HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.b. Lebanon Hills Regional Park StormwaterCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION: March 9, 2005 AGENDA ITEM Lebanon Hills Regional Park Stormwater AGENDA SECTION: Update Z15 cU55 io PREPARED BY: Andrew J Brotzler, P E City Engineer A NQ. yy ATTACHMENTS: Utility Commission Executive Summary, APPROVED BY- March 7, 2005 NOTES: For discussion only BACKGROUND: At the March 7, 2005 regular Utility Commission meeting, the Commission will be reviewing the attached information regarding the continuing drainage issues within Lebanon Hills Regional Park and the City of Eagan Following this discussion by the Utility Commission, Staff will be prepared to update the Council on this subject, CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION UTILITIES COMMISSION MEETING DATE March 7. 2005 AGENDA ITEM: Lebanon Hills Regional Park Stormwater AGENDA SECTION: Update Old Business PREPARED BY: Andrew J Brotzler, P E City Engineer�v AGENDA NO: Sa. ATTACHMENTS: Memorandum from WSB dated January 21, 2005, Memorandum from Bonestroo dated December 29, 2004 RECOMMENDED ACTION: Motion to recommend to City Council that a letter be drafted to Dakota County, City of Eagan and Vermillion River Watershed Joint Powers Organization in accordance with the recommendations contained in the attached January 21, 2005 memorandum BACKGROUND: Since the last time that the Commission discussed the Lebanon Hills Regional Park Stormwater issue at the July 12, 2004 regular meeting, City staff has participated in several meetings with representatives from Dakota County Parks, City of Eagan and the Minnesota DNR The objective of these meetings was to discuss options for the management of stormwater within the City of Rosemount, Dakota County Lebanon Hills Regional Park and the City of Eagan In 2004, the City of Eagan completed a feasibility report for the construction of storm drainage improvements within the City of Eagan and Lebanon Hills Regional Park The improvements proposed within this report have been the basis for discussion amongst the parties with options being considered The attached memorandum from the City of Eagan's consultant, Bonestroo, outlines three options to address stormwater drainage within the watershed For options 1 and 2 outlined in this memorandum, it is assumed that improvements would be made within the City of Rosemount to improve the ability to retain a 100 -year, 10 -day snowmelt event with no immediate discharge For this to be possible, significant improvements would need to be made within this area of Rosemount to construct pond outlets and connections to allow for the establishment of normal water levels within basins that now have no outlet The estimated cost for these improvements is $1,000,000 to $1,500,000 and is highly dependent on land acquisition costs for pond easements. For Option 3 outlined in the Bonestroo memorandum, no improvements or modifications are assumed to be completed in Rosemount. For this option, the downstream outlet in the City of Eagan would be upsized to accommodate a 100 -year, 10 -day snowmelt event The estimated cost increased for this option from Option 1 is $500,000 to $1,000,000 With all three of the options presented in the Bonestroo memorandum, the projected impacts within the Dakota County Lebanon Hills Regional Park associated with each option are identified At the last two meetings, Dakota County Parks and their consultant expressed concern that the protected impacts within the park were not consistent with the park's goals for stormwater management and ecological impacts Staff is scheduled to attend another group meeting on March 7, 2005, prior to the Utility Commission meeting Dakota County Parks has indicated that they will present an option for stormwater management to the group Staff will provide a verbal update to the Commission on the new option prepared by Dakota County Parks As can be seen, the resolution to this matter is very challenging with a wide array of interests and views for stormwater management within the watershed Attached for the Commissions review and consideration is a memorandum from Pete Willenbring with WSB Associates, Inc The memorandum outlines the existing conditions within the portion of the watershed located in the City of Rosemount and includes recommendations for consideration by the Commission that include committing to the completion of projects in the City of Rosemount in accordance with the conditions noted to address the management of stormwater within the City It is Staff's opinion that by committing to the implementation of a program to manage stormwater within this area of the City of Rosemount in accordance with the parameters outlined in the attached memorandum, the City of Rosemount will be acting proactively to work towards the responsible and reasonable management of stormwater within the watershed SUMMARY: Staff is recommending that the Commission adopt a motion to recommend to the City Council that a letter be drafted as outlined in the attached memorandum and submitted to Dakota County Parks, the City of Eagan and the Vermillion River Watershed A WSB &Assoc Infrastructure i Engineering 1 Planning 1 Construction Memorandum To: Andy Brotzler, City Engineer City of Rosemount From: Pete Willenbring, AEI—� WSB Associates, Inc. 701 Xenia Avenue South Suite 300 Minneapolis, MN 55416 Tel 763- 541 -4800 Fax 763- 541 -1700 Date: January 21, 2005 Re: Recommendations regarding response to request from Dakota County Parks Department to have Rosemount bold water in ponds within Rosemount until downstream capacity is available during 100 year 10 day snowmelt conditions WSB Project No 1015 -56 IntroductionBacklrround This memorandum has been prepared to respond to Dakota County Parks Department's request that the City of Rosemount hold water within the City in areas upstream of the Lebannon Hills Regional Park, if conditions are such that a 10 -day snow melt will take place This request was made based on the results of a hydrologic analysis of the drainage area tributary to the park that was completed by both Bonestroo Barr Engineenng The analysis indicates flooding of Holland Lake and McDonough Lake, along with water bodies in areas within Lebannon Hills Regional Park, will occur during this event As you may be aware, WSB previously completed a hydrologic analysis of the watersheds that are tributary to Lebanon Hills Regional Park for this purpose and determined the following Approximately 20 ponds are available to store runoff in the Rosemount watershed Many of these basins would not be anticipated to overflow during most rainfall events as they have high edges around the perimeter, provided the water elevations m these depressions is significantly lower than the overflow elevation for the basin There is a potential to provide an outlet from some of these basins at a low enough elevation so as to contain a 10 -day snow melt from its surrounding watershed should the outlet be closed under those conditions The cost for constructing these outlets is anticipated to range from $25,000 to $100,000 per basin (total cost estimated to range from 750,000 to 1 5 million dollars). QM Minneapolis l St Cloud Rwiois- sandw,aioa,ursvo,e=m- mz.ose� Equal Opportunity Employer Andy Brotzler Page 2 4 If implemented, most of this work would be undertaken on private property, and permission from the property owners would be needed unless the City undertakes condemnation proceedings Discussion on Rosemount's Responsibilitv to Correct Downstream Problems Drainage law generally requires downstream properties to perpetuate the drainage through their property if development takes place Upstream properties (within the City of Rosemount) are generally required to manage water in a responsible way and to take into consideration downstream impacts This usually requires providing rate control and treatment for runoff to predevelopment levels Recommendation Based on the above considerations, it is recommended that a letter be drafted to Dakota County Parks, City of Eagan, and the Vermillion River Watershed indicating that the City of Rosemount will evaluate the relative benefit of constructing the various projects identified, prioritize these projects, and then consider implementing the higher priority projects provided the following conditions exist Private property owners that may be impacted by the project will need to voluntarily support the project and cooperatively agree to any land acquisition required as part of the project Condemnation will not be undertaken by the City in order to implement any of these projects 2 All wetland regulatory agencies will need to be supportive of the project and demonstrate that we are not "transferring" the impacts associated with high water from a downstream basin to an upstream basin A significant and measurable downstream benefit must be able to be quantified as part of the implementation of each element of the project and the cost benefit ratio of this element must be higher than other downstream options 4 The Dakota County Park Department and the City of Eagan implement all projects having similar cost benefit considerations The cost associated with the implementation of this project will be fully borne by the City of Rosemount provided the above conditions are met Hopefully this recommendation addresses your needs If you have any questions concerning the above information, please do not hesitate to contact me at 763 287 -7188 sj/tsh X101015 -56Wd WD.MMEMO .b al,, 011105d. Bonestroo 2335 West Highway 36 St Paul, MN 55113 Rosene Office 651 -636 -4600 •Fax 651- 636 -1311 Anderlil< wwwbonestroo com Associates Engineers Architects MEMORANDUM To Thomas Colbert, Russ Matthys, Eric Macbeth City of Eagan Steve Sullivan. Johnny Forrest, Bruce Blair Dakota County Parks Andy Brotzler, Peter Willenbrmg- Rosemount/WSB Pat Lynch DNR Waters David Zappefillo DNR Fisheries Joe Yanta Corps of Engineers Jerry Engelke Gun Club Lake WMO Greg Wilson Barr Engineering From. Mark Hanson, Jason Swenson Subject Long Acres /Lebanon Hills Regional Park Storm Drainage Improvements City of Eagan Project No 905 Bonestroo File 49 -04 -128 Date- December 29, 2004 At our last meeting, it was decided we would forward an updated matnx identifying three (3) options to satisfy the storm water concerns in this drainage basin Recognizing that any one option is not the "silver bullet it was felt if we forwarded the three (3) options, each of us could review the positives /negatives and identify a preferred option before our next meeting The three (3) options are noted as follows Option I Utilize Existin,- Gravity Sewer in CliffRoad Utilize existing gravity sewer in Cliff Road between McDonough Lake and Holland Lake, and the existing storm sewer lift station at Pond LP -51 opposite Holland Lake Option 2 -New Lift Station (a' McDonough Lake Construct a new lift station at McDonough Lake including a new force main in Cliff Road between McDonough Lake, connecting to the existing force main serving the Pond LP -51 Lift Station opposite Holland Lake Option 3 New Gravity Sewer in Cliff Road Construct a new gravity storm sewer in Cliff Road from McDonough Lake to Pond LP -51 where either an additional lift station would be constructed at Pond LP -51 or a greater storm water overflow would occur to Holland Lake St Paul St Cloud, Rochester, Willmar, MN Milwaukee WI Chicago, IL Affirmative Actmn /Equal Opport.mty Employer and Employee Owned Enclosed is the Phase II Matrix, which identifies the three (3) options and impacts at different locations in the watershed Also enclosed are two (2) 11 x 17 drawings which give an overview of the whole watershed Preliminary plan sheets developed to date are also included, which show construction impacts The preliminary drawings are not final and are only intended to show preliminary design and what the impacts might be for different improvements Please review the attached information for our January 19, 2005 meeting at Eagan City Hall in the Community Room at 1 p.m. If you have any questions, please contact Mark Hanson (651- 604 -4838) or Jason Swenson (651- 604 4867). Also feel free to contact Tom Colbert or Russ Matthys at the City of Eagan, who helped develop the attached information MAH•crw Enclosures Resolution Numbe City Of Rosemount Resolution outlining policy for managing drainage from areas in Rosemount to Lebanon Hills Regional Park Whereas, approximately 1100 Acres of land within the City of Rosemount has naturally drained or overflowed to the Lebanon Hills Regional Park in the past, Whereas; based on drainage law, property owners within tlus 1100 acre area have the legal right to perpetuate this drainage pattern and continue to allow runoff to be directed to this downstream area in the future Whereas; this area in Rosemount tributary to the Lebanon Hills Regional Park was developed in the 1980's into a low density rural residential land use that has not significantly changed the volume of runoff directed from this area to the Lebanon Hills Regional Park Whereas, the Dakota County Parks Department has advised the City of Rosemount of a flooding problem they have identified in the Lebanon Hills Regional Park This problem appears to have a higher likelihood of occurrence during years ha heavy snowfall and rapid snow melt conditions in the spring Whereas; the flooding problem in the Lebanon Hills Regional Park could have been addressed in the 1980's when the City of Eagan was designing a downstream lift station that could serve as an outlet for runoff directed to the park and requested the Dakota County Parks department contribute funds toward the construction At that time the Dakota County Board of Commissioner's advised the City of Eagan that Lebanon Hills Regional Park did not need an outlet, would contain runoff within the park in the future, and did not contribute to the funding of the lift station As a result, the lift station was not upsized to provide an outlet for the runoff directed to the park from its tributary area Whereas; the City of Rosemount has a desire to assist Dakota County Parks department and the City of Eagan in their efforts to address this problem in reasonable and cost effective ways, Therefore be it resolved: The City of Rosemount will, as part of the implementation of their stormwater management plan, pump to the south and into Rosemount, selected depressions that currently overflow to the north to Lebanon Hills Regional Park. This action will divert 300 acres of the 1100 acre area historically overflowing to Lebanon Hills Regional Park. The City will also consider-fimdtxgaucl .implementing other storm water management projects within the remaining areas of Rosemount that are tributary to Lebanon Hills Regional Park if they meet the following requirements Private property owners impacted by potential projects will need to voluntarily support the project and cooperatively agree to any land acquisition required as part of the project Condemnation will not be undertaken by the City in order to implement any of these projects 2 All wetland regulatory agencies will need to be supportive of the project and demonstrate that we are not "transferring" the habitat and flooding impacts associated with high vN ater from a downstream basin to an upstream basin 3. A significant and measurable downstream flood protection benefit must be able to be documented and quantified, and potential projects in Lebanon Hills Regional Park or City of Eagan having similar or better benefits abets must also be implemented Long Acres /Lebanon Hills Regional Park , Pliase II Scenario Matrix City Project No. 905 File No. 49-04-128 December 2004 Location Option 1: Utilize Existing Gravity Option 2: New Lift Station at Option 3: New Gravity Outlet Server McDonou h Lake Gun Club Pond Construct outlet control structure and Constiuct outlet control structure and Construct outle[control structure and outlet i e at existin outlet elevation outlet i e at existin outlet elevation outlet i e at existing outlet elevation Marsh Lake Construct outlet control structure and Construct outlet control structure and Construct outlet control structure and bio-swale,drawdown 1.5 feet for bio-swale, drawdown 1.5 feet for bio-swale,drawdown 1.5 feet for , snowmelt conditions snowmelt conditions -OR- snowmelt conditions -OR= -OR- �Construct outlet control structure and Construct outlet control structure and Construct outlet control structure and pipe,drawdown 1.5 feet for snowmelt pipe, drawdown 1.5 feet for snowmelt pipe,drawdown 1.5 feet for snowmelt conditions conditions McDonou h Lake conditions g Berm to elevation 889.0(Snowmelt Berm to elevation 889A(Snowmelt Berm to elevation 889.0(Snowmelt HWL 887.0) HWL 887.0) HWL 887.0) -OR- ' -OR- � Berm to Elevation 889A(Snowmelt Berm to Elevation 889.0 d� ' HWL 889.0—assuming no restriction (Snowmelt HWL 889A—assuming no at O'Brien or Rosemount—impacts restriction at O'Brien or Rosemount— �� access road(886.3)and beachhouse impacts access road(886.3)and a 887•6�� beaclil�ouse 887.6)) A McDonough Lake Outlet 7"orifice, allow for I.9 foot drawdown 8 cfs lift station constructed at 30"Gravity outlet. Set invert at 1. � for snowmelt conditions McDonough Lake. Allow for 19 foot 9 feet below existing NWL � drawdown far snowmelt conditions -OR- V , Operate at cunent NWL for summer, allow for drawdo�vn in snowmelt Wetland 121 McDonough Lake outlets directly to Provide pipe and valve to bleed water Provide pipe nd valve to bleed water via ravit ,as done toda to wetland Cliff Road 1 new 12" ravit g to wetland g y pipe crossin to New forcemain from McDonough New 30"gravity storm sewer from connect to existing trunk line Lake to existing forcemain at Pond McDonough Lake to Pond LP-51 Pond LP-51 LP-51 Modify existing pumps to variable Throttle existing pumps back to 4 cfs Add ne�v lift station to existing lift speed, 9 cfs total capacity total capacity. This will require a raise station for total 12.5 cfs capacity in the 6"24 hour HWL, easement -OR- acquisition,and raising of affected Construct 1 new lift station with total driveways 12.5 cfs capacity - -OR- Modify existing station to 9cfs with Pro'ect Costs $900,000 variable s eed pum s Holland Lake Overflo�vs $1,300,OU0 $1,400,000 ° E�tisting 6"24 Hour Overflow � Holland Lake Overflows Hoiland Lake Overflows 6"24 Hour Overflow is 0 ac ft 6"24 Hour Overflow is 0 ac ft Holland Lake Overflows is D ac-ft • Snowmelt Overflow is 0 ac ft . • 6"24 Hour Overflow is 0 ac ft • Existing Snowmeit Overflow Snowmelt Overflow is 23 ac ft • Snowmelt Overflow is is 262 ac-ft - 12.5 cfs L.S.= 196 ac ft Dakota Count Parks *Im lement Alt#2 * - 9 cfs L.S.=342 ac ft O'Brien Lake/Cattail Pond Im lement Alt#2 *Im lement Alt#2 Restrict outlet to 12"for snowmelt No Change to O'Brien Lake/Cattail condition only Pond(assumes Rosemount No Cl�ange Cattail Pond HWL from 905.0 to 903.8 Restrictions) (snowmelt)—no impact on O'Brien Restrict O'BrienOL ke/Cattail Pond water leveis outlet to 12"for snowmelt condition only(assumes Rosemount does -OR- nothing). Cattail Pond HWL from 905.0 to 908.8 No Change(Results in HWL at McDonougl�Lake of 889.0, im acts -OR- p No Change without Rosemount � beach house(887,6)and access road Restrictions(raises McDonough Lake 'd (886.3)) Sno�vmelt HWL to 889.0,impacting O � the access road(886.3)and beach 'a Dakota Coun Parks Cost house(887,6 ) b += Rosemount Holds Water in ponds until �� Holds Water in ponds until � downstream capacity is available. downstream capacity is available. No Change � Requires controls at 14 ponds: (Assumes no restriction at O'Brien --�0 1010, 1012, 1014, 1026, 1099, 1100, Lake/Cattail Pond) Requires controls - 1131, 1137, 1149, i 179, 1237, 1279, 1383, 1389 at 14 po�ds: _ _, ]O 10, 1012, 1014, 1026, 1099, 1100, -OR- 1 1 3 1, 1 1 3 7, 1149, 1179, 1237, 1279, No Change(Raises HWL at 1383, 1389 McDonough Lake to 889.0, impacts beach house(8$7,6)and access road -OR- No Change to Rosemount(assuming (886.3)) O'Brien Lake/Cattail Pond is Restricted) -OR- No Change without restricting O'Brien/Cattail Oude.t(raises � McDonough Lake Snowmelt HWL to , 889.0,impacting the access road �a4' Ci of Rosemount Cost 886.3)and beach house 887,6)) *Implement Alternate#2: Dakota County Parks provided a plan for managing water in the park identified as Alte rnative#2. This plan assumes the + park will implement its plans in all other areas outside of Gun C1ub,Marsh, and McDonough Lakes. .�} :��>� Long Act es /Lebanon Hills Regional Park Phase II Scenario Malt ix City Project No 905 File No 49 -04 -128 December 2004 *Implement Alternate q2 Dakota County Parks provided a plan for managing water in the park identified as Alternative W2 Plus plan assumes the park will implement its plans in all other areas outside of Gun Club, Marsh, and McDonough Lakes f rh V si. Location Option 1 Utilize Existing Gravity Optlon 2 New Lift Station at Option 3 New Gravity Outlet Sewer MCDorma h Lake Dun Club Pond E7motuaa outlet connol structure and CnnatIL61 outlet control structure and Construct nutlet control structure and outlet i e at exubng outicl elevation outlet pipe al ewsunR .tiller elesannn outlet a at exisbn outlet elevation Marsh Lake Construct outlet Conn.) sanction ..it Cmisrmcl outlet conhol Structure and Construct ra M conhol structure and hio-swale, drawdo s. 1 5 feet for bra scale, drawdown 1 5 feet for bra scale, dawd n l 5 feet for Snowmelt Conditions Soownselt conditions snowmell c.admons -OR- OR- -OR- Construct outlet control structure and Construct outlet central structure and Construct outlet control structure and pipe, drawdown 1 5 feet for snowmell pipe, drawdown 1 5 feel for snowmell pipe, drawdown 1 5 feet for siwwmeit conditions conditions conditions McDonough Lake Berm to efevatmn 689 0 (Snowmelt Dean to ties thou 889 0 (Snowmelt Bean to elevation 889 0 (Snowitielt HWL 997 0) HWL 887 0) HWL 887 0) -OR- OR- m Berm to Elevation 889 0 (Snow melt Berm to E)evoimn 889 0 a HWL 8800— assuming no restriction (Snowmelt 11WL 8890 assuming no G at O'Bnen or Rosemount impacts restochonelODnenorRusemount access road (886 3) and beachhouse impacts access road (886 3) and 887 6 beachhouse g8l 6) w McDonough Lake Outlet 7 onfice, allow for 1 9 foul drawdown 8 cfs hit station constmOcal at 30" Gravity outlet Set Invert at 19 a for snowmell emndnmm McDonough L aka Allow (cc 1 9 Cool feet below existing NWL W drawdown for snowmell conditions -OR- Operate at current NWL for Summer, Allow for drawdown in snnwmeli V conditions Wetland 121 McDonough Lake outlets directly to Provide pipe and valve to bleed water Provide pipe and +.alve to bleed water na noun as done foda to Wetland to wetland Cliff Road I new IT gravity pipe crossing to New forcemaut from McDonough New 30' gravity Smf III sewer m connect to ex(slmg Irurdr line Lake to existing fnecinam at Pond McDonough Lake to Pond LP -5] LP -51 Pond LP -51 Modify exis0ng Pumps 10 variable Throttle existing pumps back to 4 cfs Add new lift station to existing )ift speed, 9 cfs total capacity total capacity This still require a raise station for total 12 5 cis capacity at the 6'24 hour HWL, eascricia -OR- acquisition, and ra¢mg ofaffected Construct I new hit station with total davewe)s 12 5 cis capacity -OR- Modify existing station to 9cfs with varable s ezd ion s Pro eft Costs 5900 000 51,300,000 51 400 000 Holland Lake Overflows Holland Lake Overflows Ballard Lake Overflows Holland Lake Overflows Existing 6" 24 Your Overflow 6" 24 Hour Oscrflow rs o ac f1 6" 24 Hour Overflow is 0 at ft 6" 24 Hour Overflow rs 0 ac 0 is 0.,A Snowmelt Overflow ISO ac R Snowmelt Overfow is 23 ac R Snowmelt Overflow is Existing Snowmelt Overflow 12 5 cfs L S 196 uc it is 262 ac-ft 9cfsL5 =342ac t Dakota County Parks •lm lememf Alt N2 -Lit pf,a Alt R2 •Ira ilemenl All G O'Bren Lake/ Cattail Pond Restrict aullel t. 12' for Snowmelt No Change to O'Bnen Lake Cattail No Change condition only Pood assumes Rosemount ResluctI.m) Cattail Pond HWL from 9050 to 9089 OR- (s nawmeft) no impact on O'Brien Restrict O'Brien Lake 7 Cattail Pond water levels outlet to 12" for Sn.w melt condition only (assumes Rosemount does -0R- nollong) Cattail Pond HWL from 905 0 to 908 8 No Change (Results in HWL at OR- McDonough Lake of889 0, impacts No Change without Rosemount beach house (887 6) and access mad Restrictions (raises McDonough Lake u (8116 3)) Snowmelt HW L to 8890, impacmng O the access road (886 3) and beach horse (887 6 9 Dakota Counti Parks Cost w Rosemount Holds Water in ponds until Holds Water m ponds until No Change downstream capacity is available downstream capacity rs available a Requues controls of 14 ponds (Assumes no restriction at O'Brten 10) 0, 1012, 1014, 1026, 1099, 1100, Lake Cattail Pond) Requires controls 9 1131, 1137, 1149, 1179 1237, 1279, at 14 ponds 6 083, 1389 1010, 1012, 1014, 1026, 1099, 1100, -OR- 1131,1137,1149,1179,1237,1279, No Change (liaises HWL at 1383, 1389 McDonough Lake to 889 0, impacts -OR- beach house (887 6) and access road No Change as Rosemount (assuming (886 3)) O'Bnen Lake t Cattail Pond a Restncwd) -OR- No Change without resh¢Img O'Brren/Cattail Outlet (raises McDonough Lake Snowmelt HWL to 889 0, onpa,nio the access road 8661 Suit beach house 887 6) CI of Rosemount Cost *Implement Alternate q2 Dakota County Parks provided a plan for managing water in the park identified as Alternative W2 Plus plan assumes the park will implement its plans in all other areas outside of Gun Club, Marsh, and McDonough Lakes f rh V si. I I I f� c: I EAGAN, MINNESOTA LONG ACRES OUTLET /LE ©ANON HILLS PARK TRUNK STORM A Z Y wam uc wa urnMaw X DNAINAGE BASIN A I O I m i m m Z t S� r y I I I f� c: I EAGAN, MINNESOTA LONG ACRES OUTLET /LE ©ANON HILLS PARK TRUNK STORM J'� B "e ftosene Andernka 1�ASSOOa[es 5t Paul OMc 3]3s uvisc Nlg6weY >6 so y.A .'I SR3 anaoe 653 536 reoo Y wam uc wa urnMaw X DNAINAGE BASIN Fa 653 636 ]331 J ymsr� e 6o Z S� r y 7) EAGAN, MINNESOTA LONG ACRES OUTLET /LE ©ANON HILLS PARK TRUNK STORM J'� B "e ftosene Andernka 1�ASSOOa[es 5t Paul OMc 3]3s uvisc Nlg6weY >6 so y.A .'I SR3 anaoe 653 536 reoo Y wam uc wa urnMaw X DNAINAGE BASIN Fa 653 636 ]331 J ymsr� e � � �.� � , � ��� � - , - - ------ , Tl� � "' ,'-�.� � _ -- -. � o, i �� 4 q �\ e m � m Landlocked Area- mp. Pumpi g - � T27N ��-'"� Tz� R � � 35�36 36 � to Manage Storm Water Storage �t�eas .W ��,_,__\ , ---�� _ %�T�SN �,-_� � I T �� �� i/_ 1 � RI9W _ •.TI I I9 Q / � _ . i � L / ° `1 Oth ST. _ GWN L D. �-,°� 1 1 0 1 01 q . � �' i ^ 1003 z a, ' 1 1 04 1009 WL-�92A � 1 100 . 1030 r- � WL-9Z a� ' 1012 L-936 NW 941 � ° • 10 6 �In� � NW 928 b - 1099 � �1RZ WL-945,,� �� L. � , 4 - 113 113 ' 1179 � NWL-928 � .r_ 7 6 � NWL-938 d . NW 963 NWL- ; `� NWL-930 �y � 11 44 y.� , � W -940 I 18 17 I -� � � a y � � TIISN R19W � e o • T � a `'�� o „�, � „6z �� r I „49 s � 77 � _ .� r—� WILDE ' � - _- _ `� '� o �� LAKE- • WL-968 • 1 194 � � '°_'. 1221, . c� ,` ,p KIRSCHNER _ w � � � E�,p�`' � , � NWL-928�, �1 MARSH� �, z —�� �. _ , �n. 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Rosemount, Minnesota -�---°� ���°-���-��° INFRASTRUCTURE�ENGINEERING�PLANNING�CONSTRUCTION ,�I{t �I °r _I �cn �iT" ;�u,�,l'I i, 7 E �L�� II I n t,�_i I Al Ell l�' I f F r' f'5 4�;<m bt- °teY Jn �hIh�ITJ ��)1(li L� IV rip I Lj 1��' I �i� 1 14 1 P., ii. ;l LiOF.! 1�1 I r of �.�r��,cS�r, N'�� ,l r iS�l -mo 1F' L v o I 1 ,'TA.- IN �i'1L f r c �t=t Q 0 C ?7 Z m O Z X 2 m x f f J Paul Will. I O a m°3 v� o0�-� m r 3 p n m z I z Z y mm T OUTLET /LE6ANON HILLS PARK TRUNK STORM m m m A�3Spp -a c Y D r y m m o O Z 11� A 'll I U A ry O N N I m o ra. osi sss i3n ?7 EAGAN, MINNESOTA f f J Paul Will. LONG ACRES ���Andedek& T se s ra�i�nn OUTLET /LE6ANON HILLS PARK TRUNK STORM OPTIONS 3 11� A 'll I Phone 15, 01, a600 N ra. osi sss i3n