HomeMy WebLinkAbout2.c Downtown BeautificationCITY OF ROSEMOUNT EXECUTIVE SUMMARY FOR DISCUSSION CITY COUNCIL WORK SESSION: February 9, 2005 AGENDA ITEM: Downtown Beautification Hanging Flower Pots on Decorative Streetlight Posts AGENDA SECTION: Discussion PREPARED BY: Andrew J Brotzler, P E City Engineer AGWO ATTACHMENTS: None APPROVED BY: NOTES: For discussion only ISSUE: City Council requested Staff to research the possibility of attaching hanging flowerpots on the decorative streetlights located in Rosemount's downtown area BACKGROUND: It was determined that there is a total of 60 decorative street lights between 147 Street West and 143 Street West on Trunk Highway 3 and between Cameo Avenue and Brazil Avenue on 145"' Street West Based on other City's with similar hanging flowerpot programs it was estimated that a hanging flowerpot would be put on every other decorative streetlight This equates to a total number of 30 decorative streetlights that would have two hanging flowerpots on each bracket The estimated cost for the initial start up of this program is $3000 00 The following table gives a breakdown of the estimated cost ITEM QUANTITY UNIT PRICE TOTAL Pole Mounted Brackets 30 2000 60000 Plants with Baskets and Chains 60 2500 1,50000 Water Tank Pump 1 60000 60000 Misc Watering Supplies NA 30000 Mkr TOTAL 3,000.00 SUMMARY: Staff will provide visual images at the meeting of the type of hanging basket that is being contemplated Staff respectfully requests Council direction for the incorporation of the downtown beautification hanging flowerpot program � ' , ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT ' FRANCHISE FEE REVfEW ' February 2005 ' ' ' , , ' ' ' ' ' ' ' � ' CITY OF ROSEMOUNT FRANCHISE FEE REVIEW � TABLE OF CONTENTS ' � ' Independent Accountant's Report Section I-Procedures and Results , Section II-Summary of Recommendations , , � � � � � � � � � � � � ' ' � Tautges Redpath, Ltd. Certified Public Accountants and Consultants ' � INDEPENDENT ACCOUNTANT'S REPORT � Members of the City Council City of Rosemount Rosemount, Minnesota � We have applied certain agreed-upon procedures, as discussed beiow,to the franchise fee reports submitted by Charter Communications to the City of Rosemount for the period � January l, 2001 to December 31,2003. Our review was made solely to assist you in evaluating the degree of campliance by Charter Communications with the terms of the franchise ordinance_ It is understood that in accordance with the Confidentiality Agreement ' with Charter Communications,our report is solely for your infarmation and is not to be used for any purgose by anyone who is not a member of the City Council in the City of Rosemount,or an otherwise authorized representative, and Charter Communications. The , procedures we performed are summarized as foilows: I_ Review of the accounting system controls over the revenues and cash receipts � transaction cycle and the financial reporting cycle. 2. Comparison of subscriber fees,including instaliation/reconnectian charges, pay per ' view, remote control, guides,etc. from billingsireceipts reports to franchise fee worksheets. , 3. Review of procedures for allocating and reporting Home Shopping Revenues and analysis af the allocation between the City of Rosemount and other Minnesota service areas. , 4. Obtain financial informaiion includin ene al Ied ers tax returns and financiai , gg r g , , statements of the franchise company, and perform a reconciliation, to the extent tpractieable,of revenues r�ported in the financial infQrmation with revenu�s reflected in the detail records of the franchise company. ' S. Review of procedures for reporting refunds and bad debts. b. Compare all franchise fee worksheets with franchise fee payment scheduies submitted � to the franchise authority. � 7, Test methodology of identifying new, disconnect,change of service, bulk accounts and full serviee in a timely manner. � 4810 White Bear Parkway White Bear Lake, Minnesota 55110 651 426 7000 651 426 5004 Fax www.hlbtr.com 1303 South Frontage Road Suite 13 Hastings, Minnesota 55033 651 480 4990 651 426 5004 Fax HLB Tautges Redpath,Ltd.is a member of�International,a world-wide organization of accounting firms and business advisors. � ' ' � � 8. Review Chart of Accaunts to test for revenue items not included in the franchise fee , allocation. 9. Testing of unapplied revenue. , 10. Testing of payments for timeliness. � 1 I. Trend Analysis. 12. Franchise Fee I3i11 testing for randomly selected individual customers. � 13. Catch-up Check Remittances. 14. Traced Amounts through Charter's Financial Accounting System. � Section I of this report details the above procedures and results. A summary of � recommendations is presented in Section ll. Because the above procedures do not constitute an examination in accordance with auditing � standards generally accepted in tlie United States of America,we do not express an opinion on the City of Rosemount's or Charter Communications' financial statements. Had we perfarmed addrttanal procedures or had we made an examination in accordance with suditing standaxds generally accepted in the United States of America,other matters might have came ' to our attention that would have been reported to you. This report relates only to the accounts and items specified above and does not extend to any financial statements of the , City of Rosemount or Charter Comrnunications. February 15,2005 � f��� l ra�� � _ � HLB TAUTGES REDPATH,LTD. � Certified Pubtic Accountants � � , 2 � 588195.1 � � � • � • . � Procetlures and Results � 1) Review of the accounting system controls over the revenues and cash receipts transaction cycle and the financial reporting cycle. � Procedure: We obtained an understanding of accounting system controls,billing processes, month-end cut-offs, and the cash receipts transaction cycle and reporting cycle from Charter Communications personnel. � Resuits: We have obtained an understanding adequate to perform our testing proeedures. � 2 Com are l a - er-view ) p a 1 subscnber fees, mcluding mstallation/reconnection charges,p y p , remote control, guides,etc., from billings/receipts reports to franchise fee worksheets. � Procedure: We tested this at Charter Communieations with information rovided to us and p , the testing from the biiling receipt books to franchise reports was accurate. � R « �, esults: This�s a desk review item, and it may not prove much,as this testing merely t�es one report to the other. We would need to test the actual billing/receipts books(subledger) � detail (i.e., the support documentation for their subledger)to determine if all revenues related to the City of Rosemount have been included in the franchise fee calculation. � We compared three franchise fee worksheets to what was remitted to the City af Rosemount for the eorresponding quarter. No exceprions were noted. � 3) Review of procedures for allocating and reporting Home Shopping Revenues and analysis af � the allocation between the City of Rosemount and other Minnesota service areas. • Per our conversation with Charter Communicanons,they allocate both Home Shopping � Revenue and advertising revenue based on the number of subscribers. • The Cable Company computes Home Shopping Revenues using a percentage that is � approximately equal to the number of subscribers in Rosemaunt divided by the number of subscribers in the 8576-2100 area. This area includes the following cities: Faribault, Farmington, Lakeville,Apple Valley, Rosemount, Redwing,Northfield tawn and Empire � Townshig. � � � , i • ' • • � Pracedures and Results � 4) Obtain financial information, including general ledgers, tax returns, Form 10-K's and financial statements of the franchise company, and perform a reconciliation, to the extent practicable, of revenues reported in the financial information with revenues reflected in the � detail records of the franchise company. Procedure: After discussing this with Charter Communications, it was determined that this � step isn't practical. Any financial staternents and tax returns of the franchise company (Charter Communications) are not detailed by location specific enough to the City of Rosemount that it does us any relevance to test this area or try to do trend analysis. We have � instead relied on specific revenue testing(see step 5, 8 and 9). Results: No further testing recommended. � 5 Procedure: Test the re ortin of bad debts refunds and NSF checks on the summ of ) P g , , �'Y revenue worksheets provided by Charter Communications to the city of Rasemount on a � quarterly basis. Results: We found that Charter deducted bad debt expense of$11,367.76 in the fourth � quarter of 2003. This was the only instance in which Charter deducted bad debt expense during the time period tested. Based on the Franchise Agreement, Charter is not allowed to deduct bad debt expense from the gross revenue calcularion. The agreement clearly states in � Section I,2m: ...The term gross revenues shall not include bad debt, or any taxes on services furnished by � Grantee which are imposed by any municipality, state, or other governmental unit and collected by Grantee far such governmental unit... � The Agreement states that Charter is not required to include bad debt in its franchise fee calculation, in other words, Charter is only required to pay franchise fees on cash received. , The Agreement does not state that Charter is allowed to deduct bad debt expense from the franchise fee calculation. � How can there be a deduction for bad debt expense if Charter never paid franchise fees on the uncollected amounts? � Furthermore, it is inconsistent that they would have chosen to deduct bad debt only one time in three years. � � . � � � ' ' ' . , Procedures and Resu/ts � Based on a franchise fee of 5%, it appears the total omitted from the payment to the City was $568.39, calculated as follows: � Description Amount Fourth Quarter 2003 bad debt reduction $11,367.76 � 5%Franchise Fee 5.00% � Estimated Underpayment $568.39 � Recommendations: We recommend that Charter reimburse the City for franchise fees omitted from the caleulation due to the deduction of bad debt expense. � 6) Compare all franchise fee worksheets with franchise fee payment schedules subrnitted to the franchise authority. � Procedure: Obtained an understanding of the recording of franchise fees from the individuat subscriber level through to the franchise fee submitted to the City. That process is as follows: � • Individual customer bitlin s are enerated in Charter's financia� s stem on a statement g � Y titled "Subscriber Statement Ledger." This ledger details customer charges by service code � and payrnents made by customers. • Subscriber Statement Ledgers are then aggregated by service code on a "Financial Summary Report." The Financial Summary Report also totals detailed service codes into � more general service areas(i.e. all types of installs are detailed out and then totaled into a description called installs). • Service area totals from the Financial Summary Report are then aggregated and brought up � to a "Franchise Validation By FTA" report. The Franchise Validation By FTA Report is a summary of what is in Charter's general ledger and what is sent to the City. Amounts are then pulled from the Franchise Validation By FTA report onto the "Surnmary � of Revenues Subject to Franchise Fee" report,which is sent to the City. � Procedtire: We compared these franchise fee worksheets with franchise fee payment schedules for ane quarter, each from 2401, 2002 and 2003. � Results: No exceptions noted. � � � � • ' • . . � Procedures and Resutts � 7j Test methodology of identifying new, disconnect, change of service,bulk accounts and full service in a timely rnanner. � Procedure: Charter Communications personnel gave us a general understanding of how the process works, it is generally prorated from the date of the change in service. � We tested certain accounts that had service interruptions, disconnects ar initiai connecrions, and faund that these accounts were prorated on the billings, or in most cases, if it was a disconnect, the billing was stopped or cut-off on the day that service terminated. � Results: No exceptions noted,no further testing recommended. � 8) Chart of Accounts � Procedure: Charter Communications provided us with detaii reports that listed more accounts than are included in the franchise fee calculation. We were also provided with a revenue tie-out from the Charter Communications general ledger that listed the amaunts in � each account listed with the portion traced to the Franchise Fee payment sheet. Results: The revenues as listed in the Charter Cornmunications general ledger City of � Rosernount account did trace directly to the franchise fee payment sheet. As part of our audit procedures,we examined all of the revenue accounts in the Charter Communications chart of accounts. We determined that several other accounts should be � included in the gross revenue franchise fee calculation. � Several questions arise frQm of the chart of accounts analysis: • Our testing procedures disclosed that numerous line items in the Charter � Communications ledger summaries are not included in the calculation of franchise fees. We nnderstand that certain of these items, such as sales ta3c may not be required ta be included in the franchise fee calculation. However, there are se�veral items that � should be included in the calculation, or at the least there is no provision in the Franchise Ordinance definition of gross revenue that would allow these items to be excluded. See next section, Testing of Unapplied Revenue for further detail. � � � . � � � • ' • • . � Procedures and Results � 9) Testing of Unapplied Revenue Procedure: We reviewed Charter's Franchise Validation by FTA reports for 2Q03, 2002 and � 2001. The purpose of our testing was to review revenue items that are not included in the franchise � fee calculation. We understand that certain items are not required to be included in the franchise fee calculation based on the definition of gross revenues as provided in the franchise agreement. Those excluded items include: � • State sales tax � • City tax lacal option PT • Dish buy back • Deferred customer acquisition cost � • FCC fees We also noted that following accounts that appear to be balance sheet accounts,not revenue � accounts and therefore would not be required to be included in the franchise fee calculation: • A/R trade � • A/R other • A/R reconciling ite� � However,notwithstanding the above excluded items,we noted the following items,which are revenue items, are not included in the franchise fee calculation. � The definition of gross revenues, according to the franchise ordinance, is as foliows: "Gross Revenues"means all revenue received directZy ar indirectly by the Grantee, its � a�liates, subsidiaries,parents, or any Person in which Grantee has a financial interest of five percent(S%) or more, arising ft-om or attributable, to the provision of Cabde Service � by the Grantee within the City including, but not lirrrited to, monthly fees charged to Subscribers for Basic Cable Service; monthly fees charged to Subscribers for any aptional service; monthly fees charged to Subscribers far any tier of service ather than Basic Cable � Service:Installation, disconnection and reconnectian,f'ees; deased Channel fees; converter and remote revenues; advertising revenues; and revenues from home shopping Channeds. Gross Revenues shall be the basis for computing the Franchise�'ees imposed pursuant to � Section 1.20 hereof. Grantee shatl not be required to pay a franehise.f'ee on gross revenues derived from any Person receiving free Cable Service pursuant to a Franchise � � � � � � � � � � � • • . � Procedures and Resuits � Agreement. Gross Revenues shall include franchise fees collected by Grantee on behalf of the city. � The following revenue accounts should he included in the"Franchise Fee Calculation:" The caiculation is based on data provided by and examined at Charter '� Communications. � Results: We understand that Charter does not consider launch fee reimbursements to be a revenue item. Hawever, launch fees are posted to an operating account in Charter's financial reconciliation. Also,the fact that Charter may choose to use the launch reimbursement to pay for other new channel related items does not change the faet that they are revenues received � "directly or indirectly by the grantee"as provided in the definition of gross revenue in the Franchise Ordinance. � Recommendation: We recommend that Charter reimburse the City for the above listed unapplied revenue items. The amount of the underpayment is$7,126.02. � Launch Fees, Marketing Reimbursements and Other Rebates � Generally accepted accounting principles (GAAPj define revenue as inflows or other enhancemerats of assets of an entity or settlements of its liabilities (or a combination o.f'both} from delivering or producing goods, rendering services, or other activities that constitute the � entity s ongoing major or central operations. See Citv of Dallas v,FCG, l 18F.3d 393,395(5"'Cir. I9971;In re: Citv of Pasadena, 16 FCC Rcd 18192,,para. 15(gross revenues are derived from"all monev collected"b t�ble operator). � Launch fees, marketing reirnbursernents and rebates meet the definition of revenue above, as they are all "activities that constitute the entity's ongoing major or central operarions." '!, Emerging Issues Task Force Statement 01-14 further supports this classification of such items as revenue. The Task Force agreed that income statement characterization as revenue � of reimbursements received for out-of-packet expenses incurred is also consistent with the guidance in SOP 81-1. � � � : � � i � ' • • � Procedures and Resutts � 10) Testing of Payments far Timeliness Procedure: Reviewed all quarterly payments from Charter Communications for all four � quarters of each year(2001, 2002, 20Q3)to verify that payments from Charter were made during the time frame (60 days from quarter end for Rosemount). � Results: One exception noted. Rosemaunt received their third quarter 2003 franchise fee payment on December 31, 2003, or 92 days after the quarter end. The payment is 32 days late. The Franchise does not specify the interest rate owed the City for late payments. A � reasonable amount of interest would be the appiicable federal rate,which approximates 5%. The penalty for violating the franchise requirement is$50.00 per day. If a penalty were to be imposed, the penalty for the late fee in this instance would total $1,600.00. � Recommendation: Request interest for the 32 days in which the franchise fee payment was late. This amounts to $13792, computed as such: $31,463.34 x 5%x{32/365). � Additionally, we recommend that the City seek penalties as provided for in the Franchise Agreement for violating the Franchise Agreernent. The amount of the psnalty is $1,600.00. � A review of payments for timeliness (60 days)is as follows: Date of � Payment From Year Quarter Charter � 2003 1 4/3012443 2003 2 7/29/2043 2003 3 12/31l2003 � 2003 4 1/22l2404 2002 1 4/29/2002 � 2002 2 7/26/2002 2002 3 10/2612002 2Q02 4 1/29/2003 � 2001 1 4/16/2001 � 2002 2 7/27/20Q1 2d01 3 10/15/2001 2401 4 l/26/2002 � � � . � � • ' • r � Procedures and Results � 11) General Trend Analysis—Internet Access Revenues � Procedure: Compared a112003, 2002 and 2001 amounts submitted to the City for consistency and reasonableness. Results: We found that Internet Access revenues were only included in the amounts � submitted to the City for the months of July and August 200I and March 2002. The amounts were substantial in July and August 2001, $6,734.19 and $6,802.42,respectively. For March 2002, the amount submitted was $83.98. Charter stopped payment on internet serviees after � March 15, 2002, however, it would be expected that the City would have received internet service revenues for every month until March 15, 2002. � A summary af internet charges that Charter did not pay franchise f�es on is as follows: � The calculation is based on data provided by and examined at Charter Communications. Recommendations: We recommend that Charter reimburse the City for the amount of � internet access revenue not applied to franchise fees of$3,319.26. � General Trend Analysis—Advertisin�and Home Sho�pin�Revenue Procedures: In 7anuary and June 2001 we found that Charter did not submit Advertising or � Home Shopping revenue to the City. It was later faund that Charter submitted the following payment with a separate check for the missing months in October 2001 t � The calculation is based on data provided by and examined at Charter Communications. � In Section 7b the Franchise Ordinance states: Any payments due under this provision shall be payable quarterly. The payments shall be � made within sixty(60}days of the end of each of Grantee's current fiscal quarters together with a report in form reasonably acceptable to �'ity and Grantee which shows the basis for the computation.. � The amounts above are the same as those remitted ta the City in October 2001. We found that the monthly Ad Sales and Horne Shopping revenues do not total the $36,212.01 and � $6,7$6.65 figures shown in the column descriptions. We reviewed these remittances for Lakevilie and the AFRCC cities and found that tne column titles were all the same. They all showed the $36,212A1 and$6,786.65 figures and in no remittance did the manthly amounts � � i � � • • • � Procedures and Results ,� agree to the column figures. We reviewed the amounts further to see if a portion of the column descriptions were aliocated between the Cities,however,we found that the sum for all of the Cities does not agree with the amounts in the descriptions. � Recommendations: We recommend the Ci in uire as to an late fees that ma be assessed tY q Y Y on the payment since it was received over 60 days past quarter end. We also recommend that � Charter provide support documentation for the amounts remitted for January and June 20Q1. � Generai Trend Analvsis -Advertisin�Revenue Anal.�: The dollars amount in advertising revenue range from$3,728 to $21,741 in the three years tested as shown below: � The calculation is based on data provided by and examined at Charter Communications. � Resuits: Advertising revenue as a percent of total revenue has risen from 3.74%to 8.20% � from 200I to 2003 as shown above. We understand that Charter reimbursed the City for an advertising omission on February 13, � 2004. However,we do not have any support documentation for how the amount of the omission was arrived at or if the City was fully reimbursed for advertising revenue for that period. � Recammendation: The amount of advertising revenue has increased 2.5 times (15D%) from 2001 to 2003. The number of cable subscribers has increased by approximately 5%o in the � same time period. It does not make sense that advertising revenue has had that dramatic of an increase. We � recommend that Charter provide support documentation for the increase and reimburse the City for any unreported advertising revenues in 2001 and prior years. We aiso recommend that Charter provide detailed accounting of how it arrived at its"Advertising Omission" � amount of$70,750.63 provided in its letter to the City dated February 13,2004. General Trend Analvsis-Other Revenue � In 2003, Other Revenue totaled$6,918.30. In 2002 and 2001,Otl�er Revenue totaled$0 and <$14.89>,respectively. It appears that Other Revenue has been applied inconsistently � tl�roughout the time frame tested. Alsa,the franchise fee ordinance does not permit Charter to deduct for negative revenues. 'This a2so raises concern that other negative revenues are being applied to accounts and reducing the amount submitted to the City. � � � � • ' • � � Procedures and Results � Recommendations: We recommend the City inquire as to any late fees that may be assessed on the payment since it was received over 60 days past quarter end. � 14) Traced Amounts Through Charter's Financial Accounting System: Procedure: Verified amounts carried forward from the Financial Summary Report to the � Franchise Validation By FTA report and through to the Sumrnary of Revenues Subject to Franchise Fee report sent to the City for Apri12401. � Results: We found two amounts that did not carry forward from the Financial Summary Report- "EFT Customer"for$2.00 and the"Man Ref Adj" for$1.96. These two line items were negative on the report, however, this may raise concern that not all amaunts carry- �:' forward through the accaunting system properly. It does not appear the amounts were omitted from the calculation because they were negative, and thus not considered gross � revenue,because the following negative amounts carried-forward: The calculation is based on data provided by and examined at Charter � Gommunications. The franchise agreement does not allow Charter to deduct for negative revenues,whieh � : would be considered expenses, so the above items should not be included in the calculation. The total omitted from payment ta the City was $4226, calculated as follows: � ' The calculation is based on data provided by and examined at Charter � � ; Comrr�unicatians. An analysis of eaeh month from each year would likely reveal more dollars. h Recommendations: We recommend the City seek reimbursement for the items listed above and we recommend the City review a larger sample to verify all amounts were brought forward properly to the Summary of Revenues Subject to Franchise Fee report sent to the City. � � � __ __ _ . � � � • - + • �' Summary of Recommendations � Test the ReportinQ of Bad Debts and Refunds—Procedure No. 5 1. We recommend that Charter reimburse the City for franchise fees omitted from the � calculation due to the deduction of bad debt expense in the amount of$56839. (page �� � Testin o� f Una�plied Revenue—Procedure No. 9 2. We recommend that Charter reimburse the City for the revenue items in the amount of � $7,126.02. f Page g) Timeliness of Payments—Procedure No. 10 � 3. We recommend that Charter pay interest for the 32 days in which the franchise fee payment was late for 3`d quarter 2003. The amount is $13792. Additionally,we � recommend that the City seek penaities as provided for in the Franchise Agreement for violating the Franchise Agreement. The amount of the penalty is $1,600.00. (page 9} � General Trend Analvsis—Procedure No. 11 � 4. We recommend that Charter reimburse the City for the amount of internet access revenue not applied to franchise fees in the amount of$3,319.16. (page 10) � 5. We recomrnend the City inquire as to any late fees that may be assessed on the payment since it was received over 60 days past quarter end.We also recommend that Charter provide support docnmentation for the amounts remitted for January and June � 2001. (page 11) 6. We recommend that Charter provide support documentation for the increase and '� reimburse the City for any unreported advertising revenues in 2001 and prior years. We also recommend that Charter provide a detailed accounting of how it arrived at its "Advertising Omission" amount of$70,750.63 provided in it's letter to the City dated � February 13, 2Q04. (page 11} 7. We recommend that Charter provide detail as to what comprises the other revenue � accounts that franchise fees were paid on in 2003 and provide an explanation as to why there was no other revenue in 2002 or 2401. (page 12) � �` � • � � • ' • • � Summa of Recommendations rY � Franchise Fee Bill Testin�—Procedure No. 12 8. We recommend that the City test a larger sample of bills to verify all amounts have the :� appropriate franchise fee charged. Also, we recommend that the City request a reimbursement for all amounts that should have been charged a franchise fee and were nat.(page I2) � Catch-u Remittance —Pr p s ocedure No. 13 � 9. We recommend the City inquire as to any late fees that may be assessed on the payment since it was received over 60 days past quarter end. (pages 12-13) � Traced Amounts Through Charter's Financial Accounting Svstem—Procedure No. 14 � 10. We recommend the City seek reimbursement for the items listed and we recommend the City review a larger sample to verify all amounts were brought forward properly to the Summary of Revenues Subject to Franchise Fee report sent to the City.(page 13) � � � � � � � � � � � �---�--- , -f ----- ---�— — _ �i4.,�.1r! . ,.'.' » .:� �- ,� ,�I ��� �..c ��'�. � :� �s� W,y,�'�1.�,�, _ ir'��_.�,h '� ,. �/.�-��r^_� '-,V�` '?-'-�'s � �" �. --s^'^�r.pP-"+ffY m ��i5:m,ln�; .I! ' ..� D�;I ;,:' � �.,, ? . i� �� �{"�� i � i iIAY _)1 `�„�.; � '!. ��jn ��� ( I �mrS 4t1�� ma�" �� ! 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Rosemount Fire Department Emergency Responses for 2003 Motor Vehicle Accidents, 32, 7% Good Intent, 175, 36% ❑Motor Vehicle Accidents ■Medical ■Fire :, �Good Intent � � � � � ��'�.��-� �� � ��� Medical, 225, 46% ;����� `t_b .�: � ��, �> Fire, 52, 11% Rosemount Fire Department Emergency Responses for 2004 Motor Vehicle Accidents, 35, 6% Good Intent, 193, 35% ❑Motor Vehicle Accidents ■Medical ■Fire ■Good Intent ���.w �.,�: � � ,9�a Medical, 284, 52% � " "� �, ����, .>,: � Fire, 37, 7% �~�� �� �� ► ,