting time for the City Receptionist to respond to you? 55� 390 1� 1g 3� 103 . Courtesy of the City Recep- tionist? 57� 36� 3� 1� 30 104 . Fase of reaching a City Staff member who could help you? 48� 380 8� 30 3� 105 . Courtesy of the City Staff? 56� 370 4� 2� 1°s 1�6 . Efficiency of the City Staff? 44°s 42� 7� 3% 40 Maving on. . . . 107 . What is your principal source of information about Rosemount City Government and its activities? (PROBE) UNSURE/NONE, 2�; TOWN PAGES, 22�; ROSEMOUNT CITY NEWS, 8�5; WORD OF MOUTH, 9�� MAILINGS, 4�; SUN CURRSNT, 3�; THIS WEEK, 5�; CABLE TELEVISION, 6�; INTERNET, 6�; LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, 350; SCATTERED, 2$. 108 . How would you prefer to receive information about Rosemount City Government and its activities? UNSURE/NONE, 2�; TOWN PAGES, 14�; ROSSMOUNT CITY NEWS, 19$; NIAILINGS, 12�; SUN CURRENT, 2%; THIS WEEK, 5°s; CABLE TELEVISION, 4$; INTERNET, 140; LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, 25�; SCATTERED, 30. For each of the following items, please tell me whether it is a major source, minor source or no source at all about Rosemount news, activities, events or Cit�r policies? MAJ MIN NOT DKR 109 . '�Rosemount Town Pages" newspaper? 56� 22� 19's 3� 110 . "This Week" newspager? 420 30� 24� 4� 111. "Rosemount Sun Current" newspager? 280 35� 31� 6$ 112 . Cable Television? 150 32$ 51p 3% 113 . ��The Rosemount City News, �� the city' s newsletter? 40� 38� 19� 3� 114 . City mailings? 390 43°s 16$ 3� 115 . Co-workers/Neighbors? 26s 49� 24°s 2% 116 . Daily newspapers? 21% 430 34� 2� 117 . Internet? 19� 32� 44� 5� 118 . Do �rou or any household members YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .690 regularly read the Cit�r' s news- NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29� letter, "The Rosemount City News?" DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .2� 119 . Does your househald currently sub- YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .65� scribe to cable television? NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350 REFUSFsD. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q$ 13 IF "YES, " ASK: (N=260) As you may know, the City currently cablecasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings. 120. How often do you watch City FREQUENTLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . 7� Council or Planning Commis- OCCASIONALLY. . . . . . . . . .20� sion meetings -- frequently, RARELY. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .27� occasionally, rarely, or NEVER. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47� never? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .Oo 121. Do you have access to the Internet HOME ONLY. . . . . . . . . . . . .33� at home? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do WORK ONLY. . . . . . . . . . . . . .4% you have access to the Internet BOTH. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54$ at work? NEITHER. . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .0& IF "YES, " ASK: (N=360} 122 . Have you accessed the Cit�' s YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54g web site? NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .44� D�N'T KNOW/REFUSPD. . . . . 1� IF "YES, " ASK: (N=196) 123 . Were you able to find YES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .88a what �rou were looking NO. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10% for? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .20 124 . What information would you like to see on the Cit�r of Rosemount' s web site? UNSURE, 350; NONE, 23�; GENERAL INFORMATION, 5°s; PARKS AND RECREATION, 50; COMMUNITY EVENTS, 11$; CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 6�; PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, 8$; CODES AND ORDINANCES, 3�, PUBLIC FORUM, 2$; SCAT- TERED, 30 . I would like to read you a list of potential on-line servic- es which could be offered by the city. For each one, please tell me if you would be very interested in the service, somewhat interested, not too interested or not at all inter- ested in the service. VRI SMI NTI NAA DKR 125 . An e-mailed newsletter? 27� 330 11� 28% lo 126. Park and recreation registration? 370 33�5 90 20� 2� 127 . Permit application? 31$ 42s 11� 15� 2� 128 . Schedule of building inspections? 21� 290 170 31� 2� Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes . . . . 14 Could you please tell me how many peaple in each af the following age groups live in your household. Let' s start oldest to young- est . . . . 129 . First, persons 65 or over? 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .880 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 2 .OR MORE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 130 . Adults under 65? Q. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .12� 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .67� 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 4 OR MORE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .b� 131. School-aged children? 0. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .560 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20� 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .17$ 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5� 4 OR MORE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .3� 132 . Pre-schoolers? 0 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .780 1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16� 2 OR MORE. . . . . . . . . . . . . .6$ 133 . Do you own or rent your present OWN. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .920 residence? RENT. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 DON'T KNOW/REFUSED. . . . .0� IF "OWN, " ASK: (N=367) 134. When was your residence SINCE 2000 . . . . . . . . . . . .230 built? The decade of con- 1990-1999 . . . . . . . . . . . . .330 struction is close enough. 1980-1989. . . . . . . . . . . . .200 1970-1979 . . . . . . . . . . . . .100 1960-1969. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8� 1950-1959 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 1940-1949 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2$ 1930-1939 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0$ BEFORE 1930 . . . . . . . . . . . .1� DON'T KNOW/REFLTSED. . . . .1� 135 . What is your age� please? 18-24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 25-34 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .160 35-44. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29� 45-54. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24$ 55-64 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .170 65 AND OVER. . . . . . . . . . .12� REFUSED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lg 136 . Are you employed b�r a public en- PUBLIC ENTITY. . . . . . . . .16� tity, such as state and local gov- PRIVATE COMPANY. . . . . . .580 ernment or a school district, a OWN BUSI/SFLF-EMP. . . . . .9s private company, self-employed or NOT WORKING. . . . . . . . . . .160 own a business, or currently not REFUSED. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .lo working? 15 137. Gender MALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49� FEMALE. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51� 138 . ZONE PRECINCT 1. . . . . . . . . . . .18$ PRECINCT 2 . . . . . . . . . . . .18� PRSCINCT 3 . . . . . . . . . . . .220 PRECINCT 4 . . . . . . . . . . . .13� PRECINCT 5A. . . . . . . . . . . .7$ PRECINCT 5B. . . . . . . . . . . .7$ PRECINCT 6 . . . . . . . . . . . .16$ �-- —, � � i Immediately Prior Location ; i 2005 City of IRosenlount Study Iout of stete ��' C�`y 0� ��S�I�I��I�� AppleValley Eagan i � Rest of Metro Area � ��Q� ���I������� ���'`��� il OutsideMinnesota Bumsville I Inver Grove Helghts � Mlnneapolis , sPercentage � � BloomingtoNRichfleld ' ' i i Saint Paul Lakeville Farmington ', ; South 5aint Paul ' Eden Prairie Hastings l Always RosemouM ; I 0 5 10 15 20 Decision Resources, Ltd. Decismr�Resources;Ltd. L. - �- —� Factors in Move to City � Quality of Life Rating ' �i 2005 City of Rosemouc�t Study 2005 Cify of Ras�rn�unt��udy Unsure ' ; 70 � 63 e Location , , , I ' I 60 ._ _5 _.._... _... I Housing ,s I u Schools �� I 50 .. ____..._._. __ __ _ __.___. 'I G od C mm/Ne gh ,,,,"1 Y �,a ; 18 �: p2001 Study 40 34 13 39 -.-. p2001 Study I Famil Here s � M1, __,.,__ �2003 Study I „ �2003 Study _.. y ____ -2005 Study ' 30 � � r �2005 Study I Job e I �14 � '.. .. 2� ___ _..... � I QuieURural r� �� �a � � I , ' 1p i { 9._g_ � � _6. .-_._.___. Always Home , I Scattered e ' �i i �� p1 p 1 pp1 p � 0 ( 0 5 10 15 20 25 j Excellent Good Only Fair Poor Unsure � Uecisior�i�,esaurces,Ltd. Decis�on Fescurees,itd. I�— — L-- II � Like Most about Cit � ' Most Serious Issue Facin Y I g � 2005 City of Rosemount Study I ��t�� �R��r of�o�emount Study � � ; Unsure e ', j ' I Unsure 1I '� � Locetion �z2 , , � Growth �� I Housing '' � ; ' Taxes ,� M Small Town Feel ya Crime , , '° , I s� Good Schoois 8 Schools " , 01987$tudy �1897 Study I No Business ,: Good Community B i o2001 Study , , , �2001 Study ' I � Development Issues �e � Rural/Open Space „ I , �2003 Study � � �2003 Study � Quiet e �2005 Study ; City Servicea . i � , l2005 9tudy I I Tf8P11C e People o'�� � � CRy GovemmeM , ' I � � Safe , ' , I� � Rundown Property . ', , iShop Convenience a , I Scattered . , , Scattered ' � i Nothing , 0 5 10 t5 20 25 30 35 40 0 10 20 30 40 50 ��eclsron Resouraes,L4d. �ecisior;�ec,ources,Ltd_ � � i � � � Image of the City Sense of Community 2Q05 City of G�osemount Study , 2005 City of Rosemaunt S#�dy � i Nothiny 13� ' � uos�ro s% I� � Excellent 23% j SmallTown 19% � � �"���� Scettered BX � i I , � � Parks 4% Friendly Paopla 5% �I . . o Good 58%— —Unsure 2/0 -R�ilroadfTrsins 2% -�POOI' 2% Downtown 4"4 ,�" . �� Schools 8% � � id�n�2� ��orowre s% I - �Only Palr 15qa ' � Koch Ratinary 3% � Runl��12% �, � Decssion Res�urces,�td. �, Gecisfon Resources.Ltc. �-- -- —J `--- — � mmunit Ties I Knowled e of Nei hborhood Co y , g g �' 20Q5 City of�osemount Sfudy �005 City of�osemount�tudy � Entire City I 34% i Named � 48% � i i Unsure � i 11 0 , /o II Unsure ' 0 Neighborhood, �� �I 43% w"w� � I I -- I i No Ties 0 22/o Not Nam d � 0 e I � 41/o i Gecisior Resources,Ltd � � �;eci,ierF Resources.Ltd � I � _.� ���— �� ( �—_— i i ation � Ade uac of Arts Activities Regular Arts Part c p , q y 2005 City of Rosemount S�udy % 2005 City of�osernount Study Nons 99% �II , Y@S � i 67% i i i TheatedPl�y�21% ` -�"=`-"-:---_�-- � ��� Sutterod 2% Dsnca 2% � :���� Unsure � ��� Musauma 4% 8% �, .�...� ( `�„_� _ ... . � �lu��– � � n y� De ends on T e ��+.. ii . � P YP nrts a craru�ov I ���,� 2% coneerts/Music 22%� �!, � �NO 22% Ii)ecision Resources.+d. ?er.isioc�esou�c.es__t�� I—._ — ---- � �—-- --- �- -i - � Strong Arts & Cultural Presence Tax Increase for Arts Facility 2005 City of F�osemount S4udy i 2005 Ci�y of Rosemount Stucty ' � 50 � ._.....,. 21 ^ �� � 26; ; I 2003 Typical Tax Increase $11.66 Very Important i 40 ._ _ __...._...... _. ....._.._._.......... , 3T...._... g7; � il 34 2005 7ypical Tax Increase=�13.50 I Somewhat Important 48', �' 30 _ __.... ___ _. _..._. � �2 � �2003 Study I Not 70o Important 20 , ; , i2005 Study 20 . _. 16 __.. �.p._._..._.. 6 I i 12 �3 75 Not At All Important � I i 10 - __9 8 _..._...._ ___.__._ 8 _.............8...... _._..... S ' ' ' �i 5 4 3 4 5 , Unsure ; j 0 , �'� - Nothinp "510.00" "f20.00" "330,00" "�f0.00" "330.00" "t80.00" Unsure i � 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 �20tl3 Study �2005 Study ', Dzcision Resources,Lta i3e�isicn Resources.Ltc iI i I�.— -- —� General Direction ; Aspects of the Community Z,Q05 City of€�osemount Study 2Q05 �itv of Rosemount�f�adu � Well-Planned Development:37% �88 "o�9Cgle �erMitel Unls s,4; gp OoodJobofCouncil �sr � ( '��tux� �e�t�a�Y�� �?Ull�u� Ymproving Do ntown�o r i 7���on�om n ums ^"'�� ; '�, I NoProblems 10k ���on ominiums '� I +ownBouaes � ...._...__.. . . . .. ............... .. i OWI1h�U6G6 � �03 8terter Homes �� � � 5Starte{Homes I ..._.._.._ ........ " ce u&;�tjoua{n � .................... . ._ .... ���erCoctl3ousin ,.. , ■2003 StUd eroast ous�n I en or ous n 60 I'! �r ous�n ' _....._... �°'��°pn°e''e$ y ZPoyp(ykIg/Opge a�8 I 40 �2005 Study ��$�� Ip� I II ZOVtl Irf81i�/�1 GWB�i9 �� . I ; � 2003&ervice Estapl s ments ,, :. , . ._ ..,._._. ._..... ..___... 20053efyiceEstab�s mena ., � 22003 Raetttl�l ShoppppInpg � �, . ..`. � j 2pp3E ntertel�m�en stabieh�rt1lnt€ V� I i 20 ; 2005 E 8rUt�i 6mp� atab�lahhments I � 2 0035 DiyniCn�spt apbp�isrthmqdnts � �' 2��6 B°ay C�i°e Opp°ortunit�ea � II ` -----���-- " --- I 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 � W�� � �Too Man/Much oAbout Ri ht �Too Few/Little Right Direction Wrong 7'rack Unsure Y 9 i II Decision Resources,Ltd. — I Jecisicn Resaurces,Lta. I �— � ' Train Noise Pace of Development 2Q05 Cs�v oF F�oser�ount Study i 2005 Ci�y of�2osemount Study � Minor Problem i II 35% IMaJor Problem 14% i TooRapid 50% I I About Ripht 57% � ._.,..�, ,�`_ i ,-Too Rapld 10% � � I ' ���-Unsure 2% Unsure 1% ,���-NotFaatEnouyh 3% t � I Not Past Enouph 37% qbout Righk 46% ! ......... �n I � - ' Commerclal and Residential 'i - _ � Retall Developmerrt Development � Not Problem � 51% j I Decisio�Resources Ltd ; ' Jecision Resources.LtC. I I ---� �— —�I � �Residential/Business Develo ment � � Services Offered Downtown i N � , i2005 City of P�����n��.��±#��kac��r I 2005 Caty of Rosernounf Study 'I i 2003 Good Mix in City , , unaure to% I 2005 Good Mix i�City � , g��i shopa 37% � ��. Nothlnp 8% I 2003 MaiMain Business Properties � I i 2005 Maintain Business Properties -5camred sx ' 2003 Adequate Opportunky �,� ' . ��� �-�-Medlcal FaCillty 2% 2005 Adequate Opportunity �_ --Mov�a Thoa»r 2% :_ . ,_......� . I i � I 2003 Sutficient Open Space , I � servias a�, � 2005 Sufficlerrt Open Space �--�--�---- ��� i i '�' park 2% I ! 0 20 � 40 60 80 100 120 I� Slt-downRsataurenq 22% J �Llbrery 7� �� :....... 'BIp BoxaY'9% � �Yes �No I � I Decision Resources,Lt�. � Jecisien Resaarces,t_fa- j J � � — — —� � Land for Preservation � � Comparative City Property Taxes ; 2005 Coty of��semo�aa��Study ' �005 City of Rosemcaunt Stuc�y i �' 60 54 BO I _..._.___ __...._ . . .__..._ _.__. .. ___..,__... �. � 5p . _ _............_ _ . .._.._., _..__. _........_..._. . _..._.._....._..._._._.. 46 i 50 ' I i __ . .. ......._.. ...._.._89. _._._. ... __...._. _. ....__..... 32 __.._.._......_. 40 .. _._.. ___.._. . .._.._._ __. _.,....._... ....._.... 40 :; I 30 ^�� 2� - __.... ... _. . 21.__ _... .__ I I 30 ___ 16 ...�.. -- + Z6 I 20 . 74 I 2� 4 . _ , 10 I � g _s_ , _._. _.... . ....._. : . :� 10 _ .....a-__ __..g....... 5....... 10 . 3 3 � 1 �Strongly Support � Oppose Unsure I 0 — rt}p � i Very Hiph About Averapa Very Low Support Strongry Oppose i I Somewhat Hiph somawnat�ow uns�re I� �Concept �Tax Increase � �2003 Study �2005 Study i �ecision Resources.�td. Decision Reseurces._te i I �_- -- —� f ervices � Value of Cit Services , Favorable Rating o S � Y 2005 �'i+�� ��Rp�emounf Ste�dy I 2005 City of Roserr�ount Study � , I PoliceProtection "'.�._-_-�; aey I 80 .� _._,. g3 _.. _. _ __ ' Animal Control a� B6 _w_____.___.____.W_. il 70 ' Fire Protection ` �: !I 60 ; _. , Drinking Water ._.m. bZ � 50 _.... - �2001 Study _. � _ _ . Storm brain/Flood Control •# �� �2003 Study I 40 ' " ' �� � _. Park Maimenance �_ ° e� , 30 , ' _ `, _...... _... City-Sponsored Programs ` �o �2005 Study � I 20 1� 75 ` �$ 75 i t � __.g Street RepaidMairrtenance �B , Z 3 2 10 ' � Snow Plowing 6 og j _ , 0 i Street Lighting r, • �# I i Exceilent Good Only Fair Poor Unsure j 0 20 40 BO 80 100 120 i �2003 Study �2005 Study � Decision Resources,Ltd. � Decisien Resources,�td. I � �- Tax Increase to Maintain Services Tax Increase to Expand/Improve 20G5 �ity of�2osemo�n± Study 2Qp5 City of�osemount Study � I Favor � 80 b3 55 55 I � 38% � I50 _ .._. . ........_ . _. i II 50 � ° ,.... _... � ._ _ __. �.. . I g� 38 � ; 40 32 � �1997 Study � '. � __.. __.. �2001 Study ', . gp ' �2003 Study E I � e '' �12005 Study i _ _......... ......_ _ ' " Unsure � 20 73 �y 8% _ 9..__... .7......_._ ' �. 10 � � �p�8e i I ,�. p 56% Favor Oppose Unsure � �Jecision Resources,Ltd � Decision Resources.:td. i ---� i r-- -� �, j Comparative Total Property Taxes ' Safety Perceptions � 2005 City of Rose�o�s�t Study � 2005 City of Rosernount Sfudy IGenerally Feel Amount of Patrolling � Somew hat High + I Safe in Home n���iane in Neighborhood 32/o Vn � Too Much . �.0% 3.0% �I NolUnaure � Un�un � Ve High I'� a.oX z.ow ry I . � � i � 10% �fn n - . y V y3 ��NM Enovyh � 27.0% About Riqht 70.0% � \ Yas Too Much I � UI13Uf8 ' 9Y.0% NdUnsure 1.0% ' , � 15% t.ass j About Average ��i' i 43% SomewhatLow i ��o LOOS -.,�NoY9np%ph i I�f.ISlO(?f�ES0UfC8S,Ltp. .. -- J � UBCISIOiI F�P,SQUCCC'S,L1d. i � i � j Walking Neighborhood Alone at Night ; Most Serious Crime Issue ,i 2005 Gity ofi Rosera�ount Study j 2005 � "�'isemount�tudy i ,�_,�,�_T � Vandalism/Property Damage f �4 Burgiary �.;i< ' Safe Shoplifting/Theft 4 ', , I 86% I I Drugs 17, Gangs 1 ; Traffic Vlolations/Speeding 21 { i i Driving while IMoxicated 3� , ; I � Unsure � ` 6% i As9aults 1 ' i None 6 ' , Not Safe Unsure 9 ' 8% I 0 5 70 15 20 25 30 35 40 i � i �Percentage il �ec[sion Resources.Ltd- �eeisian Resewces.Ltd. I i , � �_ ' - � �-- � Neighborhood Perceptions i ' Leprechaun Days Participation 20d5 City of Rosemount Study � �� 2005 �i4y o�Rosemount Study � � ���.�.�w I � so �s I2003 Good Place for Children �_.�.____.___ � i ' 65 2005 Good Place for Children � _..__..._. _...._..._..... _.. _........._.......... I 2003 Pride and Ownership I BD �� � I 2003 Pride and Ownership , I �Yes 27 _. _.. _....... �2003Study 2003 Feel Part ❑ II 34 �No I 40 ' �2005 Study ; 2005 Feel Part� — �'' 2003 EnJoyable and Stable I ( II � e � 2005 Enjoyable and Stable � I 20 ` 2003 Signlficant Remodeling -- ; 2005 Significant Remodeling � �� �� � 0 I 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 Yes No Unsure I Decision Resources,Ltd. � Decisior Resources,�tci. � — — �— i ' Neighborhood Events/Activities ! � Use of Park System 2005 City of C�osemounfi Study � ?_00,5 �et}r c�f[�cs�mount Study No 60% ��i� 48 I, � Trafls �8 I 49 59 I61 �I I Neighborhood Parks 65� �1997 Study �7g �2001 Study ' —Unsuro 2% � � � .. 5 ', �2003 Study scatand 4� � Community Parks � E.m 6B Z o2005 Study '--�WinbrC�mival 2% �i . '='�"�- -.:-53 '.. _ �.''.�ru�i�'a July Fourth 290 ' ', '. i Concarts in Park 9� ! ' � Community Ballfields Block Partles 25% Halloween Evenb 4% �4� ' Easter Eyp Hunt 3% � ' � Nat Nipht Out 6% 0 20 40 60 80 100 i j Decision Resowces-Ltd I Decision Resources.�td. ', I_ � — � f i - red Recreafion Pro rams ! Lar e Athletic Com lex Cit S onso g g p y p 2005 Cit of ff�osemour��Stud � � 2005 City of�osernount Study � Y I� Is�aaon SUPOort Nothing 24 �.: i '., II 80X �4% I �' . °��.��° ' ': II � �Unaun � Unsute "$�.�" ' iaatisfledlMixed 9 �x � ix g . ____'__'_____'________'__ OPP�ae �PPo+� , , '', aax �as "$120.00" , ,. 1 No Yas gaNafled 81 "5180.00" � ���, ! B� 39 Concept Tax Increase o ^g2oa,00° , I ----- ------ i � Unaure Household Participation in Reaction to Programs � o to 2o so ao ao eo �o Programs during Past Year II �vearry Increese i � Decision Resources.Ltd. Decision Resources,Ltc. �,� — � — — —� i � ' Facilit Construction i Public Trans or�ation � Athletic y , p 2005 Cify of Roserr�ount Study 2005 Cify of�2osemount Study I 100 � 80 _. 78.....__.__ . .___. __ I I __............. __. 71 I � $8 � Somnvh�t Llkely 15% 68 _ _..____ _.._...... _.......___.___ re. NW Too Likely 18% BO _._._._...._... __ �o% '.�VeryLlkely 12% Y�� �`I�.. .. . 40 38 _.__._. __._.. . ..._...____32... I No Unaure 2% 25 Zp II stx Naasauuksiyssx � 2p .. ____ ___.. 2 4 g 8 !� Used Public Transportatlon Use Public Transportatton If d q _ ;. ` I during Past Two Years Park-and-Ride Facllity In II A uatic Center Senior Center Youth Center Ice Sheet Rosemount I ' �Support �Oppose �Unsure� , i Decision Resources,Ctd. � �ec(sloo Res�uices.Ltd. � I _— � � I � ouncil � Empowerment Mayor and City C 2005 City of�osemount Study 2005 City of Rosemount Study I 80 52 I Yes 51 __. .__........... __.._____.... � 76% � 60 � � ': I __... _.... _.__................... , _.... I I; 40 � _... _...._.._ _........ . .............__..... _.... I „ , u 30 ' ' ___ 21 �., ;�_�<v,.�,. __--. . .._ _.. _ . _..1;.......... 17 _20 � Unsure 20 ' --. .._..._8. I! 5% �Q 4 S 4 � � � � � � I Strong Approve Disapprove Unsure ' v Disa ro e I s -�""y� No Approve Strong pp 19°/a �2003 Study �2005 Study I� Decision Resources,Ltd. Decisioa Resouress.�2c1 �_ — � .-- - -, �-_ City Staff Rating I, City Hall Contact � 2005 City of Rosera�ount Study ' 2005 Cofiy of�osemount Study Yas 70 s�t% i 94 60 ............... S9...,.._.... . .__._.. .....___.. ___._....._.. ......_.._._... Wafing Time �I '�, , 36 g3'. 53 ' , .. ., ..� .. .._..µ.�., ,.. 50 ....__._..._. 49.� _. ........... ...___._.._... . ._....._... ...._._..._.. , I '� Courtesy '' ,, . 88 I _....._ �1987 Study � • Ease of Reachinp � . I 40 _...__ _ 02001 Study li� - ea II _ _ � _._.._ �2003 Study � , �� -=' 30 V ....____._ _._.... ..___.._. � .....� -- � Courtesy : ...._ YJa 86 !, �' ` �2��5$tUdY � 46% � r 27 I Eftfaency ': . .- 20 ` � __... .._... � : . .,. __......�g ; ' ._. 1818 __ � I 73 � , 13 � 1414 74'O I Contact during Past 0 20 40 80 80 100 120 �� 10 . 1070 �„*3'„ .. I _6 __ x. :.. Y@81' iPositive iNegative 2 z � 0 - -I � CUStomer SBNICe ; F�ccellent Good Only Fair Poor Unsure i !, Dimensions �td. � � �;' `" ! �Uecision Resources, — i�a=ian Resources,Ltc. , i � _ —_� �. '� Major Information Source �� Sources of Information I � . „ 200� C��y of Rosecnount�tudy 2005 City of�c?..Qm�un� St�d, I, "Town Paq�s"22% "Rosemount Town Pages" �'��. IUnsunMon�2% 'This Week" }4 ' �I I "SunCurranY'3% � i � ' �� ^This Waek��s� ScaSend 2% � I ^Rosemount Sun CurrenY' " —Y � �� � Gnpevine e% I Cable Television = ....,,�..�._.�. i I "Rosemount Ciry News" r �— i i - " -' � I City Mall(ngs � II � �--Intam�t 8% I � � , I I Co-Workers/Neighbors �,, _ � i Daily Newspapers ` � , ;. ' �Cable N 8% �' � � , Local Newsp�pen 34% ......... -.. � II1t8rt16t . ������ �, � ' �h'` � ��I��Ij°�' �Clty Newslatter 8% � 0 ��20 40 60 80 100 ��Malllnps a� mMajorSource �MinorSource � Decislon Resources,Ltd. i , C)erisior,Resou�ces.�tfi. L�_ � �—'- - C • -__- �- � ; "The Rosemount City News" , Cable Television � , 2005 City ofi V��serr�ourt Study � 2005 Cety of 6�osernourtt Study 100 ; i � _..79 _._...._ _....... i � I80 69 i -----------�^��--- occa2s�nally � .. _....._._ _._._. _......_. ....... �,, . ,.., 27% � II 60 �2003 Study � Fnqu�ntly i . �, ; No ; Y�s °�r. 7% . _..___. _ �2005 Study � i a5� ' as% ; I � , � i ao � ss _. . , . 1 � --------------- �� zo __ _._.._. ..__..__. I � ( Nevar 20 � Cable Televlsion a% .-.. �- i Subscriber Watching City Councll or 0 Planning Commission Meetings Yes No Unsure i Decision Resources.Ltd � � Dec�sion Resources.'�?d_ —� � � I�-- --� i � Internet Access , ' Interest in E-Services 20Q5 City of Rosemount Study � 2005 Ci�y of 6�osemount Study (internet Access Only) Yes �� E-Mafled Newsletter f s`a t�, ��I I 36% I � ---------- --- � � I Park&Recreation Registration No Yes � - I 17°k 83% Permit Application �i � i --------- No .1., I � Schedule Building InspeCtions 64% � ' � Access to the fnternet � 0 �� 10 � 20 30 40 50 � at Home or Office Awareness of City's Web Site i iVery ImNortant �Somewhat Im'ortant � Decision Resources,Lta. � ueclsPun ftesaurr.es,Ltd. i --� DECISION RESOURCES, LTD. 2005 CITY OF ROSEMOUNT 3128 Dean Court RESIDENTIAL QUESTIONNAIRE Minneapolis, Minnesota 55416 January, 2005 Hello, I'm of Decision Resources, Ltd., a nationwide polling firm located in Minneapolis. We've been retained by the City of Rosemount to speak with a random sample of residents about issues facing the city. The survey is being taken because your city representatives and staff are interested in your opin- ions and suggestions. I want to assure you that all individual responses will be held strictly confidential; only summaries of the entire sample will be reported. (DO NOT PAUSE) 1. Approximately how many years have you lived in Rosemount? LESS THAN ONE YEAR 5% ONE OR TWO YEARS 7$ THREE TO FIVE YEARS 24% SIX TO TEN YEARS 21W ELEVEN TWENTY YRS 24% TWENTY THIRTY YRS 10% OVER THIRTY YEARS 9t REFUSED ................0% 2. In what city and /or state were you located immediately prior to your residence here? ALWAYS ROSEMOUNT, 2t; MINNEAPOLIS, 6$; SAINT PAUL, 3W; OUT OF STATE, 18 OUTSTATE MINNESOTA, 8$; EAGAN, 12$; APPLE VALLEY, 14W; BURNSVILLE, 7$; INVER GROVE HEIGHTS, 6%; LAKEVILLE, 3$; BLOOMINGTON /RICHFIELD, 4$; FARMINGTON, 3$; SOUTH ST. PAUL, 3%; REST OF METRO, 8 EDEN PRAIRIE, 2$; HASTINGS, 2 3. Thinking back to when you moved to Rosemount, what factors were most important to you in selecting this location? UNSURE, 2 ALWAYS HERE, 2t; LOCATION, 8 SCHOOLS, 22W; SMALL TOWN FEEL, 12 RURAL /OPEN SPACE, 5$; FAMILY AND FRIENDS, 8 JOB, 14$; NEIGHBORHOOD /HOUSING, 13$; AFFORD- ABLE, 13 SCATTERED, 1$. 4. As things stand now, how long in LESS THAN TWO YEARS 6$ the future do you expect to live TWO TO FIVE YEARS 13t in Rosemount? SIX TO TEN YEARS 14% OVER TEN YEARS 59% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 9t 5. How would you rate the quality of EXCELLENT .............39% life in Rosemount excellent, GOOD ..................54% good, only fair, or poor? ONLY FAIR ..............7$ POOR ...................1$ DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 0% 1 6. What do you like MOST, if anything, about living in Rose- mount? UNSURE, 6 LOCATION, 22 SCHOOLS, 7 SMALL TOWN FEEL, 32 RURAL /OPEN SPACE, 5 QUIET AND PEACEFUL, 7 FRIENDLY PEOPLE, 10 NEIGHBORHOOD /HOUSING, 6 DOWNTOWN AREA, 2 SCATTERED, 4 7. What do you think is the most serious issue facing Rosemount today? UNSURE, 11 NOTHING, 3 TOO MUCH GROWTH, 38 NEED MORE BUSINESSES, 9 TAXES, 7 TRAFFIC, 8 CRIME, 5 CROWDED SCHOOLS, 4 DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT, 10 CITY GOVERNMENT, 3 RUNDOWN PROPERTIES, 2 SCATTERED, 2 When residents are asked what comes to mind when they think of their communities, many things can occur to them. Minneapolis residents think of the lake system, Stillwater residents think of their riverfront, and Saint Paul residents think of the State Capitol. 8. What image comes to mind when you think about the City of Rosemount? UNSURE, 9 NOTHING, 13 SMALL TOWN, 19 PARKS, 4 DOWNTOWN, 4 IRISH, 12 RURAL, 12 KOCH REFINERY, 3 GROWTH, 6 SCHOOLS, 6 RAILROAD /TRAINS, 2 FRIENDLY PEOPLE, 5 SCATTERED, 6 9. How would you rate the general EXCELLENT .............23% sense of community among Rosemount GOOD ..................59% residents excellent, good, only ONLY FAIR .............15% fair or poor? POOR ...................2% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 2% IF A RESPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: (N =392) 10. Why do you feel that way? UNSURE, 14 FRIENDLY PEOPLE, 38 STRONG SENSE OF COMMUNITY, 11 TOO MUCH GROWTH, 8 GOOD COMMUNITY EVENTS, 9 COMMUNITY DIVIDED BY INCOME LEVELS, 6 SMALL TOWN, 5 COULD IMPROVE, 5 RESIDENTS DON'T CARE, 2 SCATTERED, 3 11. What things could be done to improve the sense of community in Rosemount? UNSURE, 31 NOTHING, 17 MORE NEIGHBORHOOD EVENTS, 4 FIX DOWNTOWN AREA, 12 MORE COMMUNITY EVENTS, 9 NEED COMMUNITY GATHERING AREA, 7 BETTER CITY GOVERNMENT, 4 STOP GROWTH, 4 BETTER COMMUNICA- TION, 6%; MORE CITY OUTREACH, 3 SCATTERED, 0. 2 12. Now which of the following state- STATEMENT A...........34% ments comes closest to your STATEMENT B...........43% feelings? STATEMENT C...........21% A. I feel a real tie to the entire NONE (VOL.) 1% Rosemount community. DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 2% B. I have strong ties to my neigh- borhood, but weak ties to the rest of Rosemount. C. I have neither strong ties to my neighborhood nor the comm- unity as a whole. 13. In which neighborhood in the City of Rosemount do you live? UNSURE, 11 NAMED, 41 NAMED, 48 ELSE Moving on..... 14. How important do you think it is to the quality of life in a com- munity to have a strong arts and cultural presence, such as music programs and mentoring, theater, and art works, such as paintings and sculpture very important, somewhat important, not too im- portant, or not at all important? VERY IMPORTANT 26% SOMEWHAT IMPORTANT.... 46% NOT TOO IMPORTANT..... 20% NOT AT ALL IMPORTANT 7% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 1% 15. What types of arts activities, if any, do you and other household members regularly participate in? NONE, 39 THEATER /PLAYS, 21 CONCERTS /MUSIC, 22 ARTS AND CRAFTS, 10 MUSEUMS, 4 5 k; DANCE, 2 SCATTERED, 2 IF "NONE," ASK: (N =154) 16. Could you tell me one or two reasons why you and other members of your household do not regularly participate in arts activities? UNSURE, 7 NO INTEREST, 45 NOT AWARE OF, 12 NO TIME, 21 AGE AND HEALTH, 11 SCATTERED, 3 Many communities host arts and creative activities, such as local art and photography shows, local music and drama groups, as well as crafts groups and classes, in which residents may actively participate. 17. Other than school related program- YES ...................67% ming, do you feel there are enough NO ....................22% facilities and programs to meet DEPENDS ON TYPE 2% your household needs? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 9% 3 18. How much, if anything, would you be willing to pay in additional property taxes per year to operate and maintain a cultural facility in Rosemount containing a theater, as well as music and arts class- rooms and exhibits? Let's say, would you be willing to pay an ad- ditional per year? (CHOOSE A RANDOM STARTING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPENDING ON ANSWER) How about per year? (REPEAT PROCESS) NOTHING ...............37% Affordable rental units? $10.00 ................13% 19% $20.00 ................15% 36% $30.00 .................9% Luxury rental units? $40.00 .................4% 15$ $50.00 .................9% 46% $60.00 .................8% Condominiums? DON'T KNOW .............5% 12% REFUSED ................0% 27% 19. All in all, do you think things in RIGHT DIRECTION 74% Rosemount are generally headed in WRONG TRACK 18% the right direction, or do you DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 9% feel things are off on the wrong track? IF A RESPONSE IS GIVEN, ASK: (N =366) 20. Could you tell me why you feel that way? UNSURE, 3%; TOO MUCH GROWTH, 10 GROWTH IS WELL PLANNED, 37 NO PROBLEMS, 10 COUNCIL IS DOING A GOOD JOB, 15 IMPROVING DOWNTOWN, 10 COUNCIL LISTENS, 2%; LOSING SMALL TOWN FEEL, 5 COUNCIL DOESN'T LISTEN, 5 GOOD SCHOOLS, 2%; LOSING BUSI- NESSES, 2 I would like to read you a list of characteristics of a communi- ty. For each one, please tell me if you think Rosemount currently has too many or too much, too few or too little, or about the right amount. (ROTATE LIST) MANY FEW ABOUT D.K./ MUCH LITT RIGHT REF. 21. Affordable rental units? 8% 19% 37% 36% 22. Luxury rental units? 9% 15$ 31% 46% 23. Condominiums? 14% 12% 47% 27% 24. Townhouses? 28% 7% 51% 14% 25. Starter homes for young families? 3% 50% 39% 9 9 26. "Move up" housing? 5% 23% 62% 11% 27. Higher cost housing? 27% 13% 54% 7% 28. Senior housing? 2% 38% 39% 21% 29. Affordable housing, defined by the Metropolitan Council as a single family home costing less than $193,700? 2% 50 31% 11% 30. Parks and open spaces? 4% 27% 68% 2% 31. Trails and bikeways? 2% 43% 44% 10% 32. Service establishments? 2% 45% 47% 7% 33. Retail shopping opportunities? 2% 69% 28% 1% 4 MANY FEW ABOUT D.K./ MUCH LITT RIGHT REF. 34. Entertainment establishments? 2W 60t 36% 2%; 35. Dining establishments? A 78% 19% 1% 36. Day care opportunities? 4$ 11$ 35% 50% 37. Do you think noise from trains, MAJOR PROBLEM 14$ such as whistles, is a major pro- MINOR PROBLEM 35t blem in the community, a minor NOT A PROBLEM 51% problem or not a problem at all? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 1$ Moving on... 38. Do you think the pace of commer- TOO RAPID .............10$ cial and retail development in the ABOUT RIGHT 51% city has been too rapid, about NOT FAST ENOUGH....... 37% right, or not fast enough? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 2W 39. And, do you think the pace of TOO RAPID .............51% residential development in the ABOUT RIGHT 46% city has been too rapid, about NOT FAST ENOUGH........ 3% right, or not fast enough? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... It As I read the following statements about residential and business development, please answer "yes" or "no." YES NO DKR 40. There is a good mix of business and residential development in the City. 50% 47% 3W 41. During the past few years, the appear- ance and maintenance of business pro- perties has improved. 68% 26% 6% 42. Residents have adequate opportunity to make their feelings known about pro- posed development or redevelopment projects. 75% 16% 9$ 43. There is sufficient open and natural space in the community. 67% 31$ 3% As you know, schools grade students on a scale from A to F, including pluses and minuses. 5 44. Using this scale, please give an overall rating to development in the City of Rosemount? On another topic.... A......................6% A- .....................2W B ....................11% B.....................36% B- .....................9% C 6% C.....................19% C- .....................4$ D .....................1% D......................3% D- .....................0% F .....................0% F......................1% NO ANSWER ..............3% 45. Beyond the current offerings in Downtown Rosemount, what other types of services would you like to see offered there? UNSURE, 10%�; SMALL RETAIL SHOPS, 31W; SITDOWN RESTAURANTS, 22 "BIG BOX" STORES, 5%; PARK, 2 NOTHING, 9 LI- BRARY, 7$; SERVICE BUSINESSES, 8 MOVIE THEATER, 2$; MEDICAL FACILITY, 2$; SCATTERED, 3$. 46. Would you support or oppose the STRONGLY SUPPORT 54% acquisition of land in the commun- SUPPORT ...............26W ity for preservation as open space OPPOSE .................8W or green space areas? (WAIT FOR STRONGLY OPPOSE........ 6% RESPONSE) Do you feel strongly DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 5t that way? 47. Would you support or oppose a property tax increase to acquire land for preservation as open and green space areas? (WAIT FOR RE- SPONSE) Do you feel strongly that way? STRONGLY SUPPORT 27% SUPPORT ...............28% OPPOSE ................14% STRONGLY OPPOSE....... 21% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 10% As you may know, property taxes are divided between the City of Rosemount and various other units of local government. Thinking about the amount going to the City.... 48. Do you think the city portion of VERY HIGH ..............9% your property taxes, which funds SOMEWHAT HIGH 14% City services in Rosemount is very ABOUT AVERAGE 46t high, somewhat high, about average SOMEWHAT LOW 3t somewhat low or very low in com- VERY LOW ...............1% parison with nearby suburban com- DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.... 28% munities? I would like to read you a list of a few city services. For each one, please tell me whether you would rate the quality of the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? M 2 EXC GOO FAI POO DKR 49. Police protection? 50. Fire protection? 51. Storm drainage and flood control? 52. Park maintenance? 53. City- sponsored recreation programs? 54. Animal control? 55. Quality and taste of drinking water? Now, for the next three city maintained street and roads. roads, which are taken care How would you rate.... 56. City street repair and maintenance? 57. Snow plowing? 58. Street lighting? 37% 52% 8% 1% 34% 54% 5% It 16% 56% 11% 7% 25% 54% 15% 2% 2% 8% 9% 4% 22% 48% 13% 4% 14% 14% 53% 15% 5% 13% 13% 49% 17% 14% 8% services, please consider only city Do not consider state and county of by other levels of government. 59. When you consider the property taxes you pay and the quality of city services you receive, would you rate the general value of city services as excellent, good, only fair, or poor? 60. Would you favor or oppose an in- crease in city property taxes, if it were needed to maintain city services at their current level? EXC GOO FAI POO DKR 17% 61% 18% 4% 1% 24% 52% 19% 5% 1% 15% 53% 23% 8% 1% EXCELLENT .............15% GOOD ..................66% ONLY FAIR .............15% POOR ...........3% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 2% FAVOR .................53% OPPOSE ................40% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 7% 61. Would you favor or oppose a FAVOR .................36% property tax increase to expand or OPPOSE ................56W improve city services? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 8% IF "FAVOR," ASK: (N =143) 62. What city services would you be willing to pay higher property taxes to expand or improve? UNSURE, 21%; STREET MAINTENANCE, 25 FIRE, 8 POLICE, 15 DRINKING WATER, 3 PARKS AND RECREA- TION, 14 STREET LIGHTING, 6%; BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT, 8 Thinking about another topic.... 7 63. Do you generally feel safe in your YES ...................99%� home? NO .....................1% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 0% 64. And, do you generally feel safe YES ...................87% walking in your neighborhood alone NO .....................8% at night? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 6% 65. What do you consider to be the most serious crime issue in Rosemount? (READ LIST) VANDALISM AND PROPERTY DAMAGE .............34% BURGLARY SHOPLIFTING AND THEFT ......................4% DRUGS......... GANGS......... TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS AND SPEEDING 21% DRIVING WHILE INTOXICATED ..................3% ASSAULTS..... ..............................A NONE (VOL.). ..........................5$ DON'T KNOW/ REFUSED .........................9% 66. How would you rate the amount of T00 MUCH ...............A police patrolling in your neigh ABOUT RIGHT AMOUNT 70t borhood too much, about the NOT ENOUGH 29% right amount or not enough? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED lo Again, as I read the following statements, please answer "yes" or "no." YES NO DKR 67. This neighborhood is a good place to raise children. 97% 3% it- 68. People have pride and ownership in our neighborhood. 96% 4 1% 69. I feel a part of my neighborhood. 92%- 7g l$' 70. Business and residential neighbor- hoods are enjoyable and stable places to live, work and recreate in Rosemount. 95$ 4$ 2% 71. I have recently or plan to sign ficantly remodel my residence in the next couple of years. 32W 68% 0% 93 72. Using the scale of A to F, in- cluding pluses and minuses, please give an overall rating to your neighborhood? A .....................27% A ....................10°s B ....................21% B.....................25% B .....................6% C .....................3% C......................6 C- .....................2% D .....................0% D......................1W D- .....................0% F+...— 0% F......................0% NO ANSWER ..............0% As you may know, the Community Groups in Rosemount offer a wide variety of neighborhood activities or events, such as Leprechaun Days. 73. Have you or household members YES ...................73$ participated in Leprechaun Days NO ....................27% during the past two years? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 0% 74. Have you or household members participated in any other neighborhood events or activities during the past two years? (IF "YES," ASK:) Which ones? UNSURE, 2 NO, 50 BLOCK PARTIES, 25 NATIONAL NIGHT OUT, 6%; EASTER EGG HUNT, 3%; HALLOWEEN EVENTS, 4 CONCERTS IN THE PARK, 3%; JULY FOURTH, 2 WINTER CARNI- VAL, 2 SCATTERED, 4 Continuing.... The Rosemount park system is composed of larger community parks and smaller neighborhood parks, trails, and community ballfields. Of these facilities, which have you or members of your household used during the past year? YES NO DKR 75. Larger community parks? 59% 41% 0% 76. Smaller neighborhood parks? 76% 24% 0% 77. Trails? 53% 47% 0% 78. Community ballfields? 43% 57% 0% 79. Have you or members of your house- YES ...................39% hold participated in any City NO ..61% park and recreation programs? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 1% IF "YES," ASK: (N =154) 9 80. Which ones? UNSURE, 3 BASEBALL /SOFTBALL, 29$; SOCCER, 10$; AAA, 16$; PUPPETS IN THE PARK, 6%; SWIMMING, 6 BASKETBALL, 5%; SUMMER PROGRAMS, 15 SKATING, 5$; SCATTERED, 7$. 81. Were you satisfied or dis- SATISFIED .............97t satisfied with your exper- DISSATISFIED 1t ience? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 1t 82. Do you or members of your household currently leave the city for park and recreation facilities or activities? (IF "YES," ASK:) What would that be? NO, 56 SWIMMING, 3 FISHING, 2 CAMPING, 3 TRAILS/ HIKING, 9t; BOATING, 4t; WATERPARK, 3t; ATHLETIC FIELDS, 7 DOG PARK, 2 SKIING, 2 OTHER CITY'S PARKS, 4 OTHER COMMUNITY EVENTS, 2$; SCATTERED, 4 There have also been discussions about the construction of a larger athletic complex in the community. Facilities that may be included are soccer fields, baseball fields, softball fields, football fields, and tennis courts. 83. Would you support or oppose the STRONGLY SUPPORT 31t construction and operation of a SUPPORT ...............29% large athletic complex in the City OPPOSE ................16% of Rosemount? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) STRONGLY OPPOSE....... 17% Do you feel strongly that way? DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 7t 84. Would you support or oppose a STRONGLY SUPPORT...... 16% property tax increase to acquire SUPPORT ...............23$ land for a large athletic complex? OPPOSE ................20t (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do you feel STRONGLY OPPOSE 34W strongly that way? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 8t 85. How much would you be willing to NOTHING ...............54t pay in additional property taxes $40.00 ................24$ for the construction of a large $80.00 .................7% athletic complex? How about $120.00 ................6% per year? (CHOOSE A RANDOM START- $160.00 ................it ING POINT; MOVE UP OR DOWN DEPEND- $200.00 ................0$ ING ON RESPONSE) How about DON'T KNOW .............8$ per year? (REPEAT PROCESS) REFUSED ................1$ I would like to read you a list of facilities which could be constructed by the City of Rosemount. Keeping in mind that the construction of each facility would require a property tax in- crease for EACH, please tell me if you would strongly support the city constructing that facility, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose the city constructing that facility. 10 STS SMS SMO STO DKR 86. An aquatic center? 18% 41% 22% 17% 2% 87. A Senior Center? 23% 48% 17% 8% 4% 88. A Youth Center? 29% 49% 13% 7% 3% 89. A second sheet of ice? 9% 23% 27% 32$ 9% 90. Are there any other additional services beyond those cur- rently offered you would like to see the City of Rosemount provide? UNSURE, 6 NOTHING, 73 LIBRARY, 5 MORE TRAILS, 2 FITNESS CENTER, 3 GOLF COURSE, 2 MORE ATHLETIC FIELDS, 2 SCATTERED, 7 Moving on.... 91. Do you leave the City of Rosemount on a regular or daily basis to go to work? (IF "YES," ASK:) How many minutes does it take you to get to work? (IF "NO," ASK:) Do you work in Rosemount? 92. Have you used public transporta- tion during the past two years? 93. How likely would you be to use public transportation if a park and -ride facility for bus service were constructed in the City of Rosemount very likely, somewhat likely, not too likely, or not at all likely? Changing topics.... NO /WORK IN ROSEMOUNT..16% NOT EMPLOYED /RETIRED..14% YES /5 MINUTES OR LESS..3% YES /6 TO 10 MINUTES 6% YES /11 TO 15 MINUTES 9% YES /16 TO 20 MINUTES..17% YES /21 TO 25 MINUTES... 8% YES /26 TO 30 MINUTES...5% YES /OVER 30 MINUTES 22% DON'T KNOW/REFUSED A YES ...................19% NO ..........81% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 0% VERY LIKELY 12% SOMEWHAT LIKELY....... 15% NOT TOO LIKELY........ 16% NOT AT ALL LIKELY 56% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....2% 94. Other than voting, do you feel YES ...................77% that if you wanted to, you could NO ....................19% have a say about the way the City DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 5% of Rosemount runs things? IF "NO," ASK: (N =76) 95. Why do you feel you cannot have a say? UNSURE, 11 DON'T LISTEN, 49%; DON'T KNOW HOW, 11 DON'T ASK FOR INPUT, 18 NOT INTERESTED, WILL VOTE, 12 11 96. How much do you feel you know about the work of the Mayor and City Council a great deal, a fair amount, or very little? 97. From what you know, do you ap- prove or disapprove of the job the Mayor and City Council are doing? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) And do you feel strongly that way? GREAT DEAL .............4W FAIR AMOUNT 37%' VERY LITTLE 57%- DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 2W STRONGLY APPROVE...... 20$ SOMEWHAT APPROVE 51%- SOMEWHAT DISAPPROVE 8% STRONGLY DISAPPROVE..•..4%; DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.... 17$ 98. How much first -hand contact have QUITE A LOT 6$ you had with the Rosemount City SOME ..................30% staff quite a lot, some, very VERY LITTLE 39* very little, or none at all? NONE AT ALL........... 25% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 1% 99. From what you have seen or heard, EXCELLENT .............18$ how would you rate the job per GOOD ..................53W BUILDING INSPECTIONS..14W formance of the Rosemount City ONLY FAIR .............18% DEPUTY REGISTRAR staff excellent, good, only POOR ...................3% 3$ fair, or poor? ADMIN /CITY COUNCIL DON'T KNOW/REFUSED 10%; 100. During the past year, have you visited or contacted Rosemount City Hall in person, or on the telephone? IF "YES," ASK: (N =216) 101. On your last contact with the City, which Department did you contact the Police De- partment, Fire Department, Water and Sewer, Planning, Park Maintenance, Street Maintenance, Building Inspec- tions, Engineering, Deputy Registrar for License Ser- vices, Community Center, Rec- reation Services, General In- formation Desk, or Adminis- tration/City Council? YES...................54% NO....................46% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 0$ POLICE DEPARTMENT 16$ FIRE DEPARTMENT 1$ WATER AND SEWER........ 7% PLANNING ..............11% PARK MAINTENANCE 3% STREET MAINTENANCE 5% BUILDING INSPECTIONS..14W ENGINEERING 2% DEPUTY REGISTRAR 15% COMMUNITY CENTER....... 1% RECREATION SERVICES 3$ GENERAL INFORMATION... 15$ ADMIN /CITY COUNCIL 7% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... I% Thinking about your last contact with the City, for each of the following characteristics, please rate the service as excellent, good, only fair, or poor.... 12 Moving on.... 107. What is your principal source of information about Rosemount City Government and its activities? (PROBE) UNSURE /NONE, 2%; TOWN PAGES, 22 ROSEMOUNT CITY NEWS, 8$; WORD OF MOUTH, 9$; MAILINGS, 4$; SUN CURRENT, 3 THIS WEEK, 5$; CABLE TELEVISION, 6 INTERNET, 6$; LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, 35W; SCATTERED, 2 108. How would you prefer to receive information about Rosemount City Government and its activities? UNSURE /NONE, 2 TOWN PAGES, 14 ROSEMOUNT CITY NEWS, 19 MAILINGS, 12%; SUN CURRENT, 2%; THIS WEEK, 5 CABLE TELEVISION, 4 INTERNET, 14 LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, 25$; SCATTERED, 3 For each of the following items, please tell me whether it is a major source, minor source or no source at all about Rosemount news, activities, events or City policies? EXC GOO FAI POO DKR 102. Waiting time for the City 22t 19$ 3% 110. "This Week" newspaper? 42% Receptionist to respond to 24% 4t 111. "Rosemount Sun Current" newspaper? 28% 35% you? 55% 39W it it 3% 103. Courtesy of the City Recep- 113. "The Rosemount City News," the tionist? 57W 36W 3W it 3% 104. Ease of reaching a City Staff 39$ 43% 16% 3t 115. Co- workers /Neighbors? member who could help you? 48W 38% 8% 3% 3W 105. Courtesy of the City Staff? 56% 37% 4% 2% 1% 106. Efficiency of the City Staff? 44% 42$ 7% 3% 4% Moving on.... 107. What is your principal source of information about Rosemount City Government and its activities? (PROBE) UNSURE /NONE, 2%; TOWN PAGES, 22 ROSEMOUNT CITY NEWS, 8$; WORD OF MOUTH, 9$; MAILINGS, 4$; SUN CURRENT, 3 THIS WEEK, 5$; CABLE TELEVISION, 6 INTERNET, 6$; LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, 35W; SCATTERED, 2 108. How would you prefer to receive information about Rosemount City Government and its activities? UNSURE /NONE, 2 TOWN PAGES, 14 ROSEMOUNT CITY NEWS, 19 MAILINGS, 12%; SUN CURRENT, 2%; THIS WEEK, 5 CABLE TELEVISION, 4 INTERNET, 14 LOCAL NEWSPAPERS, 25$; SCATTERED, 3 For each of the following items, please tell me whether it is a major source, minor source or no source at all about Rosemount news, activities, events or City policies? 118. Do you or any household members YES ...................69% regularly read the City's news- NO ....................29% letter, "The Rosemount City News DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 2% 119. Does your household currently sub- YES ...................65% scribe to cable television? NO ....................35% REFUSED ................0% 13 MAJ MIN NOT DKR 109. "Rosemount Town Pages" newspaper? 56t 22t 19$ 3% 110. "This Week" newspaper? 42% 30% 24% 4t 111. "Rosemount Sun Current" newspaper? 28% 35% 31% 6% 112. Cable Television? 15% 32% 51$ 3% 113. "The Rosemount City News," the city's newsletter? 40$ 38t 19% 3t 114. City mailings? 39$ 43% 16% 3t 115. Co- workers /Neighbors? 26% 49% 24% 2% 116. Daily newspapers? 21% 43% 34% 2% 117. Internet? 19%; 32% 44%; 5% 118. Do you or any household members YES ...................69% regularly read the City's news- NO ....................29% letter, "The Rosemount City News DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 2% 119. Does your household currently sub- YES ...................65% scribe to cable television? NO ....................35% REFUSED ................0% 13 �I j t IF "YES," ASK: (N =260) As you may know, the City currently cablecasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings. 120. How often do you watch City FREQUENTLY .............7% Council or Planning Commis- OCCASIONALLY 20% sion meetings frequently, RARELY ................27W occasionally, rarely, or NEVER .................47% never? DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 0% 121. Do you have access to the Internet HOME ONLY .............33% at home? (WAIT FOR RESPONSE) Do WORK ONLY ..............4% you have access to the Internet BOTH ..................54. at work? NEITHER ...............10% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED.....0% IF "YES," ASK: (N =360) 122. Have you accessed the City's YES ...................54% web site? NO ....................44% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 1% IF "YES," ASK: (N =196) 123. Were you able to find what you were looking for? YES ...................88% NO ....................10% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 2% 124. What information would you like to see on the City of Rosemount's web site? UNSURE, 35 NONE, 23 GENERAL INFORMATION, 5 PARKS AND RECREATION, 5 COMMUNITY EVENTS, 11 CITY COUNCIL MINUTES, 6 PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, 8 CODES AND ORDINANCES, 3 PUBLIC FORUM, 2 SCAT- TERED, 3%. I would like to read you a list of potential on -line servic- es which could be offered by the city. For each one, please tell me if you would be very interested in the service, somewhat interested, not too interested or not at all inter- ested in the service. VRI SMI NTI NAA DKR 125. An e- mailed newsletter? 27% 33% 11% 28% 1% 126. Park and recreation registration? 37% 33% 9% 20% 2% 127. Permit application? 31% 42% 11% 15% 2% 128. Schedule of building inspections? 21% 29% 17% 31% 2% Now, just a few more questions for demographic purposes.... 14 Could you please tell me how many people in each of the following age groups live in your household. Let's start oldest to young- est.... 129. First, persons 65 or over? 0 .....................88% 1 ......................5% 2 OR MORE ..............6% 130. Adults under 65? 0 7%; 1 .....................12% 2 .....................67% 3 ......................9% 4 OR MORE ..............6% 131. School -aged children? 0 .....................56% 1 .....................20% 2 .....................17% 3 ......................5% 4 OR MORE ..............3% 132. Pre schoolers? 0 78% 1 .....................16% 2 OR MORE ..............6% 133. Do you own or rent your present OWN ...................92% residence? RENT ...................8% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... 0% IF "OWN," ASK: (N =367) 134. When was your residence SINCE 2000............23% built? The decade of con- 1990 1999 .............33% struction is close enough. 1980 1989 .............20% 1970 1979 .............10% 1960- 1969 ..............8% 1950 1959 ..............4% 1940- 1949 ..............2% 1930- 1939 ..............0% BEFORE 1930............1% DON'T KNOW /REFUSED..... It 135. What is your age, please? 18- 24 ..................3% 25- 34 .................16% 35- 44 .................29% 45- 54 .................24% 55- 64 .................17% 65 AND OVER 12W REFUSED ................1% 136. Are you employed by a public en- tity, such as state and local gov- ernment or a school district, a private company, self employed or own a business, or currently not working? PUBLIC ENTITY 16% PRIVATE COMPANY....... 58% OWN BUSI /SELF- EMP 9% NOT WORKING 16% REFUSED ................it 15 137. Gender 138. ZONE MALE ..................49$ FEMALE ................51W PRECINCT 1............18% PRECINCT 2............18W PRECINCT 3............22$ PRECINCT 4............13% PRECINCT 5A 7W PRECINCT 5B............7% PRECINCT 6............16$ ,_..�r�- ���w...