HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.a Fire Station #2CITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR ACTION City Council Work Session Date February 9, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: FIRE STATION #2 AGENDA SECTION: DISCUSSION PREPARED BY: JAMIE VERBRUGGE, CITY ADMINISTRATOR AGEf�' ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: RECOMMENDED ACTION: Give staff direction ISSUE The 2005 Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) includes construction of Fire Station #2. BACKGROUND Fire Station #2 has been in the City's 10 -year CIP since 1997 The City secured land for Station #2 in 2003 along the north side of Connemara Trail at Azalea Avenue, lust west of the Centex Minea development (A sign is on -site indicating it is the future site of Station #2 The site will also include a future water tower and possibly a water treatment plant. Project Design and Construction Fire Chief Aker and several members of the Fire Department began looking at facility needs in 2004 They evaluated whether Station #2 should serve as an independent operation, lust as Station #1 does, or if the new fire station would operate as a satellite station while maintaining primary department functions at the existing station After evaluating service needs, equipment, and staffing, and after discussing it with the City Council in 2004, Chief Aker is recommending that the new station be a satellite operation An issue that was discussed last year was Staff and Council concern that the initial project be well- thought out for the long -term needs of the community In other words, the facility should be designed so that future growth or change in operational use could be accommodated without significant additional cost Chief Aker will be at the Work Session to discuss the facility needs that have been included in our preliminary estimates related to the bays and general office space Staff has also been looking at multi- purpose functionality of the facility to serve as a future polling place and as an emergency operations center The construction schedule for the project at this time is targeted to begin construction in the fall (September) so that substantial pre winter work could be completed on the building y Page 2 of 3 exterior, allowing interior work to proceed toward a mid -year 2006 opening Selection of Architect In addition to the specific policy issues of moving forward and scale of the facility, staff would appreciate Council direction on the selection of architect for the project Architectural services are considered as professional services and therefore not subject to statutory RFP and bidding requirements Vetter Johnson Architects designed Fire Station #1 The stafrs experience with Vetter Johnson was very positive Chief Aker appreciated how attentive Vetter Johnson was to the City's needs in designing that building and is very satisfied with the facility The project team for Station #2 has met with Mark Vetter to discuss the project He is able to meet the project timelines and has the benefit of understanding the City's needs as well as having all of the construction documents from the last project to ease the process Staff would like to retain Vetter Johnson again for this project Preliminary Project Costs and Financing The preliminary cost estimates have been based on growth inflators adjusted to the construction costs of Station #1 A more accurate estimate would not be available until more specific building plans are drafted However, the preliminary estimate ranges from $1 9 million to $2 2 million This includes contingency and project development costs, but does not include FFE (furniture, fixtures and equipment) that could be an additional $100,000 The project is planned to be financed through the sale of general obligation bonds. Springsted, Inc the City's financial advisor, is running preliminary tax impacts for three different project cost scenarios $1 9 million, $2 2 million, and $2 5 million which will vary based on square footage and exterior finish Those numbers were unavailable at the time this memo was prepared but will be provided in advance of the meeting State law was changed several years ago to allow City's to bond for certain capital projects without referendum, Fire stations are among the projects that may be approved without putting the question before the voters However, the law included a reverse referendum petition provision Residents have 30 days from Council's action to submit a petition with qualified signatures equal to 5% of votes cast in the previous general election Spnngsted has also provided options regarding the timing to issue debt for the project The standard approach would be to wait until the project is bid (approximately August) to issue debt However, there are several reasons Council may wish to accelerate the financing to May First, the public hearing process and potential for reverse referendum would be a resolved issue before the City has expended significant dollars for design, drafting of construction plans, and preparation of bid documents Second, there is at least one legislative proposal that would place a hard freeze on property tax levies An exemption is provided for debt that is issued or contracts entered into prior to June 1, 2005 Finally, there may be some savings (albeit small) related to interest rates if the City sells the bonds in May rather than in August or September Page 3 of 3 Staff has also discussed with Spnngsted the steps necessary to seek a bond rating increase at the same time as we prepare documentation to issue debt A successful bond rating increase, if granted by Moody's, would translate into more favorable rates and strengthen the City's financial position Public Involvement Should the Council prefer a schedule that includes selling bonds in May, staff anticipates holding 1 -2 public meetings in late March or early April prior to the public hearing regarding the project The purpose of the public meetings would be to share discussion of need, preliminary design information, and project cost details An alternative approach would be a more community -based design and development process, such as a task force, to work through the design phase This type of a process would be preferred if Council anticipates that the project may be controversial or that a reverse referendum petition is a strong possibility In that circumstance, it would be wise to spend more time involving the community and budding community support Should Council choose this approach, it would be best to begin it immediately and plan for 2006 construction of the facility SUMMARY Staff has been working with AMCON Construction to perform project management duties and help coordinate some of the pre planning activities AMCON and the City have partnered in this manner for the first fire station as well as the City Hall renovation in 2001 In addition to the tax impact analysis that will be provided prior to the meeting, Chief Aker will be prepared to discuss different design options Staff requests direction on the items detailed in this memo : 2/3/2005 • City of Rosemount Proposed Fire Station Option 1 Option 2 Cost per SF Cost Cost per SF Cost - Area(SF) Area(SF) New Fire Station-Construction Cost 13,738 - 136 1,868,388 11,241 136 1,528,840 Outdoor Storage Building 900 70 63,000 900 7p 63.000 Subtotal-Construction Cost 1,931,388 1,591,840 Contingency 10%a 193,139 0 10% 459,184 Project DevelopmenUSoft Costs A/E,SAC/WAC,testing,surveys,etc 15% 289,708 15% 238,776 FFE Fumiture,Fixtures,Equipment Owner suppiied budget number Owner supplied budget number Phones,Computers,Radio,etc. Totaf Project Budget(not including land costs) $ 2,414,235 $ 1,989,800 https:J/webmaif.mn.rt.com/attach/Stadon 1 revised feb 05xlsShaBon 1 revised feb 05:xis ROSEMOUNT FIRE STATION 2/3/2005 STATION 1 OPTION 1 OPTION 2 CURRENT RM# ROOM AREA % AREA % AREA 101 B2ys 6,340 110% 6,974 90% 5,706 102 Standy-By 306 50% 153 50% 153 103 Laundry 240 40% 96 40% 96 104 Emergency Shower 16 100% 16 100% 16 105 SCBA Room 187 100% 187 100%0 187 106 Hose Storage 110 0 0 0 Q 107 Hose Tower 230 0 0 0 0 108 Storage/Radio Eng 99 100% 99 100% 99 109 Electric Room 88 100% 88 100% 88 110 Storage Room 374 60°to 224 60% 224 111 MediCal 126 100%0 126 9 00% 126 0 0 113 Workout Room 340 100% 340 0 0 114 Womens Locker 64 100% 64 100% 64 115 Womens Shower 40 100% 40 100% 40 116 Womens Bathroom Large 120 100% 120 100% 120 0 0 118 Janitor's Cioset 35 100%0 35 100% 35 119 Mens Bathroom Large 216 100% 216 100% 216 120 Mens Locker 134 0% 0 0% 0 121 Mens Shower 40 0°!0 0 0% 0 122 Mail Box Area 70 100% 70 100%0 70 0 0 124 Command Center 160 100% 160 0 0 125 Dispatch 175 100% 175 100% 175 0 0 127 Officer Office Area 554 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 129 Mens Bathroom Small 60 100% 60 0 0 � 130 Cioset/Meeting Room 130 0 0 0 0 131 Womens Bathroom Small 60 1D0% 60 0 0 132 Closet Meeting Room 130 100% 130 100% 130 133 Vending Area 102 100% 102 100% 102 134 Janitor's Closet 49 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 137 Day Room 585 50% 293 0 0 138 Kitchen Appliance Area 189 50% 95 50% 95 139 Kitchen Table Area 196 0 0 0 0 1 a ROSEMOUNT FIRE STATION 2/3/2005 STATION 1 OPTION 1 OPTION 2 CURRENT RM# ROOM AREA % AREA % AREA 140 Meeting Room 1,045 110% 1,150 110% 1,150 0 0 142 Fire Marshall Office 208 100% 208 100% 208 143 Chief OfFice 208 100% 208 100°fo 208 0 0 TOTAL NON-CIRC AREA 13,026 14,488 9,307 CIRCULATION AT 14.5% 1,889 1,666 1,350 TOTAL AREA 1st FLOOR 14,915 13,154 10,657 201 Mezzanine 987 50% 494 50% 494 202 Compressor Room 91 100% 91 100% 91 301 Hose Tower Top 200 0 0 0 0 TOTAL BLDG.AREA 16,193 13,738 11,241 PROJECT COST @$113/SF* $1,408,771 $1,552,410 $1,270,286 Garage/Out Building 900 0 0 0 -0 "Station 1 at$87 per SF per 1996 cost EXISTING FIRST FLOOR TOTAL ARER 14830 TOTAL NON-CIRCULATION AREA i'* 12956 TOTAL CIRCULATION 1874 % OF NON-CIRCULATION AREA 14.5% "" Excluding Mail Box Area ENGINEER NEWS-RECORD -Construction Building Cost Index June, 1996 Cost Index 3178 June, 2004 Cosf Index 3996 Cost Index Increase(%) 126%0 June,2005 Adjusted Cost 143% Increase 14%above 2004 1996 Construction Cost($/SF) $95' Estimated 2005 Construction Cost($/SF) $136 2 Memorandum To: Scott Aker, Fire Chief From: George A Lundy, Fire Marshal�— Date: February 9, 2005 Subject: Fire Deparhnent Responses for 2003 /2004 Chief Aker; Attached you will find the information that you requested. I have broken down the fire department responses as follows: Medicals: This would include all medicals, lift assist, check the welfare, and assistance provided to Health East Ambulance. Motor Vehicle Accidents: Motor vehicle accidents would include where extrieation/ rescue is needed along with first aid. Fire: This would include all structure fires,brush fires and automobile fires. Good Intent: This category contains all false alarms, fire protection systems activations where there are no fires,hazardous materials spills under the reportable limits, smell of smoke in the building, and all other investigations requiring a fire department response. If you would need further information,please feel free to contact me. Rosemount Fire Departrnent Emergency Calls YEAR NUMBER 4F CALLS 2000 454 2001 457 2002 537 2003 480 2004 550 . � Ambulance Response Times = ssm�F ���T�}- ` MONTH YEAR Minimum Maximum Avera e Res onse Res onse Res onse Time Time Time (Minutes (Minutes) (Minutes Jul 2004 6 19 11.8 Au ust 2004 6 17 11 Se tember 2004 8 24 12.2 October 2004 6 18 11 .7 November 2004 3 15 10.1 December 2004 8 14 10.9 Januar 2005 7 20 11 .8 , � CALLS BY RESP�NSE AREA MONTH NUMBER STATION #1 STATION #2 RESPONSE RESPONSE AREA AREA JULY 20(34 Fire Calls 1 S Medical Calis 24 Cancelled Calis 4 TOTAL CALLS 43 22 � g Au ust 2004 Fire Calls �g Medical Cal1s 22 Cancelled Calls 4 TOTAL CALLS 44 21 22 Se tember 2Q04 Fire Caals � 6 Medical Calis 34 Cancelled Calls 2 TOTAL CALLS 5 2 2 2 2 5